How to choose the right perfume for women and men. How to choose the right women's perfume

Any person is inclined to trust his sense of smell. We automatically divide all smells into pleasant and unpleasant: the first evoke instant sympathy, the second - acute rejection. To understand how to choose the right perfume that would be in complete harmony with your image, you will have to take into account a number of nuances.

Durability and richness are important criteria

Bath gels, deodorants, lotions and sachets give the body fragrant notes that can only be felt through close contact. Need to go out? Then you will have to decide how strong, bright and expressed it should be. These characteristics depend on the percentage of odorous concentrate and alcohol base.

  • Cologne. The amount of fragrant substances usually does not exceed five percent. The product perfectly refreshes and tones the skin, but its smell disappears quickly.
  • Eau de Toilette. The delicate, light aroma can last about three hours, then gradually disappears. The relatively small content of flavorings is to blame for this - about ten to fifteen percent.
  • Eau de parfum. After using the product, the skin and hair smell fragrant for about five hours. Clothes last even longer. It is second only to perfume in strength (the share of odorous substances can reach up to 20%).
  • Perfume. Leaders in terms of richness and durability of aroma. Thanks to a very high concentration of plant essences, fragrant oils and natural “fixers”, they can not lose their brightness throughout the whole day.

What smell suits you?

A woman’s appearance and her aroma simply must be in harmony. For delicate blondes, for example, perfumes with musk are not suitable, but soft, sweetish floral notes will be very appropriate.

Red-haired girls (as well as ladies with an even golden tan) evoke thoughts of warm summer, sun, and flowering meadows. Citrus, honey-spicy and fruity scents are ideal here. Brunettes visually seem brighter - in their case, a correctly selected fragrance is designed to emphasize sexuality. Owners of black curls and dark skin can safely use perfumes based on sandalwood or patchouli.

But what if behind the appearance of a liberated tigress hides a gentle and shy nature? Psychologists strongly advise: you need to focus on your inner feelings. The smell of perfume tells much more about a woman than her outfit or hairstyle. That is why it is so important that it corresponds to the state of mind.

The hidden language of fragrances

With the help of your perfume, you send an “encrypted” message to the world - for this purpose, you can try to match the scent to the notes.
For example, the smell of patchouli is an effective aphrodisiac; it heightens sensuality and attracts the attention of the opposite sex to a woman. Lemon speaks of love of life and self-sufficiency. Juniper is a subtle hint of intelligence and nobility.

Each season has its own scents

In the cold you want to warm up, so the enveloping sweetish-warm notes of vanilla will be very appropriate. Along the way, they will serve as a preventative against colds. In the summer, citrus colors are a great refresher. In autumn you may prefer the smells of fruits and honey, and in spring you may prefer a floral palette.

How to choose perfume for a woman as a gift?

It is extremely difficult to please with a perfume when purchasing it “blindly”. The most convenient option is to ask the lady what scents she prefers in general, and then look for something within the mentioned range. There are many types of perfumes, as well as classifications. French, in particular, divide their products into the following groups.

  • Floral - sweet, bright, based on oils of ordinary and tea rose, violet, lilac, spring lily of the valley or jasmine. Smells take the lead in the composition, but are often offset by a fruit and berry palette.
  • Chypre - invigorating, slightly bitter, with emphasized aristocracy. The “cocktails” of this group combine the aromas of bergamot, patchouli and oakmoss. This type of perfume is famous for its durability and the obligatory presence of musky and woody notes.
  • Spicy (amber) - for fans of the East. The perfume is thick, very sweet and viscous. They are usually created on the basis of sandalwood, patchouli, and musk. They are best suited for passionate and exalted women.
  • Fern - similar to chypre, but seem a little fresher due to notes of coumarin and lavender.
  • Woody - warm and smooth, not causing sharp emotions. A blend of noble cedar, sensual patchouli and spicy sandalwood.
  • Citrus fruits – the choice here is huge. Bitter grapefruit, sweet tangerine, aromatic orange and sour lemon are wonderful both on their own and in combination with each other.

The art of fragrant seduction

When deciding what is right, beware of fakes. You should not make purchases in general supermarkets, where they sell everything. It is better to use duty-free services or visit a branded perfume store with a high reputation. An expensive bottle without the slightest defect, high-quality packaging, a mandatory certificate - this is what will allow you to verify the authenticity of the product.

It is better to go shopping early in the morning - it is in the morning hours that the sense of smell is especially sensitive. In addition, the day before you should not eat hot, spicy or fragrant foods to prevent oxidation of the skin, and, as a result, distortion of the aroma.

To ensure the effect meets your expectations, apply perfume only to clean skin. Moreover, in those places where large blood vessels pass (on the wrists and elbows, under the knees, on the temples and neck in the area of ​​the carotid artery). It is not advisable to spray clothes - fragrances “behave” completely differently on fabrics, and the item itself will be saturated forever. But the hair retains the smell well throughout the day. You can drop a little perfume onto a comb and run through the strands.

The main thing is not to overdo it! The fragrant trail should beckon, intrigue, but not knock others off their feet.

Today the perfume industry is so developed that it is quite easy to get lost in all the variety of bottles and brands. How can you find your most suitable one among the fragrant liquids? It turns out that it is not difficult, you just need to know some secrets.

A deliberately losing option for choosing perfume is via the Internet. No matter how detailed the seller describes the composition of the perfume and its “sound,” the smell may not be suitable at all. Such a purchase is the proverbial pig in a poke. Therefore, visiting a good perfume store is a must.

You should start searching for the perfect scent in the morning. At this time, the skin is still clean, without foreign odors, which will allow you to better experience the perfume. And of course, before visiting the store you don’t need to use existing perfume.

Once you've looked at a perfume, don't buy it right away. Leave the store and spend a few hours alone with the smell. This is the only way to understand how suitable eau de toilette is. If possible, take samples from the seller to better navigate the day. And if such a service is not offered, you can apply a drop of perfume to a cotton pad, place it in a tight bag and sign a homemade sampler.

This approach is recommended for a reason. It's all about our skin, which has an individual smell and biological flora. It is the interaction of the aroma with the skin that gives the final result and reveals the perfume. In addition, each fragrance consists of so-called “notes”. The top note is heard very first, but it doesn’t “sound” for long, so hearing only it is not enough to make a choice. The heart note conveys the basis of the smell and lasts about 2-3 hours. Base notes are a kind of aftertaste that is somewhat different from the heart note. It takes time to recognize the entire bouquet, and haste can ruin everything.

When choosing perfume, be guided only by your inner feelings. Don’t listen to the good advice of your friends, because the perfect scent of your loved one doesn’t have to please you. And especially don’t run for perfume at the call of advertising. Manufacturers are promoting a colorful new product, but cannot guarantee that it will suit you. But if you have the opportunity to “try” an unfamiliar scent somewhere, be sure to take advantage of it! What if this smell turns out to be the best?

You will quickly recognize the truly suitable aroma. It instantly improves your mood, strengthens your self-confidence, and makes the world seem brighter and bigger. At the same time, you will smell the perfume only the first time. Then it combines with the natural smell and becomes noticeable only to others. And if even one aspect seems unsuccessful to you, give up the perfume right away. Getting used to it will not work here, and gradually mild discomfort may give way to a headache.

Having added another bottle to your collection of fragrances, do not forget that each perfume is appropriate only at a certain moment. Weather conditions, time of day, and the situation in which you find yourself are important. A wonderful musky aroma may be inappropriate on a romantic date, and a light sea scent may be lost at a party. Correlate the circumstances with the use of perfumes to always stay on trend.

On this page, an online store of luxury and niche perfumes, the site offers to select perfumes according to several criteria. In the corresponding filter windows, you can indicate the brand and type of fragrance, its volume, and whether it belongs to a particular family. If the country of origin of the perfume is important to you, select the one that is most attractive from the drop-down list. You can also sort scents by newness over a period of one month to a year.

In addition, a simple and intuitive filter will help you choose the perfume that suits you according to the season or time of day. Limited on budget? Feel free to indicate the limit amounts you are willing to spend, and the search engine will give you all possible options. Well, if you wandered here in search of “I want something, I don’t know what,” then choosing perfumes by notes will help you.

Selecting a fragrance by notes is the only possible way to buy the perfect perfume for you in an online store. Here you don’t have the opportunity to smell the composition, so you have to focus on what you want to smell like in the end. When choosing a perfume, you can also rely on your favorite smells of flowers, fruits and other pleasant things in life.

You shouldn’t pay too much attention to the packaging and bottles, because often this is just a marketing ploy to attract customers. Although it must be admitted that some brands try to accurately convey the sound of the internal contents through the design of the bottle. But here you will need remarkable talent or some psychological skills.

When buying perfume in an online store, it is very convenient to use the services of an experienced manager-consultant who can quickly navigate and direct the search in the right direction. You can also choose a product based on the manufacturer’s brand. Quite often, a good manufacturer produces its products in various lines, the scents of which are united by a single idea, a certain note or style.

Selecting a scent based on notes is an unpredictable task. You can look for it for a long time, and then be disappointed in your expectations, or you can accidentally stumble upon it on a catalog page, buy it, and when you receive it, fall head over heels in love with it. Don’t get hung up on the reviews and advice of your friends; it’s better to listen to your heart and carefully study the information posted in the card of the perfume you like.

The website for each fragrance provides a detailed description, indicating the year of release, membership in the family, available volumes, country of production and composition of top, middle and base notes. Here you can also find out the attitude of users towards this perfume, what time of year and day it is suitable for wearing, and what age it is intended for. We also recommend that you read useful thematic articles posted in the corresponding section on the site, which will definitely help you decide on the right choice of perfume based on notes.

I haven’t written for a long time about my favorite topic on which my soul rests)) – perfumery. The subject matter is so beautiful that even reading about it in general and about specific fragrances separately, I get pleasure, and looking at the incredibly beautiful bottles in which scents of the same incredible beauty are “hidden” and inhaling this variety, I get doubly pleasure.

And is it worth limiting yourself to narrow boundaries? Although once upon a time it seemed to me that there should not be many perfumes, there should be one, “yours”, and you are “recognizable” in it and this is the ideal))

But time goes on and changes, changing us at the same time, now I am quite satisfied with the variety of perfumes, because even the most favorite perfume does not get boring, no, it simply cannot be equally suitable for all seasons, for different events that happen in life, for your own mood, in the end...

So I propose that the goal is not to choose one scent, but to decide which group of scents give the most pleasure, which notes are especially favorite and smell especially good on you, and, based on this, select more specific scents.

How to choose perfume for yourself

The first thing you should decide on is which fragrances from which group you like best, and which ones you don’t accept at all, if they exist, of course. There is an article on the blog about the division of aromas: in it I gave two classification options, of which I like the second one better.

According to this gradation, you can, moreover, determine which “direction” suits you.

Floral: floral-fruity is often chosen by cheerful, energetic women, while floral-aquatic is often chosen by amorous dreamers.

Citrus fruits are bright, cheerful aromas, suitable for the same cheerful connoisseurs of an active lifestyle.

Woody: warm and soft scents are suitable for both a lady in a business suit and a lady in an evening dress. Their owner is distinguished by her loyalty to traditions.

Leather: chosen by confident women or those who want to appear so, women who have their own views.

How to choose a perfume scent depending on your skin type

But, no matter what we are advised virtually, no matter how many recommendations on choosing a scent we read, no matter how intoxicating the description of the pyramid of the scent we like seems to us, it is not a fact that it will reveal exactly these notes on you and will smell as breathtaking as it is written in description.

For myself, I have long understood that the main thing is what kind of skin you have, how it “receives” and in what form it “returns” odors.

I realized this a long time ago, because with regard to the “perception” of perfumes, my skin is very capricious, it doesn’t like everything, even complex wonderful aromas often smell like sweet, cheap caramel on me. Alternatively, the smell of “grandmother’s chest.”

I still couldn’t understand what kind of miracles were, why “delicious” in a bottle didn’t look like that to me, until I came across a good explanation about this, which I’m sharing.

Fragrances smell differently depending on the “temperature” of your skin.

It can be “normal”, let’s say “average temperature” (the definition is very arbitrary and has nothing to do with the usual normal body temperature of 36.6). There are very few owners of such skin, and these lucky women are suitable for almost any scent from all perfume categories.

The rest of the skin is either cool (more or less) or also more or less hot. It’s this “type” of skin that will determine which scent is most likely to be yours, and which one will smell completely bad.

Cool skin

The aroma develops on it for a long time, and the first notes of the perfume are heard longer than usual, up to several hours.

Therefore, it is important not to buy perfumes in which you are satisfied with the base, but do not like the first notes in the hope that they will quickly disappear. Top notes will be heard on you for a long time and will also irritate you for a long time.

How to spot cool skin. Its owners have:

Usually cold/cool hands, despite the weather and temperature around;

Low pressure;

They definitely prefer hot climates to cold ones.

Additional characteristics include the absence of a bright blush and the fact that the skin “reluctantly” tans.

I don’t quite agree with the signs of tanning, I’m definitely one of those with cool skin, but I tan quite easily.

What will sound especially good on cool skin?

1. Since she makes almost any scent sweet, it is the unsweetened ones that will be especially beautiful on her: green fougères, chypres, unisex, and, as an option, men’s perfumes.

2. Animalistic scents: civet, musk, leather and suede slightly lose their evocative notes on cool skin.

3. Citrus smells better than on hot skin.

4. Floral scents containing “bright” flowers: rose and tuberose, jasmine, lily of the valley, lilac... cool skin can restrain them and make them sound noble.

5. Aldehydes are perfume “synthetics” that smell beautifully on cool skin.

As the owner of such skin, I subscribe to each point; fragrances with these notes make it possible to feel the splendor of perfumes and enjoy “wearing” them.

What most likely won't work

1. Fragrances in the characteristics of which the word “sweet” comes first.

2. Those that are called “gourmet”, containing vanilla, honey, chocolate, caramel. It will be sweet, it will be simply delicious. But seasonings like pepper, on the contrary, can please you.

3. The smell of sweet fruits: peach, pineapple, apricots, they take a long time to develop on such skin, becoming tasteless, sticky and unnatural.

4. Floral aromas of delicate flowers: iris, freesia, orchids. At best, their beautiful scent will not be fully revealed, and at worst, it will be distorted.

Hot skin

Its owner is characterized by warm hands and blood pressure closer to elevated. The skin is usually thick and tans quickly.

This type is characterized by a very rapid development of top notes, the base becomes audible almost immediately, so when choosing, focus on it; if you like the base, then the aroma will not irritate you.

Most suitable notes

1. Sweet! The warmth of the skin removes their excessive sweetness.

2. Eastern. Incense, amber, patchouli, resins - on hot skin they open up beautifully, beautifully, completely giving themselves away.

3. Sweet flowers - linden, osmanthus, honeysuckle, cherry. Or with tenderness - iris, orchid, on hot skin they show all their subtle beauty.

4. “Gourmand” scents are not suitable for cool skin. Caramel and vanilla will not smell like “kitchen”, but will become mysterious and attractive. Paradoxically, hot skin extinguishes the sweetness of these spices.

By the way, it is gourmet scents that are considered the most attractive to men.

5. Woody notes of sandalwood, guaiac wood, cedar, which hot skin helps to fully reveal, which cool skin usually cannot.

What is better not to use

1. Intensely fragrant flowers - rose, lily of the valley, jasmine - those that suit cool skin. They will smell too much - stuffy, oily, thick.

2. A men's perfume, perhaps unisex - the “masculine” notes may be too audible, which will make the smell rough.

3. Animalism, especially musk, which can give an unpleasant “stomach”, associations with dirty socks, mice, etc. Now there are synthetic musks that do not give such comparisons, but still, they also need to be tested first.

4. Powdery aromas of violet and iris “roots”. They become powdery on hot skin, giving off a “grandmother’s chest” look.

In general, something like this. Keep in mind that the skin can be very cold or very hot and then the above rules will be especially relevant. But it can only be closer to hot/cold, then there will be more options to choose from.

What else influences the choice of perfume is the hormonal background; it is known that it often changes, while changing your attitude towards the same aroma. It is believed that the hormonal background is most stable at the beginning of the cycle, and that is when it is worth choosing perfume.

It is interesting that there is a “fragrant” indicator to check how normal your hormonal levels are, such an indicator is orange blossom oil (neroli). If you don’t feel discomfort when inhaling it, then everything is fine with your hormonal levels)) if not, then the aroma of neroli will seem unpleasant to you.

A striking example of a perfume with neroli is “Chanel No 19” EDP from Chanel.

1. The blotter for testing perfumes must be “correct”. There should be no drawings or inscriptions on it, otherwise the alcohol and oils contained in the perfume will dissolve the paint and distort the smell.

2. You need to spray the perfume onto the blotter from a close distance, then wait about twenty seconds for the alcohol to evaporate.

3. While sniffing, move the blotter from side to side at a distance of a few centimeters from your nose. When inhaling the aroma from the test piece of paper, take short, careful breaths.

4. Coffee beans, usually offered in stores, do not help to “rest” from many odors. If all the smells are already merging into one, it is best to go out into the fresh air for a few minutes and then start testing again.

5. Try to leave no more than two copies that you especially like, or even better, one that you apply to your skin to “live” with it and find out how well you suit each other. This rule is illustrated by the phrase of professor-perfumer Roger Dove: “The choice of fragrance is similar to When choosing a lover, to find out if you are truly suitable for each other, you must spend the night with him.”

In conclusion, the words that I really like were said by Serge Lutens, founder of the Serge Lutens brand, this is the answer to the question of how to choose a perfume scent, how to understand if it is your perfume:

"Very simple. One day he picked you out in a perfume boutique.”

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" Green notes are also often used in top layers of perfumes to give them a fresh, light scent.

Aldehydes are exciting synthetic aromas that are unlike any natural odors. These delightfully fresh and clean scents bring a certain sophistication to spicy, woody and floral notes. So while most categories of fragrances are distinct and very specific, some of them can overlap - this is especially common with aldehyde perfumes. For example, Lanvin Arpege and Chanel 5 are classified as aldehydic modern blends because they have characteristics of freshness and spice, while Byredo Blanche and Chanel 22 are more aldehydic floral perfumes, such as how their woody and floral notes give them a soft, powdery scent.

Oriental perfumes are the boldest of all scents. Mysteriously sweet and spicy, they surround you with a heady scent of vanilla, sandalwood, cinnamon and spice - these notes are often used, like the bottom notes of other perfumes, to enhance their longevity. Beyond any competition here are “Chanel Allure”, “Christian Dior Dune”, “Dolce&Gabbana The One”, “Thierry Mugler Angel”, “Thierry Mugler Alien”, “Tom Ford Black Orchid”, “Lancome Tresor” and “Yves Saint Laurent Opium” " However, some oriental perfumes do not have such a clear sweet and spicy aroma. For example, Versace Crystal Noir is a modern oriental fragrance, distinguished by its sharper top note and floral core, while Givenchy Organza and Christian Dior Oud Ispahan are classified as floral oriental due to their its floral and fruity notes. Those who love the exotic will undoubtedly like oriental perfumes. Some are traditionally sweet and spicy, others are better described as fruity, and others have more modern flavors.

Chypres are distinguished by their modern yet classic combination of aromas of trees and mosses, giving warmth and depth to the perfume. Three examples of such perfumes are Chanel Chance, Givenchy Ysatis and Lancome Magie Noire (often classified as a floral chypre due to the presence of rich floral notes). Many fragrances for men fall into this group - for example, Aramis Aramis, Coty Stetson and Chanel Antaeus.

From feminine and frivolous to rich and romantic, floral scents are good for any time. Of the six categories, the floral group is the most popular, and this is undoubtedly due to the wide variety of scents in this group. Floral perfumes can create the image of a single flower, or they can remind you of a whole bouquet. Floral perfume scents range from feminine and frivolous to rich and romantic. Some floral scents are more sweet, some are light, and some are fruity. There are also combinations of them. The brightest bestsellers from the class of floral fragrances: “Christian Dior J"adore", "Christian Dior Poison", "Nina Ricci Nina", "Kenzo L"eau Par Kenzo", "Lancome Miracle", "Lanvin L"Homme", " Hugo Boss Hugo Deep Red", "Guy Laroche Fidji", "Givenchy Ange Ou Demon Le Secret Elixir".

Animalistic notes are often used in perfumes to give them a sensual accent and greater longevity of the aroma. There may also be perfumes that entirely belong to this category. The most striking examples of such fragrances: “Cacharel Noa”, “Burberry The Beat”, “Calvin Klein Contradiction”, “Kenzo Amour”, “Moschino Couture”. Animalistic perfumes are easily identified by their warm, musky scent and by their name, which almost certainly includes the word “musk”. For example: “Montale Roses Musk”, “Narciso Rodriguez for her Musk”, “Lorenzo Villoresi Musk”, “Amouage Musk Abyadh”, “Kilian Musk Oud”.

Perfume test on skin

Spray your favorite perfume on your right wrist. Don't be greedy! This is an experiment. And keep the bottle ready, you will need it again soon. I can’t even believe that it could take a specialist many years to create a scent that you will smell in just a few seconds. Considering that perfumers have thousands upon thousands of essences at their disposal, it is not difficult to understand why this is the case.

Some perfumes can contain between 75 and 200 ingredients. A number of essences that the perfumer uses are obtained by distilling plant materials - flowers, herbs, medicinal plants, aromatic spices, bark, wood, tree resins, mosses and even vegetables. Other essences are synthetic.

There are two main types of synthetic ingredients - those that mimic natural scents and are designed primarily to reduce the cost of making perfumes, and those that are completely unique, inimitable, or modern in nature. However, using any specific ingredients is not everything.

How different essences are combined, in what quantity they are included in the perfume - all this makes as much contribution to the final effect and durability of the resulting aroma as the selection of its components. The attractiveness of perfumes is also due to the fact that many of them change their smell after application to the skin. The different evaporation times, or layers of a perfume, are often referred to by specialists as notes: top notes, middle notes and bottom notes. Generally speaking, lighter ingredients and those with fresh flavors evaporate first.

Pay attention! Directly after applying the perfume, you will probably immediately feel the light, bright essences of fruits, fragrant plants, herbs or flowers. Like the first bars of a symphony, these top notes help capture the mood conveyed by the perfume: sharp, fruity, fresh, sweet, musky and other aromas. The top note of the perfume lasts no more than a minute. Middle notes begin to emerge as the perfume reacts to body heat and the natural oils on the surface of the skin. As the middle note, or heart, of a perfume emerges, one can smell softer scents of flowers, woods, and "modern accords." Middle notes “sound” from thirty minutes to an hour. Bottom notes, sometimes also called base notes or dry residue, are the stage when a perfume blends most harmoniously with the chemical characteristics of your body's skin. Aromatic spices, resins, mosses and animal scents such as amber resin and musk are characteristic bottom notes. The bottom note lasts from two to six hours, depending on the degree of presence of pure essence in the perfume, as well as on a number of other factors.

Interestingly, not all perfumes have top, middle and bottom notes, or layers. Some of them only have one layer. Consequently, they will change very little because all or almost all of the components will evaporate at the same time.

Now it's time to apply a little more of your favorite perfume to your skin. But now spray some perfume on your left wrist and you can compare the top notes of your perfume with its core. Remember to smell the “dry” right wrist first, and then the “wet” left one. Otherwise, you won't be able to perceive the very subtle differences between the two layers. Then, after 30 - 60 minutes, you can compare all three layers of your perfume. Spray your left wrist again and quickly compare the scent to the bottom note of the perfume on your right wrist. Wait a few minutes to allow the middle note to emerge, and then feel how the core of your perfume differs from its base.

Sweet floral, heady and rich oriental aromas are ideal for the evening. The more sophisticated you dress, the more elegant and complex your perfume should be. Nothing emphasizes the solemnity of an evening dress more than perfume. But why do we like some perfumes and not others?

Experts believe that habit plays a big role here: we are more pleased with aromas that we have already smelled before, perhaps under some favorable circumstances. The attractiveness of perfumes, of course, greatly depends on how they are presented to the buyer. Perfume, and this is quite understandable, is one of the most difficult products to promote on the market, because it is difficult to convey the entire complex range of sensations from aromas with ordinary words or pictures. It is impossible to describe, at least sufficiently, how this or that perfume smells. But even if this were possible, a person should still try the perfume.

However, a creative approach to marketing allows you to introduce perfumes to potential consumers. Let's take names, for example. One of the latest marketing trends is to name perfumes after famous people. Of course, this does not mean that you will definitely like a perfume named after your idol, but for many there is something alluring, even romantic, about it.

Often perfume names are accompanied by a catchy and memorable advertising phrase, for example: "Genji" ("Genji")... "extend this moment", or an image, the type of person who might like them, such as "Acapella". ")... "your unique style."

Another important aspect is the design. In many ways, the bottle and packaging mean as much as its contents and name. In short, perfume is not just a scent, it is an image - appearance, style, image and mood. The more you wear perfume, the more you will understand how much it influences your life. This is what the art of perfumery does.

How to use perfume

● It is best to use perfume before getting dressed so that you can apply your favorite scent to a larger surface area of ​​the skin. This way you will be enveloped in a whole cloud of aroma. (Plus, it won't leave stains on your clothes.) If you want your perfume to last longer, apply it to damp skin. Spirits don't evaporate as quickly when they have something to "hold on to." Use bath products scented with your perfume. They will not only serve as an excellent background for your perfume, but will also provide better cleansing and moisturizing of the skin due to their composition.

● Never apply perfume to your skin with the stopper of the bottle - sebum may remain on it. In a closed bottle it will mix with the perfume and disrupt the complex composition of the perfume. This is one of the reasons why spray packs are produced.

● Keep scented talc and powder powder in your laundry drawer. This way the aroma will gradually transfer to your things. Perfume evaporates faster from dry skin - this is another reason to use moisturizers after a bath, especially if you have dry skin type.

● Food affects the sense of smell. Therefore, it is better to try applying a new perfume before a meal rather than after, especially if you are going to try a spicy dish.

● The aroma rises, not falls. If you want to smell your perfume, don't just apply it behind your earlobes.

● Avoid wearing perfume when going to the beach. They may increase skin photosensitivity.

● Store unwrapped scented soap in your linen closet to keep both your towels and sheets scented.

● Since the points where the pulse is felt - the throat, wrist, elbows, knees and ankles - are warmer than other areas of the body, perfume applied to these areas “wake up” faster.

● You cannot judge the smell of a perfume by the aroma emanating from another person. No two people have the same skin chemistry.

● If the situation calls for just a hint of perfume, take a scented bath or use a scented body lotion, cream or mousse.

● Store perfume that you rarely use in the refrigerator. This way he will not lose his qualities.

● When you run out of perfume, don't throw away the empty bottle. Place the opened bottle in your closet and the stopper in your laundry drawer to add a fragrant scent to your clothes.

● Since different foods evaporate at different rates, applying multiple layers increases the depth and strength of the aroma. This is a step-by-step process. The first layer is applied when you wash - use scented soap, scented bath products or shower gel. The second layer is applied when you use a moisturizing composition - lotion, gel or mousse for the body, scented with the same perfume. The third layer is liquid - this is cologne or perfume. And finally, for even greater effect, use scented talc and mousse.

● Storing perfumes where they are exposed to direct sunlight or near a heat source will cause them to degrade quickly. It is better to store them in a cool place, away from the window.

● Always close the perfume bottle tightly to prevent it from evaporating. Even aerosol bottles should be properly capped after each use.

● Sample bottles are ideal for travel. These small bottles contain enough perfume for several uses.

● Are you having trouble falling asleep? Or are you so tired that you are unable to work? According to aromatherapists, help is close - it is at the “tip of your nose.” The aromas of jasmine, marigold and hyacinth are said to be soothing, while the essence of peppermint, grapefruit, peach, cinnamon and sandalwood is said to be invigorating.

● When the weather changes, so do the scents of perfume. Perfume smells much stronger in the hot, humid summer months than in cold weather.

● If you use unscented hair styling products, spritz your brush with eau de toilette to add a light scent to your hair.

● Try no more than two or three types of perfume at a time. Otherwise they will all seem the same to you.

● The drier the climate, the faster the perfume evaporates. Especially during the winter months, you can increase the longevity of your scent by applying a moisturizer first. Even better if it is scented with the same composition as your eau de toilette.

● During extreme heat, perfumes and eau de parfum smell stronger than usual. If a strong scent is not an option, use bath products instead of eau de parfum or perfume.

● Just because you can't smell your perfume doesn't mean others can't smell it. Maybe you're just used to them. Therefore, if you apply eau de toilette more than once or twice a day, it is quite possible that you may be overdoing it. Ask someone else close to you if the aroma of your perfume is too intense.

● Don't save up perfume for future use. They don't last forever.

● Keep a small aerosol bottle of perfume in your briefcase or purse so you can use it throughout the day.

Perfume and sense of proportion

A scent that is too strong may be inappropriate in many situations. Here are some tips to help you avoid such complications:

● Perfume is a great way to highlight your business style, provided that it is not the main thing that will be noticed about you. Most types of perfumes and eau de toilette have too strong an aroma for a work environment. Intense oriental and animalistic perfumes are also not suitable for the job, especially those that have a strong aroma of patchouli, musk or sandalwood. Sweet floral perfumes can also be too heavy. If you really prefer these particular scents, apply a small amount of eau de toilette or perfume, or use scented bath products or other aromatic products (powders, mousses, etc.) after your shower in the morning and at night.

● Smell and taste are very closely related. Generally speaking, if you don’t smell, then you don’t feel the full range of taste sensations. The very strong aroma also affects the sense of taste. Therefore, if you use a very strong perfume before dinner, it can ruin the pleasure of the food served not only for you, but also for those around you.

● Tight spaces require lighter odors, especially on an airplane or car. Fresh, light floral and plant aromas will be your good travel companions on the road.

● After playing sports, be sure to take a bath or shower first, and only then apply perfume.

● If you plan to spend time by the pool or on the beach, do not wear perfume. Perfume and beads of sweat appearing on the skin are incompatible. But more importantly, when wearing perfume, direct sunlight can cause sunburn or increase photosensitive reactions.