Review: vanish liquid stain remover instructions for use. "Vanish" (stain remover): customer reviews

Cleanliness, as they say, is the key to success. This applies not only to the environment, but also, of course, to our appearance. Many housewives sooner or later begin to wonder how they can remove difficult stains from their favorite dress or blouse. Especially if things are dazzling white. And here Vanish stain remover for white comes to the rescue! Its official name is Vanish Oxy Action Crystal White. Let's try to find out here and now whether he is so good and what his secret is.

Why do consumers choose Vanish?

There are a lot of products on the shelves of hardware stores whose manufacturers promise to remove stains of any complexity on white clothes. But not everyone is able to remove dirt without ruining it. The Vanish company offers to get rid of stains without making things gray. It does not contain chlorine, and therefore has a very delicate effect, preventing the material from becoming thinner. You also won't have to breathe in nasty chlorine fumes.

It is capable of removing stains of any degree of contamination, even the most stubborn and old ones.

Spilled tea, wine, and coffee are often the “culprits” of pollution. And if there are small children in the house, then the spots can be of a wide variety of etiologies! Therefore, Vanish bleach is simply irreplaceable in your home.

"Vanish" for white. Instructions for use

Consumer reviews prove that this stain remover really copes with complex stains. “Vanish” for white laundry can also be used when washing colored fabrics; it does not have an aggressive effect, but it is still better to add it when washing only white fabrics.

The use of this product involves both manual and automatic washing. Simple recommendations will help you more effectively get rid of stains on white clothes.

  • If the stains are quite old or difficult to remove, it is worth soaking the clothes by pouring Vanish for white onto the stain. Reviews from people confirm that this is a very effective method, only if you do not overdo it. A couple of hours will be enough, and then you need to wash the item as usual. The result will be better if you rub the stain a little with this product before washing.
  • If washing by hand, then you need to add one cap of this product to a small basin with water and powder. Afterwards you should wash the item.
  • Machine washing will be more effective if you add Vanish for whites directly to the laundry compartment. But do not forget about another product - powder or gel, since Vanish is not the main washing product, but only an auxiliary one.
  • Don't forget to choose the temperature according to the labels on your clothes.
  • Try not to get it on metal snaps or buttons, as they may oxidize.

The highlight of the “Vanish” product

The advertisements assure us that it makes things even whiter and more dazzling. Is Vanish effective for whites? Reviews from those who have used this product still confirm that advertising is not deceiving us. What is its highlight?

  1. It is safe for both white and colored items, because it does not contain chlorine.
  2. It is highly effective at absolutely any temperature, but it is optimal to use it at 30 degrees.
  3. The advantage of this bleach is that it is suitable for washing the most delicate types of fabric: wool and silk.
  4. You can use Vanish for white carpets, upholstery, and bedspreads, which makes it not only a laundry detergent, but also a universal stain remover.
  5. Can be used when washing children's clothes due to its gentle composition.

Is it worth buying?

As a universal remedy for removing stubborn stains, Vanish Oxy Action has become a favorite of many housewives. At its relatively low cost (from 130 to 190 rubles per 450 ml), it performs all its declared functions. We can conclude that “Vanish” for white deserved positive reviews for a reason.

Vanish is a stain remover designed for washing colored and white items. It can handle any stain without any problems, even in cold water, but to get the desired results, you need to know how to use it correctly.

Vanish stain remover is available in liquid and powder form. Both products work effectively on all types of stains, regardless of whether the stains are new or old.
  • You will no longer have to spend hours soaking things if you purchase powder Vanish. Just add it to the water and start washing. The stain remover comes in a convenient package equipped with a measuring spoon, so you will never make a mistake with the dosage of the product.
  • Vanish liquid stain remover does not contain chlorine, so things do not turn yellow or become thin after using it. However, before using a liquid product, you need to check the color fastness of the item. Test the stain remover on a small area of ​​fabric in an inconspicuous place; if the fabric has not changed color, you can start washing. After the test, the stain remover can be applied directly to the stain, wait for the product to take effect and wash and rinse the item well after that.
  • When washing by hand, one scoop of Vanish is diluted in ten liters of water. When washing in a washing machine, one scoop of product is added to a special compartment and supplemented with washing powder.
  • There are special Vanish products for cleaning carpets and upholstered furniture. They also remove all types of stains and neutralize unpleasant odors. The product does not leave behind sticky residues and does not spoil the color and structure of the product. However, before you start cleaning, it is recommended to check the color fastness of the product.
  • To clean the carpet:
  • vacuum the coating thoroughly;
dissolve concentrated Vanish detergent in cold water in a ratio of 1 to 9;
  • beat the resulting solution until a thick foam forms;
  • apply the resulting foam to the carpet with a brush;
  • wait until the foam and carpet are completely dry;
  • Vacuum the carpet thoroughly.
  • To remove stains from upholstery:

blot the stain with a clean, light-colored rag;

The line of cleaning products, united under the name Vanish, is designed to remove stains from clothes, fabrics and carpets. To make it easier to combat different types of stains, Vanish is available in the form of liquid, powder and spray. Methods for removing stains may also vary: pre-treating the stained area, washing and bleaching, or hand-cleaning surfaces.

With prolonged use of the carpet, it loses its former appearance, becomes dull, and stains appear on it. Periodic cleaning of the carpet with special products, including Vanish liquid carpet shampoo, helps correct the situation. In order to quickly and efficiently get rid of stains, you need to use Vanish correctly.

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Vanish powder and liquid stain removers are suitable for washing clothes and linen:

  • For hand washing, dilute 1 scoop (30 grams) of Vanish powder in 10 liters of water, or add 100 ml of liquid product. Along with liquid Vanish, it is recommended to additionally add washing powder to the water and soak the items for about 10 minutes;
  • When machine washing to get rid of stubborn stains, 1 scoop of dry Vanish is added to the appropriate compartment of the washing machine along with regular powder. For everyday washing, 0.5 spoon will be enough;
  • To use liquid Vanish in the washing machine, you need to pour 100 ml of the product into the main wash compartment on top of the regular powder;
  • To remove stubborn and dried stains, pour a small amount of Vanish onto the stained area, leave for no more than 10 minutes and rub. Then wash the item in the machine with the addition of liquid Vanish;
  • To pre-soak, you need to dilute 1 scoop of Vanish powder in 4 liters of water (if the stains are old, it is advisable to take 2 scoops of the product). Things should be soaked for a while and then washed;
  • If the stains are particularly stubborn, dissolve 1/8 scoop of Vanish powder in 0.5 liters of water, apply to the contaminated area and leave for no more than 6 hours (for colored items - no more than an hour), then rub and wash.

Carpet cleaning

To clean your carpet with Vanish liquid shampoo you need to:

  • Vacuum the carpet or beat it outside;
  • Mix 1 cap of Vanish shampoo with 9 caps of warm water;
  • Beat to a thick foam;
  • Apply foam evenly to the surface of the carpet with a brush or sponge;
  • Rub in the foam in a circular motion. If there are stubborn stains, you can pour a little undiluted shampoo onto them;
  • Leave the carpet to dry for a couple of hours;
  • Vacuum to remove any remaining dried shampoo from the surface.

One of the most popular products on the household chemicals market is Vanish. The chemical composition of the stain remover allows you to effectively deal with both fresh stains and old stains.

The main advantage of all types of stain removers in the Vanish line is the absence of chlorine. Thanks to innovative technologies, some types of Vanish make it possible to process children's things. The product is especially suitable for those who are prone to allergies to chlorine, however, the chemical composition contains some elements that can cause allergic reactions, so you should carefully read the instructions before use.

The products in this line are available in several forms:

  • powder;
  • gel;
  • spray;
  • foam;
  • concentrated liquid;
  • gel capsules for the washing machine.

The composition of these products contains:

  • Minerals – zeolites. They cope with the breakdown of fat.
  • Special enzymes are enzymes. Helps remove stains from various types of food.
  • Nonionic surfactants. Surfactants that are 100% biodegradable and have a beneficial effect on fabrics.
  • Anionic surfactants are organic compounds with cleaning properties. Relieves static tension and has a conditioning effect.
  • Chemical bleaches saturated with active oxygen.

The general formulas of Vanish stain removers can effectively remove stains if the product is selected in accordance with the composition of the fabric and is used according to the instructions.

Choice of product

The form of release of the product is not of fundamental importance. Most stains can be removed with both powder and liquid solutions. The only limitation will be the purpose of the product based on the type of fabric and washing method. For example, gel capsules are recommended for use exclusively for washing clothes in a washing machine, and special carpet cleaning products should not be used when removing stains from clothes.

For spot contamination, a spray is well suited, allowing you to direct the stream directly to the site of contamination. Spray and foam are especially convenient to use because during operation there is no need to additionally dilute them with water and come into contact with chemical elements when applying the composition to stains. At the same time, these forms of release have a fairly high consumption, which is not very convenient when removing large-scale contaminants.

In practice, it has been found that all types of Vanish stain removers remove the following types of contaminants well:

  • wine;
  • brilliant green;
  • coffee;
  • cosmetics;
  • vegetable or fruit juices;
  • stains from grass, blood or sweat, etc.

Before purchasing a product that is suitable for you, you need to determine the frequency of its use and the place of treatment. Despite the fact that some housewives remove stains from clothes with carpet stain removers, this should not be done. It is not for nothing that the manufacturer separates the products according to their intended purpose, since the products intended for use on floor coverings contain very aggressive chemicals that can cause allergic reactions. The compositions of products intended for cleaning stains on clothing have more gentle formulas. Therefore, it is recommended to use stain removers strictly for the intended purpose indicated on the product packaging.

How to use Vanish

The use of powder or liquid products is carried out in different ways, depending on the degree of contamination of things and the composition of the fabrics. Clothes are treated with normal washing methods, and stains are removed from carpets in a variety of ways, depending on the form of the stain remover.

Before starting any treatment, you should carefully read the instructions for use of the product. It is advisable to test the composition on a small area of ​​the product being processed in order to exclude possible damage to the entire item.

Removing stains from clothes and linen

Powdered stain remover can be used for hand and machine washing:

  • When soaking and hand washing, you need to dissolve 3-4 scoops in 10 liters of warm water, immerse the laundry in the solution and leave for several hours. The duration of soaking depends on the degree of contamination. During the process, it is necessary to carefully wash away any existing stains by hand until they disappear completely.
  • When machine washing, add one scoop of product to the compartment with regular powder. Washing is done in a suitable mode, but at elevated temperatures you can expect the most positive results.
  • It is recommended to apply powder diluted to a paste-like consistency to individual stains, leave for 10 minutes, and then you can wash the item in a suitable mode or by hand.

An important point is soaking, during which the processing time for colored items should not be more than one hour, otherwise the brightness of the colors may fade. White linen can be left in the solution for 6 hours.

It should be noted that different types of contaminants may take different times to completely remove. Some stains are removed only after repeated treatments, while fresh stains are usually removed the first time.

For heavy, old stains, it is recommended to soak items in a solution with a stain remover, pouring the concentrated solution over the stain before putting the items in the washing machine. For the effect to last, you need to additionally add a little Vanish to the regular powder in the washing machine compartment.

When washing automatically, it is very convenient to use gel capsules. This innovative type of stain remover does not differ significantly from powders and liquid types of the product, but its use in the washing machine is due to the placement of the capsule directly into the drum. Do not immerse capsules in the detergent compartment, since the shell covering the gel will not have time to dissolve when pouring water. After the shell dissolves, a regular gel appears in the drum, which is used for washing.

Carpet stain removers

  • Before treating stains on carpets, you should thoroughly vacuum the floor covering. Various forms of products available for removing stains from carpets allow you to choose the most convenient option for yourself:
  • Moistened powder. It is necessary when cleaning large areas of carpet. The product helps remove stubborn and old stains. Before starting treatment, you need to thoroughly shake the Vanish package, then evenly sprinkle the product onto the contaminated areas. The composition should dry on the carpet for 20–30 minutes.
  • Spray. It is sprayed onto the stain, left to act for 5 minutes, and then removed with a damp cloth or sponge.
  • Shampoo for washing vacuum cleaners. It is diluted with water, as with manual shampooing. The composition is poured into a special compartment of the vacuum cleaner, then the carpet is treated.
  • Active foam. It is sprayed onto areas of contamination and left until completely dry.

After treating carpets with any type of stain remover, you must thoroughly vacuum the treated surfaces to remove any remaining chemicals.

Instructions for using the stain remover are always included on the Vanish packaging. Experts in the field of textile processing advise:

  • Do not use stain removers on white and colored laundry at the same time. The corrosive composition of the product will certainly cause coloring of light-colored fabrics.
  • Use rubber gloves when hand washing. This will protect your hands from harmful chemicals and also help avoid allergic skin rashes.
  • Do not use stain removers unless absolutely necessary. Frequent washing with the use of such products adversely affects the composition of fabrics, the fibers are gradually destroyed, and the color fades.
  • Study the ingredients of products very carefully before processing children's things. If possible, avoid the use of chemicals or apply them directly to areas of special contamination.
  • Store stain removers in dry places out of the reach of children and animals.
  • Thoroughly ventilate the premises after using Vanish products to avoid allergic reactions when chemicals enter the respiratory system.

When using Vanish products, you must not only be careful, but also follow the step-by-step instructions for use. Only in this case will the processing of products be safe, and stains will be removed most effectively.

Reckitt Benckiser, Klin, st. Tereshkova 1, Russia.

Vanish Oxi Action liquid stain remover, 1l +
Stain remover + bleach "Crystal white" liquid, 450ml.
Vanish "Crystal White" as a gift.
1. Stain remover + bleach Vanish Oxi Action "Crystal"
white" liquid, 450ml.
Washing: add to your washing powder:
- for complex and old stains - 120 ml;
- for ordinary stains - 60 ml.

washing powder.
Soaking: 100ml per 4 liters of water 40"C. After soaking, wash as
Rinse normally or thoroughly.

washing machine.
Attention: do not use on colored fabrics. Effective in hot and
cold water. Do not allow it to dry on the fabric. Always follow
manufacturer's recommendations for washing the product. Do not use if
Dry cleaning recommended. Avoid contact with metal buttons
and buckles.
Composition: 5 - 15% oxygen-containing bleaches, 5% nonionic surfactants,
less than 5% anionic surfactants, phosphonates: optical brightener, fragrance,
hexyl brown aldehyde, d limonene.
2. Vanish Oxi Action stain remover for fabrics, liquid, 1 l.
Attention: safe for white and colored fabrics. Effective in hot and
cold water. Do not allow Vanish to dry on the fabric. Always follow
washing instructions indicated on the clothing label. For colored fabrics
It is always recommended to check the color strength on an inconspicuous
plot. Do not use if dry cleaning is recommended. Avoid
contact with metal buttons and buckles.
Washing: add 100 ml to your washing powder.
Place the measuring cap in the washing machine along with your laundry. Add
washing powder.
Soaking: add 100 ml per 4 liters of water 40"C.
After soaking, wash as usual or rinse thoroughly.
Pre-treatment: Use a dispenser to apply to the stain.
Rub the stain. Fill the measuring cap according to the instructions and place in
washing machine.
Composition: 5% - 15% oxygen-containing bleach, non-ionic surfactants,
less than 5% anionic surfactants, 5% phosphates, fragrance, hexylcinnamic
aldehyde, d-limonene.
Precautionary measures: keep away from children. Dangerous in case of contact with eyes and
ingestion. Do not use together with chlorine-containing products.
Wash your hands thoroughly after use. If in eyes
Rinse immediately with water and consult a doctor. By chance
If swallowed, drink with plenty of water and consult a doctor.
showing the packaging. In case of contact with skin, may cause temporary
lightening. People with sensitive skin are recommended to use
latex gloves. Protect from exposure to sunlight and
heating above 40"C.
Store upright in a cool place.
Shelf life: 18 months.
TU 2381-006-45751577-04