Peruvian balsam. Peruvian balsam essential oil – Myroxylon balsamum Peruvian balsam

Peruvian balsam is produced from the bark of the American balsam tree. The viscous, dark brown liquid has a sweet, pleasant, soft aroma, but very persistent. It resembles vanillin. The product does not harden in air. In South America, miroxylon is used as a strong cough suppressant and for wounds that do not heal for a long time.

Balsam production

Black and white balms are used. The rainy season is suitable for black production. Cuts are made on the bark of the tree. A few days - and the first drops appear. They are set on fire and the fire is extinguished after ten minutes. Wrap the cuts with rags, and rags soaked in tree sap are wrung out under a press. Then, using a device resembling a centrifuge, the contents are pressed into copper basins.

Wood shavings are leached to produce ether. Currently, production has significantly decreased due to high cost and labor intensity. Finding real oil and not a synthetic analogue is very difficult.

Properties of the balm

The product is used in pharmacy, perfumery, and cosmetology. The balm helps against colds and acne. Peruvian balsam is an excellent aphrodisiac.

To obtain a single bottle, you need to process a ton of plants. Therefore, the concentration of useful substances in the ether is very high.

The oil is effective in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system and in the prevention of influenza.

Peruvian balsam soothes and relieves stress and tension. The balm helps well with emotional stupor and instills hope.

Balsam-Peru fights various skin ailments, scabies, eczema, and improves the protective functions of the skin. The product smoothes wrinkles and removes pustules on the skin. Use the balm to moisturize dry skin and get rid of flaking.

The balm works great on hair: it strengthens and eliminates brittleness. Peru balm is an excellent remedy for brittle nails.

Recipes with Balsam of Peru

The balm is used in aromatherapy, used for compresses, in inhalations, and added to skin care products.


An excellent mixture for a soothing massage is obtained by adding a couple of drops of balsam of Peru, lavender, valerian and oregano to 30 ml of grape seed oil.


For an aroma lamp, you need four to five drops of Peruvian balsam ether per 20 square meters. One or two drops can be carried in an aroma pendant.

For hot inhalations, dilute one or two drops in half a liter of hot water. Rubbing and compresses are prepared from three to four drops per large spoon of alcohol solution.

You can make perfume from the balm. For them, mix ten drops of tangerine and. Add five drops of ylang-ylang and four drops of Peruvian balsam.

For skin

Add feather balm to the finished products, a couple of drops per 10 grams of base.

To improve solubility, the balm is heated in a water bath. Dilutes well with alcohol solutions.

To treat open wounds, add five drops of Peruvian balsam ether to a teaspoon of cocoa butter.

Apply the mixture with a spatula to sterile gauze and to the wound.

The top is secured with an additional bandage and plaster. Change twice a day.

Peruvian balsam should not be used during pregnancy or if your skin is sensitive. Before use, testing is carried out: individual intolerance is possible. It is important to store the ether in a dark glass bottle, tightly closed at room temperature. The product does not have an expiration date.

No person is insured against injuries, wounds and burns at home. Therefore, experts recommend keeping in your home medicine cabinet products that can clean wound surfaces, disinfect them and promote rapid healing. The drug “Branolind N” with Peruvian balsam has these therapeutic properties.

Reviews of the effectiveness of this product, its indications, methods of use and release form will be presented below.

Release form and composition of the drug

What is Branolind? A sterile ointment dressing with Peruvian balsam is sold in almost all pharmacies. The composition of this medication includes the antiseptic and healing ointment “Branolind” (the fabric bandage is abundantly impregnated with it), as well as Peruvian balsam, petroleum jelly, glycerin, purified fat and cetomacrogol.

The product mentioned above is sold in a cardboard box. Also, the mesh bandage can be produced in a single package.

Operating principle

Do you know how the Branolind N dressing works? Branolind N with Peruvian balsam promotes and also accelerates the process of outflow of inflamed secretions and prevents infection.

Ointment mesh dressings accelerate tissue regeneration and growth without interfering with normal air circulation.

It should also be noted that the drug in question has a pronounced anti-edematous and anti-inflammatory effect. It also retains antiseptic properties for a long time.

What is remarkable about the drug “Branolind”? The use (reviews about it will be presented at the end of the article) of this remedy is indicated for the healing of frostbite, trophic ulcers and chemical lesions of the skin. After tissue transplantation, the drug can be used to improve the acceleration of epithelial growth and tissue engraftment.

Features of the drug

What other properties are inherent in the drug “Branolind N” with Peruvian balsam? Reviews from experienced specialists report that this product has a pronounced hypoallergenic effect. Its use does not irritate the skin, so this medication is used even on very sensitive skin.

The Peruvian balsam in the composition of the drug in question is a liquid (oily) of a dark color and with a vanilla aroma. It is very effective in healing wounds and has been used since the 16th century.

This substance consists of essential oils, beneficial acids and has an effective therapeutic effect.

The drug "Branolind" (instructions, reviews, use of the drug - the topic of our review) produces a high therapeutic effect. Thanks to the presence of resin alcohols, benzoic acid and vanillin, it significantly increases the body's protective functions.

Indications for use

For what conditions is the Branolind N dressing with Peruvian balsam used? Reviews from experts claim that the medication in question is very effective in treating bruises, burns, cuts and other skin injuries of varying degrees of severity and depth.

The product, which is an ointment bandage made of permeable cotton fabric, promotes rapid healing of wounds, accelerates regeneration processes and eliminates scars.

The drug is quite widely used in plastic surgery and dermatology.

In addition to all of the above, the medication in question is used for chronic wounds, frostbite and purulent abscesses. There are also positive reviews that this drug works very well as a drug used to cleanse and protect wounds formed after transplantation.

Contraindications to the use of dressings

It should also be noted that the mentioned antiseptic drug should not be applied to tissues that are affected by necrosis.

How to use the drug "Branolind N" with Peruvian balsam?

Consumer reviews report that using this drug is quite simple.

According to the instructions, before using a local product, the bandage must first be unpacked and then cut to the size of the burn or wound. After this, it is necessary to remove the protective film from it and apply it to the damaged area.

If required, after the above steps, the bandage can be secured with a bandage or absorbent sterile tissue.

Experts say that for the best effect, Branolind needs to be changed every day during dressing and used throughout the entire treatment period. For burns, it is better to change the drug every 2-3 days.

When treating burns, it is advisable to use bandages at all stages of therapy. This is due to the fact that they do not form scabs and also protect the surface from environmental influences.

According to the instructions, the analgesic and therapeutic effect of this drug lasts about 40-75 hours.

Side effects

The majority of people who used the remedy in question did not experience any complications during the treatment of ulcers and injuries. Although in rare cases this drug still caused the development of local allergic reactions.

Cost of dressings and consumer reviews

The price of an ointment dressing is not very high. You can buy it for 50 rubles (size 7.5 by 10 centimeters). However, many patients consider this cost to be too high. After all, up to 10 dressings may be needed to treat serious skin lesions.

In general, reports about this remedy are more positive. People who use Branolind N with Peruvian balsam to treat wounds, burns and other injuries are quite satisfied with the results. In their opinion, without this drug, the healing and recovery process was very slow.

As for the negative reviews, they say that this medication is absolutely useless for old scars. However, the manufacturer does not make any promises in this regard.

The main advantages of Branolind N mesh dressings are the absence of a large number of contraindications and a minimum of adverse reactions.

Any person can experience various types of damage to the skin surface. Sometimes areas of the skin heal very sluggishly and slowly. This is mainly due to weak immunity or some diseases. Today's medicine offers many effective means to solve this problem. Branolind is one of the special dressing materials.

Composition and release form

The Branolind N ointment dressing has unique and extremely effective properties. antiseptic and wound healing agent intended for local external use. It is made of cotton fabric with large cells and impregnated with a medicinal composition. It is used to treat burns, cuts, bruises and other injuries to the skin. The gauze is elastic, which allows it to be used in various places, including on wounds of complex configuration.

The gauze bandage is impregnated with an anhydrous ointment composition. It includes several components:

  • Branolind ointment;
  • Peruvian balsam;
  • petrolatum;
  • glycerol;
  • refined fat;
  • cetamacrogol.

The main active ingredient is Peruvian balsam. It resembles a thick viscous mass of burgundy color with a specific odor. This product is of natural origin and is extracted from balsam trees growing in South America. An incision is made in the trunk and burned with a flame. After a while, resin comes out of it, which, together with particles of bark, is processed and the finished component is obtained. It contains essential oils and beneficial acids.

In finished form, Branolind N with Peruvian balsam is available in the form of sterile dressings. They are sold in foil packs of 10 to 30 pieces. You can also buy single patches for one-time use.

The product is available for sale in a network of pharmacies. Its price will depend on the quantity and size of the bandage. For example, a plaster measuring 7x15 cm will cost in the range of 1280−1860 rubles, and a dressing material 10x20 cm will cost from 3116−3630 rubles.

Pharmacological properties

Sterile gauze dressings with Peruvian balsam have decongestant, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antiseptic properties. The product also has an analgesic effect. Depending on the nature and extent of the damage, it can relieve pain from 40 hours to 3 days.

In medical practice, Branolind dressings are successfully used in plastic surgery and dermatology for effective wound healing, accelerating regeneration processes, and getting rid of scars. The product is characterized by excellent drainage properties, so it is used for prophylactic purposes against the formation of scars.

One of the main advantages of Branolind H is painless use. The product activates the formation of epithelium in the damaged area. Bronolinic ointment with such a gauze bandage has a positive effect on injured and damaged tissues. When wounds and ulcers are healed, the possibility of scar marks subsequently appearing decreases. In the fight against burns, it helps prevent the formation of burn scabs.

Indications for use

Plasters with such a unique composition are widely used in medical practice. Branolind dressings are mainly used in traumatology, traumatology and surgery. They are prescribed in the following cases:

Branolind has a large number of reviews for protecting and cleansing wounds after transplant operations. It is used as antiseptic dressings.

Instructions for use

To use dressings, the sealed packaging must be opened. From there you need to remove the mesh with the balm, which is covered with protective paper on both sides. On the one hand, you need to remove the film from the Branolind patch and apply it to the problem area of ​​the skin. After this, it is secured well, the protective layer is removed, an absorbent cloth is applied, and secured with a bandage.

It is recommended to change Branolind dressings daily, using throughout the entire treatment period. This remedy is suitable for eliminating problems in adults and children. For burn injuries, use the product at all stages of treatment and change the mesh every two days. The composition of the ointment helps protect the burn surface from harmful external influences.

Each dressing material, after application, is effective for 40-72 hours. It exhibits not only therapeutic, but also analgesic effects. Thanks to the mesh structure of the bandage, you can monitor its condition without removing it from the damaged area of ​​skin.

Contraindications and restrictions

Like any medical product, brandolind dressings with Peruvian balsam have their contraindications. They cannot be used if there is an individual intolerance to substances in the components of the dressing. In case of extensive tissue necrosis, the use of this substance is also not allowed.

Branolind H should not be used on bleeding or profusely exuding wounds on the skin surface. Side effects include an allergic reaction to Balsam of Peru. Almost all patients tolerate the use of such a mesh bandage well., but if alarming symptoms suddenly arise, it is better to stop using it immediately.

Peruvian balsam for wound healing is a natural preparation that is widely used, including in traditional medicine. It is a processing product of an exotic plant with pronounced anti-inflammatory and wound-healing properties. This product can be applied to any skin lesions and open wounds. It not only stimulates cell regeneration, but also protects tissues from the effects of bacterial infection and the development of purulent inflammation.

Shulepin Ivan Vladimirovich, traumatologist-orthopedist, highest qualification category

Total work experience over 25 years. In 1994 he graduated from the Moscow Institute of Medical and Social Rehabilitation, in 1997 he completed a residency in the specialty “Traumatology and Orthopedics” at the Central Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics named after. N.N. Prifova.

On sale you can find a ready-made wound healing patch called Branolind N. The main advantage of this form of release is ease of use. The patch is already saturated with active ingredients in optimal concentration and does not require preliminary preparation. The bandage is made of hypoallergenic fabric with a breathable mesh on its surface and contains several active components:

  • Peruvian balsam is the main ingredient that stimulates wound healing;
  • hydrogenated fat;
  • Vaseline and glycerin;
  • cetomacragol.

There are other forms of release of Peruvian balsam. This substance can be found in the composition natural oils, which are also sold in pharmacies. However, they are not used to treat wounds - these drugs are used in cosmetology and are useful during massage. In its pure form, the product resembles a thick dark ointment, and the composition of the patch is in a dehydrated state.

Principle of action and indications for use

The adhesive plaster acts directly on the damaged area of ​​the skin and stimulates its healing. The effect of its main active substance is relieving inflammation and pain, as well as accelerating skin regeneration. In addition, after wound healing, Branolind patch significantly the risk of retaining scars and scars is reduced.

Indications for use dressings with the addition of Peruvian balsam are all types of injuries and damage to the skin in which it is necessary to stimulate skin regeneration:

  • superficial wounds of traumatic origin;
  • burns and frostbite of the first degrees;
  • purulent skin lesions - abscesses, phlegmons, carbuncles and boils;
  • healing of areas after skin grafting;
  • bedsores and ulcers that develop against the background of diabetes mellitus;
  • healing of sutures after any operations;
  • trophic ulcers and any other lesions.

The drug is also effective for long-term non-healing ulcers and erosions that form after blisters from burns burst. Its therapeutic effect also extends to skin pathologies caused by bacterial or fungal infections.

Due to its pronounced antibacterial and antifungal effect, such a bandage or patch can be used, among other things, for the prevention of purulent complications in all types of wounds.

Mode of application

Each patch package contains instructions for use. It details how to use the product for different types of skin damage. The principle of operation of the bandage is reduced to local contact of its active substances on the damaged layers of the skin. It should be applied according to a simple algorithm:

  • cut out the amount of bandage depending on the size of the damaged area;
  • remove the protective self-adhesive layer;
  • apply exactly to the wound surface;
  • If necessary, cover the bandage with a napkin and secure with a bandage.

Dressings must be done every day. The validity period of each patch is at least 40 hours, but the wound should be additionally treated with antiseptic solutions. For burns, the bandage may remain on the damaged area for several days.

Changing it too often can slow down the skin restoration processes and provoke the formation of scars.

Possible side effects

The drug is not used for children, as well as during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Its active ingredients may burn them if they come into contact with visible mucous membranes or if accidentally swallowed. In addition, before the first use, you should test for an allergic reaction. To do this, a small section of the patch must be glued to intact skin and monitor its condition for 30 minutes. If a rash, itching, redness and swelling appears, it is recommended to replace the product with one of its analogues.

Cost of dressings and reviews

One package contains 30 patches. According to the instructions, this amount should be enough for a month or more, that is, until the wound is completely healed. The cost of such a drug ranges from 1,000 rubles for small pieces of fabric (7.5 cm by 10 cm) to 2,600 rubles (10 by 20 cm) per package.

Peruvian balsam: instructions for use and reviews

Peruvian balsam is a natural remedy for local and external use with sedative, analgesic, warming, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, and bactericidal effects.

Release form and composition

Forms of release of Peruvian balsam:

  • essential oil: a viscous oily liquid of a dark color, has a specific soft and deep, sweet balsamic aroma with vanilla, powdery and herbaceous-woody notes (10 ml in a dark glass bottle, 1 bottle in a cardboard box);
  • massage oil: viscous liquid (100 or 500 ml in a dark glass bottle).

Essential oil contains:

  • active ingredients: cinnamein (a mixture of cylinnamyl cinnamate, benzyl benzoate, benzyl cinnamate, benzoic acid and vanillin) - 60–70%, farnesol, eugenol, cinnamic acid - in small quantities, nerolidol;
  • auxiliary component: ethanol (as a solvent, in trace quantities).

The massage oil contains essential oils of Peruvian balsam, benzoya, lavender, geranium and valerian, and grape seed oil.

Pharmacological properties

Peruvian balsam essential oil is a resin obtained from the bark of balsam trees of the Myroxylon genus. The pharmacological properties of the oil are due to its rich natural composition. The antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, bactericidal activity of essential oil is used to treat various types of dermatitis, scabies, furunculosis, wounds, cuts, burns, and respiratory tract infections. In addition, its use in the form of inhalations has an expectorant, astringent and cleansing effect. Balsam of Peru is included in the main components of many medicines intended to treat dry cough.

The pronounced warming, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect of the balm is used to treat rheumatic pain, arthrosis, arthritis, and radiculitis.

Essential oil has a sedative effect, which relieves tension due to excessive stress on the nervous system, has a relaxing effect, and helps restore healthy sleep.

Inhaling the tart sensual aroma of the balm has a gentle effect on the mind, eliminating sexual impotence and coldness.

The drug is used to eliminate dandruff, calluses, heel cracks, and corns.

Massage oil allows you to achieve a high-quality effect on the body when performing a body massage. It relieves muscle tension and has a relaxing and calming effect. Increases the protective properties of the skin, has a beneficial effect on its structure, gives elasticity and velvety.

Indications for use

According to the instructions, Peruvian balsam is used as a massage oil.

In addition, external and local use of essential oil is indicated for the following conditions:

  • infectious diseases of the respiratory tract;
  • wounds, cuts, burns, calluses, corns, heel cracks;
  • scabies;
  • dandruff;
  • rheumatism, arthritis, arthrosis, radiculitis;
  • nervous tension, psycho-emotional stress, sleep disorder;
  • libido disturbance;
  • dryness, irritation, inflammation of the skin.


  • pregnancy period;
  • age up to 6 years;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the product.

Instructions for use of Peruvian balsam: method and dosage

Peruvian balsam is used topically and externally.

Essential oil

  • massage: from 1 to 5 drops add to two teaspoons of base;
  • wraps: 15 drops per 2–3 liters of water. A sheet soaked in the solution is wrapped tightly around the body for 2–3 minutes;
  • compress: add 5-7 drops of oil to water or base oil. A cotton bandage soaked in the solution is applied to the sore spot for 10–40 minutes, covered with cellophane and secured with a bandage or dry cloth;
  • inhalation: add 1-2 drops to a vessel with boiling water and cover your head with a towel, inhale for 3-10 minutes. During the procedure, the eyes must be closed;
  • baths: dilute 7-8 drops of essential oil in 30-60 g of emulsifier, add the resulting mixture to water and take a bath for 5-20 minutes;
  • baths: mix 1-3 drops with 10 ml of emulsifier, add the mixture to water. The duration of the procedure is 5–10 minutes;
  • masks: 2-3 drops per two teaspoons of base;
  • baths and saunas: at the rate of 10 drops per 15 m2 of room, dilute in a heat-resistant vessel with 50–100 ml of water and place next to a heat source;
  • enrichment of cosmetics: at the rate of 1–2 drops per 1 teaspoon of base;
  • washing: dilute 1-2 drops in water and, closing your eyes, splash the mixture onto your face, then blot your face with a napkin;
  • Combing: Apply 2-3 drops of oil to the teeth of the comb and comb your hair thoroughly.

Massage Oil

Massage oil is used for massage and body wraps.

Side effects

When using Peruvian balsam, allergic reactions may develop. In addition, prolonged application to large areas of the skin of the body can cause the appearance of eczema and symptoms of kidney failure.


Overdose symptoms have not been established.

special instructions

If symptoms of hypersensitivity appear, use of the balm should be discontinued.

Essential oil can be used to scent indoor air. To do this, you should dilute it in water for cleaning at the rate of 30 drops per 5 liters of water, or use an aroma lamp, adding 5–7 drops to warm water for every 15 m2 of room, then light a heating candle for a period of 1/3 to 3 hours. In addition to aromatization, the smell of the drug works as a repellent. Recommended to be added to pet shampoo.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

The use of the product is contraindicated during pregnancy.

There is no information regarding the use of Peruvian balsam during lactation.

Use in childhood

Balsam of Peru should not be used to treat children under 6 years of age.

Drug interactions

Clinically significant interactions with simultaneous use of drugs have not been established.


Analogs of Peruvian balsam are: for the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system (inside) - Bronchosept, Mucaltin, Herbion plantain syrup, Herbion primrose syrup; for external and local use – Shostakovsky balm (Vinilin).

Terms and conditions of storage

Keep away from children.

Store at temperatures up to 25 °C.

Shelf life – 2 years.