“Like the little prince returning to his rose. Quotes from The Little Prince about the rose The little prince loved the rose

A favorite flower is, first of all, a rejection of all other flowers.

Otherwise, he will not seem the most beautiful.

Antoine de Saint-Exupery

In the fairy tale The Little Prince, Antoine Exupery gives a very good picture of the relationship between a man and a woman, showing this through the example of the relationship of the Little Prince to his Rose.

A rose is a symbol of love, beauty, and femininity. The little prince did not immediately discern the true inner essence of beauty. But after a conversation with the Fox, the truth was revealed to him - beauty only becomes beautiful when it is filled with meaning and content.

“On your planet, people grow five thousand roses in one garden... and do not find what they are looking for... But what they are looking for can be found in one single rose, in a sip of water... But the eyes are blind. You must search with your heart. If you love a flower - the only one that is not on any other of the many millions of stars, that’s enough: you look at the sky and feel happy and say to yourself: “My flower lives there somewhere, but if a lamb eats it, it’s all the same. as if all the stars went out at once!..."

“Here is my secret, it is very simple: only the heart is vigilant. You cannot see the most important thing with your eyes. Your rose is so dear to you because you gave it your whole soul. You are forever responsible for everyone you have tamed. You are responsible for your rose ..."

Arriving on planet Earth, the Little Prince saw roses: they all looked like his flower. And he felt very, very unhappy. His beauty told him that there was no one like her in the entire Universe. And here in front of him are five thousand exactly the same flowers! And it is then that he understands who the rose was to him and how important it was to him. Only thanks to the Fox did he realize that his rose was the only one in the whole world.

The little prince says to the roses: “You are beautiful, but empty. I wouldn’t want to die for your sake. Of course, a random passer-by, looking at my rose, will say that it is exactly the same as you. But to me it is the only one dearer than all of you. After all, it is hers.” , and not you, I watered every day. I covered her, not you, with a screen, protecting her from the wind, I killed the caterpillars for her, I left only two or three so that the butterflies hatched. I listened to how she complained and how she boasted. , I listened to her, even when she fell silent.

You love when you put your soul into it...

Love is a complex science, it turns out that you need to comprehend it, you need to learn love. The fox helps the Little Prince comprehend this complex science, and the little boy bitterly admits to himself: “You should never listen to what the flowers say. You just have to look at them and breathe in their scent. My flower filled my whole planet with fragrance, but I didn’t know how to enjoy it...

It was necessary to judge not by words, but by deeds. She gave me her scent and illuminated my life. I shouldn't have run. Behind these pitiful tricks and tricks I should have guessed tenderness... But I was too young, I didn’t know how to love yet.”

The rose tamed the Little Prince not with its uniqueness, but with the efforts that he put into it. This makes it different from hundreds of other roses. We are forever tamed by those for whom we tried, gave our soul, patience, time. We may stop loving them and even feel something like hatred and irritation towards former men with whom we were destined to break up, towards former friends who did not appreciate our friendship. But we will never feel complete indifference to them, because we once invested a piece of ourselves in them, and it remained in them. These are the invisible bonds that the Fox spoke about.

The next day after the snake bite, the Little Prince disappeared. Early in the morning, when he woke up, he felt an extraordinary lightness throughout his body. The prince tried to get up and walk, but realized that he could not do this. But he made an amazing discovery for himself - he could now fly. He raised his hands up, waved them slightly and began to smoothly rise above the ground higher and higher. The cool wind gently blew his golden hair.

Soon the prince floated through vast space, past the familiar planets of the geographer, the lamplighter, the business man, the drunkard, the ambitious and the king. After a long journey, he finally reached his small asteroid B-612. He immediately saw his beloved, the only rose on his planet, and rushed to it.

- Dear rose! I'm so glad I'm back with you again! I will never leave you again!
- A little prince! How I missed you! I couldn’t come to terms with your absence for so long! - exclaimed the rose.
– You know, dear rose, I have made another friend. This is Fox from planet Earth. He taught me how to tame him. And I realized that you had tamed me a long time ago.
- What is it like to tame? – Rose asked in surprise.
– This means becoming very necessary and irreplaceable for someone. I saw a garden on Earth full of beautiful roses. But when I looked at them, I thought about you. And I realized that out of a thousand roses, I only need you. You are the only one for me in the whole world. And only to you I gave my heart and all my days. And you need me... We need each other.
- Yes, yes, prince! I feel the same way. I was so sad without you! I was so looking forward to your steps, I so wanted to hear your voice again! It turns out that I tamed you, and you tamed me!
“I often looked at the starry sky and thought: “Somewhere there, far, far away there is my flower.” And now we will always be together, and our hearts will not cry,” said the Little Prince. - Oh, rose, what is this?
- These are butterflies. They came from the caterpillars you left me. They are so beautiful!
- Yes, they are very beautiful! They are similar to those that fluttered in the garden of roses there on Earth...” The little prince fell silent for a minute. – How I would like to introduce you to the Fox! It's good to have a friend. And friends must not be forgotten. I will remember him and be a little sad.
– Will you tell me what he is like, your Fox?
- I'll tell you. But first tell me, have baobab trees ever appeared here?
“No,” Rose laughed. “You did a very good job ridding our little house of these noxious weeds!”
– What about drafts? Did they bother you too much? And in the evening you must have been very cold? And there was no one to take care of you... Forgive me, rose...
- Don't worry, prince. Of course, I really missed your care...,” the flower answered with a sad sigh. “But now you’re here again.” You will give me your attention, and I will give you my aroma!

The little prince and the rose wanted to tell each other so much that they did not notice how evening had come. And they began to admire the sunset over their little planet with great pleasure.

The story-parable The Little Prince is a brilliant work by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. The book contains many illustrations made by the author himself. They are an integral part of the work; it is the visual perception of the plot that makes it easier to understand the meaning of the parable.

The parable genre was not chosen by chance. There is no clear plot outline; the main emphasis of the presentation is on the didactic side of the book. The fairy tale The Little Prince is not only a story for children about a boy’s exciting journey, it is also a philosophical treatise for adults. In the work, the author reflects on love, responsibility, childhood, friendship, and devotion.


It's good where we are not.

You need to appreciate what you have, in pursuit of “it’s good there”, you can lose what you have...

If there is nothing or no one to compare with, then it seems that this is the limit of perfection.

It's stupid to lie when you can be caught so easily.

In order not to be caught in your own lies, it is better to always tell the truth.

You can only learn those things that you tame.

Only those close to you can be solved.

When I was six years old, adults convinced me that I would not be an artist, and I learned to draw nothing except boa constrictors - outside and inside.

Convincing from childhood of the lack of talent, without allowing it to manifest itself, is the most monstrous act that parents are capable of.

All you have to do is move the chair a few steps. And you look at the sunset sky again and again, you just have to want...

You can get a lot of things in life, the main thing is to want...

It's in vain that you come with me. It will hurt you to look at me. You'll think I'm dying, but that's not true...

There is nothing worse in life than seeing loved ones die.

My friend never explained anything to me. Maybe he thought I was just like him.

Friends don't have to explain everything in words. They can do this with thoughts.

And people lack imagination. They only repeat what you tell them...

Lack of imagination makes our life very boring and dull.

But, unfortunately, I don’t know how to see the lamb through the walls of the box. Maybe I'm a little like the adults. I guess I'm getting old.

The ability to see something unusual in the simplest things is characteristic mainly of children. Adults don't have the imagination for this.

When you really want to make a joke, sometimes you inevitably lie.

Well, or not that you will lie, but slightly embellish. It sounds more harmless...)))

Vain people always think that everyone admires them.

At the same time, they may simply be despised...

When you tell adults: “I saw a beautiful house made of pink brick, there are geraniums in the windows, and pigeons on the roof,” they cannot imagine this house. You need to tell them: “I saw a house for a hundred thousand francs,” and then they exclaim: “what a beauty!”

For adults, everything is measured by money. Everything, even beauty.

People get on fast trains, but they themselves don’t understand what they are looking for, said the Little Prince. “That’s why they don’t know peace and rush in one direction, then in the other...

To go in the right direction, you need to know what you want from life.

You should never listen to what flowers say. You just have to look at them and breathe in their scent.

Sometimes words are meaningless. Appearance and smell will tell a lot more.

“You are beautiful, but empty,” continued the Little Prince. “I won’t want to die for your sake.” Of course, a random passerby, looking at my rose, will say that it is exactly the same as you. But she alone is dearer to me than all of you.

If you want to die for something, then it is priceless.

After all, it was her, not you, that I watered every day. He covered her, not you, with a glass cover. He blocked it with a screen, protecting it from the wind. I killed caterpillars for her, leaving only two or three so that the butterflies hatched. I listened to how she complained and how she boasted, I listened to her even when she fell silent. She is mine.

You love when you put your soul into it...

Only children know what they are looking for. They devote all their days to a rag doll, and it becomes very, very dear to them, and if it is taken away from them, the children cry...

And only adults are always uncertain and never know exactly what they want in this life.

Don't wait, it's unbearable! If you decide to leave, then leave.

The thought of separation is unbearable.

We all come from childhood.

Only adult life takes away the feeling of beauty, carelessness, and sincerity.

Your rose is so dear to you because you gave it your whole soul.

When you devote all of yourself to something, it becomes the meaning of your whole life...

I'm sorry. And try to be happy!…

The most important thing is to understand that the one you love is happy.

I didn't want you to get hurt. You yourself wanted me to tame you.

Sometimes attachment causes unbearable pain.

Yes, yes, I love you. It's my fault that you didn't know this.

You should never remain silent about your feelings.

Vain people are deaf to everything except praise.

This is their main problem.

For all these people the stars are mute. And you will have very special stars...

If you love nature, then it will speak to you...

I didn’t understand anything then! It was necessary to judge not by words, but by deeds. She gave me her scent and illuminated my life. I shouldn't have run. Behind these pitiful tricks and tricks one had to guess the tenderness. The flowers are so inconsistent! But I was too young, I didn’t know how to love yet.

.....On the fifth day, again thanks to the lamb, I learned the secret little prince He asked unexpectedly, without preamble, exactly came to this conclusion after much silent deliberation: - If a lamb eats bushes, does it also eat flowers? - He eats everything he can get his hands on. - Even flowers that have thorns? - Yes, and those with thorns. - Then why the spikes? I didn't know this. I was very busy: one nut stuck in the engine, and I tried to turn her away. I felt uneasy, the situation was becoming serious, there was almost no water left, and I began to fear that my a forced landing will end badly. - Why do we need spikes? Having asked any question, the little prince did not back down until didn't receive a response. The stubborn nut was driving me out of patience, and I answered at random: - The thorns are not needed for anything, the flowers release them simply out of anger. - That's how it is! There was silence. Then he said almost angrily: - I don’t believe you! The flowers are weak. And simple-minded. And they try give yourself courage. They think that if they have thorns, everyone is afraid of them... I didn't answer. At that moment I said to myself: if this nut and now it won’t give in, I’ll hit it so hard with a hammer that it will fly apart to pieces. The little prince interrupted my thoughts again: - Do you think that flowers... - No! I don't think anything! I answered you first thing that came to the head. You see, I'm busy with serious business. He looked at me in amazement: - Seriously?! He kept looking at me: stained with lubricating oil, with hammer in my hands, I bent over an incomprehensible object that seemed so ugly to him. - You talk like adults! - He said. I felt ashamed. And he mercilessly added: - You're confusing everything... You don't understand anything! Yes, he was seriously angry. He shook his head and the wind tousled his golden hair. - I know one planet, there lives such a gentleman with a purple face. He had never smelled a flower in his entire life. I never looked at star. He never loved anyone. And he never did anything. He busy with only one thing: adding numbers. And from morning to night he repeats one thing: "I'm a serious man! I'm a serious man!" - Just like you. And straight swells with pride. But in reality he is not a person. He's a mushroom. - What? - Mushroom! The little prince even turned pale with anger. - Flowers have been growing thorns for millions of years. And millions of years of lambs they still eat flowers. So is it really not a serious matter - to understand why do they go out of their way to grow thorns if there are no thorns? no use? Is it really not important that lambs and flowers are at war with each other? friend? Isn't this more serious and important than Tolstoy's arithmetic? the gentleman with the purple face? And if I know the only flower in the world, it grows only on my planet, and there is nothing else like it anywhere else, but one fine morning the little lamb will suddenly take it and eat it and won't even know what he did? And this, in your opinion, is not important? He blushed deeply. Then he spoke again: - If you love a flower, it’s the only one that doesn’t exist anywhere else. out of many millions of stars, this is enough: you look at the sky and you feel happy. And you say to yourself: “My life lives out there somewhere.” flower..." But if the lamb eats it, it's the same as if everything the stars went out at once! And this, in your opinion, does not matter! He couldn't speak anymore. He suddenly burst into tears. It got dark. I quit my job. I forgot to think about the ill-fated nut and hammer, about thirst and death. On a star, on a planet - on my planet, called earth - the little prince cried, and it was necessary to console him. I took him in my arms and began to cradle. I told him: “The flower you love is worth nothing.” threatens... I'll draw a muzzle for your lamb... I'll draw it for your flower armor... I...I didn't know what else to tell him. I felt terribly awkward and clumsy. How to call so he can hear, how to catch up his soul escaping from me? She's so mysterious and unknown, this country of tears... ..... Very soon I got to know this flower better. On the planet of the small the prince always grew simple, modest flowers - they had few petals, they took up very little space and did not bother anyone. They opened in the grass in the morning and withered in the evening. And this one sprouted one day from grain brought from God knows where, and the little prince did not take his eyes off from a tiny sprout, unlike all the other sprouts and blades of grass. What if this is some new variety of baobab? But the bush is fast stopped stretching upward, and a bud appeared on it. A little prince I had never seen such huge buds before and had a presentiment that will see a miracle. And the unknown guest, hidden within the walls of her green rooms, everything was getting ready, everything was preening. She carefully selected paints. She dressed up slowly, trying on the petals one by one. She did not want to come into the world disheveled, like some kind of poppy. She I wanted to show myself in all the splendor of my beauty. Yes, it was terrible yoke! Mysterious preparations continued day after day. And so One morning, as soon as the sun rose, the petals opened. And the beauty who put in so much work preparing for this minute, she said, yawning: - Oh, I woke up forcibly... I beg your pardon... I’m still quite disheveled... The little prince could not contain his delight: - How beautiful you are! - Yes its true? - There was a quiet answer. - And note, I was born together with the sun. The little prince, of course, guessed that the amazing guest was not suffers from an excess of modesty, but she was so beautiful that the spirit exciting! And she soon noticed: - Looks like it's time for breakfast. Be so kind and take care of to me... The little prince was very embarrassed, found a watering can and watered the flower spring water. It soon turned out that the beauty was proud and touchy, and the little prince I'm completely exhausted with her. She had four thorns and one day she said to him: - Let the tigers come, I'm not afraid of their claws! “There are no tigers on my planet,” objected the little prince. - And then, tigers don't eat grass. “I’m not grass,” the flower quietly remarked. - Excuse me... - No, tigers are not scary to me, but I am terribly afraid of drafts. You no screen? “The plant is afraid of drafts... Very strange,” I thought a little prince. “What a difficult character this flower has.” - When evening comes, cover me with a cap. You have too much here Cold. A very uncomfortable planet. Where I came from... She didn't finish. After all, she was brought here when she was still grain. She could not know anything about other worlds. It's stupid to lie when it's so easy to catch you! The beauty was embarrassed, then coughed once or twice so that the little prince feels like he is in front of her guilty: - Where is the screen? - I wanted to go after her, but I couldn’t help but listen to you! Then she coughed harder: let his conscience still torment him! Although the little prince fell in love with the beautiful flower and was glad to see it serve, but soon doubts arose in his soul. He's empty words took it to heart and began to feel very unhappy. “I should have listened to her in vain,” he once told me trustingly. - You should never listen to what flowers say. You just have to look at them and breathe in their scent. My flower filled my entire planet with fragrance, but I didn’t know how to rejoice at him. This talk about claws and tigers... They They should have moved me, but I got angry... And he also admitted: - I didn’t understand anything then! It was necessary to judge not by words, but by affairs. She gave me her scent and illuminated my life. I shouldn't have run. Behind these pathetic tricks and tricks I had to guess tenderness. The flowers are so inconsistent! But I was too young, I still didn't know how to love..... ....The little prince walked for a long time through the sands, rocks and snow and finally came across the road. And all roads lead to people. “Good afternoon,” he said. In front of him was a garden full of roses. “Good afternoon,” the roses responded. And the little prince saw that they all looked like his flower. - Who you are? - He asked, amazed. “We are roses,” answered the roses. “That’s how it is...” said the little prince. And I felt very, very unhappy. His beauty told him that there was no one like her in the entire universe. And here in front of him five thousand exactly the same flowers in the garden alone!
“How angry she would be if she saw them!” thought the little one prince. “She would have coughed horribly and pretended to die, only would not seem funny. And I would have to follow her like sick, because otherwise she really would have died, just to humiliate me too Same..." And then he thought: “I imagined that I owned the only world with a flower that no one else has anywhere, and this was the most ordinary rose. All I had was a simple rose and three volcano is knee-high, and then one of them went out, and maybe forever... What kind of prince am I after this?.." He lay down in the grass and cried. - Who are you? - Asked the little prince. - How beautiful you are! “I am a fox,” said the fox. “Play with me,” asked the little prince. - I feel so sad... “I can’t play with you,” said the fox. - I'm not tamed. “Oh, sorry,” said the little prince. But, after thinking, he asked: - How is it to tame? “You’re not from here,” the fox remarked. - What are you looking for here? “I’m looking for people,” said the little prince. - How is it to tame? - People have guns and they go hunting. It is very uncomfortable! AND They also raise chickens. That's the only thing they're good for. Are you looking for chickens? “No,” said the little prince. - I am looking for friends. How is it - tame? “This is a long-forgotten concept,” the fox explained. - It means: create bonds. - Bonds? “That’s it,” said the fox. - You are still just for me a little boy, just like a hundred thousand other boys. AND I don't need you. And you don't need me either. I'm just a fox for you exactly the same as a hundred thousand other foxes. But if you tame me, we will need each other. You will be the only one for me in general light. And I will be alone for you in the whole world... “I’m beginning to understand,” said the little prince. - There is one rose... She probably tamed me... “Very possible,” the fox agreed. - There’s nothing on earth It happens. “It wasn’t on earth,” said the little prince. The fox was very surprised: - On another planet? - Yes. - Are there hunters on that planet? - No. - How interesting! Are there chickens there? - No. - There is no perfection in the world! - The fox sighed.....
- Go take a look at the roses again. You will understand that your rose is the only one in the world. And when you return to say goodbye to me, I I'll tell you one secret. This will be my gift to you. The little prince went to look at the roses. “You are not at all like my rose,” he told them. - You have nothing. No one has tamed you, and you have not tamed anyone. That's how he was formerly my fox. He was no different from a hundred thousand other foxes. But I I became friends with him, and now he is the only one in the whole world. Roses were very embarrassed. “You are beautiful, but empty,” continued the little prince. - For your sake don't want to die. Of course, a random passer-by, looking at my rose, will say that she is exactly the same as you. But she alone is dearer to me all of you. After all, it was her, not you, that I watered every day. Her, not you covered with a glass cover. He blocked her with a screen, protecting her from wind. I killed caterpillars for her, leaving only two or three so that butterflies hatched. I listened to how she complained and how she boasted, I listened to her even when she fell silent. She is mine. And the little prince returned to the fox. - Goodbye... - he said. “Goodbye,” said the fox. - Here is my secret, it is very simple: vigilantly just one heart. You can't see the most important thing with your eyes. - You can't see the most important thing with your eyes, repeated the little prince, to remember better. - Your rose is so dear to you because you gave it all of yours. days. - 'Cause I gave her all my days... - Repeated the little one prince, to remember better. “People have forgotten this truth,” said the fox, “but don’t forget:You forever responsible for everyone he tamed. You are responsible for your rose. “I am responsible for my rose...” repeated the little prince so that better remember. ......I want to take a sip of this water,” said the little prince. - Let me get drunk... And I realized what he was looking for! I brought the bucket to his lips. He drank with his eyes closed. It was like the most wonderful feast. This water was not ordinary. She was born from a long journey under the stars, from the creaking of the gate, from the efforts of my hands. She was like a gift to my heart. When I was little, they shone for me like that Christmas gifts: the glow of candles on the tree, the singing of the organ at one o'clock midnight mass, tender smiles. “On your planet,” said the little prince, “people grow one garden five thousand roses... And they don’t find what they are looking for... “They don’t find it,” I agreed. - But what they are looking for can be found in one single rose, in a sip of water... “Yes, of course,” I agreed. And the little prince said: - But the eyes are blind. You have to search with your heart. I drank some water. It was easy to breathe. At dawn the sand becomes golden like honey. And that made me happy too. Why would I be sad?.. “You must keep your word,” the little prince said softly, again sitting down next to me. - What word? - Remember, you promised... A muzzle for my lamb... I’m in responsible for that flower. “The most important thing is what you can’t see with your eyes...” he said. - Yes, sure... - It's like with a flower. If you love a flower that grows somewhere on distant star, it’s good to look at the sky at night. All the stars are blooming... And he sat down on the sand because he was scared. Then he said: - You know... My rose... I am responsible for her. And she is so weak! AND so simple-minded. All she has is four measly spikes, more she has nothing to protect herself from the world... I also sat down because my legs gave way. He said: - OK it's all over Now...
.....But here's what's amazing. When I was drawing a muzzle for a lamb, I I forgot about the strap! The little prince will not be able to put it on the lamb. AND I ask myself: is something going on there on his planet? Suddenly a lamb did you eat a rose?
....Sometimes I say to myself: no, of course not! Little Prince for the night always covers the rose with a glass cover, and is very careful lamb... Then I'm happy. And all the stars laugh quietly. And sometimes I say to myself: sometimes you can be absent-minded... Then everything may happen! Suddenly one evening he forgot about the glass a cap or a lamb quietly got out into the wild at night... And then all the bells cry... All this is mysterious and incomprehensible. To you who also fell in love with the little one Prince, like me, it doesn’t matter at all: the whole world becomes different for us because somewhere in an unknown corner universe, a lamb we have never seen may have eaten a rose unknown to us. Look at the sky. And ask yourself if that rose is alive or is it already No? What if the lamb ate it?.. And you will see, everything will be different... And no adult will ever understand how important this is!

1. .....On the fifth day, again thanks to the lamb, I learned the secret
little prince He asked unexpectedly, without preamble, exactly
came to this conclusion after much silent deliberation:
- If a lamb eats bushes, does it also eat flowers?
- He eats everything he can find.
- Even flowers that have thorns?
- Yes, and those with thorns.
- Then why the spikes?
I didn't know this. I was very busy: one nut stuck in the engine, and
I tried to turn her away. I felt uneasy, the situation was becoming
serious, there was almost no water left, and I began to fear that my
a forced landing will end badly.
- Why do we need spikes?
Having asked any question, the little prince did not back down until
didn't receive a response. The stubborn nut was driving me out of patience, and I
answered at random:
- The thorns are not needed for anything, the flowers release them simply out of anger.
- That's how it is!
There was silence. Then he said almost angrily:
- I don’t believe you! The flowers are weak. And simple-minded. And they try
give yourself courage. They think that if they have thorns, everyone is afraid of them...
I didn't answer. At that moment I said to myself: if this nut and
now it won’t give in, I’ll hit it so hard with a hammer that it will fly apart
to pieces.
The little prince interrupted my thoughts again:
- Do you think that flowers...
- No! I don't think anything! I answered you first thing that came
to the head. You see, I'm busy with serious business.
He looked at me in amazement:
- Seriously?!
He kept looking at me: stained with lubricating oil, with
hammer in my hands, I bent over an incomprehensible object that
seemed so ugly to him.
- You talk like adults! - He said.
I felt ashamed. And he mercilessly added:
- You're confusing everything... You don't understand anything!
Yes, he was seriously angry. He shook his head and the wind
tousled his golden hair.
- I know one planet, there lives such a gentleman with a purple face.
He had never smelled a flower in his entire life. I never looked at
star. He never loved anyone. And he never did anything. He
busy with only one thing: adding numbers. And from morning to night he repeats one thing:
"I'm a serious man! I'm a serious man!" - Just like you. And straight
swells with pride. But in reality he is not a person. He's a mushroom.
- What?
- Mushroom!
The little prince even turned pale with anger.
- Flowers have been growing thorns for millions of years. And millions of years of lambs
they still eat flowers. So is it really not a serious matter - to understand
why do they go out of their way to grow thorns if there are no thorns?
no use? Is it really not important that lambs and flowers are at war with each other?
friend? Isn't this more serious and important than Tolstoy's arithmetic?
the gentleman with the purple face? And if I know the only flower in the world,
it grows only on my planet, and there is nothing else like it anywhere else, but
one fine morning the little lamb will suddenly take it and eat it and
won't even know what he did? And this, in your opinion, is not important?
He blushed deeply. Then he spoke again:
- If you love a flower, it’s the only one that doesn’t exist anywhere else.
out of many millions of stars, this is enough: you look at the sky and
you feel happy. And you say to yourself: “My life lives out there somewhere.”
flower..." But if the lamb eats it, it's the same as if everything
the stars went out at once! And this, in your opinion, does not matter!
He couldn't speak anymore. He suddenly burst into tears. It got dark. I
quit my job. I forgot to think about the ill-fated nut and hammer, about
thirst and death. On a star, on a planet - on my planet, called earth
- the little prince cried, and it was necessary to console him. I took him in my arms and
began to cradle. I told him: “The flower you love is worth nothing.”
threatens... I'll draw a muzzle for your lamb... I'll draw it for your
flower armor... I...I didn't know what else to tell him. I felt
terribly awkward and clumsy. How to call so he can hear, how to catch up
his soul escaping from me? She's so mysterious and
unknown, this country of tears...

2. ..... Very soon I got to know this flower better. On the planet of the small
the prince always grew simple, modest flowers - they had few
petals, they took up very little space and did not bother anyone. They
opened in the grass in the morning and withered in the evening. And this one sprouted one day
from grain brought from God knows where, and the little prince did not take his eyes off
from a tiny sprout, unlike all the other sprouts and blades of grass.
What if this is some new variety of baobab? But the bush is fast
stopped stretching upward, and a bud appeared on it. A little prince
I had never seen such huge buds before and had a presentiment that
will see a miracle. And the unknown guest, hidden within the walls of her green
rooms, everything was getting ready, everything was preening. She carefully selected
paints. She dressed up slowly, trying on the petals one by one.
She did not want to come into the world disheveled, like some kind of poppy. She
I wanted to show myself in all the splendor of my beauty. Yes, it was terrible
yoke! Mysterious preparations continued day after day. And so
One morning, as soon as the sun rose, the petals opened.
And the beauty who put in so much work preparing for this
minute, she said, yawning:
- Oh, I woke up forcibly... I beg your pardon... I’m still quite
The little prince could not contain his delight:
- How beautiful you are!
- Yes its true? - There was a quiet answer. - And note, I was born together
with the sun.
The little prince, of course, guessed that the amazing guest was not
suffers from an excess of modesty, but she was so beautiful that the spirit
And she soon noticed:
- Looks like it's time for breakfast. Be so kind and take care of
to me...
The little prince was very embarrassed, found a watering can and watered the flower
spring water.
It soon turned out that the beauty was proud and touchy, and the little prince
I'm completely exhausted with her. She had four thorns and one day she said
to him:
- Let the tigers come, I'm not afraid of their claws!
“There are no tigers on my planet,” objected the little prince. -
And then, tigers don't eat grass.
“I’m not grass,” the flower quietly remarked.
- Excuse me...
- No, tigers are not scary to me, but I am terribly afraid of drafts. You
no screen?
“The plant is afraid of drafts... Very strange,” I thought
a little prince. “What a difficult character this flower has.”
- When evening comes, cover me with a cap. You have too much here
Cold. A very uncomfortable planet. Where I came from...
She didn't finish. After all, she was brought here when she was still
grain. She could not know anything about other worlds. It's stupid to lie
when it's so easy to catch you! The beauty was embarrassed, then coughed
once or twice so that the little prince feels like he is in front of her
- Where is the screen?
- I wanted to go after her, but I couldn’t help but listen to you!
Then she coughed harder: let his conscience still torment him!

3. Although the little prince fell in love with a beautiful flower and was glad to see it
serve, but soon doubts arose in his soul. He's empty words
took it to heart and began to feel very unhappy.
“I should have listened to her in vain,” he once told me trustingly. -
You should never listen to what flowers say. You just have to look at them
and breathe in their scent. My flower filled my entire planet with fragrance,
but I didn’t know how to rejoice at him. This talk about claws and tigers... They
They should have moved me, but I got angry...
And he also admitted:
- I didn’t understand anything then! It was necessary to judge not by words, but by
affairs. She gave me her scent and illuminated my life. I shouldn't have
run. Behind these pathetic tricks and tricks I had to guess
tenderness. The flowers are so inconsistent! But I was too young, I still
didn't know how to love.....

4. ....The little prince walked for a long time through the sands, rocks and snow and finally
came across the road. And all roads lead to people.
“Good afternoon,” he said.
In front of him was a garden full of roses.
“Good afternoon,” the roses responded.
And the little prince saw that they all looked like his flower.
- Who you are? - He asked, amazed.
“We are roses,” answered the roses.
“That’s how it is...” said the little prince.
And I felt very, very unhappy. His beauty
told him that there was no one like her in the entire universe. And here in front of him
five thousand exactly the same flowers in the garden alone!

5. How angry she would be if she saw them! - Thought the little one
prince. “She would have coughed horribly and pretended to die, only
would not seem funny. And I would have to follow her like
sick, because otherwise she really would have died, just to humiliate me too
And then he thought: “I imagined that I owned the only
world with a flower that no one else has anywhere, and this was the most
ordinary rose. All I had was a simple rose and three
volcano is knee-high, and then one of them went out, and maybe
forever... What kind of prince am I after this?.."
He lay down in the grass and cried.

6. - Who are you? - Asked the little prince. - How beautiful you are!
“I am a fox,” said the fox.
“Play with me,” asked the little prince. - I feel so
“I can’t play with you,” said the fox. - I'm not tamed.
“Oh, sorry,” said the little prince.
But, after thinking, he asked:
- How is it to tame?
“You’re not from here,” the fox remarked. - What are you looking for here?
“I’m looking for people,” said the little prince. - How is it to tame?
- People have guns and they go hunting. It is very uncomfortable! AND
They also raise chickens. That's the only thing they're good for. Are you looking for chickens?
“No,” said the little prince. - I am looking for friends. How is it -
“This is a long-forgotten concept,” the fox explained. - It means:
create bonds.
- Bonds?
“That’s it,” said the fox. - You are still just for me
a little boy, just like a hundred thousand other boys. AND
I don't need you. And you don't need me either. I'm just a fox for you
exactly the same as a hundred thousand other foxes. But if you tame me,
we will need each other. You will be the only one for me in general
light. And I will be alone for you in the whole world...
“I’m beginning to understand,” said the little prince. - There is one
rose... She probably tamed me...
“Very possible,” the fox agreed. - There’s nothing on earth
It happens.
“It wasn’t on earth,” said the little prince.
The fox was very surprised:
- On another planet?
- Yes.
- Are there hunters on that planet?
- No.
- How interesting! Are there chickens there?
- No.
- There is no perfection in the world! - The fox sighed.....

7. - Go take a look at the roses again. You will understand that your rose is
the only one in the world. And when you return to say goodbye to me, I
I'll tell you one secret. This will be my gift to you.
The little prince went to look at the roses.
“You are not at all like my rose,” he told them. - You have
nothing. No one has tamed you, and you have not tamed anyone. That's how he was
formerly my fox. He was no different from a hundred thousand other foxes. But I
I became friends with him, and now he is the only one in the whole world.

8. Roses were very embarrassed.
“You are beautiful, but empty,” continued the little prince. - For your sake
don't want to die. Of course, a random passer-by, looking at my
rose, will say that she is exactly the same as you. But she alone is dearer to me
all of you. After all, it was her, not you, that I watered every day. Her, not you
covered with a glass cover. He blocked her with a screen, protecting her from
wind. I killed caterpillars for her, leaving only two or three so that
butterflies hatched. I listened to how she complained and how she boasted, I
listened to her even when she fell silent. She is mine.

9. And the little prince returned to the fox.
- Goodbye... - he said.
“Goodbye,” said the fox. - Here is my secret, it is very simple: vigilantly
just one heart. You can't see the most important thing with your eyes.
“You can’t see the most important thing with your eyes,” repeated the little prince,
to remember better.
- Your rose is so dear to you because you gave it all of yours.
- Because I gave her all my days... - repeated the little one
prince, to remember better.
“People have forgotten this truth,” said the fox, “but don’t forget: you
forever responsible for everyone he tamed. You are responsible for your rose.
“I am responsible for my rose...” repeated the little prince so that
better remember.

10. ......I want to take a sip of this water,” said the little prince. -
Let me get drunk...
And I realized what he was looking for!
I brought the bucket to his lips. He drank with his eyes closed. It was like
the most wonderful feast. This water was not ordinary. She was born from
a long journey under the stars, from the creaking of the gate, from the efforts of my hands. She
was like a gift to my heart. When I was little, they shone for me like that
Christmas gifts: the glow of candles on the tree, the singing of the organ at one o'clock
midnight mass, tender smiles.

11. “On your planet,” said the little prince, “people grow in
one garden five thousand roses... And they don’t find what they are looking for...
“They don’t find it,” I agreed.
- But what they are looking for can be found in one single rose,
in a sip of water...
“Yes, of course,” I agreed.
And the little prince said:
- But the eyes are blind. You have to search with your heart.
I drank some water. It was easy to breathe. At dawn the sand becomes
golden like honey. And that made me happy too. Why would I
be sad?..
“You must keep your word,” the little prince said softly, again
sitting down next to me.
- What word?
- Remember, you promised... A muzzle for my lamb... I’m in
responsible for that flower.
“The most important thing is what you can’t see with your eyes...” he said.
- Yes, sure...
- It's like with a flower. If you love a flower that grows somewhere on
distant star, it’s good to look at the sky at night. All the stars are blooming... 13. .....But here’s what’s amazing. When I was drawing a muzzle for a lamb, I
I forgot about the strap! The little prince will not be able to put it on the lamb. AND
I ask myself: is something going on there on his planet? Suddenly a lamb
did you eat a rose?

14. ....Sometimes I say to myself: no, of course not! Little Prince for the night
always covers the rose with a glass cover, and is very careful
Then I'm happy. And all the stars laugh quietly.
And sometimes I say to myself: sometimes you can be absent-minded... Then everything
may happen! Suddenly one evening he forgot about the glass
a cap or a lamb quietly got out into the wild at night...
And then all the bells cry... 16. Look at the sky. And ask yourself if that rose is alive or is it already
No? What if the lamb ate it?.. And you will see, everything will be different...
And no adult will ever understand how important this is!