The longest-legged women in history. The longest-legged Russian woman, Ekaterina Lisina, is counting on first place in the world ranking The longest legs in women

What is the first thing all men look at when they see a beautiful girl in front of them? Maybe on the eyes or hair? But no. All men's eyes first fall on their legs. Beautiful, slender, long... And although the beauty of legs cannot be measured in centimeters, the length can be measured. Here are the Top 10 longest legs in the world.

This American film actress, according to some foreign publications, is the most beautiful representative of the film industry with a stunning figure. She is known to many for her interesting role in the once sensational film called “Kill Bill,” where she played an assassin. With a height of 1 m 78 cm, the length of her amazing legs is 106 cm.

On line 9 Uma Thurman

The girl's undeniable talent and size 41 feet charmed Quentin Tarantino. The pretty and smart actress became famous after starring in the films “Pulp Fiction” and “Kill Bill.” The length of her wonderful legs is 108 cm with a height of 1 m 80 cm.

Eva is a fairly famous and beloved actress by many. The best films with her participation are considered “Between an Angel and a Demon” and “Modigliani”. But that's not all, Eva is also actively working in modeling business, got here by luck. One day a girl came to relax in the wonderful city of Prague with best friend, which lured her to the casting. With a height of 1m 80 cm, the length of her magnificent legs is 112 cm.

7th place – Sharapova Maria

Maria is rightly called the most beautiful athlete on the planet. She not only plays great tennis, where she has no equal, but is also the face of such world-famous companies as Canon, Sony Erickson, as well as Palmolive and Colgate. Russia has something to be proud of! Maria Sharapova and an honorable seventh place in our ranking: with a height of 1 m 88 cm, the length of her athletic legs is 121 cm.

On the 6th line – Sklenarikova Adriana

This leggy beauty is, as you'd expect, a model who got into the business thanks to her height and beauty. She is known all over the world and many high-profile fashion designers dream of working with the beauty and owner of legs whose length is 121.5 cm. Surprisingly, Adriana’s height is only 1 m 78 cm.

5th line goes to Nadya Auerman

Once upon a time, the beautiful German actress and supermodel was at the very top of such a top parade and was even included in the famous Guinness Book of Records as the longest-legged beauty. Today she is only on the 5th line of our rating. With a height of 1 m 80 cm, the length of Nadya’s beautiful legs is 122 cm.

Pylskaya Nina took a worthy 4th position

Nina is a recognized Russian model, born in Kazakhstan. The beauty knew that she would become a model since childhood and strived in every possible way to achieve her dream. At one time, she even took courses from the well-known V. Zaitsev. Nina’s height is 1 m 93 cm, the length of her legs is only a couple of cm longer than Adriana Sklenarikova’s legs and is neither more nor less – 123.5 cm.

3rd place in the top 10 and bronze goes to Elle Macpherson

Elle is an Australian actress, top model and a successful designer. When she was just over 20 years old, she was called one of the most beautiful girls peace. So, Elle and the length of her gorgeous legs are 123.5 cm with a height of 1 m 85 cm.

Honorable 2nd place and silver for Stacy Sam

Sam Stacey is an Australian supermodel who at the beginning of the 21st century was considered to have the longest legs. But today she ranks only second in the top 10 ranking, because her record was broken by our compatriot, who will be discussed below. Well, Sam, with a height of 1 m 80 cm and a leg length of 127.5 cm, receives a well-deserved silver.

1 place. Gold. Pankratova Svetlana

The officially recorded length of Svetlana’s legs is 132.2 cm. The former basketball player notes that changes in her body began to occur as early as kindergarten, when it became noticeable that she was growing much faster than her peers. Today Svetlana is a successful woman who lives in Spain and holds a position in a large real estate company. The girl's height is 1 m 96 cm.

May 16, 2012, 10:23

10th place. Daryl Hannah. Height 178 cm, leg length 106 cm Daryl Hannah is an American actress, who has been recognized by many authoritative publications as one of the most beautiful actresses, the owner of “ better body in the history of cinema." Her most memorable role is the hitman from the film Kill Bill. 9th place. Uma Thurman. Height 180 cm. Leg length 108 cm Uma was named after the Hindu goddess. Her name translates as “blessing giver.” With her 41 foot size, the actress conquered the legendary Quentin Tarantino, who called her his muse in 8th place. Eva Herzigova. Height 180 cm. Leg length 112 cm. Czech top model and actress. Eva got into the modeling business by accident: at the age of 16 she went to Prague on vacation, there, on the advice of a friend, she went to a casting, where she was noticed. 7th place. Maria Sharapova. Height 188 cm, leg length 121 cm Maria is the former first racket of the world, the only Russian woman who played in the finals of Grand Slam tournaments 5 times, and emerged victorious three times. In 2006, Maria Sharapova was recognized as the most beautiful athlete in the world. 6th place. Adriana Sklenarikova. Height 178 cm, leg length 121.5 cm Slovak supermodel who has worked with the most famous fashion designers, including Vivienne Westwood. At the beginning of the two thousandth she was recognized as the longest-legged model. 5th place. Nadja Auermann. Height 180 cm, leg length 122 cm German model and actress. At the end of the 90s. was included in the Guinness Book of Records for the longest legs. 4th place. Nina Pylskaya. Height 193 cm, leg length 123.5 cm First the Kazakh, then the Russian model. Since childhood, Nina dreamed of modeling, for which she attended Vyacheslav Zaitsev’s courses in Moscow. 3rd place. Elle Macpherson. Height 185 cm, leg length 123.5 cm At the age of 22 she was recognized as one of the most beautiful women world, later received the nickname “Miss Body”. The model is outstanding not only in length, but also in leg size - 42.5. 2nd place. Sam Stacey. Height 180 cm, leg length 127.6 cm English-born Sam Stacey became the longest-legged woman in the world in 2001. 1 place. Svetlana Pankratova. Height 196 cm, leg length 132.2 cm - the longest legs in the world Svetlana played basketball professionally, first in Russia, then in America. Now lives in Spain and works in a real estate agency. In 2008, Pankratova was included in the Guinness Book of Records as the owner of the longest legs. She starred with the smallest man in the world - Chinese He Pingjin, only 74 cm tall.

There are many reasons in the world to compete with each other. People compete to be the smartest, the most beautiful, the funniest. But it turns out that competition for the longest legs is a very popular type of competition. Especially if beautiful women are measured with their feet. It is interesting that not only models, but also completely ordinary girls take part in this action. True, if they manage to assert their right to be called the owner of the longest legs, they very quickly become famous. On the one hand, long legs are good, but on the other hand, you cannot envy them. Who wants to avoid heels for the rest of their life and carefully measure their partner’s height before the first date, because it will be awkward if, upon meeting, it turns out that he barely reaches his chest.

Anastasia Strashevskaya

Leg length - 106.68 cm

When this Russian beauty was 18, she won the Miss Longest Legs contest in Russia. Moreover, she was not a professional model, but studied to become a lawyer in her second year at Novosibirsk University. Then she promised that she would not allow her increased popularity to interfere with her education. She donated the money that she was awarded as a prize at the competition to study childhood cancer.

Samantha Lawrence

Leg length - 111.8 cm

There are many models with surprisingly long legs, but they are perhaps not that surprising. But Samantha Lawrence is a mathematics teacher from England. With a height of 186 cm, she has legs almost 112 cm long. This, of course, always attracts the attention of not only her students, but also everyone who has ever seen her. She also complains that it is very difficult for her to choose suitable clothes for lessons that would not look too provocative with such legs.

Nadja Auerman

Leg length - 112 cm

Some time ago, Nadya, a German supermodel, held the Guinness record for the longest legs. It was her legs that made her famous in the fashion industry, and her unusual beauty, of course. She appeared in advertising campaigns Louis Vuitton, Prada, Versace, Dolce & Gabbana, as well as on the covers of Elle, Vogue and Esquire. And although Nadine's record has already been broken, her magnificent legs are still legendary.

Dong Li

Leg length - 114 cm

This girl has the longest legs in China. She works as a model and has the nickname "Tui-Tui", which literally means "long-limbed". She dreamed of becoming a fashion model since childhood, but her parents insisted on getting an education. The girl had to obey, but she did not forget her dream. Now almost everyone in China knows it.

Monica Viktorowitz

Leg length - 117 cm

And this girl hated her legs all her childhood. Monica Viktorowitz grew up in Scotland and was always the tallest among her peers. Now she admits that she simply did not understand her happiness. The girl is not shy about emphasizing the length of her legs with heels. In addition, she was lucky with her boyfriend, he is also a fairly tall guy.

Ana Hickmann

Leg length - 118.1 cm

This girl is also famous in the fashion world precisely because of her long legs. She became a real star, appearing on the covers of Brazilian Vogue, Elle and Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition. Her legs were included in the Guinness Book of Records, and Ana also launched her own line of clothing and cosmetics.

Alexandra Robertson

Leg length - 119.3 cm

British model Alexandra Robertson experiences similar joys and struggles with her long legs. With her height, it is not so easy to find a partner, but she managed - her current boyfriend is only 2 cm shorter than her. And he forbids her to wear heels.

Brooke Banker

Leg length - 119.4 cm

Miss Longest Legs in New York, Brooke Banker is an amateur volleyball player. Everyone predicted a career as a supermodel for her, but she liked sports much more. Now her goal is to become a TV presenter. Like many on this list, Brooke didn't like her high growth as a child, but then she realized that this was a real gift.

Ji Daing

Leg length - 123 cm

This one is pretty famous model not just the owner of long legs, but also a famous philanthropist and public figure. Thanks to her efforts, awareness of AIDS and breast cancer is rising in the world - Ji Daing invests a lot of money in this cause.

Lauren Williams

Leg length - 124 cm

There is a saying that in Texas everything seems bigger than it really is. This is the case with Lauren Williams from Texas - when a girl walks onto the podium, her legs truly seem to be the longest in the USA. True, now this record has already been broken, which does not change the fact that Lauren is still very famous.

Holly Bart

Leg length - 126 cm

Holly Bart is another holder of the title of "America's Longest Legs." Throughout her childhood, she endured bullying about her height, which reaches almost two meters. One must think that all the offenders are now jealous of the girl, because she managed to become a famous model thanks to her legs.

Adriana Sklenarikova

Leg length - 126 cm

The most famous supermodel in Europe, Adriana Sklenarikova, is also listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the owner of the longest legs. The girl was born in Slovakia, but became famous throughout the world thanks to her career in France. Sklenarikova participated in French version show “Dancing with the Stars” and her legs looked very impressive there.

Chase Kennedy

Leg length - 130 cm

22-year-old Chase Kennedy has only recently entered the competition for the longest legs and has already almost taken the lead. True, this is the case when her height is too tall for a modeling career, but the girl does not despair - she has many other interests. Chase is passionate about the tourism business.

Caroline Arthur

Leg length - 130.8 cm

Even the legendary George Harrison paid attention to these legs. And this is not surprising - despite her fantastic beauty, the girl also has a magnificent figure and holds the title “Miss Australia’s Longest Legs.” And although she was just a few millimeters short of topping our rating, the public still loves her.

Svetlana Pankratova

Leg length - 132 cm

This is the current Guinness record holder, and no one has ever taken this height before Svetlana. The girl was originally from Russia, but lived permanently in Spain and then in Virginia, America. Pankratova played basketball there and made progress in this sport.

Which part? female body Do men immediately pay attention? First of all, of course, on your feet. This rating presents the longest-legged famous women peace. The longest legs are more than 1.3 meters long, which is more than my height in the third grade.

10th place. Daryl Hannah. Height 178 cm, leg length 106 cm

Daryl Hannah is an American actress, who has been recognized by many authoritative publications as one of the most beautiful actresses, the owner of “the best body in the history of cinema.” Her most memorable role is the killer from the film Kill Bill.

9th place. Uma Thurman. Height 180 cm. Leg length 108 cm

Uma was named after the Hindu goddess. Her name translates as “blessing giver.” With her 41 foot size, the actress conquered the legendary Quentin Tarantino, who made her his mascot.

8th place. Eva Herzigova. Height 180 cm. Leg length 112 cm

Czech top model and actress. Eva got into the modeling business by accident: at the age of 16 she went to Prague on vacation, there, on the advice of a friend, she went to a casting, where she was noticed.

7th place. Maria Sharapova. Height 188 cm, leg length 121 cm

Maria is the former first racket of the world, the only Russian woman who played in the finals of Grand Slam tournaments 5 times, and emerged victorious three times. She is the face of Sony Ericsson, as well as Cannon, Palmolive and Colgate. In 2006, Maria Sharapova was recognized as the most beautiful athlete in the world.

6th place. Adriana Sklenarikova. Height 178 cm, leg length 121.5 cm

Slovak supermodel who has worked with the most famous fashion designers, including Vivienne Westwood. At the beginning of the two thousandth she was recognized as the longest-legged model.

5th place. Nadja Auermann. Height 180 cm, leg length 122 cm

German model and actress. At the end of the 90s. was included in the Guinness Book of Records for the longest legs.

4th place. Nina Pylskaya. Height 193 cm, leg length 123.5 cm

First the Kazakh, then the Russian model. Since childhood, Nina dreamed of modeling, for which she attended Vyacheslav Zaitsev’s courses in Moscow.

3rd place. Elle Macpherson. Height 185 cm, leg length 123.5 cm

At the age of 22 she was recognized as one of the most beautiful women in the world, later receiving the nickname “Miss Body”. The model is outstanding not only in length, but also in leg size - 42.5.

2nd place. Sam Stacey. Height 180 cm, leg length 127.6 cm

English-born Sam Stacey became the longest-legged woman in the world in 2001.

1 place. Svetlana Pankratova. Height 196 cm, leg length 132.2 cm -

longest legs in the world

Svetlana played basketball professionally, first in Russia, then in America. Now lives in Spain and works in a real estate agency. In 2008, Pankratova was included in the Guinness Book of Records as the owner of the longest legs. She starred with the smallest man in the world - Chinese He Pingjin, only 74 cm tall.

Many representatives of the fair half of humanity would like to have long legs. Nature rewarded some women with this wealth, so generously that they were included in the Guinness Book of Records.

The longest female legs

The “Longest Legs” competition is held annually, based on the results of which the top 10 long-legged people are compiled. Today the titles are distributed as follows:

  • 10th place goes to the most beautiful American actress, owner of the “best body in the history of cinema” Daryl Hannah(height 178 cm, leg length 106 cm), who is known for her role as a killer in the film “Kill Bill”;
  • in 9th place is the beloved actress, who has not only long legs - 108 cm with a height of 180 cm, but also size 41 feet, which, in fact, did not stop her from charming Tarantino himself;
  • Earned 8th place Eva Herzigova– a Czech model who “grew” legs 112 cm long with a height of 180 cm;
  • The former first racket of the world, the most charming athlete in the world, can be proud of the 7th place Maria Sharapova– with a height of 188 cm, she has 121 cm legs;
  • 6th place given Adriana Sklenarikova– a Slovak model who collaborated in her career with many famous fashion designers; with a height of 178 cm, she has legs 121.5 cm long;
  • ended up in 5th place Nadja Auermann- German model and actress who was in the Guinness Book of Records in the late 90s with a height of 180 cm and a leg length of 122 cm;
  • 4th place for the now Russian model Nina Pylskaya, her height is 193 cm, leg length 123.5 cm;
  • 3rd place was awarded to one of the most attractive girls in the world - the model with the longest legs and “Miss Body”, as she is also called, has a height of 185 cm, leg length 123.5 cm;
  • 2nd place went to the Englishwoman Sam Stacey, woman’s height is 180 cm, leg length 127.6 cm;
  • The winner of the competition for the longest legs in the world is a Russian woman Svetlana Pankratova, today in the Guinness Book of Records she is listed with a height of 196 cm and a leg length of 132.2 cm.

Svetlana Pankratova is the owner of the longest legs

Surely, not many people know that the woman with the longest legs on earth was born in Russia. Svetlana Pankratova was born in 1971 in the city of Volgograd. The girl was distinguished by her height in kindergarten; she was at least a head taller than her peers. The parents even turned to doctors, wanting to rule out the mutation, but they assured that it was just a matter of heredity - the girl’s father’s height is 190 cm.

As a teenager, Svetlana did not like her legs - she was teased by her peers, in addition, it was difficult to choose clothes, the situation was especially bad with tights and trousers.

The career of the girl with the longest legs began with swimming, but, of course, she could not go unnoticed by basketball coaches. Indeed, she succeeded in this sport, traveled to many countries with her team, and played on the American basketball team.

Her friend thought about the fact that Svetlana may have the longest legs in the world among women. The assumption was confirmed in 2008 and was documented. Svetlana Pankratova supplanted the former Guinness Book of Records record holder Nadya Aurmann.

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Now Svetlana lives in Spain with her husband Jack Rosnell, sells real estate, coaches a basketball team and periodically appears for magazines. For example, her photos are known with the smallest man in the world, whose height is 74 cm. It is worth noting that Svetlana does not hold the title of the tallest woman in the world. The girl’s upper body is quite ordinary; only her “legs from the ears” and feet came under close attention - the basketball player wears shoe size 46, which is typical for few women.

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