Make a conspiracy from envious people. Protection from ill-wishers and envious people

Conspiracy "for sugar"

The plot is read on a rainy Friday. In the evening, put a small amount of sugar in a glass (required!) bowl and put the lid on so that rainwater gets on it.

Before going to bed, take it in your left hand and tap it three times, saying:

"Just as water cannot harm sugar,

so is the Servant of God (name of the envious)

cannot harm the Servant of God (your name)."

If you notice that the sugar is wet, stop the ritual immediately and throw the sugar outside over your left shoulder. Repeat the ritual on Saturday and Sunday. The more rain will fall during the ritual, the stronger the protection from the envious.

Over the next week, you need to quietly add charmed sugar to an envious person's drink (for example, tea or coffee). Throw away unused sugar.

This conspiracy of envy acts very quickly, after 1-2 weeks you can notice the difference! I was asked why the conspiracy is read specifically for sugar. Because in this magical ritual, sugar symbolizes a person who needs protection, and a glass bowl provides just this protection.

Conspiracy to protect against envy

“I will become, the servant (a) of God (I), (name), blessed, I will go, crossing myself, from door to door, from gate to gate, into an open field under the eastern side. I will pray and submit to the Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy archangels and angels Michael and Gabriel, six-winged cherubs and seraphim. How the demonic power is afraid of you and how the heavenly arrow, lightning and thunder listens, so they would be afraid and afraid of me, the servant (s) of God (s), (name), all envious and judgmental people, stopped speaking black words and erecting blasphemy. May my conspiracy be as strong and strong as our parents and ancestors lie in the earth and do not smell the ringing of bells and church singing. May it be so at all times until the age to come and forever. Amen".

Ritual protecting from envious people

You feel that your affairs have gone awry, you suspect that this is the result of envy of you, perform the ritual of removing it. Before dawn, type in a liter jar of water. Put it on the table and your photo. Light seven candles, placing them around. Read 7 times.

“I drive envy with envy, I remove (name) from myself,

I send to the envious.

Go, envy, into those eyes from which I suffer.

You won’t get accustomed to me, the worst won’t come true!”

Then spit over your left shoulder 7 times. Put out the candles and hide. Wash yourself with water.

Envy Defense Technique

Envy that has just manifested itself can be warded off by sticking a match in a flower pot with the words:

"How this match will never bloom,

so your envy will not find me.

Amulets - protectors from envious people

  • Also wear jewelry with a red stone or red fabric: it will concentrate all the positive of the month. And it does not matter that it will be a ring, bracelet or earrings. The main thing is that it has a red color.
  • Dry some small oak leaves. Put one in your wallet or purse. Hide another at home where you keep money and valuables. You can strengthen the protection by placing a small mirror next to it.
  • Well protects a bunch of wormwood from envy. Keep it at home and at work as part of a decorative bouquet.

A strong rite to protect against envious people

Early in the morning you need to go (on foot) to the nearest garbage dump, where there are a lot of crows.

Arriving at the place, you should bow to all 4 sides (it is better to start from the east).

After that, looking at a noisy flock of birds, quietly say a conspiracy against envious people:

“Black crow flocks, barriers on all sides:

from the dashing eye, from evil envy,

lesson, induced, early, midnight, noon.

I came a servant of God (my name)

take protection from each pen,

drive away the poisonous attack, give it to the main crow,

I will open his big eye.

With what I came here, without that I will leave.

As ordered, so done."

The ritual is performed during the waning moon. After the conspiracy, you need to pick up a small pebble from the ground with your left hand and lightly throw it towards the crow flock with magic words:

“I turn my envious eye and everyone into this pebble,

who is visible and invisible - I forgive. As the Lord God commanded.

Now you need to return home, but the threshold should be crossed with your left foot, saying:

"The big crow's eye won't be here

Yes, the threshold of the servant of God is not upholstered. Truly."

After the end of the magical rite, you should try to feed wild birds - tits, sparrows, pigeons for the next 3 days. On the same days, you can’t give anything from home, take it out and borrow money, and you should also refrain from visiting and having sexual contacts.

Conspiracy to protect against envious people

Take your full size photo, the photo is placed on a flat surface. Place orange paper or an orange patch of natural fabric under the photo. Sprinkle the photo around with salt, leave for seven days, during which every day, add a new handful of salt. When you add salt, you should read a prayer to the Archangel Michael. This prayer helps even in very difficult cases.

PRAYER to Saint Michael the Archangel:

O Saint Michael the Archangel, have mercy on us sinners who demand your intercession, save us, the servant of God (names), from all visible and invisible enemies, moreover, strengthen us from the horror of death and from the embarrassment of the devil and make us shamelessly present to our Creator in the hour of fear and His righteous judgment. O all-holy, great Michael the Archangel! Do not despise us, sinners, who pray to you for help and your intercession in this life and in the future, but make us worthy to glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit with you forever and ever. Amen.

Each time, you need to focus on cleansing. You must psychologize (i.e. mentally), drive away the bad energies around us. When completed, the salt is thrown into the wind, your photo is returned to the album.

    It happens that you talk to a person, and everything seems to be fine, he says good words and smiles kindly, but it is felt that completely different people washed him, he is either envious, or he harbors a grudge and in fact does not want good. In this case, you are lost and do not know what to do. Thanks for the article, so much useful information. Now I'm armed.

    It so happened that the son began to drink very heavily. Our family is prosperous, he has always been a beloved son. They tried everything they could: they took him to the doctors and put him in the clinic. Didn't help. Already, not knowing what to do, they found this conspiracy. The son did not know that they spoke to him. At first he began to drink less, and now he has stopped altogether. He says that he does not pull and even turns back.

    Envy is always and everywhere. Most often, these are the people who smile into your eyes and supposedly are “friends” with you. And when you work in a women's team, then expect problems. Fighting it is useless, so I began to act in my own ways. Trust me, it won't get any worse! After all, your life can go downhill from someone's envy! So think. Maybe it's really worth trying and forgetting about such problems ???

    I used one of the methods above. I am a weak girl, there is no one to protect, so I had to resort to such a radical method. I didn’t like the envious, my colleague, but I didn’t want evil either. Unfortunately, either a conspiracy or something else had such an effect that she ended up in the hospital and has been there for the third month. Therefore, if someone's conscience does not torment, then use it to your health. Personally, I'm not going anymore, for my religion it's not acceptable.

    My sister has been harassed at work for a long time, that every day she comes home exhausted, mentally exhausted and constantly crying. I don’t like it, I want my sister’s work to bring maximum pleasure and in general that everything in her life be good, so I decided to help her with a conspiracy.

One of the deadly sins is envy. But, despite this, this negative does not become less. A powerful flow of external negative energy can destroy harmonious relationships in the house and harm health.

You can protect yourself from the envy of enemies only with the help of magic. A special conspiracy against envy allows you to create a protective energy field around yourself, which will become a reliable barrier against the negativity emanating from the envious thoughts of other people.

Any conspiracy from envious people will be effective only if you are a person with pure thoughts and do not wish harm to other people. You should know that if you have envy for someone in your soul, then the ritual being performed can even become dangerous.

You can use a conspiracy from envy to create a protective amulet. If you carry such an item with you, then any energy attack will be neutralized in a timely manner and will not be able to harm you.

A strong ritual should be performed if you are sure that there is an envious person in your environment.

For the ceremony, you will need to prepare:

  • Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos;
  • Seven church candles;
  • Holy water.

The plot should be pronounced in a whisper in a secluded quiet place at midnight. Before the start of the ceremony, it is necessary to wish good luck and kindness to your enemies, and pray before the Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos. The ritual is performed with lit candles, magic words are spoken seven times, looking at the flame.

They sound like this:

“The envy of unkind people will not harm me. I will not reveal my merits to anyone, I will not tell about my earnings. The evil eye will not notice my successes, and there will be peace and grace in my soul. I myself will keep peace in my family. And if I feel that the dirt has started, I will burn all its traces with fire and drive away the attack forever. But I will not wish evil on my enemies in their fate, and I will bury any bad feeling in the ground. Amen!"

After the conspiracy is spoken for the last time, you need to drink the prepared holy water. After that, you need to sit in silence and wait until the candles burn out naturally.

This conspiracy refers to the means of white magic. The rite cannot harm you or your enemies. Its action is based on the fact that your positive attitude towards everything in the world around you will make your enemies look at you differently. They will stop spreading evil rumors about you and become neutral about your progress.

Protecting your own home

Of course, harmony and harmony in the family is important for every person. But the envy of enemies always poses a serious threat to your family well-being. Therefore, in order to protect yourself from external negativity, a special ceremony should be performed.

The ritual is performed on the street, in a place where there are many crows. There you need to stand and alternately bow low to each of the cardinal points.

After that, you should turn to the east and say these words:

“Black crows flock from all over the world to put up reliable barriers from the dashing evil eye and bad envy, induced at any hour and for different purposes. I am the Servant (s) of God (s) (my name) I will take protection from each crow's feather and drive away the envious attack from me forever. Let the main raven take the envy of the people and take it to distant distances. This is what I am here for, and this is how it will be done. Amen".

After pronouncing the magic words, you need to pick up a small pebble from the ground.

Holding it in the palm of your hand, say this spell:

“With my inner strength, let there be magic to help me, I turn this evil eye and envy of evil people into a pebble. But at the same time, I forgive all my enemies, visible and invisible. So the Almighty Lord God commanded, I will do so. Amen".

The spell on the pebble must be pronounced very loudly, you can even shout out the words. It is important that the noise of the birds does not drown out the spoken magical phrases.

The charmed pebble after the rite turns into a protective amulet. It should be brought home and put in an inconspicuous place, it is he who will become a reliable protection of your home from envy. Soon you yourself will feel who did not wish you well. Envious people will simply stop entering your home, and they may turn out to be neighbors and even friends.

To protect against an accidental envious glance at various important events, jewelry with red stones should be worn. Good protection from negativity and red clothes. Also, in order to protect yourself from envy, you should carry dried oak leaves in your purse next to a small mirror.

To protect your own home from envy, it is recommended every year during the flowering of wormwood to dry a bunch of grass and store it in a home in an inconspicuous place. Every year a new bunch of wormwood should be dried, and the used wormwood should be burned in the open.

Envy is one of the human vices that appeared immediately with a person. You can't say that everyone feels this way. But often girlfriends envy hair or beautiful manicure. Guys have jealousy too. And not as rare as it seems. Therefore, a conspiracy from envious people and the evil eye will always come in handy. It should be understood that a person subject to the evil eye accumulates negative energy, which develops into damage.

Conspiracies will help get rid of envious people

Envious people are always noticeable. According to the Siberian healer Natalya Stepanova, such people can be seen in the eyes. You can describe the expression, the shape of the eyes like this:

  • oblique or slanting (does not apply to some nationalities);
  • envious people have a squinted, crafty look;
  • the eyes are often small, a bit like a pig.

This short description will help you choose your friends more carefully, but it cannot protect you from envy. It is easiest to meet envious people at work, on the street or at a party. A destructive feeling lures evil spirits, walks next to those who want to take possession of someone else's goodness, beauty.

Do not confuse envious people with evil people. It's two different types. The first will smile in the face, talk sweetly, try to become a friend. The second - swear, they no longer experience envy, but hatred. Accordingly, that protection from envy is unnecessary here. More suitable from enemies. It is especially difficult to pick up a conspiracy and conduct a ritual from malice and envy, if you do not know your envious person by sight. If there is a page on social networks, then it is worth conducting cleansing ceremonies and putting a protective block.

The last tip that you need to not only remember, but also apply: there are more envious people at work than you think. If you catch unpleasant glances on yourself, feel heaviness on your back, then it’s definitely time to purchase a protective amulet, a talisman. You can do this at home as well. The only thing - do not read conspiracies, do not perform rituals with pectoral crosses.

Need to know! It is possible to perform rituals against enemies, envious people and to remove negativity only after a cleansing procedure. For this, holy water, church candles, and prayers are used. After all the manipulations, visit the church and set all enemies for health. Do not forget that you can ask for additional protection for the house and household in front of the icon of the Seven-shot Mother of God.

A person who has a prosperous family, a house - a full bowl, there are always a lot of wonderful well-bred children of envious people. And both explicit and hidden. Troubles have to be expected from neighbors, friends, relatives, colleagues.

All because someone else's success angers others. The desire to take away, destroy well-being is the birth of negativity. Envy gives rise to the question: “Why does someone have everything, but I don’t” and the desire to avenge their unwillingness to work. A conspiracy of protection from enemies and envious people is an excellent neutralizer of such thoughts and desires. It is necessary to read a conspiracy, a prayer without anger, reproaches, hatred.

The most effective rituals and texts are offered by the witch Natalya Stepanova. In addition to conspiracy and prayer texts, it is advisable to wear a self-created amulet, talisman. For greater fidelity, an additional amulet should also be at work to protect the office. Those who like black magic are capable of lining that destroys positive energy.

Option 1: candle plot

A strong conspiracy from envy and the evil eye is carried out with a candle. The ceremony is done on a waning moon. Helps protect your business, home and loved ones from envy, damage. Fire magic is the key to success for six months. After the expiration date (6 months) it is repeated.

  1. Light 7 candles at midnight with the window open (pull back the curtains).
  2. Say three times: “The envy of caustic people will not be in me, I’d rather keep silent about my merit. I will hide income, grace in my soul, Let evil eyes not see it. I hide any successes in myself, Then I will save the health of the family. And if this dirt has already started, I will anneal it with fire, it will drive away the misfortune. I will wish victory in fate to my enemies, And I will bury the evil pitch in the ground. Amen! Amen! Amen!".
  3. Wait. Until the candles are half burnt out and go around the apartment clockwise with the one that was in the middle.
  4. While moving, say the words 4 times.
  5. Return to the starting position and wait until all the candles burn out.

Fire rituals cannot be performed by people of water and air signs. A water rite (with holy water) is suitable for them.

Option 2: conspiracy to amulet

A conspiracy against envious people who are at work can also be pronounced to protect the business. But in addition, you will need to create a talisman. Prayers and texts are not read. But the help of 4 elements is required. Start making only on the full moon. For the amulet, you will need green beads (odd number), red woolen thread, 1 wax candle. Scissors and needles are not used.

For the amulet, you need red threads and green beads.

A candle is lit and beads are strung. In the process, imagine how you envelop yourself, workplace from human malice. If the enemies are known, then they are also represented. Tie the two ends into a knot, leave in the moonlight.

The next day, bathe the amulet in spring water and dry it in the wind. The amulet is ready. For a daughter or son, only a mother or maternal grandmother can make. The rite of manufacture should not take more than 12 hours.

Option 3: conspiracy on a pin

Buy a new pin on Thursday for the waning moon. On the same day, perform the ritual. After sunset, glow the pin and lower the red-hot one into holy water with the words:

“Black flocks of crows, screened from all sides: from the dashing eye, from the envy of the evil, preordained, induced, early, midnight, noon. I came, the servant of God (my name), to take protection from each feather, drive away the poisonous attack, give it to the main raven, sharpen his big eye. With what I came here, without that I will leave. As ordered, so done."

There are many ways to protect against envy, damage and the evil eye. But the main requirement from those who want to defend themselves is not to be the most evil and vile. In order for the anger to go away and not leave traces of hatred, all white magicians and sorcerers strongly recommend praying and understanding that only a person strong in faith can cope with the vices sent by evil spirits.


Envy is a dangerous weapon that can harm both a person and a home. It is not easy to get rid of the negative consequences of such an impact, but still possible. The surest way is a conspiracy from envy.

Should I be afraid of jealousy?

Many people are terrified of being envied. Needless to say, envy is a dark and ignoble feeling. It occurs when one of the people begins to envy the fact that the other has something more or something better. When such a feeling arises, then a person consciously or involuntarily begins to wish the object of envy changes for the worse, so that what caused envy disappears, disappears. Thoughts like these send a flood negative energy, which, accumulating, begins to destroy what it was directed against. In this case, a conspiracy of envy is indispensable.

To be the object to which such a negative message of envy was directed is not only unpleasant, but also dangerous. Therefore, each person should have an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhow to protect yourself from envious people and know at least the simplest conspiracy from envy.

Making a charm

To protect yourself and your home from envy and envious people, you can prepare a charm that will become a reliable protection against evil people.

For the ritual, the day must be chosen on the waning moon. You can't tell anyone what you're going to do. At sunset, a person performing a rite and about to read a plot out of envy should be left alone in the most remote room. It is necessary to light a green candle, prepared for the ceremony in advance, and pronounce the words of a special conspiracy:

In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit! The Trinity knows: there is no white envy. And she, black, filthy, evil, burns out with a green candle. The Trinity knows: there is no red flattery. And her sting burns with sacred fire. And I say, the servant (a) of God (s) (your name), the Lord's words: “Every word that the flame of this candle is supposedly white will whiten to chalk. Known business. Amen. Amen. Amen.

After that, the candle must be placed in a candlestick, and at this time three multi-colored circles of small size are cut out of dense material - black, white and red.

The prepared blanks should be laid out at the base of the candle, after which the following conspiracy of envy is read an odd number of times:

I’ll cover the black colo with white, cover it with red. Any envy is not swept away by snow, but the Holy Cross beats off. Lips, words, thin thoughts eternal castle. The thread on the canvas ends the lesson. True!

Then the circles are placed on top of each other in a certain order: first black, then white, then red. Then, taking a red woolen thread and a new needle on all three circles connected together, the symbol of the Christian cross is embroidered. During the procedure, the words of a conspiracy from envy are pronounced:

Three churches, holy domes, red canvas The Son of God is with me, a baptized prayer slave (your name). Lips, words, thin thoughts eternal castle. The Lord's canvas and His will is this. From now until forever. Amen. Amen. Amen.

At the end, you should tie a knot on the back and say the fixing phrase “The holy cross is my castle. Finished lesson."

A candle leans over the finished amulet so that the wax drips along the contour of the cross. The needle with the remaining thread must be stuck into the candle stub, hide it all. Above the finished amulet, you need to read the prayer "Our Father" 3 times.

Such a charm should always be kept with you, do not show it to anyone.

Protective Magic

Everyone can use protective magic and conspiracies from envy, but not everyone can help such a method. In order for protective spells to work, it is important that a person has pure thoughts. In no case should one undertake to perform such a rite and read conspiracies out of envy if at this time thoughts are occupied with an unkind message to someone.

Before deciding to take protective magic, it is necessary to assess the possible threat. It is very important to understand that it is by no means possible to use magical rituals and read conspiracies out of envy for fun or out of boredom.


Such a conspiracy is able to protect your home and family from black human envy.

To perform it, you need to choose a special place where there are usually a lot of birds, preferably a raven (a landfill or a trash can is suitable). You will have to come here early in the morning, bow once to each side of the world and utter a conspiracy from envy.

Black flocks of crows, screened from all sides: from the dashing eye, from the envy of the evil, predetermined, induced, early, midnight, noon. I came, the servant of God (my name), to take protection from each feather, drive away the poisonous attack, give it to the main raven, sharpen his big eye. With what I came here, without that I will leave. As ordered, so done.

After that, a pebble is taken, spoken to and brought into the house. It becomes a talisman for your home.

Words from an unkind eye

If, while in the company of people, you notice the unkind look of an envious person directed at you, you can perform a simple ceremony and read a conspiracy from envy. In advance, you need to prepare a glass of water and a large spoonful of granulated sugar. Sugar is poured into a glass, after which a conspiracy of envy is pronounced:

Just as water cannot harm sugar in any way, so the Servant of God (the name of the envious person) will not be able to cause any harm to the Servant of God (his name).

As soon as the words are read, the contents of the glass are mixed and drunk.

Short plot

Sometimes it happens that you have to pronounce a conspiracy out of envy in an unexpected place and at an unplanned time. For example, someone's unfriendly gaze was noticed at some event. In this case, you will have to go outside, find a small pebble and throw it over your left shoulder where no one is. Throwing a pebble, you must say the following words:

“I turn my envious eye into this pebble, and I forgive everyone who is visible and invisible, as the Lord God commanded.”

After such a ritual, you can safely return to the company of people and no longer be afraid that someone might envy or jinx you.

A conspiracy from the evil eye and black tongue

Such strong way protection will pacify the envious and prevent the evil eye.

The Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos will help in this matter. If it is not in the house, then you need to take care of the acquisition in advance.

All actions are performed at night. The text of the conspiracy from envy should be read in a whisper. In advance, you need to prepare 7 church candles and holy water. Before the start of the ceremony, you need to wish good luck and good to all your enemies, because you have to turn to the Most Holy Theotokos for help, so the heart must be pure.