Vlad Sokolovsky and Rita Dakota first appeared in public after the birth of their daughter. Rita Dakota and Vlad Sokolovsky will become parents OK magazine interview with Dakota and Vlad Sokolovsky

Rita Dakota and Vlad Sokolovsky will soon become parents. The couple, who got married in June 2015, did not immediately decide to add to the family. The musicians led an active lifestyle: they recorded new songs, filmed videos, and traveled around the world. Recently, Rita pleased fans with the announcement of a new video for the song “Half a Man.” For the sake of the spectacular video, the singer and her husband flew to the USA, where the filming took place.

Until recently, Rita Dakota preferred to hide changes in her figure and not talk about the planned addition to the family. The couple tried not to attract increased attention from the public. However, recently Rita Dakota and Vlad Sokolovsky decided to break the silence and openly talked about happy event In my life.

“In our first Bali I proposed, in the second Bali we were already husband and wife, in the third we had a baby, and in next year, it turns out that we will already be with a sling...” – Vlad Sokolovsky told reporters.

According to Rita, she has long wanted to become a mother for the first time, but the singer does not like the phrase “planned child.” When two people have been married for several years, the star explains, “it’s strange to consider a child unexpected - it’s normal development relationship of any healthy couple."

Fans have already begun to congratulate the future parents. Rita and Vlad often tell fans how their family life. Celebrities do not hide the fact that they love each other very much and miss each other when they have to be apart for a while.

“You are simply next to the person you chose, and who chose you too. I chose it not out of boredom or because everyone needs a mate, but thoughtfully, with an open heart and confidence, awareness. Pulled. Called. I chose you because you are unique; no one else feels like that, no one thinks like that, no one “gets there” like that. Because his soul is the home of your soul. There are big things involved here, invisible things that are not visible to the layman's eye. The tandem of two souls on the energetic and spiritual level is much higher than any stamps in passports. Therefore, in this life I can either be with Vlad or alone,” Dakota dedicated these words to her husband, posting one of the joint photos from their vacation.

Let us remember that the couple met on the “Star Factory” project in 2007. At first, Rita and Vlad communicated as friends, but after a few years their relationship grew into a sincere and strong love. In 2015, a young man proposed marriage to his beloved while on vacation in Bali. Dakota and Sokolovsky got married in a church and also had a luxurious wedding celebration, to which all friends were invited.

Previously, there were rumors on the Internet about possible pregnancy former participant of the popular project. However, neither Rita Dakota nor Vlad Sokolovsky commented on the information that was discussed on the Internet.

In a recent interview with reporters, the couple also admitted that they have a special chat in which the stars discuss events in their lives with loved ones. Rita's family lives in Minsk, and Vlad's family lives in Moscow. Thanks to modern technologies they can all be in touch. “They’ll praise us there, and they might send us away too, if there’s something for it. It seems to me that if anyone had read this chat, our parents could have been deprived of their parental rights for certain passages,” Dakota told OK! .

Vlad Sokolovsky and Rita Dakota appeared in public for the first time the day before. The young parents were inspired to leave their cozy family nest by the “More Than Stars” award ceremony of OK! magazine.

Vlad Sokolovsky and Rita Dakota // Photo: Instagram

For a social appearance, Rita Dakota chose a red dress. The star has repeatedly said that she gained weight during pregnancy. Currently, Rita is trying to control her diet and walk more. According to the singer, now she is absolutely happy. She spends days on end with her daughter, and in the evening, when Vlad Sokolovsky returns home, they watch good films and admire their firstborn.

“We’re sitting at home outside the city in cozy pajamas. Vlados goes to filming and concerts - and immediately returns with treats and gifts. We cook dinners, watch movies, host our closest friends while the baby sleeps. We have such a proper and cinematic hook, it’s cozy and warm. It’s like the Christmas holidays, that’s exactly what it feels like” - Rita wrote on the microblog.

It is noteworthy that it was Rita Dakota and Vlad Sokolovsky who magazine OK! named "Couple of the Year". The couple did not hide their surprise, but immediately after the award they hurried home outside the city. Even the victory did not make them stay an extra minute at the party.

“We won! We are “Couple of the Year” according to OK magazine. Thank you for this award, thank you for your love and attention, and most importantly, thank you to our fans, all our people, those who voted and dreamed of making us happy in some way” - Rita Dakota thanked the fans.

By the way, it is the readers of OK! were the first to know that Rita and Vlad were expecting their first child. The couple posed for the cover of a fashion magazine and in a candid interview spoke about the upcoming joyful event.

Spouses Rita Dakota and Vlad Sokolovsky exclusively told the site how their lives changed with the birth of Mia.

Photo: Jaroslav Kloos Vlad Sokolovsky and Rita Dakota

The musicians became the parents of the baby, who happy parents named Mia, completely changed their lives. And, as the artists themselves admit, for the better. Rita and Vlad exclusively told the site how their life was going in their new status and introduced their baby to the public. Meet Mia! In this photo the girl is only two weeks old.

The artists did not lie: they, like all parents, experience difficulties, but for them all the troubles are pleasant moments that they will remember with a smile.

Rita: We try to somehow treat lack of sleep and some difficulties with humor. And we understand that this fate - colic, teeth and everything else - awaits everyone.

Celebrity parents say that they are creating new difficulties for themselves. For example, they flew to Bali for several months with their newborn child. And now they have become real professionals in the field of “family holidays”. In their vlogs on YouTube, the couple prove by their own example that even after becoming parents, you can remain mobile and productive.

Vlad: I can immediately say that traveling with a baby is not very convenient. When you fly with a two or three month old baby, you take with you food, diapers, a stroller, all sorts of sun loungers, toys... A huge number of things! We took the minimum for ourselves and the maximum for her.

We flew away with a child who is two and a half months old, and will return when she is four and a half. These are three different clothing sizes! Mia has a lot more stuff than we do

Since Vlad and Rita, not only their lifestyle has changed, but also their internal perception of the world. They have become more reverent, sensitive and responsible.

Vlad: You worry constantly... Sometimes stupid thoughts creep into your head. Here you are holding a child in your arms, everything is fine, your feet are on the ground and everything is fine, but some thought appears in your head: “What if you’re about to slip.” And then you start to beat yourself up, even though everything is fine.

Rita: Increased vigilance mode is activated. Even on such rare evenings when Vlad and I can go somewhere in the evening to hang out, like on the island of Bali (you can see it in one of our vlogs). Once we were at a Leningrad concert and drank wine. Everyone was drunk, but we were not. We drank several glasses, but we didn’t have any in either eye, because the vigilance mode turned on.

Despite their immense love for their child, Rita and Vlad continue to engage in their projects, household chores and creativity. In part, Mia helped her parents learn how to properly plan their day.

Rita: We have become more organized in terms of time management. Previously, we could spread out all our work for the whole day, come home between tasks to eat or do something else. Now we are trying to draw up a schedule for the day so that in the first half of the day we have time to do the maximum number of things and spend the second half with the child completely. But, of course, grandmothers save. God bless them.

Now the artists have already gained experience and can share it with other young parents. Vlad, for example, now knows everything about strollers. However, this was not always the case. Some moments really surprised the couple as they prepared for their new status.

Rita: There are some little things that you never think about. For me, for example, it was a great discovery that a newborn baby does not need a pillow. It seemed to me that I needed something softer and more comfortable, but it turned out that the pillow for a newborn is dangerous.

Or, for example, the most difficult moment for us in everyday child care is cutting nails. In the family, we use rock-paper-scissors to decide who will do it, because everyone is afraid of taking some wrong step.

Rita and Vlad can undoubtedly be called parents of the year. A warm atmosphere reigns in their family, and they share this warmth with fans in their vlogs on YouTube channel“Sokolovsky & Dakota” and on Instagram every day. They are honest about what is really going on in their lives. Like all people, sometimes they break down. A tearful Rita picks up a camera and talks about failures... But this, as the artists themselves say, is real life, without embellishment.

Rita: We are learning to re-adapt to our freedom, because it looks a little different now. But it's actually cool! This is growth, definitely. We have become better, we have become stronger. This is a very cool stage, and we are grateful to the Universe for it.

Singer Rita Dakota is on early pregnancy, so changes in the figure are not yet noticeable.

Photo: Legion-Media

Russian stars and are waiting for the birth of their first child, the Life.ru portal reports. Celebrities have not yet confirmed the information about the upcoming replenishment, but they have not denied it either.

Judging by the pictures in in social networks, future parents continue to engage in creativity and try not to advertise their personal life too much. However, today Rita was a little more open than usual. The girl once again confessed her love to her husband and remembered how their relationship began.

“I remember when Vlad and I first chose each other, we were not at all like we are now. I was a plump punk with a dull brown bob and wearing torn sneakers, Vlad was a young pop musician with a temporary crisis in creativity, the two of us had nothing to offer each other except that very real and all-consuming LOVE in spite of. We made each other ourselves over the years, just as we made ourselves for each other, if you know what I mean,” the singer noted.

Let us remember that Rita and Vlad got married in 2015. For both artists, the child will be the first-born. It is interesting that several years before this, celebrities participated together in the “Star Factory” project, but then their relationship did not go beyond friendship.

Artists Vlad Sokolovsky and Rita Dakota became the heroes of the latest issue of OK! The couple took part in a photo shoot and gave an exclusive interview.

Photo: Legion-Media.ru

Last October we became parents for the first time. The baby, whom the couple named Mia, completely changed their lives. And, as the artists themselves admit, for the better. A few months ago, together with their child, they are vacationing there to this day. The musicians spoke about how life is on the tropical island and why they decided to stay longer in an interview with OK! magazine, and together with their daughter Mia they graced the cover of the new issue.

Rita and Vlad admitted that the decision to stay in Bali was spontaneous. The couple did not even have time to change their return tickets, and they “burned out.”

March let us down a bit. Usually it is not so negative. Therefore, when our conscience torments us, we will languidly roll our eyes and justify our decision by caring for the child. Of course, we stayed because we have a small infant and we wanted to avoid re-acclimatization, not because we surf here and have a great time,” Rita joked.

However, as it seems from the outside. They admit that blogging is real work that takes a lot of time and requires certain skills.