Fish craft made from leaves. Crafts from leaves: new photo ideas, tips, instructions

My daughter and I really like making appliques from dried and fresh plants. In September - November the result is especially colorful. Nature gives humans many autumn leaves of different shapes and colors. Each time the work turns out incredibly rich and unique. Sometimes you get the impression that even with a great desire, you won’t be able to design two absolutely identical pictures. Every time we leave we admire a completely new image.

In order not to be left without natural materials during the winter, during April - October we replenish the herbarium collection with new elements and refresh old samples. This is what explains the presence of both green and burgundy colors in our pictures.
For example, to decorate the body of this fish, we picked acacia leaves in the summer, but collected ash branches in the fall.

Application of autumn leaves "Fish"

So, to design the “Fish” application we will need:

  • paper for base and decoration;
  • PVA glue;
  • plastic doll eye;
  • acacia and ash leaves;
  • scissors.

First, we will select acacia samples from the heap of autumn leaves. We tear off numerous oval leaves without tails from the cuttings. For the background of the application made of colored coated cardboard, we set aside a blue rectangle - a deep blue sea.

Let's start making fish scales from green semicircular leaves. We lubricate the parts with PVA and place them one on top of the other, slightly overlapping until we get a full body of the fish. The place for the head does not need to be sealed.

It will help the fish navigate the depths of the ocean and choose the right direction to move. Without hesitation, we glue the finished element to the applique.

There is no need to rush to throw away the central blade of the ash tree. We will use it to form the head and ventral fin of a fish. You just need to divide the blade into two parts as shown in the picture.

Glue the yellow head on top of the green scales. Color contrast won't hurt.

Immediately cut out a triangle in the ventral fin. Beauty.

Well, all that remains is to glue the fish's eye. After all, how else will the heroine be able to distinguish between seine nets and swim away from the fishermen in time? This part can be made from plasticine or painted with paints. We have a ready-made doll's eye. Glue it in the area of ​​the fish head.

Walking through the autumn park and breathing fresh air, you can pick up a lot of fallen leaves of various sizes and colors. This is an amazing natural material for crafts! Bouquets, compositions of dried flowers, paintings and even an aquarium! Yes, leaves make bright and beautiful fish and plants. To create a man-made reservoir, you will also need other natural materials, namely shells, which can be collected near a river or sea. It is interesting when several techniques are combined in one work, for example, leaf applique and trimming, as in the proposed work. Let's get started!

We will need:

Cardboard box;
- leaves and twigs of evergreen trees;
- shells and pebbles;
- corrugated paper;
- ballpoint pen refill;
- cardboard;
- thread with a needle;
- glue;
- paints;
- scissors.

How to make a craft from leaves “Aquarium” with your own hands

For such a craft made from natural materials, a cookie box is suitable; it can be purchased in stores that sell confectionery products. We paint the box blue and the lower part yellow.

Let's start making fish from leaves. It is easier to work with fresh, just collected leaves; they do not break and have a brighter and more juicy color. Dried leaves are not so bright and sometimes very brittle, so glue should be applied to them very carefully and carefully glued without pressing too hard, it is better to take a napkin and lightly press down the leaf with it. So, for the first fish we will need one round-shaped leaf for the body, 3 small leaves for the fins and 2 medium-sized leaves for the tail.

It is recommended to first place all the parts on the box in order to remember the places where they need to be glued; to be sure, it does not hurt to mark them with a pencil. So, we know the location, we glue two fins that will be under the body.

Glue a leaf-body on top of the fins.

Glue the 3rd fin and one leaf-tail.

Going a little onto the first leaf-tail, we glue the second part of the tail.

Fish in nature come in different sizes and types. We will also select leaves of different sizes and shapes. If you can’t find something suitable, you can take a large leaf and cut out the required shape from it.

We experiment with the sizes and shapes of the tail and body. By making a small cutout, you can create an open mouth for the fish.

As you know, there are algae in any body of water. Let's start making them from corrugated paper, for which we cut it into squares measuring 1*1 cm. We take the used paste from the pen, insert it with the blunt end into the middle of the square and, as it were, hug the rod with paper, so we get a trim.

I like to use liquid nails when working with the trimming method, because they glue well and do not soak the paper. So, we take the rod with the trim, dip it in glue and place it on the cardboard, take out the rod, what remains is the trim. We make algae of any shape, preferably wavy.

Branches of evergreen trees (thuja, juniper, etc.) are well suited for algae, since they have a branched shape. Glue a few branches.

We collect all kinds of shells, pebbles, empty snail “houses” and glue them to the bottom of the box. We also glue twigs of thuja or juniper to some shells, so the algae will be at different levels.

Draw several fish of any shape on cardboard.

We decorate them using the trimming method, then attach the resulting fish to the box using a thread and a needle.

If there are (or can be made) octopuses or fish from beads, then we also place them on shells, this will enliven our aquarium, which we successfully made!

By the way, you can stick fragments of shells on the outside of the box, so the craft will look more original. I wish you creative success!

Irina Nagibina

In a dilapidated dugout on the seashore there lived an old man - a simpleton with a cunning and greedy old woman.

One day the hero wove a net, threw it far away and caught a fish, not an ordinary one, but a golden one.

The sorceress promised to fulfill all the wishes of the old man and conscientiously kept her word until the grandmother encroached on the place of the Golden Fish - the throne of the mistress of the sea.

All the guys know how the fairy tale ends. And everyone hopes to catch the same fish, firmly believing that they will not make a similar mistake.

Let's not wait for miracles, let's make our own Goldfish from autumn leaves. Or maybe it will also turn out to be magical?

For work we prepare:

  • blue paper base (representing the sea)
  • any pointed (lanceolate) leaves
  • scissors
  • PVA glue
  • plastic doll's eye.

Regarding the last point, let us immediately indicate that the part can be replaced with plasticine, colored paper or cereals (peas) from my mother’s bins.

So, blue cardboard is an endless blue sea. For the body of the Goldfish we choose a yellow ash leaf.

Sorry, the photo does not accurately depict the true color of the item. Along the handle we grease the body with PVA glue and press it tightly to the paper.

To make the picture more colorful, let’s dilute the yellow base of the applique with red.

To decorate the heroine’s tail fins, we choose girlish grape leaves.

We glue them to the paper as shown in the following photo of the applique.

How to make a mouth for a fish? We offer an option using scissors.

We’ll cut off the sharp top from a leaf of a girl’s grape, and not just like that, but in waves to make plump lips.

Add a new element to the image. The fish looks interesting, doesn't it?

We do not throw away the rest of the sheet. Let's cut it in half and get two fins - ventral and dorsal.

Glue the parts into place. Our heroine is already able to swim fully.

And so that the fish does not get caught in the net, we will make eyes for it. Otherwise, how will she see the danger and swim away in time?

Now you can definitely finish working on the application of autumn leaves “Fish”.

Let's glue a couple of green algae under the heroine. Judging by the inclination of the branches, there is a storm or a strong current in the sea.

To decorate the picture, instead of green plants, you can cut out waves or seashells from colored paper. It will be a wonderful composition.

It remains to wish everyone creative success and warm autumn days!

Marina Afanasyeva

Applique of autumn leaves« Fish»


create conditions for the development of children's creative abilities.


teach to see the beauty of nature, develop the ability to perform work from dry leaves in an unconventional way, to develop creativity, accuracy when working with fragile materials - leaves.

In my work I like to use different materials, especially natural ones. During our walk, the children and I collected beautiful autumn leaves, played with them and made up short stories and fairy tales. The children asked me question: "Is it possible to save leaves And after the walk, I decided to show the children a way to dry autumn leaves, posting them in a magazine. In the evening, the children happily told their parents about this.

Three days passed, collected the leaves are already dry. I began to think about what topic to choose for creative activity. And the children helped me with this. The girls looked at the books with great interest, and then began to draw fish. And then I thought, why not do it? fish? Then I shared this idea with the children, they willingly supported me.

But when the children saw autumn leaves, which they themselves collected, their amazement knew no end. All creative works were beautiful and original. This independent work of children is the first experience of creativity with leaves.

Creation autumn leaves appliques is a great way to instill creativity in children. Such activities will help develop fine motor skills, attention, accuracy and imagination in preschoolers. Children create their personal masterpieces with great enthusiasm, especially since in autumn Everything you need for work can be found simply by walking along the streets of your favorite city. Autumn leaves- a natural material that simply falls on your head and spreads like a carpet under your feet.

Collection autumn colorful leaves on a warm sunny day this is an interesting and exciting activity. And we always want this magnificence to stay with us longer. Therefore, we can use natural material to create something beautiful - beautiful leaves the trees are simply asking for it!

Using natural materials in creative activities, preschoolers learn to recognize all the delights and colors of the world around them. Children will be able to build all the details of their work on their own; this is a good way to learn individuality, develop taste and style.

The most interesting thing is to make it from multi-colored autumn leaves applique. This type of creativity in which images can be created from ready-made forms, simply by superimposing them on top of each other. And the color palette leaf fall will replace the largest set of colored paper in your work! Good luck with your creativity!

Publications on the topic:

I invite you to take a look at the youngest participant in the Korenovskaya Pearl competition, Egorka, my pupil, he is two years old.

Our kindergarten had a themed week called “Golden Autumn”. Goal of the week: developing ideas about seasonal changes.

Goal, tasks: familiarization with the concept of “symmetry”, teach symmetrical cutting out of an image, practice arranging objects on a plane.

During the walk, the children and I collected the brightest autumn leaves for the herbarium and work with natural materials. Material to perform.

Program content: teach symmetrical cutting, the ability to admire the beauty of autumn leaves, create a composition from leaves on.

Photo report. “Autumn Fantasies” Design from autumn leaves. If it’s autumn, everyone knows, leaves are walking in the sky, The leaves are different colors:.

The application of “Fish” leaves is the simplest work in this technique. It can be done with children from three years old. Before starting work, you need to prepare natural material - leaves. When going for a walk, agree with your child to look for leaves for the fish. The most promising leaves for this application will be the leaves of the ash-leaved maple. The fact is that this tree has leaves of very different shapes and colors. You can find ones suitable for both the body and the tail. But any leaves will do. You can immediately create “sketches” during a walk - put two leaves together and see if you like the fish. Collect plenty of tree leaves.
When the leaves are collected and brought home, they need to be dried. The fastest way is to do it with an iron. The leaves are smooth, even, but fragile. The other way is long. Place the collected leaves in a thick book for two to three days. They will dry and become suitable for application. Leaves dried in this way are slightly less fragile than “ironed” ones, but not as smooth. So, you have collected the leaves, dried them, you can get to work!

“Fish” – leaf applique for children from 3 years old

The simplest application is made from just two leaves. One is the body, the other is the tail. Lay out the leaves on the cardboard base with the children.

After removing one leaf from the applique, spread it with glue. Be sure to use PVA glue - it will firmly glue the leaves, and when dry it will be almost invisible at work. To preserve the furniture, you need to spread the leaves on unnecessary, waste paper (for example, an old newspaper).

After gluing the leaves, immediately blot the work with a napkin and place it under pressure (a thick book). The picture should remain under the load for 10-15 minutes. Then take the work out and dry it completely. You can draw details. Permanent markers are great for drawing on the leaves. Draw the fins on the cardboard with regular felt-tip pens.

The “Fish” leaf applique is ready! By the way, using two dried leaves, you can create not only an applique, but also.

Options for the “Fish” applique for children over 5 years old

With older preschoolers, you can create more complex works. For example, add fins from small leaves from ornamental shrubs, and make a tail not from one, but from several leaves.

Application from leaves “Goldfish” for children from 5 years old. The body is a hawthorn leaf, the tail is the leaves of an ash-leaved maple, the fins are the leaves of an ornamental shrub (cotoneaster).

The leaves can not only be used whole, but also cut. Here is a very elegant fish, the tail of which is half a maple leaf, and the lower fins are made of a hazel leaf cut in half.
Another great story for children 4-5 years old -
Leaf applications are a wonderful creative work for children. And this is also a reason to talk with the guys about tree species. A tabletop table will help you introduce children to the trees of the middle zone.