How to make a goblin costume with your own hands: simple options from scrap materials. We make it with our own hands: a Leshy costume for a boy for the New Year Do-it-yourself Leshy costume for an adult

Warp. Shirt and pants in brown-green-gray colors with fringe at the edges. On the right knee there is a patch made of burlap.

On my feet. Shoes with fabric covers (Fig. 1). Covers are cut from pretty thick fabric so that the teeth (fringe) stand up better. First, sew both parts of the cover, cut out the teeth, and then sew the cover on your hands almost to the very sole of the rag slippers. You can leave your legs bare, or you can wear green or brown knee socks.

On the head. A wig in green tones, if there are strands different shades- this is even more interesting (see the chapter “Making wigs...”). On the wig there is a branch made of papier-mâché to make it light. To do this, the newspaper, twisted into bundles, is glued on both sides to the cardboard base using tape (Fig. 2a). Then you need to cover everything once with newspapers and stick it with paper pulp, laying it out in long sausages along the branch, imitating bark. A plastic plug of the required diameter is put on the end of the branch (Fig. 26). The branch is attached to the head with a hat elastic. Mushrooms “grow” on the branch, there may be leaves, moss.

Mushrooms on your head made from pieces of insulated aluminum wire (approximately 0.5 cm in diameter), cut off top parts of Kinder Surprise containers and crepe paper (Fig. 3).

To attach the wire to the mushroom cap, you need to cut the insulation along the end of the wire by approximately 1 cm, bend the resulting petals and “bite off” the protruding piece of wire. After this, glue the petals to the inner surface of the cap (using “Moment” type glue), and glue a crepe paper collar to the stem of the mushroom with tape.

In the hair secure fake leaves, real pine cones. In addition, leaves are sewn here and there onto the pants.

Knot nose made on the basis of a short cone (Fig. 4). Place the cone on the nose and cut out the edge for a smoother connection at the bridge of the nose (Fig. 4a). You also need to make 2 holes under your nose to allow air to flow in. (Fig. 46 shows approximate cutouts.) On the resulting base, you can further increase the remaining length of the nose by first gluing a tube rolled out of paper (Fig. 4c), and then a piece of a cocktail tube (Fig. 4d).

Then cover everything 1-2 times with paper (papier-mâché) or paper pulp, paint and varnish. Reinforce the nose on the head with a hat elastic.

Props. A mushroom necklace can easily be made from brown bread crumbs. To do this, moisten the bread crumb a little with water and knead it thoroughly to form a plastic mass. From this mass, roll sausage legs and round flat cakes. Connect them, as if applying the search to the cap. Pierce the fungi through with a knitting needle or wire. Then dry them and paint them with gouache with the addition of PVA glue, or varnish them. String the finished mushrooms onto a strong thread. In a similar way, you can make mushrooms from paper pulp (see the chapter “Papier-mâché”).

In my arms- gloves with cut fingers. On right hand strengthen 2 pieces of any fur (from old hat or collar). One is on the wrist, and the second is on the elbow (Fig. 5).

Leshy has a bag (canvas, burlap, flannel or leather) hanging over his shoulder. There are holes in it from which little animals peek out - a hare, a bird, a hedgehog or other inhabitants of the forest. These can be ordinary small soft toys. To prevent toys from falling out or moving, they must be secured in the bag (with thread, wire or rubber band).

New Year's costume "Leshy"

The basis of the costume. Shirt and pants in brown-green-gray colors with fringe at the edges. On the right knee there is a patch made of burlap.
Top of the suit. We put a green wig on our head; if the strands are of different shades, it’s even more interesting. On the wig there is a branch made of papier-mâché to make it light. To do this, the newspaper, twisted into bundles, is glued on both sides to the cardboard base using tape (Fig. 2a). Then you need to glue everything together once with newspapers and cover it with paper pulp, laying it out in long sausages along the branch, imitating bark. A plastic plug of the required diameter is put on the end of the branch (Fig. 26). The branch is attached to the head with a hat elastic. Mushrooms “grow” on the branch, there may be leaves, moss.
Mushrooms for the head are made from pieces of insulated aluminum wire (approximately 0.5 cm in diameter), cut off top parts of Kinder Surprise containers and crepe paper (Fig. 3).
To attach the wire to the mushroom cap, you need to cut the insulation along the end of the wire by approximately 1 cm, bend the resulting petals and “bite off” the protruding piece of wire. After this, glue the petals to the inner surface of the cap, and tape a crepe paper collar to the stem of the mushroom.
Fix fake leaves, real cones, in your hair. In addition, leaves are sewn here and there onto the pants.
We make the nose like this: we make a knot based on a short cone (Fig. 4). Place the cone on the nose and cut out the edge for a smoother connection at the bridge of the nose (Fig. 4a). You also need to make 2 holes under your nose to allow air to flow in. (Fig. 46 shows approximate cutouts.) On the resulting base, you can further increase the remaining length of the nose by first gluing a tube rolled out of paper (Fig. 4c), and then a piece of a cocktail tube (Fig. 4d).
Then cover everything with paper 1-2 times, paint and varnish. Reinforce the nose on the head with a hat elastic.
Bottom of the suit. We put on shoes with fabric covers on our feet (Fig. 1). The covers are cut from fairly dense fabric so that the teeth (fringe) stand up better. First, sew both parts of the cover, cut out the teeth, and then sew the cover on your hands almost to the very sole of the rag slippers. You can leave your legs bare, or you can wear green or brown knee socks.
Accessories for the suit"goblin". A mushroom necklace can easily be made from brown bread crumbs. To do this, moisten the bread crumb a little with water and knead it thoroughly to form a plastic mass. From this mass, roll sausage legs and round flat cakes. Connect them, as if smearing the stem to the cap. Pierce the fungi through with a knitting needle or wire. Then dry them and paint them with gouache with the addition of PVA glue, or varnish them. String the finished mushrooms onto a strong thread. On his hands are gloves with cut off fingers. 2 pieces of any fur (from an old hat or collar) are attached to the right hand. One is on the wrist, and the second is on the elbow (Fig. 5).
Leshy has a bag (canvas, burlap, flannel or leather) hanging over his shoulder. There are holes in it from which little animals peek out - a hare, a bird, a hedgehog or other inhabitants of the forest. These can be ordinary small soft toys. To prevent toys from falling out or moving, they must be secured in the bag (with thread, wire or rubber band).

On themed holiday Everyone wants to prepare an original and exclusive costume. Previously popular outfits have been replaced by modern cartoon characters, but few people remember the images of characters from legends and fairy tales. By contacting one of them, you can be sure that such a suit will be unique.

The goblin is one of the most striking characters in many fairy tales and legends. In order to bring his image to life, you will need a lot of patience and time, as well as a significant amount of materials.

Making a Leshy costume is not so easy. All those images shown on television fairy tales and cartoons are subjective perceptions folk legends. Each of the directors or artists offers his own version of this hero, which he was able to visualize after reading the fairy tale. Therefore, there is no one specific type, because everyone sees fairy tale hero in my own way.

When preparing for the holiday, it is best to use your own imagination and bring to life an original character. But if you don’t have time, it makes sense to borrow other people’s ideas for Leshy’s costume, photos of which are easy to find on the Internet.

How to make a traditional Leshy costume with your own hands?

The goblin is a forest dweller, so there is no pretentiousness in his appearance. The suit should be in calm colors, and at the same time should emphasize some negligence. To do it, you will have to go to the forest or park and look for the following:

  1. tree bark;
  2. dry and green leaves;
  3. cones;
  4. acorns and other natural materials.

In the store you need to purchase the required amount of green, brown or gray material. The palette should be natural, corresponding to the forest tones. You will also need glue, it is best to use silicone.

If you have to do Leshy's New Year's costume, then instead of natural materials that cannot be found in winter, you can use artificial substitutes. For example, corrugated paper would look great as green leaves. You can find it at a stationery store. It is very thin and fragile, so you need to cut out “leaves” from it according to preliminary sketches.

  • Creating a suit begins with determining the required measurements and subsequent cutting. When the base is ready, you can start decorating. It is the main element in creating the image of Leshy. But you should think about it in advance so as not to spoil the overall picture. For greater accuracy, you should sketch the finished costume, and then create an outfit based on the sketch.
  • The prepared materials need to be assembled into a composition, connected with glue and attached to the fabric. It is better to sew cones and acorns with threads to match the fabric, as the glue may not support their weight. A variety of leaves and flowers can be “scattered” in any order along the entire length of the costume or attached with ropes. Leshy's New Year's costume can be decorated with feathers and bird down. These materials are easiest to get from an old pillow.
  • To create a fabulous look with your own hands, you will need not only a costume, but also a headdress. This could be a neat hat, and its decorative elements should echo the decoration on the suit. Sometimes the costume of such a character is complemented with interesting gloves decorated in a similar way.

A creative approach and creative thinking will help in the painstaking task of creating a themed costume. This will make it comfortable and beautiful. Your child will feel especially comfortable in it if he joins in the process of creating an outfit or collecting natural material for its design.

The New Year holiday is a fabulous event that brings a lot of impressions from year to year, positive emotions and fun. It would seem that what’s interesting here, every time it’s the same thing, some kind of masquerades and dances around the Christmas tree with an actor from the theater dressed as Santa Claus? But it is in this action that lies the fairy tale and magic that both children and adults love. Funny little animals, snowflakes, beads and super heroes having fun with an elegant winter guest cannot help but touch your heart. Or maybe someone will decide to amaze everyone with his outfit, and therefore will dress up in a Leshy costume for New Year?

Preparing for this holiday every year confuses parents of young children. A child definitely needs a carnival outfit, and not just a costume, but the best, most creative and original one. And, most importantly, unique. This article will talk about how to make a Leshy costume. This is quite a shocking and charismatic fairy-tale character. In order for the hero to be recognizable, the creation of an outfit must be approached responsibly.

What should Leshy be like?

To make a Leshy costume with your own hands, you need to determine the main details of his image. Firstly, it is a wide robe and trousers with torn sleeves and legs at the bottom. This is also a hat or hood and a mass of leaves, acorns, toadstools and all kinds of blades of grass that grew right on his body while he was in hibernation. Since Leshy is a character from Russian folk tales, its obligatory attribute should be woven bast shoes, which will add their own zest and special charm to the image.

How to make a base for a suit

In order to sew a Leshy costume with your own hands, consisting of a robe and pants, you need to develop patterns for these items of clothing. There is nothing complicated about this, as it might seem at first glance. It is not at all necessary to resort to complex calculations and drawings. It is enough to take the child’s clothes that match the description and lay them out on a flat surface. Place plastic film on top and copy all existing seams. For trousers these are the side, crotch and middle seams, for a blouse - shoulder seams, side seams, neckline, armholes and sleeves. If it is necessary to make the product wider than the original, then allowances of 3-5 cm should be given on each side of the outline.

If you plan to make a Leshy costume for a girl, then it can be made tight. In both cases it is better to give preference knitted fabric. Great option will become velor or stretch velvet.

The blanks drawn on the film are cut out and transferred to the fabric, observing vertical weaving knitted fabric so that the product stretches in the desired direction.

Afterwards the fabric is cut out and the parts are assembled. First, the middle seams of the trousers are sewn, then the side seams, step seams, the top of the trousers is turned up and a line is laid to create a drawstring where the elastic will need to be inserted. The bottom of the trouser leg is cut with teeth, creating a torn edge.

The Leshy costume can also consist of overalls, but in this case you will have to sew a zipper from the back. To cut out the parts for such a base, the pants and blouse are aligned along the waistline and the seams are re-taken. It is not at all difficult to sew a Leshy costume with your own hands. The photos will help you decide on the type of base and decorations.

How to make accessories

In order for the Leshy costume to acquire the appropriate look, it must be supplemented with certain accessories. For this character, these are leaves that can be drawn on paper, cut out, transferred to fabric and made double-sided. Islands of bright green fur with short pile will also look original, on which you can glue real acorns from the forest and homemade toadstools with hot glue. Mushrooms can also be sewn from fabric and stuffed with padding polyester or crocheted.

To make a toadstool, you will need scraps of white and red velvet. The leg is made from a rectangular piece, which is sewn and stuffed with filler, then tied along the edges with a thread and the holes are sewn up. For the hat you will need two mugs made of red and white fabric. On each of them you need to cut a small triangular piece from the middle to the edge, so that after stitching the circle will take the shape of a cone. On the outer red side you need to hot glue or sew on white spots and connect both parts of the mushroom.

Making a Leshy costume for the New Year interesting is not at all difficult, the main thing is to use your imagination and choose the right fabric for the job. For accessories, it is necessary to select fabrics with colorful and rich shades that will cheer up the gloomy base of dark green or brown.

How to knit bast shoes

It’s not difficult to sew a goblin costume with your own hands, a photo of which carnival participants will show their friends and acquaintances for a long time. Knitted bast shoes will be a great addition to your look. To make them, you will need an old yellow or orange T-shirt. It is cut into strips 2 cm wide, from which bast shoes are then knitted.

Using a crochet hook, pick up a chain of 8 loops and then knit in the round with additions on the end sides until the sole size is sufficient. Then knit rows without additions. When the height is sufficient for the heel and toe, knit an oval piece separately for the top of the foot. From the same strips, two ties, each 60 cm long, are knitted, then attached to the top of the heel. These laces are wrapped around the child's leg to the middle of the calf. Lapti will perfectly complement Leshy's costume. A photo of such a costume will be very colorful and will take its rightful place in the family album.

Leshy costume: photos and ideas for inspiration

As details that complement the image, you can use the most different materials. For example, you can use rope to create a chic hairstyle with curls sticking out cutely from under a hat, or tie a cord with fabric leaves and branches at the ends around your waist. On one shoulder you can place a small toy - a squirrel or a bunny, which will become an interesting detail and complement Leshy's costume. The photos presented in this article can be useful for many craftswomen. Just add a few of your own elements and you’ll end up with an exclusive outfit.

In hunting, military affairs, and military-tactical games, a lot of different equipment is used, and there is also something that can be found in all three directions.

The Leshy camouflage suit is one of them. It is used in many areas related to nature in one way or another, since it was created specifically for visual fusion with the environment.

Camouflage robe "Leshy" - universal type of volumetric camouflage, necessary to hide, partially or completely destroy the silhouette of the shooter, camouflage the carrier on the ground by selecting color range harmonious with the environment.

Quite often used in military affairs (usually by snipers), as well as in hunting. Equally effective in spring, summer and autumn.

Often found in military tactical games such as airsoft, hardball, laser tag. Well suited for ambience in appropriate establishments.

The ancestor of the Leshego first appeared in Scotland in 1916 and was used for hunting game, as well as in eliminating poachers. Since then, the camouflage coat has undergone many changes and improvements, but the scope of its application has not changed.


  • The colors of the Leshy camouflage coat can imitate the surrounding forest, field, swampy areas- the one that the carrier needs.
  • “Leshy” is optimal for camouflage in forests and forest-steppes of the middle zone.
  • The vast majority of camouflage suits of this type have light green, dark green and brown shades.
  • As a rule, consists of synthetics. Positive aspects - it is soft enough not to rustle when moving, does not become heavier from water, and retains elasticity. Disadvantages - highly flammable, should be protected from sparks near the fire.
  • Used effectively with face paint in brown and green colors, as well as with weapon wraps in the same colors.
  • The kit usually includes a carrying case, total weight is about 1 kg.
  • The silhouette of a man becomes blurry due to camouflage ribbons of rectangular and triangular shapes made of light and durable fabric sewn onto the outer part of the suit, which makes it easy to blend into the surrounding area and avoid detection even when close to the enemy, and makes it difficult to calculate the location even during shots.
  • The Leshy suit is not equipped with heat-saving layers and is worn over clothing. Not recommended for wearing on a naked body.

Size - universal, suitable for a person with any body type and height.

Watch a video review of the “Leshy” costume:

Varieties and styles

Common styles: cape-poncho, robe with a hood, suit of trousers and jacket.

Popular manufacturers: the Umbrella company, the HSN company, the PESHN company.

Camouflage poncho cape

Compound: polyamide mesh.

Color range: late autumn/early spring.

Style: fabric into which the head is threaded.

Advantages: Excellent camouflage in open areas; merges with the surrounding relief, blurs and breaks the human figure. It is also used to camouflage a hunting stand - it is stretched between trees using the included loops. The hood is removable and a carrying bag is included. Dries very quickly.

Flaws: Can get tangled in hands when actively moving.

Camouflage robe


Compound: bast, bottom layer made of polyester.

Color range: bright yellow.

Style: robe with hood.

Advantages: large volume, high-quality camouflage after finalizing the shade.

Flaws: shade intensity. To obtain a given color, you have to expose it to natural conditions (wind, rain, sun) or wash it thoroughly.

Cloak for camouflage and clothing for the forest

Manufacturer: KhSN, Russia.

Compound: polyethylene, knitted mesh.

Color range: oak, reeds, white forest, camouflage.

Style: The cape is a rectangle 1.5 m by 2.4 m, there is a slot for the head, a hood and a mosquito net. There are elastic hand loops on the inside. There are loops along the edge that you can use at your discretion - even insert branches and other elements into them. The suit consists of two parts: a jacket with a retractable hood (with mosquito net) and a skirt, which, if necessary, turns into pants. The suit is made of mixed fabric trimmed with patches.

Advantages: Both options are lightweight and do not restrict movement. You can comfortably both walk and crawl in them. There are pockets. Impregnated with a special composition to protect against water. Worn over regular clothing.

Flaws: The coloring needs improvement.

Suit and cloak

Manufacturer: company PESHN.

Compound: natural bast, taffeta fabric in different shades.

Color range:

  • late autumn/early spring;
  • for areas with some greenery (early autumn).

Style: jacket with a hood and trousers, there are also robes with a hood.

Advantages: The Leshy camouflage suit protects from the wind, but is well ventilated. Fastened with buttons, the cloak covers not only the body, but also the limbs due to its length. The material does not absorb water and does not take long to dry. Doesn't stretch.

Flaws: bast has a strong smell, pieces of bast can remain on the ground. Recommended for use with odor neutralizers.

Did you know that a suit provides good protection against adverse climatic conditions? Read about this and much more in a separate article.

We will tell you about the Gorka-5 suit for special forces.

And for those who are interested in what a winter army camouflage suit is and what features this special suit has, we suggest you stop by.

Storage rules and care

The suit is unpretentious in storage and transportation and does not require any labor. Avoid getting the camouflage coat wet; dry if necessary.

Do not allow sparks to get on the suit - it will easily melt! It is recommended to ventilate before and after use to avoid unmasking odors.

Cons and alternatives

The Leshy camouflage coat, along with many positive aspects, has a number of disadvantages related to color, smell and price.

The few color spectrums do not allow the suit to be used everywhere, often it has to be further modified, “sharpened” to suit a particular terrain by hanging additional flaps, or use objects of natural origin to dilute the existing colors for camouflage. It also unmasks the smell of the suit due to the presence of bast.

The Leshy camouflage coat can be made at home with my own hands, adapt as much as possible for yourself and create that color palette, which will mask better than factory models, it will be cheaper, the materials are freely available.

The Leshy camouflage coat is presented on the market in several modifications. Effective in its niche, but often requires modification depending on the intended environment. Convenient to carry and transport, light, the only potentially unmasking factors are the smell, and only for those models that are made using natural raw materials.

How to do it yourself (video)

Making camouflage uniforms is not difficult. Anyone can make such a costume with their own hands. There would be a desire. We invite you to watch a video in which they will tell you how to make the “Leshy” camouflage with your own hands: