Who will suit cherry and burgundy hair. Cherry Bombre: A New Hair Color Trend Wild Cherry Hair Color

Some girls have been faithful to a single shade of hair for years and avoid dangerous experiments, others are eager for change, constantly looking for an interesting option. For those who are not indifferent to games with hair color, there are a lot of original ideas, one of which is cherry.

Ripe and juicy

From the point of view of experts, a well-chosen shade of curls allows you to recharge with positive energy and make your hair more well-groomed. The shade of ripe cherries in this regard is perfect as never before. Having dyed her hair in such a bright and bold color, the girl opens herself to a new one, becomes the centerpiece of any event and gets a chance to completely reconsider her views on an acceptable image.

Who will suit cherry hair color?

Opinions regarding the belonging of the shade to the color palette differ: some tend to attribute cherry to the red family, others consider it a shade of the red palette. In any case, it is shown to girls who are not afraid of daring experiments and dream of rich colors.

Cherry hair color is extremely popular this year. Many significant figures in the world of cinema and show business have already managed to define it for themselves as the only true one, therefore, soon we will be able to see well-groomed cherry heads among ordinary fashionistas.

Experts recommend taking a closer look at cherry dyes for owners of the appearance of a cold color type: dark gray or brown eyes, pale pink or olive skin, natural golden chestnut or ash-blond curls.

How to achieve a deep shade?

Getting a cherry color on your hair is not easy. In some cases, this requires more than one staining procedure. Things are more complicated with blond hair - the coloring pigment on them appears in the form of fiery red. There are two options: go to a competent colorist, or be patient and conduct several coloring sessions yourself.

You can become the owner of cherry hair not only through a persistent dye. At home, ordinary henna is suitable for this purpose (used to dye curls red) and additional ingredients - red wine or cranberry / beetroot juice.

It is not difficult to prepare the paint: pour the henna powder with the selected component (you must first warm it up) to reveal the cherry color, apply the composition to the hair and wait at least 4 hours.

If cherry coloring using homemade composition or chemical dye is done correctly, the result will exceed conceivable expectations, rewarding the hair with amazing juiciness and shimmering highlights!

Cherry color is one of the most spectacular shades used to color curls. It not only creates a bright and bold image, but also brings a touch of sophistication and nobility.


Cherry blossom is a derivative of two tones: brown and red. This trendy shade adds volume to curls, making the image not only bright, but also feminine. In addition, it will organically look not only on young girls, but also on older women.

However, there is a cherry shade and a couple of minuses.

It looks great only on condition of perfect, healthy skin, otherwise this color will make its imperfections more noticeable. In addition, in order to avoid the effect of cheapness, you will first have to make a high-quality haircut and also improve your hair.

Varieties of tones

Cherry shade has a large number of shades. In order to choose the perfect tone for yourself, experts recommend taking into account your own color type, as well as first experimenting with tinting agents. In addition, it is better to do a change of image in the summer, as a tanned face will allow you to quickly adapt to the new hair. The choice of dark cherry tone is suitable for cold "winter" beauties with brown eyes and fair skin. Girls belonging to other color types are not recommended to experiment with this color.

Ripe cherries look good with olive skin and dark eyes.

It gives the image the necessary brightness and playfulness. Cherry in chocolate is close in color to chestnut with a burgundy undertone. This color looks good on most girls and looks extremely elegant.

The shade of mulled wine hair, as you might guess, is similar to the drink of the same name. This color is quite complex - it is a combination of burgundy, brown and even orange with a rich red as the base. This choice is also considered one of the most versatile.

Black or rotten cherries are recommended for brunettes. The shade is very close to brown, but has an additional red undertone. This color is not bright, so it should be used to start experiments, or when there is no desire to shock in your own way.

Wild cherry attracts with its elegant dark red tone, smoothly flowing into burgundy.

The dark ruby ​​color looks exotic and very attractive. It suits any woman, except for the spring type. For “summer” girls, it is better to choose a shade with purple notes, for “autumn” girls with red blotches, and for “winter” girls, just choose a bright dark ruby ​​color. But here the dark pomegranate looks good already on the "spring" young ladies, harmoniously combined with fair skin and blue or green eyes.

Dark crimson shade will look good in the presence of freckles and light eyes. In this case, we are talking about the color types of autumn and winter. A rather bright light cherry color looks good on representatives of the summer color type.

Who will suit?

Cherry hair color goes not only to girls of the required color type, but also to those who are not afraid to express themselves and feel organic under the eyes of the crowd. It will look much more effective on owners of long hair and medium-length haircuts, for example, a square. For girls whose natural hair color is light brown, it is better to choose light shade variations. For brunettes, as well as brown-haired women with peach skin, a dark cherry light with a red undertone is more recommended. "Winter" girls can choose any shade of cherry.

Tanned young ladies with green or brown eyes will suit a dark cherry color, turning into brown.

Young girls can use cherries along with contrasting shades, but older ladies are better off sticking to a single tone or focusing on several strands.

How to choose paint?

Achieving cherry color at home is impossible without the use of high-quality and properly selected paint. Quite a few options are presented in the mass market.

For example, Brand Palette gives you the opportunity to choose between a dozen shades from "Purple Cherry" to "Red Wine". A fairly extensive palette is presented at Garnier- here you can just find such beautiful shades as Black Cherry, as well as Mahogany. At Faberlic There are three cherry tones available, and Londa Professional- just two that tend more toward purple.

Professional Brand Matrix offers three matching colors to choose from. At Estel there are many more, including Mahogany, Burgundy and Beaujolais. Other suitable manufacturers include Revlon, Nouvelle and Selective Professional.

In general, all dyes can be divided into three groups according to the durability of the pigment.

The first group is tint products that are washed off after 6-8 shampooing procedures. The second combines dyes, the pigment of which disappears after 24 washes. Finally, the most resistant paints fall into the third group. This indicator is usually indicated on the packaging.

Tint products are also presented in the form of tonics, mousses, foams and balms. They should be selected a tone lower than the existing hair color. The product is applied to wet hair, after which it is aged according to the instructions. In principle, the longer the substance is on the strands, the more effective the result will be. It is important to understand that tint products are still washed off quite quickly.

The most popular natural dye is henna.

Its main advantage is not only obtaining the required shade, but also the absence of harm to the hairline. During the procedure, henna is mixed with heated red wine or beetroot juice until the substance begins to resemble sour cream in its consistency. To get a more pomegranate hue, you will need to use cranberry juice as a liquid. The finished mixture is mixed until the lumps disappear completely, after which it is applied to the entire length of the hair.

The head is wrapped in a towel and left in this state for about 4 hours. Washing in this case is carried out without shampoo, but the balm is still worth using. As a rule, it is required to repeat the coloring with henna from 2 to 3 times.

If possible, dyeing hair in cherry color should be entrusted to professionals, since this color scheme is considered far from being the easiest. Most often, the procedure is carried out several times. Brunettes need to bleach first, and blondes often face the problem of developing a bright red hue during coloring. In general, the staining procedure is always carried out according to a single scheme, regardless of the place of its implementation. First of all, the required color scheme is determined depending on the existing color type.

Next, dark hair is lightened, which is always worth doing in the salon. Next, be sure to check for an allergic reaction. This is done according to the instructions in the package.

Some girls prefer only natural hair color, while others, on the contrary, are eager for change. For ladies who love to experiment and "play" with colors, there are many exciting ideas, one of which is cherry hair color. Having painted curls in such a colorful range, the lady will transform into a central figure that attracts the attention of others.

A catchy cherry look is in fashion today.

Who will suit cherry color

In the near future, ripe cherry hair color has become very popular among pop and movie stars, which means that very soon it will adorn the heads of fashionistas.

Extravagant images are popular among the stars today.

Ideally, the cherry scale will look on girls with a cool color type of appearance. It suggests black, grayish, brown eyes and skin of a pale or olive tone. The natural color of the hairstyle with all this is usually golden, ash-blond or chestnut.

Subtleties of staining

Getting cherry color is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. To obtain the desired color, it may be necessary not one, but several staining procedures. The greatest difficulties may appear when painting light strands - the pigment on natural light curls appears in a fiery red color. Therefore, you need to be patient and be prepared for several sessions.

Before the procedure, the hair must be combed well.

Step-by-step annotation of staining:

  1. We decide what color cherry you want to get, and get the paint of the corresponding color.
  2. We lighten hair if they are black.
  3. As usual, we carry out a test for the presence of an allergic reaction to the paint.. Most of the tools have an annotation on how to make such a test.
  4. Determine the place where the procedure will be performed, and cover the surface with newspapers so as not to stain. If the coloring composition drips in some places, it will be very difficult to wash it off.
  5. We mix the paint and get all the accessories needed for painting.: comb, comb, hair clips, gloves, towel, etc.
  6. Putting on gloves.
  7. Combing the hair so that there are no nodes.
  8. Pour a little consistency into the palms and, starting from the ends, apply it to the entire length.

  1. Now let's go to the roots.. We divide them into strands with the help of clips and color each one separately. Make sure that the roots are dyed and that each curl is covered with paint.
  2. We cover the head with polyethylene and warm with a towel.
  3. Leave the composition on the head for the recommended time and rinse.
  4. Dry and style hair.
  5. Lovely juicy cherry hair is ready, enjoy your new look.

When choosing a product, it is best to give preference to a gentle paint, which contains a special balm, so that the curls after dyeing get not only a shimmering radiance and rich color, but also remain soft and smooth.

After the dyeing procedure, your hairstyle requires special care.

In order for the hair to please the eye for a long time with a rich, deep color and at the same time look presentable, follow a few common tips.

In order for your curls to look presentable after dyeing, moisturize them with home remedies.

  • To keep your new cherry hair colorful for a long time, wash your hair with cold water. Burning or warm will discolor your strands much faster.
  • If after the staining procedure the curls are very damaged, make nourishing masks once a week, enrich the diet with proteins and cut the ends often.
  • Apply shampoo only to the root zone, as it washes the color from the hair.
  • Beware of exposure to high temperatures on the hair, it will cause fading of the color and dryness of the ends of the hair.

But if you care about the healthy state of your own hair and do not want to expose it to the chemical effects of dyes, then the option of home dyeing with natural dyes is suitable for you.

Henna coloring: natural and healthy

Natural henna will give the hair not only the desired color and strengthen it.

In order to get a mature and juicy cherry hair color, you need a persistent dye. When performing a do-it-yourself staining procedure at home, henna mixed with ingredients such as reddish wine or beetroot juice will do an amazing job.

When washing off henna from hair, you can not use shampoo: just wash the strands well under running water, apply conditioner and rinse.
To get a more saturated color, you need to stop washing your hair for 3 days.

For coloring, it is better to choose Iranian henna, its cost is completely democratic and accessible to everyone.

With the right and competent staining with this natural dye, you will get a catchy, shimmering highlights that strike with their own color saturation.


If cherry coloring with the introduction of a home-made composition or a chemical dye is done correctly, the result will outshine your expectations, rewarding curls with breathtaking richness of color!

For a more pleasant acquaintance with our topic, watch the video in this article!

Burgundy - one of the brightest and most saturated shades - is back in fashion. Stylists assure that this trend has come into fashion for a long time. In addition, burgundy, mahogany, cherry are popular not only for coloring curls, but also for manicure, in clothes. It is only important to choose the right shade of burgundy, combined with the type of appearance.

Burgundy hair color - all shades

Burgundy and all its shades are quite bright, attracting bold and original personalities. It looks very impressive, but there are a few subtleties when painting. To get the desired result, it is important to choose a dye of the right color and carefully care for the hair after.

There are several shades of burgundy:

  • Burgundy. The name of the shade comes from the region of France where grapes of this color are grown. It looks like a mixture of plum and ruby, sometimes with a hint of brown.
  • Mahogany. A shade consisting of warm red and rich red with a brown base.
  • Bordeaux. The name of the color is consonant with the name of a red wine from the city of Bordeaux in France, the color resembles a bright scarlet mixed with brown.
  • Ruby. When stained, dark red curls with a brown tint are obtained.
  • Cherry (ripe cherry). The shade resembles a ripe cherry, refers to dark purple.

Burgundy looks very expensive and spectacular, but it does not always work out from the first staining. It looks great on swarthy girls or "snow whites", suitable for green and blue eyes. Only some shades are suitable for brown eyes.

Burgundy (Burgundy)

Cherry - ripe, chocolate, dark

Who suits Burgundy and Mahogany

For the type of appearance "winter" (pale skin, dark blue or brown eyes), shades of burgundy and cherry are suitable. For girls with an autumn color type, it is better to dye your hair mahogany or mahogany. Pure burgundy is considered a neutral color that suits both color types. Coloring in burgundy is not suitable for the types of appearance "summer" and "spring" (only if as a gradient). You can make a smooth transition to the tips, and then the image will look harmonious.

Blondes should avoid burgundy as it will make them look unnaturally pale. Brunettes and brown-haired women are suitable for highlighting with red strands. For a short haircut, feather dyeing looks great. Long ones are better to paint with balayage technique.

Paint - numbers and stamps

When choosing a shade of paint, be guided not only by your preferences, but also by your type of appearance.


shade name Paint number
Bordeaux 5.55
Mahogany 7.63
Burgundy 7.673
Cherry 5.65


shade name Paint number
Bordeaux 0.66
Mahogany 7.5
Burgundy 5.6
Cherry 8.6


shade name Paint number
Bordeaux 6.60
Mahogany 3.6
Burgundy 4.60
Cherry 4.6


shade name Paint number
Bordeaux 45
Mahogany 53
Burgundy 52
Cherry 47


shade name Paint number
Bordeaux 0.45
Mahogany 66.45
Burgundy 55.54
Cherry 77.45


shade name Paint number
Bordeaux 6.79
Mahogany 8.72
Burgundy 8.80
Cherry 5.75

Dark burgundy hair dye

Lightening may be required depending on the depth of the base. In order for the tone to turn out to be fiery red, preliminary discoloration is necessary. After using the clarifying powder, the curls should be bright yellow. If toning is planned in dark colors, clarification may not be needed. But if before that staining was carried out with black dyes - from 1 to 4 tones, then you will have to lighten.

The clarifying composition is first applied with a brush stepping back from the roots, then distributing along the entire length and finally to the root zone. The oxygen concentration depends on the initial color:

  • 3-5% - for thin hair, dark blond and chestnut shades
  • 6-10% - for very dark, dense

Coloring in burgundy color of blond hair

Naturally light or previously bleached curls do not require clarification before toning. But it is worth remembering that clarified ones do not hold color well, so one coloring is not enough. For coloring light, you need to use dyes without ammonia, so as not to damage them. For tinting take an oxidizing agent 1.5-3%

Burgundy and red strands on dark hair

There are several types of staining highlighted with strands:

  • Classic highlighting- the strands are tinted along the entire length at an equal distance from each other.
  • Venetian- the tips brighten, creating a slight transition to a natural color.
  • california- the same coloring as the Venetian, only for light curls.
  • color– highlighting in bright colors: red, bright burgundy, dark pink. The strands are exposed to open processing.
  • Balayazh- when toning the tips or roots, contrasting shades are used. Each strand is dyed separately.
  • Reverse- painting individual strands in dark colors. Suitable for lightened, wishing to return the color.
  • Booking- a combination of coloring and highlighting. Chocolate, burgundy and dark scarlet colors are used.

Burgundy toning

To tint a light base - blond or light brown, you can pick up tinting balms. They do not contain ammonia, the color is bright, but not resistant.

Tonic "Bordeaux" 4.6

To tone curls with tonic, you need:

  • Apply the cream on the ears and neck, put a towel on clothes, put on gloves.
  • Apply balm.
  • Paint the roots at the back of the head, then distribute along the entire length.
  • Wash off the paint with warm water until it becomes transparent.

It takes only five minutes to maintain the color, and 10 minutes for a light burgundy shade. For the appearance of a saturated color, you will have to wait half an hour.

Tonic "Ripe Cherry" 3.56

To dye your hair with a tonic in the color "Ripe Cherry", you need:

  • Apply oil to the neck and ears, protect clothing and wear gloves.
  • Wash your hair and dry with a towel.
  • Apply paint from the back of the head to the temples with a brush.

Rinse your hair with warm water until the water runs clear.

Tinted balm "Concept" for red shades

The balm colors for a short time. To weaken the intensity of the color, you need to dilute the balm with shampoo or conditioner. To tint with a balm you need:

  • Put on old clothes and gloves.
  • Apply the product to clean, damp curls.
  • Wash off with warm water after 20 minutes.

After painting, you do not need to wash your hair with shampoo. It is not recommended to paint after a perm. To get rid of the color, you need to wash your hair a couple of times.

Tinted balm "Fara" 509-a pomegranate

To color with a tint balm, you need:

  • Put on gloves and old clothes.
  • Apply the balm to clean, damp curls with a brush, without affecting the skin of the face.
  • Wash off with warm water after 15 minutes.

The longer the balm is on the head, the richer the shade. Dark hair requires more than 20 minutes to color, blondes and fair-haired less than 15 minutes. On healthy and previously unpainted, the color lies evenly.

How to care for hair after dyeing

After dyeing, the hairs are weakened and need intensive nutrition. To do this, you need to use special shampoos and masks, and use thermal protection when styling.

Shampoo for colored hair

Shampoo for colored curls must be of high quality, therefore, it cannot be cheap. Here are shampoos of famous brands that adequately perform their work:

Lush. Shampoos of this brand are available in the form of ordinary soap with various smells and inclusions. Only dark-haired or those who dyed with henna can use them. Shampoo features - hair cleansing with orange oil and Moroccan clay, nutrition with soy proteins.

Colorlast. Shampoo is best used with conditioner of the same brand. The tool allows you to keep the color for up to nine weeks, and also moisturizes and gently cleanses. The disadvantage of this tool is that light paint is quickly washed off when using it.

Natura Siberica. The shampoo contains white wax that makes hair shine, as well as Dahurian soybean oil, which repairs damage. The shampoo is based on natural ingredients, natural acids are responsible for foaming.


Masks after dyeing are very important, as they nourish the hair and restore it:

  • Kapous. The composition contains wheat and keratin, suitable for any type of hair. The mask is easy to rinse and apply. The tool is not very expensive - 500 rubles for 0.5 liters.
  • Ollin Megapolis. The basis of the mask is black rice. Suitable for dry and dull curls, protects them from harmful external influences. Its cost is 400 rubles for 0.25 liters.

Choose a mask specifically for your type so as not to harm them even more.

Thermal styling and UV protection

Styling products help moisturize dry colored hair and protect it from heat. The best among all sprays are:

  • Estel Airex. Provides good fixation, provides double temoprotection. The composition includes silk proteins, vitamin B5. Cost - 400 rubles for 0.2 liters.
  • Ga.Ma Protect-ion. The composition contains silk proteins, vitamin F, making curls soft. Price - 600 rubles for 0.12 liters.
  • Wella Resolute Lift. Makes hair soft and manageable. Protects from ultraviolet rays, however, when processed with hot air, it sticks together and spoils the styling. Cost - 1000 rubles for 0.2 liters.

When choosing a burgundy paint, you need to focus on the color type of the appearance, so as not to get an unsuccessful result. This bright color can take a long time to wash out, so approach the procedure responsibly. It is equally important to properly care for the color with the right shampoos and masks to allow the curls to recover.

Hair color Burgundy and mahogany - photo

Thousands of years have passed since the first cave beauty dyed her hair in an unusual color with the help of natural dyes. And all this time, women did not stop experimenting, rejoicing in successes, falling into despair from failures and again making bold attempts to improve their appearance. At the moment, the beauty industry annually spends millions of dollars on development and research, and fashionistas around the world can achieve any, even the most exotic shade of strands. In 2015, hair came into fashion. Many domestic and foreign movie and show business stars flaunt with bright curls. So, soon the urban women of fashion will take it into service.

cherry shades

Hair colors today are different, and it is far from always possible to correctly determine whether a particular tone belongs to a particular palette. So, world experts and fashion gurus do not stop arguing about which color scheme cherry shades should be attributed to. Some with foam at the mouth prove that this is a red group of flowers. Others do not give up their positions one iota and insist that these are red shades. However, in between debates, they unanimously agreed to distinguish three subspecies of cherry blossom:

  • Dark cherry color. He is restrained, not flashy. It is very similar to brown, but differs from it in a noble reddish radiance. Some manufacturers call it "black cherry".
  • Cherry red. It is the color of ripe cherries. That's what most manufacturers call it. This is a very bright and bold shade. In nature, such hair, of course, you will not find.
  • Cherry brown. Playful color with a hint of red. Allows you to create a brighter image without radical and extravagant steps.

Cherry blossom: the opinion of others

If a lady decided to change the color of her hair and turned her attention to cherry shades, then she can definitely be called bold. It will be impossible to get lost in the crowd now. And the first reaction of others will be ambiguous.

A young lady, having painted her "feathers" in such a bright color, can instantly lose the favor of seventy-year-old fashion experts, proudly sitting at the entrance. In an instant, a brave girl will turn from a "good girl from a decent family" into a "professional who has contacted a bad company." And many conservative teachers will not approve of such an eccentric trick. Older ladies, having made such an extravagant, may face misunderstanding on the part of their superiors and partners. And, of course, less decisive rivals will not remain in debt and will whisper enough behind their backs. But this is all nonsense. The main thing is to like yourself and the representatives of the opposite sex. And men are very fond of and pay attention to bright young ladies. However, there is one thing here. Red is the color of fire, and therefore the color of danger. Modest and indecisive men will not start a conversation with a fiery beauty. But the brave and assertive will happily rush to storm this fortress.

Who is cherry blossom for?

How to choose a hair color so that the result does not look ridiculous? Are cherry shades suitable for everyone? It is strictly forbidden to paint in bright, conspicuous colors for modest and shy girls. Excessive attention to your person can be confusing.

All the hair shades/colors we are considering are recommended for women with good skin. Any redness and pimples will be highlighted and highlighted with this choice. It is also worth choosing the right haircut. And this question plays a key role. Hair should be perfect and well-groomed.

How to choose a color if you decide to radically change the image? Of course, cherry is a good choice, but there are a lot of shades in this range. A discreet dark cherry color is suitable for owners of olive skin with brown eyes and brown or black hair. This shade is worth paying close attention to ladies of age. Firstly, you can easily paint over annoying gray hair. And secondly, visually smooth out small wrinkles. A neat haircut and good makeup complete the picture. You should also choose your clothes carefully. And then from a modern business woman you can turn into an administrator of the Yalta Hotel of Soviet times.

Cherry hair is suitable for girls with pale or slightly tanned skin. Eye color can be anything. It is definitely youthful. However, many creative individuals resort to this technique, regardless of age. Getting this shade is not very easy. Therefore, it is better to entrust this procedure to the hands of a specialist. Staining is carried out in two stages. First, the hair is lightened, and only then the desired pigment is applied.

Cherry brown with a hint of brown is a chic choice for women with an autumn color type. Golden or in combination with this hair color will give a stunning result. There are no age restrictions here. For young girls, this is the color of flirting and playfulness, for those who are older, it is an opportunity to look fresh and not dull in an office setting.

Hair dye "Cherry"

All major manufacturers of hair cosmetics provide cherry shades in their lines. It is better to choose paint from well-known brands. In addition to coloring agents, it contains caring components that reduce the negative impact of chemical dyes to a minimum.

It can be difficult to color both very dark hair and very light hair. In the first case, after washing off the paint, the expected effect may not be achieved. The coloring pigment is weaker than natural. In the second case, the result may exceed expectations, and not in the best sense of the word. Hair will play with the most amazing colors. Therefore, it is better to visit the salon, where they will correctly select the paint and correctly carry out the staining procedure.

How to achieve cherry color with natural dyes?

At home, you can get cherry hair color with henna. To do this, pour the powder with warmed red wine or beetroot juice. Bring the mixture to the density of sour cream, break up all the lumps. Apply to clean, slightly damp hair. Keep under a warm towel for 4 hours. Wash off with warm water without shampoo. Apply balm. Continue to care as usual. From the first time there may not be a result, but after two or three procedures the color will appear.

Staining options

Some women of fashion want to change the color of their entire hair, others want to add bright accents. Stylists and hairdressers do their best to please discerning ladies.


Cherry ombre in the form of flames is now in trend. It looks best on dark hair.


Conservative women can also highlight cherry strands on dark hair. This will make them look a little younger. Young charmers will be delighted with bright strands on a light background.

tip coloring

Bright tips on short haircuts look very interesting, but owners of long hair can try this method. Teenagers prefer to combine several colors. Blue and yellow will harmonize well with cherry.

How to keep color for a long time?

No matter how good the paint is, the color fades and fades over time. To maintain brightness, do not neglect the advice of experts:

  • Only clean hair should be dyed. Applying the composition on is a relic of the past. Old aggressive paints harmed the hair less if they were covered with a layer of sebum. The current sparing dyes cannot always overcome such an obstacle. As a result, the pigment does not penetrate well into the hair and is not fixed.
  • Reduce the use of hairsprays. They dry and open the scales of the hair. The pigment is washed out and fades faster.
  • Shampoo and conditioner for colored hair should be used regularly.
  • Once a week, make masks and compresses to nourish and moisturize your hair.

How to wash red tint from hair?

If the cherry hair color turned out to be too saturated, you can slightly muffle it.

Method 1

  • Vegetable oil - 5 tbsp. l.
  • Cognac or beer - 1 tsp

Rub into hair three hours before shampooing.

Method 2

Lubricate hair liberally with honey. Wrap your head in a bag and warm with a towel. This compress is best done at night. A week later, from honey, the hair color will brighten by several tones.

Completely wash off without the use of chemicals will not work. Even if the painting was carried out with henna, it will not be possible to return the natural color.

Cherry hair color is a juicy solution for any season. Deciding on such an experiment is definitely worth it. After all, a bright appearance cheers up and opens up new opportunities. Well, do you dare?