A 3-year-old girl froze in kindergarten. The teachers forgot the girl on a walk, and the child froze to death

A girl froze to death in a kindergarten. A tragic situation happened on February 16 in the capital’s kindergarten “Snow White” - a 3-year-old girl froze to death there. The baby's lifeless body was found right in a snowdrift. The management of the kindergarten argues this case is “biological death,” and the parents of the deceased spoke about strange bruises on the girl’s body. On the morning of February 16, a 3-year-old girl died in kindergarten No. 2120 “Snow White” in New Moscow. The lifeless body of the baby was found right in a snowdrift on the territory of the preschool institution, said Svetlana Petrenko, official representative of the Investigative Committee. According to preliminary data, the girl’s disappearance was noticed by one of the nannies after a morning walk with the younger group. Having gone in search of the child, the kindergarten workers witnessed a terrible picture: their pupil was lying unconscious in the snow. The ambulance that arrived at the scene of the tragedy confirmed the death of the girl. Based on this fact, investigators opened a criminal case under the article “Causing death by negligence due to improper performance by a person of his professional duties.” To establish the picture of what happened, police seized video footage from surveillance cameras. All kindergarten employees went for questioning: they will be checked both for compliance with safety rules while walking with children, and for fulfilling their job duties. Based on the results of the inspection, the issue of initiating a criminal case under the article “Negligence” will be decided. Reportedly, all the kids were at the formation after the walk, except for 3-year-old Zulya (name changed). The children told the nanny that the girl had gone to pick up toys from the house where she was with her friends. Zulya was never found inside the veranda; the teacher decided to walk around the territory of the kindergarten. The baby's body was found in a snowdrift behind the same house. The administration of the kindergarten reported that Zulya’s parents are Azerbaijanis without regular income. The girl was the youngest child in the family; she was survived by a 6-year-old brother and a 9-year-old sister. Her brother attends the same kindergarten. The director of the preschool institution, Alla Shukhrina, called the baby’s death “sudden child biological death.” “Investigative actions are underway here. This accident is a grief for the family. And there is no need to torture them now,” she noted. The child’s father, Niyazi Rzayev, told the police that the version of the child’s “biological” death was unlikely - Zulya had never experienced any health problems. Moreover, a couple of days ago the girl came home from kindergarten with bruises, which she explained as a fall while playing. Zulya's parents always took the baby out of kindergarten early - she seemed to complain that she wanted to go home. At the same time, on the day of her death, the girl was quite joyful, Rzayev noted. “They (the kindergarten - editor's note) say that she lost consciousness and that's all. However, she was not sick. At first I went to kindergarten normally, but lately I said that I didn’t want to,” he said. Zulya’s relative reported that before going to kindergarten, scratches were found on the baby’s face and her lips were swollen. The investigation of this incident is under control in the central office of the Investigative Committee. #news #society

A girl froze to death in a kindergarten in Moscow

The Investigative Committee (IC) opened a criminal case after the death of a three-year-old girl in one of the kindergartens in New Moscow, reported on the website of the Investigative Committee on Friday, February 16.

According to preliminary data, on the morning of February 16, the kindergarten teacher and nanny, returning from a walk with the younger group, noticed that one of the girls born in 2014 was not among the children. The teachers went to look for her and found her lying unconscious in the snow. An ambulance was called to the kindergarten. Doctors declared the child dead.

A criminal case has been initiated under the article “causing death by negligence due to improper performance by a person of his professional duties.”

Investigators are now working in the kindergarten. They interrogate employees and management, and also seize CCTV footage and documents. The Investigative Committee will check how the kindergarten workers performed their duties, whether they followed safety measures and whether they were sufficiently qualified.

According to the Mash telegram channel (connected with Life), the tragedy occurred in the city of Moskovsky, which is part of New Moscow. According to the channel, the teachers forgot the dead girl on the street. In the morning they took the children for a walk, and then took them to breakfast. One of the girls was not at breakfast, but this was noticed only two hours later, Mash claims. Soon the child was found dead behind a snowdrift.

Pavel Karpov, curator of educational organizations in the Novomoskovsk district of Moscow, claims that the girl became ill during a walk; the teachers tried to help her, but were unable to. Karpov rejected reports that the child was forgotten on the street.

According to doctors, the three-year-old baby had a hidden illness

As MK managed to find out, a shocking incident occurred in the city of Moskovsky. The day at kindergarten started as usual. According to the schedule, children are received from 7.00 to 9.00, at which time teachers examine the children and conduct exercises. From 8.00 the groups have breakfast, and from 9.00 classes begin (physical education, music or group classes - February 16 was the Maslenitsa holiday). After classes, the children have a toilet and a second breakfast on schedule, and at 10.20 they prepare for the walk. Already at 10.30 the guys were frolicking on the territory.

The kindergarten staff told investigators that the walk at the fifth group, in which the deceased Zulya (name changed) was a member, went as usual. By the way, in total there are 34 children of different ages in the group - from 3 to 6 years old. There were two teachers outside with the kids. At about 11.40 the children were lined up and taken from the street back to the kindergarten. On the way, a teacher named Yulia was missing one student and returned to the playground. There was no one on the veranda, and the woman walked around the playhouse, where she discovered the body of a three-year-old girl in a snowdrift. The teacher grabbed the baby in her arms and rushed into the building, overtaking the line. At the first aid station they tried to revive the child and performed artificial respiration, but they were unable to resuscitate the baby on their own. At 11.46 the staff of the institution called an ambulance.

Paramedics who arrived at the scene told investigators that they went up to the bedroom on the second floor. The girl was dressed in warm tights, socks, winter pants and a sweater with a T-shirt underneath, and a warm street jacket lay next to her. The body was already cold, and the pupil did not react to light - the doctor recorded biological death. Upon examination, no injuries were found on the girl’s body. According to the woman, the child did not have any chronic or other diseases. However, doctors suggest that perhaps the baby had a hidden illness. In addition to little Zulya, the family has two more children - a six-year-old boy (who goes to the same kindergarten) and a 9-year-old girl. The father of the family is a small entrepreneur from Azerbaijan who sells vegetables and fruits in Moscow.

The kindergarten had to call an ambulance again - the teacher working with the fifth group became ill, her blood pressure rose.

A criminal case has been initiated under the article of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Causing death by negligence due to improper performance by a person of his professional duties.” According to a source in law enforcement agencies, the version that the kindergarten teachers allegedly forgot the child on the street and the girl died due to the cold is unlikely to be confirmed. No signs of hypothermia were found in the child; most likely, the baby had a hidden pathology that became the cause of death.

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A tragic situation happened on February 16 in the capital’s “Snow White” kindergarten - a 3-year-old girl froze to death there. The baby's lifeless body was found right in a snowdrift. The management of the kindergarten argues this case is “biological death,” and the parents of the deceased spoke about strange bruises on the girl’s body.

On the morning of February 16, a 3-year-old girl died in kindergarten No. 2120 “Snow White” in New Moscow. The lifeless body of the baby was found right in a snowdrift on the territory of the preschool institution, said Svetlana Petrenko, official representative of the Investigative Committee.

According to preliminary data, the girl’s disappearance was noticed by one of the nannies after a morning walk with the younger group. Having gone in search of the child, the kindergarten workers witnessed a terrible picture: their pupil was lying unconscious in the snow. The ambulance that arrived at the scene of the tragedy confirmed the death of the girl.

Based on this fact, investigators opened a criminal case under the article “Causing death by negligence due to improper performance by a person of his professional duties.” To establish the picture of what happened, police seized video footage from surveillance cameras.

All kindergarten employees went for questioning: they will be checked both for compliance with safety rules while walking with children, and for fulfilling their job duties. Based on the results of the inspection, the issue of initiating a criminal case under the article “Negligence” will be decided.

Reportedly, all the kids were at the formation after the walk, except for 3-year-old Zulya (name changed). The children told the nanny that the girl had gone to pick up toys from the house where she was with her friends. Zulya was never found inside the veranda; the teacher decided to walk around the territory of the kindergarten. The baby's body was found in a snowdrift behind the same house.

The administration of the kindergarten reported that Zulya’s parents are Azerbaijanis without regular income. The girl was the youngest child in the family; she was survived by a 6-year-old brother and a 9-year-old sister. Her brother attends the same kindergarten.

The director of the preschool institution, Alla Shukhrina, called the baby’s death “sudden childhood biological death.” “Investigative actions are underway here. This accident is a grief for the family. And there is no need to torture them now,” she noted.

The child’s father, Niyazi Rzayev, told the police that the version of the child’s “biological” death was unlikely - Zulya had never experienced any health problems. Moreover, a couple of days ago the girl came home from kindergarten with bruises, which she explained as a fall while playing. Zulya's parents always took the baby out of kindergarten early - she seemed to complain that she wanted to go home.

A terrible incident occurred in one of the kindergartens in New Moscow: a girl, along with a group and a teacher, went for a walk, but did not return to the kindergarten. At nine in the morning the teacher took the children out for a walk, then the pupils returned to the garden and went to have breakfast. When the teachers realized it, it was already too late.

When it became clear that one pupil was missing, the teacher and nanny went in search of her, reports. The frozen child was found at 11:45. The girl lay in the snow behind a snowdrift and did not breathe. An ambulance was called for the child, but the girl died before the doctors arrived. According to some media reports, a kindergarten student could become ill during a walk.

The police are now investigating the incident. The head of the kindergarten has a different version, writes Mash: the girl became ill during a walk, the teachers tried to pump her out on their own. However, they failed and the child died.

“A big tragedy for the family. Investigations are underway. So far I have only one information from the investigation - that it was a sudden death. Biological,” quotes the director of the kindergarten, Alla Shurukhina.

Initially, it was reported that the little girl’s body was found in a snowdrift only 2 hours later, but the Investigative Committee put forward its own version of the tragedy.

Investigators interviewed the father of the deceased girl. He himself is originally from Azerbaijan, but has been living in Moscow for several years, selling vegetables and fruits and raising four more children. A 6-year-old boy, by the way, goes to the same kindergarten. The man told investigators that a few days ago he took his daughter home from kindergarten and found bruises on her. When asked what happened, the girl replied that she fell. The father of the deceased also said that recently she did not like to go to kindergarten and constantly asked to go home. Therefore, she was taken to kindergarten only for half a day and was picked up at approximately 13.00, writes Moskovsky Komsomolets.

“There were no bruises on the girl’s body,” Alla Shurukhina, director of kindergarten 2120, told a KP correspondent.

The ambulance doctors took the girl’s body in front of me. There were no injuries." “Our teachers are well qualified. Sorry, the investigator forbade me to comment on this tragedy. Let’s wait for the results of the examination,” she defends herself.

According to the father of the girl frozen in a snowdrift, her daughter had no health problems. Investigators are now establishing the causes of the incident. According to one version, the girl became ill while walking, fell, and then froze to death. According to the Investigative Committee, the child’s absence was noticed almost immediately. “The teacher and nanny, returning from a walk with the younger group of children, noticed the absence of the child,” Svetlana Petrenko, official representative of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, told Komsomolskaya Pravda. “The teachers returned to the place of the walk and found an unconscious girl, born in 2014, lying in the snow.”