How to get rid of ancestral karma. Ancestral karma along the female line: how to get rid of the “sin of an illegitimate child” program

Greetings, dear participants of my webinars, Marathons and courses! In touch is Mara Boronina, numerologist, corrector of life paths and karma, author of the “Milky Way” healing method through the galactic core.

What is meant by ideal karma?

Today we continue our series of lessons about karma. And right now we will study the model of understanding ideal karma. Yes, indeed, there is such a concept. In order for this material to take root as a skill and go to the department of ready-made solutions, to the skills department, please take pens, pieces of paper and be sure to practice.

First, we will study the introductory material and gradually move on to the same model, then I will give you a task, and you try to complete it. And after we finish this lesson, which is very important, try to follow the recommendations that I give you.

Let me start by saying that we need to remember the basics. Firstly, it is necessary to define the concept of karma - these are cause-and-effect relationships: if we do something, we are responsible for something. We carry all this burden within the framework of the causal and karmic body. Today we will not discuss this topic. We will analyze it more globally later.

I also wanted to remind you that there is karma- and karma+ - bad and good. Accordingly, if we take it from bad to good, then it improves. Unfortunately, many people live according to the one-point principle. That is, they strived for some point, tensed, and when they reached it, they immediately relaxed. I don't want to work anymore.

It’s the same with karma: you have to work with it constantly, that is, you can’t work off the old and not gain new ones. A simple example: a woman wants to get married, meets a man, always takes care of herself, found a man, charmed him, got married and relaxed. This happens very often. But it is necessary to remember that competitors do not sleep, including karmic competitors and our karma does not sleep.

Or, for example, regarding illness. Let's say a woman had some kind of tumor, she spent a long time getting ready, worried, nervous, got ready, concentrated, cut out the tumor and thinks that it will not come back. But, firstly, she forgets to work through the causes of this tumor, to delve into the karma of this tumor, to delve into the problem of the disease, and this is some kind of karmic debt. And here, too, it turns out that the one-point principle works.

Or, for example, a person received a salary, rejoices at it and lives until the next point. You can’t live according to the principle of one point - get it and relax. In fact, you need to strive for perfection, you need to raise the bar somewhere and in no case forget about karmic debts and lessons.

In the same way, people, for example, work at a job they don’t like - they settle down and relax, the main thing is stable, only in their dreams a person thinks about his destiny and thinks to himself that, probably, it’s not destined, because karma is like that.

Many people think this way. I want to change your thinking on this topic and now I urge you to work efficiently. Many people think that if you find yourself in a comfort zone, then it will always be that way. I remind you again that karma never sleeps. And let's now look a little at the numbers.

I often, especially in numerology classes, talk about the fact that we live in nine-year cycles, but there is also an interesting pattern that karma does not sleep, and it does not sleep during certain periods. That is, it gives you the opportunity to enjoy yourself for three years and relax, and then something might happen.

So, let's make an analogy. For example, you have often heard the saying that love lasts three years. The disease also manifests itself on the physical body within three years and by the third year it already clearly makes itself felt. That is, in about three years, an event occurs that becomes a trigger that can lead to a certain disease. If you rewind, you will even understand what situation led to this. Values ​​also accumulate over three years.

There is such a karmic pattern. And this happens if you don’t work on it, don’t give energy to it. And this is called letting go of the situation. This is the one-point principle: do it, receive it and relax. This is precisely where illnesses come from.

For example, a woman kept a good weight, controlled her diet, got married, relaxed, began to eat everything, drink something unnecessary and some kind of disease begins to form, plus there may be scandals at home, grievances are added here, this lump accumulates , and problems arise on all fronts. This is just an example.

Let's go back to the three. What it is? In fact, this is a rather sacred number; it forms the basis of many ancient philosophical and including religious teachings. For example, past, present, future - three. What does a person consist of? Body, soul, spirit are also three. Let's remember the phases of life: birth, life, death. Three again. Always and everywhere there is some kind of beginning, middle and end - again three. Heaven, earth, underground. A man comes to earth from heaven, lives, and then goes into the earth when he is buried there.

Therefore, the conclusion is: to relax means to give up, it means to leave the earth deeper ahead of time. Therefore, at its core, a person is soul, body and spirit, and the task of the soul is to develop, the task of the soul is to improve, the task of the soul is to give something to the world, and before that, to work off all its debts. In this way, a person improves karma and brings it closer to ideal.

But, of course, for it to become ideal, you need to work, you need to see everything, you need to understand everything, realize it, change it and continue to accumulate great karma. Don’t forget that we don’t just go underground here and that’s it—we have many other incarnations even further away. And how you live here, at least the period that you have left until you are 117 years old, depends on what level you will reach, what caste you will join in your next incarnation. You don’t have to rely on chance, you just need to pull yourself together and start controlling your own destiny. It’s not for nothing that I now suggested that you make a model of ideal karma.

Let me remind you that I have been consulting people for more than 15 years, I have calculated a huge number of different cards by date of birth and worked with them both in alpha dives and by dates of birth I see a lot that is not available to other people. This is inaccessible to them, perhaps because they do not have so much knowledge, perhaps they do not have the tools at all, everything can be corrected and, in fact, for this I am here, to bring you closer to understanding many life processes, and not only life, but also beyond processes.

For the last 7 months I have been preparing my large 25-day course and very seriously studying karma inside and out, structuring it. On average, each person (and over 15 years I counted a lot of people) has 7-8 level karma. But at the same time, for some it is 15, 16 and even 20 levels. As you study further, you will realize what these levels are and why this happens. There can also be several levels, say 5, but they have many sublevels.

Model of ideal karma

Now I suggest you study an easy-to-understand model of ideal karma. Today we will only touch on a simple technique, because a grandiose project awaits us, where there will be many lessons, many webinars and master classes. Therefore, if you already see a link to receive lessons under the article, then quickly register and they will be sent to your email.

Before we begin to study the model, we need to remember 4 paths in our lives that must be present. And we immediately draw an analogy: if there is personal life, then there is karma of personal life, if the monetary path is open, then monetary karma too, and, accordingly, mission karma and health karma. All these four paths should be present, but they are not present, most likely, precisely because of the presence of some problems in these life roads.

So let's make a model. It’s not in vain that I asked you to prepare pens and leaves. Draw 4 squares with up and down arrows. Sign the top arrows “yes” and the bottom arrows “no”. Why are there four squares? Because we have 4 ways. You can even indicate somewhere on the side that the first square implies relationships, the second square implies health, the third - cash flow, the fourth - purpose or mission. Ideal karma consists of these components.

Now I will ask you to answer whether you agree with the statements below and put a plus next to the word “yes” or “no” in the appropriate box. Do everything quickly, intuitively, no need to sit and reason now.

  • Relationship square: every woman who wants to see a man next to her must work on herself.
  • Health square: every woman who wants to see herself healthy must work on herself.

There are probably men among us, and for them these statements sound like this: every man who wants to see a woman next to him must work on himself. Every man who wants to see himself healthy must work on himself.

  • Square of money: every woman who wants to see money in her wallet must work on herself (Every man who wants to see money in his wallet must work on himself).
  • Destiny square: every woman who wants to find her destiny must work on herself. (Every man who wants to find his purpose must work on himself).

Now let's check whether this corresponds to what you have in life, whether you are doing this in those directions where you have put pluses. Most likely, since you are engaged in personal growth, you understand that everything should work and ideally that all the pros should be near “yes”.

Test yourself. Ideally, you answered like this, but in reality, are you working on yourself so that your man is always with you and you don’t worry about him going somewhere?

You can draw another series of squares and analyze yourself, what is happening in your life.

Then analyze whether you are working on yourself so that you have health and energy? Are you doing something about this? Are you working on having money in your wallet? Become aware of how this shows up in your life. And lastly, are you doing anything so that you have a mission and can find purpose?

Now some may have experienced a break in the pattern. Compare how you responded regarding the statements, what we agreed or disagreed with, and how it actually manifests itself in your life. Are you doing something? Someone will say what they are doing, but there are no results. I will say that you either do little, or do the wrong thing, or do not know modern advanced technology and act with outdated methods. Karma also does not sleep, it is also advanced and can be cunning, hide, and create more complex situations on a different level. And this is important to realize.

And you already understand that the model of ideal karma looks like this: “yes” arrows lead to ideal karma, “no” arrows lead to bad karma. It would be good if you didn’t just think like that, but that you did it.

Count your pros and cons

If there are more minuses in your actual manifestation than pluses, then it is logical that karma has gone into minus. If there are more advantages, then karma goes towards ideal. It’s good that you at least already thought this way and already started doing something. But perhaps you are not doing something completely.

And now, please remember how hard you tried at the beginning of the relationship, how you gave it energy. And then, after a while, you may have relaxed around your husband. In 5, 10 years. If suddenly some kind of karmic connection from your husband came into your life, some kind of competition arose, you were immediately reanimated and immediately began to act.

God forbid, a love triangle arises, you start to return it. If this has not happened in your life, check with your friends - probably someone in your circle has had this happen. The woman changed and began to work on herself. When a woman is abandoned by a man, she always changes her life. This begins to motivate her to move, she needs to find a new male, create a new family. Karma pushes her there so that she can make a breakthrough in her life.

The same goes for health.

As long as nothing bothers you, as long as nothing hurts, as long as no karmic diseases have accumulated, a person can forget about his body, energy, health, eat incorrectly, and not exercise. Conventionally, what happens is that a person lets everything take its course. But as soon as the disease manifests itself in the physical body, the person immediately begins to move, immediately begins to look for methods of treatment, recovery and everything connected with it.

Exactly the same things happen in the path of destination and in cash flow.

I would like to summarize that in the path of illness and in the path of relationships there are also hereditary karmic and karmic genetic and karmic developments developed and allowed in this incarnation. Karma is divided into hereditary, genetic and accumulated. The accumulated karma is the karma allowed in this incarnation.

And now I will give you two recommendations on what you need to do to bring your karma at least 10% closer to this ideal along each path and start improving your karma today with completely simple actions. You can write them directly into the squares that you drew earlier. These will be recommendations for you for the next 3 days, which you will definitely need to follow.

Start simple. Now it will seem to you that this is too simple and that karma cannot change from this. We start through the body, through actions, through manifestation. Start doing something, build it in as a skill and you will already see how things begin to change. We are not yet talking about a global change in your karma, but changes will already begin for you, because all processes, cause-and-effect relationships are karma.

So, to improve your relationship path, find a man, or change your relationship with your man:

  1. 1. Start smiling.

To start, smile in front of the mirror 10-20 times, and then throughout the day smile more often, but not in front of the mirror. When we smile, the brain receives impulses and begins to produce the hormone of happiness and joy. This happens along neural circuits. The brain already knows that if it smiles, then everything is fine. Wrinkles will not appear from this, but on the contrary, you will become younger, you will become cooler, you will have more energy. Now, at zero levels of development, we work with karma through the body. This is easy to do, but not everyone will do it. Whoever does not do this will not change anything in his karma.

  1. 2. Write an SMS to your other half with words of gratitude.

No matter how much it breaks you, no matter what situation you have at that moment, just take your phone from a blank sheet of paper and write words of gratitude: “I thank you for having me.” No appeal. Write just this phrase and you will see a response. This phrase always works. You may ask, what if there is no soulmate? You dial a completely random number that comes to mind and send the same SMS: “Thank you for having me” and you will see how interesting it will work.

Firstly, you have enthusiasm, the energy will go towards this matter, you will feel everything, you will understand that something is happening. What if the Universe sends your SMS to that person who is already waiting for you and this will connect you. This is an option. Otherwise, this is just an action in order to already improve karma.

What can we do for our body and health journey?

  1. 1. 10 tiptoe-ups and 10 squats

This can be done right now. First, stand up 10 times. This way you will speed up the blood, it will begin to rise from below and immediately do 10 squats. If you have difficulty squatting, grab both sides of the door and squat. To begin with, 10 times is enough, and then you will increase.

  1. 2. Start drinking 1 liter of water per day if you drink less. If you drink, then increase this amount by another 1 liter.

Let me remind you that to a large extent our body consists of water. Its structure stores information, including karmic information, in the casual body. If you subscribe, this lesson will be sent to your inbox soon. By drinking a lot of water, we cleanse not only our precious body, but also update the information in our liquid structures. This is why it is also important to drink water and please do not ignore this.

These actions pump up the path of health.

Let's move on to money karma and, accordingly, cash flow.

  1. 1. Clean up your wallet.

Some even have dust there. Throw out the trash, candy wrappers, and receipts. Place your money nicely.

  1. 2. Whisper a reservation into your wallet, maybe once, but preferably 3 times: “I’m updating my money karma, I’m starting a cash flow into my wallet. Be that way!”

In order for the mission to wave its hand at you, and for your purpose to emerge, so that you understand what your purpose is, you need:

  1. 1. Make a list of all your skills and jobs.
  2. 2. List of things I want to do.

And believe me, as soon as you make these lists, the generation of ideas will immediately begin. There is no need to think now how you will do it, why, who will help you. My first list contains more than 33 items of various professional skills and professions. I have more than 33. What can you do? And then start generating ideas.

So, these are the recommendations you received from me. Be sure to implement them. It is important to start pumping up the karma of all life paths. Grab some paper and pens and get started. Be sure to complete this homework before you receive the three karma lessons in your inbox, if you have subscribed to them or are subscribing now.

What are these lessons? These are video lessons, the first of which includes types of karma. In the second lesson we will analyze what a karmic body is and the third lesson contains information about how we take on the karma of other people. How can you learn these lessons, you ask? Follow the link below, subscribe to these lessons, and they will be sent to your inbox.

Mara Boronina, numerologist, corrector of life paths and karma, was in touch. Remember: if you believe in your strength, then this and protection will always be with you.

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How to change ancestral karma ========================= A person’s ancestral karma manifests itself in many aspects related to family and clan - in which family the person was born, prosperous or not. It depends on this how strong and powerful life energy a person with birth can receive to fulfill his personal karmic task and the task of the entire family. But in our difficult times, in the age of Kali Yuga, people generally have many problems in their family, with their ancestors, and therefore must now independently restore their own ancestral roots and work off both individual karma and karma of their kind in order to change both their personal life in the best side, and the lives of their children. Family karma is considered to be information from the lives of your ancestors. Everything that the ancestors accumulated during their lives and were unable to correct their mistakes. All this accumulates in the family and is passed on to descendants. For cleansing to happen. Any karmic information can be corrected. Change your kind of karma, and your life will begin to change for the better. There are various ways to work out and correct ancestral karma: prayer, wax casting, the path of spiritual self-improvement, annealing the frame of ancestors. The most basic thing that is needed for all these practices of cleansing ancestral karma is to remember or learn the stories of all your ancestors who led an incorrect lifestyle and committed sinful actions towards themselves and their family as a result. In such cases, karmic knots are formed on the temporary tissue of the clan, which impede the flow of energy from ancestors to descendants. As a result, we do not receive enough energy to live and fulfill our plans, as well as the experience of our ancestors and knowledge about life processes and the laws of correct life. All this would save us from mistakes and point us in the right direction. To correct the karma of the family and your own karma, you need to remember all your ancestors, realize their problems, understand the reasons and work with each case separately. It often happens that the same problem is passed on for 10 or even 50 generations in a family. In this case, you can only work with the root cause of this problem - that is, if possible, find the most distant ancestors with such a problem and work through the ancestral karma with them. There is also the practice of quickly and comprehensively working out ancestral karma and correcting ancestral scenarios. It is suitable for everyone, regardless of the level of development of spiritual consciousness or unusual abilities. This practice can be done without any preparation, without spending much time and without any restrictions. Of course, it is best to carry out this practice by limiting yourself to animal products (meat) and eliminating alcohol consumption. Practice of correcting ancestral karma Every day, set aside an hour of time when no one will disturb you, and during this time imagine your ancestors healthy, happy in their personal lives, rich, with many developed and talented children, prosperity, with good relationships between husband and wife and all relatives. Start with the very first representatives of your family. If you don’t know such people, which is most likely the case, then imagine your first ancestors of the family in the form of figures or people, without any specific names or stories of their lives. Next, go down to all the ancestors from the first relatives to those relatives about whom you have already heard personally and who existed in the recent past. After this, work through the life of each ancestor separately. Imagine your grandmother happy and her whole life like this, with all the important stages - birth, marriage, having children, old age. Next, imagine also the whole life of your grandfather. And so with every ancestor. You can perform this practice of cleansing the race in any convenient place - at home, in transport, in line. It is important to do this every day for a week (or better yet, a month). Find a hereditary problem in your family - loneliness, poverty, birth disease, etc. Once you identify the problem, start working on it. If you have identified several problems, then choose the most global and influential one, then take other problems to work on, in descending order of importance. For example, if you have defined your ancestral karma as the loneliness of women because they cannot get married, or your ancestral karma is that women of the clan get divorced or are left without a husband for any reason, then imagine all your ancient relatives happy in family relationships with beautiful , smart, rich husbands. Clearly imagine this picture in every detail, with pictures of the happy family life of women from different eras. After visualizing the happy family life of your relatives, you need to say an affirming phrase several times to consolidate the result. You can do it loudly out loud, but you can also do it mentally. "ALL THE WOMEN OF MY KIND ARE HAPPY IN FAMILY LIFE! THEY HAVE BEAUTIFUL, SMART, CARING HUSBANDS! WONDERFUL, OBEDIENT CHILDREN! I AM A WORTHY REPRESENTATIVE OF MY KIND!" This practice of cleansing ancestral karma should be carried out several times during the day. And within a week you will notice positive results - the attitude of others will change.

The family chain is a very powerful energy. This energy is created from incarnation to incarnation, and is built both horizontally and vertically. Horizontally, this means that the ancestral chain includes souls that are connected by common karma or have similar karmic tasks. Vertically is the energy of the Family, transmitted in the current Family link.

There is an opinion (which, of course, no one can confirm or refute) that kindred Souls undergo reincarnation together. Only the roles change. It often happens that one soul enters the family chain several times. The grandmother leaves the world and her Soul appears in the body of her great-grandson, continuing to carry the energy of the Family. However, if the Soul has already completed all the tasks of incarnation and improved karma, in a new incarnation it may end up in a completely different Genus.

Lyrical digression. In general, as long as I’ve lived, I’ve been so surprised by people who laugh at the theory of constant reincarnation. Firstly, Buddhism and Hinduism (which support this knowledge) are the most ancient religions. Secondly, what an unfair Universe we get if we reject this knowledge. Here you ask Christians: “Why do some suffer more than others?”, the answer: “God gives everyone their own trials,” the question: “Why does God give everyone different trials?”, the answer: “To achieve eternal life.” Total philosophy. Understand, the Universe cannot be arranged so chaotically that you bathe in gold and luxury, while your neighbor drinks himself to death on the latter. Everything has its own law. This life is built by the life of the past. Hence, some are born golden boys, others are born disabled children. Everyone receives as many karmic tasks as he left in a past life. Otherwise we live in chaos. Do you want to believe it? Please. But somehow I feel more comfortable knowing that the Universe will be wiser.

Karma of the Family consists of 7 generations. For example, if you and your descendants do not sin for 7 generations, a saint will appear in your Family in the 8th generation. The karma of the Family is just as difficult to correct as the karma of an individual person. It is corrected through incarnations, and not within the framework of one life, as is commonly thought. If you were born with a certain karma and decided to burn it, work it out, then you will see this result only in the next incarnation. It happens, of course, that a disabled person in the middle of his life gets up from his chair and begins to walk, but this is more of a completed exercise than a miracle. And the phrase “We are the masters of our own destiny” is not a daring challenge at all, it is true. Only someone naively believes that they can influence their destiny here and now, but in fact they will influence it only in the next incarnation. If you live this life well, with dignity, without sin, in your next life you will receive a great reward.

This also works with your gender. You constantly ask yourself the question: where do difficulties, problems, pain come from? From your past life, and also far from your ancestors. We do not know how they lived, we do not know their habits and actions. We can only judge by ourselves.

Signs of bad Ancestral karma include:

Early death of a family member

Celibacy of family members

Infertility of one of the family members (infertility is when the Universe wished to stop the continuation of the Family for one reason or another)

Suicide in the family

Serious illnesses, oncology

Accidents, property damage, robberies

Violent death of a relative

By the way, statistics say that in the life of every third Russian woman rape occurred or there was an attempt. This can also be attributed to the spoiled karma of the Family; most likely, one of the ancestors was sinful by such an act, which is why it returned in generations.

I researched a lot of stories of different families. Because during an individual consultation, I always draw up Rod’s karma in order to understand what’s wrong with a person and where his problems stem from. There are rarely mistakes. If a person has to suffer a lot, as a rule, his ancestors made a lot of mistakes.

Why improve Rod's karma?

When Souls are looking for a family to come to Earth, they will definitely end up in exactly the Family that corresponds to the karma of these Souls. By improving Rod's karma, you open the door for souls with good personal karma. Similar to similar. If you want to see healthy, beautiful, prosperous children in your Family, you must bring not only love, but also knowledge.

So, how to improve the karma of your Family:

  1. Pray for the departed. Moreover, pray constantly. Choose a path of prayer according to your religious beliefs
  2. Bless your Family. Always think well and lovingly about him. Even if your life is not the easiest. Forgive your ancestors.
  3. Bring knowledge to your children. We can endlessly improve Rod's karma, but if our children don't know anything about it, they can sin and ruin your efforts. Karma Roda is a flower. It needs to be cultivated methodically and systematically. Your children should know all the settings. And remember that they will be like you, no matter how much you raise them. If you want to be good parents, be good people.
  4. Absorb only the best. More good books, literature, theaters and philharmonic societies. And take your children there from an early age.
  5. Eliminate swearing. They affect DNA. And DNA is a ancestral chain. She writes everything down.
  6. Respect other people. Minimum condemnation, maximum acceptance. Remember, when you judge someone, it is as if you are writing in your diary: “I want to be judged too.”
  7. Feed the homeless and hungry. Our country still lives in a terrible delusion: “There’s no point in sitting on the porch, go and work.” This is a terrible mental hole. Feed everyone who is in ignorance or in goodness. Especially crows, homeless people, alcoholics (not vodka, but food!), dogs, tramps, homeless children.
  8. Convey goodness. If you have made spiritual progress (quit smoking, learned to love, overcome depression), help other people. Tell us how it worked out for you, give advice and guidance.
  9. Make friends with spiritual people. Only they will not pull you down. Do not try to maintain friendship with ignorant people just for the sake of friendship itself. If you are growing and developing, and your friends still drink and still consider “barbecues” to be their main entertainment, do not be afraid to break this connection.
  10. Respect yourself. It is self-respect that allows a person to grow, develop, and think. It is he who respects himself who knows how to respect others.
  11. Don't gossip. Always speak well of people. Even if you don't like them, convince yourself that they are good. Works flawlessly. But you won’t lose yourself in your own eyes.
  12. Be special. Your individuality is your key to success. Rod may have his own charisma. Charismatic parents give birth to charismatic children. It's worthy and very beautiful.

Remember, a strong Rod has enormous powerful energy. If you or your children get into trouble, Rod's energy alone can save the situation. Strong ancestral energy allows your descendants to achieve goals faster, build reliable families, and raise healthy children. Set yourself a challenge today to start improving your life. Be noble, work to improve your energy, become a ray of light in your Family and in the lives of other people.

And know this. When you do a bad thing, your Family cries. When you pray, do good, when you are in harmony with the Universe, your Family rejoices. At these moments he is the happiest in the Universe.

With love, your Ksenia Yesena. Prosperity to you and your Family!

Many people are looking for the meaning of the concept and the answer to the question, what is ancestral karma, and how it affects a person’s destiny. This desire is associated with the desire to understand why certain events occur in your destiny. The power of the family can serve as a source of both positive and negative energy.

What is Ancestral Karma?

When in a person’s destiny various troubles increasingly begin to occur in the same area of ​​life, you can hear that this is ancestral karma or a curse playing its evil role. For example, you have already tried several times to unite your destiny with a man, but something always goes wrong. Moreover, family happiness did not work out for your mother and grandmother either.

Or, just starting your career and receiving your first successes, you get laid off several times in a row. Thinking about it, you will find out that your father and uncles were never able to get a position higher than a third-class mechanic.

This is where the question arises, what is ancestral karma, and why it is associated with damage. They begin to find out which generation of troubles come from, and when they realize that such troubles are hereditary in nature, they simply give up.

However, it is not always worth attributing everything to a curse. Very often, a certain soul is sent to some family for a kind of correction. For example, if a person did not have time to repay his debts during his lifetime, then after death his soul may be reborn in a family with a difficult financial situation.

Therefore, if certain events are constantly repeated in your family, there is no need to put a “stamp” about the curse of the family; perhaps these are just hints for the path of healing. Karma of your kind- this is the selection of souls to work on certain goals and objectives in correction. At the same time, you must not only correct yourself, but also help your neighbor.

The meaning of ancestral karma in the Bible

Answers the question a little differently, what is ancestral karma, Bible. There is even a phrase in holy scripture that “you will suffer for your sins, as well as your children to the fourth generation.”

When committing any act, it is worth remembering that descendants will also be responsible for them. Previously, in Rus', in families of believers, it was customary to study the ancestral characteristics of the bride and groom before concluding a union. Moreover, if it turned out that in the past, fights, serious illnesses, accidents or suicides often occurred in the family of one of them, this was considered a sign of ancestral karma and the union was abandoned.

However, even with this interpretation, the concept of “ancestral karma” comes down to the relationship of souls. Each person influences another, so all of humanity is connected on an energetic level. Family relationships have a more subtle spiritual relationship, so the troubles of one have a much stronger impact on the others.

A genus is a whole organism where everything is interconnected. Therefore, if any individual organ becomes ill, then everything eventually collapses.

The more bad deeds we do during our lifetime, the more our descendants will suffer for them when faced with ancestral karma.

How to correct ancestral karma

Having understood the concept, what is kind of karma, the question remains - how to correct and remove ancestral karma and improve it, so as not to suffer ourselves and not pass it on to our children?

You need to start with yourself, and not with your neighbor. If the consequences of your ancestral karma began to affect you, this means that it is up to you to correct it. That is, God or a higher power believes that he has found the soul that is capable of breaking this circle.

Try to understand the primary source of your ancestral karma. Ask your parents and relatives if your ancestors had similar situations. And try to find stories about each family member. Often, you may encounter the fact that in the 19th century your family was rich and successful, and the next generation moved to the poorest quarter of the city. This means that it is from this knee that the curse of your family begins.

In order to correct and remove ancestral karma there are strong prayers. Go to the temple and pray for the salvation of your soul. Make every effort to correct the situation, and you can not only remove the damage from yourself, but also protect your offspring.

It is also considered an effective method to devote an hour of time a day to imagining your ancestors and relatives as healthy and prosperous, happy and talented. Moreover, you need to start right from the first damned knee that you managed to find out about. It is important to repeat this procedure every day for at least a week.

It has been known since ancient times that the sins and actions of one generation of a family can negatively affect a person’s fate.

To free oneself from a bad inheritance, the karma of the family is cleansed through the processing of karmic debts, prayers or special rituals. In this article we will talk about how to properly work out ancestral karma, carry out karmic healing of the genus, and what rituals help with this.

Why is it necessary to cleanse ancestral karma?

Karmic debts are an insidious burden that can ruin the life of a person who does not even suspect why fate is not favorable to him. Debts of this kind arise in one of the generations of the family and are passed on to descendants. Moreover, a person who has sinned in this way does not always admit his debt to his family, sometimes without even realizing it. A situation arises with a pig in a poke, which affects the fate of innocent people.

Karmic debts are formed according to the principle of universal balance. The one who did not fulfill his Destiny, was blind to his surroundings, behaved ignoble and vile, stole, shed the blood of others or committed other negative offenses, must make up for the injustice created. If he does not do this, the imbalance will remain, and his descendants will have to work to restore it.

Working off ancestral karma is the closing of debts that a person inherited from previous generations.

There are many ways to cleanse the karma of the family, but they are all based on creativity, mercy, respectful and kind attitude towards people around us and the world as a whole. And the one who performs the karmic cleansing of the family is forced to express these feelings to a greater extent and volume than usual. As people say, for yourself and for that guy.

When you need to cleanse your karma

The degree of consequences of heavy ancestral karma depends on the significance of the debts left by the ancestors. In difficult cases, one can observe that until the karma of the family is healed, defective children prone to physical and mental illnesses are often born into it.

An example of such a pattern can also be frequent infant mortality, miscarriages in different generations, suicides, and similar tragic and family fates.

You should be interested in how to cleanse your ancestral karma if you have the following “symptoms”:

  • you are haunted by conflicts with people that arise out of the blue, you feel mutual rejection, it is difficult to establish communication;
  • colossal efforts in any activity have practically no “exhaust”, time and energy seem to fly into the abyss;
  • you are constantly overcome by significant and not so significant ailments, regardless of the presence of prerequisites for this;
  • family life is not going well, you can’t have children, constant tension in your relationship with your spouse;
  • constant loss of strength, energy deficiency.

Almost every situation when there is a feeling that the universe is trying to trip you up, and failure awaits around every corner, says that healing of ancestral karma is required. Naturally, we are talking about a person with normal personal karma. Otherwise, referring to the sins of ancestors is stupid.

How to get rid of ancestral karma

The karma of the previous twelve generations influences a person’s fate. This is a really large number of people that can hardly be known thoroughly. But it’s good to know at least 6-7 generations. This will help a lot, because before you correct the karma of your family, you need to analyze your debts, correlating your own trials with other people’s mistakes and misdeeds.

Cleaning karma with prayers

Often, cleansing of ancestral karma is required when there are toll-house souls in it. These are the deceased who are overly attached to the material world and are not able to realize their own death. These are hungry souls who do not receive divine love and light. The only food for them is the energy of living relatives. To take them out of the toll-house zone and release them into the higher planes of existence, you need to cleanse the karma of the family.

Characteristic signs of the presence of toll-house souls are: unreasonable aggression, constant weakness, too low or high sexuality, fearfulness, unusual and unpleasant thoughts, addictive tendencies, infertility or celibacy.

How to heal ancestral karma:

  • Attend church. Firstly, it leads to spiritual improvement and improvement of one’s karma. Strong personal karma can neutralize the karmic debts of the family. Secondly, a person in a church is inaccessible to the toll-house vampire souls.
  • Prayers “Our Father”, “Virgin Mother of God, Rejoice”, “For the cleansing of the race” and Thanksgiving. You need to read them for 40 days. If one day is missed, you will have to start over. First you need to read the first three three times in turn. The correction of the karma of the family ends with one reading of a prayer of gratitude. And so every day.

Demons and publican souls live for forty days, so to get rid of them you need to protect yourself with prayer during this time. At the same time, forgiveness will be asked from God for the sins of our ancestors.

Prayer for cleansing the family

“Lord, I ask forgiveness to everyone whom I, wittingly or unwittingly, offended in this life and in my past lives. Lord, I forgive everyone who offended me, voluntarily or unwittingly, in this life or in my past lives. Lord, I ask forgiveness for my deceased relatives. Lord, I ask forgiveness for my living relatives. Lord, I ask forgiveness to the people whom my ancestors, voluntarily or unwittingly, offended by word, deed or thought. I ask you, Lord, heal, cleanse and protect me, my family, and fill me with Your Power of the Holy Spirit, love, light, strength, harmony and health. I ask you, Lord, cleanse my family. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Ritual of cleansing the family from negative karma

When trying to cope with the task of how to cleanse ancestral karma, you should maintain your own piety and mercy. Don't despair if it seems like there is no result. The very fact that you are concerned about how to heal the karma of your family speaks of the favor of the Universe and God. This means that everything will certainly change for the better. In addition, one should not be convinced of the guilt of one’s ancestors.

Inherited debt must be accepted calmly, and working off the karma of the family must take place with complete dedication and a pure heart.

Believers will be helped by the prayers described, and those who are far from faith will benefit from openness to the Universe and a sincere desire to atone for the mistakes of their ancestors.

How to work off family karma through ritual

To practice, you will need two bowls or plates that no one has ever eaten from. Yes, it's better to buy new items. In addition, you need a thick candle and new rice or wheat cereal.

  1. You need to get up at dawn on the first day from the start of the waning moon, clean the kitchen, wash and dress in clean clothes (new, if possible).
  2. Separate two equal portions of cereal from the pack.
  3. Cook porridge, reading at this time a prayer of repentance in accordance with your faith. You can simply turn to the Universe asking for help in how to correct your ancestral karma.
  4. The cereal should be stirred clockwise, but do not taste. Salt and other additives are not needed.
  5. Place the porridge in one of the prepared plates.
  6. Read a prayer over the dish asking for liberation from the sins and debts of your ancestors.
  7. After 10 minutes, transfer the porridge to a second plate and place it on the window.
  8. Light a candle in front of the plate and say three times “I invite all my family to taste this food.”
  9. Those who were brought up in the traditions of the Slavic peoples need to say “Holy grandfathers, we call you! Holy grandfathers, fly to us!”
  10. After this, you cannot leave the room, but, while in it, think in silence about how to change the karma of your family, what changes you want in the life of your family and yourself.
  11. After 30 minutes you need to say “Thank you, ancestors, for accepting this food. Now you can leave.”

The ritual is over. The porridge should be fed to street birds; people are prohibited from eating it.

Cleansing a kind of negative ancestral karma

This ritual is equally suitable for those who are familiar with the depths of their family, and for those who know little about their ancestors, but have a desire to work off their debts. Clearing ancestral karma using this method is good because it involves a person’s energetic and spiritual connections with their ancestors. Working in such a space is very productive. In general, you should strive for something similar in any cleansing practice.

First, you need to remember your family tree as far as possible, revive the memory of your ancestors and try to create an image of those of them about whom little or nothing is known. So, before working out the ancestral karma, an analysis of karmic blocks is carried out.

You need to think about your karmic nodes: lack of money, loneliness, illness, inability to have children, intimate or career difficulties, misfortunes, streaks of failure, etc. After this you need to move on to the ritual:

  1. Pour water into a deep round bowl. Take 12 wax candles, maybe church ones.
  2. Place the candles around the dish and light each one in turn, going clockwise.
  3. While lighting each candle, you need to say “I light the first candle, I resurrect the memory of the first generation,” “I light the second candle, I resurrect the memory of the second generation,” etc.
  4. When all the candles are burning, you need to visualize your familiar relatives in your head, and then create images of unfamiliar generations.
  5. Now, focusing on how to improve the karma of the family, you need to take the candles in your hands one by one and think that from them come the secret deeds and facts of generations that create your karmic blocks.
  6. Next, you need to take the first candle upside down (so that drops of hot wax fall into the water) into the water. At this time, you need to focus on establishing a spiritual connection with your ancestors and ask them for forgiveness, as well as help.
  7. As the wax falls into the water, you need to repeat 7 times: “The debts and sins of my family are burned in fire, my karma and soul are cleansed. The destinies of the Figure fall into the water, and I am freed from ancestral karma.”
  8. This procedure must be done with each candle. This restores the information field and the relationship of all generations.

Figures and alloys formed from wax frozen in water must be collected and lowered into a body of water outside the house (river, lake, pond, fountain, etc.). Candles can be reused, but sooner or later you will need new ones. Cinders should be buried in the ground. The maximum effect is achieved by performing the ritual for nine months, on the twenty-ninth lunar day when the Moon is waning.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated about how to change your ancestral karma. Anyone can perform this ritual. The main thing is to clearly tune in spiritually and energetically.

How to correct family karma: work on yourself

Working off the karma of parents and other ancestors requires not only rituals and prayers, but also atoning behavior in life. You should make your thoughts pure, fill yourself with the desire to create, and get rid of negative feelings and emotions. Spiritual and personal growth is the first thing you should do before removing ancestral karma. A weak-willed, insecure and unreliable person cannot handle such a task.

Everyday life needs to be filled with mercy, kindness and dedication. It is important that this is precisely the karmic working off of the family. Let's say you are haunted by failures at work because one of your ancestors moved up the career ladder in a dishonest manner. In this case, you need to help your colleagues, give them good recommendations, and sincerely rejoice at their successes.

Those who have inherited a lack of family happiness through karma should provide them with others, introduce them to good people, and help with advice. If there is a karmic block associated with the shed of someone else's blood, you can find a way out in donation. For problems with childbirth - in raising other people's children, helping their parents. Discouraging an expectant mother from having an abortion or helping those who cannot give birth themselves with adoption are big steps in cleansing birth karma.

There is no universal way to remove family karma. You should do your best in analyzing the debts of your ancestors, their sins, and then restore the universal balance disturbed by these actions. Prayers and rituals are tools to enhance the effect, but the inner mood is the base, without which the result is unattainable.

If one of the family members cleaned the ancestral karma for themselves and others, it will not become a test for future generations (unless, of course, they mess up with karma themselves). This kind of person will become a guardian, a talisman against misfortunes, a helper and a source of energy in difficult times. Therefore, it is so important to cleanse the karma of the family - this is the key to the well-being, success and health of descendants. First of all - children and grandchildren.