Crochet for February 23. How to tie a tank helmet: description and materials

An original, warm and useful gift for February 23 (or any other winter holiday) for small and large children of men, defenders of the fatherland, can be easily and simply done with your own hands, and in simple words - tied.

On the Internet, we found a wonderful headdress - a tankman's knitted helmet. It will be very easy to knit a hat-helmet (there is a detailed description of the process) and in the end you will receive a gift that will not only please, but also protect your man from the most severe frosts. The tanker's helmet is very dense and warm, looks great and covers everything you need - the head, the back of the head, and the ears.

In general, for a minimum of effort, you will get the maximum result - after all, these are far from banal socks for February 23, but a gift with an idea and soul. So if you are thinking about what to tie your son / husband / father / grandfather on Defenders of the Fatherland Day, we strongly advise you to take a closer look at such an option as a tank helmet.

How to tie a tank helmet: description and materials

To crochet a helmet, we need (head circumference - 44 cm):
- gray yarn Vita Unity light - 100-150 gr. (the yarn is rather harsh for a baby's hat, but it is suitable for a helmet - it keeps its shape well);
- fleece or other fabric for lining;
- 2 black buttons
- Velcro fastener;
- filler (synthetic winterizer)
- gray or black threads with a needle;
- hook number 3.5.

Description of knitting:
Before starting knitting, we will calculate the maximum diameter of the bottom of the cap, based on the circumference of the baby's head:

From the formula for the circumference C=2R=D, where C is the circumference, R is the radius, D is the diameter, is the constant Pi(3.14), we get D=C/

In my case, with a head circumference C=44 cm, the maximum diameter is D=44/3.14=14 cm

Notation used:
vp - air loop
sc - single crochet
ss - connecting column
Increase - 2 single crochet in one loop

1. Knit a hat:
1 row: 2 ch, close in a ring, then knit in a circle 6 sc [= 6] 2 row: 6 Increases [= 12] 3 row: (Increase, 1sc) * 6 times [= 18] 4 row: (Increase, 2sc) * 6 times [= 24] 5 row: (Increase, 3sc) * 6 times [= 30] 6 row: (Increase, 4sc) * 6 times [= 36] 7 row: (Increase, 5sc) * 6 times [=42] 8th row: (Increase, 6sc)*6 times [=48] 9th row: (Increase, 7sc)*6 times [=54] 10th row: (Increase, 8sc)*6 times [=60] 11 row: (Increase, 9sc) * 6 times [= 66] 12th row: (Increase, 10sc) * 6 times [= 72]. We get a circle with a diameter of approx. 11 cm.

Next, we knit with increments through the row
13 row: 72sc [= 72] 14 row: (Increase, 11sc) * 6 times [= 78] 15 row: 78 sc [= 72] 16 row: (Increase, 12 sc) * 6 times [= 84] We get a circle with a diameter of slightly more than 14 cm is the maximum cap diameter for a head circumference of 44 cm (see calculation above).
Next, we knit without increments to the required length of the cap (approximately to the level of the eyebrows):
17-36 rows (20 rows): 84sc [= 84] We conditionally divide 84 columns into 4 parts: 24 columns for the front and back of the cap, and 18 columns for the “ears” and to form the ears and the back (more in-depth) parts of the cap we move from circular knitting to knitting with front and back rows.

1 (front) row: we knit the columns of one “ear”, then the columns of the back and the columns of the second “ear” 18 + 24 + 18 = 60 sc [= 60] 2 (purl) row: 60 sl-st for one half-loop of the columns of the previous row.
Please note that all purl rows are needed to return to the beginning of the previous front row without breaking the thread.
3 (front) row: we knit similarly to the first row, introducing a hook between the columns of the 1st row and not knitting 1 column on each side to form a bevel of the ears. 17+24+17=58 sbn [=58] 4 (purl) row: 58 sl-st for one half-loop of the columns of the previous row.
5 (front) row: we knit similarly to the first row, introducing a hook between the columns of the 3rd row. not knitting 1 column on each side to form a bevel of the ears 16+24+16=56 sc [=56]

Next, we move on to the formation of the ears, for this we continue to knit in the same way in straight and reverse rows only on the loops of one ear to the desired length (in my case, each ear consists of 14 front rows). Leave 4 loops untied.

Do not forget to form bevels on both sides.

After the first eyelet is completely knitted, on the remaining 4 loops we knit a helmet tie 3.5 cm long. Then we cut off the thread and similarly knit the second eyelet and a tie 4.5 cm long. Sew on Velcro.

We knit the back valve. For the back wall of the loops of the back of the helmet with front (sc) and purl (ss) rows, we knit a bar 4 cm high. Then we tie the entire cap (ss). Sew the valve to the helmet with two buttons. You can make the valve not be a snag, but fastened with buttons, like real helmets (it is needed in order to lower it to protect the neck of the tankers from the wind, etc.). Then the buttons must be sewn to the helmet, and holes for them should be knitted in the valve. I didn’t, because the “terms” were already running out

2. We knit overhead parts.
“Kruglyashki” on the ears (I don’t know what they are called correctly, they seem to be needed for soundproofing).
1 row: 2 ch, close in a ring, then knit in a circle 6 sc [= 6] 2 row: 6 Increases [= 12] 3 row: (Increase, 1sc) * 6 times [= 18] 4 row: (Increase, 2sc) * 6 times [= 24] 5 row: (Increase, 3sc) * 6 times [= 30] 6 row: (Increase, 4sc) * 6 times [= 36] 7 row: (Increase, 5sc) * 6 times [=42] 8 row: (Increase, 6sc) * 6 times [= 48] 9 row: (Increase, 7sc) * 6 times [= 54] 10 row: [= 54]

Filling the "rounds" with filler, sew them on the ears.
Pad on the forehead (tankers need to soften the impact of the head on the part of the tank). We knit with a size of 10x3.5 cm in rotary rows (sc). Having added a little filler, we sew an overlay on the helmet, stepping back from the edge of 1-1.5 cm.
And finally, longitudinal "sausages". Needed also from blows. We knit 2 pcs. 19 cm long and 2 pcs. length 23 cm,
with single crochets in rotary rows, 3 cm wide. It could really be knitted like sausages, knitting in a circle, but at that time it seemed to me that it was faster. We sew on the planochki, giving the shape of a hemisphere, if necessary, stuffing with filler. I did not fill, because the yarn itself holds its shape.
The tanker's helmet is ready! It remains to sew the lining. Here's what happened:




What to give a man on February 23? On the eve of Defender of the Fatherland Day, women think about this issue and remember the phrase “the best gift is a hand-made gift”. Then some of them take up the knitting needles and create things that are literally saturated with love.

The first thing that comes to mind - socks. A classic example of a gift that everyone jokes about. But for some reason they forget that woolen socks are simply irreplaceable, especially if you live in Russia. What socks will be depends only on your imagination and skills. Someone will knit ordinary warm socks, someone will be able to knit socks with an inscription or pattern.

Second option - mittens. Moreover, there are two options. The first is three-fingered mittens. If a man participates in military tactical games, then this gift will be accepted with great joy. If not, then you can knit ordinary mittens, which will come in handy in case of cold weather. Or here is such a practical and convenient option - a car enthusiast will appreciate it during cold weather ...

Third option - hat. The main thing here is not to overdo it. Not every man will decide to wear a knitted budennovka or a hat with a beard. True, a hat with a beard can come in handy when there is a strong wind outside. You can find a lot of knitting patterns. It remains to pick up the knitting needles and get to work.

We have a master class on knitting a men's hat and scarf on our website -

Of course, you can give a knitted airplane or tank to a man on February 23. But it's just not very practical. It's better to have a pillow like this. Both useful and funny. You can crochet this one. Again, there are plenty of diagrams.

What to give a man on February 23? While women, on the eve of Defender of the Fatherland Day, think about this issue and panic buy gifts for February 23 in all online gift stores in the country, such as The vast majority of them remember the phrase “the best gift is a handmade gift”. Then some of them take up the knitting needles and create things that are literally saturated with love.

The first thing that comes to mind is socks. A classic example of a gift that everyone jokes about. But for some reason, they just forget that woolen socks are simply irreplaceable, especially if you live in Russia. What socks will be depends only on your imagination and skills. Someone will knit ordinary warm socks, someone will be able to knit socks with an inscription or pattern.

The second option is mittens. Moreover, there are two options. The first is three-fingered mittens. If a man participates in military tactical games, then this gift will be accepted with great joy. If not, then you can knit ordinary mittens, which will come in handy in case of cold weather. Or here is such a practical and convenient option - a car enthusiast will appreciate it during cold weather ...

The third option is a hat. The main thing here is not to overdo it. Not every man will decide to wear a knitted budennovka or a hat with a beard. True, a hat with a beard can come in handy when there is a strong wind outside. You can find a lot of knitting patterns. It remains to pick up the knitting needles and get to work.