Is it possible to recover from vampirism. How to recover from vampirism in Skyrim

Skyrim. how to recover from vampirism ?? and got the best answer

Answer from Pavel Kolokolov [expert]

2. In the city of Falkreath go to the "Dead Honey" tavern and ask the barmaid there about the rumors several times, and she will tell you that a certain Falion from Morthal is studying vampires and knows a lot on this topic, automatically you get a quest. After that, go to the village of Morphal, and there is Falion's house near the river, go to him after 4 days, otherwise he will chase you away! He tells you that you need a black soul stone, you can buy a stone from him or find it. To fill the soul stone you need the "Capture Souls" spell, you can buy it in the Dragon's Reach in Whiterun from the court magician (To fill the soul stone you need to cast a spell on the target and then kill it). I warn you, if you have a lot of unfilled soul gems in your inventory, then the spell works by chance!). He sends you to the swamp at dawn (dawn starts at 5 am). Talk to him, then wait until he conducts the ritual to the end. (this is the case if you are a stage 4 vampire).

Well, if you do not want to lose the magic of a vampire, then just bite people at night when they sleep, your thirst is quenched and people will not rush at you with shouts like: "Burn the vampire!".

Answer from 2 answers[guru]

Hey! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: Skyrim. how to recover from vampirism ??

Answer from Armikdjan[guru]
How to recover from Vampirism
You can be cured by getting another disease - Lycanthropy. After becoming a Werewolf, you can complete the healing quest
Second way
To do this, you need to be a vampire in the fourth stage ... when ordinary inhabitants from time to time start attacking you for no reason. But, that's the price.
- So. Go to Falkreath town, find Dead Man's Drink tavern.
- We talk with the owner - Valga Vinicia. Ask her if she has heard any rumors. She will tell you about Falion, a man who studies vampires. This will give you the Rising At Dawn quest.
- We go to the city of Morthal (Morthal)
- Find Falion's house and ask him about vampirism.
- We say that you need medicine.
- We talk to him a second time, we say that we need a black soul stone (it costs 112 gold - with a pumped up conversation)
- We talk to Falion again, and see what else he has for sale. You need to buy the Soul Trap spell book.
- Equipim spell.
- Now we need to trap the soul in stone. We go to Fort Snowhawk - a little west of Mortal.
- Go to the fort by killing skeletons - do NOT use the spell Soul Trap yet.
- We find a necromancer and use a spell against him.
- Go to inventory and in the Misc section check the Black Soul Gem, it must be filled and its name will change to Black Soul Gem (Grand).
- We return to the house of Falion.
- We say that we have filled the stone
- He replies that he must be met in the summoning circle at dawn.
- We go into the circle (located in the northwest) in the forest.
- We are waiting until 2-4 in the morning.
- There may be a bug, so we leave the circle and go to the river, there is a small island with a crab. Kill the crab, otherwise Falion will see it and ... that's all. The quest will be impossible to complete.
- We wait a little longer, until Falion appears and talk to him.
“You are not a Vampire anymore.
Third Method. Not verified yet
We go to Whiterun to the area with a large tree in the circle of water. In the northeastern part of this square, there is a statue of a dragon slaying warrior. If you look at it, there is a Shrine of Talos at his feet. Click on it and it cures all diseases. Including Vampirism.
You can also use a potion to heal diseases.

Answer from Professor Smart[newbie]

Answer from ALEXEY PARAVAYEV[newbie]
this shrine of tallos nichrome does not heal

Answer from Bela-Fluffy[newbie]
setstage 000EAFD5 10 in console

Answer from Alexandra Chernova[newbie]
I agree, the shrine does not heal a damn thing

Answer from Peacock[newbie]
in the console 100% variant

Answer from Denis Simonov[newbie]
the console helps the current once

Answer from Oman Kaibyshev[active]
How to recover from vampirism in Skyrim?
You can get rid of vampirism in three ways.
1. You can become a werewolf by joining the ranks of the Companions. Such an opportunity will be presented during the quest "The Silver Hand". By becoming a werewolf, you cease to be a vampire.
2. In the city of Falkreath go to the "Dead Honey" tavern and ask the barmaid there about the rumors several times, and she will tell you that a certain Falion from Morthal is studying vampires and knows a lot on this topic, automatically you get a quest. After that, go to the village of Morphal, and there is Falion's house near the river, go to him after 4 days, otherwise he will chase you away! He tells you that you need a black soul stone, you can buy a stone from him or find it. To fill the soul stone you need the "Capture Souls" spell, you can buy it in the Dragon's Reach in Whiterun from the court magician (To fill the soul stone you need to cast a spell on the target and then kill it). I warn you, if you have a lot of unfilled soul gems in your inventory, then the spell works by chance!). He sends you to the swamp at dawn (dawn starts at 5 am). Talk to him, then wait until he conducts the ritual to the end. (this is the case if you are a stage 4 vampire).
3. If you have recently become infected, you can heal in the altar.
Well, if you do not want to lose the magic of a vampire, then just bite people at night when they sleep, your thirst is quenched and people will not rush at you with shouts like: "Burn the vampire!".

: despite the fact that in the sun the character experiences weakness and loses health, he gains excellent properties - resistance to all diseases, protection from any poison, the ability to hide better in the dark and cast more powerful spells of the school of illusion. But if you are confused by red eyes, dull skin color and fangs, and also do not like hiding in the dungeons during the day, then you need to urgently look for a cure for vampirism.

Simple ways to get rid of vampirism

The quickest and easiest way that most Skyrim players will not approve is to remove the disease using the console. Open a console and enter the following command: player.removespell 000b8780. As a result, the quest started during the vampirism infection will end. But this method works only once per game, if the next time you are infected by a vampire, you will have to use other means.

It is also quite easy to get rid of vampirism by completing the Companions quests, as a result of which the hero gets the opportunity to become a werewolf. This condition is called lycanthropy and is incompatible with vampirism. Join the ranks of the Companions, complete several secondary tasks and wait until you will be given a more serious quest "The Silver Hand", in which you need to take part in the Blood Ritual and exterminate the werewolf killers.

During the passage of the quest, Eila the Huntress will make your character a werewolf to show his capabilities. After completing the Silver Hand, you can refuse lycanthropy or remain a werewolf, in which case vampirism is cured.

Some consider lycanthropy a gift, others no less terrible disease than vampirism. The werewolf has increased health and stamina, and its claws inflict terrible blows.

Quest for getting rid of vampirism

It is much more interesting to independently find an opportunity to heal from vampirism. To do this, you need to go through a quest called "Rise at Dawn", which becomes available as soon as you become. Information on how to proceed can be obtained from the owner of any tavern in Skyrim, inquiring about the latest rumors.

You learn that the sorcerer Falion in Morthal is studying vampires and is looking for a cure for this disease. Travel to Morthal, a swamp settlement in the northern part of the province. Find Falion and ask for help. The sorcerer will give the task of finding a black soul stone and enclosing a soul in it.

Soul stones are sold by many wizards, including Falion, and black stones can also be found in lairs where necromancers hide. To capture a soul, you must know the appropriate spell.

A high-level soul must be enclosed in a stone: a dremora, a human, an elf, a representative of the beast. The most convenient and correct from a moral point of view is to kill the first bandit that gets in the way. Falion will ask you to bring a stone to the forest to the Summoning Circle near Morthal, where he will perform a ritual and cure vampirism.

Everyone has heard of vampires and vampirism. In the world of Skyrim, with the help of a certain add-on, it became possible to come face to face with the inhabitants of the night. How to recover from vampirism in "Skyrim" or get infected with it? Read on!

Who is a vampire?

But first, let's talk about what they can do. By themselves, vampires in "Skyrim" are not available. You cannot meet with them, much less join their ranks. However, if you download the add-on "Dragonward", these functions become possible. In addition, a whole chain of new tasks in the world of the inhabitants of the night will open before you.

The vampire is a powerful opponent at night and weak during the day. In order to fully understand how to recover from vampirism in Skyrim, they must first be infected. This can be done by contacting one of the vampires. If he uses one of his special attacks on you, you will be infected. But how to recover from vampirism in the game "Skyrim"? For a more complete answer, first you need to talk about the stages of lycanthropy.

Stages of vampirism

Of course, when a character in a game becomes infected with lycanthropy, he begins to change before our eyes. Strictly speaking, the answer to the question "How to recover from vampirism in Skyrim?" directly depends on, so to speak, the appearance and behavior of your character (or, more precisely, on the stage of development of the disease). But what steps does the player go through before finally becoming a vampire?

First, let's see what happens at the very moment of infection. During this time, the initial stage of vampirism passes. It lasts 72 hours. At this time, the player has an excellent opportunity to prevent the beginning of the introduction of the virus into the body. If during this period of time no treatment is carried out, then the player will go to the first stage of lycanthropy.

As soon as the player begins his journey into the world of vampires, he gets all the possibilities of the inhabitants of the night. For example, he takes more damage from fire, but becomes resistant to cold. The vampire of the first stage is able to reanimate corpses, see in the dark and draw some life energy from his enemies. In the sun, the player becomes weaker, does not receive energy from sleep, but receives the ability to suck blood. If you do not quench your thirst, then soon the character will enter the second stage, and the answer to the question "How to recover from vampirism in Skyrim?" will require more complex actions.

At the second stage of vampirism, the character receives an improvement of the previous effects by 2 times. In addition, he has the "Seduction" skill. It helps calm aggressive creatures up to and including level 10. It can be a pretty useful thing. The third stage also gives improvements to the initial effects. However, at this point, fire damage is increased by 100%.

The last stage

Now, before we talk about how to recover from vampirism in Skyrim, it is necessary to discuss the very last stage of the disease. It requires special attention, since during this period the behavior of the player and NPCs changes radically. When your ward reaches the peak of vampirism, his appearance changes - his eyes turn red, fangs grow, and all the inhabitants of the game world begin to attack you at the first meeting. The only exceptions are the vampires themselves.

But in this state, the player gets powerful opportunities. For example, once a day, revive the most powerful corpses that will fight on your side, or become invisible. You can lower the stage to the previous one by quenching your thirst for blood. Now let's talk about how to recover from vampirism in Skyrim.

Quest and altar

So, when you have just become infected, you have some time to avoid the development of infection in the body. In 72 hours you need to find a special altar with which you will be healed.

If you did not have time and stepped into the first stage of vampirism, do not despair. You can go through a special quest and become a werewolf. After that, you will no longer be afraid of lycanthropy. Join the ranks of the Companions during the quest "The Silver Hand" - and that's it.

In addition, at the fourth stage of vampirism, you will have only one way - the help of a necromancer. You have to look for a person who studies vampires, and turn to him for help. The quest is quite long and long, but passable. You can only do it once.


But there are other ways to get rid of lycanthropy. So, if you asked yourself the question "How to recover from vampirism in Skyrim?" - the code will help you. Enter player.removespell 000B8780 into your game console and you're not scared anymore. You can also try to score setstage 000EAFD5 10. This code only works once as it completes the healing quest.

If this combination has already been used, then you can try to cure lycanthropy in another cunning way. To do this, create a new save and enter resetquest 000EAFD5. After that, create another save and load it. All that remains to be done is to score setstage 000EAFD5 10. After that, the character will no longer be infected.

In the process of traveling across the expanses of Skyrim, you will meet a variety of creatures. Some of them will be very unfriendly towards the main character. After a fight with them, certain effects, diseases or poisoning may remain. And if poisoning and diseases can be cured with the help of potions or in the alchemist's shop, then with vampirism everything is a little more complicated. After being bitten by a vampire, you will begin to turn into a bloodsucker. Daylight, like fire, will henceforth be destructive, and some NPCs will be hostile. Vampires have their own advantages, too. You will become immune to poisoning and less prone to cold. You will become a more dangerous opponent as night falls. There are 2 ways to treat vampirism. Let's look at both below.

The first method is that you need to recover from vampirism within three days after infection. It is also important to take into account that if you have reached the 4th stage of wamprizim, then this method will not work. At the 4th stage of vampirism, your appearance changes and NPCs attack you only when they see you.

As soon as you have discovered the effects of the vampire bite, use the potion of healing diseases. This will prevent further infection and heal.

If you don't have a potion, go to the nearest temple and pray at the altar. You can also ask Priest Stendarr for healing.

Also, vampirism can be cured by joining the ranks of companions in Whiterun. Only if you get to transforming into a werewolf. Transformation into a lycanthrope removes other negative effects.

By taking preventive measures, you can heal without becoming a bloodsucker, plunging peaceful citizens into horror.

If it was not possible to recover, and you still reached the 4th stage of the disease, then you should not be upset. There is a more complicated and at the same time fun way. After becoming a vampire, you can get the quest by asking the innkeeper about local rumors. After that, the quest "Rise at Dawn" will appear.
  • To complete the quest, talk to Falion in Morthal. He will tell you that there is a ritual for curing vampirism and the next stage of the quest will open.
  • You will need the Black Soul Gem. Soul Gems can be purchased from Falion. Next, the Black Soul Gem must be filled with the soul catcher spell.
  • The filled Black Soul Gem must be handed over to Falion. He will take you to the altar and cure you of vampirism. This will end the quest.

The universe of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is very diverse, and the player's way of solving problems is variable. The player decides for himself how to achieve the desired goal. For example, the Skyrim mechanic provides several ways to fill soul gems. You can use the soul catcher spell to enclose the essence of an enemy you have killed in stone. If you do not follow the path of magic, then use the "soul catcher" scroll. If this method does not suit you, there is a corresponding enchant for the weapon.

How to recover from vampirism in Skyrim? You can get rid of vampirism in three ways:

Werewolf path

You can become a werewolf by joining the ranks of the Companions. This opportunity will be provided during the quest "The Silver Hand". By becoming a werewolf, you are no longer a vampire. Even if you were already a werewolf, approach Eila and she will infect you with Lycanthropy again.

Necromancer's help

To do this, you need to be a vampire in the fourth stage. When ordinary citizens from time to time start attacking you for no reason, and in addition to screaming how awful we look. But, that's the price.

We go to the city of Falkreath, find the tavern Dead Man's Drink. We talk with the owner - Valga Vinicia. We ask if she heard any rumors. She will tell us about Falion, a man who studies vampires. So we get the quest Rising At Dawn. We leave for the city of Morthal. Find Falion's house and ask him about vampirism. We say that we need medicine. We talk with him a second time, we say that we need a black stone. souls (it costs 112 gold - with a "pumped" conversation). We again talk with Falion, and see what else he has for sale. You need to buy the spell book Soul Trap and equip it. Now we need to catch the soul in a stone. in Fort Snowhawk - a little trap of Morphal. We go to the fort, along the way killing skeletons - do NOT use the spell Soul Trap yet. Find the necromancer and use the spell against him. Next, open the inventory, and in the section * Misc * (Misc) we check the stone of the black soul (Black Soul Gem), he d Must be filled and its name will change to Black Soul Gem (Grand). We return to Falion's house. We say that we have filled the stone, he replies that he must be met in the summoning circle at dawn. We go to the circle (located in the northwest), located in the forest, and wait until 3-4 in the morning. There may be a bug, so we leave the circle and go to the river, there is a small island with a crab. Kill the crab, otherwise Falion will see it and ... that's all. The quest will be impossible to complete. We wait a little longer until Falion appears and talk to him. ALL! Congratulations, you are no longer a vampire.

The cure at the altar

If you have recently become infected, you can heal at the altar of any of the Nine Deities.

Well, if you do not want to lose the ability of vampirism, then just bite people at night when they sleep, your thirst will quench and they will not rush at you with shouts like: " Burn the vampire!".

Console command

You can get rid of vampirism using console commands: just enter player.removespell 000B8780. In the console, you can also enter setstage 000EAFD5 10. Always heals, but only works once, since the heal occurs after the quest is completed (this code ends the quest).

If you have already used the previous command (or completed the heal quest), you can use the following to heal:
save the game (new save, not quick save);
enter resetquest 000EAFD5
create another new save and load it;
enter setstage 000EAFD5 10