Strong spells for colds. Spells for colds Spells to recover quickly from the flu

Colds are frequent guests in any home. They manifest themselves especially strongly with the onset of cold weather, when immunity drops and bacteria become more active, attacking the body. Cough, runny nose, fever, stuffy nose - all these symptoms can continue for quite a long time, even despite adequate treatment. In this case, excellent results are demonstrated by the folk spell for colds, which works equally well for people of any age. The ease of use and safety make the ritual popular, and for many years home “witchcraft” has been popular among patients and their relatives.

Cold spell on an egg

This item has long been used in magic, since the egg has the properties of quickly drawing out various diseases. It is used to rid a person of damage, the evil eye, curses and, of course, various diseases. In order to help a child or adult recover from a cold, the egg is used quite successfully.

To make a cold spell effective, you need to cast this magical “attribute” and also use it during treatment. To do this, you need to make sure that the egg:

  • fresh;
  • whole, without cracks;
  • white.

You need to read conspiracies against colds, flu and other diseases on the outgoing moon in order to drive the disease away. Taking an egg in your hands, you need to roll it over the sore part of the body of an adult or child. If, for example, your throat is inflamed, then you need to gently roll it clockwise in the throat area. If you are worried about a runny nose, then carefully pass the egg over your nose, and in case of fever, touch your forehead. Rotating the “attribute” of magic clockwise, you need to read the following conspiracy against colds:

“You, egg, go away, and you, you cold, calm down. Get out of the dense forests, high mountains, dark swamps. Get out and never come back. Go to the egg, get out of the body of God’s servant (name)!”

You need to read the text three times, each time passing the egg over the sore spot. As soon as the spell for colds is read, you need to hide the attribute in a bag and take it out of the house at night. Bury it deep into the ground and don’t tell anyone about the ritual. It is worth noting that with the help of such a ritual you can get rid of other serious diseases - flu, bronchitis and even herpes on the lips. Only in this case, the magic words need to be modified: name the illness that torments you, and the ritual will work.

“You, egg, go away, and you, flu (bronchitis, herpes, etc.) calm down!”

Candle ritual for colds in children and adults

If you have been suffering from symptoms of cough and runny nose for a long time, and your temperature does not want to drop, you can plot against a cold or flu using a church candle. To do this, you need to buy a wax candle in the temple on Sunday and bring it into the house. Next, you need to scratch your name (or the one you want to help) on it and say the spell:

“I light a candle, I drive away illness, I call upon health with sacred light. I say a prayer so that the illness leaves the servant of God (name) and does not return. May the evil forces retreat, may the ailments go away, and may the aches, fever and cough disappear. May Almighty God hear, bless the sick person for recovery, and grant him health, physical and spiritual. Amen, amen, amen."

When reading a conspiracy against a cold, it is very important to look at the candle flame. It often acts as an indicator of what is happening with the human biofield and energy. It is no secret that illnesses are often a reflection of energetic health, and if the mental body suffers, then a person can become physically ill. A smoky, “tearing” candle, on which wax remains in lumps, may indicate damage or the evil eye, which does not allow the illness to pass. A spell for colds in children or adults can help in this case too. After the ritual, the candle must be extinguished with your fingers and hidden, wrapped in a white napkin. You can use it only if the conspiracy against a cold needs to be repeated

Ritual on water to cure respiratory diseases

Water has always been known for its healing properties, making it very easy to use in magic. The liquid has accumulative qualities, adsorbs negativity and helps draw out the disease, as if washing it away. The water spell for colds is no exception. By “throwing off” negativity, you also get rid of various diseases, including respiratory and viral ones.

In order to perform the ritual, you will need clean water taken from the church or from a spring. You can also use bottled liquid, but it is important that it is without gas and that it sits for seven days in a dark place before use. Only after this can it be used as a treatment, used for a spell against colds and flu.

Pour the prepared water into a metal cup or bowl, and then say the following words:

“Holy water came from the church and brought health and strength to the servant of God (name). Let water heal and drive away illness. Flu, go away, bronchitis, go with it, take your runny nose and cough with you! Go away, you are sick, leave the servant of God (name) alone. Quench the illness, water, let it go to hell! And what I didn’t say, Holy Mary ordered her angels to do. Sickness, do not appear, and you, servant of God, be healed! Let it be so. Amen!".

After this, the charmed water should be sprinkled on the patient so that it gets on the sore spots - throat, forehead, nose. The patient should drink the rest of the liquid. In this case, a conspiracy against colds, runny nose and other viral diseases will certainly help.

Folk ritual against influenza and ARVI using honey and a towel

This ritual requires a little more time than the others, however, it has a wide range of effects, including serving as a treatment for colds. For years, people have used honey to treat respiratory problems and add even more power to it using magic words. Thanks to the natural properties of the remedy and the energy invested in the conspiracy against colds, a person recovers faster and his body is restored. To perform such a ritual you will need:

After this, the patient needs to be crossed three times and then use honey and water. Having mixed them, you need to read a strong conspiracy against colds:

“I don’t hammer a nail, but I drive away a disease. I’m not cooking porridge, but I’m talking about illness! Get out, toadstool, from the body of God's servant (name), do not eat him, do not drink him, do not touch him. You, honey, eradicate the disease, heal the servant of God (name). You, water, help him, and take away the disease. My words are strong, can’t be broken, can’t be broken. Let the servant of God get well - don’t get sick, don’t get sick!”

After the spell has been pronounced, the third stage of treatment begins. To do this, take holy water and moisten the prepared white towel with it. While wiping the patient’s face and body, say the following words:

“I wipe God’s servant (name) with a towel, leaving his illness on the cloth. Go, get sick, roll off, stick to a white towel, get away from your head, nose, throat, ears, chest, and don’t look for another owner! Get out and don't come back!

After a spell against a cold in a child or adult, you need to hide the towel in a bag and burn it with the words:

“As this rag burns, so will the diseases burn. Amen!".

Let the patient sleep well after the ritual and rest well. By evening the temperature will go away and the patient will feel much better.

Of course, you should not neglect a visit to the doctor, since the disease may be more serious than you think. However, try these simple rituals anyway and you will see their power.

Cold spell

In this conspiracy, coarse salt is used, which also removes the evil eye and cleans objects. You need to pour clean, spring or melt water into a glass. Throw three pinches of salt into a glass, and then read on this water cold spell:

Mother, the water is fast, wash away all the trouble,
all the aches from God's servant (name),
take them into the depths of the sea,
pull them into the deepest pools,
put stone clamps on them,
so that they never emerge again,
forget about God's servant (name) forever.

Wet the middle finger of your right hand in charmed water and apply one drop each to the forehead, chest, left and right shoulder of the person with a cold. As you do this, say:

I command holy water, I conjure with white salt
go away all the pain, go away all the pain,
from a wild head, from a zealous heart,
from clear eyes, from black eyebrows, from bones,
from brains, from fingers and joints!

This cold spell helped my friend well when her daughter got sick. The girl became hypothermic, started coughing and had a runny nose. After reading the plot, within a day the child was absolutely healthy!

In Ancient Rus', many diseases were treated with the help of spells, and a spell for the common cold was often used. These “medicines” have survived to this day, and everyone can use them. Having chosen this method of treatment, which is rare these days, you need to:

Prepare an infusion of fresh birch leaves. Pour half a teaspoon of medicinal raw material into a glass of boiling water, let it brew at room temperature for half an hour, strain. Leaning over a glass of drink, they say a spell: “Water will wash away the snot, wash your nose, so that it doesn’t burn, doesn’t get damp, doesn’t sneeze, doesn’t hurt. Amen". After pronouncing these words, you need to drink the prepared infusion, and, as ancient manuscripts assure, the runny nose should go away the next day. If there are residual effects, the procedure should be repeated again.

Put on your oldest clothes and walk around in them all day. At sunset, approach the willow tree and, hugging it, say the words of the spell: “Lord, fill the lungs of my soul with the prayerful spirit of Your Kingdom. I leave my illnesses here. In this place you should lie and wait for your devils, your masters. Let it be so! Amen!" Repeat the words of the prayer three times, and the person will be quickly healed.

It is difficult for people who are accustomed to using medical help to judge how effective a spell for a runny nose is. As with all such procedures, in this case the patient is required to have deep faith in the power of miraculous words. Unlike our great-grandmothers, who successfully treated their illnesses using this method, we are ironic and not so naive. For this reason, few of our contemporaries truly believe in the power of conspiracy, and its use will most likely be ineffective.

In addition, you should not experiment with your own health, allowing the disease to progress. Therefore, it is better to treat a runny nose using modern medicine, or proven old-fashioned methods. Otherwise, the disease may become chronic, and it will be much more difficult to constantly visit its “owner” and treat it.

If you have a runny nose that cannot be treated, you should consult a doctor, because this could be a sign of some serious illness, for example, the initial stages of asthma. Only a doctor can understand what caused the inflammation of the sinuses and prescribe timely and effective treatment.

Speak to a runny nose

“It doesn’t burn, doesn’t leak, doesn’t itch, doesn’t hurt. Amen".

Speak flu (cold)

Any drink needs to be spoken for. Tea, water, etc. You need to take a glass or mug with a drink in your left hand and say it so that your breath touches the liquid:

“Frola and Laurus, Blasius and Kharlampy, St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, St. George the Victorious, King David, Mother Helena, Saint Catherine, take them down and take them away, and extinguish the sickness of the slave (name) with my curse, your order. From now on and forever. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

The word slave and slave can be changed depending on the gender of the patient.

Speak to a sore throat

Readable only on the water. The water must be running, i.e. river, stream, well, water tap. Read in the same way as in the previous plot. Don't let the text confuse you. Texts should not be analyzed at all. Give the said water to the patient to drink.

“One birch, two birch, three birch, four birch, five birch, six birch, seven birch, eight birch, nine birch with branches, with leaves, the slave (name of the patient) will swallow. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Speak cough

When you put the yeast dough, say a curse while mixing. The hex only affects the person whose name is mentioned during reading. The conspiracy does not apply to other people, although they can eat products made from this dough. I usually recommend making pancakes.

“On a swamp hummock, a toad says to his daughter: “You are my daughter croaking here, and the slave (name) is coughing there.” I’ll mix the ferment, the cough and the tree frog, and free the slave (name) from coughing!”

Speak tonsils

Lightly tap the patient’s throat with the index finger of your right hand and say in a barely audible whisper:

“Go where they are waiting for you. Go to where they were waiting for you. Go where they will wait for you. Where they will reap what is not sown, where they will thresh what is not harvested, where they bake bread from the earth, go there, they are waiting for you. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Cough, runny nose, high temperature and aches throughout the body are symptoms that everyone is familiar with - a cold. In our time, fighting diseases of various origins is not difficult. There are a huge number of medicines on the pharmacy market that can quickly get you back on your feet. But, unfortunately, not all drugs can be used for symptomatic treatment, without subsequent negative effects on the body.

The main symptom of colds is a runny nose. Treating it is very long and difficult. With advanced forms, it can become complicated

form - sinusitis. Therefore, folk remedies and a spell for colds and runny nose will help for treatment, which should be read after the procedure for treating the sinuses.

To perform the ceremony, take a red cloth and blow your nose into it. Then take a large nail, wrap it in cloth and go out into the yard. There, find an old dry tree and place the wrapped nail in some crevice. Read the plot:

“I stick an iron nail into an old tree and conjure a runny nose. This nail won’t be of any use anymore, and fluid won’t come out of my nose. My words are strong. Let it be so".

After the conspiracy, you need to leave the nail in the tree. The runny nose will go away without leaving a trace.

Spell for colds

To cure a runny nose, there is a good way to use salt. Salt has a wide range of influence in magical actions; it is used to cast away the evil eye and clean charmed objects.
For the ritual, you will need water from a spring or illuminated, pour half a teaspoon of salt into it and whisper:

“Clean water, sister of the spring, wash away from (name), shaking and aching. Take all the illness to distant waters and the depths of the sea. Place a heavy stone on the sick person, so that she would never be able to return, and would forget about (name) forever. Amen".

Run a moistened finger of your right hand over your forehead, chest and sore spots. When applying water to your body, read:

“I command pure salt, I conjure with holy water, get away from the aches and pains from the body, get away from the head and heart, from the eyes, eyebrows and bones, from the brains and joints.”

The spell can also be cast over a sick child. It works quickly.

Ritual to relieve fever

White magic has a huge number of conspiracies and rituals in its arsenal, which are used both independently and with the use of medicinal drugs. In combination, these two remedies give a positive result. Not only does the temperature drop, but the symptoms also ease.

Pillow temperature spell

For the ritual you will need a clean pillowcase and a church candle. Light the candle with a match, take the pillowcase with your left hand, and the candle with your right. Place a cross on the pillowcase with a candle and say:

“Red lightning, dear maiden, take away the chill, pain and shaking from the servant of God (name). Let them leave (name) and let the temperature die down, sent by the shaking girls. Amen".

Cross the pillowcase again and put it on the pillow that belongs to the sick person. After the ritual, the sick person feels relief after several hours. A healthy sleep comes to him and after three days there is a complete recovery.

Ritual with water

To reduce the temperature, use charmed water, which is mixed with honey or raspberry jam.

“The shaker is Satan, shake on the side of anyone and anytime, but retreat from the servant of God (name). And if you don’t retreat, the angels will take you by the arms and leave you as a fiery hyena to burn. Amen".

The sick person should drink the water after the conspiracy. Drink in small sips. As soon as the water in the glass runs out, apply a cross to yourself three times. If the temperature remains high or rises again, the ritual should be repeated. This ritual is performed only by those people who have been baptized in the church.

Ritual for colds

Conspiracies and rituals for colds have enormous power, but if you have doubts about the help of magic, then magical actions will not help. Even if the conspiracy is pronounced in a whisper, there should be as much confidence as if you were reading loudly and with the feeling that recovery will not take long. And then the return to the ranks of the healthy will be quick.

On the egg

The egg has the property of drawing out negative energy and has long been used in magic to treat colds.

To carry out the ceremony, take a fresh white chicken egg. Before use, wash it under running water and wipe dry. Take an egg and roll it over the sore spots:

  • At fever - on the forehead;
  • When coughing - down the throat;
  • For a runny nose - through the sinuses;
  • For bronchitis - along the chest.

Roll the egg clockwise and say:

“An egg - roll, a disease - calm down. Get away into the deep bowels of the earth, and into the deep bottomless waters. Disappear like smoke from a fire disappears, melt like snow melts in spring. Go away from the illness into the egg, and free (name)’s body from yourself.”

After the ceremony, put the spent egg in a canvas or rag bag and bury it somewhere away from home.

Against runny nose

To cure any disease with a spell, it is better to do this when the moon is in its waning phase. There are cases when the disease develops, then there is no need to wait for anything. Read the plot for a runny nose and it will go away quickly:

“Let your nose never hurt or runny again, let your nose never itch and stop burning. Amen".

And so several times a day.

A conspiracy for the common cold using traditional medicines

Since ancient times, herbs, tinctures, and decoctions have been used to treat colds, along with magic spells. One very effective and time-tested recipe from a home plant - yarrow - has come down to us. And it is successfully used in the treatment of runny nose at home.

To prepare the medicine:

Honey – 1 tablespoon;

Aloe juice – 1 tablespoon.

Heat the ingredients in a steam bath until completely dissolved. Cool, pour into a sealable container and place in a cupboard. For three days in a row on the medicine you need to read:

“I have no other thoughts on how to get rid of a runny nose. Roots to the ground, tree to the sky. And to me health, forever and ever.”

The ritual is carried out for three days in a row. Use the prepared mixture as a cure for the common cold. One drop in each nostril, three times a day.

For cold lips

An unpleasant cold sore on the lips in the form of a bumpy rash that hurts and brings a lot of discomfort - herpes. For his treatment. There are many tricks. Here's one of them. You need to separate the film from the skin of the boiled egg and apply it to the affected areas while saying:

“I cover the corners of the table with a clean tablecloth, I cover my lips with a thin film and white, and I conjure all herpes from it. A rooster walks through the meadow through the grass and pecks at bugs, so let him eliminate my rashes, biting and itchy ones and not leave a wound after them. Like a white film and a smooth white egg on a blanket, so let my lips be smooth and clean. Key. Lock. Water".

On scissors

Any scissors and comb are suitable for the ceremony. You need to put them next to each other and read:

“Deprive, deprive, go away and don’t interfere with breathing. Go away from me to distant lands and dense forests or to an evil dog. Go into the dry forest and into the ravine, take a dry walk there, and never pester me in your life. Get off me from the servant of God (name), go away and don’t come back forever. Let it be as it is said.”

Cross the sore on your lips and whisper:

“I’m flying with the cross, I want to drive away. Go away and there is no way back for you.”

Prayer for cold lips

“The Most Pure Mother of God milked the heifer, skimmed the cream from the milk, and whipped butter from it. I’ll lubricate my lips with this oil and cover the boils so that they don’t hurt or itch, but heal faster. Amen".

Ritual for melt water

This ritual requires melt water; if there is no snow, you can take ice from the refrigerator and melt it. Soak a small piece of cloth in water, wait until it dries and touch the herpes with a corner of the still warm cloth and read:

“I get rid of sores, I expel illness that sticks to a sticky rag. While it is warm and hot, and the rashes on the lips are alive, as soon as it cools down, the sore will fall off. Take the rash from my lips and into the corner to be eaten by pigs, this is my command.”

Bury the rag in the yard under a bush or tree. After the ceremony, until sunset, do not eat or drink water.

Of course, you should not neglect a visit to the doctor, since the disease may be more serious than you think. However, try these simple rituals anyway and you will see their power.

Cold spell

In this plot, coarse salt is used, which is also used. You need to pour clean, spring or melt water into a glass. Throw three pinches of salt into a glass, and then read on this water cold spell:

Mother, the water is fast, wash away all the trouble,
all the aches from God's servant (name),
take them into the depths of the sea,
pull them into the deepest pools,
put stone clamps on them,
so that they never emerge again,
forget about God's servant (name) forever.

Wet the middle finger of your right hand in charmed water and apply one drop each to the forehead, chest, left and right shoulder of the person with a cold. As you do this, say:

I command holy water, I conjure with white salt
go away all the pain, go away all the pain,
from a wild head, from a zealous heart,
from clear eyes, from black eyebrows, from bones,
from brains, from fingers and joints!

This cold spell helped my friend well when her daughter got sick. The girl became hypothermic, started coughing and had a runny nose. After reading the plot, within a day the child was absolutely healthy!

Let a flu patient drink four glasses of a decoction of raspberry or black currant leaves every day. This decoction should be drunk hot and with honey. Before this, the following is read for the decoction: flu spell:

Neither in the northern capital, nor in the western village,
and in the eastern land there is an ocean-sea,
on the ocean-sea island,
on that island there is a copper oak,
queen bee in copper oak
picks up honey, preserves honey.
Give the mother of all bees honey with honey
you will not lose, but your health
God's servant (name) will have it.

This decoction spell helped me cure my husband (he had a serious job and could not afford to stay at home for a week). Of course, I didn’t tell him that I read a spell over the broth - men don’t believe in it at all, at least the majority, but after two days he felt much better and was able to go to work, although on the first day he it was so bad that he couldn't even sleep.

Order the patient to blow his nose into any red cloth (not necessarily a handkerchief). Wrap this cloth around the nail, find dry wood, make a hole in it and insert the nail wrapped with the cloth into it. Instead of making a hole, you can insert a nail into the crevice. After that read spell for a runny nose:

I’m not plugging a nail, but I’m stopping a disease.
How can this nail be no longer useful?
no more water coming out of your nose.
May all these words be strong and molded,
stronger than a strong stone,
harder than solid iron.
To all my words the key and the lock,
from now on and forever and ever!

This plot was tested on my father, who had a chronic runny nose. After the ritual, within a week the runny nose disappeared and was not there for several months.

Lastly, I would like wish you good luck when performing these rituals against colds! Even if you don’t quite believe in magic, be sure to try it! This simple, independent spells which do not require special training - only a small ability for healing magic, which every woman and many men have. And most importantly, be sure to believe in yourself!

Dampness, slush and cold weather very often become the cause of various infectious and colds. Perhaps each of us has at one time or another experienced fever and runny nose. To get rid of such symptoms, as well as to prevent their possible occurrence, you simply need to use a folk remedy - a conspiracy.
A spell for colds will be a faithful assistant for any loving mother who wants her child to always be healthy. Such rituals are very effective and powerful. With their help, you can easily get rid of colds not only for a small child, but also for an adult.

Effective spells for temperature

This ritual is very helpful for young children who have a fever due to a cold. Put the sick child to bed and before going to bed, read the following hex in holy water:

“I brave my enemies, I drive away illness, I drive away all troubles, I relieve pain, I apply the protection of the Lord Almighty.”

Cross the sleeping child three times with enchanted holy water. This plot is effective for severe coughs, bronchitis, runny nose, and also reduces fever well.
To cure a child or adult of fever, you need to buy a candle in the church. The purchased candle is lit and placed on the table. A sick person sits on a chair so that he has a burning candle and a window in front of his face. The patient looks at the lit candle, at this moment you need to read the prayer:

“Fire, burn away the stabbing-shooting, the fever-coughing, so that the servant of God (name) will have clean insides. Amen. Amen. Amen".

The wax that drips from the candle should be rolled up in paper and thrown away as far as possible from your home. The candle itself is wrapped in white cloth and put away in a secluded place. Until the patient recovers, using a candle is prohibited. Next, you need to stand in front of the icon of “All Saints” and bow forty times. After which you need to wash your face with blessed water, dry yourself with a clean towel, put on unworn clothes and go to bed. The next morning you will definitely notice a positive result, you will feel much better, and there will be no trace of the cold left.
Spell for colds
If you want to quickly get rid of your fever, you need to stand with your back to the waning moon and ask her the following question in a whisper three times:

“Luna, are you going to leave? Will you remember to take the disease from me? Are you decreasing? And let the disease go away. Amen".

When you notice the first symptoms of a developing cold, use the following ritual. You need to scratch your name on a wax candle and set it on fire. Take a blank piece of paper and write on it:

“I ask the almighty sun for health! Send me healing energy, and it will fill me with new strength! Let it be so!".

Light the spell that you wrote on the piece of paper with a candle and say three times:

"Let it be so!"

The ashes from the paper must be poured into a crystal glass, filled with Cahors wine aged three years and drunk to the bottom. Immediately after the ritual, go to bed and sleep.
In the morning you will feel much better, cold symptoms will go away from you.

Holy water prayer

The hex is read while looking at a glass of holy water. The ritual is performed at sunset, reading the prayer:

“The Lord God came, brought health, forgave the servant of God (his name) all his sins and healed his body! In the name of Jesus Christ, Holy Mother of God, do not leave me! Holy angels Michael and Gabriel, protect me, the servant of God (your name). Frol and Laurus, Vasily and Harlapy! Remove, quench the illness of the servant of God (your name) with my slander, your order from now on and forever. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen! Amen! Amen!"

Cross the spoken water three times and drink it in small sips.

The common cold is a common seasonal illness that can be easily treated with medication. But why should you poison your body with chemicals if you can try folk remedies, as well as a conspiracy to help with colds, of which there are a great many options!

Flu ritual

Stand on the threshold of the house, take the bell in your left hand and say:

“I cleanse the blood from disease and the evil eye in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
My words are strong and indestructible. Amen".

Ritual for sore throat

“Mother Pine, you are standing on a dry mountain, your branches and roots have dried up.
Likewise, the servant of God (name) has dried up a disease in his throat. Amen. Amen. Amen".

What helps with fever

“Aspen, aspen,
Take my quagmire
Give me some relief!”

Cough words

“I conjure chest heat, heart phlegm, aching dryness, from the red rising sun, from the spruce tree, birch, aspen and buckthorn tree, from all the holy trees. Amen. Amen. Amen".

To get rid of a runny nose

“It doesn’t leak, doesn’t burn, doesn’t hurt, doesn’t itch. Amen".

Read until the runny nose goes away. When reading the plot, you need to breathe deeply and slowly through your nose.

Conspiracy against colds

Any drink is spellbound. Take the drink in your left hand and say, leaning over the liquid so that your breath causes the surface of the water or tea to ripple:

“Frola and Laurus, Blasius and Kharlampy, Nicholas the Wonderworker and George the Victorious, King David, Mother Helen, Most Holy Catherine, seize and carry away, extinguishing the illness of the servant of God (name) with my conspiracy, your order. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

Ritual against sore throat

“One birch tree, two birch trees, three birch trees, four birch trees, five birch trees, six birch trees, seven birch trees, eight birch trees, nine birch trees with twigs and leaves, the servant of God (the patient’s name) will swallow. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen".

The plot is read daily until the illness subsides; usually two days are enough to relieve an acute cold.

Speak cough

Place the yeast dough, knead and say:

“On a swamp hummock, a toad says to his daughter: “While you are croaking here, the servant of God (name) is coughing.” I’ll mix the kneading mixture with cough and tree frog, and free the servant of God (name) from coughing!”

Pancakes or other products are baked from the dough, which can be eaten by all household members, but they will only help the person whose name was indicated in the plot.

Conspiracy the tonsils

Tap the patient’s tonsils with the index finger of your right hand and whisper faintly:

“Go where you are expected. Go where you are expected. Go to where they will wait and reap what is planted, where they will grind what is not planted, where they will bake bread from the earth, go there, they are waiting for you. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Hexes for a runny nose

Take a piece of red cloth and give it to the patient so that he can blow his nose into it. Then wrap this cloth around the nail and stick it into the crack or other hole. Read the prayer:

“I’m not inserting a nail, but I’m pinning down a disease. Just as this nail will no longer be useful anywhere, so the snot will no longer flow from your nose. My words are strong and molded, Stronger than solid stone, Harder than strong iron. Key, lock, tongue. From now on and forever!”

An infusion of dry birch buds also helps very well. Take half a teaspoon of birch buds and pour a glass of boiling water over them. When the buds are infused, strain the resulting broth and cool it. Give the decoction to the patient to drink while reading the following prayer:

“Water will wash away the snot, wash your nose so that it doesn’t burn, doesn’t get damp, doesn’t sneeze, doesn’t hurt. Amen".

If the ritual does not relieve your runny nose the first time, repeat the same procedure the next day.

Conspiracies for colds are very effective if you really believe in healing with traditional medicine. With the help of such rituals, you can not only cure a cold, but also use these conspiracies to prevent such diseases.

Cold spell with vodka and pepper

“The pepper is hot, it will burn with fire, it will carry away illness, it will pour force from the heels to the top of the head, the disease will run through the veins, it will not work. My words are strong!”
Well, before you drink vodka with pepper, you need to say: “Not for the sake of damn drunkenness, but to improve your health!”

Try to drink when the vodka with pepper is in a loose state so that it does not settle in the glass.
After drinking vodka with pepper, you should definitely lie down under a warm blanket and try to take a nap at least a little, the effect will be simply magnificent and the viruses will recede.

Under no circumstances should you drive or perform any work.
Conspiracies for colds and runny nose only enhance the effect and ability to protect yourself from the disease, and, therefore, if you suspect any symptoms, you should consult a doctor. And don’t forget about the worst enemies of colds and runny nose - onions and garlic!