What do you need to buy for the maternity hospital? What to take with you to the maternity hospital? a complete and detailed list of things to take to the maternity hospital

Most maternity hospitals use their own sterile diapers and vests and do not allow you to bring anything extra. Parents are asked to bring only diapers. Don't take too many at once. It is necessary to evaluate the reaction of the baby’s skin to the material from which they are made, and choose the right size.

Baby care products you will need baby soap without any additives and diaper cream. You can also take an electronic thermometer, it is more convenient than the ordinary ones that are given out in maternity hospitals, because significantly speeds up the temperature measurement process. Some maternity hospitals may also require sterile bandages and wipes to care for the baby. Take a small napkin, the size of a man's handkerchief, it will be convenient to wipe the baby after burping.

If future parents choose the place of birth of the child based on modern equipment, equipment and qualified medical care, then they should contact Scandinavia, which is ranked among the best maternity hospitals in St. Petersburg. The maternity home at the Military Medical Academy is distinguished by its cleanliness and comfort, a small number of women in labor, but mainly provides services to military family members. If you do not belong to this group, then childbirth will be expensive and expensive. Maternity Department of the Research Institute of Obstetrics and Gynecology named after. BEFORE. Otta is equipped with modern monitors that allow you to monitor the baby’s condition throughout the entire birth; the Institute also uses the safest and effective methods pain relief that will not harm the baby and will allow the woman to feel comfortable during childbirth.

When choosing a maternity facility, one should not forget about the availability of intensive care for both mother and child, as well as an anesthesiology department. They are owned by maternity hospital No. 9, which is distinguished by good medical equipment and trained staff, and therefore occupies far from the last line in the ranking in the city. Any type of medical care can be provided by the children's department in medical institution No. 38 named after. ON THE. Semashko, which has equipment for emergency care children. The only disadvantage of this maternity hospital is that only women living in the same area are admitted free of charge, the rest are paid.

It is important to pay attention, when choosing the place of birth of the baby, whether the baby and the baby are to be shared in the same room, or whether he is brought to the mother at certain hours for feeding. If a woman in labor wants to spend as much time as possible with her baby, then she needs to stop at such maternity hospitals as 17, 10, 13, Research Institute named after. BEFORE. Otta.


In every maternity hospital, future parents are always offered free services to conduct childbirth and conclude a contract at your request. If you chose the latter, then formulate a list of requirements for the medical institution in advance. Priority should be: a separate room with shower and toilet, the possibility of vertical birth and the presence of the husband during childbirth. You can also choose in advance an obstetrician-gynecologist who will lead the birth process. It would also be a good idea to meet your future doctor and discuss everything with him. important points. You can also chat on forums with mothers who will talk about their impressions of childbirth, the medical staff and the maternity hospital itself.

During pregnancy, expectant mothers are worried about how to get to the coveted maternity hospital if it is located on the other side of the city. This is possible, you just need to take care of it in advance: undergo an examination, take tests, obtain the necessary documents from the antenatal clinic and agree with the doctor in advance.

You will need


Decide in advance where you would like to give birth. In law Russian Federation no one has the right to refuse to provide you with services if you have a card. Choose a maternity hospital with a good reputation: on the advice of friends, relatives, or on the reviews of other people.

Before going to the maternity hospital, make an agreement with a doctor to whom you would entrust this process. He will tell you how to register for this medical institution. Usually the doctor recommends going to bed a few days (a week) before the proposed due date and monitors your condition.

If the maternity hospital told you that you will be admitted with contractions, then ask to make a note on the exchange card, as there are cases of refusal at the right time. And when will he arrive ambulance, then ask to be taken to this particular institution.

If you decide to give birth on a paid basis, then enter into a contract with a medical institution in advance. Often such an agreement includes a delivery service there with contractions.


In practice, your rights may be violated - you may be refused even with contractions. Therefore, you should agree in advance.


  • Motherhood

A good one will help you cope with the anxiety, fear and uncertainty before childbirth. This person must be a competent and qualified specialist. It is advisable to collect information about all obstetricians in your area and listen to reviews about them.


Decide for yourself whether the gender of the doctor who will observe and deliver your child plays a role for you. For some women, only the doctor’s competence is important, and nothing else matters. Gender does not affect the qualifications and abilities of doctors -

Every pregnant woman eagerly awaits the birth of her baby. With the onset of the ninth month of pregnancy birth process can come at any time. To avoid having to pack your bag to the maternity hospital in a hurry during contractions, you need to fold it in advance. In this article we have collected lists necessary documents, things and products that a woman will need in the maternity hospital and upon discharge home.

What does a mother need in the maternity hospital - a list of everything needed for childbirth and after childbirth

List of clothes for a newborn - in the maternity hospital

Maternity hospitals have their own individual rules that allow the bringing of certain items and products. However, there is a certain list of what a woman will definitely need in the maternity hospital during childbirth and after.

When entering the maternity ward, you must have the following documents with you:

  • passport of the mother in labor with a photocopy;
  • from the antenatal clinic an individual exchange card for a pregnant woman;
  • maternity insurance medical policy;
  • SNILS;
  • referral from a residential complex from a gynecologist;
  • birth certificate;
  • birth contract (if there is one).

The following items and products will be needed in the prenatal ward:

  • slippers (washable);
  • towel;
  • loose-fitting shirt;
  • toilet paper;
  • sanitary napkins;
  • a small bottle of water (still) to quench your thirst.

What documents does the future father need to provide to the maternity hospital?

If you are planning a joint birth, you must provide it to the maternity hospital passport and health certificate for the future dad .

A woman in the ward after childbirth will need the following things:

  • robe (preferably cotton);
  • spacious nightgown;
  • nursing bra;
  • disposable panties;
  • socks;
  • telephone set with charger;
  • high-quality postpartum bandage;
  • toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, shampoo, comb, small mirror;
  • several towels (for body and hands);
  • sanitary pads with a high volume of absorption (for women in labor);
  • special cream for cracked nipples;
  • absorbent breast pads;
  • hygienic lipstick;
  • spoon, plate and mug for food in the dining room, where food is prepared directly for women in labor.

You should take into account the fact that in almost all maternity institutions the use of cloth bags is prohibited, so all things and products should be collected in plastic bags.

What to take to the maternity hospital for a baby - list of things for a newborn

The baby in the maternity hospital will need the following things:

  • diapers (a pair of flannelette, two calico);
  • 2 cotton vests/2 bodysuits;
  • special anti-scratches;
  • cap/thin cap;
  • two pairs of socks;
  • 2 rompers/2 overalls;
  • disposable diapers;
  • terry towel (large)/blanket;
  • compact packaging of diapers size 0-1;
  • cream for newborns under a diaper or talc for children;
  • special wet wipes for newborns;
  • , which must first be boiled (used when there is a shortage of milk);
  • liquid baby soap.

What things should you prepare for mother and baby when leaving the maternity hospital?

A few days after the birth, if everything is fine with the mother and the newborn, they are prepared for discharge. In this case you will need:

  • For discharge for mom : loose dress, tights (if it’s cold), comfortable shoes, clean linen. All this can be brought by the husband or relatives on the day of discharge. Mom also definitely needs cosmetics, because discharge is a festive moment for the whole family, so you should look your best.
  • Baby on the day of discharge you will need a special kit: an envelope for discharge, a cap, undershirts (1 light and 1 warm), overalls, socks, a diaper and, of course, a pink ribbon for a girl, a blue bow for a boy. When selecting for discharge, you should focus on the time of year in order to prevent the child from overheating in the warm season, and during cold weather - the baby is hypothermic. So in summer a thin cap, a vest and a light blanket will do. In spring and autumn, you can use demi-season envelopes, but in late autumn and early spring it is better to use its winter version. For winter, you need to purchase a warm cap and a winter envelope, as well as warm vests and rompers or diapers.
  • Relatives should also take care of a photo or video camera , because this moment should be captured forever.

You should be prepared to start delivery at any time, starting from the third trimester of pregnancy.

Now, when leaving home, you should always have your passport and exchange card with you.

As your expected date of birth approaches, you should prepare yourself:

  • preferably a few days before giving birthremove decorative polish and trim nails.According to the degree of blood filling of the capillaries located under nail plate, the doctor judges the presence of hypoxia, in which case the nails will acquire a pale blue tint. In addition, mother's long nails can accidentally injure the baby's delicate skin, and difficult-to-wash off, accumulated microbes under the nails are a dangerous source of infection for the child.
  • shave your crotch.The ideal option for carrying out this procedure is a day or two before birth in a calm home environment with the help of loved one. If you don’t have time to do this at home, shaving will be done in the maternity hospital; a disposable razor will be useful for this.

Placement and stay in a medical institution, including maternity hospital, are regulated by sanitary and epidemiological requirements. At the same time, the control and prevention of nosocomial infections in the obstetric department are regulatedregulations developed and approved for a specific institution.Therefore, once you have decided on the choice of maternity hospital, it is important to check with this medical institution in advance:what to take to the maternity hospital - list of things and documents, and requirements for them.

For example, in many maternity hospitals they do not allow you to swaddle and dress the child in your own clothes and diapers, or upon admission you must provide not only the documents themselves, but also copies of them. In order not to drag excess luggage with you, and not to look for a photocopier at the last moment near the maternity hospital, consult in advance about the necessary things to the maternity hospital , and requirements for them.

The next step, after choosing a maternity hospital and a doctor, is to provide your loved ones with contacts of the institution and doctor you have chosen. Your husband and loved ones should always be able to independently contact your doctor.

Should be assembled and laid out in advance things needed for the maternity hospital . It’s better to think about it and make a list according to which you should pack your things. This list will also be useful immediately before going to the maternity hospital, because it is impossible to put, for example, an exchange card or a toothbrush in your bag in advance.

You will need a lot of things, but not all at once. Items should be distributed in advance into three bags, depending on the moment when they are needed:

  • a bag with things that a woman will need upon admission to the maternity ward;
  • a bag with things necessary for the mother and baby to stay in the postpartum ward - bring immediately after birth;
  • a bag with things for discharge - will be needed on the day of discharge.

The husband should be instructed in advance regarding the location of the bags and the order in which they should be brought.

It is advisable to create and attach a separate list for each bag, including a list of items for each specific bag. The husband should be instructed in advance regarding the location of the bags and the order in which they should be brought. Bag No. 1, with which you go to childbirth, should be in plain sight in an easily accessible place.

Upon admission immediately to the prenatal ward when the labor activity, you will need the bare minimum of items. Most of the things will be needed after childbirth. If loved ones do not have the opportunity to bring and hand over everything they need immediately after the birth, it is better to combine things for the birth with things for the postpartum ward (bags No. 1 and No. 2) in advance.

According to the sanitary rules of maternity hospitals, things must be packed in washable plastic bags or similar bags. You won’t be allowed to go further than the reception department with a fabric travel bag; they will force you to put everything into bags. On the Internet, it is possible to purchase a ready-made complete bags of things to the maternity hospital,

take an interest in order to have a clearer understanding of the essence of the issue.

Birth partner The child’s father or another family member, if he does not have infectious diseases, may be present at the birth provided that there are individual delivery rooms in the maternity hospital, with the exception of cases operative delivery

  • . If you decide to give birth with your husband, you should provide him with a passport and test results confirming his health. This list should be clarified in the maternity hospital; as a rule, it includes the following tests:
  • fluorography
  • blood tests for syphilis, hepatitis B and C, HIV no more than a month old,

physician's report on health status.

In addition to the passport, the husband should have a change of clothes and shoes with him: cotton trousers, a T-shirt, socks and rubber flip-flops, a disposable mask, shoe covers, water and a snack.

Let's take a closer look at the features of each bag.

Things needed when entering the maternity hospital.

Exchange card

An exchange card is the main document of a pregnant woman, containing information about the peculiarities of the course of pregnancy and the results of tests and examinations, which is drawn up upon registration at the antenatal clinic, and is given to the pregnant woman at 22-23 weeks.

To issue an exchange card, it must contain the test results:

  • IN ADDITION to the MANDATORY tests, the exchange card should/may contain:
  • Height Weight/ /
  • tests for: worm eggs/fluorography of husband
  • results and , .

According to requirementsSanitary and epidemiological rules When a pregnant woman enters a maternity hospital, the question of hospitalization in a physiological or observational department is decided on the basis of data from the exchange card, a survey and examination of the woman in labor admitted to the hospital.

In the absence of an exchange card, the woman in labor is placed in the observation department

Indications for placement in the observation department are as follows:

  • febrile state (body temperature 37.6 °C or higher without clinically significant other symptoms);
  • infectious pathology, including: acute inflammatory diseases and chronic inflammatory diseases in the acute stage (pyelonephritis, cystitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, otitis media, pyoderma, etc.); acute respiratory diseases (flu, sore throat, etc.); HIV infection, syphilis, viral hepatitis B, C, D, gonorrhea, herpes infection; tuberculosis;
  • lack of medical documentation and data on the examination of women in labor;
  • childbirth outside a medical facility (within 24 hours after birth).

To avoid being placed in an observation department without an exchange card, you should have valid test results in hand,With the help of which the doctor will determine the absence of infectious diseases, these are: general analysis blood and urine, flora smear, tests for HIV, RW, tests for hepatitis B and C, health certificate from a local physician.

Clothes for mom needed in the maternity hospital.

As for clothes for staying in the maternity hospital: according to the requirements of SanPiN:

“... upon admission of a pregnant woman, she is givenindividual set of linen (shirt, towel, diaper, robe). You are allowed to use your own clean clothes and shoes. Before being transferred to the delivery room, the woman in labor is changed into clean, individual underwear (shirt, headscarf, shoe covers).”

Thus, For the birth itself, you will be given a disposable shirt. After giving birth, if it is not prohibited, you can change into your own clothes - nightgown and a robe. Note that things in the maternity hospital for mom must be clean and ironed. It is better to have a spare nightie, since the first one will quickly become stained with blood.

Theoretically, you can wear a tracksuit instead of a robe in the maternity hospital, but, as practice shows, a robe is the most comfortable clothing in the postpartum period, because You will have to undergo frequent inspections, and if there are stitches, treat them up to 6 times a day.

Clothes for a child in the birth block

“The newborn is received in a sterile diaper. For the initial treatment of a newborn, a sterile individual kit is used... The primary toileting of a newborn is carried out in the delivery room immediately after birth. The baby is dried with a warm, sterile diaper and placed on the mother's stomach for skin-to-skin contact, followed by attachment to the breast. The baby on the mother’s stomach is covered with a sterile (cotton) dry warm diaper and a blanket.”

Those. The main requirement for diapers for newborns is sterility. In addition, in order to prevent and combat the spread of infection in maternity hospitals, “official” linen from newborns is treated as infected, i.e. in compliance with strict sanitary standards for processing linen in medical institutions. The ability to achieve such sterility at home by processing diapers yourself is doubtful. Therefore, when entering the maternity ward, you should not worry about the availability of diapers and clothes for the newborn; the staff will use “their own”, “maternity hospital” sterile diapers.

The same applies to the “recommended” products and tools for caring for newborns - a belly button clip,aspirator, syringe, means for treating the umbilical wound. Remember, you will be in a medical facility where trained staff independently carry out all necessary for the child medical manipulations, using your own sterile equipment and instruments. Let us turn again to the requirements of SanPiN:

All reusable medical products, including instruments used to care for newborns (eye pipettes, spatulas, etc.), must be disinfected and then sterilized. When carrying out manipulations, use sterile cotton swabs in separate packs. Opened and unused equipment must be re-sterilized. To take sterile material, sterile tweezers (forceps) are used, which are changed after each newborn.

Recommendations to carry a belly button clip or a syringe for a child are questionable. If necessary, at the request of the staff, you will buy the necessary items at the pharmacy, which is located at every maternity hospital, or ask your loved ones to bring the necessary items.

After the mother and baby are transferred to the postpartum ward, it is allowed, and in some maternity hospitals it is even encouraged, to use your own diapers and clothes for the baby. In this case things for the baby in the maternity hospital should be washed in advance with baby hypoallergenic soap or powder and ironed. Children's clothes and diapers should be ironed throughout the period until the umbilical wound heals to prevent infection from entering the unhealed wound.

When determining the required number of diapers and sets of clothes, proceed from the fact that the baby’s clothes are changed every day, and diapers are needed not only for swaddling, but also to dry, cover the baby or place it under him. There will be no opportunity to wash diapers in the maternity hospital.

Bed sheets

Should I take bed linen to the maternity hospital? The answer to this question is determined by the rules of the maternity hospital and individual preferences. Making your own bed in the maternity hospital may not be allowed due to sanitary requirements. In order not to doubt the cleanliness of the hospital linen provided, here is an excerpt from the requirements of SanPiN:

Bed linen is changed every 3 days, a shirt and towel - daily, diapers for the postpartum mother - as necessary.

Disinfection of textile products contaminated with secretions and biological fluids (underwear and bed linen, towels, diapers, special clothing for medical personnel) is carried out in laundries by soaking in DS solutions before washing or during the washing process using DS approved for these purposes in washing machines pass-through type according to the washing program for processing linen in medical institutions.”

Thus, hospital bed linen does not look ideal, but there is no doubt about its cleanliness. If you still intend to use your own underwear, check with the maternity hospital about this possibility in advance.

Visits to the maternity hospital and meetings with relatives

The order of visits is established by the administration of the maternity hospital. Options may vary:

  • Somewhere, for reasons of preventing the spread of infection, visits are prohibited; you can see your husband through a window, and receive transmissions from loved ones through the staff.
  • Another facility allows meetings with loved ones in the reception area lobby.
  • In some obstetric departments, visits from loved ones are allowed only if the mother and child are in a separate, usually paid, room.
  • There is also an option when visits by relatives are limited only during quarantine.

Find out in advance about the visiting rules at the selected maternity hospital. When visiting, loved ones must have shoe covers and disposable masks with them.. You will also need these same items when going out to see your husband in the hall.

Items to be checked out

You will need a bag with these items immediately before check-out. This includes clothes for mother and child.

Regardless of whether there will be a formal discharge or not, you will be photographed, and memories of a significant event will be associated with these photos. So that over time you don’t confuse your own appearance in these photographs, think in advance about what to wear for discharge.

A week after giving birth, it will seem that you have lost 10 kg immediately, but you will return to your previous shape in a few months. When choosing clothes for yourself, take this into account. The best option- dress loose fit. Don't forget about tights and possible accessories. To prevent clothes from getting wrinkled, leave them hanging on hangers in the closet and put everything else in a bag.

But this option is worth considering only if you are sure that your husband will not make a mistake and will not forget about the dress from the closet! Otherwise, carefully put all your things in the bag at once.

Ask your loved ones to bring a cosmetic bag with decorative cosmetics not on the day of discharge, but in advance. This way, on the day of discharge, you will have more time to devote to makeup, rather than rushing to apply makeup at the last moment. Even if you don't use foundation, this product will please you, since the appearance of your facial skin at first after childbirth will be far from ideal.

The discharge kit for a child depends on the time of year. Pay attention to the ready-made discharge kits. We remind you that children's clothes should be washed and ironed in advance.

Due to the requirements for transporting children in a car only in a car seat or child car seat, a traditional blanket with a corner and a ribbon or an envelope is an inconvenient option. As an alternative to a blanket, consider a warm onesie, or an envelope with sleeves and a special slot for a seat belt. Among such models, there are transformable overalls, which transform from an envelope with sleeves into a full-fledged overalls.

Documents from the maternity hospital

Upon discharge from the maternity hospital, the following documents are issued:

    1. Certificate of birth of a child- document-basis for obtaining a birth certificate from the registry office. The certificate contains information about the date and place of birth, the gender of the child, the mother's full name, and the name of the obstetrician. The document is certified by the seal of the institution and the signature of the doctor who delivered the child. Check immediately on the spot for the correctness of the information provided, and keep in mind that the certificate is valid for 1 month.
    2. Two sheets from the exchange card: one containing information about the progress of labor must be provided to antenatal clinic where you were registered; the second sheet containing information about the child will be collected by a nurse or pediatrician from the children's clinic.
    3. Two birth certificate coupons. Based on these documents, the child can undergo the necessary medical examinations free of charge throughout the year as part of dispensary observation in a children's clinic at his place of residence.

Yes, the list of things to take to the maternity hospital was quite long! Perhaps something will seem inappropriate, or maybe, on the contrary, something important is missed. In any case, your loved ones will try to provide you with everything you need. The main thing is that you must not forget take to the maternity hospital - this is calmness and confidence, this is exactly what is needed now!

Leave comments and additions to the list necessary things for the maternity hospital below, and discuss this issue in the special community “Preparing for Childbirth”.

The period of waiting for the baby is coming to an end, very soon you will be holding him in your arms.

This moment will be one of the happiest in life. But when contractions begin, before giving birth, believe me, it will be difficult to collect everything you need for the maternity hospital.

At these moments there is no time for it at all. It is better to pack your bag about a week or two before the expected birth. necessary things to the maternity hospital.

The question arises: What should you take to the maternity hospital? See below my list of necessary things that I collected for myself and the newborn.

When you enter the maternity hospital, the first thing you will do is go to the prenatal room. In this room, you are generally not allowed to take anything other than a few items listed below (in the blue box). This is especially true if the maternity hospital is state-owned (free).

Therefore, when entering, you should only have with you:

  1. Your passport
  2. exchange card
  3. compulsory medical insurance policy
  4. if childbirth is paid, then a contract (agreement) for childbirth
  5. washable slippers. You should not take fluffy slippers.

These are the most basic, necessary things when entering the labor room. Usually in a free maternity hospital nothing else is allowed. In paid maternity hospitals they allow you to take many additional things, such as: a camera, a video camera, cellular telephone(it’s better to take it with a charger). But each specific maternity hospital has its own rules of permitted things and it is better to clarify them in advance. It is not recommended to eat before giving birth, so do not stock up on food. But after you get into the ward where you will be with your child, you will need more things. After all, you will have to live there with your newborn from 3 to 10 days, depending on the situation. List of necessary things for yourself and the newborn in the ward:

What clothes you should take to the maternity hospital for yourself:

  • the robe is yours casual wear in the hospital.
  • nightgown or pajamas (a couple of pieces to replace). I really liked wearing a beautiful nightie for nursing mothers in the maternity hospital. It looks like a dress with hidden slits for feeding a newborn. Very comfortably.
  • socks
  • bras for nursing mothers. (preferably a couple).

What should you take to the maternity hospital - hygiene items:

  • soap with soap dish, toothpaste and a brush, comb, shampoo, a small mirror.
  • toilet paper
  • sanitary pads are the largest (maxi, ultra super) or now they sell special ones for women in labor.
  • panties. At one time I took regular ones and washed them. Now you can take disposable ones with you to avoid this.
  • a towel - a couple.
  • cosmetics (useful on the day of discharge)
  • nipple cream - my husband will buy it later if necessary. It is needed to lubricate cracked nipples. For example, it was not useful to me.

What to take to the maternity hospital for a newborn:

The nurse girls themselves bring everything they need for newborns. Diapers, vests and caps are provided daily in the required volume. Everything is sterile, so you don’t need to take anything with you for your newborn. But it will be useful:

  • baby soap
  • cotton buds

You don’t have to take diapers, they give you enough diapers, you’ll just need to change them more often. A newborn baby without diapers will be even more comfortable :). Things like powder, brilliant green, hydrogen peroxide for treating the navel, body cream - everything is available in the maternity hospital, you don’t need to take it with you. Especially if the maternity hospital is paid, such things are not useful there. The nurses themselves come and process everything the baby needs. And the eyes will be washed and the navel will be treated and lubricated with cream if there is a need for it.

What things should you take to the maternity hospital:

  • utensils (cup, spoon, plate)
  • notepad and pen

The food in the maternity hospital is tolerable, you can eat :). Honestly, after giving birth, it’s better to stay on this diet for a while. They have it adapted for newborns (so that there are no rashes). You can take bagged tea and sugar with you. Everything else will be provided by your relatives at your request.

What should you take to the maternity hospital for discharge:

There is no need to take these things in advance.
On the day of discharge, relatives will bring:

  • Clothes for mom. To avoid getting into trouble, it is better to take things that you wore during pregnancy. Because the belly doesn’t go away so quickly, and you may not be able to fit into another one.

For a newborn, we take things with elements of blue or pink depending on the gender of the child:

  • Diaper
  • Bodysuit or blouse or vest
  • Sliders
  • Thin cap
  • Booties or socks
  • Diaper (thin + thick). Under a warm blanket.
  • Take a camera or a video camera (or maybe both) when you leave so that this wonderful moment in your life remains on your photo cards. This point is especially important!

During the cold season (autumn, spring, winter) the following will be additionally required for discharge:

  • Warm hat
  • Winter overalls or envelope or warm blanket with ribbon

This concludes the list of what you need to take to the maternity hospital for yourself and your newborn.

P.S. Sweet gifts and flowers for the nurse will also come in handy, who will carry your baby, and the rest of the doctors at will. I sincerely wish you to easily endure childbirth and give birth to a strong, healthy baby! Happiness to your family and home!

There is no woman who would not get ready to go to the maternity hospital in advance. More experienced mothers who are expecting more than their first child know what to take with them and what will be superfluous. Others may have difficulty getting ready for the maternity hospital. To be sure of everything, the mother needs to first become familiar with what will be useful to her personally and what things the baby needs in the first days after birth.

Things that are needed in the maternity hospital

The first thing you should start collecting is documents. Without them, a woman may simply not be admitted to the maternity ward.

Therefore, you need to collect the following papers in a separate folder in advance:

  • Exchange card.
  • Sick leave.
  • Health insurance policy.
  • Passport.
  • Birth certificate.
  • Agreement on paid childbirth management (if any).
  • Money.

The last point may raise doubts, especially if the birth is paid for. But situations are different, and mom will be calmer if some amount is with her. You may need them if you need to pay for some medications or simply thank the attentive staff .

For personal items, at first (before the woman gives birth) you will need a shirt and a robe. In many maternity hospitals, these things are given to all women giving birth. However, if allowed, you can take your own. You will also need slippers, preferably rubber ones, a large towel (for showering) and a small one to wipe your face with. You are not allowed to drink water before giving birth, but you can take a small bottle of still water . It is useful for rinsing your mouth or moistening a towel.

It is allowed to take from personal hygiene items toilet paper, wet wipes, hair clips, toothbrush and toothpaste, soap, shampoo. As a rule, all mothers take dishes from home with them. This rule is not necessary, but it is still more pleasant to eat from your own dishes.

Mom will need it for discharge beautiful clothes, shoes and some cosmetics . Just don't overdo it cosmetics so as not to provoke allergies in the baby.

This is the entire list of necessary “prenatal things”. Naturally, after giving birth, the mother will need a lot more, but it will be better if everything is packed in different bags. That is, the bag with children's things and accessories must be kept separately.

According to sanitary standards, leather and cloth bags are prohibited in the maternity hospital. Only plastic bags.

It is prohibited to take food with you to the prenatal ward. You should also check with the medical staff about the rules regarding jewelry. Usually small, modest ones are allowed, but long and massive jewelry is undesirable.

Below is an approximate list of necessary things for the baby, but before you pack it all, you need to learn in detail about the rules in force in the maternity hospital.

List of clothes for a baby in the maternity hospital for the winter, useful little things

To know, alert mothers learn about the temperature in the maternity hospital in advance. As a rule, in winter the temperature in the wards is not lower than 22-23 degrees. What a baby might need winter time?

  • First of all you need . Considering that the mother will have to stay in the hospital for 3 to 10 days (depending on the baby’s condition), at least one package of diapers will come in handy. You need to buy the smallest size. However, if you plan to have a large baby, you can take a larger size.
  • The next thing you need is diapers . Even if the mother does not plan to swaddle her baby, they will be useful for lining them during hygiene procedures, treating the navel, and lubricating diaper rash. In this case, you need to take 4-5 pieces.
  • If you plan to swaddle the child regularly, you will need about 15 of them, with an estimate of 4-5 per day . Moreover, half of the diapers should be made of thin material (chintz), the second - from flannel. For young mothers who do not know how to swaddle, it will be useful to purchase an envelope diaper (cocoon) with Velcro.

Laundry is not allowed in the maternity hospital. Therefore, used diapers and other things must be placed in a special bag. Usually, relatives bring a fresh portion of necessary things every day, and take away the dirty ones.

  • Socks must be prepared . They are put on the legs even when swaddling. In winter you will need 2-3 pairs of thin and 2 thick socks. You need to make sure that they are not too tight and do not squeeze the baby’s legs.
  • As for hats, different maternity hospitals have their own rules on this matter. . Often mothers are not recommended to wear a hat for their child. If there is no such taboo, and the mother wants to dress her little one warmer, she will need a cotton hat (2-3 pieces), over which you can put a warm flannel one. Due to the fact that they do not get dirty so quickly, no more than 2 of them are needed. Special attention you need to pay attention to the ties. They should be as soft and comfortable as possible so as not to damage the baby's delicate skin. You can take a hat without any strings at all. But you need to be sure that it will not slip.

Woolen items are prohibited in the maternity hospital. This applies to both adults and children's items.

  • Mittens are an important part of a child's wardrobe . They protect the baby from accidental nail damage. There should be several such mittens - 2 thin ones and 1 pair - made of fleece. By the way, the vast majority of babies are born with long nails. So mom can safely take baby scissors (with blunt ends) with her to the maternity hospital to give her baby her first manicure.
  • For things you will need 5-6 pcs undershirts, 5-6 pcs rompers , it’s better to take it with rivets at the top so that they don’t slip. On top of this, if the room is cool, you may need warm suits. Or a closed jumpsuit made of warm fabric, or a blouse with pants, this is at the discretion of the mother. And be sure to have a warm blanket. You will need a nice envelope for your discharge. In winter, you need to choose a warm one, with sheepskin.

List of baby clothes for the summer, useful little things

Even in summer, it can be cool within the maternity hospital, so it is important not to rely on the hot season and prepare both light cotton clothes and warmer ones for the baby. After all, his thermoregulation has not yet improved. This means that it heats up quickly and freezes quickly. .

Summer time is good because the temperature allows you to accustom your baby to air baths. And if the mother does not plan to often put a diaper on the baby, she will need 5-6 calico diapers per day. And a few disposable diapers to put on the changing table. From the items you need to take openers and rompers - 10 pairs each or light bodysuits. All children's clothes should be seam facing out and fit comfortably .

In case of a sudden cold snap, which often happens in the evening, the following should be provided for the baby: a warm suit (preferably two), a warm blanket with a duvet cover, a hat and socks.

Additionally, you need to take care of children's cosmetics. IN hot weather The baby may develop diaper rash and heat rash, which will require cream, talc, etc. to combat. A large supply wouldn't hurt either. wet wipes and garbage pacts .

Mom will need a nursing bra (it’s better if there are several), breast pads and cream for cracked nipples.

Despite modern approach to the construction and arrangement of wards, summer is summer, and it is quite possible that mother and baby will need protection from mosquitoes. It is better to give preference to an electric fumigator, as the cream can cause allergies.

Demi season, useful little things

This is the coldest time for the maternity hospital, since the heating season has either not yet begun or has already ended. Therefore, the mother definitely needs to prepare a thick blanket for the child; in addition, you can take a baby blanket.

The list of clothes for a child in this case will be more extensive, since depending on the temperature, completely different things may be useful:

  • Diapers - 5 cotton and 5 flannel per day.
  • Bodysuits or bodysuits - 6-7 pairs.
  • Cotton rompers – 6-7 pairs.
  • Warm pants – 5 pairs.
  • Blouse made of warm fabric – 2-3.
  • Socks – 2 pairs of thin and 2 thick, you can even have booties.
  • Anti-scratch pads - 2-4 pairs.
  • Hats - 2 thin and 2 thick.
  • Warm overalls – 1 pc.
  • Synthetic envelope for discharge.

At this time of year, it would be most useful to have clothes that allow you to quickly change a diaper without completely undressing your baby. Therefore, it will be more convenient to choose models of overalls and bodysuits with rivets between the legs. It is also advisable to choose sliders that have a wide elastic band so that they do not slip.