Romantic evening (dinner). Ideas at home

An excellent dinner made from inexpensive ingredients, the recipe for which I want to offer you is one of the varieties of khanum (an oriental dish so popular in many countries). The only difference from the classic version is that there will be no meat in the filling: only vegetables and spices.

But this does not mean that the dish will turn out bland: it is nourishing, juicy and aromatic. I’ll tell you a little secret on how to achieve this: an amazing sauce made from simple ingredients will come to the rescue. By the way, the classic khanum can be prepared in the same way: the sauce will also go well with it.

Required ingredients:

  • 800 grams of any unleavened dough;
  • 800 grams of potatoes;
  • 200 grams of onions;
  • one tablespoon of salt;
  • one teaspoon of ground cumin;
  • one teaspoon ground black pepper.

For the sauce:

  • two tablespoons of tomato paste;
  • 100 grams of onions;
  • 100 grams of carrots;
  • one teaspoon of salt;
  • one tablespoon of wheat flour;
  • 500 milliliters of water;
  • dill and onion rings for sprinkling.

How to cook a great dinner using inexpensive ingredients

  1. Peel the potato tubers, wash them and grate them into strips on a Korean vegetable grater. If you don't have one, just cut the potatoes into thin strips.
  2. Peeled onions are cut into thin half rings.
  3. Place the potatoes and onions in a bowl, add salt, black pepper and ground cumin. Mix everything thoroughly with your hands.
  4. need to be prepared in advance: you can use your favorite recipe or look at the unleavened dough recipe on our website.
  5. We form the dough into a sausage, and then cut it into equal parts. We turn each part into a flat cake, roll them into thin circles.
  6. Grease each circle of dough, spread the filling over the entire surface, and roll it into a roll.
  7. We form a snail from the roll, press it down a little on top. Immediately place on the sheets of the pressure cooker (they need to be greased with oil) and set to cook for 45 minutes (after the water boils).
  8. At this time, let's make the sauce ourselves. Pour into the cauldron vegetable oil, heat it up and add finely chopped onions.
  9. After the onion is slightly fried, add the carrots, grated on a coarse grater.
  10. Fry everything together for about three minutes, add tomato paste to the vegetables: mix and fry over high heat for another 3 minutes.
  11. Then add wheat flour, mix and fry for about a minute.
  12. Pour in water, salt and cook over low heat for 15-20 minutes. Once the sauce thickens, it can be removed from the heat.
  13. Take another bowl, put chopped dill and onion cut into thin rings into it. Mix everything.
  14. After the khanum is cooked, take a deep pan and put a plastic bag inside.
  15. We put filled flat cakes in it in layers, pour plenty of sauce over each layer. We tie the cellophane on top and close the pan with a lid. Leave for a while so that the dish is soaked in the sauce.

We serve an excellent dinner made from inexpensive products on the table, first sprinkled with onions and dill. An awesome dish that does not require any expenses: no effort, no time, no money - many housewives will like it. Fragrant, satisfying and very tasty flatbreads with vegetable filling and an incomparable sauce - this is an excellent recipe that will become a favorite and diversify the daily menu. You will find even more incredible dinner ideas: stay tuned.

D even married woman I want to be constantly desired and loved, to still be mysterious and unpredictable for him, the only one. In the crazy world of constant bustle and haste, the struggle for survival, you want affection, love, care and peace. It seems that everything is still in the family, but the daily dullness of everyday life, the accumulating fatigue brings into daily life first a little indifference, and then alienation. This shouldn’t happen, we need a holiday, an unusual, unexpected surprise. And the best in this case may be romantic evening with your loved one in oriental style. What is needed to organize such an evening? First of all, the unusual setting, then dinner and, finally, the odalisque herself in translucent clothes, sensual, mysterious.

Preparing for a romantic evening

We begin preparing for a romantic evening in oriental style by arranging the room. A bedroom with a wide bed, covered with a silk bedspread with bright oriental patterns, is best suited. The image of an oriental mansion is always associated with a canopy over the bed. It’s easy to buy translucent fabric and invite craftsmen to install the canopy. Be sure to spread a fluffy carpet on the floor with big amount pillows and pillows embroidered with gold patterns.

The way to the heart of the “sultan”, that is, the beloved man, lies through his stomach. Therefore, we think over the table setting and purchase the appropriate products. Without a doubt, the evening will end in the morning, so the menu should include fruits and light drinks: strawberries, bananas, peanuts, coconut, anise, champagne, for example, a good spicy liqueur, wines and low-alcohol drinks.

A holiday without a hookah is unthinkable, especially since many people have a hookah, given to their husband many years ago, gathering dust in a corner without use. We bought tobacco for a hookah, a burner for igniting it, etc. from an oriental accessories store. Be sure to learn how to light a hookah for your loved one - this is one of the traditions of the east.

The East is sensual Arabic music and the smell of luxury, which will be provided by scented candles and sticks. Two playlists with appropriate music and candles scented with roses, lilies and other oriental incense will immerse you in the world of “1001 Nights” fairy tales.
And in conclusion, think over your image of an oriental temptress. Aromatic bath, oriental makeup, Scheherazade's translucent costume. You can buy it or sew it yourself.

Are you all ready?! Call your husband, intrigue him with your call, and he will rush home, where a surprise awaits him and perhaps his first romantic evening in oriental style.

Romance should always be there, regardless of whether you have been married for a year, two or fifteen. for your husband to like it? It is this topic that we will now consider in detail. We will offer you several interesting options, and also give some important tips.

So, what points should you consider before giving your husband a romantic evening?

  • Time and day for a romantic evening. Best time is Friday or Saturday evening. Then you can completely relax.
  • Place. The environment must be appropriate. It could be a picnic, a restaurant, a rooftop or an apartment.
  • An invitation to your husband for a romantic evening can be sent as an SMS message. You can make a postcard with your own hands using available materials. For example, take a small piece of cardboard and cut out a heart from it. Decorate it with sparkles or beads, and write the meeting place and time with a pen.
  • Evening event decoration. You need to think about serving and dishes.
  • Menu. Regardless of where you spend the evening, dishes should not be floury or greasy. The best option- light dishes. You can use seafood, because they are natural aphrodisiacs. Drinks should also be light: liqueur, wine or champagne.
  • Music. Of course, any romantic evening does not pass in silence. You need to choose the right one musical accompaniment for an event.


How to arrange a romantic evening for your husband? Let's consider options for holding such an event.

Similar creative ideas you can come up with many. This question should be addressed, of course, to your heart and feelings.

Arranging a romantic evening at home for my husband

Such an event at home can be held in almost any room, even in the bathroom.

You can light candles and leave them floating in the water, and arrange small bouquets of fresh flowers on the shelves. Place a table nearby with desserts, fruits and, of course, light drinks. You can cook seafood dishes. Of course, you need to choose pleasant music and throw rose petals into the bathroom.

Where else in the apartment can you spend a romantic evening? In the kitchen, decorating it, for example, in Japanese style. What foods should you prepare for such an event? Dishes of Japanese, French or Italian cuisine. Candles and bright lanterns would be appropriate.

How to arrange a romantic evening for your husband in an original way? You can do this at home. You can have a picnic on the balcony or loggia. You should grill the meat in the oven. The table on the loggia needs to be covered with a tablecloth. Fruits can be placed in a wicker basket. A great option for this situation is wine. Music with sounds of nature is ideal for such an evening.

Oriental fairy tale for your beloved spouse

Organize a fairy tale for him. “Which one?” - you ask. Eastern. It will be called “1000 and 1 night”. To make a fairy tale come true, you must, of course, prepare the appropriate atmosphere. It is necessary to put a carpet on the floor, and the brighter it is, the better. In addition, you will need pillows (as many as possible). What to cook for the table? You don't have to think too much about this. Oriental sweets, fruits and wine will be enough. Of course, such an evening cannot be spent without

A hookah will complement the atmosphere. Buy tobacco with a pleasant smell and taste. Of course, you should prepare before such an event. How? You need to learn at least the basics. Show your desire, and then you will succeed.

A little conclusion

Now you know how to arrange a romantic evening for your husband. As you can see, organizing everything is quite simple. The main thing is to put in a little effort and use your imagination. Believe me, you will succeed. Love your husband, make him happy, and he will definitely pamper you!

Oriental cuisine is a real art! She is multifaceted and attractive, but at the same time unlike any others. These dishes seem complicated at first glance, but in fact, they can be easily prepared in your own kitchen!



Pilaf is perhaps the most popular oriental dish! It is prepared in many countries from Iran to Uzbekistan, and each country has its own, very special recipes. But the requirements for the main ingredients are the same everywhere. It is believed that the key to delicious pilaf is high-quality rice, good oil and the right set of spices. Everything else may be very different. All you have to do is choose a recipe to your taste and go on a gastronomic journey through the countries of the East!



This dough dish with different fillings is very similar to Georgian khinkali and even a little like Russian dumplings. However, it is prepared differently, and the taste is noticeably different from its own kind. The dough used is very simple - made from flour, water, eggs and salt, but any filling is chopped exclusively by hand. Manty is made in a special manti cooker (“mantyshnitsa”) or in a double boiler. You need to cook manti immediately, but freeze them for long storage It won’t work, and why put it off? The main thing is to remember to serve them with the right sauce, which will complement the taste of the dish!


Shawarma is a kind of oriental fast food that is very popular in many countries around the world. The cooking technology is the same everywhere: slices of spit-roasted meat and fresh vegetables are wrapped in pita bread or pita bread, and then the whole thing is seasoned with garlic-kefir sauce - you'll lick your fingers! This dish is easy to repeat even at home, so shawarma - great option for a quick dinner.



It is probably impossible to find a person who does not like khachapuri! This Georgian dish is an incredibly tasty flatbread with cheese. There are a huge number of varieties of khachapuri: they differ in names, shapes, and fillings. For example, Adjarian ones are the most spectacular, reminiscent of a boat with cheese and egg. Megrelian have round shape, but unlike the Imeretian ones, they are covered with cheese on top. And if you don’t want to stand at the stove for a long time, prepare lazy khachapuri. The most best recipes khachapuri - in our selection.


Thick soup kharcho - a traditional dish Georgian cuisine. In the classic version, it is prepared from beef with the addition of rice, walnuts and a lot of spices, making the soup rich, satisfying and very aromatic! Another feature is its pleasant “sourness”. This flavor effect is achieved by adding tkemali or tkali - sauces made from sour plums, which are often replaced with pomegranate juice, tomatoes or tomato paste.

Ossetian pies

Ossetian pies are more like flat cakes with fillings than regular pies. Their history goes back more than one century, and every year this type of baking becomes more and more popular, not only in its homeland, but also in other countries. There are many recipes and secrets for preparing the dish! But there are two important criteria for a successful Ossetian pie: thin dough and a large amount of filling. It is by these parameters that the experience and culinary abilities of the housewife are often assessed. Try cooking it too!



In oriental cuisine, the word “kebab” refers to the most different types fried meat dishes, because that’s how it is translated from Persian. But various consoles give us more specific ideas about recipes and cooking methods. For example, everyone knows that lula kebab is “sausages” made of minced meat strung on a skewer. Everyone's favorite kebab is also called shish kebab. And doner kebab or just doner is nothing more than shawarma. Kebabs have become widespread throughout the world, and their recipes are constantly changing under the influence of other cultures. For example, now they are prepared not only from all types of meat, poultry and even fish, but also vegetables.


Dolma is another oriental dish that is definitely worth trying! It is the closest relative of our cabbage rolls: the filling most often uses minced meat and rice, which are wrapped in grape leaves. However, in different cuisines of the world, vegetables are also used instead of leaves. Dolma is served both cold and hot with various sauces that highlight the unusual taste of the dish.



This oriental appetizer will be appreciated by both meat-eaters and vegetarians! Lobio is prepared from green beans or boiled red beans. However, in order not to spend a lot of time preparing this dish, you can even use canned beans. Thanks to a large number greens, nuts and pomegranate seeds, it acquires an incredible taste and aroma. Lobio is most often served with freshly baked bread.



Baklava can easily be called the most famous oriental dessert! It harmoniously combines nuts, spices and thin puff pastry. All this is soaked in viscous sugar syrup and turns into a delicious oriental delicacy that is impossible to resist!

It feels like on a date in Moscow City, every person is worried about our couple with their souls

Guys, thank you very much for the work done, everything was done quickly, in a short time, you deprived me of most of the excitement, because you took upon yourself all the organizational work of our romantic dinner on the roof of Moscow City. Thanks to every single person, Evgeniy, Anastasia, Alexander - our operator. Such great guys, they all know how to sing and shoot videos, and the magician is just some kind of magician, honestly. It feels like every person worries about our couple with their soul. Everything worked out, thank you very much

I really liked that they satisfied our wishes, which were not initially specified.

Hello, I found this event - a romantic evening on the roof, on the Internet, I wanted to do it for my wife a pleasant surprise. Just visiting restaurants is usually enough. But here I was still interested: the view of Moscow is beautiful, the atmosphere is romantic. And I really liked that the guys who organized this were very responsive, went to the meeting and satisfied our wishes, which were not initially specified. Therefore, I am very grateful. I'm glad my wife enjoyed her rooftop date.

Overall, I'm shocked!

In general, I did not expect it! I was in a taxi and didn’t know where I was going. They brought me here and closed their eyes. I was riding in a terrible elevator, in which my ears were blocked. I came here and was very surprised, everything was very beautiful. The present romantic date on the roof: it was decorated with rose petals and candles. What else can I say? - In general, I'm shocked)

Opinion about the quality of service and professionalism of the staff organizing romantic dates on the roof in Moscow City

I want to say that we enjoyed these couple of hours of a romantic dinner on the roof for two and were very pleased with the service, the way the organizers greeted us, how comfortable conditions created for us. I would like to mention the cuisine, everything was very tasty! I would like to note the music: there was musical accompaniment, a saxophone. Everything was very romantic, in terms of mood. I also liked how the photo shoot went and how professional the photographer was with the angles, how he exposed us against the backdrop of flowers and panoramic windows. We thank you and invite others who are interested in this to take part.

Everything was very romantic, in terms of mood. I also liked how the photo shoot went and how professional the photographer was with the angles, how he exposed us against the backdrop of flowers and panoramic windows. We thank you and invite others who are interested in this to take part.

I really enjoyed our date in the city, especially the live music and the cake.

So, well, I really liked everything. I found this organization on the Internet. The romantic evening in Moscow City was great and met my expectations, I really enjoyed everything! - and I liked it. Especially live music and cake! I'm happy!

I'm totally shocked

I liked it all very much. I was worried, but not too much. The date in Moscow City went as expected. Thank you very much Valeria. - Yes, Valeria was very nice and responsive. We really liked everything! - And I’m so completely shocked! Thank you very much, especially Valeria!

On our romantic evening in Moscow City we were able to see the sunset - very beautiful, very cool

Hello, Oleg and Christina. Tell me, what did you expect from a romantic dinner in Moscow City and did it actually work out? In fact, we didn’t expect to be so high and see such a picture - a pleasant surprise! And we were very lucky with our timing - we were able to see the sunset - very beautiful, very cool. Would you recommend us to your friends? - Of course, now there will be posts on Instagram, everyone will see it anyway

Romantic date in Moscow City Workshop of Emotions - best gift on other

Today is July 1st - the birthday of my beloved husband. I spent a very long time trying to find a way to congratulate him in an unusual way. And one day, when I came across this on the Internet unusual congratulations- a romantic date in Moscow City at the Workshop of Emotions - I decided that this would be just what I needed. I didn't regret it. There was complete correspondence between price and quality - romantic, clean, high quality. Everything corresponds to reality - it was very cool. Guys, thank you! Hope to see you again someday! it was great!

Guys, I recommend a great place for holding various types of events: birthdays, late-night movie screenings, romantic dates on the roof. Moreover, Valentine’s Day is coming soon - you can retire to the 60th floor of the City of Capitals tower. Imagine: I’ve been working here for 6 years and I didn’t even suspect that such an awesome place existed. You can decorate it however you want, you can bring your own drinks and food, in general, there’s plenty of room for imagination, I recommend it, I recommend it. The company that helped us is called "Emotion Workshop". Welcome!

We will come here again and again and again

Good evening, ladies and gentlemen! Today we visited an incredible place like the Emtsoi Workshop, which is located in Moscow City. The romantic evening in Moscow City, organized by the Emotions Workshop, left amazing impressions: a very romantic setting, a very good atmosphere, very hospitable people, very good service staff. We invite you all to visit this place because here incredible views to Moscow. We really liked it, we will come here again and again!

Romance! If only we had jumped, of course.

I went online and wrote “entertainment” - “What kind of entertainment can there be today”, because... It was my wife's birthday. I looked - you can make a date in the Moscow City Federation Tower for your wife - such an entertainment-surprise, and I found a phone number and called. And this happened by itself, unplanned, “at random” in a couple of hours. When everything happens spontaneously, it turns out beautifully. Romance! If only we had jumped, of course))

The future wife even shed tears

We liked everything! Very good! Concerns? - I don’t know, were there? - Well, the first time when you stand at such a height, of course there is a feeling of fear, because... quite high height. Emotions are overwhelming, it’s all so memorable. My future wife I even shed a tear! This is so sweet and touching, thank you very much

Everything is exquisite - thank you for the quality and service of a romantic dinner in Moscow City

I would like to say a huge thank you to the “Emotions Workshop” company for the service provided and the quality of organizing our private party for two in honor of our anniversary! In fact, everything is refined and cultural. I would like to say a huge thank you for the quality and service you provided today.

Beautiful view and pleasant atmosphere for a romantic evening in Moscow City.

Everything was great, we liked it very much! A beautiful view from the window is the most important impression. And a nice environment! How did we find you? - There were a lot of offers on the Internet. Why did they choose you? - They probably looked at the reviews and photos. And they decided to organize it.

We are so happy that we found you

We found it through the website "head in the clouds". We are incredibly happy that we found you. The proposal turned out to be a great success. The services also turned out great. Everything is beautiful and the view...everything is romantic. We will invite all our friends to contact you and book a date in Moscow City.

Your romantic dinner is good, comfortable and the prices are reasonable

Can I speak honestly? Seriously? - Yes! I turned to Workshop of Emotions because it seemed to me that this company could really create a real romantic evening in Moscow City, exactly what I wanted. In principle, I made no mistake, everything went very well! In general, rose petals were not included, but they ended up here - I'm very glad. I'll be honest. - Today they proposed to me, and this is the best place where it could happen! Thank you! Your place is very good, comfortable and the prices are reasonable

Aerobatics - date in Moscow City

My name is Rita, my name is Ilya. This is our first time here, the romantic dinner in Moscow City was super. Everything is very well organized. The atmosphere is wonderful. Aerobatics, we will advise and advertise to friends!

One of the best places for panoramic views

We found out on the Internet one of the best places with a panoramic view, where you can organize a date on the roof of Moscow City with a girl. I liked everything very much, my expectations really matched. Thank you to the Emotions Workshop, everything is very cool - please contact us. I received a lot of emotions - this is the most important thing, thank you!

I spent a long time choosing, settled on the Workshop of Emotions, everything was cool.

In fact, I was not afraid of anything, I already knew my choice. I spent a long time selecting a venue for a romantic evening in Moscow City and thought about how to do it, and I don’t regret that I settled on the guys from the Emotions Workshop. Everything was on top level, you can trust them! There was a WOW effect, everything was cool.