Which saint to pray for influenza infection. Cold spell: good rituals for recovery

A seasonal disease such as a cold can seriously ruin your life if it is not cured in time. Today traditional medicine offers many effective medications that allow a short time put away unpleasant symptoms diseases.

But, unfortunately, many potent medications can cause allergies or lead to other problems in the human body. Therefore, you should know that as an alternative to traditional methods of treatment, you can use special magical effects. Almost all of them came to the modern world from antiquity, so it can be said that all of them have been time-tested.

All rituals are very simple and effective, but only if you really believe in the power of magic. The spell for a cold should be spoken clearly and in every phrase you should feel your confidence that the disease will soon recede and you will return to normal life.

A cold spell can be directed at oneself, but can also be read over a sick person. Very often, folk remedies are used as additional attributes in rituals against colds, the effect of which is enhanced by magic words.

Ritual with salt

At the first signs of a cold, you need to perform a ritual with salt, which will allow you to get rid of the unpleasant signs of the disease in the shortest possible time. For the ritual you need to use coarse salt, as well as spring or melt water.

You need to pour water into a glass, throw a pinch of salt into it and say the following words:

“Mother, natural water, pure and transparent, I turn to you, Servant of God (my name), wash away all the aches and pains from me (or call the name of a sick person), take away malaise and weakness into the depths of the sea, drag the disease into a deep pool , put a stone clamp on it. And never come up again, and forget about me (or name the name of a sick person) there forever. Amen".

After this, you need to moisten it in charmed water. middle finger right hand and apply a drop on the forehead, chest, right and left shoulder area.

During this process, other words are spoken:

“I, the Servant of God (my name), command the enchanted water, I conjure with white natural salt. Get rid of the aches and pains from your body, head, and heart. Let your eyes be clear and your face bright. Amen".

Conspiracies to strengthen folk remedies

As you know, folk remedies are good for colds. Their effectiveness can be increased by magical spells.

If you get up during a cold heat, then you need to mash a head of garlic into a paste and say the following words:

“I, Servant of God, (my name) drive away the frontal heat with magic words; a hundred natural streams and trunks will help me with this. There will be no fiery fire either in the forehead or in the crown of the head, the feverish aches from the bones will go away, and the pain in my sternum will leave. I drive out the disease and won’t let it come back. Amen".

After this, you need to grate a slice of black bread with the gruel and eat it.

For the treatment of colds initial stage you should rub your chest, feet and palms with vodka and wrap yourself in woolen scarves.

“Just as people walk on fresh and transparent dew, so it gives them a drop of strength. Bad disease she will not live, she will not create disgrace on her lips, she will not create rust in her nose, she will not spread redness in her throat. The disease will forever turn away from the Servant of God (his name) and disown him.”

As you know, one of the most unpleasant manifestations of a cold is a runny nose. But at the same time, it is quite poorly treated with drops and other medications. Therefore, you can help a sick person get rid of a runny nose using simple magical spells.

For one of effective ways, you need to give the sick person a red rag and ask him to blow his nose into it.

After this, you need to wrap it around a nail and stick it into any gap, saying the following words:

“I don’t place a nail in a crack, but I press a nasal ailment against the wall. Just as this nail will never be useful to anyone, anywhere, so snot will no longer flow from your nose. My conspiracy is strong, and the disease will quickly recede. Amen".

A charmed infusion made from dry birch buds also helps a lot with a runny nose. To prepare it, you need to pour half a teaspoon of buds with a glass of boiling water and let it brew for an hour.

The strained solution should be spoken in these words:

“The healing solution will rinse your nose and wash away all the snot. More so that it doesn’t burn, hurt, sneeze or sore. Amen".

After this, the infusion should be drunk by a sick person, who should be immediately put to bed. It is recommended to repeat this ritual for three days before going to bed.

Conspiracies for colds belong to white magic, so you can use them without fear of harming yourself or another person. But at the same time, you should not neglect first medical aid, because other serious diseases can be masked under the symptoms of a cold.

Got a cold? Got a viral infection? Are you suffering from a runny nose? Try not only drug treatment, but also conspiracies - the good old helpers of our great-grandmothers. A spell that helps with a runny nose will relieve you better than any nasal drops, as well as a cough, sore throat, tonsils, etc.

Of course, you shouldn’t refuse a visit to the doctor and the medications he prescribed, but you shouldn’t refuse treatment with the power of words either. By combining several treatment methods, you will only recover faster and be able to enjoy life in all its facets again.
Spell to get rid of colds

Throw three pinches of coarse salt into a glass of clean water, then speak to this water:

“Mother Water, wash away the torment
and aching from God's servant (name),
drown them in the depths of the sea,
pull me into deep pools,
forge with stone clamps,
so that they never surface,
they forgot about God’s servant (name) forever.”

After wetting the middle finger of your right hand in water, touch it to your forehead, chest, left and right shoulder, saying:

“I command with holy water, I conjure with white salt
Howl the aches, perish the torment,
from a wild little head, from a zealous heart,
from clear eyes and from bones,
from fingers, from brains, from joints!

Flu conspiracy

So, let's start reading healing words, which will only make it easier.

Pour a pinch of salt into a glass of spring, clean or melt water and read:

“Mother, pure water, remove all the aches and pains from the servant of God (name), take all the ailments into the depths of the sea, drag them into the very depths, hang iron and stone chains on them so that they never float up or return, and oh they forgot the servant of God (name).

Dip your finger into the charmed water and apply a drop at a time to the forehead, left and right shoulder, chest of the person who is sick and say:

“I command holy water, I conjure with white salt, that all aches and pains will come out of the body, from a sore head and a zealous heart, from clear eyes and black eyebrows, from bones, brain, from fingers and all joints.”

Another option

First, you should prepare a healing drink from currant or raspberry leaves, adding honey or sugar and say the following prayer:

“Neither in the northern nor in the western capital, but on the eastern side the sea splashes, there is an island on the sea, and on that island there is a huge oak made of copper, inside the copper oak lives the queen bee, she collects honey, and guards the honey. Mother of all bees, give me some honey, it won’t leave you short, but God’s servant (name) will gain a lot of health.”

Plot with a red cloth for a runny nose

The patient should blow his nose into a red handkerchief or any other red cloth. This fabric is wrapped around a nail, which is inserted into a hole or crevice in dry wood. After this the conspiracy is read:

“I’m not inserting a nail, but I’m pinning down a disease. How this nail won't be useful anywhere else,
So no more snot coming out of your nose.
My words are strong and molded,
Stronger than solid stone
Harder than strong iron.
Key, lock, tongue.
From now on and forever!”

An easy spell to cure a runny nose

“It doesn’t burn, doesn’t leak, doesn’t itch, doesn’t hurt. Amen".

Read to yourself until the runny nose stops. When reading the plot, you need to breathe deeply through your nose.

How to talk to a sore throat

This spell is read over running water, which is then given to the patient to drink.

“One birch, two birch, three birch, four birch, five birch, six birch, seven birch, eight birch, nine birch with twigs, with leaves, the slave (the patient’s name) will swallow. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

The plot is read until the disease completely recedes. With the help of a conspiracy, the treatment period is reduced by 4-5 times.

How to get rid of a cough

Place the yeast dough, stirring it and say a spell, mentioning the name of the patient:

“On a swamp hummock, a toad says to his daughter: “While your daughter is croaking here, the servant of God (name of the patient) is coughing there.” Cough, I’ll mix the ferment with the tree frog, I’ll free the servant of God (name of the patient) from coughing.”

Bake pancakes or buns from the dough, which all family members can eat, but they will only treat the person on whom the dough was intended.

To make colds and coughs go away faster

You need to be treated, treated, treated. If you don’t want to take pills, which, by the way, can’t always help, then it’s better to resort to folk remedies. Many folk remedies for colds and coughs really work, and many are not even realistic to implement. This method of treatment is best combined with spells for colds and coughs.
Conspiracies for colds and coughs are also recommended to be read during an epidemic, so as not to catch the disease. I offer you several effective conspiracies, which will help you during the period of colds.
The words of this conspiracy for colds and coughs are pronounced over a hot drink. For example, over tea with lemon and honey.

“Voditsa, Queen of the Lord,
From sunrise it flowed to the west,
I washed all the stones I encountered,
I washed away all the oncoming roots,
So would the illness of God’s servant (name)
Wash the white from the body,
Cured my cold
The cough was taken to the sea-ocean.
Key. Lock. Language.
Amen. Amen. Amen".

This spell for colds and coughs should be read in the morning.

“The fox walked, walked through the field, through the forest,
So that my body (name) does not hurt,
So that I don’t suffer from colds and coughs,
So that I don’t know about contagious disease,
I did not suffer from cough day or night.
Go from forest to forest, take away my illnesses,
Bury it under a tall spruce tree,
Get rid of my ailments quickly.
Key. Lock. Language.
Amen. Amen. Amen".

Flu conspiracy

Let a flu patient drink four glasses of a decoction of raspberry or black currant leaves every day. This decoction should be drunk hot and with honey. Before this, the following influenza plot is read for the decoction:

“Neither in the northern capital, nor in the western village,
and in the eastern land there is an ocean-sea,
on the ocean-sea island,
on that island there is a copper oak,
queen bee in copper oak
picks up honey, preserves honey.
Give the mother of all bees honey with honey
you will not lose, but your health
God's servant (name) will have it."

This decoction spell helped me cure my husband (he had a serious job and could not afford to stay at home for a week). Of course, I didn’t tell him that I read a spell over the broth - men don’t believe in it at all, at least the majority, but after two days he felt much better and was able to go to work, although on the first day he it was so bad that he couldn't even sleep.

During periods of exacerbation of epidemics of influenza, colds and viral diseases, one wants not only to recover from the disease, but also to prevent its occurrence. Medicine is capable of this, but the effect can be enhanced with the help of folk conspiracies against the flu and other diseases.
IN modern world There are so many invisible dangers that sometimes you become afraid for your health. Flu is a serious illness that is best avoided. Take care of your health, read conspiracies to protect the body from diseases and illnesses

The following remedy helps relieve a child of a persistent cough: peel one onion, one potato tuber and one apple, place in a saucepan and cook in 1 liter of water. When the amount of water is reduced by half, remove from heat and knead the mixture. The child should eat 1 teaspoon of the product three times a day.

Spell on bathing water to protect a child from a cold

When you draw a bath to bathe your child, throw three whispers of sea salt into the water, right hand Stir the water and read the spell:

"Lord, protect, save and bless. On the sea on the ocean, on the island of Buyan, there are three Peters, three violent winds, blowing, drying, crushing from the servant of God the baby (or youth) (name) everything is thorny, aching, all the sorrows, illnesses , hernias, all damage, birthmarks, birthmarks, all food, thorns, subcutaneous, subcutaneous, subcardiac from a zealous heart, from a light liver, from all the hot blood, from a violent head, from clear eyes, from black eyebrows, from seventy-seven bones, from seventy-seven veins, from seventy-seven joints, blow out, dry out, crush out of God’s servant the child (name). , I will bite the keys into the ocean sea, so that the wind does not blow, the water does not rage. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen.

You can cure a child’s cough using this remedy: mix 100 g butter, 100 g honey and vanillin on the tip of a knife. Mix everything thoroughly and give the child one teaspoon three times a day.

Plot over a sleeping child

When the sick child falls asleep, go to his bed, cross him and read the spell over him:

“Chickens, cockerels, golden combs, take, take away the cold from the baby (name), take it and carry it away beyond the dark forests, over the steep mountains, over the yellow sands, roar and fight there, but don’t move the baby (name). Amen."

Herbal tea for colds

Mix 1 tablespoon of peppermint leaves, 1 tablespoon of linden flowers, 1 tablespoon of chamomile flowers and 1 tablespoon of black elderberry flowers and pour 1 liter of boiling water. Leave for 15 minutes. Strain the infusion. Let your child drink 1 glass of tea with honey and lemon 3-4 times a day.

Conspiracy to the Virgin Mary

If there is an icon in the house Mother of God, consider that you are protected from most problems and can ask for help from an intercessor with any question. So, if you feel any health problems, you should immediately seek her help. Getting up early in the morning, go to the washbasin, look in the mirror and read out loud, filled with faith in what is happening:

“In a dense green forest, the Mother of God wearing a golden crown sits on an oak throne. She sits, controls, protects me from colds. So it was and so it will be. The word is strong. It doesn't get any stronger! Let it be so!"

Conspiracy against high temperature

Colds that manifest themselves with an increase in temperature can be cured with the help of appropriate spells. One of them is quite simple:

“Dawn, savior, red maiden! It is in your power to save (name) from the twelve sisters of the shaking sisters: the jaundice, the flying, the chilly and the shaking. My faith is endless! Let it be so!"

Intermediate conspiracies

To consolidate the effect of other conspiracies, you can also use intermediate ones - reinforcing ones. So, during the day, taking a pose on your left side, say out loud:

“Lying on my left side, I overcame half the illness.”

“So I lay down on my right side, I overcame the whole illness.”

“Now the night is coming to an end, I’m not bringing back the disease.”

When you wake up in the morning, gather all your strength (it’s important to show that you feel good, even if you’re weak) and say, lying on your stomach:

“The day is over, the disease has not returned to me!”

If you miss the night treatment, it’s not a problem; during illness, healthy sleep is much more important than slurred words when you’re sleepy.

Colds are frequent guests in any home. They manifest themselves especially strongly with the onset of cold weather, when immunity drops and bacteria become more active, attacking the body. Cough, runny nose, fever, stuffy nose - all these symptoms can continue for quite a long time, even despite adequate treatment. In this case, excellent results are achieved folk conspiracy for colds, which works equally well for people of any age. The ease of use and safety make the ritual popular, and for many years home “witchcraft” has been popular among patients and their relatives.

Cold spell on an egg

This item has long been used in magic, since the egg has the properties of quickly drawing out various diseases. It is used to rid a person of damage, the evil eye, curses and, of course, various diseases. In order to help a child or adult recover from a cold, the egg is used quite successfully.

To make a cold spell effective, you need to cast this magical “attribute” and also use it during treatment. To do this, you need to make sure that the egg:

  • fresh;
  • whole, without cracks;
  • white.

You need to read conspiracies against colds, flu and other diseases on the outgoing moon in order to drive the disease away. Taking an egg in your hands, you need to roll it over the sore part of the body of an adult or child. If, for example, your throat is inflamed, then you need to gently roll it clockwise in the throat area. If you are worried about a runny nose, then carefully pass the egg over your nose, and in case of fever, touch your forehead. Rotating the “attribute” of magic clockwise, you need to read the following conspiracy against colds:

“You, egg, go away, and you, you cold, calm down. Get out of the dense forests, high mountains, dark swamps. Get out and never come back. Go to the egg, get out of the body of God’s servant (name)!”

You need to read the text three times, each time passing the egg over the sore spot. As soon as the spell for colds is read, you need to hide the attribute in a bag and take it out of the house at night. Bury it deep into the ground and don’t tell anyone about the ritual. It is worth noting that with the help of such a ritual you can get rid of other serious diseases - flu, bronchitis and even herpes on the lips. Only in this case the magic words need to be modified: name the illness that torments you, and the ritual will work.

“You, egg, go away, and you, flu (bronchitis, herpes, etc.) calm down!”

Candle ritual for colds in children and adults

If for a long time If you are tormented by the symptoms of cough and runny nose, and the temperature does not want to drop, you can plot against a cold or flu using a church candle. To do this, you need to buy a wax candle in the temple on Sunday and bring it into the house. Next, you need to scratch your name (or the one you want to help) on it and say the spell:

“I light a candle, I drive away illness, I call upon health with sacred light. I say a prayer so that the illness leaves the servant of God (name) and does not return. May the evil forces retreat, may the ailments go away, and may the aches, fever and cough disappear. May Almighty God hear, bless the sick person for recovery, and grant him health, physical and spiritual. Amen, amen, amen."

When reading a conspiracy against a cold, it is very important to look at the candle flame. It often acts as an indicator of what is happening with the human biofield and energy. It is no secret that illnesses are often a reflection of energetic health, and if the mental body suffers, then a person can become physically ill. A smoky, “tearing” candle, on which wax remains in lumps, may indicate damage or the evil eye, which does not allow the illness to pass. A spell for colds in children or adults can help in this case too. After the ritual, the candle must be extinguished with your fingers and hidden, wrapped in white napkin. You can use it only if the conspiracy against a cold needs to be repeated

Ritual on water to cure respiratory diseases

Water has always been known for its healing properties, making it very easy to use in magic. The liquid has accumulative qualities, adsorbs negativity and helps draw out the disease, as if washing it away. The water spell for colds is no exception. By “throwing off” negativity, you also get rid of various diseases, including respiratory and viral ones.

In order to perform the ritual, you will need clean water taken from the church or from a spring. You can also use bottled liquid, but it is important that it is without gas and that it sits for seven days in a dark place before use. Only after this can it be used as a treatment, used for a spell against colds and flu.

Pour the prepared water into a metal cup or bowl, and then say the following words:

“Holy water came from the church and brought health and strength to the servant of God (name). Let water heal and drive away illness. Flu, go away, bronchitis, go with it, take your runny nose and cough with you! Go away, you are sick, leave the servant of God (name) alone. Quench the illness, water, let it go to hell! And what I did not say, Holy Mary ordered her angels to do. Sickness, do not appear, and you, servant of God, be healed! Let it be so. Amen!".

After this, the charmed water should be sprinkled on the patient so that it gets on the sore spots - throat, forehead, nose. The patient should drink the rest of the liquid. In this case, a conspiracy against colds, runny nose and other viral diseases will certainly help.

Folk ritual against influenza and ARVI using honey and a towel

This ritual requires a little more time than the others, however, it has wide range actions, including serving as a treatment for colds. For years, people have used honey to treat respiratory problems and add even more power to it using magic words. Thanks to the natural properties of the remedy and the energy invested in the conspiracy against colds, a person recovers faster and his body is restored. To perform such a ritual you will need:

After this, the patient needs to be crossed three times and then use honey and water. Having mixed them, you need to read strong conspiracy for colds:

“I don’t hammer a nail, but I drive away a disease. I’m not cooking porridge, but I’m talking about illness! Get out, toadstool, from the body of God's servant (name), do not eat him, do not drink him, do not touch him. You, honey, eradicate the disease, heal the servant of God (name). You, water, help him, and take away the disease. My words are strong, can’t be broken, can’t be broken. Let the servant of God get well - don’t get sick, don’t get sick!”

After the spell has been pronounced, the third stage of treatment begins. To do this, take holy water and moisten the prepared white towel with it. While wiping the patient’s face and body, say the following words:

“I wipe God’s servant (name) with a towel, leaving his illness on the cloth. Go, get sick, roll off, stick to a white towel, get away from your head, nose, throat, ears, chest, and don’t look for another owner! Get out and don't come back!

After a spell against a cold in a child or adult, you need to hide the towel in a bag and burn it with the words:

“As this rag burns, so will the diseases burn. Amen!".

Let the patient sleep well after the ritual and rest well. By evening the temperature will go away and the patient will feel much better.

A boring runny nose can be treated using non-traditional methods. For this purpose, it is worth studying the conspiracy for a runny nose in more detail and believing in its real benefits. In this case, you can be confident in the result and effectiveness of the spoken words.

Conspiracies in treatment

For many centuries, the words of “healers” have been passed down from generation to generation. This wisdom, taken from ancient times, brings invaluable benefits and relief. Conspiracies in the treatment of the common cold are effective if you know how to use them correctly.


From the time of ancient Rus' spells in treatment were used everywhere. It was believed that they were the ones who rid the body of dark forces and spirits, drive out illness, support the body and give vitality. The main thing is that the person who pronounced the spell and the one being healed believe in the power of the spoken words. In this case, the result was justified. Each nation has its own history of the conspiracy issue. But the meaning is almost the same everywhere: the power transmitted with a conspiracy is obliged to protect a person and protect him from dark forces.

During the ritual, additional attributes were used to help enhance the power of words. Witches and sorcerers used herbs, water and much more for healing against the runny nose. It is important that before the healer plucked the medicinal herb, he asked her for forgiveness and help. Only by being in harmony with nature and believing in your words could you achieve results.

“God bless. And you, mother of cheese, earth, bless you to pick this grass! You have created it for man – in every way for man’s benefit: that’s why I take you. Grass from the earth is medicine from God. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Conspiracies for the treatment of rhinitis, carried out according to all the rules, are strong. It is important that the person uttering the conspiracy has pure thoughts, and the person being healed fully believes in his recovery. There are a number of conditions that need to be kept in mind.


  1. Before pronouncing the words of the conspiracy, a person must wash his hands and face well. After pronouncing the words, the procedure is repeated.
  2. Dawn is considered the ideal time for a healing spell. In the evening, you need to know exactly where it is most effective. It must be directly indicated where the words should be spoken: at the patient’s bedside, at the entrance to the house, at a place with knots, near water, fire. Knowing the location increases the power of the conspiracy.
  3. The presence of a name in a conspiracy predetermines the pronunciation of the name of the person being charmed. On rare occasions, the healer must say his name. When reading the words of a special female, the words “servant of God” change to “servant of God.”
  4. Spells in treatment are effective if each word is pronounced clearly and does not change places.
  5. Additional attributes that have a special impact must be stocked up in advance. Holy water is considered a powerful source of strength. It is worth taking it to church for Epiphany or scooping it from an ice hole on Epiphany morning. Holy objects include a chain of wood, wine, a crust of bread, salt, food, wedding rings. On rare occasions, the reader uses pen and paper to write down the most powerful magical words.
  6. In the absence of additional instructions, a person’s sore spot should be stroked with the tips of his fingers while pronouncing the spell.
  7. The spell in treatment must be repeated three times. The exception is when the number of required repetitions is specifically indicated.
  8. In order for the words to have power and the reader and the patient to be protected from evil spirits, after pronouncing the words, the reader and the patient must be crossed three times.

By following these rules, you can be sure that the conspiracy in treatment will give the desired result and bring healing.


There are a number of taboos that you need to know before casting spells for the common cold. By violating prohibitions, you can achieve a negative result and worsen the patient’s condition or incur dark forces.

  1. The person over whom the conspiracy was read should be left to rest alone after reading. Instant recovery will not happen if you watch it tirelessly.
  2. It is preferable to refuse to read conspiracies on Sunday and Monday. The exception is the near-death state of a person and especially severe cases.
  3. It is strictly forbidden to send damage and punishment to a person who caused the ailments of others. In this case, not only the spellcaster and the person who asked to perform the ritual will be punished, but also all relatives on both lines up to the seventh generation.

Under no circumstances should prohibitions be violated. Spells in treatment are practically sacred and are beneficial only if all the rules are followed.

Conspiracy for the common cold: arguments of supporters

The desire to get rid of an annoying illness as soon as possible visits every person tired of annoying symptoms. Taking countless medications to treat rhinitis is not an option. It’s worth trying a spell for a runny nose. The arguments of the supporters are practically categorical. They are clear confirmation that such methods are beneficial rather than harmful and help achieve desired result much faster.

  1. It is more effective to use a spell for a runny nose, since it does not cause side effects and there are no complications. Medicines can cause addiction, develop a chronic disease and worsen the condition.
  2. Treatment conspiracies can be read by a person who knows nothing about magic, but who believes in its power.
  3. It is important to believe in the power of conspiracy. In this case, it will be beneficial and effective.
  4. It is impossible to spread information about treatment using magic to everyone indiscriminately. Conspiracies may lose their power. Since ancient times, the reading of conspiracies has been kept secret.

A simple spell for a runny nose

The lack of additional time to fight the disease is not a reason to refuse nonspecific treatment. A simple spell for a runny nose is effective if, while reading, you rub the bridge of your nose and say the following words, observing their order exactly:

“It doesn’t burn, doesn’t leak, doesn’t itch, doesn’t hurt. Amen"

Conspiracies for the common cold with paraphernalia

For words to have meaning great strength it is necessary not only to believe, but also to use certain things that help in healing. Conspiracies for the common cold with paraphernalia give a stable result and help the patient get rid of the disease as quickly as possible.

With fabric

Take a piece of red cloth. Ask the person to blow their nose into it. Wrap the fabric around the nail. Make a hole in dry wood. If there is already a small recess, then use it. Place a nail with a cloth in it while reading the following words:

“I’m not stopping a nail, but I’m stopping a disease. Just as this nail will never be useful, so water will no longer flow from your nose. May all these words be strong and sculpted, stronger than strong stone, harder than hard iron. To all my words the key and the lock, from now on and forever and ever. Amen"

With birch infusion

First you need to prepare a birch infusion. Pour half a teaspoon of dry crushed birch leaves into a glass of boiling water. Close. Wrap up. Leave to infuse for half an hour. Strain. Say a spell over a glass of birch infusion. Drink the whole glass. Most often, a runny nose goes away on the first day. If it does not stop, then the next morning you should repeat the procedure. The following words should be said over the infusion:

“Water will wash away the snot, wash your nose so that it doesn’t burn, doesn’t get damp, doesn’t sneeze, doesn’t hurt. Amen"

With a cross

To quickly cure a runny nose in one of your family and friends, you should use a ritual with a cross. In this case, it is effectively necessary to make the sign of the cross over the patient’s nose and pronounce the following words:

“The dog breathes, the cat breathes, the fish and the slave (Name) breathe. All living things breathe and live. And you live and breathe. Amen"

With feather

In this case, it is important to have a subsidiary farm with chickens. If there is a black rooster among them, then it is worth acquiring its feather. With a feather, the ritual is much more effective. Although you can borrow a pen from your neighbors. Light a feather from a church candle while saying the following words:

“Just as this feather no longer flies, just as a candle no longer runs, so the servant of God (Name) will no longer have a bump on his nose. Let it be so! Amen"

Repeat the spell with the feather three times.

Plot for a runny nose in a child

Babies are worse able to tolerate a runny nose than others. In order to relieve them of illness, it is necessary to carry out a spell with a child’s pen. There are several effective ways able to alleviate his condition.

On the water

Helps almost every child. The main thing is that the parent believes in the irresistible power of the conspiracy to use water for a runny nose. In this case, the baby will really feel better in the near future.

“Vodushka-voditsa, earthly queen, everyone loves you, everyone honors you, everyone will not live long without you. God gave you and punished you: to feed people and wash them of any dirt. Wash, rinse, free from any ailment, and you, Mother Theotokos, bless, help God’s servant (Name): for ease, for health, for God’s mercy. Just as God’s water rips off the ridges, washes away all the ailments and pains from the stumps, banks, and roots, so wash away, rinse, the water from God’s servant (Name). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. And now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen"

On the drops

You can help a child yourself not only with words that have higher power. It is worth preparing drops from aloe juice and liquid honey, taken in equal proportions. Heat the mixture in a water bath. Pour into a container. Place in a dark place for three days. Every day, while the drops are standing in a dark place, say the following words:

“There are no thoughts other than to improve my breathing. Earth to the roots, earth to the crown. To me, the servant of God (Name), health at all times. Amen"

Instill drops for a runny nose three times a day.

The spell for a runny nose is effective. By believing in a higher power and your recovery, you can achieve unprecedented results in the shortest possible time.

With the arrival of winter, absolutely every person faces such a problem as a cold. This applies not only to children, but also to adults. Cope with this disease quickly with the help of folk remedies and drugs are simply not possible. There are often situations when after drug treatment you have to deal with the consequences and then a cold spell will come to the rescue.

Not every person knows that you can be treated not only with drugs, but also with spells for colds. It will help get rid of symptoms such as fever, runny nose, cough and improve immunity. This ritual will be a great help if a child is sick, because children do not really like to take different medications. This type of spell is very powerful and works instantly. With the help of such conspiracies you can get rid of not only colds, but also flu.

Plot for colds in children

The spell against colds in children works much faster than on an adult. The child has a strong immune system and is considered closer to God, especially since they also believe in the existence of magic and miracles.

A cold is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • runny nose;
  • cough;
  • heat;
  • rashes on lips;
  • sneezing.

The main element of any ritual is faith in it. Therefore, such rituals act faster and more effectively on children. After all, adults most often consider such actions to be nonsense, and the key to any conspiracy against a cold is considered to be faith in it. The spell for a cold in a small child is read the same way and works with the same effectiveness. Simple words correctly said and right time will help you recover faster.

Conspiracy for elevated temperature in children and adults

Often colds, flu, and bronchitis are accompanied by fever, and many begin to stuff themselves and their children with antipyretics. You shouldn't do this, because there is effective conspiracy, which helps lower it. The ritual should be performed before bedtime; if you are reading for a child, then put him to bed and read the following words in holy water:

“I brave my enemies, I drive away illness, I drive away all troubles, I relieve pain, I apply the protection of the Lord Almighty.”

Afterwards, you need to cross the child 3 times with water. A cold water spell will relieve your baby of the symptoms of the disease in the morning; it is a powerful weapon against any cold. And if you are reading for yourself, then follow the same steps, only cross yourself with water.

Candle spell for a severe cold

You can also carry out such a conspiracy against a cold; for this you need to purchase a church candle and buy a fresh egg. Then place the candle on the table, bending it so that the wax drips onto the egg, and set it on fire. The person is seated on a chair opposite a candle, which should stand near the window. After which the person must read the following words:

“Fire, burn the stab-shooting, the fever-cough, so that the servant of God (name) will have a clean inside. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Next, the drained wax must be wrapped in paper and thrown away from the house. Wrap the remaining candle in a clean cloth and place it so that no one can find it. Until a child or adult is completely cured, the suppository cannot be used. Afterwards you need to bow 40 times while standing near the icon of “All Saints”. Then wash your face with water, wipe your face with a towel and lie down to rest. As a rule, in the morning it becomes much easier and half of the symptoms simply disappear.

A strong conspiracy against a runny nose

Absolutely any cold is accompanied by a runny nose, which most often takes a very long time to heal. Therefore, in such a situation, it is better to use a strong cold spell. To do this, you need to take a red cloth and give it to the person who is sick. He must blow the mucus from his nose into it, and then he must wrap the nail with this cloth and stick it into the crack. Next you need to say the following words:

“I’m not inserting a nail, but I’m pinning down a disease. Just as this nail will no longer be useful anywhere, so the snot will no longer flow from your nose. My words are strong and molded, Stronger than solid stone, Harder than strong iron. Key, lock, tongue. From now on and forever!”

In addition to this plot, you can use a decoction of birch buds. To do this, take half a teaspoon of kidneys and pour boiled water. After they have steeped, cool them and give them to the sick person to drink. At this time, read the following prayer:

“Water will wash away the snot, wash your nose so that it doesn’t burn, doesn’t get damp, doesn’t sneeze, doesn’t hurt. Amen".

If after the first time the runny nose does not go away, then you should repeat the ritual again; the spell for colds, acute respiratory infections and flu may not work on the first day. In general, spells for colds help well against all colds. Such rituals can be performed not only to cure, but also for prevention.

Spells during colds and flu

Colds and flu are considered the most common viral diseases that a person suffers throughout his life. Today there is no such person who does not suffer from these infections. They are easily transmitted to both adults and small child. Sometimes traditional medicine does not help, so it is advisable to read prayers and cast a spell in parallel with it.

In order to carry out a conspiracy against acute respiratory infections and flu, you need to pour boiling water over the currant leaves. For 1 liter of water you need approximately 100 grams. After you have poured boiling water over the leaves, you need to say the following words:

“Neither in the North is there such wondrous tender beauty, nor in the South is there such magical deep sea, neither in the West there are such extraordinary heights, but on the eastern side all unprecedented living creatures gathered, high mountains spread out, seas spilled with deep oceans. There in the palace sits a queen of unprecedented beauty, all living things obey her and are carefully guarded. She has a magical tree in her heavenly garden, fruit grows on it, and bees take care of it. Just as the bees collect honey, so they will bring health to the servant of God (name). Let it be so. The word is spoken, the lock hangs on it, and the key lies deep in the ocean.”

After which the broth should stand for about an hour. And only after this can it be given to the patient 4 times a day. The tincture should only be given hot and it is advisable to add honey to it. If the decoction is intended for an adult, then it is not necessary to go into detail about it, because often people do not understand this.

Cold spell.

Spell for colds

Conspiracies against the flu.

Why are such conspiracies effective?

Conspiracies for colds are great for people of absolutely any age, and if you do not want to stuff yourself with various synthetic drugs, then this method of treatment is just for you. It’s not for nothing that our grandmothers used similar prayers and rituals. You should still trust your ancestors. Be healthy!