Find a life partner without registration. How to find a life partner? Modern dating methods

Hundreds of stupid books have been written on the topic of gender relations. Thousands of stupid girls read them and remained unattached. And this is understandable. We are taught some stupid rules of behavior with young people, some humiliating tricks, some ridiculous dogmas.

But that’s not what’s important in love. Be yourself, show your man your exclusivity, bright personality and all kinds of advantages every second. Let stupid, narrow-minded guys who are not interested in you enough, as well as those with bad taste, weed out by themselves. Forward to a happy personal life!

In some places, in the old and not so good times, brides were bought, and more was given for the illiterate. And now there are still such places. But fortunately you live somewhere else! So don't hide your intelligence in your pocket! Otherwise, you will then have to crawl around for every word, and it will turn out that you are a fool. Go ahead, show your new acquaintance the full power of your mind! The gentleman, frightened by his smart girlfriend, is obviously not a smart guy himself. Do you need it?

Start with something simple: ask your (un)loved one to take an IQ test. If you notice that your friend is hesitating, encourage him: tell him that you just tested yourself, and you got 130. Just in case: 130 is a lot. Of course, your friend will perk up and immediately rush into battle for the title of the smartest man in your destiny. And if he’s a fool, he fades away.

What: Is he still here? Great. He seems smart and cares about you. Let's continue to test his feelings for strength. For example, discuss with him the isomorphism of the zeta function on the set of prime numbers, Fermat’s still unproven theorem, as well as the works of Kant, Nietzsche and especially Hegel. At worst, Kierkegaard will do as well.

If the game on your field ends in a draw, and the new admirer turns out to be a staunch tin soldier, you will have to practice invading his territory. “Working on mistakes” is a traditional, amazingly effective game, during which gentlemen unworthy of our love die like cockroaches under a stream of poisonous spray. The rules are simple - look for mistakes in what your failed lover said and correct them. For example, indicate to him the wrong accents, referring to the spelling dictionary of the Russian language. A couple of such notes in the margins - and the deal is in the bag, but the would-be admirer is far away. But if the guy is stubborn and is still here, feel free to climb into the male themed field and fight there. Politics, cars, computers - speak out! I’m even afraid to imagine what will frighten the unfortunate man more - your brilliant one hundred percent orientation in this territory or the nonsense that you will cascade at him. A faint-hearted young man will either run away, defeated by the power of your mind, or retreat in horror, seeing how... narrow-minded you are. That is, you are guaranteed a quick desired effect in any case: you can easily weed out those of your friends who are not smart enough or don’t take you seriously enough (which is ultimately the same thing).

Demanding and picky

"Keep it simple and people will be drawn to you!" - this is not our method. Simplicity is worse than theft, and we are not looking for easy ways. Feel free to stick out all your sharp edges and then you can test the strength of your new acquaintance’s feelings. Why would you want to be around someone who doesn't accept you for who you are from the very beginning, right?

If you yourself don’t know what kind of person you are or it seems to you that you don’t have any sharp edges, I’ll give you some recommendations. All of them will come in handy on a cozy evening in a restaurant when you go on a first (and last) date with a new acquaintance.

When you arrive at a restaurant, take an antiseptic wipe from your purse and thoroughly wipe all utensils. Then generously inform your friend about your picky eating habits. Say so, skeptically studying the menu: “I don’t eat this, that, the fifth, the tenth, and the fifteenth - only steamed and without twenty-one.” If he is afraid that he will not be able to feed you, that’s where he wants to go, it means he loves you. While the order is being prepared, entertain your gentleman with discussions on the topic of separate meals.

If you missed the opportunity to make a caustic comment on a restaurant menu and it's already been taken away, don't worry. You have a simple but extremely powerful move in stock. When the ordered dish is placed in front of you, take a noticeable pause and then, without allowing the waiter to retreat, meaningfully ask: “What is this...?” Then, with disgust, move the sprig of dill to the edge of the plate with the words: “This is for horses.”

Militant vegetarianism is another cool way to test men for the maturity of their feelings. You can, for example, put a piece of beef into his mouth with a stern look, wrapping something on the topic of killing innocent animals and adding that the broth is a decoction of corpses. Spice up the conversation with mysticism by mentioning the negative energy that permeates the atmosphere of meat plants. Tell us how meat food irreparably clogs the chakras (especially the seventh!). When your interlocutor asks in fear what the “seventh chakra” is, readily explain that it is responsible for sexuality.

Towards the end, perform a number called “accountant on vacation”: when the bill arrives, silently double-check it on the calculator four times. If you fail to catch the waiter cheating, still complain about the bad work of the chef. I assure you that after such a performance only the most motivated representatives of the male half of humanity will remain next to you.


The unknown attracts. More mysteries and oddities - and there will simply be no end to the fans! And those weak-hearted, far from adventurous bores who, in your face, will be afraid of their fate - that’s where they belong!

Astrology is well suited for warm-up exercises from the “I’m all so mysterious” cycle. Read the thick volume and get started. There will be lengthy discussions on the relationship between the signs of “fire” and “water,” “rats” with “pigs,” “oxen” with “capricorns,” and similar palmistry. Immediately find out what sign your new acquaintance is and, taking out a notebook, promise to draw up a complete horoscope for him. Seriously demand that he call his mother and clarify the time of his birth - to the second and the place of birth - to the meter. Always carry a smart astrological book with you and read it periodically. Thirty minutes of such mystery - and the traces of all the insufficiently in love gentlemen will disappear forever.

If astrology fails for some reason, try yoga, Zen Buddhism or homeopathy. Mere mentions of miracle homeopathic remedies are not enough. “Silicea” or “Calcarea fluorica” sounds fancy, but don’t forget to say that you drink all this and it helps you. Demonstratively take out your watch, count out 3 grains, and after waiting for the right time, send the drug under your tongue. Is your new friend still with you? Transition to yoga with Zen Buddhism. Be burdened in advance with a dozen beautiful quotes from primary sources. Brag that you have mastered 25 ways to enter the astral plane. Notice affirmatively that you see your friend's etheric body and that it is green. With sparkles. At this moment, the interlocutor will definitely understand that you are in the astral plane and will retreat so as not to interfere.


I hope you have learned the main principle of our game: bet on outstanding individuality and away with embarrassment. If you have something special - come to the studio! Don’t be afraid of extremes, otherwise you will choose a life partner next to whom even flies die of boredom. Let's say, if you suddenly find yourself in nature and need a fire, grab an ax and chop wood. Let him think that you are a feminist, he will respect you more. Play with contrasts: squeal loudly when you see a mouse darting in the grass. Let him think that you are impressionable and treat you with care.

Make unexpected requests. For example, tell him the exact amount of your salary or the square footage of your apartment, adding to it a detailed description of the layout. We are not indifferent to money and the housing issue - so let him puzzle over what you meant.

If you think that taking risks is a noble cause, tell your gentleman in detail about how you recently underwent a course of therapeutic massage for osteochondrosis. Freshen up the conversation with a funny story about your dad who accidentally drank your contact lenses that were peacefully lying in a glass of water. What kind of loved one is this if he is not interested in your health problems? Excessive disgust is a sign of superficial feelings. He probably just doesn't care about you. “Finish off” your new friend by voicing the entire list of diseases that you have had since early childhood.

It would be nice to end the program with a speech from the Green Party series. At home, show him the nest of your favorite rats with bald little rats, shouting at the same time “look at those little paws.” Did he still stay the night? What a fine fellow. It's great if at night your favorite Pekingese will howl heart-rendingly under the bedroom door. Explain that the dog is jealous: he is used to sleeping in your bed and cannot do otherwise.

The final blow to male self-control: repeat “more” all night long. An insecure man will certainly make his legs after this, which is what you need. And the most daring move: that same morning, invite him to live with you forever. Do you have any place? Bring your toothbrush, a terry robe and a teddy bear “without which you cannot sleep” for the second date (if there is one). Be more active, don't get lost. This is how the steel of a strong and long-lasting love relationship is tempered.

Excessive female curiosity

Often walks in tandem with excessive openness. A detailed narrative journey into one's own personal life is nothing less than an invitation to reciprocal honesty. And the numerous details from your past themselves, being dumped on the head of a poor new acquaintance as a whole mountain, can lead him to great confusion. But let him deal with it, right? Otherwise, why do we need him, such a weakling?

The more varied your personal history, the easier it is to use it to check a guy for lice and weed out uninterested prude gentlemen. To kill insufficient interest in you, the traditional answer “I think” to the question about old friends is not enough. To make your friend fall into a real trance, feel free to give out a whole list of male names with detailed characteristics of their owners.

It doesn't matter at all how you describe your ex-boyfriends. If they are all described as outstanding and magical, a new acquaintance will fall into a stupor from not understanding where (and why) they all went. If each hero of your story gets what he deserves, your friend will be concerned that soon he too will join this endless sad row of idiots you know. That is,
It's a pleasure to scare a fan with such a list - in any case it will turn out equally impressive.

After such a detailed intimate historical striptease, you can immediately move on to questions. Try to find out as many details as possible about your friend’s previous passions and in the shortest possible time - this is especially annoying. Focus more closely on your immediate predecessor, because this topic should be the most emotionally charged for your acquaintance. Find out who abandoned whom and why. Ask clarifying questions. Also take care of your ex-passion's appearance. Ask which of you has a better figure and whose eyes are more expressive. If you find any obvious differences between you and her, be sure to check with the unfortunate gentleman which of this “forks” he likes better. The ideal would be to get a photo of your ex and make a couple of toxic comments about her appearance. And you can take a good look at its other qualities! After all, you are his friend?

If you are not afraid, you can even delve into the intimate plane. Let's say, asking which of you is better in bed. Or at the most (in)opportune moment, say: “Did you do that to her too?” Firstly, such questions are unpleasant in themselves, and secondly, they reveal your extreme complexes. After all, the continuous desire to compare is a variant of rivalry, and the latter comes from self-doubt. So, if he (in turn!) is your friend, let him support you!

Wear him down with continuous demonstration of your own complexes. Compete with your ex-girlfriend! Say: “Did you go to the theater with her?”, “Did you call her every evening?”, “Did you promise to marry her?” And most importantly: “Did you love her?”

After such a bombing, almost any groom will run away. Just think. After all, even if he didn’t go to the theater with his ex at all, didn’t call, and especially didn’t promise to marry, then after your questions he’ll probably suspect that he’s definitely obliged to do all this with you. And who wants to do such nonsense with an unloved woman? Everything is for the better, it was just not your person!

Love and marriage

Is he still here?

Now, when your lover in love is almost the chosen one, he has the last and most difficult obstacle left on the way to your heart - the test of love. Don't worry about stupid things like having a sense of proportion or being careful in expressing emotions at first. Let this worry those who agree to marry just anyone. If you have known each other for a week, it’s time for a decisive attack.

Just tell him you love him. No preamble. It doesn't matter that you don't know him at all. You love him - this is a fact that is not subject to discussion. After which you can add: “Our three boys will look like you, and the girl will look like my mother.” Please note that this move is simply a left hook. If you are afraid that your new friend will be overtaken by Kondraty (and you do not know first aid techniques), you can use more accurate methods of testing love. Phrases like: “I’ve been looking for you all my life” will do. Or: “How long have I been waiting for you.” And also: “Sometimes I really want a little one. Especially now.”

What, is the guy holding on? Take quantity. Have a long, continuous conversation with him about love - on the night from Sunday to Monday. And if you don't love him to death, he's yours!

Therefore, when choosing a man for marriage, you should pay attention not only to external attractiveness and flared passion, but also to the internal qualities of the person.

The ideal life partner - what you should pay attention to

The search for a life partner can take a long time not only because there are no suitable men around. Very often a woman herself does not know what exactly she wants. It is worth starting to prepare for choosing an ideal partner by defining your idea of ​​your future husband.

The easiest way to prioritize is write a wish list on paper . If the first lines are money, career, prestige, elite parties, etc., then it is better to postpone the search for a husband for a while. It is much easier to build a career alone, without a family. Money and prestige will come once a certain position is achieved. Elite events will also become easily accessible. And all these desires have a right to exist, they are very popular in modern society, but do not fit well with the family in its traditional sense. Therefore, if your priorities are still like this, you can date any men you like. Perhaps one of them will help reconsider your views on the world and make you want to build long and strong family relationships.

If the first lines on the wish list are occupied by the need to give and receive love, the desire to take care of others, to have children, then we can say that the woman is ready for marriage. She may sacrifice her career (and with the advent of children she will have to stop working for a while), refuse frequent communication with friends, from parties, she is ready to listen and listen to the wishes of loved ones - first her husband, then her children. In this case you need conduct a thorough selection and filtering of men who are part of a woman’s social circle. First, stop communicating with those who, for one reason or another, are not suitable for marriage - married, too young, or elderly. That is, you can communicate with them, but you shouldn’t consider them as potential spouses and spend all your time on them. Then, from the single candidates, you need to select two or three who are suitable for the role of husband. And communicate with them more closely, analyzing every word and deed.

How to find the right life partner

After a woman has determined her desires, she need to find a man with similar ones. If he is among people you already know, good, but if not, you will have to actively start searching. Looking for love on dating sites is counterproductive. Those who register there are mainly those who are in the mood for quick sex or open relationships. Men who are ready for marriage are looking for spouse candidates in the real world. Theaters, exhibitions, skating rinks are the places where you can meet single men who are ready to become someone’s husband. And the more cultural events a woman attends, the sooner she will meet a suitable partner.

Another option to meet a suitable life partner is get involved in a man's hobby . Off-road quad biking, rock climbing, diving, shooting at a shooting range - all these activities attract men, including single ones. Their percentage there is higher than in ordinary life, and, accordingly, the chances of meeting your love are greater.

However, you must always be prepared to meet your future husband, and not just in certain places or at social events. Fate can await you at the bus stop, on the subway, and even in the next apartment. Therefore constantly you need to be attractive , well-groomed, friendly and open to new acquaintances. After all, you never know in advance how a chance meeting will end.

Although interest in living as a couple is for some reason decreasing in many countries, it is still important to many.

Let's see what modern social psychology has to say about this.

Social psychology identifies four main conditions for having a life partner in your life (for details, see the excellent textbook Social Psychology by David Myers).

1. Territorial proximity

This is the very first and most important condition. Everything else is behind this condition. Territorial proximity must be understood correctly - it is not living in the same entrance or house. This is constant interaction in one territory.

I draw your attention to interaction. If you just come to the gym, work through your program and leave, you are interacting, at best, with a trainer. The rest of the gym visitors remain nothing more than furnishings for you.

What is needed is interaction. If you study in a theater studio, you interact a lot and actively with each of the studio participants. In this interaction, a person’s views, his established patterns of behavior are revealed, habits and interests are visible.

The rapprochement occurs slowly, but correctly - first interest/attraction, then emotional intimacy, and then it comes to sex. As a result, people have something to talk about, completely unsuccessful options are rejected at a distant approach, there is little disappointment and broken hearts.

Unfortunately, now there is a really big problem with such places for full interaction. Usually everything happens at work, because... Most people in large cities spend almost all their free time traveling and working. And weekends are usually reserved for sleeping and doing minimal housework.

However, if you are looking for a life partner, get off the internet and go to people. Do things that interest you with other people. There is a high probability that you will meet the right person for you.

2. Physical attractiveness

As research shows (I remind you, details are in Myers’ “Social Psychology”), people select partners with approximately the same level of attractiveness.

It’s clear that attractiveness is a conditional thing to a certain extent, but if we take a hundred people and ask another thousand people to rank these hundred by attractiveness, it turns out that the ratings more or less agree. In other words, each of us truly has our own level of attractiveness.

Apparently, at the level of the spinal cord, we understand this, which is why we choose those who are more or less equal to us.

Are there exceptions? Of course they do. When something other than physical attractiveness comes into play. An obvious example is that financial security can increase the attractiveness of even a very ugly man. Moreover, the partner of such a man will not necessarily be disingenuous, finding him attractive. This could be a completely sincere reaction for her (more on the reasons later).

3. Similarity of attitudes

It is often said that spouses should be from the same social circle. This is not entirely true. It is important that spouses have the same attitudes, that is, views on life. So that they consider approximately the same thing good, so that they condemn approximately the same thing.

It is possible that people from the same social circle will have such similarity in attitudes, but this is not necessary. Such similarities can exist among people completely different in social origin.

Of course, the similarity of attitudes should not be understood as their complete identity. There are no people who were identical in all their views. It is enough if the views are more or less similar.

4. Sympathy

We usually choose those who show sympathy to us. Yes, there are glitches when unapproachable coldness attracts hellishly, but this is quite understandable and does not at all contradict the thesis of sympathy.

The fact is that we love those whose behavior rewards us in one way or another, or those who we associate with such a reward.

Here's an example. Suppose we have two girls of approximately equal attractiveness and a boy. One of the girls shows sympathy for him (that is, rewards him in the most obvious way), but for some reason he is more interested in the second girl. Why?

Because the second girl, as it seems to our hero, will reward him more. What exactly is not important. Maybe the second one has red hair, and our hero, for some unknown reason, believes that redheads are incredibly hot in bed. Maybe the second girl’s dad is a dean and can solve the young man’s problems with his studies. Doesn't matter. It is important that the second “promises” more rewards than the first. So I like her more, despite her coldness.

Total. If you are looking for a life partner, start doing things with other people (preferably not work), look at those who are similar in appearance to you, do not be shy to show your views on life and show affection to those you like.

That's all I have, thanks for your attention.

The longer time goes by, the more difficult it is to find a husband or wife - to meet “that” person and start a family. We have collected advice from guests and experts of the LIFE Club that will help you find love and find happiness at any age.

Psychologist Oksana Votum:

The couple's future is shaped by two key questions. The first is values, on which everyone relies. If they match, everything else is solved. And second, this is how the couple likes to spend time together.

To find a husband or meet your future wife, you must first study love yourself. It is not for nothing that the well-known commandment says: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” Only by understanding that you yourself are imperfect, but accepting yourself with this, do people learn to accept others.

When you have learned this, then you can really not to fall in love, but to love another person, accept him with all the “zest”.

A good psychological trick is to make a list of characteristics of an ideal partner. It forms an internal request - you describe the person, the personality you are looking for, for which you have an internal need. Having formed it in yourself, comprehended and understood who you are looking for, you are able to pay attention to such a person in society.

Love has a Divine nature. That is, God is love. There is no logic in love. This is truly a miracle, this is a gift that God gives to a person just like that. You must believe in miracles and believe that prayer can open your eyes to your life partner, show you how to get married. And believe in love! Then these miracles will happen in reality.

Organizer of the international movement and school of preparation for marriage “Let's become friends” Anzhelika Kavunenko:

To find a worthy life partner and get married successfully and happily, first of all, you need get rid of understanding, the mentality that you have to sit and wait for your prince.

The second thing you need to find your love is change character, work on yourself, develop your feminine qualities. For example, one of the reasons for women's loneliness is a disrespectful attitude towards men. Many women make this mistake.

Need to get out of your comfort zone- this is unambiguous! If you are too busy with yourself, then it is clear that there is no place in your heart for another person.

And the third thing I advise women is - take care of your appearance. Unfortunately, some women who are over 30-40 years old stop taking care of themselves and stop being beautiful. But men still love with their eyes!

It is easier for young people to get to know each other, but for those over 25-30 years old it is more difficult. All their friends got married, their friends got married, and they were left alone.

I also met my future husband when I was already over thirty. I dreamed of marriage since childhood, I wanted to find my love, I dreamed that my husband would be a true, faithful friend to me. But my relationship still didn’t work out: I fell in love, people fell in love with me, but there was no reciprocity. I was worried because I really wanted my family.

Two months before I met Ivan, I began serving unmarried people. We met thanks to my mentor. He was very worried about me and decided to register me on a dating site - he sat me down, took a photo, and entered all my data. And after that he said: “Now, start writing yourself.” And I wrote!

Now we have been married for 6 years and have two sons. During our marriage, I never, not once thought: “maybe this is all in vain?” Every day we are married, we thank God for each other.

I still look at him and think: “God, I have a husband!” When you go to something for a very long time and pay the price for it, you appreciate it.

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Family consultant Alexey Travnikov:

Before you get married or decide to get married, you need to understand that you have met “the one” or “the one.” For this it is important, at a minimum, to spend a lot of time together. This is different for everyone, but couples always have a clear criterion that allows them to check their feelings - this is time.

Also, what we value in a relationship with this person will help to distinguish falling in love from love. Let's say, if you are interested in how this person lives, what is dear to you, what is important to her (or him), then most likely it is love. But if feelings in general are not focused on your chosen one, then perhaps they will pass.

Another important factor that will help you find your love is ability to wait. If the physical desire for intimacy overshadows all others, then, most likely, here we also need to talk about falling in love, and not about love.

Pay attention to whether there is a relationship sacrifice. This is exactly what helps to distinguish temporary feelings from something deeper.

And of course is there anything between you?friendship. Are you interested in spending time together, doing some things that will help keep your relationship more refined in the future?

You need to constantly remember that the closer you get to each other, the faster anything happens. physical contact, the more you declare to the people around you and this person that you have some special rights to him. And also communicate your confidence that this person also desires this intimacy.

And, if I am ready for this rapprochement, then do I understand what actions will follow touching, hugging and kissing?

As soon as it appears in a relationship physical pleasure, all other cognitive processes fade into the background because they are not as emotionally charged as kissing or sexual relations. Therefore, I am a supporter of delaying this moment and first getting to know each other better, and only over time adding physical manifestations of attraction to each other into the relationship.

Read the full version of this interview on the website

Organizers of the ministry for singles Sergey and Olesya Lan:

First of all, responsibility scares me. Taking responsibility for yourself and another person is a serious step.

To find a husband or wife, no need to wait for any special “click”. We didn’t have it either, everything happened gradually.

We got married after 30, and Olesya had experience of divorce, and accordingly, there was a fear of starting all over again. But we decided, first of all, to work on ourselves, live for each other, pray, ask God how to act correctly. Because there is only one correct instruction for life - the Bible.

Three practical tips on how to find your love:

First - if you communicate virtually, as much as possible translate this communication into the real world. Among the couples with whom we spoke, there were cases where people felt love for each other for three years, and when they met in real life, they received psychological trauma.

Secondly, many people want to find a husband or wife, but they need to look friend.

Third, it is important to become the person who can do something giveto another. Which will not be a consumer, but a blessing for another. And then look for that soul mate whose life you will bring joy to!

Watch the video interview in full:

Read the full version of this interview on the website

Family issues expert Adrian Bukovinsky:

Finding a wife or finding a husband, getting married or getting married, meeting the right person is not difficult, but it is necessary become the right person yourself. If you don’t pay attention to your shortcomings and don’t try to correct them, but are looking for someone to suit you, this is a road to nowhere.

Important during dating time factor. Among couples who knew each other briefly before marriage, a large percentage ended their relationship with divorce. And statistics confirm that couples who dated for a year or more before the wedding are significantly more successful in their married life. But there are always exceptions, so maturity and responsibility in this matter are much more important.

Preparing for a wedding celebration will one day become a historical fact, but what do future spouses expect from each other? Before getting married, it is important to discuss issues life goals and priorities. And this conversation should be as honest and open as possible.

To understand how to find your love, you need to understand that there are certain differences between falling in love and true love.

For example, center of attention. When a person is in love, the center of his attention is himself. When I love, the center of attention is the one I love. When you are in love, your life belongs exclusively to one person.

This can also be seen from willingness to work on relationships. Someone who loves always sees what needs to be changed for the better in a relationship.

Another sign - problem solving. Ask a couple in love what their problems are? They have no problems! But loving people recognize problems, do not hide them and make appropriate decisions.

Therefore, starting a family while in love is very risky. You need to get married in a state of love.

Finding a husband or wife is the first step. And the main thing is not how to get married, but how live together after marriage. There will be a lot of temptations in family relationships. No one can escape them, and relying only on your inner resource to live your life with dignity is a utopia. But God, as the Creator of marriage, gives His resource. And when you place faith in God at the basis of your life, you connect your human resource with His inexhaustible source. And so you gain enough wisdom to overcome any temptations with dignity. And this is completely different quality life and relationships.

Watch the video interview in full:

Read the full version of this interview on the website

If you want to start a family, but don’t know how to meet your love, and feel uncertainty, fear or the burden of past unsuccessful relationships, knock on the online chat on this page!

This conversation will remain between you, the consultant and God, but it will help you understand yourself and make the right decisions!

Man is a social being, and therefore he must meet other people and communicate. However, in addition to this, every homo sapiens (at least the majority for sure) wants to love and be loved, to find a soul mate. How to find your life partner?

Love can be hiding anywhere

Your life partner can be waiting for you literally anywhere, so take a closer look at those around you. Maybe one of your friends has had her eye on you for a long time, is giving you hints about her feelings, but you don’t even notice. Or it could be a girl on a tram, sitting in the next seat, a seatmate in a cinema hall, a work colleague, or even a random passer-by. Always be prepared, because a fateful meeting can happen any day.

Don't sit at home

Probably the only place where you cannot find a life partner is your home, so don’t sit within four walls, but constantly get out somewhere, be it a park, a nightclub, a cafe or a quiet small square near your home.

Think about why you still don't have a partner

Perhaps you still haven't found a girl because you're doing something or behaving wrong. Try to find the problem in yourself first, and only then look for problems in the people around you.

More communication with friends

The more you communicate with your friends, the more time you spend with them, the more chances you have of finding yourself a girlfriend. Old friends introduce you to new friends, new friends introduce you to their buddies. And this is how your circle of acquaintances grows, and it is easier to find a soul mate among your acquaintances when there are many of them.

Be in public places more often

You are walking around the city near your home and want to eat. Your actions? You can, of course, return home and eat there for free, or you can go to a cafe and order something inexpensive there to kill a worm and at the same time meet a pretty girl. All in all, visit public places more often.

Attend all your friends' parties

A great option to meet your future life partner is to attend a party hosted by one of your friends. There are usually a lot of young people at such events, the main thing is not to miss the moment and find one among the guests who will be free.

Register on a dating site

You can try your luck at dating site, but it’s better to register for several of them. Maybe it is on the Internet that you will find your love, and only then will you transfer your relationship into the real world.