What is Donald Duck's girl's name? Family Ducks: description and representatives of the family

In our article we want to talk about representatives of the duck family, which are the largest group among them. They were the first to be domesticated by humans in ancient times. Their importance in agriculture is still great today.

Ducks in our lives

The Duck family includes more than 150 species, which, in turn, are divided into forty genera. The predecessors of these birds lived on earth in ancient times. There is a lot of evidence of this. Archaeologists have found the remains of a bird (the ancestor of the modern duck), whose age is about 50 million years.

Representatives of the family still play an important role in our lives, as they are kept in households for their down, eggs and meat. Industrial hunting does not have the best effect on the number of birds.

Description of the family

The Duck family is not only numerous, but also quite diverse. Representatives of the family differ significantly from each other not only in size, but also in color. For example, the weight of birds ranges from 250 grams (dwarf African goose) to twenty kilograms (mute swan). Representatives of the family have a characteristic, dense plumage covered with waterproof lubricant. This is explained by the fact that waterfowl of the duck family are almost always in the water.

Birds have a characteristic long and flexible neck, a flattened and wide beak, a streamlined body with a large supply of subcutaneous fat. And their legs are short, widely spaced, with toes connected by membranes. All birds of the family can move on land, but at the same time they swim well, and some even dive. The birds fly beautifully and are capable of reaching speeds of up to 80 kilometers per hour.

Habits of family members

Birds of the duck family lead a monogamous lifestyle and have complex social relationships. They prefer to nest near bodies of water, and sometimes on islands. Females line the nest with down, which is first plucked from the abdomen. The chicks are born sighted, they grow quickly and actively develop. After just a couple of days, babies can get their own food. They usually feed in the dark. Absolutely all birds have a timid character, and therefore try to be extremely careful.

It is believed that some species have well-developed senses: smell, vision, hearing. Even the duck's beak itself has a certain sensitivity.

The Duck family is not a stupid bird. Many of them have a developed mind, such as geese. They pass on the accumulated life experience from one generation to the next.

Habitats and food of ducks

The Duck family is very numerous and at the same time has a wide habitat. They are distributed almost throughout the globe (Antarctica is an exception). Absolutely all varieties shed twice a year: completely in summer and partially in autumn (or winter).

When birds completely molt, they even lose the ability to fly. Birds feed on plant food: green parts of plants, seeds, root parts of aquatic plants, shoots. But animal food comes in second place for them. The feeding process occurs both in water and on land. Birds usually don't dive. They get food from the bottom of reservoirs by plunging their necks into the water, and sometimes the front part of their body.

Ornithologists suggest that once upon a time, ducks began to spread across the globe from one of the continents located in the Southern Hemisphere. And today they are found everywhere throughout the world. They are not found only in Antarctica and on some islands in the oceans. It often happens that the same species is found in completely different places, in different living conditions (for example, in tropical and temperate climates).

Scientists believe that this phenomenon occurs due to deviations in the migratory routes of birds. They simply go astray and settle in small colonies on new lands. Over time, they undergo certain changes in color, size, and even stop leading a migratory lifestyle.

Almost all birds of the duck family are waterfowl. That’s why they live near bodies of water, in the coastal zone. And some settle in the sea. On any body of water you can see one of the representatives of this family. And many deliberately settle next to people, in gardens and parks.

List of duck species

Ducks are a large family, which includes three subfamilies: ducks, geese and semi-footed geese. There are more than 150 varieties in total. These include:

  1. White-headed duck.
  2. White-headed Pochard.
  3. Large merganser.
  4. Red-headed Pochard.
  5. Mallard.
  6. Bean goose.
  7. Mute swan.
  8. Screaming swan.
  9. Sailor.
  10. Common eider.
  11. Gogol ordinary.
  12. Svityaz.
  13. Peganka.
  14. Gray duck.
  15. Grey goose
  16. Tufted Duck.
  17. Singa.
  18. Teal-whistle.
  19. Pintail.
  20. Teal Gadget.

We see how extensive the duck family is. The list we provide is far from complete. It presents only a few species. Let's look at some of them in more detail.


Gogol (duck family) is a diving duck, which belongs to the nomadic migratory species and is represented by two subspecies living in North America and Eurasia. Birds winter in the south (including up to the Mediterranean basin). Very often birds spend the winter in Italy.

They nest in forest areas near lakes and large rivers, and winter along the sea coast or in fresh water bodies. In May and April, birds lay up to 11 eggs, which are then incubated by the female (for 29 days). The chicks remain in the nest for only a couple of days, and at the age of 8-9 weeks they begin to fly. Each year the birds lay only one clutch. They always gather in small groups, which they keep throughout their lives. Gogol flies quite quickly, and takes off after a run on the water. The bird feeds on animal food, which it obtains underwater, diving several meters.

Gogol (the duck family) has an interesting feature of making its nests in tree hollows, rabbit holes and artificial nests. The male exhibits characteristic mating behavior. Related species are the Icelandic Goldeneye (breeding in America, Italy and Iceland) and the Little Lut (breeding in Northern Eurasia).

Whooper swan

The whooper swan is a bird that gets its name from the trumpeting sounds it makes in flight. Whoopers are very large birds, their weight can reach ten kilograms. They feed in shallow water, completely immersing their head in the water along with their neck and front part of their body.

Under water, birds reach plant roots, seeds, and catch small invertebrates: larvae, insects and crustaceans. They take off from the water surface with difficulty due to their impressive weight. At first, the birds take a long run, splashing their paws on the water, and then gradually begin to gain height. Whoopers winter in the north of the Mediterranean, on the Caspian coast, and some birds fly to southeast Asia.

Swans prefer open spaces: lagoons, lakes, river mouths, and the sea coast. They make nests in wetlands, on islands, peat bogs, in the tundra, and on lakes. The nesting period begins at the end of May. Females lay three to five eggs and then incubate them. The chicks are born after 31-42 days. Young individuals begin to fly independently at the age of 11-14 weeks.

Related species include those with more modest sizes. This northern bird of the duck family usually nests in the Arctic zone of Eurasia, sometimes it can be found in Italy. But the black swan originated from Australia, and was brought to Europe as an ornamental bird.

Mandarin ducks

Who else represents the Duck family? The Mandarin duck is perhaps the most beautiful duck in the world. We are, of course, talking about a drake, but the female is also good, but less brightly colored. This type of duck also has a second name - “Chinese duck”. For many centuries in a row, such birds decorated imperial ponds in Japan, Korea and China, and therefore were called mandarin ducks (a mandarin is a major official in Asia). Therefore, tangerine fruits have nothing to do with the origin of the name.

The bird is small in size and weighs from 0.5 to 0.8 kilograms. It belongs to the wood ducks. Individuals reach 40-48 centimeters in length. Males have very bright mating colors. From early September to July, whiskers and a crest form on the head and neck of drakes. The coloration shows bright orange notes with transitions to purple, green and the beak is bright red and the legs are yellow. Males are very beautiful, but females look much more modest, their colors are dominated by gray-white and olive-brown shades. Mandarin ducks fly well, and also swim and even dive well. On land they move quite quickly. But their voice is not at all similar to the usual quack, although they represent the duck family. The mandarin duck makes a squeaking sound or a quiet whistle.


These originally lived in East Asia. In Russia, they currently nest in the Primorsky and Khabarovsk Territories, in the Amur and Sakhalin regions. In the northern regions, mandarin ducks behave like migratory birds. In September they fly to China and Japan for the winter.

Mandarin ducks have a characteristic feature: they love to live on trees. Sometimes their hollows are found at a height of six meters. This unusual way of life forced the ducks to learn to jump from heights without any damage to themselves.

Mandarin ducks live near mountain streams, over which trees hang, and in forests near ponds. In Russia, due to its small number, this breed is listed in the Red Book. You cannot hunt such ducks; they are bred in parks and gardens as an ornamental breed.

As we have already said, birds prefer to nest near water, giving preference to windbreaks. On the female's command, the ducklings dive straight from the hollow and then learn to swim. The diet of mandarin ducks includes fish, beetles, snails, plant seeds, acorns and frogs. Ducks can rise vertically in the air, and therefore they can easily find food in oak plantings. In addition, tangerines feed on rice, cereal shoots, and buckwheat.

Peculiarities of behavior of mandarin ducks

Twice a year they change their plumage. In June, males shed their beautiful plumage and become like females. Mandarin ducks return from wintering very early, sometimes when the snow has not yet melted. During the mating season, enmity arises between the drakes over the female.

Ducks lay seven to fourteen eggs. A month later the chicks appear. During the period of incubation, females do not leave the nest; they are fed by the male. All summer, both parents are engaged in raising their offspring, they teach them to swim, fly, and protect themselves from predators. Babies can fly at the age of forty days.

In the summer, mandarin ducks are completely unpretentious and get along well with other birds in any body of water, so they are often bred in zoos and arboretums as a decorative species, providing them with conditions close to natural ones. But it should be remembered that birds cannot tolerate temperatures below five degrees; in winter they cannot live outside.

Patagonian geese

This genus of Anatidae contains five species: the Patagonian goose, the grey-headed Magellanic goose, the red-headed goose, the common Magellanic goose and the Andean goose. The birds' habitat is the Falkland Islands and South America, Chile, Peru. Patagonian geese have conservation status. Birds feed on plant foods, preferring to walk on forest edges and clearings. Their favorite foods are: rhizomes, seeds, shoots, leaves, grains. In general, this genus is practically no different from other representatives of ducks.


The mallard (duck family) is the largest. Externally, males differ from females. They have a gray body, chestnut chest and green head. Mallards live in any body of water, but they prefer to nest on hummocks, the ground, and less often in hollows; sometimes they can settle quite far from the water. The mallard is very common in Europe. The bird's body has a thick layer of down. The feathers are lubricated with an oily mixture secreted by the coccygeal gland, so the duck never gets wet, although it is always in the water.

Mallards have swim membranes between their toes that help them swim. Ducks fly well, but move on land extremely clumsily. Birds feed on insects, amphibians, worms, shoots, and plant foods. It was these ducks that were first domesticated by ancient people.

Instead of an afterword

As we can see, the Duck family is not only a very large group of birds, but also quite diverse. Its representatives live all over the world, in different parts of the planet, but at the same time they have incredibly similar characteristics.

Bili Duck

Scrooge's great-nephew. Twin brother of Willy and Dilly. Son of Della Thelma Duck.

Willie Duck

Scrooge's great-nephew. Twin brother of Billy and Dilly. Son of Della Thelma Duck.

Dilly Duck

Scrooge's great-nephew. Twin brother of Billy and Willie. Son of Della Thelma Duck.


Diminutive of Ponochka. Granddaughter of Mrs. Cluvdia and adopted niece of Scrooge McDuck. Wears robe clothing. Her last name, Vanderquack, is mentioned only in the Pearl of Wisdom series.

Mrs. Klyuvdia

Grandmother and legal guardian of Ponochka. She becomes a housewife, a maid in Scrooge McDuck's house, and also a nanny for Scrooge's nephews - Billy, Willie and Dilly. During the interview with Mrs. Klyuvdia regarding her employment as a maid, cook and nanny for Scrooge and his nephews, she and Ponochka were homeless. She agreed to work for food and shelter, and Uncle Scrooge could not refuse. Since then, Mrs. Klyuvdia and Ponochka have become real members of the McDuck family. Kluvdia often gets scared of something, and even panics in many episodes, but when necessary, she can show courage for the sake of friends and family.


The permanent butler in the house of Scrooge McDuck, his character is completely calm, calm and serious. He also works as a driver in the McDuck house. Despite having "Duck" (duck) in his name, Duckworth is an anthropomorphic dog. He worked for Scrooge even before his nephews moved into his house. In addition to working as a butler and chauffeur, Duckworth sometimes also works as a delivery boy. Was the only servant in Scrooge's house before he hired Mrs. Cluvdia. Usually appears as a minor character, with the exception of two episodes.

Zigzag McCrack

Scrooge's pilot. He considers his main achievements to be emergency landings, the most interesting of which he records in a booklet donated by the insurance company. However, in the episode "Ali Baba's Cave", it turns out that Zigzag can land a plane without crashing it. Zigzag comes from the Scottish clan of McCrack aviators. There is a younger sister.

Screw - inventor

Hired in the second season, Scrooge's accountant and bodyguard is also known as "Gizmo the Robot Duck" or Techno-Duck. Able to count very quickly. Characteristic expression - blathering blatherskite(“garbage-nonsense”, also other versions: “damn it”, “gossip-talker”, “Japanese policeman”). In one episode, he quickly became rich and tried to imitate Scrooge even in his everyday life and behavior, but he also quickly went broke. He loves his mother very much.

Mrs. Quackshell

Fenton's extravagant mother. A housewife who loves TV series and her son, with whom she lives in a trailer.


A small, fat, bespectacled former scout who loves to eat. Bosom friend of Zigzag and Billy, Willy, Dilly.

Gladstone Gander

Scrooge's nephew and Donald's cousin. Lives off his luck.

Flintheart Glomgold

Scrooge McDuck's main rival. Holds the title of the second richest duck in the world, second only to Scrooge. Flintheart Glomgold is of Scottish origin, like Scrooge, which is reflected in his speech (burrs slightly). Born in 1934. He wears a beard, which also includes sideburns. A Scottish beret with red trim can often be seen on the head. He repeatedly tried to overcome Scrooge, to become richer than him, for which he also undertook long journeys for treasures. However, he really will stop at nothing, and if he needs to kill Scrooge, Flintheart will do it. As children, Scrooge McDuck and Flintheart Glomgold were best friends. Basically, with the exception of Scrooge, he does not harm any of the other characters. However, he also cares little about others - Glomgold is indifferent to the fate of the others, without exception. However, this “loner” drake prefers to be in company, often by fraud, as he constantly teams up with famous criminals such as the Gavs brothers, and they gladly help him ruin Scrooge. Although, like Scrooge, he was in love with Goldie, naturally, because of this, he and Scrooge McDuck fought. 51 years old

Brothers Gavs.

A large family of dogs that constantly tries to rob banks or Scrooge's vault by all means, including teaming up with his main rival Glomgold.


A skinny but clumsy thief. He first appeared in the episode "The Golden Goose", where he insisted that he had reformed, although at the end of each episode he continued to steal. Suffers from kleptomania.

Magica de Hypnosis

A powerful, young duck witch who is constantly trying to steal Scrooge's lucky coin in order to take over the entire world. Has a brother turned into a raven.

Donald Duck

Although Donald is a key member of the family, the series makes his role secondary in order to shift the focus of the story to Scrooge and his boys. At the beginning of the series, Donald leaves Billy, Willie, and Dilly in the care of Scrooge during his service in the United States Navy. Donald appears occasionally in several episodes, and Scrooge and the boys receive letters from him throughout the series.

Ludwig von Drake

A character mostly known for his roles outside of the series. He is Zigzag's psychiatrist in one of the episodes. Donald Duck's uncle.

Benzino Gasolini

An anthropomorphic pig is a racer from Italy, and also a pilot. Speaks with a characteristic Italian accent. Cheerful, shown as a positive character. Appears only in two episodes: the first time - as a client at Scrooge's hotel, the second time, as a participant in an air show (on a low-level flight he was able to cook pizza).

El Capitano

a former captain who went crazy trying to find ancient treasures. Appears in the 27-part pilot episode. In the animated series, there are indirect hints to the fact that he is actually a Spaniard who is over four hundred years old. He is many times more greedy than Scrooge and Glomgold combined: he sank his own ship to get one, only, gold coin.

" Most of the characters were based on ideas from Don Rosa.

McDuck family

  • Scrooge McDuck(English) Scrooge McDuck) - the richest duck in the world, the main protagonist of the animated series. Scrooge is constantly looking for ways to increase his wealth. However, there is one thing he values ​​more than his wealth - his family. In the Russian dubbing he was voiced by Alexei Borzunov and Alexander Voevodin.
  • Billy Duck, Willie Duck and Dilly Duck(English) Huey, Dewey & Louie - Huey, Dewey and Louie) - great-nephews of Scrooge. All three are twins and, to avoid confusion, wear T-shirts and baseball caps that differ in color. Billy wears red, Dilly wears green, and Willie wears blue.
  • Ponochka(English) Webbigail "Webby" Vanderquack , from. English web- membrane; often also abbreviated disparagingly Ponca) is the granddaughter of Mrs. Cluvdia and the adopted niece of Scrooge McDuck. Wears pink clothes.
  • Mrs. Klyuvdia(English) Mrs. Bentina Beakley) - grandmother and legal guardian of Ponochka. She becomes a housewife, a maid in Scrooge McDuck's house, and also a nanny for Scrooge's nephews - Billy, Willie and Dilly. The character was created specifically for the animated series DuckTales and first appears in the third episode of the season, "Three and the Condor". During the interview with Mrs. Klyuvdia regarding her employment as a maid, cook and nanny for Scrooge and his nephews, she and Ponochka were homeless. She agreed to work only for food and shelter, and Uncle Scrooge could not refuse. Since then, Mrs. Klyuvdia and Ponochka have become real members of the McDuck family.
  • Duckworth(English) Duckworth, The Butler) - permanent butler in the house of Scrooge McDuck, completely calm, calm and serious in character. He also works as a driver in the McDuck house. Despite having "Duck" (duck) in his name, Duckworth is an anthropomorphic dog. He worked for Scrooge even before his nephews moved into his house. In addition to working as a butler and chauffeur, Duckworth sometimes also works as a delivery boy. Was the only servant in Scrooge's house before he hired Mrs. Cluvdia. Usually appears as a minor character, except for two episodes.


  • Zigzag McCrack(English) Launchpad McQuack) - Scrooge's airline pilot. He considers his main achievements to be emergency landings, the most interesting of which he records in a booklet donated by the insurance company. Zigzag comes from the Scottish clan of McCrack aviators. In the second part of the Golden Duck series, Zigzag is shown to be able to land a plane without crashing it. Later appears in the series "Black Cloak".
  • Fenton Quackshell(English) Fenton Crackshell) is Scrooge's accountant and bodyguard hired in the second season, also known as Gizmo the Robot Duck. Gizmoduck). Able to count very quickly, but otherwise incompetent. A characteristic expression is “nonsense-nonsense.” In one episode, he quickly became rich and tried to imitate Scrooge even in his everyday life and behavior, but he also quickly went broke. Loves his mother very much Mrs. Crackshell). Later he appeared in several episodes of the animated series Black Cloak under the name Super-Quack.
  • Screw loose(English) Gyro Gearloose) is an inventor who often works for Scrooge.
  • Bobblehead(English) Doofus Drake).
  • Gladstone Gander(English) Gladstone Gander) - Scrooge's nephew. Lives off his luck.
  • Goldie "Zolotko"(English) Glitter Goldie).


  • Flintheart Glomgold(English) Flintheart Glomgold listen)) is the main competitor of Scrooge McDuck. Holds the title of the World's Second Richest Duck, second only to Scrooge. He has repeatedly tried to become the first, for this he undertakes dangerous journeys to various lost cities with gold. Outwardly he looks like Scrooge McDuck, and it is also sometimes believed that Flintheart Glomgold is of Scottish origin, which is reflected in his speech (he burrs slightly in the animated series). At the same time, he often introduces himself as a resident of South Africa. He wears a beard, which also includes sideburns. On the head you can often see a dark Scottish beret trimmed with red. Dresses in a black cloak, unlike the red Scrooge. In general, it can be noted that both drakes are natives of Scotland and even distant relatives of Boogie McDeevo, as presented in the comic book by John Lustig and Vicar "Family of Fore".
  • Gavs brothers(English) The Beagle Boys) - a large family of dogs who are constantly trying to rob banks or Scrooge's vault. The gang is led by Mother Gavs. Ma Beagle) - the most cunning and insidious of all members of the family.
  • Magica de Hypnosis(English) Magica De Spell) is a powerful witch who constantly tries to steal Scrooge's lucky coin.
  • Black Pete(English) Black Pete) is a classic negative character in Disney mythology. Appears in several episodes of the first season. In fact, there are several versions of Pete in the series - each time the character is presented in a new way, and his previous encounters with Scrooge are never mentioned.
  • Merlock(English) Merlock) is a powerful sorcerer who, with the help of a green amulet, can transform into various animals. Found in the full-length cartoon "DuckTales: The Treasured Lamp", in which he tries to regain the magic lamp. He is blamed for the sinking of Atlantis, the destruction of Pompeii and the invention of pizza.
  • Black Ghost(English) The Phantom Blot listen)) is a villain who was originally created as an antagonist of Mickey Mouse in the 1939 comic strip Mickey Mouse Outwits the Phantom Blot. In DuckTales it appears in a single episode.
  • El Capitano(English) El Capitan) is a former captain who went crazy trying to find ancient treasures. Appears in the 5-part pilot episode. In the animated series, there are indirect hints to the fact that he is actually a Spaniard who is over four hundred years old. He is many times more greedy than Scrooge and Glomgold combined - he sank his own ship to get a single gold coin.


  • Donald Duck(English) Donald Duck) - Although Donald is a key member of the family, his role is made secondary in the animated series in order to shift the focus of the story to Scrooge and his boys. At the beginning of the series, Donald leaves Billy, Willie and Dilly in Scrooge's care for the duration of his service in the United States Navy. Donald appears occasionally in several episodes, and Scrooge and the boys receive letters from him throughout the series.
  • Ludwig von Drake(English) Ludwig Von Drake) is a character primarily known for his roles outside of the series. He is Zigzag's psychiatrist in one of the episodes. Donald Duck's uncle.
  • Benzino Gasolini (

0 0 0

Son of Della Thelma Duck, nephew of Donald Duck and great-nephew of Scrooge McDuck, twin brother of Willie (Dew) and Dilly (Louis). 8 years. He wears red.

Bugle (Bebop) Beagle

0 0 0

He wears a backwards cap, sunglasses, flip-flops instead of boots, and a jacket that reaches almost to the ground.

0 0 0

Son of Della Thelma Duck, nephew of Donald Duck and great-nephew of Scrooge McDuck, twin brother of Willie (Dewey) and Dilly (Louis). 8 years. He wears blue.

Gyro Gearloose

0 0 0

A rooster inventor who often works for Scrooge.

Gladstone Gander

0 0 0

Scrooge's nephew and Donald's cousin. Lives off his luck.

Goldie O'Gilt

1 0 0

Scrooge's longtime lover (in his words, “the greediest girl in the Klondike”). She first appeared in the episode "Return to the Klondike". When McDuck first arrived there, he was naked as a falcon, but had a tremendous desire to work. He takes the ducklings there and remembers his first love and his first love disappointment. In fact, the whole culprit was Bruiser Den, a swindler in the Klondike, who stole their gold, thereby framing Goldie, vilely convincing Scrooge of her theft, and since then he has not trusted Goldie too much. However, when Scrooge fought with Den, as soon as he began robbing his train, Goldie immediately rushed in, punishing the vile deceiver, and she and Scrooge became friends again. It's hard to talk about the seriousness of Goldie and Scrooge's relationship. They see each other extremely rarely, and when they meet, Scrooge McDuck only talks about his problems, although Goldie is almost always condescending to him in his situations.

Bouncer Beagle

0 0 0

This brother is missing one tooth (although in some episodes of some series he has all his teeth intact, but these are obvious blunders). In strength and size it is second only to the Banker.

Gandra Dee

0 0 0

Fenton Quackshell's very sweet girl, one of the most beautiful characters in DuckTales. Fenton loves her the most.

Donald Fauntleroy Duck

0 0 0

Although Donald is a key member of the family, the series makes his role secondary in order to shift the focus of the story to Scrooge and his boys. At the beginning of the series, Donald leaves Billy, Willie, and Dilly in the care of Scrooge during his service in the United States Navy. Donald appears occasionally in several episodes, and Scrooge and the boys receive letters from him throughout the series. In the Soviet translation, he speaks not in a “duck genre”, but in a human voice (albeit very nasally).

In addition, Donald is a character in many cartoons. The popularity of this character is comparable to the popularity of Mickey Mouse.


1 0 0

The permanent butler in the house of Scrooge McDuck, his character is completely calm, calm and serious. He also works as a driver in the McDuck house. Despite having "Duck" (duck) in his name, Duckworth is an anthropomorphic dog. He worked for Scrooge even before his nephews moved into his house. In addition to working as a butler and chauffeur, Duckworth sometimes also works as a delivery boy. He was the only servant in Scrooge's house before he hired Mrs. Cluvdia. Usually appears as a minor character, with the exception of two episodes. Although he repeatedly tries not to get involved in situations, most of which frighten him. 61 years old.

Daisy Duck

0 0 0

Donald's girlfriend. Works as a correspondent in the program “Around the Planet” (in some episodes - in the programs “From the World by Thread”, “Like in Nature”).

0 0 0

A skinny but clumsy thief. He first appeared in the episode "The Golden Goose", where he insisted that he had reformed, although at the end of each episode he continued to steal. Suffers from kleptomania. Judging by his clothes, he is of Arab origin. Served Glomgold and the evil sorcerer Merlock. 30 years.

1 0 0

Son of Della Thelma Duck, nephew of Donald Duck and great-nephew of Scrooge McDuck, twin brother of Willie (Dewey) and Billy (Huey). 8 years. He wears green.

Launchpad McQuack

1 0 0

Scrooge's pilot. He considers his main achievements to be emergency landings, the most interesting of which he records in a booklet donated by the insurance company. 99% of all flights end in accidents. However, in the episode "Ali Baba's Cave", it turns out that Zigzag can land a plane without crashing it. Zigzag comes from the Scottish clan of McCrack aviators. There is a younger sister. Zigzag McCrack later appears in the Black Cloak series.

Ludwig von Drake

0 0 0

A character mostly known for his roles outside of the series. He is Zigzag's psychiatrist in one of the episodes. Donald Duck's uncle.

Ludwig periodically appears in various Disney animated series: “DuckTales”, “Raw Toonage”, “Nutty”, “Quack-Crack”, “House of Mouse” and many others. Oddly enough, he never appeared in the Black Cape cartoon.

Magica De Spell

0 0 0

A powerful, young duck witch who is constantly trying to steal Scrooge's lucky coin in order to take over the entire world. Has a brother turned into a raven. 30 years.

Babyface Beagle

0 0 0

The most childish of the brothers, wears a cap with a propeller on his head, the only one who never has stubble, most likely very young. Along with the Chief, he is the lowest of all.

Ma Beagle

0 1 0

The brothers' mother appears from time to time in the animated series. Mother Gavs differs from her sons in that she does not wear a prison number, whose name does not begin with the letter B, and the frequent use of heavy weapons (hand grenades, machine guns, etc.), she is also a much less popular criminal, since not every resident of Duxburg knows that she is the mother of the gangster Gavs, unlike them, she always manages to avoid arrest. As a rule, she frees her unlucky children from prison with the help of homemade baked goods sent as a gift to the prisoners, in which one or another tool for escaping from prison is hidden - from a file to a grenade launcher, so that they can make another attempt to take away McDuck's money.

0 0 0

A powerful sorcerer who, with the help of a green amulet, can transform into various animals. Found in the full-length cartoon "DuckTales: The Treasured Lamp", in which he tries to regain the magic lamp. He is blamed for the sinking of Atlantis, the destruction of Pompeii and the invention of pizza. He looks 63 years old, but he was born in the distant times of Ali Baba. Merlock wished to live forever, so he is several hundred years old.

Mrs. Bentina Beakley

0 0 0

Grandmother and legal guardian of Ponochka. She becomes a housewife, a maid in Scrooge McDuck's house, and also a nanny for Scrooge's nephews - Billy, Willie and Dilly. During Mrs. Klyuvdia's interview regarding her employment as a maid, cook and nanny for Scrooge and his nephews, she and Ponochka were homeless. She agreed to work for food and shelter, and Uncle Scrooge could not refuse. Since then, Mrs. Klyuvdia and Ponochka have become real members of the McDuck family. Swimming champion 19 of some year (she doesn’t remember). Kluvdia often gets scared of something, and even panics in many episodes, but when necessary, she can show courage for the sake of friends and family. 55 years.

Mrs. Crackshell

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Fenton's extravagant mother. A housewife who loves TV series and her son, with whom she lives in a trailer, although she often does not have enough time with him, as she is forced to watch TV and do housework.

Baggy Beagle

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The owner of a constant stupid grin and baggy clothes. The corner of his number is always turned up. Stupid, careless, careless.

Burger Beagle

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The most gluttonous member of the group. The corner of his number was bitten off. Thinks about food at the most inopportune moments - when the rest of his brothers are thinking about escape or robbery. If he is not given food, he may even become hysterical. It's easy to lure him into a trap with food.

Webbigail "Webby" Vanderquack

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Granddaughter of Mrs. Cluvdia and adopted niece of Scrooge McDuck. Wears pink clothes. Loves children and animals. Kind, emotional and loyal. Her last name is mentioned in the episode "Pearl of Wisdom". 6 years.

Doofus Drake

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A small, fat, bespectacled former scout who loves to eat. Bosom friend of Zigzag and Billy, Willy, Dilly.

Scrooge McDuck

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The richest drake in the world, the main protagonist of the animated series. Scrooge is constantly looking for ways to increase his wealth. However, there is only one thing that he values ​​​​more than his wealth - his nephews and Ponca (except perhaps his beloved Goldie). Scottish by nationality. 61 years old.

The Phantom Blot

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A villain who was originally created as an antagonist to Mickey Mouse in the 1939 comic strip Mickey Mouse Outwits the Phantom Blot. In DuckTales it appears in a single episode. Age unknown.

Fenton Crackshell

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Hired in the third season, Scrooge's accountant and bodyguard is also known as Gizmo the Robot Duck or Techno-Duck. Able to count very quickly. A characteristic expression is blathering blatherskite (“nonsense-nonsense”, also other versions: “damn it”, “gossip talker”, “Japanese policeman”). In one episode, he quickly became rich and tried to imitate Scrooge even in his everyday life and behavior, but he also quickly went broke. Loves his best friend Gandra and his mother, Mrs. Quackshel. Later he appeared in several episodes of the animated series Black Cloak under the name Super-Quack.

Flintheart Glomgold

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Scrooge McDuck's main rival. Holds the title of the second richest duck in the world, second only to Scrooge. Born in 1934. He wears a beard, which also includes sideburns. A Scottish beret with red trim can often be seen on the head. At the same time, he often introduces himself as a resident of South Africa. He repeatedly tried to overcome Scrooge, to become richer than him, for which he also undertook long journeys for treasures. As children, Scrooge McDuck and Flintheart Glomgold were best friends. However, he really will stop at nothing, and if he needs to kill Scrooge, Glomgold will do it. Basically, with the exception of Scrooge, he does not harm any of the other characters. However, he also cares little about others - Glomgold is indifferent to the fate of the others, without exception. However, this “loner” drake prefers to be in company, often by fraud, as he constantly teams up with famous criminals such as the Gavs brothers, and they gladly help him ruin Scrooge. Their qualities are similar in that both are greedy, painfully thrifty, while everything negative that is in Scrooge is magnified in Glomgold, and besides, Flintheart clearly has no conscience. Although, like Scrooge, he was in love with Goldie, naturally, because of this, he and Scrooge McDuck fought. Outwardly he looks like Scrooge McDuck (in one episode he used this resemblance to frame Scrooge), and it is also sometimes believed that Flintheart Glomgold is of Scottish origin, which is reflected in his speech (he burrs slightly in the animated series). Dresses in a black coat, unlike Scrooge's blue one. In general, it can be noted that both drakes are natives of Scotland and even distant relatives of Boogie McDeevo, as presented in the comic book "Family of Fore" by John Lustig and Vikar. 51 years old

This is the most famous cartoon character in the world. At the moment he is already 84 years old. Over the years, he has starred in more than 120 cartoons.

Mickey is born

The story of the cheerful and mischievous mouse Mickey Mouse began in 1927.

Two young animators, Walt Disney and his friend Ub Iwerks, created their first animated films in a garage using a second-hand video camera. Initially, they came up with the hero of the cheerful rabbit Oswald, who in a short time gained popularity and began to generate income. But a cunning New York businessman stole the rights to this character from them:

The friends were broke, and then they decided to start from scratch and moved to Hollywood. They say that the idea for the mouse came to Disney in 1927, when he saw a mouse in his studio. And Disney drew his first drawing of a mouse while riding on a train. He initially named him Mortimer, but Disney's wife, Lillian, didn't like the name and suggested calling him Mickey.

(notice how similar Oswald and Mickey look)

The beginning of Mickey's career

The first cartoon with Mickey Mouse is considered to be Plane Crazy, which was shown to viewers on May 15, 1928. But the audience greeted the cartoon coolly.

Mickey made his film debut in New York on November 18, 1928 in the black-and-white cartoon Streamboat Willie. It was one of the first cartoons in history with synchronized sound. Mickey was voiced by Walt Disney himself until 1947 - then Jimmy MacDonald replaced Walt because of his voice, which was hoarse from smoking. The film was released in cinemas with great success! And Mickey Mouse instantly gained tremendous popularity among children and adults!

Mickey's friends

Walt Disney immediately came up with friends for the mouse so that he would not get bored:

- Minnie the mouse, Mickey Mouse's lover (Minnie Mouse)