How to prevent colds in pregnant women. Treatment of ARVI during pregnancy

Taking into account the significant decrease in immunity in women during pregnancy and off-season outbreaks of viral and colds, it becomes necessary to use a set of preventive measures to prevent illness. And although prevention of influenza and ARVI in pregnant women does not completely solve this problem, it should still be carried out during epidemic periods. First of all, because there is a possibility of so-called respiratory viruses that provoke infection with influenza and acute respiratory viral infections from a sick mother through the placenta to the fetus, which causes changes in the immune reactions of the two organisms and ultimately can contribute to pregnancy complications.

Types of prevention of colds during pregnancy

Prevention can be specific and nonspecific. The first type is vaccination, which is effective, but extremely undesirable. For this reason, vaccinations are mandatory only for those pregnant women who are classified in certain risk groups:

  • have had influenza, acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections more than three times in the year preceding conception;
  • sick during pregnancy, especially if it occurs with complications;
  • with the predicted development of perinatal pathology (fetal diseases).

For others, there is nonspecific prevention of influenza and colds during pregnancy, regardless of its duration, based on the use of only safe methods, in particular, traditional medicine.

Nonspecific prevention of viral diseases in pregnant women

It comes down to a series of measures aimed at maintaining the mother’s body, weakened by gestation, in a stable state. To do this, pregnant women should:

  • during epidemics, do not visit crowded places, refrain from traveling on public transport, avoid shaking hands, before going out, lubricate the nasal mucosa with an antiviral agent (essential oil, Oxolin, Viferon ointments), if necessary, use a gauze bandage;
  • dress warmly, wear waterproof shoes;
  • strictly observe the rules of personal hygiene, upon returning home, wash your hands with soap, rinse your nose and gargle with a weak saline solution;
  • fortify the body by using vitamin-mineral complexes for pregnant women (drink vitamins of groups A, B, C, E with microelements to protect cells from the harmful effects of infection) and enrich the diet as much as possible, resort to herbal medicine. From the second trimester, prevention of influenza and ARVI during pregnancy is effective using immunocorrection, which consists of taking immunobiological agents (eubiotics, adaptogens);
  • If possible, avoid contact with sick family members, protect yourself with a gauze bandage, regularly ventilate the room and walk in the fresh air more often.

Traditional methods of preventing colds and flu during pregnancy

During pregnancy, especially in the first half, when the fetal protection system is just being formed, the use of medications is considered dangerous to its health, therefore, the prevention of influenza and ARVI in pregnant women is mainly carried out using individually selected folk remedies.

To prevent a runny nose, you can instill aloe juice diluted 1:1 with boiled water or a weak salt solution into your nose, and to prevent a cough, gargle with decoctions of the herbs eucalyptus, chamomile, sage and St. John's wort. You need to drink plenty of fluids, especially tea with lemon and milk with honey. Add garlic and onions to food.

A safe and effective means of preventing colds and flu during pregnancy are inhalations, including through a nebulizer. To carry them out, essential oils (menthol, cedar, eucalyptus, fir) are often used. Infusions of herbs and fruits (from the peel and juice of lemon, lime, orange, tangerine), and decoctions of vegetables (potatoes, onions, radishes) are also suitable. You can breathe steam every day for 10-15 minutes.

Safe medications for the prevention of colds during pregnancy

Any medications with a chemical composition are contraindicated for pregnant women, especially antibiotics and synthetic immunomodulators. However, there are a number of medications that are made on a natural basis and are intended for expectant and nursing mothers, as well as newborns. They can become a good means of prevention during epidemics of influenza and viral diseases. What should pregnant women take to prevent flu? Here are some remedies:

  1. Grippferon. A broad-spectrum antiviral drug that enhances immunity. Available in the form of nasal drops. Prescribed for the prevention and treatment of several types of viral infections and influenza, can be used during pregnancy and lactation.
  2. Aquamaris. Natural preparation, nasal spray. Prevents the penetration of viral agents into the nasopharynx by moisturizing and enveloping the nasal mucosa.
  3. Infagel. An immunomodulating drug in the form of an ointment with the active substance interferon. Stimulates the immune system, has an antiviral effect, and is used to prevent infection with viral diseases and their treatment.
  4. Viferon, Oksolin. Preparations for external use, similar to the previous one. The release form is a nasal ointment that can be used even from the first trimester of pregnancy.

There are products for internal use only. What should pregnant women drink to prevent flu? For example, ascorbic acid. It is a source of vitamin C and is consumed in a reduced daily dose along with food. Serves to prevent diseases and fights them in case of infection.

In order for the body to have enough protective forces to fight viral infections during pregnancy, even before conception you need to give up bad habits and begin to adhere to a healthy lifestyle with proper nutrition and daily routine. This will help to avoid diseases and their treatment, limiting ourselves only to preventive measures.

Elena Malysheva. Flu prevention - video

Pregnancy is not only a happy period of waiting for a baby, but also a time when a woman’s body is subjected to great stress. Because of this, immunity is significantly reduced, which leads to possible colds, including ARVI. According to available data, out of the total number of pregnant women, 82% of all women develop this disease. Since any disease can cause irreparable harm to the fetus’s body, it is necessary to select treatment as carefully as possible and undergo it under the supervision of the attending physician.

The disease can be recognized by a number of signs that will prevent it from being confused with something else:

  • weakness throughout the body even after full sleep and rest;
  • sinus congestion, which can only be relieved with the use of special medications;
  • chest or throat cough;
  • lacrimation, which worsens with coughing and sneezing;
  • constant runny nose, which is intense and similar to an allergy;
  • subfebrile body temperature up to +37.5;
  • drowsiness, but the patient may suffer from insomnia;
  • itching and soreness in the throat and larynx;
  • constant spitting of mucus.

Some of the listed symptoms, for example, a throat cough, may accompany the pregnant woman for several more weeks. In this case, there is no need to take medications; it is enough to drink warm tea and follow a sleep and rest schedule.

Attention! If you start fighting the disease at the first signs before the temperature rises, you will be able to avoid a severe runny nose, penetration of mucus into the bronchi and complications for the fetus. Treatment in this case will take 3-5 days without antibiotics.

Consequences of infection during pregnancy

  1. Developmental defects. It is especially scary to get colds before the 20th week, when all the tissues and systems of the body are being built. Viruses and bacteria can enhance or slow down growth, which in both cases leads to serious pathologies. In addition, colds can significantly reduce a child's immunity, which can cause problems in the future.
  2. Spontaneous abortion. According to available data, approximately 15% of pregnancies end in miscarriage due to the mother's body being affected by ARVI. This possibility exists until the 16th week. This happens especially often in the period from the first to the sixth week, when a woman may still not know that conception has occurred, ignore the disease, or use aggressive medications.
  3. Early delivery and heavy bleeding. Due to a weakened protective function, organs may no longer cope with the load, which will provoke the early development of labor. The process will be accompanied by large blood loss, and there will also be a possibility of an emergency caesarean section.

Attention! ARVI in the third trimester without proper treatment can lead to infection of the fetus during childbirth, which can cause dangerous processes in the brain and tissues of an already born child.

Treatment of throat with ARVI with medications


The drug is available in aerosol form. The product perfectly helps in the fight against inflammatory processes in the mouth, pharynx, throat and larynx. Additionally, it has an antiseptic effect, which prevents the proliferation of bacteria and harmful bacteria. This helps to quickly relieve pain, swelling and simplify the swallowing process. Hexoral can be used only twice a day; in severe cases, dosages can be increased to four. The course of therapy usually lasts five days; if during this time it is not possible to obtain the minimum result, it is necessary to change the drug.


The medicinal product contains essential oils, to which you should definitely check for allergies. It is better to use the drug from the second trimester, but use is allowed in the first twelve weeks if there are real indications for it. Ingalipt contains eucalyptus, mint and other antiseptic and anti-inflammatory substances. It is necessary to use the product one injection once or twice a day. In case of a complicated form, the dosage may be increased to three injections. The course of therapy is individual; if there is no improvement within three days, it is worth choosing another drug.

Attention! When using aerosols, be sure to hold your breath when spraying. Accidental inhalation of vapors may provoke bronchospasm.

Treatment of a runny nose with ARVI


A completely natural product that contains a large amount of essential oils. Among the components of the medicine are mint, pine extract, eucalyptus oil and a complex of vitamins. Pinosol should be used twice a day, one or two drops in each nasal sinus. The course of therapy can last 7-10 days. The drug should be used with caution by pregnant women who are allergic to medications and essential oils. Before instillation, you must blow your nose thoroughly so that the product penetrates deeply enough.


For treatment, drops are used that are intended for therapy against runny nose from the first day of a child’s life. The drug can be used twice a day, two drops in each nasal passage. If severe congestion is observed, you can increase the dosage to three instillations. Sometimes the drug provokes swelling of the nasal sinuses; if this happens, you must stop treatment immediately.


A safe product that even small children can use. Aquamaris should be used as drops or a rinsing agent. The drug is instilled three to four times a day into each nasal sinus, two drops. As a rinsing agent, you must first drip five drops and then thoroughly blow your nose to remove any accumulated mucus. The procedure must be repeated two or three times. After this, you can also instill any medicinal drops, such as Pinosol.

Attention! When using drops, it is advisable to use them only at night if normal nasal breathing is present. If congestion is permanent, you can use the drug the recommended number of times.

Medicines for ARVI from dry cough


The drug is suitable for use from the very first day of pregnancy. A medicine was made from the root extract of marshmallow. Pregnant women are recommended to take one tablet three times a day before their main meals. If such a dosage does not give a real result within the first three days, the dosage can be increased. If the poor condition persists or worsens, the drug is discontinued. The duration of treatment can be from one to two weeks, the exact course is determined solely by the therapist, according to the current and past medical history of the pregnant woman.


The drug is available in the form of a syrup, which contains useful expectorant herbs such as thyme, plantain and thyme. It is recommended to take the drug from the second trimester, 2.5 ml twice a day. The duration of treatment can be from five to seven days. The instructions for the drug contain a contraindication for taking Stoptussin during pregnancy, but many years of experience have proven the possibility of its use under strict medical supervision.

Attention! Stoptussin contains honey. Pregnant women with allergies to any bee product should not use it. If there is a food allergic reaction, the drug should be taken in minimal dosages.

Medicines against wet cough during pregnancy


The drug is prescribed to pregnant women for any type of cough, but especially often when there is a wet cough. Gedelix is ​​available in syrup form. It is advisable to use the product in pediatric dosages, especially in the first twelve weeks. The dosage of the product is 2.5 ml of the active substance once a day. In severe cases of the disease, you can use the drug in 5 ml of the active substance. The classic course of therapy is 5-7 days, if there is a noticeable result from the treatment.


The drug contains thyme and ivy, and is available in syrup form. It is recommended to take the medication 3.2 ml of the active substance once a day. The classic duration of treatment is five days; the course can be extended to one week. The drug shows good results and has almost no side effects.

Reduced temperature during pregnancy

During pregnancy, you can only relieve fever by using Paracetamol. The dosage of the drug is determined only by the attending physician, since the active substance affects the functioning of the kidneys, which can create problems during pregnancy. In some cases, the therapist may allow the use of drugs such as Panadol and Efferalgan. Usually one tablet is prescribed once a day. Additionally, headaches are relieved. The duration of treatment depends on the patient’s health condition.

Attention! If the temperature begins to rise rapidly, it is recommended that the pregnant woman be hospitalized. This is necessary due to possible miscarriage, death of the fetus in the womb and the development of dangerous defects.

Cost of medicines

A drugImagePrice
Hexoral 330 rubles
Ingalipt 250 rubles
Pinosol 170-250 rubles
Aquamaris 200-1500 rubles
Nazivin 200-600 rubles
Mukaltin 15-65 rubles
Stoptussin 240 rubles
Gedelix 420 rubles
Bronchipret 210-320 rubles

Attention! All of the drugs listed have analogues. But due to the slight difference in composition, taking them can be dangerous at any stage of pregnancy. If the pharmacist offers you to buy a similar product, carefully read the instructions and review the recommended dosages.

Gargling has an additional antiseptic effect and relieves inflammation.

For 250 ml of warm boiled water you need to dilute 2 g of salt, it is better to take sea salt. It has an additional antiseptic effect and relieves the inflammatory process. You need to gargle in this way from three to six times. The course of therapy is until complete recovery, usually relief comes on the second day. Instead of salt, you can take the same amount of soda and add a couple of drops of iodine pharmaceutical solution to the water. They need to gargle three to four times.

Against elevated temperature

During pregnancy, regular apple compote helps with fever. To prepare it, you need to boil one liter of water and add 100 g of dried apples of any variety to it. 10 minutes after boiling, turn off the saucepan, cover with a tight lid and leave for one hour. After this, you need to drink the entire compote throughout the day. You can be treated in this way for 1-2 days, but it is important that the temperature does not rise. If within 24 hours you have not been able to bring down the fever even a little, you should use medications.


This remedy should only be used during the initial development of symptoms. Dilute a teaspoon of honey to 250 ml of warm boiled water. After thoroughly mixing the components, the product is drunk in small sips. It is advisable to drink this tea in bed and immediately go to sleep. Honey will relieve spasms and have an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. You can take the drug until complete recovery.

Video - How and with what to treat ARVI in pregnant women

Cold prevention

To protect herself and her body, a pregnant woman should follow a number of tips:

  • rinse your mouth with chamomile decoction after each return home; take a tablespoon of the plant for 250 ml of water and bring to a boil;
  • Be sure to wash your hands with any soap base, and you need to rinse not only your hands, but also your elbows;
  • take vitamin complexes, but only on the recommendation of your doctor, so as not to cause hypervitaminization;
  • rinse the sinuses in the evening with a saline solution, Aquamaris is suitable to eliminate all bacteria;
  • ventilate the room every few hours;
  • engage in vigorous physical activity.


People in all countries suffer from colds, and it is practically impossible to insure against the occurrence of this pathology. A decrease in the body's immune strength leads to increased exposure to harmful bacteria and viruses found in the environment. Such diseases are especially dangerous during pregnancy. That is why it is important to know what prevention of colds during early pregnancy is correct and effective.

Read in this article

Why are colds especially dangerous for a pregnant woman?

There is a widely circulated expression that pregnancy adorns any woman. It is difficult to argue with poets, but the fertilization of a woman’s egg and the further development of the fetus in the body leads to a total restructuring of all organs and systems of the expectant mother. And these changes do not always benefit a woman’s health.

The unborn child needs a large amount of oxygen, vitamins and nutrients for full development. The need for life support products increases as the fetus develops. This leads to the restructuring of female internal organs.

From various viruses and bacteria that enter the expectant mother's body through airborne droplets, the immune system and respiratory organs are most affected. It should be taken into account that during the development of the fetus, changes occur in the protective body of a young woman due to the difference in antigens of the mother and child.

The unborn baby is a foreign body in the female body, and in principle should be rejected. However, wise nature has introduced compensatory mechanisms into the process of bearing a fetus. In the normal course of pregnancy, the rejection process is opposed by the weak antigenic system of the fetus, suppression of the function of the pregnant woman’s immune system and the presence of an immunological barrier in the form of the placenta, fetal membrane and amniotic fluid.

The respiratory organs of the expectant mother also become a target for various infections during pregnancy. The fact is that a woman’s need for oxygen increases sharply. This leads to expansion of the chest, an increase in bronchial obstruction, and the occurrence of congestion in the larynx and the mucous membrane of the bronchi and alveoli. A woman’s susceptibility to acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections due to the above-mentioned respiratory dysfunctions increases sharply.

Colds are a collective popular term for inflammatory and viral processes that occur in the respiratory system. The main diseases, accounting for more than 80% of all cases, are acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections. These pathological processes are caused by various pathogenic microorganisms and have only general symptoms in the early stages of the disease.

To carry out diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment, a pregnant woman should seek help from an antenatal clinic at her place of residence. Self-medication during pregnancy can lead to the development of intrauterine pathology in the unborn baby and to complications in the expectant mother.

What to do if a cold cannot be avoided

A pregnant woman should coordinate the intake of any medications with her doctor. For a speedy recovery, the patient is recommended to have strict bed rest in the first 2 to 4 days of illness, a certain diet and drinking plenty of tea, water, and dried fruit compotes. However, you should control the ratio of the liquid you drink to the amount you excrete. Pregnant women often experience problems with the kidneys and urinary system, and drinking large amounts of water can lead to edema and increased blood pressure.

During pregnancy, it is important to constantly saturate the expectant mother’s body with a variety of vitamins to increase the body’s immune strength. To do this, it is advisable to include a large amount of fresh vegetables and fruits in your daily diet. Taking various vitamin complexes, widely available in pharmacies, is possible only after consultation with your doctor.

Approximately 30% of women with a cold complain of temperatures above 38 degrees. In this case, taking aspirin, which is usual for healthy people, is strictly contraindicated, since this drug can lead to the development of and.

If the temperature is high, a pregnant woman can use paracetamol or ibuprofen. In addition to tablets, you can use vinegar rubs or drink 600-800 grams of hot decoction of raspberries, oregano or coltsfoot.

If a woman is worried about nasal congestion, then the use of any drops, such as naphthyzine or Nazivin, is contraindicated during pregnancy. To relieve swelling of the nasal mucosa, the expectant mother can use a saline solution of warm water or aloe juice. The use of sea salt or seaweed tincture can have a good effect.

Many experts recommend using Doctor Mom ointment or Zvezdochka aromatic balm for a cold in a pregnant woman. However, the use of these herbal preparations in the first half of pregnancy is dangerous due to the high probability of development in the expectant mother.

Prevention of colds in a pregnant woman

Since the protective forces of the female body decrease as pregnancy progresses, the expectant mother should think about preserving her health herself. Any viral infections or colds suffered by a pregnant woman in the early stages of gestation can have a detrimental effect on the unborn child.

Prevention of ARVI during pregnancy initially includes the correct regimen. A young woman should avoid crowded places, especially in autumn and winter, and also if there is a flu epidemic in the city. Wearing a gauze mask and constant ventilation of the room are mandatory. Oxygen is vital for the expectant mother and her child, so a woman should take daily walks, while avoiding places with a high content of dust, exhaust gases and smoke from industrial enterprises.

Compliance is considered quite important for a pregnant woman. The daily diet of the expectant mother should include a large amount of fresh vegetables and fruits, and the food should be prepared with minimal loss of vitamins. It is natural vitamins that help the female body strengthen the immune system during pregnancy.

Prevention of influenza during pregnancy using traditional methods includes taking a large amount daily. This drink practically does not cause allergic reactions. Other herbal teas can be consumed only after consultation with your doctor.

To prevent colds, a pregnant woman can use cranberry compote or juice. This plant has an antipyretic effect, stimulates the removal of excess fluid from the body and helps strengthen the immune system. 700-900 grams of this drink will help a pregnant woman cope with the first symptoms of the disease.

Don’t forget about your favorite folk remedies for colds: garlic and onions. In addition to eating these plants daily, chopped garlic can be kept in a pregnant woman’s room to prevent colds. The smell, of course, leaves much to be desired, but the prevention of airborne infection will be 100%.

Any colds in the first half of pregnancy can pose a threat to the unborn child, so a pregnant woman should not self-medicate; at the first symptoms of the disease, seek help from a specialist. Regular visits to the antenatal clinic will also help the expectant mother. Doctors will tell the woman what measures need to be taken to avoid contracting colds throughout pregnancy.

648 09/06/2019 6 min.

ARVI is a common viral disease that affects both adults and children. In most cases, the disease can be dealt with fairly quickly and without serious consequences. However, everything becomes much more serious if a pregnant woman falls ill with ARVI.

A little about the problem

ARVI is an abbreviation meaning acute respiratory viral infection. The disease is caused by pneumotropic viruses and usually occurs in an acute form. Note that this disease is one of the most common in the world.

Pregnant women are at risk because their bodies are usually weakened in the early stages and their immunity is naturally reduced. Medical statistics indicate that from 55 to 80% of all pregnant women suffered from ARVI at one time or another. Infection occurs by airborne droplets, and virus strains spread very quickly in this case. But what the first symptoms of ARVI may look like and how treatment occurs at home is described in detail

In the video, what problems can arise from a cold during pregnancy:

Symptoms of the disease are as follows:

  • general weakness, lethargy;
  • nasal congestion, difficulty breathing;
  • cough and sore throat, sore throat;
  • headache;
  • temperature increase;
  • runny nose.

Treatment of the disease should begin when the very first signs appear. But before starting to take any medications, a pregnant woman should consult a doctor so as not to harm the unborn child by taking strong or inappropriate medications.

You may also be interested in information about why it appears and what can be done about such a problem.

Is there any danger

If a woman, having just become pregnant, gets sick with ARVI, she is usually very scared. Many believe that it is in the early stages that it is most dangerous for the expectant mother to suffer any diseases. In addition, doctors say that at the beginning of pregnancy, the condition of most women is already unimportant, so any illness is especially difficult for them to bear. The occurrence of complications, including bacterial ones, is also possible.

Of particular danger is the possibility of the disease having a negative impact on the development of the fetus. This possibility exists, and the doctor’s task is to minimize this risk.

The danger of acute respiratory viral infection in early pregnancy is that during this period the immunity of the expectant mother is reduced. As a rule, immunity returns to normal only by the second trimester, and until this time the woman’s body is vulnerable to various viruses and infections.

Let us note, however, that many expectant mothers experience ARVI in the early stages, and almost all of them have a successful outcome. Therefore, it is impossible to talk about any terrible risk in this case. The most important thing is to immediately consult a doctor and, under the guidance of a specialist, begin competent treatment. After all, the main danger in this case is not the disease itself, but its complications: it is important to minimize the likelihood of such complications occurring. But what signs of ARVI and influenza can be identified in adults, and what drugs should be used, it is indicated

The video shows the dangers when treating ARVI in a pregnant woman:

Features of treatment

Let's find out how you can cope with ARVI in the early stages of pregnancy.

The first step is to see a doctor. Self-medication during pregnancy is strictly prohibited. Only a specialist can prescribe medications to a woman during this period: otherwise, there is a high risk of harming the fetus.

If the infection is not too severe, the best option is to simply rest. It is also necessary to drink as much warm tea, fruit drinks, and rosehip infusion (weak) as possible.

But what is the best way to treat ARVI in adults and what medications should be used first?

If you engage in such simple treatment in the earliest stages of ARVI, then most likely you will be able to get rid of the disease completely and quickly. And without pills or other medications.

It is worth trying and bringing down the temperature without the use of medications. The following simple procedures can help:

  • taking large amounts of fluid;
  • frequent wiping of the body with a damp sponge;
  • taking a cool shower or bath.

If ARVI is accompanied by a runny nose or sore throat, it is recommended to get rid of these unpleasant symptoms with the help of traditional medicine. An excellent choice in this case would be tinctures of eucalyptus, sage or calendula. Gargling with soda is also a safe and quite effective treatment for a sore throat.

If a sore throat cannot be relieved by gargling with soda, you can use aerosols or Hexorad. If pregnancy has already reached the second trimester, Cameton can also be used.

Aromatherapy can also be of great help for this ailment. Essential oils such as pine, geranium, and thyme will benefit the entire body and help defeat the disease faster. On the other hand, such treatment is completely safe. However, it is necessary to use essential oils wisely during pregnancy - some of them are not recommended (for example, oils of rosemary, hyssop, cloves, camphor).

Steam inhalations are very useful for ARVI. The following are suitable as a basis for the procedure:

  • potato broth;
  • infusions of mint, St. John's wort, chamomile, breast tea.

In addition, specially developed mixtures for inhalers can be used. The procedure helps clear the airways, strengthens the immune system, and speeds up recovery.

But keep in mind that even seemingly harmless nasal drops and banal aspirin can harm the fetus if used incorrectly, so consultation with a doctor is required.

It is also worth understanding which ones exist and how they should be applied correctly.

Regular wet cleaning of the premises is the key to quickly getting rid of ARVI. Along with cleaning, it is also necessary to humidify the air in the room and ventilate it. If you don’t have a humidifier, you can spray water from a spray bottle or place a container of water next to the battery.

If you are sick, your feet should be kept warm. It is best to wear wool socks, even if the apartment is warm enough. This simple measure will both speed up recovery and minimize the risk of more severe complications.

Hot baths, including foot baths, are strictly not recommended during pregnancy. Such procedures, although effective for colds, however, increase the risk of uterine bleeding.

Often with ARVI, appetite decreases or disappears altogether. But a pregnant woman cannot afford not to eat. Therefore, it is necessary to eat, but only little by little and light, healthy foods.

You may also be interested in information about how to quickly cure ARVI and what

A pregnant woman should sleep at least 7 hours during pregnancy, and more if she is ill. Enough sleep will only benefit the body and help it recover faster. Before going to bed, it is recommended to clear the nasal cavity of mucus to ensure normal breathing.

Vasoconstrictor drops during pregnancy must be used very carefully, and only as prescribed by a doctor. Too much of these drugs can lead to rapid heartbeat and high blood pressure.


Like any other disease, ARVI, if not treated in time, can cause significant harm to the patient’s body. And if we are talking about a pregnant woman, then the harm extends, of course, to the body of the developing fetus.

One of the most dangerous consequences of advanced ARVI is miscarriage. In this case, the disease leads to rejection of the fetus by the body, resulting in spontaneous abortion.

It is also worth paying attention to which ones exist for ARVI and which one is best to use.

ARVI significantly reduces a woman’s immunity. Against the background of such a decrease, exacerbation of chronic diseases is likely. This is another very real danger of this infection. If a pregnant woman has a history of bronchitis, rheumatism, cholecystitis, or other diseases, they may worsen due to a weakening of the body’s defenses. Complications associated with chronic diseases are also likely: and this is a completely different level of danger, more serious.

If an acute respiratory viral infection affects the body of a pregnant woman in the second or third month, there is a possibility that the development of any internal organs of the baby will be either delayed or defective.

In the video - what the consequences may be:

If treatment is not started on time or carried out incorrectly, a respiratory infection can penetrate deeper into the pregnant woman’s body. This can lead to serious complications such as:

  • pneumonia;
  • sinusitis;
  • laryngitis;
  • pharyngitis;
  • etc.

In addition, a viral infection increases the workload of a woman’s heart and kidneys. The patient often sneezes and coughs, which can lead to increased tone of the uterus due to constant tension in the abdominal muscles. A stuffy nose can lead to oxygen starvation of the fetus. It is therefore very important to visit a doctor on time or call him at home in order to begin adequate and competent treatment. It is strictly not recommended for a pregnant woman to take any medications on her own or use traditional medicine recipes.


It is much more profitable and safer to prevent a disease than to treat it later. Next, we will look at simple ways to help prevent the occurrence of respiratory disease.

You shouldn't go out for a walk if the weather is bad. It is clear that it is useful for pregnant women to breathe fresh air, however, in rain, heavy snow and windy weather it is better to stay at home. This simple measure will help minimize the risk of respiratory infection.

During the cold season, often prepare and drink warm tea with rose hips, raspberries, and lemon. This drink will help strengthen the immune system and saturate the body with vitamins.

If an epidemic of influenza and ARVI has broken out in the city, try to visit public places less often. Go to shops, hospitals and other institutions only if necessary and only with a gauze bandage.

On video - disease prevention:

If a person sick with ARVI lives in the same apartment with you, try to reduce communication with him to a minimum. Ventilate the apartment more often, spread chopped onions and garlic around the room for disinfection. Do wet cleaning more often.

Dress appropriately for the weather. You shouldn’t wrap yourself up too much, but it’s also categorically undesirable to allow your body to become hypothermic.

So, we have learned what danger ARVI poses in the early stages of pregnancy, and how to cope with this disease. A woman expecting a child, at the first signs of any illness, including ARVI, should immediately seek medical help - only under the guidance of an experienced professional will treatment be safe and effective.

The pregnancy period is associated with a natural suppression of the immune system. This is necessary so that the embryo, which is 50% foreign DNA, is not perceived by the body as an enemy. But a high level of progesterone does not selectively affect the immune system; at the same time, protection against respiratory infections and opportunistic organisms that live in everyone is reduced. Seasonal outbreaks of ARVI aggravate the situation. The problem arises of how to treat ARVI in pregnant women: in this situation, not all drugs can be used, and a viral infection can pose a serious danger.

What is included in the concept of respiratory infection?

This type of infection is characterized by damage to various parts of the respiratory tract, which develops after a short incubation period. ARVI includes not only viral infections, but also bacterial damage: often these two pathogens act in combination. Initially, a virus infection occurs, and later, against the background of existing inflammation, its own bacterial flora is activated.

The common features of this group of diseases are the following:

  • short incubation period;
  • short-term fever;
  • intoxication syndrome.

ICD 10 revision includes the following diseases in the group:

  • acute respiratory tract infection, unspecified;
  • streptococcal pharyngitis;
  • acute bronchitis.

The disease can occur in mild, moderate or severe form. In some cases, complications arise in the form of associated otitis media, sinusitis, and laryngitis. These are usually bacterial infections.

The causes of ARVI are the following pathogens:

  • flu;
  • parainfluenza;
  • adenovirus;
  • respiratory syncytial virus;
  • rhinovirus;
  • coronavirus.

In total, there are more than 300 pathogens of ARVI. They are characterized by transmission by airborne droplets, through handshakes, public transport railings, and any contact between a sick and healthy person. Most often, the disease occurs in the form of an epidemic, which in mid-latitudes is typical for the period from December to March.

How dangerous is the condition for pregnant women?

During the season of an epidemic outbreak, 2-9% of pregnant women become ill; up to 95% of all patients suffer from a viral infection. The dangers of ARVI during pregnancy must be considered from the point of view of individual trimesters.

1st trimester

The 1st trimester of pregnancy is associated with the formation of all organs and systems. During this period, the placenta is not yet formed, and the chorion is not able to protect against the penetration of harmful substances and viruses from the mother’s blood.

An embryo is a specific collection of rapidly dividing cells. This is the most favorable environment for viruses. But virus replication is associated with the inclusion of the nucleus in the process of copying viral genetic information. The release of viruses from cells is accompanied by the death of the latter. If for an adult the loss of several dozen cells is imperceptible, then for a developing embryo this is a serious loss. This may result in the death of the embryo or the formation of severe developmental defects incompatible with life.

The severity of the consequences depends on the gestational age: infection will probably end in the first week of pregnancy, which the expectant mother may not know about. This may manifest itself as heavy menstrual bleeding. Infection after a few weeks of pregnancy can result in severe malformations.

2nd trimester

By the 12th week of pregnancy, the placenta is already formed and performs its protective function. ARVI in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy rarely leads to fetal damage. But sometimes damage to the placenta and the development of a specific reaction to infection are possible. This results in malnutrition of the fetus and its hypoxia and developmental delay. But until the middle of the second trimester, the formation of the nervous system continues. Therefore, an infectious disease in the mother can lead to brain damage.

The remaining organs are already formed, their growth and maturation are taking place. Therefore, infection causes an inflammatory response:

  • meningitis - damage to the meninges;
  • encephalitis - damage to the brain matter;
  • pneumonia;
  • hepatitis.

The condition worsens in the second trimester if the mother has other diseases - threat of miscarriage, chronic heart disease, respiratory tract.

3rd trimester

In the third trimester of gestation, the consequences develop according to the scenario of the second trimester. Damage to the placenta with the development of fetoplacental insufficiency is also possible. This leads to chronic fetal hypoxia and intrauterine growth retardation. The child is underweight, observed.

The result of polyhydramnios in the third trimester can be premature birth, as well as disturbances in normal labor activity: pathological preliminary period, impaired uterine contractility.

From the 38th week of gestation, the baby is considered full-term. The birth at this point is considered urgent. But ARVI at 38 weeks of pregnancy can result in symptoms of the disease in the newborn. At the same time, the child’s adaptive capabilities deteriorate:

  • after birth, he may be lethargic and inactive;
  • the skin has a cyanotic or pale tint - a sign;
  • the baby's cry is weak;
  • There may be breathing problems.

Sometimes doctors are forced to transfer such children from the delivery room to the intensive care ward, so that under the supervision of a neonatologist, the consequences of the disease can be minimized.

The danger to the child is associated not only with the infectious agent, but also with the mother’s body’s reaction to it.

How does ARVI affect pregnancy?

This depends on the severity of the febrile period and symptoms of intoxication. For the mother's body, an increase in temperature is a protective reaction. At a temperature of 38 degrees, increased production of interferons occurs. These are factors of specific antiviral protection. The microorganisms themselves also cannot withstand elevated body temperatures and gradually die. But temperatures above 39 degrees already have negative consequences. The maternal body will tolerate hyperthermia, but the fetus may experience serious metabolic disturbances.

Therefore, you need to remember an important rule: the temperature from 38.6 degrees and above must be brought down.

Symptoms of intoxication are a consequence of the vital activity of microorganisms, as well as the result of the protective reaction of the mother’s body: immune cells destroy pathogens, and decay products poison the body.

In the 3rd trimester, nasal congestion is difficult to tolerate. The pregnant uterus puts pressure on the lungs and prevents them from expanding completely. Inhalation volume and blood oxygen saturation decrease. The maternal body suffers more from this. For a child, nature has provided a protective system: his hemoglobin has a different structure and is able to bind more oxygen molecules. Therefore, if the mother lacks oxygen, the child will not feel it soon.

A decrease in appetite, lack of physical activity, and walks in the fresh air affect the general condition.

Manifestations of the disease

ARVI has a short period. Usually, after contact with a sick person, a few hours are enough before the first signs of illness appear. The woman notes increased fatigue and general signs of malaise. The temperature rises sharply.

Each pathogen has its own symptoms of the disease, which have common features with a viral infection.

  1. Flu manifests itself with a sudden rise in temperature to 38-40 degrees. Intoxication is characterized by headache, general malaise, and muscle pain. A runny nose appears in the form of watery discharge, a dry cough, and pain in the eyes. Convulsions, laryngitis, tracheitis, hemorrhagic phenomena in the form of rash and bleeding may occur.
  2. Parainfluenza is characterized by low or no fever, severe runny nose and dry cough.
  3. Adenovirus infection is characterized by a long, wave-like course of fever (up to 10 days). The temperature rises to 39 degrees. Worries about severe intoxication with headache, weakness, loss of appetite, muscle pain, photophobia. The cervical and submandibular lymph nodes become enlarged, and a wet cough appears.
  4. Respiratory syncytial virus is accompanied by a rise in temperature to 38 degrees, which lasts for a week. In this case, severe intoxication and a dry hacking cough are observed.

During the acute period, a woman may feel chills. The decrease in temperature in most cases occurs critically - rapidly, with profuse sweating.

Necessary diagnostics

If signs of illness such as fever appear, a pregnant woman should stay home and call a doctor. You should not travel to the clinic on your own during this period.

Upon examination, the patient is found to have hyperemic skin and pharynx. The tongue may be coated with a whitish coating. The vascular network is noticeable in the eyes. Influenza is characterized by damage to the upper respiratory tract in the form of rhinitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis, as well as inflammation of the trachea - tracheitis.

Analyzes reflect the general inflammatory response. Leukocytosis is observed in the blood, and the proportion of lymphocytes, the main fighters against viral infection, may increase. The leukocyte formula shifts to the left due to an increase in young cell forms. There is an increase in ESR.

During a febrile period, a general blood test is not informative, because Traces of protein, red blood cells, and cylinders may appear in it.

During the examination, the doctor must listen to the lung fields. This is necessary to diagnose bronchitis or pneumonia in time. Characteristic wheezing is a reason for in-depth examination. If pneumonia is suspected, despite an undesirable X-ray, it will be performed using a protective apron. The diagnosis of pneumonia is very difficult to make without an image.

During the period of seasonal morbidity, additional laboratory diagnostics to determine the type of pathogen are not carried out. Based on the characteristic signs, the doctor is able to identify the pathogen, and the treatment of ARVI during pregnancy has common features for all viral infections.

Sporadic cases of respiratory infections outside the season require laboratory diagnosis. To do this, a swab is taken from the throat, an ELISA is performed and the type of pathogen is identified.

The serological method is aimed at identifying antibodies to infection. But it has no practical value in the acute period. In the first weeks of pregnancy, antibodies to the pathogen are just beginning to be produced. The analysis can be carried out retrospectively to identify the nature of the disease and the stages of formation of immunity to it.

The consequences of acute respiratory viral infection in early pregnancy can be detected at 17-20 weeks by the level of alpha-fetoprotein and human chorionic gonadotropin (beta subunit). These hormones reflect the nature of intrauterine development of the fetus; with a decrease or increase in indicators, the development of defects can be suspected. At 24 and 32 weeks, a study is carried out on the hormones of the placental complex: estrodiol, cortisol, placental lactogen. Deviations from the norm also indicate a violation of fetal development.

What can help?

Treatment of ARVI begins with symptomatic therapy. To reduce signs of intoxication, you need to drink plenty of fluids. It can be tea, fruit drink, compote. You need to start lowering the temperature when it rises to 38 degrees. In this case, non-medicinal means are used.

It is necessary to undress as much as possible so that natural heat exchange with the environment occurs. Under no circumstances should you wrap yourself in a warm blanket, this will only accelerate the rise in temperature. You can use water at room temperature or add a spoonful of vinegar to it. This technique will accelerate the evaporation of moisture from the surface of the skin, and hence a decrease in temperature. Compresses should be applied to the contact areas of large vessels:

  • whiskey;
  • area of ​​the carotid arteries in the neck;
  • armpits;
  • elbow bends;

If the temperature continues to rise and has reached 38.5 degrees, then you need to switch to medications. Pregnant women can use Paracetamol. A safe dose is 4 tablets per day. You can only drink one at a time. Aspirin, widely used for fever, is prohibited for use in pregnant women.

What can pregnant women take for ARVI?

The choice depends on the duration and symptoms. If there is a severe cough, the use of expectorants is necessary. Ambroxol is prohibited in the first trimester, but can be used under medical supervision in the future. ACC can be used in pregnant women at any stage, but only if there are strict indications and under the supervision of a doctor.

Traditional methods can be used to treat the throat. Rinsing with solutions with antiseptic properties is suitable:

  • decoction of chamomile or calendula;
  • soda solution;
  • saline solution

These methods are safe and will not harm the fetus. Inhalations are also recommended. If you don’t have a special nebulizer, then you can also follow the traditional method - heat a saucepan with water and add soda, iodine and salt. The result will be an inhalation reminiscent of antiseptic sea air. You can also put a small piece of “Star” balm in it. It contains essential oils that will help relieve symptoms of nasal congestion and speed up recovery.

It is optimal to use a nebulizer for inhalation. But you should choose the right solution. Furacillin has good antiseptic properties, but dries out the mucous membranes. Therefore, for a dry, irritated cough, such inhalation is not necessary. It can be replaced with saline solution.

It is also not recommended to instill nasal vasoconstrictor medications. But you can use salt solutions Aquamaris, Aqualor.

Can pregnant women use Viferon suppositories?

It also depends on the gestational age. Despite the fact that the drug does not directly affect the virus itself, but only accelerates the production of its own interferon, it cannot be used in the early stages. It is officially allowed to use suppositories from the 14th week of pregnancy.

The antiviral drug Arpetol is also not recommended until the second trimester of pregnancy.

Arpetol and Viferon, drugs prescribed for ARVI during pregnancy

In the second half of gestation, when signs of intrauterine infection are detected, immunoglobulins are used. They are administered intravenously three times, and then rectal suppositories with interferon are prescribed for 10 days.

The use of antibiotics for acute respiratory viral infections is controversial. In most cases, the infection is viral in nature, which means that antibacterial drugs do not work on them. Some doctors prefer to prescribe antibiotics to prevent the activation of endogenous infection. But this approach can be harmful: your own microbes can develop resistance to them, and the intestinal microflora will die, which will lead to intestinal dysbiosis. Often in such a situation, the vaginal biocenosis also suffers; beneficial flora also dies there, but the fungus multiplies.

The basis for the use of antibiotics may be long-lasting fever, signs of complications - sinusitis, sinusitis, bronchitis. But if the symptoms of ARVI do not go away for a long time, you should not prescribe medications yourself; only a doctor can do this correctly.

Impact on labor

An infection that develops before childbirth will not allow you to breathe normally. During childbirth, a woman needs a lot of air, and a stuffy nose will not allow her to take a full breath. A cough can also, at the most inopportune moment, force you to cough convulsively instead of trying normally.

When hospitalized in a maternity hospital, a woman with signs of a cold or fever is sent to the observation department so that the infection does not spread further throughout the hospital.

How to prevent the disease?

Prevention of ARVI in pregnant women includes nonspecific methods. Pregnant women should not be vaccinated against influenza. Therefore, you need to lead a lifestyle that will not allow you to become infected.

During the cold season, large crowds of people should be avoided. Mass events, going to concerts, public places, large stores can result in infection. If there is such a need, then measures need to be taken to reduce the risk of disease:

  • turn away from people who sneeze and cough;
  • do not touch your face or nose with your hands;
  • do not eat in crowds of people;
  • After returning home, thoroughly wash your hands and face, and you can also rinse your nostrils.

The best prevention would be to walk in the fresh air; it is very useful to do this in a coniferous or juniper park. Proper nutrition and adequate rest will strengthen natural immunity.