I feel the G-spot. Erogenous zones in women: G-spot

Female orgasm– a mysterious thing and depends on many factors, but there are points on a woman’s body whose stimulation can lead to maximum pleasure.


Everyone has heard about this mysterious point, but few people know where it is. In fact, G is not a point, but an area with a diameter of about 5 cm. It is located on the front wall of the vagina at a depth of 3.5-7 cm. It is easiest to feel it in a state of excitement. G-spot slightly convex and feels like a walnut shell. To obtain pleasure, it is necessary to influence not only this zone, but also the area around it.

Stimulate G-spot You can either with a partner or on your own. In the first case, the woman should lie on her back and raise her legs so that her knees are at shoulder level, the man is on top. Doggy style and “Cowgirl” poses are also effective.

If the partner is not nearby, then for stimulation G-spot you need to lie on your back and insert your index finger into the vagina and feel the area that causes arousal when touched. After this, you need to make a movement as if you are calling someone with your finger - bend and straighten your finger several times. Can also be massaged G-spot in a circular motion. Some time after the start of stimulation, the urge to urinate may appear, but gradually the discomfort will give way to pleasure.

AFE point

Few people know about this erogenous zone; some simply call it “ point A" It is located above point G, almost at the cervix.

This area can only be affected with the help of a partner or a vibrator. The achievement of the AFE point is indicated by the active release of lubricant several minutes after the start of stimulation.

Point U

This is the name given to the entrance to the urethra. It can be alternately gently stroked and lightly pressed. And during intercourse, a woman should spread her legs wide and, moving her pelvis towards her partner’s hips, press the U point against the penis. A man must rub against this erogenous zone. Pleasure will come in about five minutes.

Point C

Point C better known as the clitoris. In order for this area to bring even more pleasure, it is not the area that needs to be stimulated, but the labia minora. Many people like to apply light pressure to the base of the clitoris and stretch the skin around it. During oral sex or petting, a woman should listen to herself and mentally transfer the sensations from the top of the clitoris to the entire perineum.

Point M

This area is located between the vagina and anus. Not all women are delighted with its stimulation. To make orgasm even brighter, just before it approaches, you need to influence this point, alternating rhythmic pressure and light circular movements.

Wave stimulation will help you achieve stronger pleasure. You need to influence one of the points, but on the threshold of orgasm, stop for a minute, caressing the body. Then return to the selected point again and, before reaching the end, pause for half a minute. The third time the break is 10 seconds, and the fourth time you can already have an orgasm.

Many girls mistakenly suspect that, in principle, they cannot experience an orgasm. “Frigidity” is one of the myths that those who simply have not yet found their G-spot “pull” upon themselves. You should not entrust this honorable mission to a man - even the most skillful one, he is still not a psychic. It’s better to first understand where and how you feel good, and then suggest it to your partner.

So, get rid of doubts and complexes, explore your body! Knowing your own desires is no less important than knowing your clothing size. A few tips will help you through this process.

1. A little theory.

The location of the G point is described in detail in the literature - on the front wall of the vagina, at a depth of approximately 6-9 cm. Of course, the female body is not a computer. But at least you can try to search.

2. Conducive environment.

You should have complete solitude and enough time. You need to relax, not rush anywhere and, if possible, abstract yourself from all problems. Create for a while a small universe where time has stopped, no one will find you and you are given complete freedom of action.

3. Or maybe a fetish..?

Don't be afraid of this word. Perhaps something specific turns you on, but you are embarrassed to talk about it. Know that fetishism is an individual characteristic, and not a deviation from the norm. A fetish is a mandatory attribute of arousal and you should not be ashamed of it.

4. Feel your sexuality.

It would seem, how is appearance related to the G-spot? For us girls, everything is connected. Beautiful lingerie and lace stockings will help you feel attractive and desirable. And if your loved one is nearby, then searching for the right point will turn into an exciting and enjoyable game.

5. About the importance of foreplay...

Over time, less and less time and attention are paid to foreplay in a couple's sexual life. And in vain! All psychologists and sexologists talk about this without exception, so we won’t repeat ourselves. But if your partner has forgotten how important it is to caress your body before sex, take the initiative yourself. After all, in erotic games there is enough spark and it doesn’t matter who it comes from.

6. Oral sex and more.

It is during cunnilingus that it is most effective to look for the treasured point. Above we talked about tips that it is advisable to give to a partner in this process - so oral sex contributes to this in the best possible way. You are already pleased, but you feel that it can be even better - even the shyest girls will start talking here.

7. "Finger games."

Men, due to their self-confidence, often believe that they can find their partner’s G-spot during sex. But this is a big misconception, since the best tool in the search is your fingers and your loved one. There are many nerve endings concentrated on the fingertips, so it’s better to let the search for the point become part of foreplay first, and only then of sex.

Where is the G-spot is a question that is asked not only by timid and inexperienced teenagers who want, at least in theory, to gain the ability to give pleasure to a girl. Sometimes even adults who have already changed several sexual partners do not know its exact location. Some even believe that this is just a myth that has no medical evidence. In fact, the existence was confirmed by a gynecologist. The first letter of his last name (the specialist’s name was Grafenberg) became the designation for this amazing find.

G-spot massage is the surest way to give a girl unearthly pleasure. She will get excited much faster and get a truly enchanting orgasm, or even several in a row. In a word, the G-spot is a real source of pleasure for any woman. But where is it?

To begin with, it’s worth saying that this is not a point at all, but a whole zone. It is located on the inner wall of the vagina (the one closest to the stomach). This is a special collection of nerve endings. The zone was named Point because of its small size.

In order to answer the question of where your G-spot is, you must first of all practice. There is nothing in this that could be considered shameful for a woman. After all, we are talking about your own body. Therefore, let's put aside all unnecessary complexes and talk frankly.

If you want to know where the G-spot is, first take a horizontal position. It is best to lie down on a sofa or bed. Try to relax as much as possible, you should be comfortable and comfortable. Spread your legs slightly and bend your knees. After this, carefully and slowly insert your middle finger into the vagina. Don't forget to wash your hands thoroughly and trim your nails before doing this. Otherwise, there is a risk of damaging the delicate mucous membrane.

The hand should be palm up. Bend the finger you are using so as to feel under the phalanx pad. This is the area being examined. Try to lightly grab onto it with your finger.

Now, in order to understand where the G-spot is in your case, begin to carefully feel the surface of the vagina. Listen to your own feelings. Move your finger a little higher, lower, to the sides. Apply gentle pressure with the pad, as the point is located under the mucous membrane, in the tissues. At first, the vaginal wall will be quite hard and ridged, but then the area should soften and the sensations become more pleasant and exciting.

If you don't feel anything unusual, don't be upset. Every woman has a G spot. It's just all about individual physiology. It may well be that for you it is located a little further, and you simply cannot reach it with your finger. Or try to increase the pressure a little, look around, a little closer to the exit.

Listen to your body, learn to understand its language. If you feel excitement that begins to intensify and grow, then you are on the right track. Most likely, the G-spot is right under your finger. Its stimulation may well lead to full-fledged

Does it exist? Of course, not in the same concept as for girls. However, there is also an interesting zone in their body. Its stimulation allows a man to experience a much more violent and longer-lasting orgasm. This is the prostate. (direct/internal or indirect/external) delivers unusual and vivid sensations during and is also useful from a medical point of view. Therefore, if a man wants to prolong his viability as a sexual partner, he should think about this feature of his body.

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7. Manual stimulation of the genital area: G-spot stimulation

For many women, orgasm occurs only when the clitoris is caressed, for others - exclusively when the vaginal and clitoral zones are stimulated, for others, cunnilingus helps, while others require additional influence on other erogenous zones. The features of achieving orgasm are so multifaceted that the emergence of information from researchers about the effectiveness of its occurrence by stimulating the G-spot (Graffenberg point) pushed many women to their own search for this treasured place. As the researchers expected, some women, when manually stimulating a certain place on the anterior wall of the vagina, receive sufficiently strong arousal to ensure orgasm...

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The “G” point is located on the front wall of the vagina at a depth of 4-5 centimeters from the entrance to the vagina. It is a hypersensitive area of ​​the vagina, measuring 1.5 to 2 cm, containing 600 nerve endings per square millimeter, in contrast to other areas of the vagina, containing no more than 30 nerve endings. That is, stimulation of this zone will bring 20 times more pleasure. There is nothing super-magical in this zone; its special sensitivity is explained by a much greater concentration of nerve endings, therefore the stimulation is felt stronger and more acute. This is typical for both pleasant sensations when a woman is truly aroused, and unpleasant ones when she is not yet fully aroused.

Myth 1. Not all women have a G-spot

The G-spot exists on every woman’s body, and if a woman says that she doesn’t feel it or doesn’t have it at all, she is mistaken. For most women, this zone is in a “sleeping” state and needs to be awakened. Long and high-quality foreplay is extremely important for awakening.

To awaken the sleeping G zone, sexologists also recommend using the “bridge” technique. What is it? Most women experience orgasm from clitoral stimulation - this is the first area through which they begin to experience sexual pleasure. Therefore, the connection between it and the area of ​​the brain responsible for pleasure has already been established. We can “transfer” pleasant sensations from the awakened zone to the unawakened one. How it works? We use a vibrator with double stimulation - the clitoris and the G zone. First, we focus on the sensations in the clitoris area, getting a release. The brain gradually gets used to the fact that a G-zone massage is something associated with pleasant sensations. After a few days, we weaken the impact on the clitoris, making G stimulation stronger. And so on until you reach release only with the help of vaginal stimulation. Awakening the G zone usually takes several days (5-7); it is also advisable to use stimulating creams that increase blood flow to the genitals, thereby increasing sensitivity. To fully awaken erotic sensitivity, it is necessary to awaken all 4 zones, and not just G.

Myth 2. The G-spot can be easily felt.

Yes and no. It all depends on the physiological characteristics of the woman herself. For some, this area of ​​the vagina has a slightly different texture, for others it bulges out a little, for others it is completely indistinguishable to the touch. For men, we recommend focusing on a depth of two phalanges of a finger (approximately). Watch your partner's reaction; if the zone is awakened and you fall into it, you will definitely see it.

Myth 3. You need to get to the G-spot, and then it’s on its own.

No, it won't happen on its own. The mechanism of G-spot stimulation is somewhat different than just back-and-forth movements. So how is this done? It's difficult to explain with fingers, but I'll try. First of all, you need to find the point with your finger and lightly press on it. A little! Next, we begin to bend and straighten the finger, massaging the point. It’s like we’re calling someone, “come here.” But at the same time, it is important not to scratch along the vaginal wall, but to keep your finger on the point with the pad. And of course, be sure to watch your partner’s reaction, ask her to speak as she likes.

Valeria Aginskaya, sexologist, program director of the Secrets Sex Education Center