How to set a table for two. How to arrange a romantic evening at home: ideas for lovers

There is, of course, no single recipe for such a personal event. It all depends on the romantic mood, taste, imagination, age and finances. So now I’ll just sketch out the ideas that I liked the most on the Internet for this case, and you choose what suits you best for YOUR romantic evening.

To begin with, I suggest you read my articles that will help in organizing an evening “for two”

(Several variants)
(there are a lot of nice romantic ideas with photos)

Today we have this plan:

  • We select several ideas for decorating the room
  • Romantic napkin rings
  • Flower arrangements on the table, candles
  • Music for lovers

Decorating the room

There are several standard solutions to this issue, but I know for sure that they never seem trivial. After all, no one gets tired of the bride’s white dress at a wedding? This is a tradition that everyone wants to brush up on. Likewise, your romantic evening will not suffer if there are heart-shaped balloons, homemade garlands and rose petals in the room. No, it's not trivial! This will look unusual for every new love story, and it doesn’t happen that often in life...

I was also completely fascinated by this fake chandelier made of a silk scarf, fresh flowers and paper hearts!

It is attached, as I understand it, to an ordinary chandelier, and the table with treats must be placed exactly under it. Romantic... We make a ring from foil (crumpled and shaped), wrap it in a scarf, securing fresh roses. It’s quite simple with ribbons and cardboard flowers.
(author - Yulia Chasovskikh -

Napkin rings

Perhaps you will be inspired by any of the 40 options I proposed in. If you want something special for a romantic evening, look at 4 more pictures.

Flower arrangements and candles

A table for two should look as elegant as possible. That is why I do not recommend filling it with salads and snacks (they can be placed on a rolling two-tier table). Only glasses of wine, small bouquets of fresh flowers and original candles.
Here are some nice and simple examples:

“flower in a glass”...

...and floating candles with petals

Why reinvent the wheel when you can also spend a pleasant evening at home? You can easily have a fabulous and unforgettable date with just a little effort.

1. Rules for romantic decor

We invite you to check out some ideas for creating an intimate and charming atmosphere in your apartment.

Low light

Two of the best ways to give a room an elegant and romantic ambiance are to create dim lighting and use a few candles. Many experts also recommend choosing candles of different shapes and sizes. You can creatively arrange them on the table. Create a unique composition using multi-colored scented products.

Romantic evening at home – decor ideas

Take care of creating increased comfort

Instead of sprawling out on the couch like every other day of the week, try creating a cozy spot for cuddling directly on the floor. Place a blanket on it, grab a few pillows made of soft materials. After dinner, you can enjoy watching your favorite movies and drinking delicious drinks together.

Romantic interior photo

Be inspired by the ambiance of refined and elegant restaurants

Isn’t it true that you once hid the best cutlery in the closet “for special occasions”? Consider this special occasion has arrived. It's time to get out valuable items and prepare a beautiful romantic dinner. Table setting must begin with arranging beautiful dishes. In the bins of every apartment there is sure to be something cute and suitable. Of course, if you have the funds, you can visit a specialized store and pick up something original.

Turn off any gadgets

If the TV is on, your romantic evening will soon begin to resemble two elderly people hanging out. Experienced romantics insist that all electronic devices, including lighting, must be turned off. No mobile phones, tablets, laptops. The only exception is a stereo or iPod. Still, it’s hard to imagine a romantic date without good musical accompaniment.

Take an example from your favorite novel or book

If there is a possibility that your romantic date will end in the bedroom, prepare this room in advance. Transform your space into displaying a page from your favorite romance novel. Take advantage of an elegant canopy for your bed. The usual everyday bedding should be replaced with romantic black and pink. If you can't place a canopy over your bed, install soft lighting on the ceiling. Light several candles around the entire perimeter and use aromatic oils.

2. Examples of romantic decor

Everyone knows about the history of such a holiday as Valentine's Day. But every loving representative of the fair half of humanity is puzzled by the question of what to give her loved one. Of course, valentines, kisses and beautiful lingerie are good, but as we know: the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. Therefore, the best gift for your loved one would be a romantic dinner at home by candlelight. In this article we will tell you and give recipes on how to prepare delicious, light, beautiful dishes. We’ll also reveal the secrets of how to present them creatively at home. After all, to make a romantic dinner for your loved one, you need original ideas. Let's talk about how to surprise your man and give him an unforgettable holiday on February 14th.

A beautiful romantic dinner - basic rules

To arrange a worthy holiday, it is important to take into account not only the delicious menu, but also all the details and little things. The air should be saturated with an atmosphere of love, romance, passion. What is very important here are the “highlights” that can put a man in the right mood. They are the ones who will help him relax and plunge headlong into the fairy tale you created. Let's talk about such little things for have a nice romantic dinner more details

Important little things for a beautiful romantic dinner

Romantic dinner for your loved one – Ideas on how to surprise?

Any man subconsciously wants to be surprised, especially on a holiday like February 14th. If you try and surprise him today, then tomorrow you will wake up to the smell of aromatic coffee brought to bed.

Surprising your loved one: several ideas for a romantic dinner

Romantic dinner for your loved one, ideas, which every woman in love should take note:

  1. Original idea for a romantic dinner with your loved one There will be an option - a tablecloth strewn with rose petals.
  2. From the door to the set festive table, lay out a path of candles; when your loved one rings the doorbell, turn off the lights and let him in. Candles can also be placed on the windowsill, shelves, bedside tables.
  3. Another option is to meet your loved one in a peignoir. Of course, such a dinner will not last long, but the surprise of the man who comes home from work will be guaranteed.

Recipes for a romantic dinner at home

Romance, romance, but about recipes for a romantic dinner at home it is also necessary to think. Because red borscht will not look good with candles in an evening dress. Therefore, let's answer the question that concerns all women, what to cook for a romantic dinner? Three courses will be enough: main, appetizer, sweet.

An original recipe for the main dish for a romantic dinner at home with step-by-step photos

To the selection of main dishes and their recipes for a romantic dinner at home should be approached carefully, because in addition to taste, their appearance is very important. We offer an original idea for preparing the main dish for February 14th.

Recipe "Bear for a loved one."

This bear is something between pizza and pie. The dish is hearty and beautiful. It will certainly make your loved one smile.
To prepare you will need:

  • puff pastry – 1 package per 0.5 kg;
  • one chicken egg;
  • minced meat – 300 gr., you can take any (pork, chicken);
  • potato starch – 0.5 tsp;
  • one clove of garlic;
  • tomatoes in their own juice - 150 ml, you can use 50 g of tomato paste;
  • spices to taste;
  • for decoration: hard cheese (100 g), mustard (1 tsp), one fresh tomato, olives.

The “Bear for a Loved One” is prepared as follows:

An original snack recipe for a romantic dinner at home with step-by-step photos

An appetizer, another dish that no holiday is complete without, be it a romantic dinner for two or a feast for all relatives. We invite you to surprise your loved one by using the recipe below for a romantic dinner.

Roll "My heart".

You will have to spend 30 minutes on the snack, but the expected delight in the eyes of your loved one is worth it. For cooking you need the following products:

  • one sheet of pita bread;
  • lightly salted red fish fillet – 200 g, you can use smoked fish;
  • a bunch of lettuce;
  • curd cheese – 180–200 g.

Prepare the dish as follows:

A romantic dinner at home with such an appetizer will please any man, regardless of taste preferences.

An original sweet recipe for a romantic dinner at home with step-by-step photos

Can a romantic dinner for your loved one go without some sweets? Of course not! We offer an original way to prepare the most romantic berry of all lovers - strawberries.

Recipe "Strawberries in chocolate."

Strawberry itself evokes an intimate and romantic mood. And if you embellish it, then the romantic dinner will go off with a bang. For chocolate covered strawberries you will need:

  • dark chocolate bar;
  • white chocolate bar;
  • refined vegetable oil – 2 tsp;
  • strawberries, about a kilogram.

Prepare as follows:

Now you know how to make a romantic dinner for your man.

What to cook for a romantic dinner at home by candlelight?

There are quite a lot of options for what to cook for a romantic dinner. Dishes whose ingredients contain aphrodisiacs that have stimulating properties are perfect. Yes, myself romantic dinner at home by candlelight, disposes to increased intensity of passions. So if you are planning to finish romantic dinner by candlelight at home, namely in your bedroom, then give preference to the following products: mushrooms, olives, oysters, shrimp, mussels, caviar, eggs, avocado, mango, greens. Watch the video to see how to prepare dishes from these products and how to serve them beautifully.

Delicious romantic dinner for two

What could be better than an evening spent together? First think about strong drinks. The following are perfect for an event such as a romantic dinner:

  • champagne;
  • liquor;
  • cocktail;
  • white or red wine;
  • Martini.

It is better to refuse something “stronger”, since you may “not live to see the most interesting moment of a delicious romantic dinner”. Now about snacks, they should be outstanding, original and, of course, tasty. Since you are planning to feed a man, you should not forget about the satiety and calorie content of the dish.

A hearty recipe for a delicious romantic dinner

As you know, men love meat, so you won’t be able to feed the “man” with chocolate alone. Cooking delicious romantic dinner for two, take note of the following recipe.

"Stuffed champignons."

This is a hearty restaurant dish that will please both women and men. It can be served either cold or hot. The taste will not deteriorate at all. To prepare the snack you need:

  • medium champignons – 500–600 g;
  • one onion;
  • hard cheese (ideally Dorblu) – 100 gr.;
  • cream 20% fat – 100 g;
  • ham – 50–60 gr.;
  • spices to taste.

Stuffed mushrooms are prepared as follows:

For delicious romantic dinner One such hearty dish served with fresh vegetables will be enough.

Light romantic dinner

If you don’t want to spend a lot of time “standing” near the stove, then there is a quick option to do light romantic dinner. The fondue woman will come to the rescue. With its help, you can prepare both regular cheese fondue and sweet fondue with chocolate. In addition to delicious food, you will get the opportunity to feed each other.

Video on how to make two types of fondue for a light romantic dinner

Two glasses of wine and one fountain will do romantic dinner light, even slightly intimate. Watch and learn.

Valentine's Day comes only once a year, so think through the recipes and prepare a romantic dinner carefully. The idea of ​​having a dinner together at home by candlelight will surely appeal to your loved one. Beautiful, light food, the right atmosphere, intrigue and unexpected surprises will leave memories of a good time spent together for many years to come. Love each other, pamper your loved ones not only with delicious food at home, but also with the way it is presented.

Many of us have at least once thought about how to surprise our loved one and create an exceptional evening for two. What outfits to choose, what dishes to cook, what wine to buy and how to create a unique atmosphere?

You can, of course, book a table in a restaurant and limit yourself to choosing the menu offered. In addition to this, you can buy a ticket to the sauna or a double massage session. Then you won’t have to worry about anything except your appearance.

But what if you decide to arrange a romantic dinner and entertainment yourself? Well, great idea! The online magazine “” will be happy to help you with this!

How to arrange a romantic dinner?


First, decide on the room where you will treat your loved one. This could be the kitchen itself, but you can serve dinner in any other room. Yes, at least in the bathroom, if you plan to stay in it further after a snack. The main thing is to create an intimate atmosphere.

Romantic atmosphere

To make a romantic dinner, curtain the windows and stock up on candles. Both regular ones in beautiful candlesticks and “tablets” (penny candles in a tin “case”) will do.

Take a closer look at the floating candles. They look great on a romantic table in an original vase with water or an unusual plate.

You can even place these candles in glasses of water *wink*

By the way, the above-mentioned “tablets” can also be placed in glasses. And if you turn the glasses upside down, place our “tablets” under them, and put a decoration of your choice on the stem – it will turn out extremely unusual and interesting. It all depends on your imagination.

A string of pearls carelessly thrown on the table or a scattering of rose petals will also help create the atmosphere of a romantic dinner...

Or you can simply put a bouquet in a beautiful vase, which your loved one will probably present to you as a traditional present. Quiet relaxing music will be a great addition.

It’s better not to rely on your favorite radio station, but not to be lazy and burn a disc with the appropriate tracks.

Important nuances

By the way, we won’t dwell too much on this point, but we’ll make a small note that cleanliness and neatness are practically the most important attributes. Agree that a dirty floor, dust on the table and stained glasses do not look very romantic.

Therefore, take care of the cleanliness of the room and the accessories used. Based on the above, we can say with confidence that weekdays spent in fatigue and stress are not the best days for such a dinner.

Let it be a day off. And you will prepare well and prepare a romantic dinner for two, and your loved one will be full of strength and energy.

It is important to understand that a romantic dinner is not a dinner party. There is no need for heavy perfume, brocade and velvet (even as a tablecloth), and kilogram sponge cakes and fatty cabbage soup have no place at all at your romantic dinner. You want the evening to continue, don't you? *wink*

Therefore, think about your dinner menu in advance.

What to cook for a romantic dinner for two?

Of course, strawberries, whipped cream and chocolate came to your mind even without us. That's right, these products are included in the list of natural aphrodisiacs.

This also includes bananas, mangoes, avocados, coffee, cardamom, celery, parsley, nuts, shrimp, oysters, and mussels.

They say that garlic also has stimulating properties, but for obvious reasons we do not recommend consuming it during a romantic dinner

In short, we’ll give you some easy and delicious recipes. We hope they will help you decide what to cook for a romantic dinner.

The most important thing to remember is that you should never overeat at a romantic dinner.

Otherwise, then you’ll just lie sideways on the couch watching TV. And the opportunity to show off your stunning sexy lingerie will wait until next time *pardon*

Therefore, portions should be modest, and the table should not be crowded with the abundance of dishes on it. Stick to salad and dessert, or salad and main course, or main and dessert.

Although, if the portions are really small, then you can cook all three dishes. In general, everything is up to your taste and creative discretion.

Also take into account the taste preferences of your loved one and whether he is allergic to any product you are planning. Otherwise, you will then “fill” its erogenous zones in the stomach with antihistamines...

Recipe No. 1 Salad “My Fish”

Lightly salted salmon (trout) fillet -100-150 g

Rye bread or Borodino bread – a couple of slices

Mild curd cheese (0% fat cottage cheese is also suitable, or even Philadelphia cheese) – 100-150 g

Mayonnaise – 1 tsp. per serving

Red caviar for decoration

Cut the crusts off the pieces of bread, cut into small cubes and dry in a frying pan without oil (or in the oven). Cut the salmon into small pieces. Grind the curd cheese with mayonnaise and finely chopped herbs (if you have cottage cheese, first rub it separately through a sieve or grater, then mix with the rest of the ingredients). Place in a bowl in layers: curd cheese, fish, a little crackers and caviar.

Recipe No. 2 Spicy cocktail salad with shrimp “Sweet Kiss”

Boiled shrimp 150 g

Strawberry 50 g

Orange – 3-4 slices

Mango – ¼ fruit

A bit of celery

Orange juice 1 tbsp.

Sugar 0.5 tsp. no slide

Sour cream 1 tbsp.

Sweet chili sauce -0 5 tsp.

A little salt

Cut the mango into cubes. Finely chop the celery stalks. Peel the orange slices from film, seeds and fibers, cut into cubes. Cut the strawberries into 4 pieces each. Now prepare the sauce: mix sour cream, orange juice, sweet chili sauce, sugar and salt. Place the prepared mixture of fruits and shrimp into bowls or glasses and pour the sauce on top.

Recipe No. 3 Creamy tuna in apricots “Delight”

Canned tuna in oil (half a can)

Curd cheese (low-fat cottage cheese is fine) – 100-150 g

Walnut kernels – 20-30 g

Canned apricots – 2-4 pieces

Red onion – ¼ onion (or less)

Fry the nuts in a frying pan without oil and chop finely. Drain the oil from the tuna, mash it with a fork and combine it with the cream cheese. Finely chop the onion and mix with the tuna. Beat the mixture with a fork until creamy. Place the resulting creamy tuna on the apricot halves. Sprinkle with nuts. If desired, you can garnish with mint or parsley leaves.

Recipe No. 4 Pork “Light”

Pork – 250-300 g

Bell pepper – 1 pc.

Onions - 0.5 bulbs

Black pepper, red hot pepper, ground dry ginger - to taste

Vegetable oil for frying

Cut the pork into thin long pieces. Cut the onion and pepper into strips. Place the meat in a frying pan and fry in oil. A few minutes before cooking, add the onion. Once the onion becomes translucent, add the bell pepper. Salt and add the indicated spices. Simmer under the lid until fully cooked.

Recipe No. 5 Chicken chop “Tenderness”

Chicken fillet - 1 pc. (consists of two halves, 1 half per person)

Flour - 1 tbsp.

Egg – 1 pc.

Mayonnaise -1.5 tbsp.

Salt, ground black pepper - to taste

Vegetable oil for frying

Hard cheese 50-80 g


Wash the fillet and divide into 2 parts. Beat it with a hammer on both sides. Prepare the batter: break an egg into a bowl, add chopped parsley, mayonnaise, flour, salt and pepper and mix everything well. Grate the cheese separately. Now heat a frying pan with oil. Dip the beaten fillets into the batter on one side. Place this side (the one in the batter) in the pan.

Place grated cheese on top (on the side where there is no batter). Cover with a lid and fry until golden brown. After this, pour the batter onto the melted cheese with a spoon, thus “covering” the chop. Now turn the chops over to the second side and fry until golden brown. Garnish the finished chops with parsley sprigs.

Recipe No. 6 Chicken in soy sauce with summer vegetables “Beijing”

Chicken (meat from any part) – 200-300 g

Soy sauce – 100 g

Cucumber – 80-100 g

Tomato – 80-100 g

Bell pepper -80-100 g

Honey – 20 g

Salt, ground black pepper - to taste


Vegetable oil

Prepare chicken meat: wash, separate from bones and chop into pieces. Marinate the meat in soy sauce mixed with honey (preferably for 30-60 minutes). Fry the meat in oil. Cut the vegetables into strips and the tomato into slices. Add bell peppers and cucumbers to the meat. Fry until done. Pour the remaining marinade and spices over the dish and simmer for about 7 minutes until the liquid has evaporated. Then add the tomatoes and fry for a couple more minutes. Sprinkle the finished dish with chopped herbs.

Dry sparkling wine (1 bottle for 4 servings)

Canned peaches with syrup – 1 jar

For decoration – a couple of strawberries or a sprig of mint

Drain the syrup from the peaches into a separate cup, place a few peaches in a bowl and use a blender to blend them to a thick puree, adding syrup a teaspoon at a time. Take a deep glass, add 3-5 tsp. peach puree and pour in the wine in a thin stream (it’s better to place a teaspoon in the glass and pour the wine in a neat, thin stream right along the back of it). As a decoration, you can cut the strawberry in half and decorate the glass with it. Or just add a mint leaf to your cocktail.

Recipe No. 8 Honey yogurt “Favorite”

Natural yogurt (any thick yogurt without flavorings or additives will do) – 400 g

Walnuts (or pine nuts) - 30-40 g

Ground ginger, cinnamon - to taste

Sprig of mint

Honey – 150 g

Prepare the sweet sauce: combine honey and ginger, mix thoroughly and whisk. Fry the nuts in a dry frying pan, chop finely. Place the yogurt in 2 bowls, 200 g each. Pour the sweet sauce over the yoghurt and sprinkle nuts and cinnamon on top. Garnish with mint leaves.

Recipe No. 9 Watermelon cake “Fantasy”

Ripe watermelon

Cream 30% (if the fat content is higher, it will be even better) - 600 ml

Vanillin (if you find a vanilla pod, it will be great) – to taste

Brown sugar – 80 g

mint leaves

Cut 2 cubes of adequate size from the watermelon, cut off the skin and place on two plates. This will be the basis of our mini cakes. Separately, chop the pieces of watermelon into small pieces or use a small spoon to give them the appearance of a sphere (there should be at least 20 such tiny lumps for 2 servings) for decoration.

For the cream, in a bowl, beat the cream, 50 g of brown sugar and vanilla (or vanilla bean seeds) with a mixer or blender for 5 minutes until a thick and smooth creamy consistency. Blot the prepared watermelon cubes with a paper napkin to absorb all excess liquid. Cover these cubes evenly with the resulting cream and level. Sprinkle the prepared watermelon lumps on top, garnish with mint leaves and sprinkle with brown sugar.

Recipe No. 10 The most delicate strawberry fresh soup with ginger “Baby”

Fresh strawberries – 1 kg

Fresh ginger – 100 g

Lemon – 1 pc.

Sugar – 4 tbsp.

Peel the ginger and grate it on a fine grater. Extract the juice from the ginger. Squeeze the lemon and add lemon juice to the grated ginger. Place washed strawberries in a tall glass, pour ginger and lemon juice over them. Add granulated sugar. Beat everything with a blender. Place the fresh soup into plates and garnish with mint leaves. Can be served with ice cubes, a few whole strawberries or sorbet.

Here are some delicious and quick recipes for a romantic dinner. As you can see, the products are quite affordable. Mangoes, shrimp and watermelon can be easily found on store shelves. It doesn’t take a huge amount of time to prepare these delicacies either. Better spend time on yourself, my beloved.

Organizing a romantic dinner is not difficult at all. We hope our recipes will help you prepare for such an intimate event. Our light and healthy dishes can also diversify your daily menu.

Romantic dinner and drinks

And finally: when it comes to alcoholic drinks, something light is preferable. For example, wine or champagne. If your man prefers strong drinks, buy cognac for him. Or whiskey.

Please note that you should not consume large quantities of alcohol at such an event. Therefore, if you choose a strong alcoholic drink, then either limit its portion or use it in cocktails.

Or submit delicious Irish coffee :

Irish coffee recipe

Brew coffee in a Turk, pour it into mugs, add 50 g of cognac to each cup. Separately whisk the milk (this can be done using a French press or mixer) and add it to the coffee. You can sprinkle with cocoa, cinnamon or grated chocolate. By the way, roasted crushed almonds will add piquancy to the drink.

After dinner…

And make sure your loved one doesn’t fall asleep *wink* . Think over your further program in advance: it could be a night walk under the stars with a bottle of wine, a relaxing massage or bath, or maybe even a striptease performed by you (you can even do this together) or play the now fashionable “forfeits”.

The main thing is that everything flows in the direction you want.

Oh yes, we almost forgot! Under no circumstances should you whine to your man this evening about problems, worries, an unattached shelf or unbought bread. We can talk about this tomorrow.

And after dinner, don’t frantically run to the sink in order to wash all the dirty dishes: they will also wait. You have more pleasant and important things to do this evening.

Bon appetit and have fun!

In order to arrange a romantic dinner for your beloved “half,” you don’t have to wait until February 14 or March 8. And you shouldn’t even wait for the weekend - you can organize a pleasant evening in the middle of the work week, the main thing is not to oversleep before work the next day. “Surprise” and “mystery” - these words should become the motto of the upcoming evening. And so that this very evening does not become a bolt from the blue for your beloved, start artillery preparation in the morning. Write a note on a long strip of paper with words of love and a promise of a wonderful evening at the end of a hard day, and also warn of surprises. Tear the paper tape into several pieces and place them in different places. One, for example, in the bathroom, another in the kitchen, next to the coffee maker, put the third in your cosmetic bag or purse. Arrange the pieces of the “puzzle” so that your beloved girl can compose a message from them during the morning preparations.

When your intrigued partner leaves for work, prepare a surprise for your loved one for a romantic dinner called "Rain of Petals" To do this, buy a bag of petals at the flower shop and stock up on strong threads. At home, take a regular garbage bag (preferably green or blue, so that there are no bad associations) and make several cuts 5-7 cm long at the bottom, connected by short jumpers. Tie threads to the jumpers. Fill the bag with petals and attach it above the door, and secure the threads to the door. The scheme of this surprise is as follows: the girl opens the door to the apartment, the door swings open, the threads are stretched, the jumpers at the bottom of the bag break, and the petals rain down in colorful rain right on the head of your amazed lady. It is advisable to capture this moment on video. And for a guaranteed result, practice in advance to be completely sure that instead of a surprise there will be no embarrassment.

Another pleasant surprise for a romantic dinner for your loved one can be “flying flowers”. To prepare this surprise, buy balloons filled with helium and tie one flower to each balloon using fishing line. Flowers floating in the air are unusual and unusual.

Place small candles on the floor of your apartment and place a note under each one. Let the hint notes lead your beloved to the bathroom, where she can relax after a working day in fragrant foam with a glass of champagne, and then to the table. By the way, the table does not necessarily have to stand in the center of the living room and be an example of restaurant chic: a romantic dinner means comfort and warmth of communication, so the table can be set in the kitchen. Dim or turn off the lights and light candles. You need to choose candles that are tall and as thick as possible, this way you will protect yourself from drops of melted wax. Place them in different places: on the floor, shelves, windowsill, just remember about safety! Cover the table with a white tablecloth, laying it so that the ends of the tablecloth hang down at the corners of the table, and place a brightly colored tablecloth on top of it (for example, red, dark green or rich orange). This tablecloth should be slightly smaller in size and should be laid by shifting the corners by 45° relative to the lower tablecloth. In the center of the table, place a wide dish filled with water, in which flower buds, petals and small candles float.

And now the actual romantic dinner for your beloved. It is advisable to set the table so that you do not have to periodically jump up and run for the next dish or cutlery. In the end, you are not preparing a feast, but a cozy evening together, so a salad, a main course with a side dish and light snacks will be enough. If you intend to hold out until dessert, then after dinner you can move closer to the TV and have a tea party while watching your favorite movie. But that’s later, but now let’s get to the dishes. Since this is still a dinner, albeit a romantic one, the food should be not only light, but also satisfying. After all, the working day is over. Therefore, you cannot do without meat or seafood. Pay special attention to seafood, because they contain substances that increase libido. In addition to seafood, ginger and other warming spices have stimulating properties. “Culinary Eden” offers you a choice of several types of dishes from which you can create the menu for your romantic dinner.

800 g boiled chicken fillet,
200 g black or red grapes,
1 avocado,
2 tangerines,
50 g of any nuts,
3 tbsp. orange juice,
1 tbsp. dry red wine,
3 tbsp. cream,
2 tbsp. mayonnaise,
½ tsp. salt,
lettuce leaves.

Cut skinless chicken fillet into pieces. Cut the avocado into thin slices. Cut the grapes in half and remove the seeds. Divide the tangerines into slices. Combine chicken, avocado, grapes and tangerines, mix gently. Place lettuce leaves on a plate, place the resulting mixture on them and pour the sauce over them. For the sauce, combine mayonnaise with wine, orange juice and cream, and add salt to taste. Sprinkle the salad with chopped nuts.

4 small cucumbers,
½ lemon
1 large red onion,
50 g cashew nuts,
¼ cup chopped cilantro,
1 tsp spicy curry,
1 tsp ground turmeric,
1 tsp honey,
½ tsp. sea ​​salt,
1 tbsp. olive oil.

Cut the cucumbers into thin slices, cut the onion into cubes, crush the nuts with the flat side of a knife and chop them, squeeze the juice from half a lemon. Combine all ingredients in a bowl, stir thoroughly until the honey is completely dissolved.

150 g couscous,
4 salmon steaks,
1 young zucchini,
1 carrot,
1 tomato
1 lemon,
2 tsp seasonings for fish,
2 tbsp. olive oil,
½ tsp. ground black pepper,
½ tsp. salt.

Preheat the oven to 200°C. Cook couscous according to package instructions. Cut the zucchini, carrots, tomatoes and lemon into thin slices. Prepare 4 large sheets of parchment or foil. Place couscous in the center of each sheet, place 1 piece of salmon fillet on it, place pieces of vegetables and lemon on top of the fish. Sprinkle the top with a mixture of spices, salt and pepper, drizzle with olive oil and wrap the sheets into bags. Place the bags on a baking sheet and place in the oven for 20-25 minutes. Serve directly in the bags, placing them on serving plates and carefully unwrapping them.

½ cup long grain brown rice,
500 g peeled shrimp,
¼ cup soy sauce,
¼ cup lemon juice,
2 tbsp. rice vinegar,
2 tsp brown sugar,
1 tbsp. vegetable oil,
250 g green peas,
30 g ginger root,
1 avocado,
1 stack water,
salt, ground black pepper - to taste.

Bring water to a boil in a saucepan, add rice, cover with a lid, reduce heat to low and simmer for 40-45 minutes until the liquid has completely evaporated. Remove from heat and let stand for 10 minutes without opening the lid. For the sauce, combine soy sauce, lemon juice, vinegar and sugar and stir until the sugar is completely dissolved. Heat vegetable oil in a large frying pan, add shrimp, thinly sliced ​​ginger and peas, add salt and pepper and fry until tender for 3-4 minutes. Peel and cut the avocado into cubes and mix with the shrimp. Place rice on plates, top with shrimp and serve with sauce.

2 pcs. sole fillet,
6 strips of bacon,
150 g cheese,
2 cloves of garlic,
50 g butter,
salt, pepper - to taste,
lemon juice,

Cut the thawed fillet lengthwise into three parts, add salt and pepper, sprinkle with lemon juice and refrigerate for 30 minutes. Prepare the filling: combine grated cheese, chopped garlic and herbs, mix well. After this, place a strip of bacon on each strip of fish, place the cheese mixture on it, and roll into a tight roll. Secure with toothpicks. Place the finished rolls on a baking sheet greased with vegetable oil, place a piece of butter on each and place in an oven preheated to 220°C for 15 minutes.

Almost no woman can resist sweets, and if they are also prepared by the hands of a loved one, then such a dessert is simply impossible to refuse!

200 g flour,
150 g butter,
1 egg,
2 tbsp. orange juice,
75 g sugar or powdered sugar,
strawberries or cherries,
red jelly for decoration.
Marzipan mass:
1 stack almonds,
1 stack Sahara,
¼ cup water,
2-3 drops almond essence (if available)
food coloring.

First, cook the marzipan mass. To do this, place unpeeled almonds in boiling water, boil for 1-2 minutes, then drain in a colander. When the almonds have cooled slightly, remove the skins from the nuts; this is not difficult to do. After this, fry the nuts in a dry frying pan for 10-15 minutes, stirring constantly so that the nuts do not burn. Grind the nuts in a blender until pureed. Pour the sugar with water and boil the syrup until such a state that the drop can be rolled into an elastic ball. Pour the chopped almonds into the syrup and heat for another 3-4 minutes, stirring constantly. Add almond essence and food coloring. Sprinkle a cutting board (ideally a stone one) with powdered sugar, place the almond mass on it and roll out to the desired thickness. The marzipan mass dries out quickly, so store it in cling film. Meanwhile, knead the dough from flour, butter and sugar, roll into a ball and put in the refrigerator for 1 hour. Then roll it out into a thin layer on baking paper, cut out a large heart and carefully place it on a baking sheet. Mix orange juice with 200 g of marzipan mass and 1 yolk. Make sides from half, spread the other half on the heart. Beat the egg whites with 75 g of powdered sugar into a stiff foam and apply along the inside of the sides. Place the center of the heart with berries and place in an oven preheated to 175°C for 25 minutes. Prepare the jelly and cool slightly. Cool the finished heart and glaze the jelly by applying it with a brush.

175g self-raising flour
75 g powdered sugar,
75 g butter,
2 tsp instant coffee,
1 tsp hot water,
1 egg.
For the glaze:
50 g butter,
100 g powdered sugar,
3 tsp cocoa powder.

Combine the flour, sugar, and butter in the bowl of a food processor and mix on low speed until the mixture turns into crumbs. In a small cup, mix coffee with hot water, add an egg and whisk. Add to the butter crumbs in the food processor bowl and process until smooth. Dust the board with powdered sugar, place the dough on it and roll out to a thickness of 5 mm. Cut out cookies using a heart-shaped notch. Place it on baking sheets and place in a preheated oven at 180°C for 10-15 minutes. Bake the cookies until golden brown. Remove the cookies from the baking sheet while they are still hot and cool on a wire rack. Make the chocolate frosting: Combine the butter, powdered sugar and cocoa powder in a bowl, stirring with a wooden spoon. Connect the cookies in pairs, gluing them together with icing.

Prepare a signature drink. True, you need to prepare it in advance. Call it, for example, “Wine of Love.” The recipe for the drink is simple: add the juice of one orange to 500 ml of dry white wine, 2-3 tbsp. honey, ½ tsp. ground ginger, ¼ tsp. ground nutmeg and ¼ tsp. ground cinnamon. Refrigerate for 2 weeks.

125 ml chocolate liqueur,
90 ml vodka,
25 g dark chocolate.

Fill 2 martini glasses with ice, pour the ice into a shaker, pour in the liqueur and vodka and shake vigorously. Strain into glasses and sprinkle with grated chocolate.

If you are against alcohol, then try making a ginger drink: add 3 tbsp to 1.2 liters of boiling water. finely grated ginger. Stir, reduce heat and simmer for 10 minutes. Add a pinch of ground black pepper. Remove from heat, strain and squeeze out the pulp. Add 5 tbsp. honey, stir. Cut 1 lemon in half and squeeze the juice into the drink to taste. If it turns out too sour, add more honey. Pour tea into cups and garnish with mint leaves.

Love and romance to you!

Larisa Shuftaykina