What does a spark look like? Twilight Sparkle

Twilight Sparkle is the main pony and heir to the throne of the kingdom of Equestria. Today she will have to face a fierce battle with an old rival named Trixie. This skirmish is a turn-based combat game where each opponent takes turns striking.

Any character has the opportunity to move 2 squares per turn, which gives a little room for maneuver. There are four types of spells in your magical arsenal. Among them there are combat, protective and healing spells.

Each magic spell costs a certain number of mana points. The energy bar is indicated in blue and is located in the lower left corner of the screen.

To hit your opponent with direct fire, you need to accurately predict the flight path of the magic projectile. Opponents are separated by a barrier over which they will have to throw shells, which significantly complicates the task.

For a successful outcome of the battle, you should initially decide on tactics. When choosing between an attacking strategy and a defensive one, be careful, because you never know how the enemy will behave on the next move.

As a child, she was a typical nerd and even managed to get into a school for gifted unicorns and impress Princess Celestia. But at the same time, it immediately becomes clear that this is not such a simple pony, because her nanny was the real Princess Cadence.

From bookworm to princess

Sparkle is not the only child in the family, she has an older brother, the strong and noble unicorn Shining Armor, who for a long time was also her only friend - literally living in the library and not parting with books, his sister simply did not want to make others.

But life in Ponyville changes everything for the library recluse - numerous adventures (which games with Sparkle are often dedicated to) and just everyday life with friends show her how important it is when there are those nearby whom you can rely on and take care of, those someone to learn from and laugh with.

Habits, character and other delights

Even if you just look at pictures of Sparkle, it becomes clear how pedantic she is: a neatly trimmed mane (a very boring hairstyle), nothing superfluous. And this pony is truly a real pedant, a fan of lists and lists with lists. However, this feature of hers is often useful: for example, the first day of spring in Ponyville came on time precisely thanks to her organizational skills.

Sparkle is also inseparable from books, and reads not only scientific literature, but also a variety of fiction. Spike, a little dragon who was born on the day that Sparkle received her distinctive sign and thanks to her, helps her deal with numerous matters and cope with the library. Since then, they have been inseparable, especially since Spike can use his fire breath to send and receive letters from Princess Celestia.

Over time, Sparkle also gets a pet - Owl. Thus, Spike helps her during the day, and Owl helps her at night (after all, the dragon is still a baby and needs to sleep a lot).

What is friendship for Twilight Sparkle

Having not previously understood all the delights of friendly relationships, she learns everything from books or tips from friends. Picnics and pajama parties, working together and even disagreements and misunderstandings - all this is new and exciting for our heroine. She studies friendship as a science, increasingly realizing that it is impossible to fully understand the nature of feelings. And many games with Sparkle are dedicated to how, thanks to friendship, she completes one of the important stages of her life and becomes a princess, literally and figuratively gaining wings.

The main character of the animated series “Friendship is Magic” is a very extraordinary unicorn pony named Twilight Sparkle (Twilight Sparkle). She has lilac fur and a dark blue mane and tail with purple and pink streaks. The pony's story tells that she didn't always have many true friends. Moreover, the only person she could truly trust as a child was her older brother Shining Armor.

Study in Canterlot

Enrolled in Canterlot Castle, where only the most gifted unicorns study, Twilight plunged headlong into science. Here her best friends were not ponies, but books and telescopes. The creature who brightened up the loneliness of the fairytale horse was the faithful dragon Spike. It was him, thanks to her innate magic, that Twilight Sparkle hatched from an egg during the entrance exam, which forever predetermined Spike's friendly attitude towards the brooding unicorn pony.

As for the exam itself, in addition to the appearance of Spike, it also brought the cartoon heroine a “cute mark” - the insignia of all magical ponies. Each horse has its own one, and Sparkle got an eight-pointed star, which was surrounded by five smaller white stars. Later it became clear that five is a symbolic number for Twilight. That’s exactly how many girlfriends the horse subsequently found.

Life in Ponyville

But not everything was so smooth. Seeing that her student was capable of magic, but remained too closed in communication, Twilight Sparkle's mentor Princess Celestia sent her to. Being one of the sister rulers of the country of Equestria, Celestia asked her ward to find friends for herself in order to understand the intricacies of the magic of friendship. And in order to control Sparkle’s journey, the Princess instructed her to report on what was happening every day in the form of letters.

In Ponyville, Sparkle chose the second floor of the city library as her home. There she got a job, because in addition to Celestia’s task, she was also interested in the upcoming return of Moonlight Pony. The appearance of this heroine in Equestria threatened to destroy the order of the fairy-tale world, so Sparkle was looking for information on how to cope with the impending disaster.

However, life in Ponyville was not limited to just the library for Twilight. In the town, the pony met five other horses, who soon became her true friends, able to prove that friendship is not only fun, but also a willingness to help others and even sacrifice oneself for them. In one of the cartoon series, while composing a new spell to return her friends to their unexpectedly mixed destinies, Sparkle also earned the title of princess and another magical feature - wings grew. Just so you know, winged unicorns (they are also called alicorns) are very rare even in fairy-tale Equestria, but Twilight Sparkle was able to become one of them!

Girl Sparkle

When there was something that put Harmony in Equestria in jeopardy, it was the newly-minted Princess Sparkle who had the task of going to the human world and restoring peace to her magical compatriots. This and much more proved that friendship can work real miracles.