Pregnant women can take laxatives. What laxatives can be taken by pregnant women? Constipation medications that are absolutely not suitable for pregnant women

To eliminate intestinal dysfunction, a special laxative for pregnant women is used. Failures in the functions of the excretory system are observed in more than half of the patients and are expressed in the absence of stool or in regular bowel movements that are difficult.

Elimination of this violation requires the use of special means. But to normalize the condition of a pregnant woman’s excretory system, it is unacceptable to use conventional medications. The use of mild formulations that do not have a negative effect on the fetus is required.

1 Reasons for taking laxatives during pregnancy

Taking cleansing medications during pregnancy is not necessary, since malfunctions in the excretory system do not in any way affect the condition of the fetus. But to alleviate a woman’s condition and improve her well-being, laxative components should be used. Constipation during pregnancy is a natural process not associated with pathological disorders in the body. This condition can be caused by the following factors:

  • hormonal surge;
  • compression of the intestines due to an enlarging uterus;
  • anemia;
  • the predominance of certain foods in the diet, which inhibits the normal excretion of waste products.

The growth of the fetus and the associated expansion of the uterus leads to compression of nearby organs. In this case, the intestines lose their mobility, which makes it difficult for the movement of waste products.

Anemia is a common cause of constipation. Iron-containing preparations used for its therapy reduce intestinal motility and inhibit the process of excretion of waste products.

Pregnancy can lead to a woman changing her eating habits. The predominance of the following products in the diet leads to disruption of intestinal function: baked goods, sweets, fast food, fatty meats and fish.

Drugs in this group must be taken if the patient has previously experienced problems with bowel movements. In this case, if necessary, the attending physician adjusts the intake of medications, replacing the usual but harmful components with safe substances. Laxatives during pregnancy are taken in case of parallel occurrence of hemorrhoids, colitis and other pathologies associated with impaired passage of feces.

2 Selecting a cleansing product

It is necessary to carefully approach the issue of choosing laxatives for pregnant women. You should not self-medicate and if the excretory system is disrupted, consult a doctor. Only a specialist can select the optimal drug that does not have a depressing effect on the fetus and promotes rapid cleansing of the body.

Good laxatives for pregnant women are not addictive and do not contain components that stimulate uterine contractions. Medicines for this category of patients are aimed at softening and speedy removal of feces from the body without increasing the volume of the intestines. The following groups of drugs should be avoided:

  • irritating effect;
  • oil-based;
  • volumetric.

The first group includes products based on senna, salt, and bisacodyl. Taking these drugs can cause reflex contractions. The use of these medications has a mutational effect on the fetus and leads to intoxication of the body.

The second group of drugs is made on the basis of mineral oils, which are a natural cause of unwanted fluid retention for a pregnant woman. Ingestion of flax extract and cellulose into the expectant mother's body can lead to the development of an inflammatory process and impaired absorption of nutrients by the intestinal walls.

The effect of the third category of drugs is to increase the volume of feces due to fluid retention, which leads to dilation of the intestines and compression of the blood vessels necessary for feeding the fetus. The dietary fiber contained in these compositions is not digested by the body and is not absorbed into the walls of the organ. Taking these components requires consuming a large volume of liquid, which leads to additional swelling, which a pregnant woman already suffers from.

What laxatives can expectant mothers take? For this category of patients, it is optimal to use lactulose-based drugs. The component has a gentle effect on the body, is not absorbed into the intestinal walls and has a detoxifying effect. The advantage of lactulose is the simultaneous normalization of the microflora of the mucous excretory system. The substance is not addictive, and therefore can be used for a long time.

3 Medicines

A woman is faced with the question of what kind of laxative she can use during pregnancy. Most often, Duphalac is prescribed to normalize intestinal function. The principle of action of this drug is to liquefy stool and facilitate its removal from the body. In addition to removing waste products, Duphalac helps to normalize the microflora of the internal environment, which prevents the development of stagnation in the future. The following medications have a similar effect: Forlax, Normolakt, Mucofalk.

Despite the mild effect on the patient’s body, there are a number of contraindications to the use of Duphalac. Its use should be discontinued if the pregnant woman is individually intolerant to one of the components. Its use is unacceptable in case of intestinal obstruction, diabetes mellitus, or a tendency to rectal bleeding.

To remove feces in pregnant women, it is recommended to use drugs in the form of suppositories. Glycerin suppositories effectively cope with constipation. The use of these drugs stimulates the softening of waste products and an increase in intestinal motility.

Norgalax suppositories are often used to cleanse the body. In the production of these products, sodium docusate is used, which stimulates the softening of waste products and their further easy passage through the intestines.

To cleanse the gastrointestinal tract in pregnant women, it is recommended to use a Microlax enema. This preparation of liquid gel structure contains citrate and sorbitol. Although these components increase the contents of the intestine, they stimulate its rapid passage. The effectiveness of the medication can be observed within 10 minutes after use.

4 Foods for quick colon cleansing

To prevent disruption of the excretory system, it is necessary to include raw fruits in a pregnant woman’s diet. Eating this food helps to quickly remove toxins from the intestines. Thus, bananas, enriched with fiber and potassium, normalize electrolyte balance and promote rapid excretion of feces. Apples enriched with the necessary pectin have an effective effect on intestinal motility. Pregnant women are recommended to consume melon, which does not require long digestion and is quickly eliminated from the body.

Berries have a beneficial effect on intestinal function. Thanks to the consumption of these foods, which are high in dietary fiber and antioxidants, the patient is less likely to suffer from dysfunction of the excretory system. The following berries are highly effective: cherries, cherries, cranberries, strawberries, blackberries.

Unprocessed vegetables should be actively included in a pregnant woman’s menu. It is necessary to eat cabbage, broccoli, carrots, beets, herbs and garlic more often. Due to the high content of essential vitamins and antioxidants, they not only prevent constipation, but also support the patient’s health during the difficult period of bearing a child.

Natural laxatives are foods containing Omega-3 fatty acids. Eating avocado, spinach and olive oil helps coat the intestinal walls with a protective layer, preventing the absorption of toxins and stimulating the rapid elimination of feces.

Nuts are an essential laxative for pregnant women. Due to their high fiber content, they prevent the development of congestion and stimulate the rapid passage of feces. You need to include almonds, sesame seeds, walnuts and pine nuts in your diet.

An integral part of the prevention of constipation is an optimal drinking regime. To soften stool and remove toxins as quickly as possible, it is necessary, in addition to liquid food and drinks, to drink at least 8 glasses of filtered water per day. This measure helps to moisturize the intestinal walls and increase peristalsis.

5 Folk recipes

Particular care should be taken when choosing homemade laxatives for pregnant women. A considerable part of the recipes is directly contraindicated for women carrying a child. The use of preparations containing senna leaves, flax seeds, violet, and buckthorn root is unacceptable. You should consult with a specialist in advance about the admissibility of taking the chosen remedy.

A laxative based on prunes and beets is effective and safe for a pregnant woman. You need to combine 100 g of chopped dried fruits, root vegetables and oats. The resulting composition is poured into 2 liters of water and placed on low heat. The product is kept for an hour, after which it is removed from the stove, cooled and filtered. Take 1 time per day after waking up. Oats help remove calcium from the body, and therefore a decoction based on it is taken only in case of intestinal dysfunction, but not for prevention.

According to another recipe, prunes are mixed with raisins, dried apricots and honey. It is necessary to combine 100 g of chopped dried fruits with 2 tbsp. l. liquid honey. The resulting pulp is stored in a glass container in a cool place and taken 1 tbsp. l. before going to bed with 1 glass of water.

Apples are a traditional laxative ingredient for pregnant women. To prepare a fruit infusion, you need to divide 5 washed, but not peeled fruits into slices, which are poured into 1 liter of water. The composition is placed on the fire and boiled for 15 minutes. After this, it is left for 4-5 hours, filtered and taken as a regular drink several times a day.

To normalize intestinal function, dill infusion is used. It is necessary to pour 2 tbsp. l. green seeds with 1 cup of boiling water and leave for 2 hours. The strained drink is taken 1 tbsp. l. before eating. In addition to stabilizing the functioning of the excretory system, dill infusion normalizes the functioning of the cardiovascular system and helps relieve irritation.

To eliminate dysfunctions of the excretory system and normalize the condition of a pregnant patient, the use of laxatives is required. In this case, it is unacceptable to use conventional means. Cleansing compositions should be carefully selected based on the safety of their components for the fetus.

Laxatives are several groups of medications that promote the act of defecation (excretion of feces). This group includes:

  • osmotic laxatives;
  • drugs that soften stool;
  • agents that irritate the mucous membrane of the small and large intestines;
  • drugs that increase the volume of stool;
  • laxatives prebiotics;
  • contact laxatives.

Mechanism of action

Medicines that belong to the group of laxatives differ from each other in their mechanism of action. Let's consider the effect of drugs for each group separately.

  1. Osmotic laxatives.

Medicines in this group are represented by salt preparations, the effect of which is to retain water in the intestinal wall, as well as increase the concentration of salt in the intestinal lumen, which helps attract water from the blood vessels through osmosis (one-way diffusion). Such processes stimulate the dilution of fecal clots with water, increasing their volume and intestinal lumen, which contributes to their better excretion from the body.

additionally Drugs in this group have an antitoxic effect - they neutralize toxic substances that are formed as a result of metabolism or come from the outside.

Medicines in this group are represented by oils. Once inside, they envelop the intestinal walls and soften the feces, which facilitates their better sliding in the intestinal lumen and excretion from the body.

Medicines of this group, entering the intestinal lumen, irritate the receptors in its wall, stimulating the processes of peristalsis (contraction of the muscular layer of the intestine), which promotes the movement of feces through the gastrointestinal tract and their removal from the body.

important This type of medicine is prohibited during pregnancy due to a possible increase in and. During pregnancy and after childbirth, the drug is fully approved for use.

Medicines in this group, when interacting with water, begin to swell rapidly and grow in volume, expanding the intestinal wall. Due to increased peristalsis, drugs promote the movement of feces and excretion from the body.

  1. Laxative prebiotics.

A group of drugs that is not digested in the small intestine and reaches the large intestine and rectum unchanged, which helps push stool. They normalize intestinal microflora by stimulating the growth and development of lactic acid bacteria in the rectum, which improves the functioning of the digestive system.

  1. Contact laxatives.

Local preparations. The drugs are introduced into the rectum in the form of suppositories or enemas; they irritate the receptors in the rectal mucosa, lubricate the walls and slightly dilute the feces, which facilitates their better removal from the body.

information Medicines in this group act only when feces are in the sigmoid (the last section of the large intestine) or in the rectum. If the stool is located higher, the drugs are not effective.

Indications for use

During pregnancy the following are prescribed:

  • osmotic laxatives;
  • drugs that increase the volume of feces;
  • stool softeners;
  • prebiotics.

In And All laxatives are allowed.

This group of drugs does not have a negative effect on the fetus.

note When using laxatives, you should consult a gynecologist, who will tell you which group of drugs to use and adequately prescribe the dose of the medication.

Main indications for the use of laxatives:

  • due to intestinal compression;
  • constipation due to prolonged stay on bed rest (threat, injuries, surgical interventions);
  • prevention in women who cannot strain during bowel movements (pregnancy; surgery; after vaginal birth, complicated by rupture of the perineum, cervix);
  • constipation caused by impaired intestinal motility;
  • proctitis (inflammation of the rectum);
  • anal fissures;
  • preparation for intestinal examination, abdominal surgery and childbirth.


  • hypersensitivity to the drug;
  • partial or complete intestinal obstruction;
  • hernias on the anterior abdominal wall;
  • bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract.

Side effects

  • nausea;
  • bloating;
  • stomach ache;
  • on the skin in the form of a rash or.

List of main drugs in this group

  1. Osmotic laxatives: Sodium Sulfate, Magnesium Sulfate, Morshyn salt, Karlavy salt, Forlax, Laxomag, Fortrans.
  2. Stool softeners: , corn oil, almond oil, castor oil, petroleum jelly.
  3. Drugs that irritate the mucous membrane of the small and large intestines: Regulax, Senadexin, Kafiol, senna leaves, Rhubarb root, buckthorn bark, Guttalax, Laxigal, Picolax.
  4. Drugs that increase stool volume: Angiolax, Mucofalk, Laminaride, Fiberlex, flax seed, wheat bran.
  5. Laxative prebiotics: Inulin, Lactulose, Normaze, Lactovit, Duphalac, Fructooligosaccharides.
  6. Contact laxatives: Norgalax, glycerin suppositories, suppositories with castor oil.

Like glycerin suppositories, Microlax is an emergency remedy. It will not remove the cause of constipation.

Ant weeds and constipation during pregnancy

Chamomile decoction will help with constipation.

In our society, there is an opinion that drugs or herbs collected with one’s own hands will not cause harm, but, on the contrary, will only improve health.

This is completely wrong! Medicinal herbs are medical preparations, just like tablets in a pharmacy. They have indications, contraindications, and side effects.

Such popular ones as buckthorn bark, hay grass, licorice are prohibited from being used, as they are rich in phytoestrogens. And for a pregnant woman, these substances are contraindicated.

While waiting for a child, you are allowed to take a decoction of chamomile, flaxseed infusion, and dill water. Chamomile flowers are made in the classic way. For 1 teaspoon you will need a glass of boiling water. Pour, wrap and leave until completely cool. Take as needed, but not more than 14 days.

A decoction of flax seed is prepared using a different technology. One teaspoon of seeds will require 1 cup of boiling water. Pour in and boil in a water bath or over low heat for 20 minutes. Wrap up and leave to infuse. The result is a slimy mass. Strain through a sieve and take the resulting decoction at once. The seeds can also be consumed - added to salads, yoghurts, and muesli.

Dill water is not a decoction of the seeds of a spicy plant. The main active ingredient is fennel oil. It is a close relative of dill. Sold in and is a carminative. Improves intestinal motility and movement of feces through the intestines.

All of the drugs listed are long-acting drugs. That is, the result can be expected within 24 hours. In any case, before using, consult a gynecologist. After all, during pregnancy, a woman is responsible for two people – herself and the unborn baby.

Reading time: 8 minutes

Changes occur in a woman's body during pregnancy, which sometimes lead to disturbances in physiological processes. Often, in the early or late stages of pregnancy, constipation occurs, and it is necessary to take a laxative for pregnant women, but not all remedies during this period are harmless. You need to be careful when choosing medications so as not to harm the fetus or cause a miscarriage.

What laxative can you use during pregnancy?

To solve the problem, it is important to find out the mechanism of its occurrence and eliminate the causes that cause it. The following factors influence the occurrence of constipation during pregnancy:

  1. In pregnant women, the body is rebuilt. During this period, there is an increased release of progesterone, which suppresses uterine contractions to prevent premature birth. At the same time, the hormone affects the smooth muscles of the intestines - peristalsis, which causes a delay in the movement of feces.
  2. An enlarged uterus puts pressure on the intestine and prevents the free movement of intestinal contents.
  3. A decrease in physical activity causes bowel dysfunction.
  4. Toxicosis in pregnant women can cause constipation. Changes in the perception of taste and smell lead to a decrease in appetite, a decrease in the amount of food consumed, and this causes a decrease in peristalsis.
  5. Prescribing medications containing iron (for anemia), calcium or aluminum (for heartburn) to pregnant women can contribute to bowel dysfunction.

According to the mechanism of action, the following types of laxatives are used to treat constipation:

  • promoting liquefaction, increasing the volume of feces and increasing pressure in the intestines (osmotic laxatives);
  • enveloping the contents of the intestine and softening it;
  • irritating the intestinal walls and improving peristalsis;
  • normalizing microflora.

Based on their chemical composition, laxatives are divided into:

  • saline;
  • oil;
  • containing bifidobacteria;
  • derivatives of cellulose and polysaccharides.

Women are interested in the question, what laxatives can they take during pregnancy? It is not recommended to choose a remedy on your own. The dangers of a pregnant woman taking laxatives are as follows:

  • the substance of the drug, the activity of which is aimed at improving peristalsis, can cause contraction of the smooth muscles of the uterus and cause premature birth;
  • artificial stimulation of stool sometimes leads to the leaching of vitamins and microelements necessary for the woman and the nascent child’s body;
  • Undesirable changes in intestinal microflora may occur.

In the early stages

Taking pharmaceuticals during this period may cause undesirable consequences, so you should consult your doctor before using the medication. Do not use drugs that irritate the intestinal mucosa (Guttalax, Senna) in the first trimester of pregnancy. Gynecologists prescribe a safe laxative during early pregnancy, which does not affect the development of the fetus and cannot cause contraction of the uterine muscles. During this period the following means are used:

  • osmotic action (Duphalac, Normolakt, Prelax);
  • stool thinners (Mukofalk, Transilan);
  • improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract based on bifidobacteria.

In the later stages

The last trimester of pregnancy can be characterized by the presence of swelling, so doctors avoid prescribing medications during this period that retain fluid. In the later stages, laxatives are prescribed for constipation for pregnant women, which do not harm the development of the fetus and cannot provoke premature birth. Pregnant women are prescribed laxatives:

  • containing bifidobacteria;
  • based on the substance lactulose (Duphalac, Normolakt, Prelax, Forlax);
  • local action - solutions for microenemas and suppositories.

Laxatives for pregnant women

If constipation occurs, doctors in exceptional cases prescribe laxative tablets to pregnant women. The most commonly used pharmaceuticals during this period are:

  • solutions for microenemas (Mukofalk, Transilan, Microlax);
  • mild syrups for internal use (Duphalac);
  • rectal laxative suppositories.

To prevent bowel movements, pregnant women should observe moderate physical activity, which includes: walking in the fresh air, doing special gymnastics, and swimming. Proper nutrition can improve the digestion process:

  1. Food should be taken often, in small portions.
  2. Moderate consumption of water is necessary throughout the day and always on an empty stomach, before meals.
  3. Difficult-to-digest foods (meat) should be consumed boiled in the first half of the day, and in the evening it is better to eat cereals, vegetables and dairy products.
  4. Animal fats should be replaced with vegetable oil.
  5. Food should be cooked immediately before consumption.

Laxative suppositories

Local medications are considered effective during pregnancy. Doctors prescribe microenemas or laxative suppositories for pregnant women. In the early stages and if there is a threat of miscarriage, suppositories are not prescribed, but for the later stage they are not contraindicated. After the introduction of suppositories, a relaxed state in a supine position is recommended. In case of stool retention, pregnant women are prescribed laxative suppositories:

  1. Glycerin suppositories. They must be used 15 minutes after breakfast. After administration of the suppository, instant softening of the stool and reflex excretion occurs. The product only affects the colon, so it does not pose a danger to a pregnant woman.
  2. Kolas. The laxative effect of suppositories is based on the ability of the surfactant sodium docusate to soften stool and reduce tension during bowel movements. The result is observed 20 minutes after administration.
  3. Evacue. When using a new generation suppository, due to the interaction of sodium bicarbonate, polyethylene glycol and potassium bitartrate, water, gases, and carbonic acid are formed in the colon. They help soften stool and facilitate their elimination. The result is observed 5-10 minutes after administration.


Including the following foods in your diet will help improve the digestion process and normalize stool:

  1. Rich in fiber. They not only help normalize stool, but also replenish the body of the mother and unborn child with essential microelements and vitamins. Pregnant women are recommended to eat wholemeal bread, wheat, rye, oat bran, porridge, cabbage, beets, carrots, zucchini, cucumbers, pumpkin, bananas, apricots, peaches, and dried fruits.
  2. Fermented milk - kefir, curdled milk, yogurt, cottage cheese.

To prevent stool disorders, the following foods should be avoided or completely eliminated from the diet:

  • fried, spicy, overly salty foods;
  • sweet bakery products;
  • coffee, chocolate;
  • carbonated drinks.

Laxative tea

When deciding to drink tea as a laxative for pregnant women, you must consult your doctor. Many pharmaceutical preparations provided to normalize stool can cause undesirable effects during pregnancy. The following drinks are considered safe:

  1. From dried fruits. You need a glass of a mixture of dried apples, pears, drain, pour one liter of cold water, bring to a boil, cook for 5 minutes. You need to insist for 1 hour. Take a glass 3 times a day along with boiled pears and apples.
  2. A decoction of dill and caraway seeds. Pour a tablespoon of the seed mixture into a glass of boiling water, cook for 5 minutes, leave for 15 minutes. Use 3 times a day.
  3. Violet tea. Pour 10 g of herb with a glass of boiling water, cook for 15 minutes, leave for 1 hour, dilute with a glass of water after straining. Take 3 times a day, a tablespoon before meals.

Natural laxatives

Often pregnant women do not want to use pharmaceutical drugs as laxatives, so they prefer to use natural products. It should be noted that plants that can normalize stool can harm a pregnant woman. It is not recommended to take drugs made from buckthorn, senna, aloe, or rhubarb. They improve intestinal motility, but can cause miscarriage. You can use the following proven folk recipes:

  1. Prepare freshly squeezed juice from carrots and beets in a 1:1 ratio. Take 2-3 sips daily in the morning and evening until stool normalizes.
  2. Pour boiling water over the prunes overnight, and in the morning drink the infusion and eat the berries. Can be taken continuously.
  3. Pour 2 tablespoons of bran into a glass of boiling water and eat the swollen mixture after half an hour. Can be taken continuously or until stool normalizes.

Prohibited laxatives for pregnant women

It should be noted that the following types of laxatives are contraindicated for pregnant women throughout the entire period of pregnancy:

  1. Saline. These include solutions of magnesium (magnesium), sodium sulfate, Carlsbad salt. They can cause disruption of the water-salt balance, contraction of the walls of the intestines and uterus. The exception is saline solutions based on the substance lactulose.
  2. Oils – castor, vaseline, fennel, almond oil. They help soften stool, but at the same time irritate the intestinal walls and interfere with the absorption of vitamins necessary for the normal development of the fetus.
  3. Based on herbal preparations: buckthorn bark, aloe, rhubarb root, senna leaves (Senade). They cause irritation of smooth muscles and can cause miscarriage.

Problems with stool in pregnant women arise for the following number of reasons. Physical changes in a woman’s body, an enlargement of the fetus which puts pressure on the internal organs, which leads to disruption of the intestines. Reduced physical activity, especially in later stages, reduces the muscle tone of the body, which leads to delayed bowel movements. Increased production of the hormone progesterone in pregnant women causes relaxation of the intestinal muscles, which leads to fecal retention. The use of medications containing iron to normalize the level of hemoglobin in the blood also stimulates the appearance of problems with stool. Changing your diet can also have a negative impact on your bowel function.

Can pregnant women take laxatives?

A laxative for pregnant women must meet certain requirements. Medicines should not increase the activity of smooth muscles, that is, provoke contractions of the uterus, cause spasms, loose stools, which lead to loss of fluid and salts, or negatively affect the intestinal microflora.

Therefore, pregnant women need to pay attention to the choice of medication and in no case do without the advice of a specialist. Because addiction develops to any drug over time and either the drug stops working or the body cannot do without the drug.

What medications can pregnant women take?

Laxatives for pregnant women have general effects on the body. These drugs concentrate water in the intestines, thinning the stool, which facilitates their easy excretion. A pregnant woman should drink the required amount of fluid every day. Lack of water in the intestines also stimulates the formation of constipation. Most often, the effect of such drugs is based on the properties of the synthetic substance lactulose. This substance was obtained when American chemists Edna Montgomery and Klaus Hudson were searching for a sweetener for the food industry. Subsequently, the Australian pediatrician Friedrich Petueli studied this substance and substantiated its use for the treatment of constipation in infants. Preparations based on bifidobacteria are also produced for pregnant women. Medicines using the properties of various medicinal plants. Various glycerin-based anal suppositories.


The action of this drug is based on the properties of lactulose. Lactulose is a disaccharide consisting of parts of galactose and fructose molecules, a synthetic stereoisomer of lactose. This substance does not occur in nature. Lactulose is not absorbed in the intestines because the human body does not produce enzymes capable of breaking it down. Thanks to this property, lactulose increases osmotic pressure in the intestines, concentrates water, dilutes and increases the volume of feces. Arriving unchanged in the colon, lactulose is processed by the bacteria living there. Products of bacterial processing of lactulose shift the pH of the environment to the acidic side. Thereby suppressing the activity of harmful bacteria that cause dysbiosis and creating a favorable environment for beneficial bacteria.


This drug is a biologically active food supplement consisting of a mixture of psyllium husks and homemade plums. A natural remedy made from plant fibers. It is a powder in jars or bags for oral administration. It has a wide range of effects: increasing and softening the intestinal contents, stimulating the functions of the colon, a choleretic agent, prevents and eliminates constipation, improves digestion, lowers cholesterol, lowers sugar levels. Phytomucil also helps reduce excess weight and gives a feeling of fullness. Pregnant women should consult a doctor before use.

Senade tablets

Herbal laxative. It is a brown or dark brown tablet with inclusions. Active substances are extract of hay leaves + calcium salts of sennosides A and B. Excipients: lactose, starch, methyl parahydroxybenzoate, microcrystalline cellulose, talc, magnesium stearate, sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium carmellose. Affects the large intestine, enhancing its peristalsis. It has a gradual effect, with maximum effect after 8-10 hours.

The drug is usually prescribed once a day before bedtime. This device should be prescribed to pregnant women with extreme caution.

Rapid laxative Microlax

This medicine is used as a one-time enema. The most important characteristic of this medicine is its very fast action. The drug will act within 5-20 minutes. The drug is very convenient to use; unlike a regular enema, no antiseptic treatment or dosage is required.

After administration, the complex of active substances (sodium citrate, sodium lauryl sulfoacetate, sorbitol) softens dense stool and gently relieves constipation. In this case, the laxative is not absorbed into the digestive system. Approved for use for children from the first days of life and for pregnant women in all trimesters of pregnancy.

Glycerin suppositories

This drug can be freely purchased at a pharmacy without a doctor's prescription. It is used as follows: with a clean hand, place it as deeply as possible into the patient’s anus. Where, under the influence of body temperature, they melt very quickly, without causing discomfort or pain. Contains: glycerin, stearic acid, sodium carbonate. Available in two different sizes for both adults (2.75 grams) and children (1.6 grams). They have no contraindications. Having a softening and mild laxative effect, glycerin is oxidized in the human body to carbon dioxide and water. In case of prolonged use, irritation in the rectum and even inflammation (catarrhal proctitis) may occur.

The best laxatives for pregnant women - >folk remedies

Of course, it is better for pregnant women to do without medications if possible. In order for the body to cope on its own, a pregnant woman’s diet must contain foods that weaken. These are fermented milk products, vegetables, fruits, pearl barley, buckwheat, millet porridge. It is necessary to consume as many foods as possible containing fiber and plant fibers; they stimulate the intestines.

Instead of medications, you can use traditional medicine: decoctions of beets or gooseberries, decoction of dill or caraway seeds. Chamomile and mint teas. A good and affordable remedy is a compote of dried apricots, prunes and figs. The compote is drunk in the morning on an empty stomach, and fruits are eaten from it during the day. Folk remedies should be used carefully, first you need to make sure that this recipe will not cause an increase in uterine tone. You need to be especially careful with various herbal decoctions. Many herbs are contraindicated for pregnant women, so be sure to consult a specialist before using them. The simplest and most harmless remedy for constipation is a glass of cold water on an empty stomach.

Also, do not forget about daily walks, simple gymnastics will help, get on all fours several times during the day, leaning on the sofa; this position is good for intestinal function.

Video: how to get rid of constipation at home

Useful video for expectant mothers. Natalie Vandebeek talks in clear language about the causes and available methods of treating such a common problem among expectant mothers as constipation. How can you avoid this problem by adjusting your diet without using medications? And get rid of it if it already exists.