Children's coloring books. Butterflies

Most people, if not afraid of insects, then at least do not have warm feelings towards them. Caterpillars, beetles, and cockroaches seem disgusting, and you don’t want to come into contact with them at all. They crawl, swarm, move with their microscopic legs - ugh! But there are numerous ones whose beauty and graceful behavior can be looked at endlessly. They look like weightless flying flowers floating in the wind. These are lepidoptera or, speaking in a language that is more understandable to us, butterflies and moths.

We will show you pictures for children with butterflies of different sizes and colors, with different lifestyles, tell you how their metamorphosis occurs, and many other interesting facts. You will find out whether it is possible to catch butterflies with a net or with your hands, and what to do if one of the night beauties flies into your home. You can also enjoy the beauty of moths by watching the video at the end of the article.

Photos and pictures for children

It seems that the wings of a butterfly are a very thin film. Yes. But they have a huge number of microscopic scales, modified chitinous hairs. Each of these scales contains its own pigment; the color and pattern of the wings depend on what it is and how the scales refract light.

Due to the presence of these scales, the insect order received its scientific name - Lepidoptera. The Russian “butterfly” comes from the words “baba”, “grandmother”. They used to believe that the soul of the deceased turns into a moth.

The life of moths is beautiful, but short. Silkworms and hawkmoths live only a few days, other species live on average three to five weeks, the lemongrass butterfly, peacock eye and urticaria, which can hibernate, live up to 9 months.

The order Lepidoptera includes about two hundred thousand species, most of which are poorly studied. Representatives of the smallest species, Acetosea, have wings only 0.2 cm long, and the largest moths, Tiznia Agrippina, Atlas and Hercules - up to 30 cm.

Most butterflies have a proboscis whose mouthparts are useful for collecting nectar from flowers. This is exactly how we get the image of a winged beauty in our heads: easily fluttering over a flower, feeding exclusively on nectar. And many cannot even imagine that there are toothed moths (primordial toothed moths) and predatory moths (Indian armyworms). They do not bite humans.

Cool and funny pictures

Look at . Small, nasty, worm-like. It seems that this is the antipode of the handsome moth. But during the life of the winged beauty, a funny thing happens to her - a complete transformation, or metamorphosis.

The first phase of the moth's life cycle is the egg. A few days later the same caterpillar hatches from it. They constantly grind leaves with their gnawing mouths. Butterfly larvae live on the ground or plants. Their coloring can be of two types - protective (camouflage against the background of the environment surrounding the larva) and demonstrative (the bright color of the caterpillar shows that it cannot be eaten, disguises itself as a poisonous plant or). Coloring helps insects protect themselves from birds and others for whom they are food.

Having completed its life cycle, which lasts from several days to several years, depending on the species, the caterpillar attaches itself to a branch, stem or leaf of a plant. She literally sticks to him with the help of a substance she secretes, which soon turns into silk threads. The caterpillar pupates, or turns into a pupa. The pupa is inactive or completely motionless. Metamorphosis occurs inside the pupa, the caterpillar becomes a moth. An adult insect, the adult, hatches from the pupa.

Unfortunately, butterflies have many enemies in nature. When they are in the caterpillar and pupa stage, they can be eaten at any time by a predatory insect, insectivorous animal or bird. Adult moths have their own special enemy - humans. Seeing beautiful wings, a person forgets about respect for nature. Butterflies were caught to kill and dry for collections, as decorations on women's dresses and hats, and for interior decorations.

Today we have learned to use the beauty of living insects. During the holidays, boxes and caskets with exotic butterflies are given as surprises. Moths are also used for photo shoots; pictures with them are very cool.

A child catches butterflies. In the meadow, on a flower

Children's favorite game in summer is catching butterflies with a net. It's fun to run across the meadow after a motley beauty, or sneak up on her sitting on a flower. But children do not know that such play can harm the moth. A fragile insect can be damaged by squeezing it with a net or fingers. If you hold the butterfly in your hands, a fine powder will remain on your fingers. Many people think that this is flower pollen. In fact, these are fallen scales. Without them, the beauty will not be able to fly and will die.

If a butterfly flies into the house, there is no need to kill it or catch it with your hands. Believe me, the insect is no more happy about this than you are. Most likely, he was confused by the light in your home, which you turn on when it is dark outside. To ensure that the uninvited guest flies out unharmed, turn off the lights and open the window. After some time, the moth will leave your house, flying to a light source outside.

It’s better to let the baby look at the insect from afar or in beautiful pictures on our website. A butterfly on a flower is an impressive sight. You can download all these bright photos for free. A picture with a moth on your computer desktop wallpaper or printed in a frame on the wall will lift your spirits.

Cartoon butterflies: guess the cartoon from the picture

Cartoon butterflies, like living ones, are fragile and beautiful creatures. Authors of fairy tales and cartoons for children most often depict them as beautiful girls with mustaches and wings and endow them with positive character traits. The most famous moth boy from K. Chukovsky’s fairy tale “Aibolit” behaved carelessly and burned his wing. Will the little one be able to find the patient of the kind animal doctor in the pictures below?

Drawn insects: beautiful color pencil drawings

The beauty of moths inspires artists. Funny pictures with them are drawn on the computer. Cartoon butterflies are depicted with faces, arms, and sometimes in clothes.

Insects painted with paints attract attention for a long time. I want to look at every detail skillfully conveyed by the artist.

The most impressive look are butterflies on flowers or in flight, drawn in pencil. What's the most beautiful thing about these creatures? Shape, pattern and color of wings. Monochrome pencil drawing leaves room for imagination. On it we can only see how deep the shade is; we can only guess about the color of the insect.

Drawing a butterfly in pencil for children and beginners

Drawing a butterfly will not be easy for a small child. After all, it is necessary to make the insect’s wings proportional to the body and identical to each other, with a symmetrical pattern. It’s better to choose the diagram you like best and draw the moth with a pencil step by step, so that, if something happens, you can draw an auxiliary line and erase all the flaws.

Short poems for kindergarten and primary school

When kids see a moth, they may want to touch this beauty with their hands or catch it in their net. Parents must once again explain to inquisitive little ones that they cannot touch the barrels. Look with your eyes - as much as you want.

A small quatrain is easy to learn for a child in the junior group of a kindergarten who gets the role of a butterfly at a matinee.

Children's video about butterflies

A caterpillar that is about to pupate and turn into a butterfly is looking for a secluded place, because during the transformation process it will be absolutely defenseless. Observing a wonderful metamorphosis in nature is a great success. Fortunately, today every child can do this by watching an educational video.

Children love to listen and sing songs about butterflies. The kids sing one of the fun and easy-to-remember songs in chorus in this video.

For children of senior preschool age and primary school age.

About butterflies for children

The cabbage butterfly got its name because it feeds on cabbage leaves. Therefore, it is considered a pest, because it spoils the harvest.

This is a lemon butterfly. It flies out at the first appearance of sunlight, so it is considered the first butterfly of spring. She has bright wings: mostly yellow-green, but sometimes with an orange tint.

This is a blue butterfly. The females of this butterfly have bright brown wings, while the males have blue wings. In summer they can be seen near the water.

This Heliconia butterfly is one of the longest living butterflies, it can live for about nine months. It’s also better for predators not to mess with it, because it’s poisonous.

This is a swallowtail butterfly. It is quite large in size and its wings are yellow with black patterns. This species of butterfly is also considered rare and is listed in the Red Book.

This is a podalirium butterfly. It got its name in honor of the ancient Greek doctor. This is a large, very beautiful and rare butterfly. It feeds on the nectar of fruit trees.

This is a peacock's eye - one of the brightest butterflies, which received its name for the characteristic eye spots on its wings. Butterflies of this species are diurnal and nocturnal.

This is a bear butterfly. It got its name because in the form of a caterpillar it is brown in color and very hairy. When she is not flying, she folds her wings into a “house.”

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