Topic: “Sound L - L’. Letter L"

Purpose of the lesson: we study the letter L, the formation of reading skills, the development of speech skills, the improvement of phonemic awareness, the basics of elementary graphic skills.

  • introduce the preschooler to the letter L and the correct pronunciation of the sound;
  • teach how to write the letter L in squares;
  • to generate interest in learning poems and riddles.

Name what is shown in the pictures below:

Ruler Bow Leaves Fox

Lada is a very cheerful girl. She walks and sings:
- La-la-la!

  1. How does Lada sing?
  2. LLLA - what is the first sound here?
  3. What was the name of the cheerful girl?
  4. What is the first sound in the word LADA?
  5. Tell me, what sound is in the word LAMP, and in the word CHAIR, and in the word ELEPHANT?
  6. At the beginning, at the end or in the middle is the [l] sound in the words LAMP? CHAIR? INJECTION? ELEPHANT? DOLL?

When we pronounce the sound [l], the tip of the tongue rises behind the upper teeth and presses against them. Say: LLL. The tip of the tongue presses against the upper teeth and prevents air from freely leaving the mouth when we pronounce the sound [l].

  • Vowel or consonant sound [l]?
  • Is this sound voiced or dull?
  • Why?
  • What other voiced consonant sounds do you know?

Assignment: printed letter L for preschoolers

Examine the letter L. Sew the letter L in the air and once in the notebook, carefully in the cells with a simple pencil or ballpoint pen.

In cases where the child is asked to write a whole line of a letter, syllable or word, the adult gives a writing sample at the beginning of the line.
If a preschooler has difficulties, then an adult can draw two approximate lines, or put reference points that the child will connect with lines, or write the entire letters, and the child will simply circle them in a different color. Calligraphy should not be required at this stage of training.

Continue the sentence

This Lina is a good girl,
Sculpts everything from... (plasticine).

It's snowing quietly,
White snow, shaggy.
We will clear the snow and ice
In the yard... (with a shovel).

The plane is ready.
He went on... (flight).

It's raining, it's raining, it's merry,
We are friends with you!
It's good for us to run
Barefoot in... (puddles).

Our garden is in exemplary order:
How the garden beds were built at the parade.
Like a living fence around -
I put out green peaks... (onion).

Cunning cheat
red head,
The fluffy tail is beautiful.
Who is this? … (Fox.)

On the bench at the gate
Lena tears bitterly... (sheeps).

Andreyka in his garden
Watered the flowers from... (watering can).

Made everyone around me cry.
Although he is not a fighter, but... (bow).

Gray wolf in a dense forest
I met a red... (fox).

The little son came to his father
And the little one asked:
- What is good
And what is... (bad)?

Tale about the letter L

Little Fox and Little Frog

In the forest, in a large puddle, there lived a little frog who really loved to sculpt from clay. He crawls out of the puddle, picks up some clay and sits there sculpting. At first he only made flat cakes. Then he started making koloboks and lemons. Then he made an elephant and after that a lion on skis and a horse in a boat.

The animals looked, laughed and affectionately stroked the frog on the back. Only one little fox (was he jealous, or what?) came, broke everything, and even teased:

The greenest of all is the big-eyed frog!

And this continued until the little fox grew up. One day he came to a puddle, sat down next to the frog, watched for a long time as he sculpted, and said sadly:

I used to sculpt too, but it just didn’t work out for me...
- Nothing! - said the frog.
- Don't be upset! But you dig the most cunning holes.

Riddles for children starting with the letter L

I walk next to the janitor,
I'm shoveling snow around
And I help the guys
Make a mountain, build a house.

The grandfather is sitting dressed in a hundred fur coats.
Who undresses him?
He sheds tears.

Above the houses along the path
A piece of flatbread hangs.

wooden road,
It goes up slowly,
Every step is a ravine.

Like pine trees, like fir trees,
And in winter without needles.

Falling from a branch
Gold coins.

I don’t eat myself, but I feed people.

Proverbs and sayings starting with the letter L

It is easier to catch a liar than a lame one.
A lie does not make a person beautiful.
Lies walk on cockroach legs.
Once you lie, you become a liar forever.
Put off idleness, but don’t put off doing things.
A small deed is better than a big idleness.

Funny poems about the letter L for children

I grew up, sticky,
Thin and flexible -
Don't break me!
Honey color
I will bloom in the summer -
Protect me.
At noon below me
Hide from the heat -
Grow me up.
I'm leafing you out
I'll protect you from the rain -
Water me.
Together, my dear friend,
Let's gain strength -
You love me.
And you'll wait until the deadline
You will go out into the wide world,
Do not forget about me!
(P. Voronko)

Foxes bark.
Lies in the foliage under the linden tree.
Tench in the depths of cold waters
Lazy, but floats easily.
The moon shines like brass
A harrier feasts on a frog.
A lost bee is flying.
The darkness of the night fell over the forest.
(V. Lunin)

Who you are?
- We are foxes,
Friendly sisters.
Well, who are you?
- We are foxes too!
- How, with one paw?
- No, still with a hat...
(A. Shibaev)

Leaf fall
The forest looks like a painted tower.
Lilac, gold, crimson,
A cheerful, motley wall
Standing above a bright clearing.
(I. Bunin)

Leaf fall
fallen leaves
The conversation is barely audible:
- We are from maples...
- We are from apple trees...
- We are from the elms...
- We are from cherries...
- From an aspen tree...
- From bird cherry...
- From an oak tree...
- From a birch tree...
Leaf fall everywhere:
Frost is on the way!
(Yu. Kapotov)

It's raining, it's pouring everywhere.
The chicks are happy in the nest:
- Mom will sit at home,
It won't fly anywhere!
(G. Vieru)

The lion was catching a mosquito
I broke my forehead with my paw!
(B. Timofeev)


And she answered:
- I'm in a hurry!
She scooped up clay with her beak
And she flew under the roof.
The whole day is full of worries
- She built the house.
The days have passed. Again I ask
And she answered:
- I'm in a hurry!
Minutes are counted!
I have little ones.
I catch midges
I feed the little ones.-
It rained more frequently when visiting.
The old poplar was sad.
“Sing to me, swallow,” I ask,
And she answered:
- I'm in a hurry!
I'm packing my family for the trip.
I'll come back in the spring and sing.
(V. Bardadym)

So that pines, lindens, spruce
They didn’t get sick, they turned green,
To new forests
Rising to the skies
Them to the sound and hubbub of birds
Guarded by a friend - a forester.
(V. Stepanov)

Visit for summer
We are walking along a forest path,
And we don’t know where.
For raspberries?
For raspberries!
For mushrooms?
For mushrooms!
The golden sun is shining
Through the green windows.
Maybe we are following the sun?
Maybe behind the sun!
Maybe a squirrel will come across
Maybe the hedgehog is waiting for us somewhere...
We are going in a cheerful crowd
On a clear morning, welcome to summer!
(V. Viktorov)

White sawdust is flying,
They fly from under the saw.
This is what a carpenter does
Windows and floors.
(G. Satir)

Lesson summary:

  1. Pronunciation of new words increases the preschooler’s vocabulary, develops speech and memory.
  2. Cell exercises develop fine motor skills hands
  3. Riddles develop children's intelligence, ability to analyze and prove. Teachers use riddles when teaching children to increase interest during complex tasks.
  4. Poems influence not only the development of memory. It has been proven that if you learn a few lines every day, new neural connections appear in the brain and your overall learning ability increases.

In 1st grade, after learning all the letters of the alphabet, children are asked to complete the project “What does a letter look like?” In the poems of Soviet writers, before the eyes of amazed first-graders, letters begin to come to life. The letter A turns into a rocket, the letter Z into a beetle, the letter M into a swing, etc.

While working on a project, first-graders draw a letter, bringing it to life. Then they learn a poem about their letter. The verse can be written under the picture. Each child brings their own project to class and it turns out to be a fun ALPHABET.

Let it begin with the stork
Just like the alphabet
Starts with A

Letter A, letter A
Alphabet head
Vova knows, Sveta knows,
And it looks like a rocket.

Letter B with a big belly
In a cap with a long visor

Letter B will wake up early.
Letter B - barrel with tap.
Wash your face! Be healthy,
Bogatyr Boris Bobrov!

There are two arms nearby
Here you go
Glasses for a frog

Before us is the letter G
Stands like a poker

There he stands, blowing smoke,
Letter D stove pipe

It came in handy in the garden
Instead of a rake I worked hard

This letter is wide
And she looks like a beetle
And at the same time it’s definitely a beetle
Makes a buzzing sound

This is J
And this is K
Whole beetle
And half a beetle

Along the white field
In the fog and snow
They wander slowly
Ram's Horns (Letter Z)

Look at the gate:
Why is she not the letter I?
Between two straight boards
One lay diagonally

Signalman holding two flags
With flags it's like the letter K

The alphabet will continue our
Letter L - forest hut

Here's the swing-
Letter M!
Here to swing
Everyone can

On the letter N
I'm on a ladder
I sit and sing

There I will find the letter N,
Where the hammock hangs in the garden.

Look at the wheel
And you will see the letter O

At hockey, at football
Letter P - gate to the field

The letter P is a sail on the mast,
Floats into the distance, touching the sky

Crescent moon in the dark sky
The letter C hung over the house

The hammer knocks: “Knock, knock!
Letter T I'm an old friend"

U is a bitch. In any forest
You will see the letter U

Fedya walks with his hands on his hips
So I learned my lessons

We are not horned
Not angry
We are the goats
Not goats

Letter C -
Hook at the bottom
Exactly with a faucet tank

Yes, you guessed it right:
We write h as four.
Only with numbers, friends,
We can't confuse the letters

Shura raked the hay
I forgot the pitchfork in the hay

On the comb
SH is similar
Three teeth in total
Well then!

And the poor letter Y
Wanders around with a stick, alas

The letter R is upside down
Turned into a soft sign

Over the meadows in the blue
The letter E flies by

So that O doesn't roll away,
I'll nail it firmly to the post.
Oh look,
What's happened:
It turned out... the letter U

Look, friends,
I made a birdhouse.
And she flew into a birdhouse
Instead of a bird - the letter I

The letter L is the 13th letter of the Russian alphabet. The letter L denotes a consonant voiced sound: hard [L] and soft [L "].

Words starting with L: forest, summer, medicine, swallow, linden, forehead, beam, hatch, ice, elevator, frog, skis, lamp, lily of the valley, flippers, boat, lily, lion, camp, palm, Latvia, liar, lavender, left-handed, easy , lecture, medicine, sculpt, pilot, sticky, treat, loggia, lotion, bald spot,

Letter L in the middle of a word: elephant, street, smile, orange, squirrel, pancakes, business, tree, hollow, drops, bee, snail, Julia, bread, Alice, blouse, oar, fork, hair, clay, voice, clown, baby, scarecrow, film , dolphin, iron,

The letter L at the end of words: table, chair, spruce, chalk, dust, oval, piano, corner, knot, angel, glass, station, ball, woodpecker, cauldron, pencil case, falcon, case, torch, jackal, football, mineral, Istanbul, motorcycle,

Several letters L in a word: bell, lily,

We will make the letter L from skis,
Let's put the stick up
One ski stands straight
The other leans stubbornly.

Poems ( , )

Mom and I are learning letters.
The "L" has the word "onion".
Biting, whiny,
Almost as beautiful as "A"...
/N. Rybakova/

A little fox is walking through the forest,
The little fox repeats the letters,
One two three four five,
How to avoid losing the letter L.

Leaned against the spruce spruce -
The result is the letter "El".

We were flying high
We were flying low.
We flew far
We were flying close.

We were mowing, we were tired,
They lay down under a bush and slept.
We sat down and sat
And they flew again.

The swans were flying
And they sat down on the water
Water was poured, poured, poured,
They watered, they watered,
Lyalenka was given a bath.

Let's write the letter L first.
Two boards cover the roof.
Let's put on a belt for the letter L -
Let's change L to letter A.
Let's write the letter L again.
Let's underline it with a line below,
We put the legs on the sides -
The letter D comes out to us.
If you are two letters L
I managed to write next to it,
Then they are for the joy of everyone
Will turn into the letter M.

Tongue Twisters ( , )
In the meadow under the burdock
The frog has a summer home.
And in the swamp there are frogs
She has a big dacha.

He sat down and ate everything.

Polkan pushed the stick with his paw.

Mila's mother washed her with soap.

Malanya the scrambled milk was chattering,
Mila didn't like soap.
She chatted, but didn’t blurt it out!

Puzzles ( , )

At the frog Lushka -
Bouncing legs.
Kwack-slap! Kwack-slap!
M in a swamp with a bump!
So that the crane doesn't eat it,
Lushka became a letter...

I erased our eraser from the paper
Everything the pencil did
But I couldn’t do the ink -
Turned into a letter...

In the meadow under the burdock
The frog has a summer home.
And in the frog swamp
She has a big dacha.

The ship was carrying caramel
The ship ran aground
And the sailors for three weeks
We ate the caramel broke.

Pickled cucumber
The son salted it, and the father ate it.

Mom did not spare soap.
Mom washed Mila with soap.
Mila didn't like soap
Mila dropped the soap.

Pure talk ()

AL-AL-AL - we will have a ball.
OL-OL-OL - the floor in the hall needs to be washed.
OL-OL-OL - we put a table in the hall.
UL-UL-UL - we’ll put a chair at the table.
AL-AL-AL - the guests are entering the hall.
AL-AL-AL - Leonid broke his glass.
LU-LU-LU - there are fragments on the floor.
LY-LY-LY - you need to sweep the floors.
AL-AL-AL - oh, what a fun ball!

Image of the letter L and pictures of the letter L ()

Speech therapy. Defectology.

Somehow I accidentally noticed that my little son, who is 4 years 9 years old, cannot pronounce the hard letter L (before this there was the opposite problem - he pronounced consonant sounds too hard and there was no softness in them). Because speech therapy (a) you have to wait a long time for your turn (we have already been waiting for 2 months) and (b) it is expensive, I decided to look for information on how to correct this speech defect myself.

Here are the recommendations that I found (source No. 1 and No. 2, added below from source No. 3):
1) bite the tip of your outstretched tongue and, stretching your lips in a very wide smile, pronounce the sound “s-s-s” in this position of the lips, teeth and tongue;
2) smile, while opening your mouth (there should be a gap of about 2 cm between the upper and lower teeth), and hide the tip of the tongue behind the upper incisors and pronounce the sound “s-s-s”;
--> When there is a pure sound “L”, proceed to pronouncing the sound in the syllables “AL-OL-UL-YL”, “LA, LO, LU, LY, LE”, then “ALA, OLO, ULU, YLY, ALO , ULA...", then to words, phrases, tongue twisters.
3) open your mouth wide, place your tongue on your lower lip, and, opening and closing your mouth, pronounce the sounds “la”, “lo”, “lu”, “ly”, while holding the chin with your hand so that it does not move;
4) Exercise “Brushing your teeth”: Move your wide tongue along the upper and lower lips, as if brushing your teeth, from the inside and outside;
5) “Delicious jam”: Lick with a wide tongue from the upper and lower lips;
6) Stick out your tongue and try to reach the tip of your nose;
7) “Painter”: Use the tip of your tongue to move along the upper palate, as if you were painting it
--> After 1-2 weeks of exercise, you need to learn a poem. It is very important to pronounce all sounds clearly and loudly.
"Winter has come to visit us,
The houses became white.
Snow flies here and there.
The kids are going for a walk.
The yard is white.
There was a lot of snow.
You can hear the screams of children,
The sled is rolling down the mountain"
8) the tip of the tongue should be “pressed (pressed)” into the upper two front teeth and try to pronounce “L”;
9) Press the tip of your tongue against your upper incisors. The tongue should touch the teeth. Push your tongue forcefully against your teeth, while pronouncing “varnish”, “puddle”, “swan”, “chandelier”, “spoon”, “skis”. Note that depending on the vowel sound after the "l", the position of the tongue changes slightly. When pronouncing the word “chandelier,” the tongue no longer rests on the teeth, but on the upper palate. And when pronouncing the word “skis” - at the very edge of the upper incisors. But the principle of pronouncing the sound “l” is the same - the tongue is pushed away from the obstacle with force.
10) If you can’t immediately say a distinct “l,” then you need to force your tongue to work. To do this, do the following exercise:
- when pronouncing the sound “l” in the above words, clamp your tongue with the tips of the upper and lower incisors, as if biting it. This way you will fix your tongue and teach it to the correct position.
11) Repeat the following tongue twisters slowly and clearly:
- “Karl stole corals from Clara, and Clara stole Karl’s clarinet”;
- “Thirty-three ships tacked and tacked, tacked and tacked, tacked and tacked, but didn’t tack”;
— “Vlas’s daughter rinsed the striped mattresses, rinsed and rinsed, the river became striped.”

Added later:
1) Need to explain characteristic feature articulation of the sound L and reinforce visually: “When we correctly say the sound L, the tip of the tongue rises to the upper front teeth, presses against the front teeth, pushes the teeth, the lips smile and all the teeth are visible.”

2) We fix it in the “Strongman” exercise: we raise the tip of the tongue to the upper teeth, rest against the upper teeth and push with force with the sound [l-l-l].
3) Exercise “The sound L travels along the paths”: as long as the finger runs along the path, we sing “L-l-l” (you can imagine that we are running along the path to the store for L..opata, .)

Tricks, if instead of “L” the child pronounces the sound “V” - read.

Tricks if instead of “L” the child pronounces the sound “L”:
1) We ask the child to repeat speech material with his tongue sticking out strongly, his teeth touching almost the back of his tongue. At the same time, phonemic work is being carried out. Next, the tip of the tongue gradually moves behind the upper teeth.
2) Bite the sharp tip of your tongue on the sound “L” in an automated language.

Setting and consolidating the sound L from the book by E.M. Kosinova.

Articulation gymnastics- read and watch!

Tale about the letter L()

The letter L was upset that she was not the best, not the most important.
- The words “mother”, “peace”, “sea” begin with the letter M.
- Starting with the letter S - “sun”, “light”, “happiness”.
- The letter U means “mind”, “luck”, “success”.

The letters M, S, U calmed her down.
- Good words also begin with your letter: lbdi, forest, literature, ray (sunny and warm).
The letter L is cheerful.
-Indeed, a lot good words starts with my letter: summer, swallow, horse, moon.
-And there is also good kind word"weasel". Affection is a manifestation of tenderness, good disposition, and kindness.
And the other letters of the Alphabet said to the letter L:
- Letter L! We love you! After all, one of the most important words - “love” begins with the letter L.

Tale about the letter L()

“I don’t want to sleep, I won’t go to bed,” the girl was capricious.

Mom frowned threateningly, but the letter L quietly whispered the magic word “I love” into her ear.

“I love you, my baby,” the mother said tenderly and hugged her daughter. Mom kissed her, and the girl calmly fell asleep.

“Big and small people need love and affection more than anything in the world,” thought the letter L.

She flew everywhere and gently whispered: “I love, I love, I love,” so that no one would forget to say this magic word.

On the floor, just below the letter "K", lived the letter "L". It was the kindest and cheerful, most affectionate letter of the Alphabet. She was always, always in good mood, no one has ever seen her cry or get upset, no! On the contrary, she always walked around and hummed some melody, like this:

- La-la-la, la-la-la, la-la-la-la-la-la-la.

And everyone who met her felt at ease and happy too. After all, the word “love” begins with the letter “L”! And the letter “L” loved everyone, and the other letters reciprocated their love!

One day a saddened letter “O” came to her. She was very offended because of something and cried and sighed:

- Oh, oh, oh, I feel bad, offended, oh!

– Don’t cry, letter “O”, I’ll caress you now and fill you with “love”!

Near the letter “L” there was a pot of liquid in the kitchen cabinet, on which was written: “love.” Everyone knew about this, and if someone felt bad, they went to the letter “L” for help. She gave the sick this drink, “love”, because this is the best medicine, right? And everyone immediately recovered.

And the letter “L,” as usual, opened her closet to get this pot, but alas, the closet was empty! The pot of love was not there!

- Oh, what should I do? – exclaimed the letter “L”. - How can I help the letter “O”?

She ran to the letter “A”, which was the most important and smartest in the Alphabet and knew everything. She told the letter “A” about what happened, and she immediately called all the letters for a meeting and asked:

– Where can I find a pot of love?

They thought about the letters, they thought about it, but they couldn’t come up with anything. Then suddenly the letter “I” said:

– Maybe we should ask the Earth?

- Near the Earth? - Everyone was surprised.

- Well, yes, near the Earth. She is full of love, she loves everyone! Look what she's wearing beautiful flowers, the trees grow, and she loves everyone, feeds them, the birds, the fish, the animals, us, and the kids too.

“Well, okay,” said the letter “A,” “then you, the letter “L” and the letter “I,” go and ask, and I’ll go about my business, I have a lot to do!”

And she dismissed the council and left on business.

And the letter “L” and the letter “I” went down to the very first, lowest floor, where the letter “I” lived, and went out into the garden that she grew. They sat down on the ant grass under the apple tree in the garden and let Mother Earth ask:

- Earth! Earth! Listen to us please! Answer us the question: “Where is the pot of love, where did it go near the letter “L”?

- Oh, my stupid little letters! Look for a pot of love, but there was no love in that pot at all!

- How did this not happen? – our letters were surprised.

- Yes! This love was in the heart of the letter “L” all the time! She just has it big, big and kind! And there's a lot of love there! And when she gave the other letters liquid from the pot, the liquid became saturated with her love and healed the other letters! And they too, they all have love in their hearts.

It’s just that those who feel bad have forgotten about her. They need to help find her again.

- So what should I do now with the letter “O”, which sits there and cries? – asked the letter “L”?

- And you take my leaves from raspberries, currants, cherries, chamomile flowers, pick them all, and brew it all into tea! And drink the letter “O”! Just do everything with love, as before. Remember, it is in you, not in that pot!

- Thank you! Thank you! - the letters shouted cheerfully, picked up leaves and ran upstairs to the apartment of the letter “L”, where the offended letter “O” was sitting and crying.

And the letter “L” brewed fragrant tea with love and gave it to the letter “O” with love. And I wished her with all my heart to get well soon and never cry!

And the letter “O” drank this wonderful tea, which was completely saturated with love - the best medicine, and she immediately felt better. She listened to herself: “Oh! I already feel good! My heart is beating inside me, and it is filled with love!”

Listen, is there love in your heart? Knock-knock, knock-knock... Do you feel how it beats, how warm it is in your chest? So there is love there!

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Slide captions:

LETTER “L” The project was completed by a student of class 1 “A” high school No. 49 Moscow LAPENKO EVGENIY

The letter "L" can be printed and written L l

There is nothing easier in the world than to form the letter “L”. Let's straighten our palms and build a house out of them. “L” looks like a stepladder, and like the roof of a house too.

ELK FROG LION FOX ONION LEMON Examples of words starting with the letter “L”

You and I will go to the park. There we will find a squirrel, A squirrel is a small animal, Jumping through the trees and galloping... The cloud hides behind the forest, The sun looks from the sky. And so pure, kind, and pure. The letter "L" appears in a wide variety of words.

In a fur coat in summer. And in winter, naked. [ forest ]

Gold coins fall from a branch [leaves] I don’t eat it myself, but I feed people [spoon]

IMPORTANT! | LU-NA LO-SHAD The letter L is the thirteenth letter of the Russian alphabet. The letter L is a consonant letter. The letter L denotes a hard sound [L] and a soft sound [L ’]. The hard sound [L] is highlighted in blue, and the soft sound [L ’] is highlighted in green. In the words MOON and HORSE there is a hard sound [L]

SA-MO-LET LYUL-KA In the words LYULKA and AIRPLANE there is a soft sound [L ’]

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