Self-tests. Psychological test with recommendations for identifying a person’s leadership qualities Test for a responsible attitude to work

    0 – 49 points– You are ready for decisive action only when you feel powerless and helpless, when you seem to be “pressed to the wall.” The rest of the time, they are ready to endure not only humiliation, but even undeserved reproaches, believing that such a sacrifice will one day be noticed and appreciated. There is a risk of falling into a dependent relationship, since you look for the much-desired confidence and self-sufficiency in another person, often ending up with an ordinary tyrant. Love to dream about how, thanks to some person or event, your life changes for the better, like in a fairy tale. Not at all daring to do anything on your own, to take risks and express yourself, your feelings and desires. But don’t despair, you just have to make an effort and work on yourself, and then everything will change. You can start with the techniques described in the article.

    50 – 99 points– You are quite harmonious. You can act decisively without backing down in the face of difficulties. You are a conscious person, not principled, therefore, in situations that require a quick decision, you are ready to take responsibility, and where there are people who want power more than you, you will completely calmly give in. What distinguishes you from other leaders is that you are not driven by the need and thirst for power. You simply know how to organize something, but you don’t claim the laurels of the only winner, especially in moments where it is necessary to make a dishonest move. Although you are in balance, it won’t hurt you to sometimes still show initiative and perseverance, this will help you move even further. To support your desire for self-development and self-improvement, I recommend reading the article.

    100 – 150 – You are simply a born leader who is sometimes even capable of going too far in your actions. You are confident in yourself and believe that there is only one correct answer - yours. Therefore, you often do not take into account the desires and needs of others. Why is this necessary, because they think incorrectly? You cope well with the assigned tasks, your team always delivers work on time, the results are excellent and the company is rapidly moving forward. But you don’t notice that employees simply “fall out” and “drive” themselves to meet your requirements. They consider you a dictator, they fear you, and at the same time they dream of being at least a little like you. I recommend reading the article to understand more about the advantages and disadvantages of such a tough position.

Business game “Responsibility Test”

educational psychologist: Kotsuba T.M.

Municipal budget

general education

institution "Black Sea

secondary school No. 1"

Goals and objectives: master socio-psychological knowledge, practical techniques for building communication in various conditions; develop the ability to analyze situations typical when communicating with people, and the understanding that the success of responsibility is ensured by individual efforts; practice techniques that allow you to carry out business contact with a partner, listen and understand him, and build a conversation; promote a climate of cooperation.

1 Greetings. "Wishes"

Each participant says a phrase addressed to everyone else:

“Good afternoon!”, “I wish everyone to learn a lot of new and interesting things”...

2 Motivational-organized stage.

Today we will talk about responsibility. This word incorporates several concepts:

Levels of responsibility; components that constitute responsibilities; ways to form responsibility, etc. We are teachers, which means we are responsible not only for ourselves, but also for the cause, for raising children. Several proverbs and sayings can be cited as evidence of the spiritual relationship between an adult and a child:

“What goes around comes around”, “The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree”... Therefore, we adults need to learn to weigh every word, take responsibility for every action before taking part in raising children. Today we will make an attempt to test our knowledge about the problem of responsibility, the ability to find the right solution in situations. We will call our game “Responsibility Test”.

3 Content stage.

Each person lives their life differently, but each of us goes through the same stages of life's journey. It's like we're climbing stairs. First, we stand for some time on the step called “I”, trying to understand “Who am I.”

1) Step “I”.

a) Let's think about the topic “Something is happening to me”

(about responsibility)

I rejoice when... I don't like it when...

I get offended when... I get sad when...

I get angry when... I suffer when...

I have fun when... I cry when...

Summary: It is very important that we do not be slaves to emotions, especially negative ones, because they tend to ruin the lives of those around us. You should always set yourself up for the good.

b) Comic test “Chinese roulette”

Participants are asked to complete the sentences:

If I were a tree, I would want to be...I would not want to be...

If I were clothes, I would want to be... Then I would not want to be...

If I were a machine, I would want to be...I would not want to be...

If I were a drink, I would want to be...I would not want to be...

If I were a writer, I would want to be... Then I would not want to be...

If I were a flower, I would want to be...I would not want to be...

If I were a toy, I would want to be...I would not want to be...

If I were a movie hero, I would want to be... I would not want to be...

2) Step “World of People”.

We rise to another step, which introduces us to the world of people. It is here that everyone realizes that he is not alone, establishes relationships, shows emotions, character, and different types of responsibility appear.

Discussion “Being responsible means making your own decisions and recognizing the need for action …»

*If you are convinced of this, then show an exclamation mark.

* If you doubt your statements, there will be a question mark.

Motivational and stimulating game"Magic wand"

Components (components) of responsibility: 1. understanding of the task; 2. agreement with the task; 3. the ability to independently motivate your actions.

Levels of responsibility education: 1 child as an assistant; 2. the child needs understanding and control; 3. completes tasks independently.

Conditions for developing a sense of responsibility: 1. self-respect; 2. reasonable restrictions;

3. conditions of child development.

Summary : Our views, as you have already seen, may be different, but there is also a common theme of “Responsibility” - we participate in the discussion, are excited, and this emotion unites us.

Step 3 “The world around us.”

The next step is called “The world around us.” Here we see life in even greater diversity: this world has a political background and social overtones. And here our “I” is subjected to a real test: How to find our place in the world? How to survive? How to raise and educate children?

Reflective-evaluative game “Determining responsibility in situations.”

Each subgroup is given a situation in which they must determine whether there is responsibility or another feeling?

+ Masha quickly washes the dishes because she knows that she will not be able to watch the movie until she does this (Obedience);

+ Anya loves to read. When she returns from school on Monday, she immediately begins her reading homework, although she won't be asked until Friday. (Responsibility. The girl could have read any other book);

+ Kolya wants to go to a swimming competition. Every day he goes to the pool and trains. (Responsibility);

+ Vanya promised to bring a book to his school friend, but forgot. (Neither obedience nor responsibility).

The process of transferring responsibility is very difficult. It has to start with the little things. Giving children responsibility for their deeds and actions is the biggest concern. It makes them stronger and more confident, and your relationship joyful and calm.

4. “Self-affirmation” step.

The highest level of life's path is creative, personifying the highest level of human skills. I offer you a creative task - to derive a formula for responsibility. (work in groups)

5. Reflection.

Each subgroup is offered “hats” of three colors (white, red, yellow).

The subgroup with a white hat should answer the question:

“Is it possible to educate responsibility?”

To the subgroup with a green hat - “Do people need responsibility?”

For the subgroup whose hat is red, derive the formula for responsibility.


“Yesterday I was smart, I wanted to change the world.

C Today I am wise, and therefore I change myself"

Leonardo DiCaprio

72-78 points– you are an organized person. The only thing I can advise you is: do not stop at the achieved level, continue to develop self-organization. Don't let it seem to you. That you have reached your limit. An organization, unlike nature, gives the greatest effect to those who consider its resources to be inexhaustible.

63-71 points– you consider organization an integral part of work. This gives you a distinct advantage over those people who only get organized when absolutely necessary. But you should take a closer look at self-organization and improve it.

Less than 63 points– your lifestyle, your environment have taught you to be organized in some ways. Organization appears in your actions and then disappears. This is a sign of a clear system of self-organization. There are objective organizational laws and principles. Try to analyze your actions, time spent, and work technique.

Test “Are you a responsible person?”

Choose from the proposed statement options the one that most accurately characterizes you. If you agree, then put “yes” next to the statement number; if you disagree, put “no”.


    I achieve the results I need quickly enough.

    If necessary, I have no problem working seven days a week.

    I consider my work responsible.

    As a rule, I finish what I start.

    I am able to be objective in assessing my achievements and failures.

    I always go back to what I've done and correct my mistakes.

    Many people think that I take my work responsibly.

    I believe that work should not depend on personal life.

    When making decisions, I must clearly understand how it will affect the situation.

    I always finish the things I start.

    In my life I have had more successes than failures.

    I am able to fairly accurately determine priorities in my work.

    It is important to me that my work benefits others.

    If I lose my favorite activity, life will lose meaning for me.

    I believe that you need to constantly improve your professionalism.

    I can admit that I was wrong.

    I enjoy making responsible decisions.

    I am able to see my problems in their true light.

    A completed task brings me satisfaction.

    I am able to carry my plans to their logical conclusion.

    Sometimes it turns out that I take on the obligations of others.

    If I do some work poorly, I feel unwell for a long time.

    The mistakes of my subordinates are my mistakes.

    I take the feelings of others quite close to my heart.

    I always obey the instructions of my superiors.

Add up all “yes” answers, assigning 1 point to each.

20-25 points. We can say with confidence that you are a very responsible person and you have a developed sense of duty. Usually you prefer to complete the things you start, and if events interfere with the implementation of your plans, then this causes you some inconvenience. You, a person who often takes responsibility for other people, willingly help everyone, are able to sacrifice yourself in the interests of others. Be critical of other people's inconsistencies, inaccuracies, and weaknesses. Therefore, you tend to build interpersonal relationships based on how much the people around you have a sense of duty and responsibility. To achieve your goals, you show persistence and perseverance. You are goal-oriented.

Your work style is characterized by extreme commitment and precision. 15-19 points.

You undoubtedly have a sense of responsibility and duty. But it is important for you to be sure that no one will demand more from you than you can do. Sometimes you are too passive - so that no one around you appreciates your desire to act as an attempt to take the reins and full responsibility for what is happening. Fearing this, you sometimes restrain the desire to do something, while your natural activity and efficiency fully allow you to make responsible decisions and complete the things you start. Less than 14 points.

Here are selected tests for non-professional use. Anyone can test themselves using these tests. The results obtained from these tests should not be taken too seriously. However, they are good for expanding the “inner horizon”, developing self-criticism, and a source of ideas for self-improvement. If the number of points matches your age, then everything is in order. For those who prefer creative activities, it is advisable that the psychological age does not exceed the passport age. What is the dominant aspect of the organization in which you work, male or female? To find out, just answer a series of questions. Is this persistence enough for you? Level of ambition and career readiness. Very insecure, self-confident, or overly self-confident?