Download audio greetings on Valentine's Day. Valentine's day audio greetings on the phone

Every year, all who are in love celebrate their holiday - Valentine's Day - on February 14. This holiday is dedicated to a Christian priest who, secretly from the Roman emperor forbidding legionnaires to marry, married the lovers. That is why the holiday is called - Valentine's Day. This is the most romantic holiday when gifts and flowers are given to lovers, confess their love, make marriage proposals. On this day, they traditionally give special postcards, the so-called "valentines". On Valentine's Day, real romantics make incredible and unforgettable surprises for their loved ones. Do not be monotonous, make a real and memorable Valentine's Day for your soulmate, give vivid emotions and good mood.

Telephone holiday greetings to your cell phone are voice greetings on Valentine's Day for Valentine's Day from President Putin, a popular method of congratulations on your mobile, voice wishes to your friends' mobile phone. Give original gift in the format of phone cards from the star to friends and a good mood for the hero of the celebration will be guaranteed. For order good wishes- musical SMS, just select and listen original congratulations, press the send button and indicate the cell phone number of the recipient you want to congratulate. As a result of placing an order with confirmation by SMS, your colleagues will be sent a voice call and picking up the phone he will hear a personalized voice congratulation said in a voice to his cell phone.

Happy Valentine's Day text:

Call - To the best man on St. Valentine's Day!
My dear, I hug you
Congratulations heartily
Happy Valentine's Day!
Always be with me
Responsive, reliable
Fun but serious
After all, you are the best man
I love you too!

Call - Honey, I love you!
On this bright, clean holiday
I will not hide from myself
Very cute i love you
I want to confess to you
That you are the best on earth
I give all my love to you!

Call - Passionate confession for Valentine's Day!
Valentine's Day
Do not pass, I ask, by
You talk to me
And look into my eyes
On a holiday of passion and love
Catch my kiss!
I want to confess without hiding
That I love you very much!

Call - Putin congratulates on February 14!
Hello. This is Vladimir Putin, did you know?
I congratulate you on Valentine's Day!
Your other half has just called and asked very much to congratulate you on the holiday. He assures you that you are amazingly smart and fabulously charming. Tell me is it true? ...I thought so.
I wish you mutual understanding - as between me and Dmitry Anatolyevich!

Call - Poems from Putin on Valentine's Day!
Valentine's Day is coming -
Vladimir Putin congratulates ...
I am calling at the request of your sweetheart -
She asked to congratulate you.
Beloved praised you
For kindness, for intelligence, for strength!
Now I can live in peace:
I am not alone in the country worthy!

Call - Gentle congratulations on Valentine's Day!
Valentine's Day is coming to visit us,
And love for you and me blooms.
My soul reaches out for you -
You mean a lot to me ...

You are my lover, you are my man
Sincerely in my heart I fell in love
I want to be with you
I am every moment, dear.

Call - A touching declaration of love
Where are you, my dear, beloved?
Your image, carefully preserved,
I am a shore in my soul, I can’t live without you.
Come quickly and warm me up!
Know that I love you, I kiss you tenderly,
Summer and winter I want to be with you!
And in the heat, and in the cold, only I need you,
The closest and dearest ...

Call - You are my happiness, dear!
I miss you,
I dream about you so often
And I always want to be with you.
Maybe I'm losing my mind
When you are not around.
Write me a line or call me!
I miss my dear!
When you are not there, my world is empty.
Our two destinies have merged,
And we are close - smile!
In my life you are a hero
The best, affectionate, dear.
Secrets are not needed here
Happiness is that we are together!

Call - Gentle confession on Valentine's Day!
Life with you is a wonderful dream
Dreams come true all in reality!
Two hearts beat in unison
V fairy tale I live!
You bright holiday presented,
"I am not happier in the world"
You just gave me wings
Trust me, trust me.
You are the best, you are my dear
And I wish if a star falls:
So that heavens always keep us,
So that you will always be.

Call - Dear Husband on Valentine's Day
I wake up with you, I am your wife,
And more recently, I was alone.
My dear, you have fulfilled all my dreams
You gave me a sea of ​​joy and happiness!
Your eyes shine brighter than the stars, you and I are a great family!
Now I fly like a spring wind, I am your beloved!

Call - Drawing from Ravshan!
Priveta, this is Ravshane calling you.
Dzhamshut and I wish you a Happy Valentine's Day man ...
Do you love your girl, right?
Then try to take her away
We have it ...
You see, there is not enough sekas ...
Happy holiday, yeah ...

Call - From February 14 to Beloved from Medvedev
This is Dmitry Medvedev.
Your girlfriend asked to congratulate you on February 14 and wish you
so that you appreciate her as well as Vladimir Vladimirovich appreciates me.
And again, happy holidays!

site - Order a call Congratulations on Valentine's Day on the phone

Congratulations on Valentine's Day on your phone - beautiful and romantic declarations of love both in musical performance and in voice. Congratulations on Valentine's Day for your beloved man, boyfriend, husband, will be a beautiful and romantic declaration of love to him in the form of an audio valentine on your phone, which you can send from the website to a cell or city number to your dear person. Nice gift with tender confession in love with her husband on Valentine's Day, will musical greetings for the spouse on Valentine's Day on February 14, and by voice congratulations to the husband on Valentine's Day in gentle and affectionate verses, you will express all your sincere love to him. Congratulate your beloved man on Valentine's Day by cell phone with a beautiful song in which words of love to dear man, you can use musical congratulations on Valentine's Day for your beloved man. Congratulate your beloved boyfriend on Valentine's Day with a sound audio valetka straight on your mobile and you will give him a romantic surprise with a touching declaration of love for your dear young man... Congratulations for your beloved woman, girlfriend, wife on Valentine's Day on a mobile phone will be great love confession to her in her feelings on Valentine's Day on February 14. Congratulate and surprise lovers on the holiday with unusual and beautiful declarations of love for your soulmate directly on your mobile or landline phone, you can send your musical valentine to your cell both immediately and with a delay, having previously indicated the time of receipt of your romantic audio postcard.

It is very difficult to come up with a gift that would both surprise and lift your spirits. The task becomes doubly difficult if it comes about a loved one, which is usually closer to no one. It's pretty easy to come up with a funny surprise at the very beginning of a meeting, when people have not yet had time to properly get to know each other, but over time it becomes more and more difficult. Postcards? Flowers? Candies? Silly trinkets? No, this obviously does not surprise anyone.

Fortunately, there are other ways, like musical Valentine's Day greetings. On our site there are a variety of options: funny and serious, for a guy and for a girl, in prose and in poetry. You can even order a short song. Look through our catalog - there will surely be more than one or two interesting options for you.

Why is this service good?

Musical greetings compare favorably with their competitors. Here are their undoubted advantages:

  • they look unusual and can really cheer you up
  • congratulations will definitely reach the addressee, because mobile phone always at hand
  • even if the phone is not answered immediately, the system will try again and will definitely call later
  • there are so many options, among which there is certainly a suitable one

Please your loved ones - order a musical greeting for them! And if you guess right with the choice of the option, then you will definitely like the result.

Valentine's Day is a holiday celebrated by all lovers. It is this holiday that all couples are waiting for, people who are waiting for their soul mate, adults and young people. On this day, it is customary to congratulate your girlfriend or boyfriend, give them more pleasant surprises, and make romantic gifts. Choosing a gift for Valentine's Day is not easy, because choosing a worthy gift for your significant other is very difficult. In addition to the gift, you need to come up with some kind of speech, because on this day you need to say all the words of love. You don't have to write poetry and come up with long speeches for your significant other, because you can simply send an audio congratulation to her phone. Such a gift will be the most pleasant for your loved ones. it's easier to ship than it sounds. After all, you can simply go to the site and choose the audio congratulation that you liked the most. Then all that remains is to send this musical congratulation to your phone. Making a nice and romantic gift just got easier. Make your loved ones happy every day and make special gifts on Valentine's Day.

Congratulations on Valentine's Day on your mobile phone will be a beautiful declaration of love for your loved one and a good romantic gift for Valentine's Day on February 14. For the second half, you always want to do something special and romantic with feeling and soul. Beautiful confessions in love for Valentine's Day, you can send directly from our website, because imagine how nice it will be to receive your "audio valentine" after hearing sensual verses or a gentle song about love that you will give to your dear person in the phone. Unusually touching confessions for Valentine's Day in a voice greeting for the holiday on February 14, in romantic rhymes of poetry or affectionate confessions in prose that will speak for you and convey from you all the sincere and bright feelings that you experience.

Musical congratulations on Valentine's Day on your mobile, will give a gentle song filled with beautiful romantic words and a gentle melody that will make your heart warmer from your musical touching message for Valentine's Day by phone. From our site you can send a romantic message to any country in the world, it is very convenient if your significant other is now in another city or country. You can send a mobile postcard from February 14 not only from Russia, but also from Ukraine, Belarus, from the CIS countries and Europe. You can also add your signature to your musical audio congratulation, then after listening to your love message it will be announced in a male or female voice from whom the mobile card came, this will be especially pleasant to the recipient. Valentine's Day greetings in a musical love message or voice romantic confession will be the most pleasant surprise- a gift for the holiday of all lovers on February 14, which a person dear to your heart will listen to with great pleasure and feel all your love and tenderness for him.

Happy Valentine's Day Sound Audio Card

Sound audio postcard Happy Valentine's Day, this is a great replacement for "valentines" and it is especially very convenient if you need to confess your love at a distance. After all, all of your sincere feelings and heartfelt love, mobile sound valentines will be given to your dear person, which will also be a pleasant surprise for Valentine's Day. All musical sound cards can be sent both to a cell phone and to a landline phone number, and you can also send your romantic voice message from our site not only immediately, but also at the specified delivery time, having previously indicated the date and time of receipt.