Bring back youth and freshness to your face: gymnastics for lips against wrinkles. Simple exercises to enlarge lips Is it possible to pump up lip muscles?

Age-related processes of skin withering and loss of tone of the orbicularis oris muscle lead to the fact that the lips become thin and pursed, and wrinkles appear around the mouth. With the exercise from the “Plump Lips” facial gymnastics complex, you train the orbicularis oris muscle. Carol Maggio For many years now she has been keeping her lips seductive with the help of face-building.

Execution method:

  1. Fold your upper lip inward so that it presses against your gum, exposing your teeth. Hold it in this way with your index finger. Using the same finger of your other hand, pat your upper lip. Visualize yourself breaking the ball in the center of your lip (concentrate the tension in the center of your lip). Remove your finger and, feeling a burning sensation, repeat with your finger 30 pulsations round.
  2. After this, visualize yourself breaking the ball in both corners of your mouth. With the index finger of your free hand, tap one corner of your mouth, and with your thumb, the other. All this time, continue to press your upper lip to your gum. Remove your fingers and, feeling a burning sensation, repeat with your fingers 30 pulsations round.
Benefit: your lips will become plumper, younger and firmer. They will also regain their pink color and wrinkles around the mouth will be smoothed out.

Lead time: about a minute. Results will appear after a few weeks of facial aerobics practice.

The "Super Face" project was created by us to help maintain youth and health, resisting the influence of time and gravity. If you are disappointed in Botox, facial massage or do not want to put yourself at risk, face forming is the best solution. We guarantee quality training with a licensed instructor Anastasia Burdyug.

Exercises for lip augmentation are one of the options to give them expressiveness without the help of a plastic surgeon and beauty injections. These complexes are popular and have advantages and disadvantages, which are useful to know about before use.

When performed regularly, the exercises have an amazing effect. Lips have a muscular structure; they can and should be exercised, just like other parts of the body. With age, a person’s appearance changes, the corners of the mouth droop, the upper lip becomes streaked with vertical wrinkles, the red border becomes thinner, volume and shape disappear. But if you train the orbicularis oris muscle, you can avoid these problems and get beautiful lips. A set of simple exercises on the articulatory apparatus will increase the volume of the lips and give them natural swelling, ensuring the raising of the corners of the mouth. The main condition for obtaining the desired cosmetic result is consistency and perseverance. Gymnastics for lip enlargement is training by alternately tensing and relaxing the circular labialis muscle in order to enlarge and strengthen it; in cosmetology it is called face building.

Popular exercises and simulators

Exercises 1-3 and 9 are performed 15-20 times in three approaches.

  1. Pulling the lips with a tube and stretching them horizontally.
  2. Fix the corners of the mouth with your index fingers, and stretch out the closed lips with a tube.
  3. With your index fingers, use a slight force to stretch your lips to the sides, and use the orbicularis muscle to pull them back.
  4. Pull it out with a tube and in this position make movements left - right and circular movements clockwise and counterclockwise. Perform left and right movements 100 times, circular movements in each direction 50 times.
  5. Press a sheet of paper tightly between your lips and hold it in tension for at least 10 minutes.
  6. Place your index fingers in the nasolabial cavity from the nostrils to the corners of the mouth, stretch your lips into a smile with your fingers, fix the position for 10 seconds, relax, repeat 5 approaches.
  7. Squeeze the wine bottle cork and hold it tight for 20 seconds. Repeat the exercise 10-12 times.
  8. Tighten the orbicularis oris muscle and move your lower jaw left and right. The jaws are slightly open, only strain your lips. Perform 100 times.
  9. Press your index finger vertically to your lips and pull it out with force.

Among other common manipulations for training the orbicularis muscle of the speech apparatus, “blowing out a candle” and “fish” exercises will help get rid of purse-string (vertical) wrinkles, strengthen the contour of the lips and improve blood circulation in the lower third of the face. “Blowing out a candle” occurs with maximum tension in all parts of the speech apparatus, “fish” - retraction of the cheeks occurs from the position of the tube.

Increasing lip volume at home can be successfully achieved using exercise machines. These are vacuum impact devices to obtain an instant effect. The harmonica can also be considered an effective exercise machine; the gymnastic effect is not immediate, but the muscles of the vocal apparatus and cheeks will noticeably tighten.

Exercises to increase volume, used at home for lasting visible results, must be performed regularly, morning and evening. Before gymnastics, cleanse your face and ventilate the room. Exercises that involve your hands and fingers should be performed with thin cotton gloves, since even with thorough hand washing, bacteria are still present on them. After gymnastics, relieve tension from the face: relax all facial muscles, shake your head with a short amplitude to the left and right with a sound similar to a horse neighing; Moisturize the skin of the lips with cream or balm and protect from ultraviolet radiation.

The described exercises work on the lower third of the face, they will make your lips plump and beautiful, and your smile radiant. But the whole face ages and loses its elasticity, and for greater efficiency and preservation of beauty and youth, it is better to perform a set of exercises for the entire contour. Gymnastics at home lasts no more than an hour and consists of light exercises, but after a week of regular training, lip enlargement will be visible in the mirror.

How long does the effect last?

Gymnastics for the lips, provided that the exercises are performed correctly and regularly, give good visible results. When using vacuum simulators, the effect will be visible, but will pass quickly with the outflow of blood from the area of ​​influence of the simulator. To achieve permanent long-term results, you cannot do without training.

After the first lesson, a rush of blood will be felt in the mouth area. With each workout, the effect will increase, and if you stop doing gymnastics, the mouth muscles will weaken, which will lead to adverse cosmetic consequences.

Contraindications to gymnastics

As with any physical activity, there are contraindications for training the facial muscles. Complexes cannot be performed during a hypertensive crisis, if there is damage to the facial nerve and during the rehabilitation period after plastic surgery. The possibility of training in the latter case is discussed with the surgeon. In other cases, pumping up your lips by training at home is a useful and pleasant thing, and after a short time the result of your efforts will pleasantly surprise you.

Juicy, expressive lips attract attention and give their owner a special chic. It is not surprising that women try to add volume to them using a variety of methods, including injections and surgery. If you don’t want to visit the thresholds of plastic surgeons’ clinics, act on your own. Lip augmentation at home will take place without the slightest threat to health in a calm, cozy environment. Your spectacular appearance will be a reason for pride, because you will achieve the desired result with your hard work!

To make your lips plump and seductive, you will have to work hard. Massage should become a habit, so it is best to do it after morning and evening brushing of your teeth. It will only take a few minutes of your time, and the effect of regular procedure is amazing.

You can add volume and expressiveness to your lips at home

Massage with a toothbrush

If you've never massaged your lips before, start with simple steps. Choose a toothbrush with soft bristles to avoid damaging delicate skin. Wet it and make gentle circular movements for several minutes. Blood circulation will improve, and your lips will “come to life”, looking moist and full.

When massaging, move the toothbrush slowly and smoothly

Do not use the same brush for massage as for brushing your teeth. Get a separate “tool” - it’s more hygienic.

Massage with natural products

The massage will bring double benefits if you apply natural products to the skin before the procedure:

  • honey (not artificial!);
  • peppermint oil;
  • balm with beeswax.

A mask made from natural honey will fill your lips with microelements

Any of these products will actively saturate you with useful microelements and add health to you. You cannot use lipstick after this; you must first apply a nourishing balm.

Peeling massage

The skin of the lips also needs renewal, but it should be helped very carefully. If purchased scrubs (of course, high-quality ones) do not particularly harm your hands and feet, then it is easier and safer to prepare a mixture for peeling such a sensitive part of the body with your own hands.

Mix the following ingredients in equal proportions:

  • sugar;
  • lemon juice;
  • cosmetic Vaseline.

Massage your lips with the resulting mixture for 5-8 minutes.

Work only with your fingertips! A toothbrush is contraindicated - it may cause injury.

What will a weekly massage with a scrub lead to:

  • tissues will be cleared of dead cells;
  • the skin will surprise you with silkiness and tenderness;
  • volume will increase:
  • The glitter will go on smoother.

Don’t be lazy to massage with a scrub every seven days – your lips are renewed and enlarged

Applying masks is an ancient and effective way to enlarge lips

Girls with plump lips in Ancient Egypt were willingly married - they were considered fertile. Interesting recipes for tricks were passed down from generation to generation - the Egyptians did not want to stay too long “in girls”. They did not shy away from dangerous tricks - for example, they combined all kinds of oils with snake venom.

Recipes for modern masks are simpler and more reliable, and the result of use is no worse than in ancient times - full, shiny lips.

  • Delicious honey mask

The simplest mask is made from honey. Treat yourself before bed, every day.

  • Vaseline mask

Using a brush, outline your lips. Vaseline will add softness and protect against chapping.

  • Glycerin mask

The mask is difficult to make, but incredibly impressive. The swelling persists for several hours. Mix the ingredients well:

  • sugar;
  • cosmetic Vaseline;
  • lemon juice - 1 teaspoon each;
  • glycerin – ½ teaspoon.

Whisk the mixture and heat in a water bath for 5-6 minutes. Apply for 15-18 minutes after cooling. Rinse off with cold water.

Use masks all the time! You will not notice the consequences of a one-time procedure.

We make compresses: we increase the volume of the lips and give them brightness

A compress done according to the rules works a miracle: your lips are transformed before your eyes. The juiciness and brightness will delight you for more than one day after some simple work.

  • Ice pack

Guys in Rus' were drawn to beauties with beautiful mouths. The girls rightfully considered cold to be the surest remedy. They wrapped their mouths in snow and then dipped them into a palm of warm water. Brief nipping finished the job. To consolidate the effect and give the ritual witchcraft power, all actions were repeated three times.

Achieving a plumping effect is easy with an ice compress.

Try to learn from the experience of your predecessors! It is better to alternate with hot water not snow, but ice cubes frozen from clean boiled or mineral water.

  • Menthol compress

Soak a cotton pad generously with menthol essential oil. The duration of the compress is 8-10 minutes.

  • Compress “from nature”

Keep cotton wool with peppermint decoction or red pepper infusion on your lips for 2-3 minutes.


Any compress dries out the skin; finish it off by heavily moisturizing your lips with balm or eye cream.

Gymnastics for lips - consistency of splendor and beauty

The muscles of the lips compress and unclench, which means they can be pumped up. Regular repetitions will increase tone and add volume. Be patient; you don’t have to count on quick results. You will need persistence.

Gymnastics tricks

  • Consistency. Stick to this scheme: in the first two months, study once or twice a day, in subsequent months - 3-4 sessions a week.
  • Diversity. Exercises have different effects, so an extensive complex is preferable.
  • Repetition. Excessive zeal in this matter will interfere: the muscles will ache from the unusual load, and the desire to learn a new type of “sport” will completely disappear. Increase the number of repetitions gradually, from 10-15 in the first days of training to 21 by the end of the first month of training.
  • Water preparation. Warn your mouth about the upcoming work, wash and rinse your mouth with warm, then cold water.

Exercises to enlarge lips

The essence of such physical education is consistent tension and relaxation of muscles. The movements presented below are the best gymnastics complex:

  • Whistling

Start your workout by warming up your muscles. Whist the song for 2-5 minutes, trying to keep it loud and clear. At the same time, check your repertoire - change the melody every day!

  • tease

Open your mouth, stick your tongue out far and freeze in this position for 5-10 seconds. Hide your tongue, close your mouth and relax.

  • Dandelion flies around

Take in a lot of air, puff out your cheeks and form your lips into a tube. Blow on the flower slowly at first, and then quickly exhale.

Blow the dandelion slowly at first

  • The fish is breathing

Imitate the movements of a fish's mouth. Pull your lips forward, open your mouth slightly and close your lips. Then relax your muscles.

The “fish breathes” exercise is easy, there may be a short break

  • The beast howls

Howl at the moon for five minutes. Sing the sounds “a”, “i”, “o”, “u” slowly, in a chant manner. Take a deep breath, puff out your cheeks and gradually exhale the air. At the same time, keep your lips in a semi-closed position - they will begin to vibrate. The sound should resemble a hum at low frequencies.

  • Drawing circles

Place your lips tightly together and draw circles with them, first clockwise, then counterclockwise.

  • Drawing a figure eight

With your mouth closed, move your lips to the right, left, then draw figure eights, horizontal and vertical.

  • Smile like a Cheshire cat

Take a deep breath, hold the air for a couple of seconds and sharply blow it out through pursed lips. Relax your muscles, open your mouth and smile from the bottom of your heart, stretching your lips wide above your teeth.

  • The lips hid

Pull your lips deep into your mouth and hold them there for 20 seconds.

  • Shark

Bite your mouth for a couple of minutes. Do not portray an adult aggressive shark; getting carried away with the process is fraught with micro-damages.

  • Looking for a nose

Pull your pursed lips forward, trying to reach the tip of your nose with them. Then relax your muscles.

When trying to reach your nose, stick your lips forward as much as possible

  • Smearing lipstick

Diligently smear the supposedly applied lipstick over your lips. Work for half a minute, then let your mouth rest for a few seconds and hide your lips inside so that they are not visible. After 20 seconds, release your lips. The exercise is difficult, rest before repeating.

  • Claps

Perform light patting movements for one to two minutes.

  • Lip pulling

Place your index fingers above your upper lip and your thumbs below your lower lip. By slightly pressing on the relaxed, closed lips, lightly pull them forward, separating them from the teeth. You should not use force or apply too much pressure.

Just 15-20 minutes of intense exercise a day will reward you for your efforts with elastic, sensual lips. Don't be afraid to look funny and clumsy - act like a monkey in front of the mirror, your mood will rise to unearthly heights!

Simple safe methods and your persistence will definitely increase the volume of your lips. With lush, charming lips, your appearance will sparkle with new colors, and your self-esteem will increase.

The women's club "Those over 30" will tell you what exercises for lips will help to enlarge them and raise the corners.

To achieve success in all conceivable areas of life, a modern woman must always and everywhere look 100%, no less! This applies to the style of clothing, a toned figure, luxurious hair, nails, a well-groomed face with sensual lips... What if you have naturally thin lips or over time they have lost their former expressiveness and plumpness? There is a solution to the problem, and not at all surgical, but with the help of special exercises.

After 40 years, the delicate skin of the lips becomes thinner, the lips lose their volume and gradually stretch into a line. These changes are inevitable, and some women turn to cosmetologists and surgeons for help to regain their volume.

But you can do without a visit to the surgeon’s office. You need to be persistent and patient in order to start and complete a course of special exercises that will help transform your appearance in a few months, and sometimes weeks: visually increase the volume of the lips, make their contour clearer.

So how to enlarge your lips with exercises? There are a lot of different training exercises, but they all come down to the same thing: increasing the tone of the muscles of the nasolabial triangle. These activities help keep the upper lip from drooping and smooth out facial wrinkles.

Here are some simple and easy to do exercises.


Pull your lips out like you want to blow a whistle. At the same time, tense your lip muscles as much as possible and slowly blow out air for five seconds. Repeat the exercise 10 times.


Take a deep breath and clearly pronounce any three vowel letters of the alphabet, slowly exhaling the air from your lungs. Break. Take another breath and again say any three vowels while exhaling slowly. Repeat the exercise – 5 times.

"Infinity Sign"

To perform this lip exercise, stretch out your lips and make a lying figure eight or infinity sign with your lips left and right alternately. Try to keep your lips tense. Repeat each eight - 20 times.


Gather your lips into a ball and press firmly against your teeth. Try to smile and put your lips together again. Repeat – 20 times.

All these exercises train the muscles around the mouth and increase blood circulation. Start training with a small number of repetitions of each exercise, increasing the training time daily. Over time, you will notice that some exercises that were difficult to do at the very beginning become easier to do as your muscles strengthen.

Exercises to lift the corners of the lips

From birth or due to age, many women have drooping corners of their lips. This is due to muscle weakening. Proper and regular lip exercises will help lift the corners. We offer several exercises for the corners of the lips.


Press your pursed lips to your teeth, press the corners of your mouth with your index finger and move them first up, then down. Start smoothly and then speed up. Exercise time – 40 seconds. Repeat 10 times.


With closed lips we smile to the right, hold in this position and count to five. Then we move the “smile” to the left and count to five again. Repeat – 20 times in each direction.


We fill our lungs with air, with tightly compressed lips we begin to blow out the sound “u”, then we sharply switch to the sound “i” and at the same time, with our index fingers, we gently pull the corners of our lips to the sides and up. The exercise should take about five seconds. Repeat – 20 times.

You need to perform the exercises in a comprehensive manner: this will help restore tone to the weakened cheekbone muscles, which in turn will solve the problem of “how to lift the corners of the lips with exercises.”

  • Lips can become dry and cracked during exercise, so smear them with hygienic lipstick beforehand and with honey after exercise.
  • Apply your favorite cream or oil (jojoba, olive, grape seed) to the area near the nasolabial triangle.
  • Do the exercises in front of a mirror, taking a relaxed position. Keep your back straight.
  • Gymnastics should be done twice a day, no less. Otherwise, you will not be able to achieve noticeable results.
  • Increase the time of each exercise gradually as your muscles strengthen.

Here are some reviews from women about the benefits of lip exercises:

  • I tried a couple of exercises myself - the effect is small, but noticeable. I hit my lips with my palm in the morning and evening, 100-120 times. And she filled the bottle with water and held it only with her lips. The lips, of course, are not a bow, but they have added a little plumpness! Olga, 32 years old
  • I’ve been doing lip gymnastics for a long time, about five years to be exact. I got used to the fact that I can do it even while talking on the phone: I stretch my lips into a tube, smile widely, etc. It helps me, the main thing is not to give up on exercises. The work is painstaking, but don’t go to the surgeon now. And I want to have lips like in my youth! Vera, 45 years old.

But what about those who are naturally gifted? Is it possible to enlarge such lips with exercises? Creating plump lips where only a thin line is unlikely to be possible at home with the help of exercises alone. But it is still possible to simulate the contour and make them a little more expressive over a long period of practice.

But you shouldn’t expect a long-term effect from using lip gels with pepper and vacuum exercise machines, which are so popular now. It is more useful and effective to devote five to ten minutes of your time daily to exercises to maintain the elasticity and youth of your lips.

Beautiful, juicy, seductively plump lips can transform any woman, adding sexuality and attractiveness to her. Everyone can make them like this, you just need to choose the appropriate method. And one of these methods is gymnastics, which includes special exercises for lip augmentation.

Other options for adding volume to lips:

  • surgical - insertion of implants (silicone and Gore-tex), lipofilling (filling the lips with fat taken from other parts of the body);
  • cosmetic – filler injections (hyaluronic acid, Botox);
  • cosmetic – the use of special makeup techniques;
  • massage.

Gymnastics has a number of advantages over them. They consist in accessibility, ease of execution and low time investment for its implementation.


Like any manipulation performed on the body, gymnastics has its contraindications.

You should not do lip exercises if:

  • violation of the integrity of the skin;
  • the presence of inflammatory rashes (for example, herpetic blisters);
  • injection of fillers (consult a cosmetologist about the possibility of starting to do gymnastics).

Duration and frequency of performing gymnastic exercises

The first two months should be exercised daily, devoting up to 15 minutes to gymnastics twice a day. The best time is morning and evening. In the future, 3-4 lessons per week will be enough.

Lips are muscles, which means they can be pumped up and muscle tone increased. However, you shouldn’t count on a visible result after a week of training: your sponges will gradually gain volume.

To train, from the entire extensive range of gymnastic exercises, it is advisable to select 5–6 pieces and perform them for, for example, a week, and then replace them with new ones. Alternation will allow you to train different muscle groups and will prevent gymnastics from becoming monotonous and monotonous.

Each exercise should be done easily, without excessive effort. You can even allow yourself to grimace a little in front of the mirror.

Preparing to charge

The skin on the lips is delicate, it is prone to the formation of microcracks, so it needs to be prepared for training.

The preparation is as follows:

  1. We carry out cleaning procedures.
  2. We do a light two-minute massage using a toothbrush, terry towel or fingers.
  3. Apply the mask to your lips for 15 – 20 minutes. After the allotted time has passed, wash off. There is no need for daily masks, so they are done 1-2 times a week.
  4. We treat the epidermis with moisturizing and nourishing agents. Cosmetic balms and hygienic lipsticks are suitable for these purposes. It is also worth paying attention to vegetable oils: olive, sunflower, sesame, flaxseed, coconut.

After preparation, we move directly to gymnastics.

Set of exercises

We offer several basic exercises.


Open your mouth slightly and stick out your tongue as much as possible. We freeze for 10 seconds. We hide our tongue and close our mouth. Let's relax. Repeat 10 times.

Blowing out the candles

Let's take a deep breath. We fold our lips into a tube and blow out the air strongly. We repeat.

Artistic whistling

We remember our favorite song and try to whistle it. To do this, we pull out the lips with a “tube”, leave a small hole with a diameter of an average cocktail straw between the upper and lower lips and begin to gently blow out air. For a whistle to occur, the tongue must be pressed against the lower palate, and its tip must be slightly curved downward. Different tones when whistling are obtained by changing the position of the tongue. Devote two minutes to this exercise.

Rybkins sponges

We repeat the movements of the fish's mouth. We stretch our lips forward, slightly open our mouth and close it.

Repeating the alphabet

We will pronounce several vowels, namely: a, o, u, and. Please note that when pronouncing the proposed letters, the lips open differently and the labial muscles tense differently.

Let's not forget about the letter P. We inhale air, fill our cheeks with it, release it with jerks, pronouncing the sound “p”.

We devote 20 seconds to each letter.

Drawing circles and eights

We squeeze our lips tightly and begin to draw circles in the direction of the clock, then in the opposite direction.

After 5 repetitions, we move on to drawing vertical and horizontal eights.

Sponges are hiding

Retract your lips and hold in this position for 20 seconds.

Hungry Vampire

Gently bite your lips for a couple of minutes.

The nose got lost

We try to reach the tip of the nose with compressed lips.

Rubbing lipstick

For 15 - 20 seconds, intensively rub the imaginary lipstick. Relaxing the muscles. We rest for a few seconds. We repeat.

Wide smile and pouty lips

Try to smile as widely as possible with tightly pursed lips. Fix a smile and hold it on your face for up to 10 seconds. Then make “pouty” lips and hold for the same length of time. Return to the starting position. We do this several times, alternating between smiling and pouting.

It is recommended to exercise in front of a mirror. For what? For a good mood! After all, a protruding tongue, puffed up and deflated cheeks, “fish” lips - this is all from childhood, from making funny faces. How can you remain serious and sad while making faces?

The effect of lip exercises

  • acceleration of blood circulation in the skin and muscle folds;
  • increased muscle tone;
  • prevention of purse-string wrinkles;
  • slowing down the process of lowering the corners of the mouth.

Exercise daily, and the results will not take long to arrive!