What year was Buzovoy’s wedding? Buzova's fans attacked Tarasov's new wife for her wedding photos

A former participant in the show “Dom-2”, and now its presenter, she is not only the main blonde of the television set, but, it seems, of the whole country. Buzova wrote several books, got a job on television, became a clothing designer and married football player Dmitry Tarasov, midfielder and vice-captain of Lokomotiv Moscow... True, their little family did not last even 5 years.

Critics and advisers: it's time to have children!

Olga Buzova rarely swears and provokes scandals, even now, during a tense period of discord with her husband. However, one day the star’s angelic patience came to an end when subscribers criticized her... for the fact that, having been married for several years, she never gave birth to a child! The comments angered Buzova so much that she could not resist making harsh statements and asked subscribers where they thought.

This event caused a big scandal, and UEFA representatives assessed the athlete’s antics as a provocation. Lokomotiv fined Buzova’s husband 300 thousand euros (more than 25 million rubles) and was deprived of all February bonuses. In another unpleasant incident, also related to football, Olga Buzova turned out to be the heroine, but this time in the role of the injured party. On April 30, the TV presenter was cheering for her husband during the Spartak - Lokomotiv match.

After the news of the breakup, “Buzova’s side” was the first to speak. Olga Buzova’s sister Anna posted a photo on Instagram with words of support: “There is so much dirt that not everyone can bear, but we will bear it all, my little blood, my little sister.” Following Anna, Olga’s friend Rustam Solntsev spoke out: former member reality show “Dom-2”, who, like many Tarabuziki fans, still expressed hope for a family reunion: “Olya and Dima have been together for a long time. Maybe, to some extent, their relationship has lost its freshness. At one time they wrote that Dimka could have cheated on her - well, that’s a young thing. In general, he is a rather rude and ill-mannered person. But I love Olya and hope that they will overcome this crisis. But only if they really need it, and in otherwise There's no point in trying..."

Have a conversation with them: petition against divorce

The couple’s most desperate fans have no doubt that the spouses really need to make peace. The day after the divorce was announced, fans created a petition sent to Federation Council member Elena Mizulina to help save the marriage of the TV presenter and football player. “Dear Elena Borisovna! You, like no one else, can influence the decision of our beloved Olga Buzova and her husband Dmitry Tarasov. For us, fans of this wonderful couple, they are an example ideal relationship, family values And mutual love. We don't know what happened to them, but we are sure that their marriage can be saved. Please have a conversation with Olga and Dmitry!” - fans wrote bluntly. To their chagrin, there was no reaction from Mizulina...

News about the wedding ex-husband Olga Buzova caused a great resonance among Internet users. Dmitry Tarasov married Anastasia Kostenko, to whom he left the singer. That is why many fans of the presenter expected her comments on this matter.

Olya Buzova herself could not leave this event without her attention. In her commentary, she spoke not only about the newlyweds, but also about the celebration itself and its guests.

Olga Buzova spoke about Dmitry Tarasov’s wedding, commentary from the singer

The painting of the football player and his new wife took place in the Kutuzovsky registry office in Moscow on 01/09/2018. Immediately, Dima and Nastya appeared on their Instagrams with new posts that talked about this event under new photos from the ceremony.

The news could not help but affect followers. For some reason, everyone immediately “ran” to the comments to Olga Buzova, trying to find out her opinion, or maybe someone was even hoping to see a crying girl there, but that was not the case.

The singer published on her page in social network photo of her in bed with Dostoevsky's book "The Idiot". The girl also wrote a specific comment under the post, to which her subscribers reacted violently and caught the connection between the novel and her ex-husband Tarasov. Buzova subtly mocked Dmitry’s choice.

Dmitry Tarasov met Anastasia Kostenko in 2016. Without thinking twice, he left his wife Olya for a model, and also filed for divorce. After this, the couple began to live together. Then last December Dima took Nastya to the Maldives, where he proposed to her. The girl agreed without hesitation, and a month later the couple signed.

Many suspect that Tarasov and Kostenko got married so quickly, since Anastasia is now pregnant. The newlyweds themselves do not give any comments on this matter.

Olga Buzova spoke about the wedding of Dmitry Tarasov, what the presenter says about the wedding of her ex-husband

Olga could not ignore such an event. The girl left her comment addressed to the newlyweds and guests of the celebration.

Moreover, the singer did not do this intentionally; she only commented on the publication on Instagram. One public page that talks about showbiz news published a screenshot of the article “Tarasov did not care about his wife at the wedding” from the website Dni.Ru. And in the comments, social network users began a heated discussion of this article.

After some time, Tomatin Sargsyan, a stylist and good friend Buzovoy. She wrote that she found it very funny. After that, I joined the commenting myself. ex-wife Tarasova, who wrote that the whole country was laughing at them, and in addition, their guests, supposedly friends and artists.

Most likely, the TV presenter in her commentary was referring to the act of Pavel Telezhinsky, who was invited to the wedding of Tarasov and his new wife Nastya. Pasha took a photograph of the newlyweds, and then posted it on Instagram with the caption: “You are much cooler,” and also tagged Buzova’s account. This was followed by the publication of videos in which Telezhinsky allegedly portrays a football player. “Listen, I don’t know what I did today, but you know. I still love Olya. “I want to take off the ring,” the guy joked on behalf of Dima.

As a result, followers concluded that the wedding of Tarasov and Kostenko was the failure of the year, and the footballer himself did not care about Nastya.

Haters rejected both Tarasov and Kostenko in every possible way, and also went over the wedding itself, which they called a failure. “It’s a collective farm wedding, the guests are dissatisfied, there wasn’t enough money to decorate the hall and for the tables, the bride with her hairstyle a la General Store, the sleeping Tequila, the host who is making fun of the young people in his stories, Loboda, who called the bride the birthday girl... not a wedding, but a failure of the Year.” , - users were indignant.

After the painting in the Griboyedovsky registry office of the capital, the newlyweds will have a party on the boat.

The cost of a banquet starts at 7 thousand rubles per person, but the amount can go up to infinity depending on the requests of the guests, and today, believe me, they are high,” the administrator of the establishment where Buzov and Tarasov will celebrate their wedding told Life News.

For main course at the gala banquet, guests will be offered meat dishes, which will be presented in three types: veal fillet "Rossini" with foie gras and porcini mushrooms, duck breast fillet with mango in nutmeg sauce and tender veal cheeks with a side dish of your choice. Seafood lovers will be able to enjoy tender octopus meat with Taja olives, crab and shrimp soufflé with Beurre Blanc sauce, Chilean seabass fillet with sautéed vegetables and Miso sauce.

The wine list of the establishment is also replete with variety: wines of several types (France, Australia, Italy, Chile), single malt or mixed whiskey, cognac aged 10, 15 and 20 years and, of course, vodka - for those who like it hot.

For the hosts of the holiday, fueled by passion and alcohol, as well as their guests, there are several cabins equipped specifically for piquant situations.

Scenario upcoming celebration kept secret even from guests

Among those invited to the celebration is Olga’s colleague on the set, Ksenia Borodina. This morning she was one of the first to congratulate the happy bride.

I'm incredibly happy for the guys. It’s clear that they really love each other,” Ksyusha told Life News. - Olya has already shared with us that immediately after the wedding, she and Dima want to go on a trip for at least three weeks to stay together somewhere on the ocean.

According to rumors Wedding Dress the bride and the festive banquet cost the groom 2 million rubles.

Video from the wedding of Olga Buzova and Dmitry Tarasov

Wedding of Olga Buzova and Dmitry Tarasov. Dance of the young

Photos from the ship at Olga Buzova's wedding

A white path led to the ship

We met the young people with a loaf of bread. Dima took a bigger bite from the loaf - that means he will be the head of the family

Tables for guests were decorated with compositions of fresh flowers.

Surprise prepared by Dmitry Tarasov for Olga Buzova

The ideal pair of “tarabuziks” delighted not only their fans, but also ordinary people. Olga Buzova is a successful and beautiful TV presenter, Dmitry Tarasov is a football player of the Lokomotiv club. Their love story, unfortunately, did not end very happily.

"Build your love!" - almost everyone now knows this slogan from the reality show “Dom-2”. It was there that TV viewers first saw Olga Buzova, she was only 18 years old. For six years, she was recognized as the best participant in the television project, during which time Olga published several books, even her statue ended up in the Moscow Wax Museum.

In 2008, she deservedly took the post of host of Dom-2.

Meeting Dmitry and Olga

Later, Olga met Tarasov in a circle of friends.

According to her, they were not separated from the first day of their meeting, they were constantly next to each other, and if separations happened, they talked on the phone until the morning. Dmitry is the vice-captain and midfielder of the Moscow football club Lokomotiv, a tall blond man - not a man, but just a dream!

Dmitry himself was married at that time and was raising his daughter Angelina, she was 2 years old at that time, but having a family could not stop him.

For Olga's sake, Dmitry filed for divorce. The footballer said that in the previous family the conflict had been brewing for a long time and there was already discord. The fact that he met Buzova only pushed him to take such drastic measures. Olga herself, in turn, said the following:

“It is impossible to “take away” a real man from his family; he can only make such a decision on his own.”

Wedding and family life

Their romance developed very rapidly: a year after they met, a long-awaited marriage proposal was made. The wedding took place in the Griboyedovsky registry office on June 26, 2012.

The wedding was held on a luxury liner, where there were relatives, football players and friends from the Dom-2 project.

While sailing along the Moscow River, the guests noticed the most romantic surprise: an inscription made of red balloons appeared on the Novospassky Bridge:

"Olya I love you".

As it seemed then, happiness knew no bounds.

After the wedding, they almost immediately separated due to work: Tarasov had to get ready for training, and she had to conduct a television production. According to Olga, she was ready for such an outcome from the very beginning and always supported her loved one.

Soon Dmitry's father died. Buzova helped not only her husband survive this loss, but also her mother-in-law, with whom they had a very close and warm relationship.

After this, they could be called a truly strong couple. Olga went to all Lokomotiv matches, supported her husband during multiple operations, and even created a special hashtag #tarabuziki.

Dmitry was very kind to Olga, constantly arranging some romantic surprises, and there were always flowers in their house. Not family life, but a real fairy tale that every girl dreams of.

In addition to such everyday “little things,” the couple was clearly planning a story in the style of “living happily ever after”: they began building a house in the Moscow region worth about 100 million rubles.

Dmitry also presented his wife with an expensive car.

There was also no doubt about Olga’s intentions: she cooked for him at night after work and once rented the Luzhniki Stadium to celebrate her husband’s birthday.

The couple even got pets - a Yorkshire terrier and a Pomeranian.

Fans criticized the “tarabuziks” for not having children. Olga reacted to this remark quite sharply:

“I posted a photo with our friends and the baby, and away we go... they get dogs, animals!!! And only my husband and I can decide what it’s time for us, who, and when!!! Live your life. My life my rules".


There were no signs of trouble, however, towards the end of 2016, rumors of divorce appeared. Since November, the couple stopped publishing photos together and appearing together at public events. wedding rings both were removed. When this news was made public, everyone immediately began to wonder what caused it.

Numerous correspondence between the couple were posted, from which it was clear that things were heading towards a breakup. Olga accused Dmitry of cheating on her with the young model Anastasia Kostenko. Dmitry denied having an affair with the girl. As during the first divorce, he said that their paths had diverged long ago. In addition, the football player wanted children, but Olga was not ready for them.

It is possible that the cat ran between the “tarabuziks” because of Dmitry’s mistrust: he registered a country house in his mother’s name, the same situation happened with the family cars. According to friends and relatives of the couple, Olga was offended by this attitude.

Interview with Olga Buzova about her divorce from Tarasov:

Life after divorce

Since January 2017, Dmitry began dating Anastasia Kostenko. Their relationship also developed quite rapidly. Now they are already married and raising a daughter (more details about them).

“The love has passed, the tomatoes have wilted. I don't want to blame or insult anyone. This story is over. In any case, both are to blame, it can’t be just one.” - this is how Dmitry commented on the divorce.

Olga almost immediately changed her image - she dyed her hair a fiery brunette.

At first, she had a very hard time with the divorce: she worked constantly, ate little and lost weight dramatically. Perhaps this bore fruit, and the TV presenter turned into a singer. The first recording, “To the Sound of Kisses,” almost immediately took first place on the iTunes chart in Russia.

In addition, Olga was actively engaged in a diversified business: she opened her own cryptocurrency, several restaurants, and bought a bakery.

Since the divorce, Olga has not been in a relationship. serious relationship. She was credited with having an affair with Timur Batrutdinov, a Comedy Club comedian, when they were vacationing together in Thailand.

Since the TV star is constantly busy, she decided to arrange her personal life through television. In August 2018, the project “Married to Buzova” was launched, where 15 successful young people are fighting for Olga’s heart.

For a long time ex-spouses tried to avoid each other, especially Olga. However, not so long ago they crossed paths in a Moscow restaurant: Buzova participated in a press conference for a new show, and Tarasov with his wife, daughter and mother decided to celebrate the christening there.

The administrators were simply asked to make sure that the guests did not intersect. The TV presenter claims that she stopped loving Dmitry a long time ago and is ready for a new relationship.

Read with this article:

The love story of a top TV personality, the host of the popular reality show “Dom-2” and her now ex-husband, football player, midfielder of FC Lokomotiv Dmitry Tarasov, began, as they say, in the light.

Having met one day in a Moscow restaurant, and flirting with each other a lot, both celebrities continued their acquaintance and after that they practically did not let their crush out of sight.

Despite the fact that Dmitry Tarasov was still married at that time, Olga, who had always opposed the destruction of married couples, compromised with her conscience and started an affair with a married football player.

And while the paparazzi photographed the “sweet couple” to their heart’s content, his wife Oksana was indignant and exhausted from jealousy at home with her little daughter Angelina-Anna in her arms, sobbing over eloquent photographs and comments on this matter on various social networks.

You need to know Olga Buzova, because she flaunts everything. And first of all, worthy man, who finally got caught in her net! All principles aside, all rules out! The main thing is that everyone can see how much the famous football player likes her, what a fatal beauty she is, what can seduce such a man.

In general, with regards to Olga Buzova herself, the attitude towards her is ambiguous. It seems kind soul, it costs nothing to make her cry, to have mental breakdowns. And on the other hand, you can’t look for a more self-confident, but no, rather, narcissistic person in our seasoned show business.

As for the football player Dmitry Tarasov, he remains what he was. This is a slow and unhurried midfielder on the field. In his personal life, he quickly met his first wife Oksana and quickly got married. Then even the birth of his first child did not bother the Lokomotiv midfielder. He also quickly divorced in order to create a new alliance with the TV personality.

And they recorded the song in the rain! And we ran through all the shows on all TV channels! So we got to the preparation of our wedding. You need to know Buzova. Naturally, the girl was planning another large-scale show, but, surprisingly, they came to the conclusion that it was better to have a beautiful, but small wedding, with the participation of only people very close to them: family and friends.

And so it happened, no more than 70 people were present at the Tarabuziks’ wedding. The wedding itself of Olga Buzova and Dmitry Tarasov took place on June 26, 2012. The ceremonial part of the wedding, naturally, is in the registry office, and the celebration is on a ship called “Swallow” on a cruise along the Moscow River.

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It was truly a very beautiful sight! Before climbing the ladder onto the ship, the newlyweds walked along the carpet strewn with rose petals. Luxuriously set tables, bursting with an abundance of seafood and meat dishes. Exquisite drinks, respected and famous guests, wonderful hosts made the wedding atmosphere unforgettable and magical!

There was no limit to surprise when, passing under the next bridge, the guests and the bride herself saw the inscription on it “Olya, I love you!” Huge letters above the Moscow River assured the girl that the groom’s feelings for her were also huge.

After this wonderful and unforgettable wedding, the newlyweds got together and went to the shore of one of the distant islands to share universal love only among themselves, a paradise on the ocean and the gentle foreign sun.

And then, as in a fairy tale, the farther, the more terrible. For Tarasov, for sure: he’s going to training, and Olya is with him. He is with friends, and Olya is nearby. He leaves the country for competitions - Olga flies behind him, and Dmitry is not used to it. He loves freedom and left his first wife to find it. True, the wedding with Olga Buzova interrupted all plans.

At first, everything seems to be perfect. When the house they just want to buy is already being discussed with might and main on the Internet, fans are already arranging furniture for them on the forums! And he hasn’t even transferred the money for the purchase yet.

One day he suffered a minor injury during training. Well, what can you do, he's a football player. So Olya not only occupied the hospital, but also organized an almost open chat with voting! Look how my loved one suffered.

Now imagine that this is the case in everything. Everywhere. And this continued for several painful years for the midfielder. They broke up. Ugly, dishonest.

The heart of the host of the famous reality show “Dom-2” was broken. I really felt sorry for the girl. She believed and loved with all her heart, as best she could. It’s not her fault that things weren’t explained to her since childhood. That, since you are yourself, no one will love you and no one will admire you...

He took not only the presenter’s heart, but also all the jointly acquired property. It’s understandable, the money is his! And everything was recorded on him. What does Olga have to do with it?

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The mental pain of Buzova, abandoned like that, treacherously, did not quickly go away. The whole country experienced her divorce with her. I would like to believe that the TV personality has learned the lessons of life, the common truth: “happiness loves silence!” And no one has repealed the Boomerang Law. Let's remember the fun days with the football player in front of the whole country, and at the same time his legal wife and child.

What now? Life goes on, everything changes. Dmitry Tarasov found an adequate one, beautiful girl, a fashion model, but with brains. They are expecting a child.

And Olga Buzova, as always, made a long-term show out of the divorce and her experiences and punished the whole country with her songs.

Regarding her relationship, no information appears. Sometimes unconvincing fans like , and sometimes TNT colleagues like , try to charm the presenter, but even the fans don’t really believe in the sincerity of the “couple.”