How to make birch from beads. Master class: beaded birch

There is hardly anyone who would remain indifferent to white birch. This amazing tree evokes different associations - for some - a feeling of tenderness, for others - sadness, for those who are far from their native land - a feeling of nostalgia, but everyone who saw this tree once will fall in love with it forever. Well, let's try to reproduce the masterpiece created by nature in our own creativity - we will start weaving a birch tree from beads with our own hands.

Beaded birch tree for beginners

In the master class we will look at weaving a bright summer birch tree from beads 25 cm high. If you want to make a larger tree, simply prepare more materials, the weaving pattern will remain the same.

So, to make a birch tree from beads for beginners, we need this:

  • bright light green small beads of the same size;
  • beading wire;
  • copper wire for weaving a birch trunk from beads;
  • green floss threads;
  • PVA glue;
  • a piece of drywall for the stand;
  • primer;
  • plaster or putty;
  • black and white paint;
  • beads for decoration - green, pink, yellow.

Having prepared everything we need, we can get to work.

How to make a birch tree from beads?

  1. Let's start by weaving beaded birch branches. To do this, we will need pieces of wire from 25 to 40 cm long, depending on the size of the desired branch, and for the tree to look realistic, the branches should not be the same. So, take a piece of wire 40 cm long and put 8 beads on it.
  2. Twist the beads into a loop.
  3. Next, we again collect 8 beads on one of the ends.
  4. We twist it into a loop, then connect it to the other end.
  5. Now we do the same at the second end of the wire cut.
  6. And so we continue until we reach the desired number of leaves, or until the length of the wire approaches the end.
  7. Having made the required number of leaves on the branch, we twist the pieces of wire and put the branch aside.
  8. Next we weave the next branch, etc. In the master class we made a birch tree from beads, consisting of 33 branches (their number should be a multiple of three, this is a necessary condition), but if you have the opportunity to make more, it’s better to take the time, the birch tree will come out more magnificent and more realistic.
  9. When all the branches are ready, take them three at a time and twist them together.
  10. Now we take three triple branches and also twist them together, forming larger branches.
  11. First of all, we made this top for our beaded birch tree.
  12. Now we need a piece of thicker copper wire. Fold it in half and braid it to the ends of the wire branches.
  13. We carefully twist it along and get the base for the birch trunk.
  14. Now we take one of the remaining triple branches and weave a piece of copper wire to it.
  15. And carefully wrap it to the birch trunk. We try to attach it as close to the top as possible so that the tree turns out to be quite lush, without “bald spots”.
  16. Let's form another top from three triple branches.
  17. We attach the resulting second tip to the trunk just below the first.
  18. Now we will make a twig from five small thin branches.
  19. Let's attach it to the trunk a little lower than the previous branches.
  20. In this way we continue to collect and fasten all the remaining branches, and this completes the weaving of the bead base for the birch tree.
  21. Next we will need green floss threads. Gently coat the wires of the tree branches with PVA glue and wrap them tightly with threads.
  22. Now let's make a stand for birch made of beads. To do this, we will cut out the shape we need from drywall and carefully prime it.
  23. Let's try the tree on a stand.
  24. Now we apply plaster or putty to the stand.
  25. Next, carefully and evenly plant the tree roots into the putty.
  26. Then we will finish the top of the stand with putty or plaster.
  27. Now we have finally assembled a birch tree from beads, all that remains is to modify the trunk and decorate the tree.
  28. Now we will make a solution of gypsum with PVA glue in a 1:1 ratio and add a little water. From the resulting material we will form a tree trunk.
  29. Next, we wait until the solution has dried, after which we take black paint and apply it in a thin layer to the birch trunk.
  30. After this, apply a thin layer of white paint.
  31. We get such a realistic play of colors.
  32. After the paint has dried, apply a thin layer of glue and sprinkle the stand with green beads, making a clearing.
  33. Now let's take care of the flowers. Let's weave multi-colored flowers from beads.
  34. We leave the stem-root of the flower to attach it to the stand.
  35. Use a thin drill to make a hole in the stand, pour glue into it and plant our flower.
  36. This is how we plant all the flowers.

Now our birch tree, woven from beads with our own hands, is ready! To decorate it, you can make several more types of flowers and grass. We enjoy the result of our work.

Spring is a wonderful time. On the street everything comes to life and the boring gray landscape slowly begins to transform. We invite you to bring a piece of spring into your home. Let's make a birch tree from beads. This master class will help in this matter.

You will need:

  • Wire with diameters 0.3; 1 and 3 mm;
  • 4-5 different shades of green beads;
  • Threads of any color (for winding);
  • Alabaster;
  • PVA glue;
  • Brushes of varying hardness;
  • Paints.

How to make a birch tree from beads

We mix about one spoon of beads of each shade and put them on the wire (the more, the better), and, without cutting the wire from the spool, we begin to weave the branches. Each loop should contain 7 beads.

For the top of the birch we weave 15 branches, 9 loops in each. For the remaining branches you need 57 branches with 11 loops. (Photo 2)

As a result, we should have 5 branches for the top and 19 for the remaining branches. We wrap 1 mm thick wire with threads to these 19 branches. (Photo 11-13)

Now we weave 2 tops. There will be 3 branches on one, and 2 on the other, and we wrap them with threads. (Photos 14 and 15)
We wind the top to a 3 mm thick wire. (Photo 16)
Next, we wind a thick wire to each branch. (Photo 17)

A larger birch trunk will require 3 twigs for the top and 12 twigs for the branches. The side trunk will have 2 branches for the top and 7 branches for the branches. (Photo 18)
Then, using threads, we connect the 2 trunks, and the main trunk should be slightly higher than the side one. (Photo 19)

We thicken the resulting structure using construction tape. (Photo 20) After this, bend the ends of the wire. The result is in photo 21 (something similar to beaded birch).

Now you need to take a mold of the required diameter and put a plastic bag in it so that the alabaster does not stick, and install our birch tree. For stability, you can prop it up with something. (Photo 21a)
Then put a mixture of 2 tbsp into the mold. alabaster, 1 tbsp. l. PVA glue and water. (Photo 22)

We leave it to harden for 10-12 hours and see what we get. (Photo 23)

In order not to smear the beads when we coat the trunk, you can wrap the branches with pieces of foil. (Photo 24)

Then we begin to coat the birch trunk with a mixture of PVA glue and alabaster. For the twigs, you need a mixture that is not very thick, the consistency of store-bought sour cream. Coat the branches with a brush with soft bristles. (Photo 25)
For the trunk you need to make the mixture thicker. To coat the barrel you need to take a hard brush. (Photo 26)

The result is in photo 27.

Leave the birch to harden for half a day. After this, we paint the barrel 2 times with “Snowball” paint, and paint the stand with a mixture of PVA glue and gouache. (Photo 28)

After the white paint has dried, you need to apply black stripes to the branches with a soft brush, and paint the trunk with a hard brush.
We will decorate the stand with green paint; you can use regular gouache. (Photo 29)

After the paint has dried, remove the foil and straighten the branches of our birch. And we admire the result!

This beaded birch tree will decorate any home with its bright green color.

Based on materials from the site:

Do you want to surprise everyone around you and yourself? Make a birch tree like this.

For a long time now, the thought came to me that I wanted to make a birch tree, and one that would look like a real one, fresh from the forest.

And so, I began the path to creating such a masterpiece.

This work took me about 1 month with breaks in work.

So. For this work I needed:
- Green beads in 3 different shades.
- Wire for beading with a thickness of 0.3mm, or preferably 0.4mm. (With thicker wire the branches will hold their shape better).
- Wire for the base of the trunk and branches.
- White satin ribbon 1 and 2.5 cm wide.
- Black acrylic paint.
- Glue gun.
- Any brush.
- A small bucket or large flower pot.
- Plaster.
- Expanded clay or any pebbles at your discretion.
- A little synthetic padding to thicken the trunk.
- Side cutters, lighter, scissors.

First you need to weave small branches with leaves of the future tree.

For this purpose I prepared cut pieces of wire, about 55 cm long. Take one piece of wire and put 11 beads of the same shade on it.

Fold the wire in half so that the beads are in the center of the wire, and twist the two ends of the wire close to the beads by about 1 - 1.5 cm.

Now we collect 11 beads on one end of the wire. Same color. I used the same beads for the entire branch. We retreat about 1.5 cm from the end of the wire twist and, as it were, screw the bead loop close to this joint.

Let's look at the photo, it will be clear.

Now we do the same with the second end of the wire. It turns out 3 beaded leaves of the future tree.

Again we weave two wires into one by 1 -1.5 cm. And again we make 2 leaves on the sides.

We make 11 such leaves on one branch.

This is what the finished branch looks like.

When the branch is ready, put it aside and move on to the next one.

We repeat 100 (!) branches from the same beads.

Now we are weaving another 100 pieces from green beads of a different shade.

And then another 101 (!) branches from the third shade.

You can weave not 101 branches, but also 100. I decided to make an odd number of branches. Moreover, these branches must be made from the lightest beads.

So. After a long process, all 301 branches are finally ready.

I put one aside. And then I took 2 branches from one bead and twisted them together at the bottom. I did the same with the rest of the branches, without confusing the shades with each other. That is, in one double branch I used branches from the same shade of beads.

Having thus halved the number of branches to 150 (+1 single), we proceed to assembling the tree.

The main wire for the barrel must be very strong and not bendable. I used 2 wires with a diameter of about 0.3 -0.4 cm. But the thicker it is, the better.

So now you need to heat up the glue gun. While it is warming up, we take one single branch and screw it to the top of the wire trunk. After that, we wrap a narrow satin ribbon with pre-applied glue around the top of this wire so that it does not come out and is not visible. We wrap it with tape, placing it slightly overlapping the already glued one, about 1 cm. Add a double branch of light color, and again wrap the trunk with tape. We continue to add double branches. On my birch tree I got 3 branches of the lightest shade, 4 more branches of a medium shade, and 3 of the darkest. When all this amount is screwed to the barrel and glued with glue, we continue winding about 10 cm down. When everything is ready, put the barrel aside. In this case, you don’t have to cut the tape yet, because you may have to continue winding.

Now we make the side branches. For them, I took a thinner and more bendable wire. I took the wire from a hardware store, I don’t know exactly its name. And I used it folded 3-4 times.

The side branches turned out to be up to 20 cm long. The top ones are shorter, the bottom ones are longer. But do not forget that the length of the wire blank must be longer, since we still have to screw it to the main trunk.

On my birch there were 10 side branches, not counting the top. Each of the side branches should take about 14 double branches.

We screw the lightest double branch with leaves to the side branch blank. And also glue it with a satin ribbon. Using the same principle as described above, we make a branch. Adding from lighter branches to darker ones. We put the branch aside and make the next 9 branches.

When everything is ready, screw on all the side branches one by one. We determine the distance between them visually. We make sure that it is not too crowded, but even sparse branches will not look good. We are looking for a middle ground. After screwing in a couple of side branches, we take a wider satin ribbon of the same white color and begin wrapping it around the main trunk. Don't forget to add glue regularly.

We hide all the wires from the side branches and the ends of the satin ribbons under a wide ribbon.

When all the work of screwing the branches was finished, I realized that the trunk looked very thin at the bottom, so I decided to wrap the trunk again, approximately from the place where the lower side branch was braided, adding a little padding polyester under the tape. In order not to repeat my mistake and not waste extra tape, immediately thicken the barrel with improvised materials. It doesn’t have to be padding polyester, you can use some kind of wooden skewers.

All. The main work is completed. All that remains is to plant the tree in a suitable container. Take a vessel with a wide base, since in a narrow, high vessel, the birch will fall. I chose a plastic bucket.

I spread the plaster right in this bucket. I planted a birch tree in it. And left it to harden.

When everything was firmly frozen, I began the final stage - painting the trunk and straightening the branches.

First I straightened the branches, and only then started painting. I took black acrylic paint and began to apply small horizontal lines. It’s not very convenient to do this between the branches, but I tried.

At the bottom of the barrel I applied paint more intensely. You can open pictures of a living birch tree and use it to find out how to color yours.

Let the paint dry.

And the final touch - we cover the plaster with either expanded clay or decorative stones, at your discretion. But in principle, you can simply paint over the plaster with the same paint, or put down artificial grass. There are many options.

This birch tree will decorate any room. Whether you place it at home or in a public place, for example in a cafe, I’m sure everyone will fix their eyes on it.

And a few numbers to surprise your guests:

This birch tree has 301 branches, 3311 leaves, 36421 beads :)

To make a large autumn birch tree from beads you will need: copper wire for small branches 0.3mm or 0.4mm, copper wire for strengthening large branches 1mm and aluminum wire 3mm (thicker is possible) for making the trunk frame; beads in amber shades 500 grams, floral tape (preferably white), PVA glue, alabaster, tassels (soft and hard), double-sided tape, hot glue gun, pebbles for decorating the stand, tree stand (can be a flower pot), paints (acrylic or regular window paint). And, of course, desire, patience, and a lot of free time.

Before work, mix all the beads in a large container and begin to collect on the wire (as much as possible). Without tearing the thread of beads from the spool, we begin to weave the first branch. There are 7-9 beads in each loop, fasten the loop to the leg about 1 cm, step back about a centimeter and make the next loop. After 6 loops are made, we make two more without indentation (the crown of the branch is formed), and then we continue in the reverse order.

Materials provided by

We make 50 branches of 13 loops each (for the top of the tree), 125 branches of 15 loops each (for middle branches), 125 branches of 17 loops each (for the lower branches). In total, from 500 grams of beads you get 300 branches. Now we collect all the branches in 5 pieces. We twist these branches and wrap them with floral tape. Cover the top with white acrylic paint.
After the paint has dried, we collect large branches using 3 mm wire. we wrap 3 – 4 – 5 branches. Accordingly, a branch of three branches is the crown, a branch of four branches is the middle, and there will be five branches on the lower branches. Wrap with floral tape. To make the birch tree look realistic, you need to try to make the large branches at the base thicker. Then we cover it with white paint.

Sometimes you have to paint more than once; I suggest using regular white paint for windows and doors (of course, it takes a long time to dry and the smell is not pleasant, but after drying it looks very beautiful and gives the product durability).
Now we assemble the birch tree itself: we take 4 pieces of thick wire, about 80 cm each, twist them together, leaving the ends free - for the stability of the birch we separate the ends in different directions. We collect branches on this frame using double-sided tape - from the top to the base. We wrap everything with floral tape, thicken the trunk using any materials (plasticine, toilet paper, electrical tape, masking tape).

We fix the birch tree into the stand - install the tree, fix it with something convenient for stability, and begin to apply the mixture (2 parts alabaster + 1 part PVA + water). Let it harden for a day. In order not to stain the beads when making the trunk, we cover the branches with foil. We coat the barrel with a mixture of alabaster and PVA, shape it as desired and leave it to dry. After drying, we begin painting: paint the trunk (2 times) with window paint, after drying with acrylic paints, apply black strokes to the tree itself and the branches. When everything is dry, remove the foil and straighten the branches. We decorate the stand with pebbles, glued it with hot glue, and cover the “ground” itself with sparkles. You can fix the glitter by spraying it with hairspray. And now, our beauty is ready!