Fear for your loved ones. How to get rid of fear for loved ones? I'm very worried about my family

Question to a psychologist

Hello! My name is Ekaterina, I am 21 years old... And for several years now I have been tormented by this problem. Like all people, sometimes I think about death, but not about parallel worlds or how scary it is to die, but as something inevitable, and I am completely calm about this process. BUT! Only if it's about me! And I chose a profession that was quite risky for myself. But when I think about the death of someone close to me, I start to go crazy... I’m very scared and painful to even think about it.. But to think, these are just little things... When I was younger, I pretended that I call my mother in a dream so that she responds and I make sure that she is not dead... When I sleep with a young man and he begins to breathe more quietly, I can sit over him and watch whether his chest rises... It’s the same with mother now.. Every time I pass by the room at night and stop to see if there is breathing... And precisely in a dream... I can’t understand what this is connected with, but it drives me crazy... When I was still in school and I was little, I came back from a walk, my mother was without a pulse, but our neighbor pumped her out, thank God... Trying to understand the reason, I referred to this, but, it seems to me, it started for me much earlier... And it torments me for many years now... I am a completely healthy, adequate person, even with my last job, I confirmed this for myself by passing a medical examination with a psychologist, neuropathologists and psychiatrists.. But this... Sometimes it seems to me that I am not normal .. Please give me advice, I'm tired of these thoughts and fears 😢

Hello, Ekaterina! the problem is not that these thoughts exist - this is normal - for a person to be aware of the transience of life, BUT - or you can continue to remain in this quagmire and be drawn into your fears further, and then your life will be filled with NOTHING except anxiety from the impending daily fear . Or ACCEPT the fact of death, stop being afraid of YOUR feelings - stop being afraid of pain, the unknown, accept it AS WHAT IS AND WILL BE and then you can give yourself a chance to fill your life with WHAT IS IMPORTANT and NECESSARY - love, happiness, joy. You need to take YOUR fears UNDER YOUR CONTROL, and not give your life to THEIR control! Source You have already seen, you saw your mother unconscious, you experienced fear, acute fear of loss and it is THIS feeling that you are afraid of inside yourself - now the next stage is ACCEPTANCE!

Ekaterina, if you really decide to figure out what’s going on, feel free to contact me - call me - I’ll be glad to help you!

Shenderova Elena Sergeevna, psychologist Moscow

Good answer 2 Bad answer 4

Hello, Ekaterina.

You are speaking very sensibly. Constantly experiencing the fear of losing loved ones means being in constant tension. You need to work with this in order to finally live a full, free life. I'm working with it.

I invite you to a consultation. Call.

Smirnova Alexandra Vladimirovna, psychologist in Moscow, skype consultations

Good answer 2 Bad answer 2

Hello, Ekaterina! It's normal to be afraid of death - your own or those of loved ones. After all, we do not know what is there, beyond life. And everything that we don’t know frightens us and makes us vulnerable. Sometimes the fear of death in individual, usually very sensitive people, exceeds the point of tolerability of the awareness of this existential reality - our life is finite. This often happens because during the period of development a person did not go through, or went through with complications, the phase of accepting this given finitude of our existence. This is especially acute at 6-7 years old, and at 12-14 years old. If during these periods one of your loved ones died or was near death (as in your case), or was seriously ill, then the child does not “grow out” of this, and stops at this phase of development, psychologically immature. And then he can be successful and stable in everything except accepting the fact of death. This can be dealt with better with the help of a psychologist who has special training in working with trauma. The work is long-term, up to a year, at intervals of one hour once a week. It’s up to you to choose - continue to suffer or decide to meet the “skeleton in your closet” and look into its empty eye sockets.

Isaeva Irina, psychologist Moscow

Good answer 6 Bad answer 3

Ekaterina, I sincerely sympathize with your condition, but I’m afraid no advice will help you!..

We need to understand the reason for this strong fear. Only by understanding the reason can you take control of the emotion and gradually cope with it!..

Seek an in-person consultation, and as soon as possible: the longer such fears live in us, the stronger and stronger they become!

I will be glad to help if you decide!

Karamyan Karina Rubenovna, psychologist, psychotherapist, Moscow

Good answer 6 Bad answer 3

All the best!

Svetoch Vlad Evgenievich, psychologist, Moscow

Good answer 6 Bad answer 3

Don't create grounds for worry

Many women themselves create the atmosphere that is most fertile for experiences of this kind. Most often, this is watching various programs of a criminal and mystical nature, which talk about the death of people, and this death is unexpected and inexplicable. We are used to thinking that death can only come for some significant reason, only to the elderly and obviously not to our home. This kind of thinking is a defensive reaction to fears and it works great, until the moment when a person, thanks to various information, begins to realize that tragedy can happen to anyone, and very unexpectedly. Therefore, if you realized that fears for your loved ones of such a paranoid nature appeared in you precisely after you became interested in various crime stories, immediately stop watching such programs and reading such stories. Of course, life is unpredictable, but this does not mean at all that trouble will happen in your home. Those stories that you see and read are one in hundreds of thousands, even in a million. And after watching them, you just have to become a little more careful, and not start constantly thinking about death. If you cannot control your fears and emotions of this kind, just stop absorbing such information.

Negativity is attracted

If you are tormented by fears for your loved ones, remember that any thoughts materialize, both good and bad. And every time you involuntarily begin to imagine pictures of some tragedy, all this turns into energy that clings to the person you are thinking about. This way you are really bringing trouble to him. Therefore, as soon as such a thought begins to arise in your head, immediately switch your attention and start thinking about something else. Remind yourself that the more good things you think about a person, the more such events will happen to him. And thinking about the bad can lead to the opposite, so you shouldn’t think about it at all. Many people begin to perceive their bad thoughts as signs. In fact, signs of fate can be easily distinguished from what you came up with for yourself. Signs appear at moments when you didn’t even remember the person at all, and even more so, didn’t think anything bad or tragic. Often in dreams one does not even dream, for example, of the death of this person. You dream of some kind of symbol that, based on your intuition, you can unravel as a warning. If you constantly think that a tragedy might happen to your loved ones, naturally, your thoughts are recorded in the subcortex, which during sleep produces scary pictures of accidents, funerals, and so on, and you wake up in horror and begin to think that this will happen . Treat everything more rationally. Even if you believe in mysticism, you don’t need to consider yourself a great psychic who can see pictures of the future. Treat yourself, your feelings and dreams more pragmatically, analyze everything. Only then will you be able to understand when you should really worry, and in which cases your feelings are just a consequence of constant self-winding and modeling of situations that you are so afraid of.

Protect your loved ones

If you are so afraid for your loved ones, then try to protect them as much as possible from various tragedies. By the way, now we are not talking at all about locking everyone at home or calling everyone non-stop. In fact, if you are afraid for your loved ones, you need to create energy amulets for them that can protect people from harm. Many people are quite skeptical about such things, but a talisman is essentially a small clot of protective energy that the person making this thing puts into it. That is why, if you want to protect your loved ones from something, make amulets with your own hands. This could be some kind of jewelry, bracelets, motanka dolls, which from time immemorial have protected the Slavs from harm, and so on. In a word, you can do any thing into which you put your energy, your love and your desire to protect a person. Therefore, when a person makes a talisman, he needs to tune in to the person to whom he is making it, constantly think about that person and wish him nothing but the best, wish that this thing will protect him in any situation. When you do exactly this, your amulet will definitely work if something happens. By the way, the person for whom you are making the amulet may not believe in its powers and be skeptical. The main thing is that you believe in all this yourself, since it is your faith and your positive energy that will protect it.

If the person you want to protect is too skeptical about magic and similar things, and therefore does not want to take your amulets, do not despair. Just go to church more often and light candles for his health. Remember that any positive message towards a certain person becomes protection for him from adversity. And if you often ask God for your loved one to be alive and well, then a kind of amulet will form around him. By the way, in order to protect your loved ones, you need to pray to God for them every day. This has nothing to do with zealous belief. Simply, if you believe in the existence of God, ask him to protect those you love. You can communicate with higher powers anytime and anywhere. The main thing is that in your soul there really is a desire to save and protect those you love. It’s just that energy, which is supported by at least minimal prayer, has a very strong message and can help your loved ones in a difficult situation and ward off trouble from them.

But what to do if you are a materialist who does not believe in any otherworldly forces? In this case, still think about the fact that good thoughts and wishes will still have a positive influence on the people you love, since our thoughts are still energy and the better the energy, the better it will be for those in whose direction it is directed. So get rid of nonsense from your head and try to think only about the good. Because regardless of whether you believe in some higher powers or not, it’s not for nothing that there are so many phases in our speech that carry positive messages. This means they really work and should protect a person from various adversities.

Fear for your loved ones

This type of fear is very common.

For example, a mother expects her daughter to come home at a certain time. But she is delayed for unknown reasons. The mother begins to worry and worry. He rushes around the room, goes to the window, listens to sounds in the entrance. Time is running. Still no daughter. And so she begins to draw in her imagination various terrible pictures of everything that could happen to her child.

Well, did anyone recognize themselves in this example? I can say with confidence that there are a lot of people who worry about their loved ones in this way. They do not understand that such mental images are a program for wishing evil. Worry and anxiety are subconscious aggression against your loved ones.

Yes, in the above example, the mother outwardly wants the best for her daughter, but in what way? Through destructive images and aggression within oneself. Therefore, it is not surprising that the daughter is constantly rude to her mother and does not listen to her advice. She simply responds to aggression with aggression. And if a mother wants to change her daughter’s behavior, then she must change herself. She must replace fear with love and trust.

I have a question for all those of my readers who have fears for their loved ones.

Why, when our child is late and does not come home on time, do we not think that he is now in a good company of bright and kind people. Or he may have met his spiritual teacher and is listening to his instructions about the meaning of life. Or maybe he and the guys are now helping some grandmother buy groceries or cleaning her house, putting things in order. Or are engaged in some kind of charity work.

I can already see how some people smile and think: “You, doctor, are a dreamer. You are divorced from the realities of life, living in illusions.” I've heard all this more than once. But I want to tell you that it is not I who live in illusions, but you who create a terrible reality for yourself and your loved ones with your unkind thoughts.

There is a very serious reason why such terrible thoughts come into our heads - we ourselves do not do what I described above. Most people have stopped looking for spiritual teachers, stopped looking for the Truth, and stopped caring about those people who live among us, at least in our entrance or on our street. Believe me, if you lived exactly like this, then the fears described above would never have existed, since our children, according to the law of imitation and reflection, would begin to do the same.

We have become isolated on ourselves and have ceased to live by a common goal, common ideas and tasks.

Another reason for fears for your loved ones is subconscious aggression towards them.

One day a woman came to see me with her one and a half year old daughter.

Doctor,” she said, “my child constantly suffers from colds. Twice a month. And in a very difficult form. The temperature sometimes rises to 40 degrees. I do not know what to do. Antipyretics bring down the temperature for a short time, and you can’t give them constantly. I'm very afraid for her. Sometimes terrible thoughts come into my head that she might die.

How can I help you? – I asked her.

My friend advised me to contact you as a homeopathic doctor. You helped her a lot.

After examining the child, I prescribed the girl homeopathic medicines and wrote out the dosage regimen.

Thank you, doctor!said the woman.Do I need to do anything else?

Of course, I say. – The most important treatment is just beginning.

The woman looked at me in surprise.

You know, I noticed your words that you have fears for your daughter and you are afraid of her death.

Does this have anything to do with her illness? – she asked.

Of course,” I answered, “and in the most direct way.” Have you heard anything about the subconscious causes of illness? – I asked her.

No, she answered.

I told the patient about consciousness and subconsciousness and how our illnesses and the illnesses of loved ones are connected with our thoughts, feelings and emotions.

“Come tomorrow without the child,” I finally told her, “and I will teach you how to learn from your subconscious about the internal causes of your daughter’s illness.”

The next day, when the woman came for an appointment, I showed her how to establish a connection with that part of the subconscious that is responsible for her daughter’s illness, and suggested that she turn inside herself with the following question: “Tell me, why do I need my daughter’s death?”

The woman looked at me in bewilderment.

Why should I ask such a question?she asked. “I don’t want my daughter to die.”

“I know,” I said calmly. – You love your daughter in your own way, she is dear to you. But there is a part of you that wants her dead. Otherwise there would be no fear thoughts. Still, try asking exactly this question and exactly that part of your personality that evokes in you negative images associated with the death of your daughter.

The woman closed her eyes and mentally uttered a question. You could see her lips moving.

After a while she opened her eyes. Her face expressed surprise.

It’s strange,” she said, “when I asked: “What is important for you to do for me and why do I need my daughter’s death?”, I received the following answer inside me: “I want you to be happy!”

Interesting, I asked. – How is the death of your daughter related to your happiness?

It’s not clear to me yet,” she replied.

Ask your subconscious to give you a more detailed answer so that you understand its meaning.

The woman plunged into herself again.

“I understand,” she said after a while.

Can you tell me? – I asked.

Yes, sure. It all started a little over two years ago. I met a man. His name was Sergei. I liked him. We dated for about a month, and then we became intimate. A month later I find out that I am pregnant. I was very happy, but when Seryozha found out about this, he said that he had not counted on such a course of events and asked me to have an abortion. I was very offended by him then. We even had a fight, and he stopped calling me and didn’t answer my calls. In general, we broke up.

My mother also advised me to have an abortion. She constantly said: “Who needs you with the child! Have an abortion before it’s too late.” But I decided that I would give birth to a child, because I did not want to start my family life with murder. Although there was no family. There was, of course, hope that Sergei would return when he found out that his daughter was born.

“It turns out,” I summed up her story, “that deep in your subconscious you have the conviction that no one will love you with a child.”

Yes, that’s true,” she replied. – I have had such thoughts many times. But I’m still young. I want my own full-fledged family.

But if a child is an obstacle to your family happiness, then this obstacle must be eliminated. So you have an internal struggle. One part of your personality shows its maternal feelings and takes care of your daughter, while the other wants family happiness and offers to eliminate your daughter as an obstacle on this path.

The patient thought about it.

Doctor,” she asked, “is it possible to somehow reconcile these two parts?” So that my daughter is healthy and I am happy? Or will I never be able to be happy in my personal life?

I think this is possible. And your subconscious will help us with this. Before this, your daughter was perceived as an obstacle to happiness, but we will make her an ally.

We successfully completed the work with the subconscious and created new behavioral models for the patient.

But the story doesn't end there.

About eight months later, my office door opened and a young woman with a small belly walked in.

Doctor,” she asked, beaming with a smile, “don’t you recognize me?”

Of course, I will find out,” I replied. – Tell me, how are you doing? I see you are pregnant.

After our session, miracles began to happen in my life. A month later I met a man. His name is also Sergei. And it was my daughter who initiated the acquaintance. Can you imagine? She really helped me find a family.

Sergei and I started dating. He became friends with my daughter and offered to marry him and adopt a child. I thought about it for a week for the sake of decency and agreed. And now,” the woman said, pointing to her belly, “Sergei, my daughter and I are expecting our child.”

“Wonderful story,” I said. – I am sincerely happy for you! But you know what interests me?


How did your daughter feel all this time? Was she sick?

Oh, doctor! - she exclaimed. – I didn’t even think about it. I was so busy with my family affairs. Imagine, during all this time she never got sick!

Do you know why? – I asked her.

“I guess,” she replied. “My daughter has ceased to be an obstacle in my life, and my subconscious aggression towards her has gone away.

Absolutely right,” I said.

Thanks to this incident, I made one very important discovery for myself: children begin to get sick when their parents experience conscious or subconscious aggression towards them and each other. This was confirmed later several times. And many times I witnessed the miraculous healing of children from a variety of illnesses when parents transformed their relationships in the family.

By the way, fears in children also appear when there is no harmony in the family or one of the parents is full of fears.

Now I remember just such a case. A three-year-old girl developed a fear of the dark and a fear of being alone. When her mother decided to use my technique and turned to her subconscious for a hint, she received the answer that the cause of her fears was her thoughts about divorce.

“You know, doctor, it really is,” she said. “The day before, my husband and I had a serious conflict, and I just thought about divorce. Is one thought really enough for a child to react this way?

Yes,” I answered, “especially if this thought is very strong.”

A week later, the girl calmly fell asleep and played alone in the room thanks to the fact that her mother reconsidered her relationship with her father.

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Almost all of us worry about our health from time to time, especially if certain physical symptoms suddenly appear. Usually fears are quickly dispelled, but some people may worry for quite a long time, believing that they have a serious illness. This fear has a significant impact on their lives and can cause panic attacks, feelings of helplessness or depression.
Unfortunately, just recently, such excitement or anxiety for health was perceived as something not entirely understandable. People to whom it is characteristic were most often called hypochondriacs. Hinting that there are no real reasons for concern, they exist only “in the head.” However, the symptoms observed in such people are quite real and sensitive. In this article we will tell you how excessive concern about your own health occurs, why it can be long-lasting, and how you can deal with it. So, the goal is to help you or a family member understand this mysterious stress condition and give hope for change.

What is excessive health anxiety?

Let's start by describing two people who suffer from what we call excessive health anxiety, and here we can see if they have any problems.

Story No. 1. Sergei quit smoking 10 years ago. Last year he realized that he was very concerned about the possibility of heart disease. At work, he was constantly under stress as he had to cope with more and more responsibilities. Trying to cope with stress, Sergei started drinking. He felt pain in his chest and went to his family doctor. He did several tests, advised the man not to worry and referred him to a cardiologist, who also did several tests and said that Sergei’s heart was quite healthy. This seemed to help, but soon the pain returned. Sergei became increasingly worried because his symptoms were exactly the same as those of his father, who died of heart disease. Therefore, Sergei consulted the doctor again and again. During each visit, the doctor assured Sergei that he had found no signs of heart disease. He also suggested that Sergei undergo additional examinations. In the hospital, Sergei felt relief. But when he returned home, he was again overcome by doubts. Sergei went to the doctor every now and then to once again receive assurances that everything was fine with him. He also
asked Lisa, his wife, if she thought he was developing heart disease. Sergei listened intently to the pain in his chest and sat down as soon as they began. The man stopped doing his usual activities and left the house less and less. On the anniversary of his father’s death, Sergei felt so bad that he thought he was about to die. Not only did his chest hurt, he was shaking, sweating and barely breathing. Lisa was so worried that she called a doctor. After carefully examining Sergei, the doctor realized that he had suffered a panic attack. But despite all the physical symptoms, Sergei was not really sick. Therefore, the doctor advised him to see a psychologist. Sergei was afraid that he was gradually losing his mind. In fact, what he was diagnosed with was that he was not sick. Therefore, the doctor advised him to see a psychologist. Sergei was afraid that he was gradually losing his mind. In fact, he has been diagnosed with what we call “excessive health anxiety” or “health anxiety,” a psychological problem that he can help with. What did we learn from the story about Sergei?
— He had physical symptoms (chest pain, sweating, trembling, difficulty breathing) through which he was very worried.
— Sergei checked his body for signs of illness and began to behave as if he were sick.
— He asked for reassurance that he was not sick (mainly from the doctor, but also from his wife), which gave him relief, but only for a short time.

Story No. 2. Our next story is about Katya. Katya is a 20-year-old secretary, a fragile-looking girl who has always taken care of her health. Katya was quite sickly as a child,
so her mother was very worried about her. Katya remembers being ordered: “Dress well, you know how vulnerable you are.” Although she was rarely sick as a child, she did not attend school during flu epidemics or when it simply became cold. Therefore, Katya suggested that by avoiding sick people, she would protect herself from illnesses that her body could not cope with. Recently Katya left her parents' house and moved to a rented apartment in the city. She sought self-realization and began to make friends. The flatmates tried to involve her in their hectic social life. However, Katya’s head heard the words of her parents that she shouldn’t stay late and drink alcohol. One day, after a long and stressful day at the office, the girl returned home with a headache. She felt very sick and went to bed. Lying in the dark, I remembered a story I had once read in a newspaper: that a young woman had an incredibly strong
headache and died a few hours later - she had meningitis. Katya thought that the same thing was happening to her and was very scared. The headache seemed to be getting worse. To feel better, she asked her neighbors to reassure her that she was fine. The next day, Katya took the day off and went to the library to read about the symptoms of meningitis. She still had a headache, which was getting worse from reading. Since then, Katya has been especially attentive to what she does and where she goes. If she felt a slight headache—and this happened quite often—she would go to bed and carefully write down her symptoms. When the symptoms became particularly severe, she called the doctor, who always assured her that it was not meningitis. Katya completely refused to communicate and became quite withdrawn and depressed. She, like Sergei, believed that she was doing exactly what was needed to cope with the problem and help herself, but she was getting worse.
What is similar in the stories of Sergei and Katya?
“She was also stressed.
“She had a physical symptom—a headache.”
“She was very worried about this symptom. I focused on it and “controlled” it, for example, thinking like this: “How bad is my pain? Perhaps you should see a doctor? »
“She asked for assurances that would give her short-term relief.

Physical symptoms have a number of causes. One of the reasons, obviously, may be illness. However, there are other reasons that cause the same physical symptoms, such as normal changes in the body, stress and anxiety. When we worry or feel anxious, adrenaline enters the bloodstream. This hormone causes changes in the body and psyche that allow
us to cope with danger - prepares us to escape or to fight the threat. These changes are called the stress response, and they manifest themselves in muscle tension, increased breathing, increased heart rate, and sweating. Thoughts concentrate exclusively on this problem, so the person does not notice anything else. In the short term, such changes are useful because they enable us to act in a certain way - to run away from danger or to fight it. When the threat passes, the stress response turns off. However, the human mind cannot distinguish between a real threat—such as running away from a wild animal—and an anxious thought like, “I’m sick, something terrible is going to happen to me.” When under stress or anxiety, a person experiences symptoms caused by this condition: shortness of breath, chest pain, tingling in the fingers, and then interprets these symptoms as signs of a serious illness and thinks: “I am really sick.” These thoughts contribute to increased anxiety, which exacerbates the corresponding symptoms - and the circle closes.

The physical symptoms are very real. Symptoms caused by stress are just as real as those caused by illness. The problem lies in how a person interprets symptoms.

What makes excessive health anxiety last longer?

Sergey and Katya, like other people who are worried about their health, are taking certain steps to cope with the problem. They do what seems important to them, but in the long run only further “cycles” the problem: they demand assurances that they are not sick; check symptoms and monitor their development; spend a lot of time studying the disease; behave as if they were sick and avoid anything that could worsen their condition. This behavior may be effective for a certain time, but, unfortunately, it only aggravates the problem - the mentioned methods of dealing with anxiety in the end only increase, rather than reduce, worries.

Seeking Reassurance

Sergei and Katya asked their doctors, family and friends whether everything was really okay with them. As a rule, they were told that no disease had been detected. This quickly improved their well-being. But the reassurance doesn't last forever, and health worries return, especially if people notice symptoms of illness again. Reassurance may help with anxiety in the short term, but it will only increase anxiety in the long run.

Why is this happening? People are asking for reassurance because they are concerned about their health. They think about it constantly, notice symptoms and become increasingly concerned about their condition. And having noticed the symptoms, they are no longer inclined to believe the assurances. However, their anxiety makes them ask for reassurance again and again.

Identifying and checking physical symptoms

Sergey and Katya very carefully monitored the slightest changes in their physical condition. For example, Sergei recorded every attack of chest pain, and Katya tracked the severity of her headache. It's like looking at your own body under a powerful microscope, looking for any problems. Yes, of course, taking care of yourself and your condition is a necessary thing, but focusing only on health 24 hours a day, seven days a week is not at all useful. Recording every symptom is useless, because the state of the body naturally changes during the day and night, over time. For example, during the day a person is usually alert, and in the evening he is tired. Sergei and Katya noticed these changes and were worried about them. And the unrest caused additional physical symptoms, which worried Sergei and Katya even more. The more worried they became, the more acute the symptoms became and the more closely they monitored them. In other words, researching and monitoring symptoms too closely makes health anxiety a cyclical and long-term phenomenon. Let's give another example: trying to buy a car of a certain brand, you begin to notice the same cars on the roads, and it seems to you that the city is teeming with them. However, these cars were actually there all along, you just didn't notice them before. The same thing happens with physical sensations.

Delay in seeking information about the disease

Some people are so concerned about their possible illness that they read a lot about it and compare their symptoms, for example, with information on the Internet, magazine articles, television shows, and in conversations with others. As mentioned earlier, paying attention to your health is good, but excessive attention is a problem. Sooner or later, a person will discover that he allegedly has symptoms of the disease about which he has learned so much. But this happens not because he is really sick, but because the human body is constantly undergoing changes: mild pain, twitching, rumbling in the stomach, etc. there is always. The person begins to notice them and gets worried. In addition, knowing more about the disease, he focuses on a specific part of his body and begins to feel more, notice every change and worry about it. Despite everything, the Internet can be a very unreliable source of information, although some sites contain verified medical information.

Behavior of pretending to be sick

When Katya had a headache, she went to bed; Sergei sat down when his chest hurt. In general, people try to limit their mobility (walking, exercise) in the mistaken belief that this will protect their heart. This behavior not only makes life difficult and uninteresting, but also weakens the body. A weak body gets tired faster, this makes a person worry more and limit himself even more in his movements, trying to protect his body, treating like a sick person, you only weaken yourself and give yourself grounds for endless worries that will last for a very long time.

Avoiding anything related to illness

We know that Sergei stopped watching television programs in which they could talk about heart disease, because it upset him. This avoidance relieved his anxiety for a short time. People may also stop reading newspapers or talking about illnesses that concern them. This behavior allows you to get rid of worries here and now, but in the long run the anxiety will not disappear anywhere. On the contrary, such dosed anxiety has a pronounced negative effect. If you deliberately try not to think about something, you will still know what you are doing, and the anxious thoughts will not go away. In addition, it is impossible to completely isolate yourself from information about the disease, so sooner or later health anxiety will still return. And it will be more terrible than before.

Bottom line. So there are five factors that make health anxiety lasting: 1) the desire for reassurance; 2) identifying symptoms; 3) searching for information about the disease; 4) patient behavior; 5) avoidance of everything that somehow reminds of the disease. By asking for reassurance, you increase anxiety, causing physical symptoms to worsen. Knowing the symptoms, you begin to check them. Checking these symptoms leads to the accumulation of information about the disease, and consequently - a deepening of knowledge about the symptoms. You begin to act as if you are sick, lose mobility and weaken your body, then the symptoms worsen even more. Therefore, you gradually avoid everything related to the disease, and fear further intensifies the initial excitement. And the circle closes, and anxiety about health
becomes longer.

How can you overcome excessive health anxiety?

There is one very important thing to remember when dealing with health worries: The goal of dealing with excessive health anxiety is not to eliminate symptoms . After all, the human body is constantly changing, and a number of physical symptoms are completely normal. As we've already said, the human body changes throughout the day, from day to day, from week to week, as we age—and that's normal. You may feel more tired one day, less tired another. As you age, your skin changes. Pain of varying intensity may occur in different parts of the body. Therefore, hoping for complete disappearance of symptoms is simply unrealistic. But the goal of treatment is to help a person worry less about his health. After all, we have already shown how various physical symptoms make us worry. And anxiety itself causes numerous symptoms. Once you get rid of anxiety, you will feel much better. Therefore, below we provide ways to achieve this.

1. Think about other possible explanations for your symptoms. One of the first steps to combating excessive health anxiety is to accept the idea that symptoms may not be signs of illness that are caused by other reasons, such as worry. Typically, people who are concerned about their health spend time talking about how serious their illness is, although they try to convince themselves otherwise. However, it would be worth looking at the problem from a different angle: the fact is that worries harm you more than a seemingly serious illness. Anxiety causes many problems. And instead of trying to overcome the symptoms, you should focus on overcoming anxiety. The identified symptoms may be signs of a serious illness, but most likely they are not. Many symptoms are caused by natural changes in the body, which is normal and does not threaten you in any way. Anxiety and worry can cause a person to feel sick and experience a range of symptoms such as:
- headache;
- chest pain;
- tingling in the arms and legs;
- labored breathing;
- fatigue;
- dizziness
- cardiopalmus.
Anxiety can cause a variety of physical symptoms, causing discomfort and stress. But they do not indicate illness. We advise you to remember the following: most symptoms are absolutely harmless. In legal terms, they should not be accused of anything until proven guilty.

HOW...find other explanations for symptoms

Write down any evidence that makes you think you are sick or sick. Then ask yourself if these symptoms could be caused by something else, particularly worry or anxiety. Write down other possible explanations for your symptoms. Consider which explanation is most likely. Assess the likelihood of each explanation. Remember: if you have been examined by a doctor and assured that everything is fine with you, then your symptoms do not indicate anything serious. For example, Katya wrote down the following: She had a headache when she was worried that she had meningitis. Taking advantage
Our advice, Katya concluded that the likelihood that she actually has meningitis is about 1%, and the likelihood that the headache is caused by stress and anxiety is 99%. Her anxiety decreased significantly.

2. Stop looking for confirmation of your fears. No one can tell a person with complete confidence that his health is absolutely fine. But the doctor can quite accurately
diagnose a disease based on the results of examinations, tests, manipulations, etc. If the results are negative, we can say that a particular disease in this particular person is unlikely at the present time. However, medical tests, although very accurate, are not always completely reliable. Unfortunately, the media often talks about those rare cases when “Doctors were wrong,” and almost never mentions the vast majority of cases when they “weren’t wrong.” The difficulty is that the absence of illness during a certain period does not mean that a person will not get sick later, because under certain conditions the disease can develop in anyone, even in a healthy organism. However, the chance of getting infected than usual is much lower than we think. Therefore, given the fact that everyone gets sick, every person is faced with a choice: spend their time worrying about a possible illness or move on with their lives in peace. Understanding that the risk of getting sick is quite low will help you come to terms with uncertainty about your health, but the likelihood that everything will be fine is much higher. Just because something might happen doesn't mean it will happen, or that you need to waste time worrying about it. You must decide on your priorities: what is more important to you - what you are doing now or what may happen in the future?

HOW... to deal with uncertainty about your health

Write down the answers to these questions. You can discuss them with someone else.

 What exactly is bothering me? For example: “I worry that I have heart disease,” “I am afraid that I will not be able to take care of my family.”

 Or am I sure that I really have this disease (as the doctor told me about it)? If your answer is yes, then follow your doctor's advice. If your answer is “no” (because you are not sure or exactly
know that you do not have a disease), then ask yourself the following:

 Or is there something that can help me cope with my anxiety, such as changing my diet or lifestyle? If your answer is yes, do it now. If your answer is no, then stop worrying.

3. List ways you have tried to help the problem; How effective were they? People who worry about their health experience different ways to cope with anxiety. Some of them may help in the short term, but make you more worried in the future.

HOW... to think about what was useful and useless

Make a list of everything you have done to help yourself. Think about what activities or remedies have been helpful in coping with anxiety. Rate each item on the list with a number from 0 to 10 (0 means not at all useful, 10 means very useful) and write down in two columns how practical each method was in the short and long term. Sergei's list:

From this list it is clear that certain methods that Sergei used to cope with anxiety (for example: going to the doctor or talking to his wife) helped him worry less in the short term, but in the long term they turned out to be practically ineffective. So our next point is about how to stop doing things that fuel excessive anxiety.

4. Break the cycle that creates constant anxiety. There are five ways to escalate your health worries. Let's recall them again:
- desire for reassurance;
- identifying symptoms
— searching for information about the disease;
- patient behavior;
- avoidance of everything that somehow reminds of the disease.
This means that you can overcome anxiety by breaking the vicious maintenance cycle of anxiety and solving these five problems.

a) Learn not to ask for reassurance. From time to time we all need reassurance that our health is fine. Therefore, we go to doctors, medical consultation centers or
talking about our fears and worries with friends and family. However, if a person needs reassurance too often, this means that:
- he becomes overly concerned about his health;
- he no longer trusts assurances, demands them more and more often in order to ease the unrest;
- he expects others to constantly reassure him that everything is fine, instead of reassuring himself.
And most importantly, most people who worry about their health say that reassurance does not work, but rather worsens their worries. This is because the desire for reassurance, as can be seen from the diagram, is the factor that perpetuates the problem rather than helping to solve it. After all, even frequent visits to the doctor can have a negative effect: a person will be sent for more and more examinations, which will only increase his worries.

How to... stop asking for reassurance

Every time you worry too much about your health, try not to ask someone else for help. For example, don't ask your partner or relatives for reassurance. If you couldn’t resist and nevertheless started a conversation, then ask them to help you not with reassurances, but, perhaps, by changing the topic, to distract you from thoughts about the state of your health. This may not work at first, so try another very good way to solve this problem - find yourself a hobby or some other useful activity. A walk, cleaning the house, watching a good movie, or reading are great distractions from worries. Choose what is right for you; and immediately take up this matter, as soon as you feel the temptation to talk and worry about your health. It can be helpful to keep a record of how often you ask for reassurance. Without receiving reassurance one and two, you will notice that you gradually ask for it less and less. In other words, you worry less.

b) Stop identifying and checking your symptoms. Taking care of yourself and knowing how you feel is a necessary and useful thing. You have read and know about specialized examinations and simple checks at home (for example, for women this is a breast examination once a month in order to detect any changes in the tissues in the early stages and prevent the development of cancer or cervical smears during a visit to the gynecologist). However, worrying about your health every minute of the day seven days a week is not healthy at all. Excessive worry about health forces a person to know in detail everything about the slightest symptoms and the smallest changes in the body. You find yourself under a giant microscope, where all the little things take on unprecedented proportions. This only exacerbates the unrest. Therefore, checking every bump or bruise on your body several times a day is stupid, to say the least. Repeated compression or palpation will only cause the lump to swell and become painful, and the person will worry even more. After all, excessive attention to symptoms, as shown in the diagram, is also one of the factors of focusing on worries. In this case, you should turn off the microscope and hide it away.

How to... stop showing and checking symptoms.

 Decide how many checks are reasonable. You can find out about this by asking your doctor, family, and friends.
 If you feel the urge to check or if there is nothing wrong with you... don't do it! If you fail to check it at least once or twice, your worry will be short-lived. You can try to cope with worries without thinking about your health, distract yourself with a hobby or other useful activity, or use the suggested ways to overcome anxious thoughts, which are described below.
 Stop checking symptoms - it's like breaking a bad habit. Ask friends or family members to help you overcome it with distractions: general activities, talking about something interesting, etc., so that you are not focused on every symptom.

c) Stop looking for information about the disease. We already know that too much information about health and illness can be harmful. It forces a person to concentrate on all the symptoms and
the slightest changes in the body. After all, to correctly understand medical information you need to have considerable experience: a specific symptom can be caused by many different problems. Trying to diagnose yourself is a rather risky business that can lead to unnecessary worries.

How to... stop looking for information about the disease

To eventually stop constantly searching for information about the disease, you may have to refrain from searching for articles on the Internet or watching every medical program on TV.
 If you feel tempted to read about an individual symptom, try not to. This may make you worry for a short time, but in the long run long urgent This will be useful in the long run.
 Use distractions and other methods to cope with anxiety.

 Ask your family to help you stop searching the Internet for information about your symptoms and encourage you to watch only shows on television that will bother you. Continue this pattern until you are able to better manage your anxiety.
 Keeping records, as with seeking reassurance, will help you gain control of the situation. By spending less time searching for information about the disease, you will significantly reduce your anxiety levels.

d) Stop acting like you are sick. Many who are overly concerned about their own health almoststop physical activity: they hardly strain and do not perform
no physical exercise because they are afraid of harming themselves. Eg, Sergei stopped doing many things that he did before because he was worriedand was afraid of harming his health or exacerbating his “heart disease.”Leading a sedentary lifestyle, a person achieves only what he losesphysical fitness and weakens the body, especially in older age. He becomes
clumsy and not so dexterous, therefore those things that were previously given to himeasily cause fatigue or pain, or feeling unwell. Therefore man may misinterpret this as a sign of illness and slow downlife is even larger, closing the circle more and more closely.

How to... stop acting like you're sick

 It is important that you restore normal activity levels gradually. If you have been little or inactive for a certain time, do not expect that you will be able to immediately do as much as before.
 Make a list of things you used to do and would like to do again. Arranging them - first what requires less energy, and finally what requires more effort.
 Spend some time every day on the activity you put first on your list. For example, this could be a 5-minute walk so that you don't have to force yourself or feel discomfort. When you feel that you are used to it and you feel good, increase the walking time.
 Once you are comfortable with one type of activity (for example, a 30-minute walk), move on to the next step. Be careful not to force or rush yourself too much.
 Stick to the list, turn the activity step by step.

e) Stop avoiding things related to illness. You may also avoid receiving health information because it upsets you. Sergei, for example, was very worried when he watched on television or read in newspapers about heart disease. He tried to avoid watching these programs and reading articles. This made him less anxious in the short term, but made him more anxious in the long term.

HOW. stop avoiding things related to illness

Make a list of ways you have avoided things related to the illness that are bothering you. Rate how intense the desire to avoid something was on a scale of 0 to 10 (0 being the least intense, 10 being the greatest). Then, starting with what you avoided less, accustom yourself to this thing, action or story. Gradually you will be able to cope with all the items on the list.

f) Work on overcoming excessive health anxiety. Worry causes anxious thoughts, which in turn cause a certain psychological state in which a person tends to overestimate the danger, exaggerate the likelihood that something bad will happen, and underestimate his ability to deal with it. For example, when Sergei had an attack of chest pain, he said to himself: “This is it! I have heart disease. I will die. Because I’m simply unable to help myself.” People who worry about other illnesses, such as cancer, immediately think the worst, exaggerating the likelihood of developing cancer, believing that if they had cancer, it would certainly be the most difficult case and incurable type of cancer, and imagining how long and painfully they suffered before death. Such thoughts naturally cause great concern and make us overestimate the scale of the disaster: many cardiovascular diseases can be prevented or successfully treated; not all cancer diseases are incurable, and if a person gets sick, the body’s internal resources will help cope with the disease and the like. Therefore, it is very important to try to take control of anxious thoughts and not allow yourself to panic.

HOW... to cope with anxious thoughts

 Carefully describe your anxious thoughts and indicate how much you believe them.
 Then ask yourself what evidence there is to support your concern and what evidence to refute it.
 Try to look at your fear from a different angle: for example, what would you tell yourself if you weren’t feeling so anxious? What would you say to someone else if he or she talked about worrying? What would your partner or friend say about your worries? Determine what you could tell yourself: the most helpful and least disturbing.

This is where keeping a journal of your anxious thoughts and alternative responses comes in handy. Below is Katya's diary.

Distractions is a way that will allow you to focus on something else. If you worry less, your symptoms will also decrease. There are three main ways to distract yourself if you feel yourself getting anxious.

Do something. Physical activity will help relieve stress. Walking, swimming, gardening, and cooking will help. You can try reading a book, listening to the radio or music.
Pay attention to something else. Pay attention to what is around you in the room or on the street. You can try to count how many red objects you see, or describe the picture in as much detail as possible. The more difficult the task, the more it will distract you from your worries.
Do mental exercises. For example, mentally count to 3496 and back. Or remember what you did on your last vacation, or describe your favorite place. Remember sounds, smells, textures.

There are other ways to cope with health anxiety:
 For example, you can tell yourself that you will only worry at certain times of the day. This means that when you feel nervous, you can tell yourself that you shouldn't worry right now because it's not time yet and you'll do it later.
 You can also imagine that you are hiding your worries in a box. When the box is full, imagine throwing it away.

Other ways to deal with anxious thoughts: Realize that thoughts are just thoughts and that various symptoms in the body come and go. You can make a choice to ignore them. Mindfulness and inner calm exercises will help you deal less with anxious thoughts and physical symptoms. It is worth learning to treat anxious thoughts as if
they are clouds crossing the sky: you can watch them float, but don't try to stop them or focus on them. You can also train yourself not to study your body almost every second, but to pay attention to something else. To do this, the following exercises will be useful to you:

Exercises for training attention

 sit quietly in a comfortable position and close your eyes;
 listen carefully to yourself, how you feel;
 then focus your attention not on yourself, but on the room where you are sitting;
 then concentrate your attention on the sounds in the room; listen to see if you can hear sounds that you have not heard before, for example, the ticking of a clock;
 then expand your range of attention, focus on sounds that come from outside the room - you can hear the movement of cars or the distant voices of people;
 do this for a few minutes, again focusing on yourself before you open your eyes

If you do this exercise regularly, it will help you take your mind off anxious thoughts, excessive focus on your own body, and bring you back to the present rather than future worries.

What is not excessive health anxiety?

Worrying too much about your health doesn't mean you're losing your mind. This phenomenon is quite common and is explained by the fact that now a lot of attention is paid to health and illness in the media. It is now becoming fashionable to worry about health, although “fashionable” diseases change from time to time. For example, once upon a time the news often talked about HIV and AIDS. A lot of
people began to seriously worry that they might have this disease; if we were talking about the dangers of radiation, and various stories of people with cancer became top stories in the media, then among those who read these media, the fear of getting cancer came first; At the time of writing the book, bird flu and its consequences became the next “fashionable” disease. Of course, worrying about your health will not increase your chances of getting sick. However, a constant state of anxiety and tension weakens the body, worsens well-being and causes the appearance of various symptoms.


So, we have seen that people who experience certain physical symptoms fear that these symptoms may be a sign of a serious illness. However, fear and anxiety only worsen their condition and exacerbate their symptoms, and this can lead to what we call a vicious cycle (cycling) of worry. We've also seen that the ways people try to cope with their anxiety can actually make their anxiety worse and create a new cycle of worry. Most often, such unsuccessful methods are: 1) seeking reassurance; 2) identifying symptoms; 3) searching for information about the disease; 4) patient behavior; 5) avoidance of everything. One way or another, it reminds me of illness. However, despite the complexity of the problem, learning to overcome health anxiety and mentally neglecting disturbing physical symptoms is still possible. By publishing this article, we do not set ourselves the impossible task of making all symptoms simply disappear. Instead, we offer specific ideas to help people with excessive health anxiety reconsider their behavior and then learn to act differently. We also provide tips on how you can break the vicious supportive circle of anxiety by eliminating those factors that make it strong. These effective ways to reduce health anxiety come from cognitive behavioral therapy. However, they require hard work, so they may not be so easy to implement on your own. In this case, it is useful to undergo a course of psychotherapy!