Conspiracy on an item for quick sale. Effective conspiracies to sell things quickly

Sale conspiracies help to increase the flow of buyers, sell stale goods, and sell movable and immovable property. Such rituals are not recommended for major church holidays. They perform the sacraments only in complete solitude. Before reading the plot, it is useful to relax and calm your mind. To do this, you can read an Orthodox prayer or devote a few minutes to meditative practice.

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    How to correctly read conspiracies and perform sacraments

    For the sale ritual to be effective, the following basic rules must be followed:

    • The words of the conspiracy are learned by heart.
    • Not a single word should be deleted from the text. Otherwise, the plot will not work.
    • Witchcraft should be practiced only in good health and mood, without having had a fight with anyone before.
    • During the three days of the ceremony, you cannot drink alcohol or smoke, attend entertainment events, swear, or even just get angry.
    • On the night before the reading of the sacrament, one should not indulge in love pleasures.
    • If the conspiracy is performed by a woman, she should not have her period on that day.
    • It is useful to follow a vegetarian diet three days before the ceremony.
    • Avoid gossip, watching various shows, action films, and television series on TV.

    Rituals for good trade, selling goods

    The following rituals help attract buyers and speed up the process of selling goods. During the sacraments, it is useful to visualize how customers are buying up the entire assortment, trying to feel the emotions of joy and satisfaction from good sales.

    Per coin

    The ritual is performed at home, preferably during the waxing moon. Take a silver coin and drop a drop of tea tree oil on it. Then they cast a spell on her:

    "(Name of product) is sold, and my money will be returned. I accept the generous gift, I give away my useful product. Amen."

    Then you should go to the store and spend the coin to purchase any product (the remaining essential oil can be wiped off with a napkin first). The product that was mentioned by the magician in the conspiracy will be sold over the next few days.

    For a key and a rag

    To get rid of an unsuccessful streak in trading, you can perform the following ritual on the waning moon. Take a piece of old rag and use it to wipe off the dust from the counters. You can also wash the floor in the room with it.

    Then they wrap any old key in a rag and pronounce the words of the conspiracy:

    “The burden is poor, without trade! You, the servant of the Lord (name), do not touch me. Go away on the water, and don’t call me again. Lie under an old snag, hold a clawed crayfish and a stupid fool with a white coat. And I don’t wear old sackcloth, You won’t be a beggar forever. You can quickly sell your goods and count your profits in the evening. The river wave will carry you away, but my trade is rich and full of money. I send poverty away, I lock the conspiracy. "

    Then the package should be taken to any body of water and thrown into the water.

    For salt

    Before starting, the Lord's Prayer is read three times. Then the words are said on the salt and ribbon:

    “A poor man walked with a handful of salt and looked for a better life for himself. He knocked silk thresholds, walked along golden roads. And behind him walked a merchant, a noble boyar, a good fellow. That merchant was wearing a red, satin dress, and he had a dime a dozen of money. And the roads My golden and silken thresholds, my gates made of semi-precious stones, I offer everything to the dear merchant. The poor man’s salt is scattered, and my goods are bought by the dear merchant. The plot is locked, and the key is lost.” .

    Then the goods are sprinkled with salt and tied with a satin ribbon. If the item is large, you can tie part of it (for example, if you are selling a table, the ribbon is tied around the leg). So it must stand for 24 hours, after which the conspiracy begins to take effect.

    To the poppy seed

    To perform the ritual you will need a poppy seed. On the waxing moon they buy a pack of poppy seeds. It is poured into a faceted glass and the words of the conspiracy are pronounced seven times:

    “Whoever steps on this poppy will instantly love my product. Whoever puts his foot on it will leave money with me. Amen.”

    After this, the poppy seed is scattered a little every day near the entrance of the store until the seed runs out.

    For a new thing

    If the product is not sold for a long time, the following ritual can be performed. They take any new thing they have. They place the stale goods between her and themselves and pronounce the words on it:

    “In an open field there is an old hut. Mariana the beauty got up in the morning, baked pies and did not cook dinner. She took the paint, painted the hut, and sold it for a new one. The hut will stand for a century, delighting the new owner. So is my product ( name) will serve the merchant faithfully Amen."

    On honey

    Take a small amount of liquid honey and say the following words on it:

    “Hardworking bees flock to the honey, and buyers to my goods. Sugar honey is sweet for the bees, but the merchants need my goods, there is no end. Amen.”

    Then you should apply a little charmed honey behind your ears. There will be no end to buyers after this ceremony.

    On patchouli

    For this ritual, which helps to sell goods profitably and quickly, you will need a patchouli stick. When fumigating the product, they say the words:

    “Go away, (name of product), get out quickly, and in my wallet you will see the sound of coins clinking. Amen.”

    On an iron patch

    The plot is read on the waxing moon. They take an iron coin and read the words on it:

    “Pyatak Pyatakovich, give me growing luck. And I will give you to a good man for change. Amen.”

    Then the charmed coin is placed on the windowsill all night. In the morning they take it with them. The first male customer who needs change is given this nickel.

    For the scent of incense

    To perform this ritual, you should purchase incense sticks in advance. Smoking the aroma throughout the retail space, they whisper the words:

    “I hear, I hear, buyers are bringing me money. The smoke floats far away, it gives off a smell. People stand in line, just to make a purchase, to buy up my goods. Amen.”

    On a pin

    The ritual is performed on the full moon. To perform the sacrament you will need a new pin and a white handkerchief.

    In the light of the full moon, you should put a pin on a scarf and pronounce the words of the spell three times on the objects:

    “Lord God, I stand before you, I ask you to protect me and guide me on the true path. Send the whole holy army to my aid: John the Baptist, Archangel Michael, Nicholas the Wonderworker, Saint Luke, Alexander Svirsky and the Solovetsky saints. I will stand under their protection “So that they protect me from evil and help me in business. I will quickly sell my goods and give them to those in need for good deeds. Amen.”

    The pin is then wrapped in a handkerchief and kept secretly in the sales area. When the flow of customers begins to increase, you should visit seven churches (possibly on different days) and give generous alms to the beggars sitting at the entrance.

    For candles

    To perform the ceremony you will need:

    • three wax candles;
    • total daily revenue.

    “The eastern merchant Amirkhan, from the kingdom of a distant khan, came to visit and walked along the roads. Altyn Amirkhan took and took all the goods from me. I'll be sold. Amen."

    Candles must be extinguished with wet fingers or using a spoon.

    Rituals for selling a ready-made enterprise

    An entrepreneur who wants to quickly sell his business is recommended to first cleanse his own energy before conducting the sale ritual itself. The seller must be free from damage and the evil eye, and he must be physically healthy. In this case, a conspiracy to sell an enterprise will work most effectively.

    For sale of business

    On the eve of concluding a transaction, you need to stand in front of a full-length mirror and, taking an open wallet in your hands, say the words of the conspiracy in its reflection:

    "My flesh and blood, my veins, my work. I am selling you into new hands. You have always been mine, but now you will become a stranger. Let me get a decent payment for you. How much you are worth - no need for someone else's. Work for the benefit of the new owner and to the laity for joy. Amen."

    When the word “Amen” is pronounced, the wallet is closed and placed on the windowsill. It should be taken with you to the meeting with the buyer, but not opened until the deal is closed.

    For sale store

    Three candles are purchased in the church. They are then placed in one of the corners of the store in the room where money is usually counted. The candles should remain there for four days. After this time, left alone, the performer of the ritual lights them and pronounces the words of the conspiracy:

    “There was a store owner - he became a client. I sell the store, I clean up after myself, I clean all the corners. I invited kind people to visit. The buyer didn’t wait for a long time, didn’t think, didn’t guess. And I quickly sold my hard-earned business. Amen.”

    The candles must burn out completely.

    Rituals for the sale of real estate

    Before performing the sacrament to sell your home, you should cleanse it of your energy that has accumulated during your entire stay. To do this, you need to restore order in all rooms. The ideal option is to make repairs, before which you need to remove all your belongings. The most successful days for performing rituals for the sale of real estate are considered to be the 3rd, 7th and 9th day of the lunar calendar.

    The money received from the sale of the premises cannot be spent earlier than three days later.

    To quickly sell your home, the following ritual will do. To carry it out, it is necessary to carry out wet cleaning in the apartment. During the cleaning process, you should prepare a bucket of water, which has not changed when moving from one room to another. Looking at the water, say the following words:

    “House owner, I’m turning to you. You and I lived side by side for a long time, we didn’t offend each other. And now I ask: help me sell my home, attract a buyer. He will now be in charge, and don’t do dirty tricks and be nice to him, How about me? Help him with cleaning and cooking and help with business, and don’t frighten him at night with the key, the lock, the tongue.”

    Then the water is poured out and the floor rag is thrown as far from the house as possible.

    Key for home sale

    To perform this ritual you will need a key. Both the key to the property being sold and any old one that no one uses anymore will do. The object is immersed in boiling water and the words are spoken to it three times:

    “Just as a person cannot live without an iron lock with a key, so he cannot live without seeing my house. Just as people cannot live without food and water, so they cannot live without (the name of the dwelling being sold). Amen.”

    The charmed water should cool down. Then it is poured into a clean bowl. Before communicating with the buyer, you must wash your hands in this water. When meeting a client, you should shake his hand. To enhance the effect of the spell, you can sprinkle the corners of the room with this water.

    This conspiracy is considered universal. It can be read for any item being sold, from land or housing to small household items. It cannot be used only for the sale of pets or plants.

    For a broom for selling a dacha

    This white magic ritual is performed at dawn. For the sacrament you will need:

    • a new broom that has never been used;
    • bowl of spring water.

    The broom is sprinkled with water and the words of the conspiracy are pronounced on it:

    “I sweep dirty linen out of the hut, I sweep it away, and I attract merchants to me. One will look, the second will look, and the third will appear and come and immediately take it for himself. Amen.”

    Then, with a charmed broom, you should sweep all the rooms of the garden house. During the sweeping process, this spell should also be repeated.

    For honey, money and candles for selling land

    To perform the sacrament you will need:

    • several gold-colored coins;
    • 7 church candles.

    The ritual is performed at dawn as follows:

    1. 1. Church candles are placed in the shape of a circle.
    2. 2. Place coins in a bowl and pour honey over them.
    3. 3. The container is placed in the center of the circle.
    4. 4. Light the candles clockwise.
    5. 5. Say the words of the conspiracy (see below).
    6. 6. The coins are taken out and buried on the site during the next trip.
    7. 7. The corner points of the area should be anointed with the remaining honey.

    Conspiracy words:

    “Golden coins stick to sweet honey, but my land attracts buyers. Whoever likes it will become the new owner. He will part with the money and take the land for his benefit. And the land will bring him income and good things. Amen.”

    For well water to sell land

    To perform the ceremony you will need well water. If there is no well, you can get water from a spring flowing along the ground. Turning their face to the east, they pronounce the words of the conspiracy three times:

    “I, the servant of the Lord (name), refuse this plot. Fast merchants are coming from the four corners of the world, they will quickly take this land. Without bargaining and without looking around, they will leave satisfied and without looking back. Amen.”

    Water is poured onto the ground, leaving a small amount. Before meeting with buyers, you should wash your face with this water. After reading this conspiracy, the deal will be concluded quickly and without problems: the buyers themselves will do everything necessary to quickly complete the sale.

    On sugar for a quick deal

    The ceremony takes place at dawn. Take a piece of refined sugar and read the words on it:

    “Just as it is true that this sugar is sweet, so fortune will be on my side. Just as it is true that this sugar is white, so there will be no obstacles on my road. The red sun rises, and luck comes into my hands. Amen.” .

    Refined sugar should be carried with you. It acts as an amulet that protects against delays with documents.

    Using a rooster to complete failures

    If the property is not for sale for a long time, you should purchase a young cockerel and bring it into the premises. This must be done strictly on Thursday at sunset. The rooster must “crow” the seal of bad luck for three nights. The following spell is cast on the millet that is given to him:

    “I, the servant of the Lord (name), came out of the gate. My friend the rooster comes towards me, pecking the grains, walking, singing loud songs. You, my friend the rooster, will peck this grain, and these walls, and the ceiling, and the threshold from bad luck Peck the millet grain by grain, win the home from the bad luck. Just as it is true that you will spend the night here for three nights, it is also true that at dawn you will begin to sing the funeral service to the bad luck, and I will sell you for a copper nickel, and this home will have buyers. I’ll give you the key and the lock, come, merchant, to the threshold. A strong word, a quick deed, buy your home, boldly.”

    On Sunday, before 12 noon, you should give the rooster, asking for a nickel for it. When you come back into the room, you should throw the penny onto the floor as hard as you can. A buyer will be found soon.

    Sale of movable valuables, personal items

    To sell any item as quickly as possible, it is recommended to carry out the ceremony on the night from Saturday to Sunday. At this time, such conspiracies have special power to find buyers in a short time.

    Cars for sale

    To sell a car, you should write on a blank sheet of paper the words:

    “You gave me rides and drove me, you did a good job. And now I’m going to sell you. You will drive and ride a new person. The lights are flashing, the steering wheel is turning, let the buyer come quickly. Amen.”

    The note is placed under the driver's seat. There she must lie for seven days. After this period, from among the interested buyers, there will be one who will conclude a deal.

    For sale of any item

    Before advertising in a newspaper or other media, you should write the finished advertising text on a piece of paper. Then for some time you need to visualize a flurry of calls from buyers. After this, a simple conspiracy is read on the ad:

    “What I have in mind will come true, what I want will quickly come true. My words are true, filled with truth. Amen.”

    After this, you can safely submit an ad and wait for requests from buyers.

    Furniture for sale

    If you need to sell furniture as soon as possible and get good money for it, the following plot will do. Take a wax candle. Without lighting it, they tap on the object and pronounce the words of the conspiracy seven times:

    “Messengers, ride on horseback, walk on foot. Yes, come to me, look after my good goods. Whoever catches (a piece of furniture) in the eye, he will forget his peace. At night he will see dreams about it, during the day he will come to me, he will be stupefied by the thing. He will quickly bring money Yes, he will leave satisfied with (the piece of furniture).

    Then you should light the candle and wait until it burns out completely. A small piece of wax from a candle stub should be discreetly attached in a secret place on the furniture. Buyers will be found soon.

    Coins for sale

    The following plot will help collectors who want to sell coins. To perform the ceremony, you should purchase a new handkerchief. They wipe their sweat with it, and then pronounce the words of the conspiracy on it:

    “You can’t count the stars in the sky, you can’t knead Mother Earth with your hands, and you can’t take away my word. There will be a merchant for these coins, may the matter be crowned. Like bees fly to honey, everyone wants to buy them. Old coins are sold, but I’ll get new money in return they flow like a river. Amen, amen, amen."

    Then the coins are placed on a handkerchief overnight. In the morning they fold it and carry it with them as a talisman for sale.

    Verbal rituals for various needs

    Unlike previous rituals, the following conspiracies will not require additional paraphernalia. They can be pronounced without special preparation in any lunar phase.

    For sale of homemade products

    To quickly sell your work, you should say the following words on the subject:

    “Evil angels are entangled in nets, struck by the Honest Cross. The cross protects me, God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Evil spirits are defeated forever by the words of Jesus Christ, and His apostles Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. But You, Lord , protect me, help me in my affairs and save me.”

    After reading the plot, the item will be sold within the near future.

    For sale of food

    Before the start of the day, a spell is cast on food:

    “Who is walking along the road? - Father priest. And what is he carrying in his hands? - (name of the product). Go away from me, (name of the product), and return to me in hard cash. Amen, amen, amen.”

    The spell is pronounced once. After this, you should cross the products. During the day, to strengthen the ritual, you can recite the spell 3-5 more times.

    Homes for sale at a distance

    If you have to look for buyers far from the property, the following conspiracy to sell, operating at a distance, will do. Having opened the window, you need to say the words of the conspiracy three times:

    “Lord God, I turn to You, take care of my accursed soul. The plowman plows, the reaper reaps, and the merchant sells his goods. Let my (name of the object) be quickly taken by the buyer, and leave satisfied without looking back. Amen.”

    For sale clothes

    The owner of a clothing store can use the following spell, which is read directly on the product:

    “As a person is greedy for bread, so that the merchants would take these clothes and leave me a lot of money. I am a good fellow, an honest merchant. They take my goods, the nobles offer money. No sooner said than done. Amen.”

    The owner of the item is too strongly attached to the item.
  • Subconsciously not wanting to part with it, he thereby blocks the impact of the conspiracy. If this is so, higher powers will certainly give a sign to those who read the conspiracy. For example, this could be a call from a relative who wants to live in the property being sold for a while as a tenant.
  • The person performing the ceremony is under the influence of the evil eye or damage. Such a negative impact manifests itself in the form of physical malaise, bad luck, nightmares, and increased anxiety. In this case, it is first necessary to carry out a ritual to remove damage and only then engage in rituals for selling things.

If after the first administration the sacrament does not work, do not lose heart. Conspiracies for sale can be repeated as many times as you have time and energy. Having performed the ritual 3, 5, 7 times, the magician significantly enhances its effect.

The story of one of our readers Alina R.:

Money has always been my main problem. Because of this, I had a lot of complexes. I considered myself a failure, problems at work and in my personal life haunted me. However, I decided that I still needed personal help. Sometimes it seems that the problem is in you, all failures are just a consequence of bad energy, the evil eye or some other bad force.

But who can help in a difficult life situation, when it seems that your whole life is going downhill and passing you by? It’s hard to be happy working as a cashier for 26 thousand rubles, when you had to pay 11 thousand for renting an apartment. Imagine my surprise when my whole life suddenly changed overnight for the better. I couldn’t even imagine that it was possible to earn so much money that some trinket at first glance could have such an impact.

It all started when I ordered my personal...

There comes a time in every person's life when it becomes necessary to get rid of some item. Often, there is no desire to throw away an item, since it may be expensive, useful and in good condition.

In this case, the thought of selling an item comes to mind, and a conspiracy to sell an item can help realize the plan much more profitably and faster.

To carry out a successful sale of goods, it is enough to use magical powers and call on higher powers for help in this matter. Thus, without the help of magic, it may take quite a long time to realize what was planned, whereas with the help of magic, the item being sold will be purchased very quickly.

To quickly and profitably sell one thing, it is enough to cast a spell over it, sincerely believing in its power.

Through a magical ritual, you can create talismans, the constant wearing of which will improve the daily sales of goods. Such talismans will be a great help for owners of retail outlets, sellers whose salaries depend on revenue, and ordinary people who occasionally sell personal items.

What determines the effectiveness of the ritual?

In order for the conspiracy to be effective, and for the result to be to the liking of the performer, it is necessary to strictly observe all the requirements for its implementation. So, conspiracies to sell things should be read completely alone, so that no one knows about the ritual.

Moreover, even after the successful sale of the goods, you cannot tell even your closest people about the previously performed ritual, otherwise it will cause some unpleasant consequences.

It is completely unacceptable to laugh at such rituals - they should be taken extremely seriously, otherwise the consequences are inevitable. Only people who believe in magic are allowed to perform the ritual, who know how to concentrate on what they want and put all their strength into the conspiracy.

In addition, most of these rituals are performed on the waxing moon, and 3 days before the ritual the performer is not allowed to drink alcohol.

The enchanted item will bring profit to the seller

People know a large number of conspiracies that can help quickly sell this or that item. So there is a fairly strong ritual for the successful sale of goods through water. Spring water is drawn into the vessel, a spell is pronounced over it three times, after which the item being sold is sprinkled with the enchanted water.

Spells “To sell things” for spring water

“On the market square, bargaining is going on. They sell everything: silk and fur. I will sell your product (name the thing) and its price (name the price). Anyone who sees it will want to buy it. Amen." Another no less powerful conspiracy can be read in key. To perform the ritual you will need a glass or clay vessel, spring water and a key.

The container with water must be put on fire, then the key must be thrown into the boiling water. The words of prayer are said over the steam 9 times, after which the water is left to cool.

Conspiracies “For selling things” for the key and water

The cooled water along with the key must be poured into a glass vessel. As soon as the day of sale arrives, hands are rinsed with charmed water and the items being sold are sprinkled. It is recommended to keep the key until the next sale.

For the trade to be successful, things must be crossed three times, after which it is necessary to cast a spell over them, while stroking the goods with the right hand.

Spells “For successful trading”

“Just as I, the servant of God (my name), iron (name) my goods, so I get along with buyers. One will look, the second will praise, the third will buy for his own joy, and for me - for profit. My word is strong, it is molded to the product. Amen."

A very strong ritual for a quick sale is carried out using a nickel. On the waxing Moon, you should take the coin with your right hand, hold it for a while, and then say a prayer over it 12 times.

Conspiracies “To sell things” on a coin

“Pyatak Pyatakovich! Give me (your name) luck without giving up! For now, forever, forever! Amen."

In order to sell goods quickly and profitably, it is recommended to take a coin with you at all times.

Will the trade be successful?

To avoid consequences, magical rituals should be used in exceptional cases when no other ways to sell the goods are possible. The use of black magic is not free of charge - at some point the performer of the ritual will have to pay for the service provided. So, a merchant may lose some or all of the goods, lose a round sum of money, or pay with his health. The most severe consequences will manifest themselves in cases where the ritual was performed not according to the rules or as a joke - magic does not like to be mocked.

Video: Conspiracy to sell things

In any trading business there can be a lull. What should a seller do if no one is interested in his product? Since ancient times, a special conspiracy to sell has been used in magical practice. With the help of this conspiracy, you can attract clients and successfully develop your business with minimal effort. This kind of conspiracy is a powerful magical action with the help of which the business will go uphill in the shortest possible time.

As with any magical act, in a conspiracy to sell, certain rules must be followed. It should be remembered that this kind of action belongs to the category of white magic and will not bring any harm to the performer. subject to the following rules:

  1. It is necessary to maintain a positive attitude and not allow doubts about the power of the ritual.
  2. You cannot wish your competitor ruin.
  3. Believe in the words and actions performed during the ritual.
  4. Rituals are carried out only in two lunar phases: on the full moon and during the waning moon.

If simple rules are followed, the ritual for sale will be successful and will have no consequences for the astral energy of the performer. It will be possible to quickly sell the necessary goods and strengthen the business in the future.

A ritual for a quick sale

It often happens that after the store is open, customers are in no hurry to shop. In this situation, a conspiracy to sell goods will help, which must be read on a full moon. To perform this you will need a piece of white fabric onto which you need to pour a handful of rice cereal.

After this, the rice cereal is wrapped in a tight bag and a church candle is lit. After which the words of the spell are recited:

In the middle of the field, there was a destroyed house, attracting no one. The servant of God (his name) patched up the walls, changed the roof, and covered the walls with paint. The house serves its new owner faithfully and has become a stronghold of wealth and happiness! The goods will not stay long in such a house! Amen.

While casting the spell, a bag of rice grains is held in the left hand and a candle in the right. Only after all areas of the store have been passed through, the candle is extinguished and thrown away, and the loaded bag must be hidden in the store in a secluded place. After such a ceremony, trade will go briskly and the goods put up for sale will sell out very quickly.

Words on a thread

There is also a strong plot on a thread. To do this you need to take red. Then light three white candles and place them in a triangle. A ball is placed inside this triangle and the words of the spell are read:

“Fire brings new things and creates. The ball takes the luck upon itself! An incoming client buys a product and leaves me his money. My business is expanding, my profits are growing! The ball of money gives me all the energy! Amen".

After the spell is cast, you need to wrap all the door handles with a thread from a ball. The energy of the enchanted thread will encourage customers to spend their money. It also makes sense to wrap the thread around the handles located on the furniture, which the buyer can grasp.

How to sell a stale item

There are also situations when it is necessary to sell some old item privately, but there are no buyers for it. In order for such an item to be sold, . To carry it out you will need:

  • towel;
  • deep bowl of water;
  • church candle.

Before starting the ritual, you need to light a church candle. After which the thing is taken in hand, and holding it over a bowl of water, the words of the spell are pronounced:

“Water, water, my faithful sister. Help sell (name of item) as quickly as possible. The buyer will come with money and bring the required amount! Sister Voditsa, strong enchantress, listen to me, help!”

A plot to quickly sell an item must be read during the waning moon, in the evening. After the ritual is completed, you should wash the item with water from the bowl and wipe it dry with a towel. The remaining water is poured outside, after which the item is wiped dry with a towel.

Appeal to simoron

Simoron is a kind of system for wish fulfillment through positive thinking. After all, it is known that any thought is material. It usually does not require the use of any magical actions or spells. Simoron in its action is more similar to energy rituals using the power of thought in a playful form.

This kind of game form is well suited for creating an appropriate positive mood, thanks to which a person will relax and get an effective result from the game process. In other words, with the help of simoron, the boundaries of standard thinking are expanded.

One of the Simoron techniques for fulfilling the plan can be a ritual with raspberry jam. To perform it, you will need a laminated photo card with the image of the ritual performer. Next, you should smear the photo card with jam and lick it off, giving yourself a mental attitude towards successfully completing the job you started.

Conspiracy to sell a business

In order to successfully sell a business, you must resort to spell on a nail. Many successful sellers resort to this method. To carry out the ceremony, you need to take a steel nail and a red candle. With a lighted candle and a nail, you must go through all the retail premises that are to be sold. After which the spell is recited:

“The sharp end, piercing into granite, promises to bring profit. The flat cap covers the hole, I will never pass by the money! Good luck, profit and glory! The seller and the buyer are connected by a thread perfectly!”

After casting the spell, the nail must be hammered in the most inconspicuous place. The ritual has a dual purpose. At the same time, this is a strong conspiracy to sell and a strong talisman that is charged with positive energy.

Ring plot

There is also a quick plot that can help sell a business using an iron ring. You need to know that the ring should only be new and made of base metals.

The ring must be placed in a bowl of salt and the words of the spell read: “Everything goes in a circle, everything will close here. I’ll call my friend to help, everything is as it is! The ring will attract money to itself, the seeker will find it, and find his business! Amen.

After the ritual, the ring must be hidden in a secluded place and not taken out until the sale transaction is completed. After the transaction is completed, the ring must be thrown away in a deserted place with the words: “Thank you for your help, now everyone is happy! We go our separate ways."

Increase the effect of spells possible with the help of prayers addressed to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. It should be remembered that the prayer for selling things is said in solitude and in complete peace of mind. It is recommended to read prayers with a lit church candle. A prayer for the sale of goods is said in the form of a petition.

“Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker, I will turn to you with a request. Send an honest, generous buyer, bargaining is appropriate. Forgive and help the sinful soul. Take away evil and dashing people, lead misfortunes past me. Thy righteous will be done, amen.”

A successful method of conspiracy is the one that brings the greatest positive result. It is also important to remember that before selling a necessary item, it must be presented in the most positive light, indicating all its advantages. These rules of worldly business, combined with prayers and rituals, will achieve the greatest results.

Attention, TODAY only!

Quite often you need help in business, when selling or buying. Simple spells that can be easily carried out at home will come to the rescue. To conduct a ritual to gain benefits, you should carefully prepare for it in order to avoid negative consequences.

Simple spells will help increase sales volumes

Ensuring Ritual Effectiveness

For advertising and sale, you can advertise on the appropriate sites, but it will take quite a lot of time to get rid of an unnecessary item and it will be much faster to carry out the ceremony to sell the item. To find a suitable spell, you can contact a magician or study the available information yourself. A book with rituals and spells will be a good assistant in learning the rules for performing spells and establishing protection before performing them.

There are basic rules that should be observed by everyone who performs magical actions:

  • read in a secluded place;
  • do not tell anyone about the ritual;
  • do not perform the ritual as a joke;
  • know the words of the conspiracy by heart;
  • follow the sequence of actions.

To successfully sell a product, you should not tell anyone that the ritual will be or has already been performed, even those closest to you.

Higher powers will not tolerate ridicule, so conspiracies and spells cannot be done for fun. They will definitely be punished for this.

The words of the spell should be pronounced in a confident voice in a clear rhythm, without getting confused or rearranging the words.

The book of spells will tell you how to perform the ritual correctly

Conspiracies for sale

In order for the item to find its buyer quickly, you can use conspiracies for sale and profit from Stepanova. These methods are simple and do not require special training.

Spell for profit

To sell things quickly and profitably, a short plot is made using church candles. you need to take three candles, light them, place them on the table in front of you and read the words:

“I ask people to pay attention to the things I want to sell. If they see this or that thing, let them buy it immediately. If they don’t want to, then let their eyes start to burn and they won’t be able to sleep. May my wishes be fulfilled and things find their place in other people.”

Having finished reading, extinguish the candles and hide them next to the thing that needs to be sold. After some time, the product will be successfully sold.

The following version of the conspiracy for the quick, profitable and successful sale of any thing should only be carried out. Place the item for sale on the table next to you, place 3 church candles near it and read the words:

“The moon is growing in the sky. The number of stars in the sky is constantly increasing. The number of droplets in the water increases. The earth's beneficial properties increase. So let my sales profit increase. I want to be able to sell things and increase my financial position. I ask for help from the higher powers that are always present in our lives.”

You need to read the spell until the candles burn out completely. Their heat and light should fall on the item being sold. At the end, put the remains of the candle in a bag with the item, and after a while the right buyer will be found who will bring profit to the seller.

Magic with water and key

A strong and effective spell is carried out using a key and water.

To carry it out you will need:

  • vessel made of clay or glass;
  • open fire (bonfire or stove);
  • key;
  • water.

A strong ritual should be done on Women's Day (Wednesday, Friday or Saturday). You need to pour water into the bowl and put it on the fire. At the moment of boiling, throw the key into the boiling water. Watching the steam come out of the vessel, say the following spell:

“Human life is directly related to water. She gives life. The key protects a person and gives him protection. This is how humanity is directly dependent on water, so let the buyer feel thirsty for my thing. I ask you very much and wish you help in my affairs.”

The spell is read 9 times. Then you should cool the water, leaving the key in it. After complete cooling, so that you can touch the water with your hand, you should pour it along with the key into a glass container and, before starting to sell, rinse your hands with it and spray the goods.

Conspiracy for good trading

Coin Witchcraft

To quickly sell or get rid of unnecessary things, you can use it only during the waxing moon.

Take a coin of 5 kopecks in your left hand and say 10 times:

“Let this nickel bring me good luck in trading. I want to sell my item as soon as possible. And I want to get pretty good money for it. I cared for her and cherished her, so she is worth a lot of money. I ask for help from the Almighty powers so that the transaction goes through and brings me the best result. I always want to receive good news from sales.”

To enhance the effect and sell the item faster, carry the coin with you constantly until the transaction occurs.

Slanders on a pin

Pin - a variety of rituals and ceremonies. Its shape promotes excellent absorption of energy and information that influences.

Professional magicians use a pin to induce damage, the evil eye, or attract wealth. Such a small but powerful enchanted object can be easily taken with you to a business meeting or pinned on your opponent’s clothes.

Magic for selling a house

The most effective method is the pin spell. In this version, it acts as a talisman that will ward off dishonest buyers.

For the ritual, on a moonlit night during the growth of the luminary, you need to take the pin in your hands and say:

“Profit for me, home for them, good profit for me, good home for them, I attract the most reliable and most accommodating. I distract the most capricious and the most picky. I’ll come and sell, I’ll get money, I’ll get joy for myself.”

During the ritual, you need to be positive, think about the good and bright. Place the made amulet in your pocket or attach it to your clothes in an inconspicuous place and carry it with you until the transaction is completed successfully.

Ceremony for selling a house

Magic on a red thread with a pin

This is a quick spell for money, sales and good luck. After it is completed, the flow of finance will increase, it will be possible to trade faster and with greater profit.

To carry out the ceremony, you should take a safety pin and red wool or simple thread. Go out under the moonlight. Hold a pin in your left hand and a thread in your right. Looking up at the moon, say the following:

“With a red thread I will attract to myself what I want, with a red thread I will find out for myself everything I need. Just as this red thread wraps itself around a safety pin and won’t let go, so what I need will come to me and hug me once and for all. In a short time everything will happen that I need. The money was now with me. It will come on its own, it will become mine. You don't have to beg. As has been said, it will be so, but it cannot be any other way.”

Standing in the same place, quickly wrap the thread around the pin. Go into the house and pin it to your nightgown. Without speaking to anyone, go to bed. The next day, while trading, you should discreetly touch the pin and stroke it. The deal will be successful.

Prayer for sale

There are several prayers for a successful sale.

One of them is addressed. Before prayer, you need to go to church and buy an icon with the face of a saint, put it on the table at home, ask for petition and help, light candles.

“Pray the mercy of God, the Lover of Mankind, so that He will not judge us according to our iniquities, but may He deal with us according to His mercy. Ask us, God's servants (names), from Christ and God for our peaceful, serene life, mental and physical health. Deliver us from all spiritual and physical troubles, from all yearnings and the devil’s slander. Remember us at the throne of the Almighty and beg the Lord to grant us forgiveness of many of our sins, a comfortable and peaceful life, and grant us a shameless and peaceful death and eternal bliss in the future, so that we may continually send glory and thanksgiving to the Father and the Son and the Spirit Holy, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen"

God helps Spyridon in his affairs, and after this prayer he will assist you. The prayer should be read daily, without fear, following all church rules. The transaction will be quick and successful.

Appeal to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker for the sale of real estate

If you need to quickly sell a house or apartment, you should ask St. Nicholas the Wonderworker for help. The prayer “For selling an apartment” works very quickly.

First of all, they say a preparatory, “initial” prayer:

“Prayer Nikolai, bless me for the successful sale of an apartment (house) and send down generous, honest and not poor buyers. Thy will be done. Amen".

Every person has had to buy or sell something at least once in their life. Everyone loves to shop, but not everyone can sell something. Not every seller has the ability to speak beautifully and interest the buyer, so for such a case, you can carry out a conspiracy to sell the product. Magic rituals can be performed by anyone who is engaged in trade and can do it themselves at home.

The meaning of trade conspiracies

Many people think that selling a product is very easy, but not for everyone. It is precisely for the profession of a seller that you need to be able to speak well and interest the buyer in purchasing some product. Only magic can help in such a difficult task, so conspiracies to sell goods will be useful to many. The main thing is to know for what purpose you need to seek help from magic, it can be like this:

  • do not fall into the trap of deception and dishonest transactions;
  • increase trade volume;
  • selling slow-moving goods and outshining competitors;
  • increase profits.

Rituals in trade are also used to secure an agreement on the sale of an apartment or land because different things happen in life; the buyer can give his consent to a large purchase and after a while unexpectedly change his mind. You should not completely rely on and trust an experienced realtor; carry out a conspiracy to sell various goods or real estate yourself, it will not be superfluous.

Conspiracy for a successful sale

To make the day end successfully and please you with good profits, you can carry out a strong conspiracy. During its implementation, you need to follow some rules. First, memorize the spell, and then read it, but only early in the morning at sunrise. Before the ritual itself, they read the “Our Father” prayer three times, and then move on to the conspiracy itself.

“The goods are all good and inexpensive. The quality is excellent, I am selling you to a buyer. Give me the profit. I will help you, and you will help me.”

It is also important not only the time of the ceremony, but also the day, so it is better to do it on Friday and without prying eyes. The ritual can be performed independently at home; there is nothing heavy about it.

A ritual that is suitable for selling any things

Many people need a conspiracy to quickly and successfully sell a product, so they use special rituals, for example, using a coin. The plot is read only on a waxing moon, so it will definitely come true and bring a person excellent trade. Take a coin, preferably silver or the color of silver, and tea tree essential oil.

The coin is dipped well in oil and the following words are read:

“I sell things with my own hands. I expect many buyers for my product. Come to my store more often, pick up everything for money. I'm waiting for a successful deal and good profit. Amen".

Then they go to the store and spend the charmed coin. When they hand it over to the seller, they quietly say the word “I pay”, and everyone expects a good profit.

Ritual for selling a certain item

To perform such a ritual, they take the thing in their hands that they really want to sell. Then they hold the thing in their hands and read the following text:

“I (name) want to sell this thing (name). The buyer comes, pick up everything you need, give him some money. A lot of people will come into the store and buy everything.”

The plot will begin to work in a couple of days. The customer will call or come into the store and fill all the bags.

A very strong ritual for selling goods

The strongest spell for selling goods is made using water. To carry it out correctly, you need to take a dark cloth and some container, preferably wide, and place boiled salt in it. Then wet the rag a little in water and roll it very well in salt.

“The fabric is dark, gloomy - this means that sadness and melancholy are coming with me. But I won’t be sad, because I do my work correctly and with all my heart. I wait for a buyer every day, I keep the door open, I call everyone.”

During the actions, you need to do everything efficiently according to the rules, so you cannot drink alcohol before the ritual, and try not to quarrel with anyone for three days before and after the ritual. If everything is done as said, financial problems will begin to improve very soon.

To speed up trading

It makes no difference what product you want to sell; everyone wants to do it quickly and at a higher price. To make everything happen as it should, you can turn to magic. There are special hexes and spells that will “sell” the goods very quickly. To carry out the ceremony, you need to take an item that you want to sell and money of a large denomination, only paper. Then they place the goods on any surface, and put money on their left hand and begin to wave it around the thing they want to sell.

In this case, money is used for magic in finance, which will bring good luck to the house. This is exactly the test they say during the ritual:

“Buy, pick up, come to the store. I’ll spoil you with a quick purchase, you’ll be glad.”

Aroma ritual

Trade can be good if you try to lure the buyer with interesting scents in the store, so they use spells to increase the scent so that there is good trade and profit. To do this, they purchase special incense sticks and begin to burn them throughout the room, while reciting a special text.

“I hear people bringing me money. The smoke floats and gives off a smell. People line up to make a purchase.”

The ritual will have a positive effect on trade, and will take effect very quickly.

We increase trading income on the market

Almost all people buy products and things at the market, where prices are better and you can negotiate with the seller. Magic can be practiced by anyone who believes in it and wants to solve their problems. Therefore, many sellers carry out conspiracies to sell at the market, and most likely your neighbor in the tent will too. There is no need to worry only if:

  • your product and your neighbor’s are not competitors;
  • if the product is one that people can buy every day, as needed;
  • if your product is better than that of your neighbor in the tent.

In other cases, if your neighbor really cast a spell on the product, you will be left without profit, since people will buy from your competitor. In order to prevent this, you need to carry out a strong ritual for a quick and good sale. The buyer's love spell will be much stronger than the one used by the competitor. Also, such a conspiracy helps to sell those things that have been lying on store shelves for a long time.

Therefore, so that the stale goods are no longer available and they bring good profits, they say the following words, always at night and looking at the moon:

“The moon is shining brightly, round, beautiful. Give shine to my product, increase sales in the store and bring people in. My store will become holy, containing all the necessary goods for all people. My product is the best, come here everyone.”

While reading the charmed words, it is advisable to place the item that you want to quickly sell next to you.

Selling an unpopular product

There is another ritual for selling a product that almost no one buys. To increase sales, take a product, place it between popular ones, and say effective words.

“There was a Burenka, bringing food, but they didn’t want to take it, and the food kept spoiling. So let this product not deteriorate, people will buy it for their home. Amen".

Conspiracy for trade. Conspiracy on goods. Quick sale.

When the entire text has been read, the grains are collected throughout the apartment and buried in the yard or garden. This ritual will help sell the property and speed up the arrival of a buyer. Anyone can turn to magic for help. It will not cause harm, since it is not dark, but white magic. You are allowed to discuss the first ritual with an experienced sorcerer; he will tell you how best to do everything. Then you can read the conspiracies yourself at home. The product will begin to make a profit in just a few days, the main thing is to believe in what you have in mind.