We decorate the New Year tree with handmade soft felt toys. Christmas tree toys made of felt Volumetric figures made of felt

The New Year is approaching at rapid speed. The house already smells pleasantly of gingerbread, fun and magic. The main guest of the holiday is the Christmas tree. It doesn’t matter what it is, living or artificial, the process of decorating it is always fraught with mystery and warmth. Ordinary glass or plastic toys are used as decorations.
But if you show your imagination, you can sew Christmas tree decorations from felt with your own hands and transform the Christmas tree by putting on it a completely new outfit, made with your own hands. We offer to sew bright colorful New Year's toys from felt.

Felt toys and advantages

Yes, yes, we already hear: “Oh, sewing is not for me,” “This kind of needlework is only for experienced seamstresses,” or generally, “My hands grow from the wrong place.” We assure you that sewing toys is not difficult at all. And even the most novice craftswoman can cope with the task.

Among the advantages of DIY felt Christmas tree decorations are their colorfulness, uniqueness, ease of manufacture, and the ability to make decorations of any complexity. Handmade has always been valued. It is also worth mentioning the soul and warmth that you put into each product. Plus, it's a wonderful holiday gift. This is also an opportunity to keep children occupied for a long time. They will be very interested in cutting out fragments and gluing them under your guidance.

Rules for working with felt

Felt is a compressed material. It is usually produced in sheet or roll form. In appearance and to the touch it is somewhat reminiscent of felt, only not so rough, because the raw material for its production is taken from undercoat or delicate fluff. Felt can also be made from synthetic and semi-synthetic materials. It is best to make New Year's tree decorations from felt. The material has different sheet thicknesses, so you can choose the one you need for a particular product. The edges do not require processing, and the huge color spectrum allows you to create the most beautiful toys.

  1. For work, felt sheets with a thickness of about 1-1.5 mm are used. Only with such thickness will the toy be elegant.
  2. For this, give preference to felt with the addition of viscose or acrylic.
  3. The needle must be sharp. This will make it easier to pierce the flaps.
  4. Small parts can be glued together using PVA. But at the same time, control the amount of glue squeezed out so that it does not leak through the fabric.
  5. You can also use a heat gun.
  6. If you plan to make three-dimensional figures, do not forget about the filler - padding polyester or holofiber.
  7. To transfer the design to the fabric, you can use chalk, a self-disappearing marker or a gel pen.

It is not recommended to use cotton wool or batting as a filler, because such material, protruding through the seams, makes the toy untidy.

Knowing all the nuances of working with the material, you can start working. Let's look at how to sew Christmas tree decorations from felt with your own hands using frequently used patterns.

Props for creativity

To make New Year's decorations you will need:

  • felt scraps;
  • scissors;
  • floss threads with which you will connect elements or decorate them with stitches;
  • PVA glue.
  • heat gun;
  • filler;
  • various decor, such as braid, lace, beads, beads, rhinestones, sequins, buttons and other small items;
  • You can use wooden die-cuts on which the cut out figures will be glued.

Christmas decorations

As a rule, felt Christmas tree decorations are made of two types: simple, flat and voluminous. In the first option, you should simply cut out felt figures along the contour of the pattern and decorate them. In the second case, the base is cut out in two copies, and then the pieces are decorated and stitched together.
The figurine is stuffed with filler such as padding polyester or holofiber. Both variations of the sewing method are interesting and unique.

You can choose any figure you like as a pattern.

For example, from such simple patterns of felt Christmas tree decorations you can get something like this. Very simple, elegant and does not take much time.

You can make a classic version - felt Christmas balls. It’s even easier to make them; you don’t even have to look for patterns. All that is required is imagination.

In the three-dimensional version, the figures turn out to be more interesting.

New Year's stars and snowflakes

What is a Christmas tree without snowflakes or beautiful stars. There are several options for making these Christmas tree decorations from felt with your own hands.

A plump figure will be obtained by sewing together two parts and filling the space between them with padding polyester. The decor is very varied. You can even add beads along the edge.

The resulting stars can simply be glued onto a cardboard or wooden base.

Snowflakes are more difficult to make. The process of cutting them is quite labor-intensive. But if you try, the result will impress you.

By connecting stars, snowflakes or just circles, you can get an interesting version of a garland to decorate a Christmas tree or room.

Another option for making felt Christmas tree decorations is to create multi-layered shapes. All you need is to make felt cutouts of different sizes, and then combine them into one pile, turning them a little relative to each other.

Christmas tree for Christmas tree

Felt makes a very cute Christmas tree. You can do this in several ways:

Christmas sock

What's New Year without a Christmas stocking? It is in it that Santa Claus puts gifts. For the Christmas tree we will prepare a mini boot. It is very easy to prepare:

By enlarging the pattern several times, you can make a boot for gifts.

New Year's dog

The symbol of the coming year is the dog. We propose to make such a funny dog. For the Christmas tree. It will decorate the forest beauty and lift your spirits with its appearance.

The sewing pattern for the Christmas tree toy “Dog” made of felt is simple:

  1. First, transfer the pattern onto felt. It is advisable to use different colors for individual parts of the dog's body. Brightness and contrast will not hurt.
  2. Using black threads, the dog’s mouth is “drawn”.
  3. Glue or sew on the eyes and nose.
  4. Pupils are made from black beads.
  5. Glue on the ears.
  6. Now the front and back of the head are sewn together, lightly stuffed with padding polyester and completely sewn up. The two parts of the dog’s body are sewn together in the same way.
  7. They put clothes on the dog by simply sewing on a piece of blue felt.
  8. The body and head are connected using glue.

This is not the only option for creating a felt dog. You can take any picture as a basis, cut out the parts and connect them in the right order. Try stitching the dog according to the following pattern.

Making Christmas tree decorations from felt using patterns is a creative and entertaining activity for the whole family. Just a few scraps and a little imagination and in front of you are unique products that will add beauty and charm to the forest beauty. Your Christmas tree will be the most fashionable!

TOP 5 Christmas tree toys made of felt

Since childhood, balloons have seemed to us something mysterious, magical and alluring. In this article, we invite you to immerse yourself in that very atmosphere of childhood, make balloons with your own hands, dream about beautiful things and just have a fun time.

Balloons come in different types: flying, rubber, with helium, various crafts. In many adventure films we have seen people traveling in hot air balloons. Nowadays it has become an amazing attraction for the whole family. It is impossible to make such a transport for flights on your own, but it is a great idea for children to launch into the sky.

Basics of Craftsmanship

First of all, you need to know the components. It consists of a dome made of durable material, a basket and a burner.

In this tutorial you will learn how to create a launch ball with a diameter of 2 meters. So let's get started:

  • First, prepare a template according to the diagram. Make a pattern on it on cardboard;
  • the segments themselves are made of paper, preferably tissue paper; if it does not fit the given size, it can be glued together, this will not affect the quality of the idea;
  • Having glued the segments, cut out the blanks from cardboard, the template is ready;
  • attach the sample to tissue paper and cut out 16 parts from it. Do not forget to leave one centimeter, taking into account further gluing;
  • Glue the finished segments together in twos, then connect all the pairs together, but leave one seam;
  • turn the shell inside out and seal the last seam;
  • Cut two rectangular strips from cardboard and use it to fasten the base. Then, attach two strong thick threads to them, which will allow you to hold the ball when it is heated;
  • cut out the circle to the size of the dome and glue to the top to fill the gaps left during gluing;
  • heat the blowtorch and use it to straighten the ball;
  • take the finished dome by the strings and light a fire under it.

When the air warms up in the balloon, it is ready to launch.

Air Smeshariki

Such cute balloons are suitable for decorating children's parties and birthday parties.

And we will be happy to tell you how to create them.

To do this, we will need multi-colored balls (round), balls of the smallest diameter, modeling balls, double-sided tape and markers, depending on the intended character.

Take a large round balloon and inflate it. Using small ones, make legs and arms, attach with double-sided tape. Model ears or a headdress using modeled balls and draw with a marker: eyes, nose, mouth. In order for our Smesharik to look like a cartoon exhibit, it will be better if you hold a photo of the selected character in front of you.

Bulb ball

Surely, light bulbs in everyone's house burn out very often, after which we mercilessly throw them away. What if you try to give them a second life? Let's make our ball out of light bulbs.

So, let's begin.

Prepare an old light bulb, a glass outline, twine (or thick thread), and gouache. Degrease the light bulb with alcohol in advance.

Draw the outline of the design you like on the light bulb, and fill the empty spaces with gouache. Carefully wrap the base of the light bulb with twine (this will be the balloon-shaped basket craft). Using the narrow shape of the light bulb, draw lines simulating the ropes that connect the basket to the ball. The advantage of this craft is that you can decorate it in a variety of ways: make a trim, cover it with fabric, and even cover the light bulb with stained glass paints.

Merry Luntik

It's no secret how much kids love watching the cartoon about Luntik.

In this article we will show a master class on how to make a craft from balloons.

For this we will need: 4 balls of 25 cm, two large balls of 45 cm, 6 balls for modeling and 2 simple small ones, double-sided tape, markers.

  • take 4 balloons of 25 each, inflate and tie together into a four (the base of Luntik);

  • next, take a large ball and attach it to the base with tape;
  • next, we need to make a neck out of modeling balls. Fold as shown in the picture and attach to the body;

  • inflate a 45 cm balloon, slightly smaller than the body, draw a muzzle on it with a marker and glue it to the neck;
  • use the smallest balls to make handles;
  • All that remains is to make the ears, they are very simple to make. Make figure eights from modeling balls in pairs and attach them to your head.

It turns out, contrary to many opinions, you can felt not only felt boots, but even jewelry! For example, felt earrings will be a great addition to any outfit. And to make sure of this, you can easily make them yourself!

For this we need:
Felt in two colors
Soap solution
Felting needle
Nylon ribbon
Needle and thread
Two earrings (blanks for earrings)

Take some white felt and soak it in soapy water. The amount of felt depends on the desired size of the balls, but be sure to keep in mind that when felting it will decrease by half.

Then the felt must be thoroughly wrung out.

We place a lump of felt between our palms and begin to roll it, like rolling a bun out of plasticine.

Each time you need to squeeze your palms harder until a neat ball is formed.

We do the same thing again and get a second felt ball, leave them to dry.

While the balls are drying, let's decorate the earrings. To do this, take a small piece of ribbon.

We tie a bow out of it, just like tying shoelaces.

Remove the spring and balls from the links.

We string the bows onto the hooks, piercing them with the sharp end of the hook.

Now we put the ball and spring back on the earrings.

Once the felt balls are dry, you can start decorating them. To do this, take some felt of a different color and stretch it out like a lace.

Using a felting needle, secure one end of the “felt cord” in the ball, driving it deeper.

And we begin to roll the felt, evenly piercing it with a needle along the entire length.

We also secure the other end of the “lace” tightly by driving it into the ball with a needle.

Let's repeat this whole process with the second ball.

I made felt New Year's balls with a fiery cockerel in three types. There simply wasn’t enough time for the fourth type. But it exists :) This MK contains all the subtleties of creating such decorations for the New Year tree.

I warn you in advance, I did not post templates (patterns) in the public domain. But I will send them for free to everyone who leaves at least 3 comments on any pages of my site (preferably where there are the fewest comments 🙂). This way you can thank me for my work.

To work you will need:

  • medium hard felt 4 colors;
  • colored pencils to match the color of felt;
  • printer for printing the template;
  • embroidery threads with a sharp needle;
  • pins;
  • sharp scissors - for small details it is better to use manicure scissors;
  • synthetic fluff for stuffing;
  • glue “Moment Crystal”;
  • toothpick and paper napkins - just in case.

How to make from felt:

  1. Print out the template. The pattern is specially given in Word format so that the dimensions of the drawings are preserved regardless of your printer settings. The details are already very small. Therefore, downsizing is highly undesirable.
  2. Cut out the parts. Please note that a large part (a ball with a suspension pin) must be cut out carefully, and small parts can simply be cut in a circle. Next, apply the circle of the part to the felt and cut it along the lines along with it.
  3. Depending on the available shades of felt, we select pencils and plan color combinations - we paint the picture. I decided to make a cockerel on a soft blue background using red, orange and yellow felt flowers.
  4. Cut out the pieces from felt. Try to be very careful, as felt in small pieces can become deformed, and small and long parts can tear or crumble at the edges.

  5. We lay out the cut out parts on one half of the ball to determine their location and correspondence to each other. For example, if the neck flounces do not align with the notches of the body, it is better to cut out the parts again. Otherwise the work will not be neat.
  6. Now we remove the parts one by one, grease the back with glue using a toothpick, and return it back to the felt of the ball, pressing it. There should be enough glue to properly glue the part along the entire perimeter, but at the same time, excess glue should not stain the background.
  7. When all the parts are glued, we start embroidering. Sew on the eye bead. Using a thread of a different tone, we embroider the middle of the beak, wing feathers and legs. We fill the free space with white snowflakes from large and small crosses located on top of each other.
  8. Now we put the two pieces of the New Year's ball together with the wrong sides inward. Using embroidery thread of a contrasting color using straight stitches, we first connect it in the hanging area. We sew the perimeter of the ball with a hand stitch over the edge. Try to make punctures with a needle at the same distance from each other and from the circle. I didn't get completely even distances, but it's not noticeable.

  9. Don't forget to stuff the toy with synthetic fluff. Try to distribute the stuffing evenly and not too tightly, so that the surface of the ball becomes convex, but not deformed.
  10. At the last stitches we do not cut the thread, but bring it to the middle of the pimples (sorry, I don’t know what this thing is called) and make a suspension. We hide the extra tail from the inside out.

Shared master class

Anastasia Kononenko

The New Year's bustle includes a lot of pleasant troubles. We prepare gifts for family and friends, think through the holiday menu and decorate the house. Of the many available materials for creating New Year's toys and decorations, you should pay attention to felt.

Which felt to choose

Felt is a soft and dense felt, the edges of which do not need to be processed. It comes in different thicknesses. For the base of the product, it is better to take a material with a thickness of 1 - 1.3 mm, and make individual parts from thicker fabric.

We make Christmas toys from felt with our own hands - step-by-step master classes

Working with felt is easy. It is suitable as a base material for making interesting toys that will become festive interior decor or a decoration for the New Year tree.

How to make a snowman from felt

Involve children in needlework and make a winter guest together.

What you will need for work:

  • white felt;
  • filler or cotton wool;
  • white threads;
  • needle;
  • scissors;
  • markers;
  • pens;
  • ribbons;
  • textile.

Step by step description:

  1. Cut out a paper snowman template from two circles of different sizes.

    Make a paper template

  2. Place the stencil on the felt and trace along the outline. Cut two blanks.

    Trace the template and place it on the felt.

  3. Sew the details of the snowman using a buttonhole stitch. Leave a small hole through which you need to fill the toy with filler. Then sew up this hole.

    Fill the toy to make it voluminous

  4. You can decorate a snowman in different ways. For example, use felt-tip pens to draw details on it and decorate it with a scarf made of bright fabric. Make a loop from a thread to hang the toy on the Christmas tree.

    Draw the snowman's eyes, mouth and nose, tie a scarf

Various materials can be used to make snowman toys, including plastic cups. Step-by-step master classes in our material:

Video: felt snowman on the Christmas tree

Photo gallery: ideas for inspiration when creating snowmen

New Year's snowman with candy Merry New Year's snowman One option for a snowman pattern Fairytale snowmen in funny caps Toy snowmen Snowman sketch Elegant snowman for your Christmas tree Funny snowman Olaf from the cartoon Frozen Cartoon characters are one of the popular ideas for creativity.

Making felt Christmas trees

Green, elegant, but not real, but felt, decorated with beads, buttons and other decorative details. Let's try to make an original Christmas tree for our home?

Christmas decorations

A felt New Year's toy can be made in literally 15 minutes.

What you will need for work:

  • felt of medium thickness in two green shades;
  • scissors;
  • pins;
  • filler;
  • sequins;
  • glue;
  • matching threads;
  • needle;
  • satin ribbon.

Step by step description:

  1. Prepare the template details for the Christmas tree and attach them to the fabric according to the colors. Cut, observing all curves.

    Using the template, cut out the details of the Christmas tree

  2. Place two dark layers of felt together and place a piece of light felt on top. Sew the details. Insert a ribbon between the layers of the top part, which will serve as a loop for the toy.

    Make a loop from the ribbon

  3. During the sewing process, do not fill the toy very tightly with filler. Process all the details of the Christmas tree in this way.

    To make a voluminous toy, loosely fill it with any filler.

  4. Then connect the parts of the Christmas tree, sewing them with a hidden seam at the back. Decorate the toy with sequins, as well as circles cut from leftover felt of different colors.

    Decorate the finished toy

Video: how to make a small felt Christmas tree

Unusual Christmas tree for the interior

You can make stylish New Year's interior decor from ordinary felt.

What you will need for work:

  • base cone made of cardboard, foam rubber or foam;
  • felt;
  • buttons;
  • beads;
  • glue;
  • tailor's pins.

Step by step description:

  1. Wrap the prepared cone in felt and secure with tailor's pins.

    Wrap the blank for the Christmas tree with felt

  2. Use pins to attach the buttons to the fabric.

    Attach decorative elements to the tree

  3. Decorate with additional elements. These can be beads, ribbons, bows.

    Decorate the Christmas tree to your liking

Video: original Christmas tree made of felt, beads and buttons

Photo gallery: options for New Year trees

Christmas tree assembled from felt squares The idea of ​​a New Year's garland made from small felt trees Felt Christmas tree pattern Using felt of several colors when making a Christmas tree A variant of the original felt Christmas tree, decorated with beads and sequins Felt Christmas trees decorated with beads Felt Christmas tree idea

Fairytale Santa Claus with gifts

Do you remember how in Soviet times they put papier-mâché Santa Claus under the Christmas tree? It was and remains an integral attribute when decorating the Christmas tree in many families. Papier-mâché has been replaced by modern materials. And if you like to try new ideas in needlework, we suggest making a felt Santa Claus with a bag of gifts, and even in a sleigh.

What you will need for work:

  • felt;
  • any fabric for a bag with gifts;
  • ribbon;
  • scissors;
  • filler;
  • paints;
  • cardboard.

Step by step description:

  1. Cut out a Santa Claus template from paper.

    Cut out a template from paper

  2. Cut two circles from felt to the size of the head of the future toy. Glue them along the edge and fill them with filler.

    Fill the toy

  3. Do the same with the body of the toy, then connect it to the head.

    Connect the torso and head of the toy

  4. Glue the beard, hat and other missing parts.

    Make Santa Claus a beard, a cap and a belt

  5. Cut out a sleigh template from thick cardboard and attach them with glue. Color it to your liking.

    Make a sleigh out of cardboard

  6. Cut a rectangle from the fabric, fold it in half and glue along the perimeter. After that, turn it inside out, fill it with padding polyester or cotton wool and tie it with ribbon. This will be a bag of gifts.

    Make a gift bag and attach a ribbon to it

  7. Santa Claus with gifts on a sleigh will arrive in time for the holiday.

    New Year's toy is ready

Video: how to make Santa Claus on a sleigh with gifts with your own hands

Photo gallery: Santa Claus toy - a selection of ideas

Making a voluminous toy is not so difficult Option for a New Year's toy or keychain Step-by-step production of a Santa Claus toy For such a toy, a template is enough A whole set of toys To make such a toy, you need to have some skills An original idea for decorating napkins Original version of the toy

How to sew funny reindeer from felt

Reindeer, along with Father Frost and the Snow Maiden, have been considered one of the New Year's symbols for many years. They are found in winter ornaments and are depicted on postcards; their figures decorate Christmas trees.

Christmas tree toy - deer face

What you will need for work:

  • felt of suitable colors;
  • filler;
  • dye;
  • thread;
  • needle;
  • beads;
  • decorations.

Step by step description:

  1. Cut out parts from felt using a stencil. Since the toy will be double-sided, you will need two parts of each shape.

    Cut out parts from felt

  2. Sew the nose of the future deer to its head. This piece can be left flat or filler can be added to add volume.

    Sew a nose to a deer's head

  3. Connect the ear parts with a contour seam and fill them with filler.

    Connect the ear parts with threads

  4. Sew a string of beads to the front of the horns, then connect all the parts and add filler.

    Fill the toy with padding polyester

  5. Draw or embroider details on the deer's face.

    Embroider a deer's face

Video: making a deer's face

How to make a fawn

A cute little deer with a scarf will bring smiles of affection to those around you.

What you will need for work:

  • felt;
  • threads;
  • needle;
  • ribbon;
  • glue;
  • synthetic winterizer or its substitute;
  • a piece of fabric for a scarf;
  • bow, beads, heart, pompom.

Step by step description:

  1. Cut out two parts of the deer.

    Cut out parts from felt

  2. Sew a fabric heart to one piece.

    Sew on a heart one detail

  3. Connect the parts of the fawn by filling the toy with padding polyester. In the process of sewing the parts together, you must remember to insert a loop for hanging from the ribbon.

    Connect the parts and fill the toy

  4. Now use glue to attach the fawn’s tail, nose, eyes and scarf.

    Decorate the New Year's deer

Video: making a little deer

Photo gallery: sketches and toys-fawns

Fawn with applique Running deer This toy will relieve a gloomy mood Christmas reindeer pattern A simple template for making a toy Another option for positive toys Toys can be decorated with applique, buttons, threads New Year's deer toys Simple applique toy

Soft Christmas tree toys for the New Year

Soft and bright toys for the Christmas tree can be very diverse.

Amazing DIY snowflakes

Do identical snowflakes exist in nature? Let's try to make them from felt with a unique pattern.

What you will need for work:

  • medium hard felt;
  • pins;
  • scissors;
  • sequins, beads, pieces of felt;
  • glue;
  • matching threads;
  • needle;
  • floss threads.

Step by step description:

  1. Cut out a template from paper and pin it to the felt.

    Attach the snowflake template to a sheet of felt

  2. Carefully cut out each petal of the snowflake, cutting through small details.

    Cut out a snowflake with scissors

  3. Remove the template from the fabric. To make the snowflake voluminous, you need to fold and grab each petal with stitches.

    Straighten the cut out snowflake

  4. The snowflake is ready to decorate. Any methods are suitable for this: embroidery with threads and beads, appliques made from pieces of felt and sequins.

    Attach a loop to the toy to hang it on the Christmas tree

Video: master class - making felt balls for the Christmas tree

Photo gallery: templates of snowflakes and Christmas tree decorations

Contrasting appliqué looks more interesting Set of unusual elegant snowflakes Applique using felt of other colors and decorative braid Volumetric snowflake toy It will take patience to cut a snowflake like this. To decorate snowflakes, you can use beads, glass beads, beads Some ideas for felt snowflakes A good alternative to glass marbles, especially important if there are children in the house A simple template for making a felt snowflake

Photo gallery: a set of patterns and diagrams for felt toys

Templates and ready-made owl toys Cartoon man in New Year's outfit Buttons as decoration - a simple but original solution Several ideas for creating felt Christmas trees Christmas toys made of felt in traditional colors Set of sketches for creativity Felt mittens for Christmas tree Another option for a toy set Toys for a bright Christmas tree Set of templates for felt toys Cartoon Christmas decorations Embroidered felt decorations Set of toy patterns Set of templates for New Year decorations Set of sketches for toys Funny felt owls The idea of ​​​​making snowmen and birds from felt Decorated snowman and deer Colorful birds Templates for making toys You can use any templates for toys Embroidered felt toys Idea for a set of felt toys To make toys voluminous, fill them with padding polyester or scraps of soft fabric. Toys from a fairy tale Decorate snowflakes with colorful sequins Even from such simple templates you can make interesting toys Snowmen and Christmas trees are mandatory holiday details The application always looks unusual Or maintain one color scheme, if the overall design of the house and Christmas tree requires it. Use felt of different colors to make toys

Video: making a pig out of felt

Felt products are associated with home and comfort. Exclusive felt toys can be made in the same style and skillfully used in the New Year's interior. The atmosphere of the New Year holidays will become truly family-like if younger family members are also involved in needlework.