Technology for performing a female bob haircut with an angle. A bob haircut is a great option for everyone

Stylists are sure that the new is the safely forgotten old. It so happened historically that the straight bob haircut appeared in Ancient Egypt and has remained with us to this day. Long classic bob- the calling card of Egypt. This is reflected in wall paintings and hieroglyphs.

The magnificent shape with softly rounded ends has a perfectly smooth surface - it perfectly demonstrates the quality of the hair texture, all the nuances of color, well suitable for fine hair.

Classic bob haircut technology

Let's figure out what a classic bob is.

The most important feature of a haircut is the angle of the strands. It is equal to zero degrees, with the fingers and scissors parallel to the floor. As a result, all strands end on the same line, forming a square shape.

From a modeling point of view, a classic square is a single-line massive haircut with a fixed generating line.

But you need to keep in mind that the work will only be of high quality when the position of the master’s body is correct. This is one of those cases when you don’t need to walk around the chair: you should stand strictly from the client’s back. Another important point that the master must monitor is the position of the person’s head (it must be straight).

A bob haircut is performed in divisions parallel to the contour of the hairstyle (most often with horizontal partings).

The hair is pulled down, i.e. zero pull is maintained without pulling the strands away from the surface of the head. In other words, perpendicular to the intended contour.

Bob haircut without bangs - diagrams and description of technique

  1. The beginning of each haircut - division into zones.
  1. Make two main partings - a vertical one, connecting the middle of the forehead and the middle of the neck, and a horizontal one - from the crown to the reference points next to the ears. And also perform additional division. Draw a horizontal line from the right temple to the left, focusing on the upper edge of the ear.
  1. Using a parallel line, select the next part of the hair, comb the curls towards the control strand and cut with an extension of approximately 1-2 mm. Observe the angle of the guy - it is equal to zero degrees. So, separate your hair in horizontal sections, place strand on strand and cut with an extension of one or two millimeters until you reach the main horizontal parting.
  2. Next is the turn of the upper-occipital zone. In parallel with the additional division, select the next strand of hair. Perform the edging of the temporal zones, focusing on the back of the head and extending the already obtained line. So work in rows until you part from ear to ear. The direction of the haircut is from the vertical parting to the temples alternately.
  3. During the cutting process, check the horizontality of the bob. Comb symmetrically located strands located on the same horizontal line towards a vertical parting. Hair length should be the same.
  4. Divide the remaining narrow section of hair on the crown of the head with a parting in half, comb it on both sides and cut it to the resulting bob length. Don't forget about extension.
  5. If bangs are needed to correct your face shape, there are several methods to choose from.

A bob with bangs - the possibility of correcting the shape of the face

Time and time again, the classic bob creates a lot of stylish looks and can transform every woman, because the shape of the bob goes well with bangs.

It is formed depending on the type of face: the most important advantage of this decorative detail is the possibility of correction.

Smooth contours of the bob with an emphasis on straight long bangs will hide a wide forehead and highlight cheekbones. A classic haircut with side bangs is an option for those who have a wide, round or square face.

The best way to distinguish yourself is to combine straight lines and light cut bangs.

Very short bangs will make a narrow forehead look higher, and airy, milled bangs will make your hair easier and easier to style.

How to make the bob hair fold inwards on its own?

First of all, you need to take into account that the curls should initially have a predisposition to bend inward.

However, there are several tricks to make the strands curl:

  • each subsequent strand of hair is cut with an extension of 2-5 mm (maximum - 1 cm);
  • the hair is processed layer by layer with thinning scissors, while the blade of the tool is held at an angle of 45 degrees to the strand;
  • you can use simple scissors - slicing method the inner side of the strand is processed. In this case, the lower hair turns out to be shorter than the upper ones, and the haircut fits as it should;
  • If your hair doesn't lie flat, dry it without brushing. Then process dry hair as follows: separate the top layer of the hairstyle, 3-4 cm thick, and profile the lower strands where they do not lie as needed. Apply slicing in those places of the haircut where the bob haircut (inner silhouette) does not fit nicely around the perimeter.

Currently, many options have appeared based on the bob haircut. This graduated square, bob, youth haircut, chance, double bob, step bob, bob with lengthening towards the face. You can choose any style you want.

Classic bob technique on video

The bob is a haircut that was popular back in Ancient Egypt. With its help, you can create a unique image, highlight your advantages and hide your flaws. Despite the basic options, you can always make your own additions.

Let's look at how to cut a bob haircut for yourself without involving other people, as well as what styling methods can be used. But first you need to figure out whether this option is right for you?

Haircut features

The classic version can be an excellent base for other types of bobs, such as graduated, asymmetrical and with bangs. It is important to understand what is right for you:

  • A lengthened bob suits almost everyone. Curls can be straight or slightly curly;
  • It is recommended that anyone with a short neck avoid this option, since the entire emphasis will be on this part of the body;
  • An asymmetrical bob will be an ideal option for those with an oval face and women with large features;
  • For the classic version, it is better to have straight curls, regardless of their thickness or color;
  • Women with round faces and curly hair may want to find a different look. Since this option will only visually expand the face.

The ease of styling and timeless look make this haircut very popular. But for some people it is quite difficult to explain to the hairdresser exactly what image needs to be created, so some try to create the desired hairstyle on their own, while home conditions are not an obstacle to creating beauty.

How to cut a bob yourself: step-by-step instructions

In order to cut your hair yourself, you need to buy special hairdressing scissors for haircuts, as well as purchase hairpins or elastic bands. Now let's look at how to make a bob at home:

  1. As with any other haircut, the hair must be perfectly clean and damp;
  2. The head is divided into 7 zones. Start cutting from the front, separating a strand 3 cm wide from the selected area;
  3. The scissors are placed parallel to the floor and cut to the desired length in one movement. It is important to remember that when determining the length of the hairstyle, you should not pull the strand, so as not to get an undesirable result. The classic bob ends below the chin, but the length can still be chosen according to personal desire;
  4. Now gradually separate other hair from the front area of ​​the head and cut it to the same length as the first strand;
  5. After the entire area in front is trimmed, they move to the back of the head. Hair is combed to avoid tangles. To create the correct haircut, you need to cut a control row of curls along the perimeter of the occipital area, 2 cm wide. The scissors should always be parallel to the floor;
  6. Return to the front zone. Comb the back of the head and begin to cut the strands from bottom to top so that the length is the same everywhere. Then the crown area is cut in the same way;
  7. The area above the forehead is the last to be cut. The hair is parted and cut as in the previous steps;
  8. When all the excess has been cut off, they begin to carefully comb the entire head. This will help you see strands of different lengths or missing hairs that can be easily corrected;
  9. Now the curls are starting to dry out. To create a perfectly straight and smooth styling, use a flat iron or other available straightener. To obtain rounded ends, use a round brush. Finally, everything is varnished.

When creating an asymmetrical bob, only one difference is taken into account. The hair on the sides should be of different lengths, but at the same time converge into one at the back. They start cutting from the back and gradually increase the length on one side to the required level. It is better to make the bangs also oblique, which goes into the haircut itself. The rest of the manipulations are the same as when creating a classic haircut, which means that, having understood the features of the first, making an asymmetrical one for yourself will also not be difficult.

Laying a bob at home does not require any expensive equipment. She usually does it using tools that any girl has in her arsenal.

Features of drying and styling bob

Required accessories:

  • Any hair dryer;
  • Round and flat combs;
  • Styling styles that suit your hair best;
  • Curlers or straighteners.

How to install:

  1. Styling is done only on clean hair, this will create the perfect look and leave a lightness in the look;
  2. Dry the curls a little and apply volume mousse, which will help slightly lift the strands at the roots and slightly round the ends inward. All this creates a round shape;
  3. Complete drying is carried out using a hair dryer and a round comb;
  4. To avoid getting stuck together curls, try not to overdo it with styling products.

Styling with curlers, which will create a romantic look, can be made even easier:

  • Foam is applied to damp curls, combed well and, separating the strands, twist them in curlers;
  • Thoroughly dry the entire head with a hairdryer and remove the curlers;
  • Depending on the amount and structure of the hair, you can comb it with a brush or run it with your fingers;
  • Finally, everything is sprayed with varnish.

Instead of curlers, you can use a curling iron. Home is a great place to create an image using this tool. You can do your own styling without much effort.

Styling a bob can also be done without any equipment, for example, if the hair dryer is broken or the light is turned off:

  1. Wet curls are combed with a wide comb, parting them or combing them back;
  2. It is recommended to twist the front strands into the middle using your fingers;
  3. Then comb it with a round comb. Finally, use mousse or wax. Dry strands are sprayed with varnish.

Thus, you can style an elongated bob, creating a certain negligence on your head.

The decision to cut your hair into a bob will bring many advantages, as there will be options for creating a large number of styles. Often at first you won’t be able to perfectly replicate salon styling, but over time you will develop skill. All this will allow you to create original images at home every day.

Bob haircut its types and technology of implementation.

At all times, a bob haircut never goes out of fashion, since its types are very diverse: “Classic bob”, “Lengthening bob”, “Graduated bob”, “Bob on a leg”. In this article we will look at bob haircuts, its types and, of course, the execution technology.

  • Classic bob. Recommended for girls with a rectangular face shape. When styling, create volume on the sides with rounded lines towards the face and volume in the parietal area. Also suitable for triangular and oval face shapes.

Execution technology:

2. We start the haircut from the lower occipital area, separate a strand of hair with a horizontal parting, determine the length and make an edging with a straight cut, this will form a control strand. Remember the CP will be 20-25 ml shorter than the resulting haircut length. The haircut is done on wet hair, do not forget that when drying, the length will become shorter by 0.5-1 cm.

3. Using a horizontal parting, separate the next strand and comb it towards the CP (control strand), the pull angle is 0 degrees, we make a straight cut using the inward grading method, the length of the strand is 1-2 ml longer than the previous strand. Using this technique, continue cutting to the front parietal parting. Maintaining the same angle of tension, we cut the entire occipital area using the “strand to strand” method.

4. Now you can move on to cutting the parietal and temporal zones. In the temporal zone, we separate the strand and cut it to the length of the occipital zone, adding a line to the bob. Using the strand-by-strand method, we cut the entire section of hair up to the upper vertical parting, and use the same technique to cut the other side of the hair. Maintain the length of hair on both sides of your face by cutting strands of hair alternately.

5. Make bangs according to the client's wishes. Check the symmetry of the haircut: 1. stand facing the model and comb the hair lying to the right and left of the vertical parting dividing the parietal zone forward, compare their length (it should be the same); 2. When combing your hair in different directions, you need to make sure that there are no sudden changes in hair length.

6. To achieve a rounder silhouette, you can profile the length vertically.

2.Lengthening bob. A bob with a diagonal forward can be on a stem, the only difference is the length of the hair. It differs from the “Classic bob” by the edging (the ridge of the lower occipital zone turns diagonally forward on the temporal zones) and the parting along which the haircut is performed.

Execution technology:

1. The lower occipital zone is twisted into a tourniquet strictly along the center of the occipital zone and cut off.

2. We cut the temporal and parietal areas. By analogy with the technology of a classic bob, only the strands are cut diagonally, the length of the hair is extended towards the face.

3. Graduated square. Big The advantage of this haircut is that it allows you to vary the length of your hair, emphasizing or hiding some nuances of your appearance. A graduated bob can be made longer, torn, and more severe. You can also play with your bangs.

A bob haircut is a combination of two modern hairstyles, such as a bob and a bob, which are often confused due to their similarity.

The difference between these two haircut options comes down to bangs, which should be absent in bob models and must be present in bob haircuts.

But it so happened that time erased the boundaries between these two models and gave modern fashionistas different images, as you can see in our photos and videos.

The bob haircut belongs to the category of universal ones - all thanks to the existence of various hairstyle options that look great on different types of hair and are suitable for women with almost any appearance, you can be convinced of this by looking at the photo in the article.

Moreover, in each specific case, the hair type and face shape are the starting point, which allows you to choose the right haircut model.

For example, stylists advise owners of completely straight strands to pay attention to the classic version of the hairstyle with clear and soft contours.

It looks elegant, and due to the evenness and smoothness of the strands, it allows you to achieve a soft glossy shine and emphasize your hair style.

The classic bob is symmetrical and reaches the length of the earlobes. The strands are made with a straight, clear cut, as a result the model acquires smooth outlines and is complemented by a straight parting.

As mentioned above, the classic does not suit everyone, so only girls with an oval shape can safely choose it.

In this case, the haircut charmingly frames the correct facial features and allows you to place a favorable emphasis on the eyes.

Classic bob haircut technology:

  • We divide the curls into three sections: from the middle of the bottom of the head to the middle of the forehead - a vertical parting; from one point behind one ear to the point of the second ear - horizontal; from one temple to the second - the parting in the form of an arc passes through the crown;
  • The haircut begins from the bottom of the back of the head by identifying the control strand (CP). For this purpose, you need to separate a narrow strand horizontally;
  • We pull it back and cut it to the desired length, while the fingers should be parallel to the floor. Subsequently, it is this strand that you will need to focus on when removing the rest of the hair;
  • Next, you need to select a strand just above the CP and cut off its tip so that it is 1-2 mm longer than the control one. In this way we process all the remaining strands of the back of the head until the horizontal parting;
  • The upper part of the back of the head is separated by an arched parting and divided into two zones by a vertical parting. On the right occipital part of the head, select a strand parallel to the upper arched parting, then check its length with the CP and cut it off. We carry out a similar operation with the hair on the left side of the back of the head, treating the side zones;
  • We divide the strands on the crown into two parts and trim them in accordance with the previously planned haircut length.

In order for the ends of the haircut to curl inward on their own, it is necessary to profile the edges of the hairstyle from the inside, and the scissors will need to be held at an angle of 450 relative to the hair.

Asymmetrical bob style models

Asymmetrical bob haircuts have come into fashion not so long ago, but now these hairstyles are considered the most popular and are considered creative options.

A complete lack of symmetry in a hairstyle can hide imperfections in one’s appearance and place an advantageous emphasis on other facial features.

Especially asymmetrical bob-style haircuts look attractive with bangs made at an angle - it suits all parameters for girls who want to maintain their hair length.

In this case, elongated strands in combination with bangs will fall onto the collarbone on one side of the head, and completely open the neck on the other.

The most daring ladies may like the options for asymmetrical haircuts with bangs, in which one temple is shaved to zero.

The technique for performing an asymmetrical bob haircut can be the following scheme:

  • We divide the total wet mass of curls with a side parting into two unequal parts. Which side will have more hair and which side will have less depends on the wishes of the client. As an example, let’s take the option in which the right side has more strands and the left has fewer;
  • We work with the left side of the head: we separate the strands of the temporolateral zone with several horizontal partings. We make the length of the first control strand (CP) slightly higher than the earlobe;
  • Then, in accordance with the length of the CP, we trim the remaining hair on the left side of the head. You can cut the strands using the pointing method or using a classic cut;
  • You can achieve a triangular shape for a bob haircut that expands towards the top by properly cutting the upper strands. They must be brought to the gearbox and, pulling them back, cut at a certain angle;
  • We work on the right side of the head: here the hairline should lengthen towards the chin in combination with bangs. Having separated the curls, we begin to cut their ends, applying an arbitrary pull to the strands;
  • The back of the head should harmoniously connect the hair on the right and left sides, so it needs to be edged;
  • We divide the curls on the top of the head diagonally, after which we cut the hair, pulling the strands back. While working, you need to make a smooth transition from the side with lengthening to the short side of the hairstyle;
  • At the final stage of an asymmetrical bob haircut, you need to use the “star” technique, which will allow the hairstyle to look complete. For this purpose, we separate the strands with ray partings, making the starting point closer to the main dividing parting. We roll the hair of each section into flagella and cut it. Using the slicing method, we remove protruding hairs.

Bob bob with elongated front strands

Options with lengthening involve a haircut with bangs, the length of which should fully correspond to the length of the front strands.

In this case, the back of the head has short-cropped hair, due to which the contours of the neck are completely exposed at the back.

In the front, this lengthened haircut will help hide rough or too pointed cheekbones.

That is why a bob with long bangs can be a godsend for girls with diamond-shaped and square face shapes.

For those with a round face, a lengthened bob will help them elongate their shape.

A bob hairstyle with extension may look like this:

  • We comb and moisturize the curls, then separate them with a comb from the middle of the forehead to the middle of the bottom of the back of the head;
  • At the bottom of the back of the head, we separate vertically a narrow control strand of hair, pull it back and cut it to the desired length, holding the scissors parallel to the back of the head;
  • We again separate the strand with a vertical parting, but this time slightly higher than the control one. Pulling it at an angle of 150, we cut it so that this strand is slightly longer than its predecessor;
  • Using this method, we process the strands of the back of the head to the level of the ears, then move on to working on the temples. As a result of the haircut, the hair on the temples should be in line with the back of the head;
  • When processing the strands on the top of the head, we separate them with a parting and equalize the length of the temporal strands. We check the correctness of the lengthening hairstyle by combing the curls smoothly near both sides of the face and connecting the ends of the outer strands: they should be the same in length.

Variations of bob haircuts are currently very popular among the fair half of humanity. The hairstyle can be with or without bangs, long or very short, but it always looks stylish.

True, girls with such a haircut are often tormented by the question of how to beautifully style the “bob” in order to look irresistible at work, feminine on a date or at a party.


An elongated bob is the type of haircut that the vast majority of women like. This is due to the fact that the hairstyle looks very unusual and stylish, and thanks to the angle and extent of the lengthening, ladies, even with the same haircut, look unique and inimitable. The most risk-taking beauties make the difference between the hair on the back of their head and the strands near their face as noticeable as possible, which gives their appearance audacity.

The easiest bob to style at home is considered to be a “bob” with a medium lengthening, when the front strands follow the contours of the lower jaw. Traditional styling options are suitable for this haircut.

So, to style your hair in a simple way, follow these steps:

  • Wash your hair or, if your hair is clean, just wet it;
  • If the curls are too wet, then lightly wring them out with a towel;
  • Take a modeling product, for example, mousse. Squeeze a small amount onto your palms and distribute over the entire length of your hair;
  • Determine what kind of parting you want: straight or oblique and make it;
  • Now arm yourself with a hairdryer and dry your hair. You need to start with elongated strands, twisting them onto a round brush. Slowly pull it out, leading from top to bottom;
  • Once the front hairs are dry, you can move on to the back of the head. There the curls need to be dried, lifting from the roots;
  • The final stage is fixation. Spray your hair with hairspray.

Another styling option: how to quickly style a bob at home.

To create an image you need to do the following:

  • First, rinse and towel dry your hair. In this case, the curls should remain damp;
  • Take a small amount of foam for fixation and treat your hair with it from roots to ends;
  • Using a comb, comb the strands to one side and dry them with a hairdryer in the direction of hair growth;
  • Then flip the hair to the other side and also dry it with a hairdryer;
  • Now tilt your head forward so that your hair covers your eyes and comb the curls in one direction;
  • Throw your hair back with a sharp movement, if necessary, straighten individual hairs with your hands;
  • Decide on a place for the parting and make it;
  • Fix the resulting masterpiece with varnish.

The two methods described above are simple and accessible. Such styling is easy to do and suitable for every day, for example, for going to work or school, but for a party you need something more interesting. Therefore, let's talk about how best to style an elongated bob for a special occasion.

If you are going to a holiday, then it is important to arrange the bob in a special way.

You can try this in the following way:

  • If your hair is clean, then wet your hair; when your curls are dirty, then you should rinse them;
  • Armed with a towel, blot away excess moisture;
  • Apply styling product to damp hair so that it evenly covers the hair from roots to ends;
  • Take a comb and comb the strands back so that the longest ones end up on top of the entire head of hair;
  • Tilt your head back a little and, using a hairdryer, begin to dry your hair, directing a stream of warm air towards the back of your head. To make this easier, take a comb;
  • To make your hairstyle happy for a long time, fix it with hairspray.

This hairstyle will look great with an evening dress. Let's consider another styling option that is ideal for ladies with thin hair.

The hairstyle sequence is as follows:

  • Before you start styling your hair, your curls need to be washed or thoroughly moistened. Then remove excess moisture with a towel;
  • Divide wet hair into a straight parting. Asymmetrical in this installation option will not look entirely appropriate;
  • Try to divide the hair that lies on both sides of your head into strands of equal size. Leave one strand for work, and pinch the rest with clips;
  • Using an iron or curling iron (choose the tool for work based on the width of the strand), curl the loose hairs;
  • When one curl is ready, take on the second;
  • Do not comb the resulting curls, just twist the head a little in different directions so that the curls begin to look natural;
  • Don't forget to spray your hair with hairspray to preserve your hairstyle for a long time.

In this look you will look very gentle and beautiful.


Before you start styling, you should decide on the length of the bangs; it is this that will influence the hairstyle.

So, owners of short or medium bangs can consider two options for creating a hairstyle: make your hair straight or create beautiful curls.

And it doesn’t matter whether you want curls or smooth strands, the bangs in both cases should be even, for this you will have to straighten them with an iron.

If the bangs are long and do not differ much from the rest of the hair, then you can comb it back. This will give your face a more open look and visually lengthen it. For those ladies who love voluminous hairstyles, it is recommended to lightly curl their curls, starting from the very roots.

Owners of graduated bangs or side-swept bangs can experiment with different styles. The most advantageous options, according to hairdressers, are hairstyles with large curls, gentle waves or perfectly straight locks.

By the way, for those ladies who don’t know how to style a bob without a hairdryer and straightener, I’d like to give a little advice. You can create beautiful waves on your hair using regular ribbons made of durable fabric. To create a hairstyle, wash your hair, dry it slightly with a towel and separate it into separate strands, carefully lubricate with a fixing agent.

Armed with pieces of material of arbitrary length and thickness, start winding your hair on them, as if using curlers. Fix the resulting bundles at the roots. Leave this structure on your head until the hairs are completely dry. Minimum time 3 hours. Then carefully disassemble the bundles, pulling out the ribbons. You will see that the hairs have begun to fall in beautiful waves. If you wish, you can comb your hair or simply spray it with hairspray. This hairstyle will look natural and gentle.

It is quite possible to create a beautiful bob hairstyle; you just need a little patience and desire. Don't be afraid to experiment; they often give excellent results. Good luck.