Hardening system in the second junior group. Hardening children of the younger group using artistic words Hardening system in the younger group

Lina Durova

To solve the problem of preserving and strengthening the health of children, we set the following tasks:

1. Protecting and strengthening the physical and mental health of children.

2. Providing conditions for preserving and strengthening the physical and mental health of children in accordance with their psychophysiological capabilities.

4. Fostering the need for a healthy lifestyle.

5. Creation of a healthy microclimate, an appropriate subject environment that stimulates the child’s physical activity.

6. Formation of vital motor skills of the child in accordance with his individual characteristics, development of physical qualities.

7. Organization of advisory assistance to parents on issues of physical education and health improvement of children.

8. Cultivate a caring attitude towards your health.

To solve these problems in group all means of physical education:

Morning exercises (daily);

Organization of motor activity in accordance with age, daily walks including outdoor games;

Physical education classes (gym);

Daily gymnastics after sleep (walking along the paths, stroking with a massage glove);

Musical and rhythmic classes;

Sports activities;

Finger gymnastics.

To prevent the reduction of morbidity, the following are carried out: Events:

Lubricating the sinuses with oxolinic ointment (10 days, 1 time per day);

Taking vitamin C in tablets (10 days 2 times a year)

Onions, garlic daily during lunch;

Daily airing groups;

Ensuring the cleanliness of the environment - daily quartzing groups;

Visit to a speleological chamber;

Oxygen cocktail;

For mental health used:


Dynamic pauses.

To prevent visual impairment, eye exercises are performed according to the method of V.F. Bazarny.

Gymnastics after sleep

The goal is to improve children's mood and muscle tone through physical exercise.

Rubbing with massage gloves

Health path in kindergarten - games and massage

Thanks to the use of materials of different textures (buttons, sponges, coarse cords, fillers, etc.) Walking on a massage mat helps train the muscles of the foot. In children, this helps to form the arches of the feet and prevent flat feet.

To strengthen the cardiovascular system, vestibular system and form correct posture for children, the preschool educational institution has a gym that uses different types of exercise equipment. type: gymnastic bench, inclined board, health discs, trampoline, expanders, etc.

Children's exercise machines allow children to master a whole range of exercises that help strengthen various arm muscle groups, shoulder girdle, abdominals, back, legs and the development of physical qualities - strength, speed of movement, agility, flexibility and general endurance.

With physical education instructor N. I. Doronina.

Publications on the topic:

A wonderful holiday took place in our kindergarten quite recently! We said goodbye to Winter and welcomed Spring - red! Children and adults in advance.

On June 12, 2014, the holidays of the Day of Russia and the Day of the city of Volodarsk, Nizhny Novgorod region, took place simultaneously. And in honor of the birthday celebration.

On February 19, children from a correctional boarding school together with teacher Reshetnyak came to our group with a new entertainment program.

Photo report from Svetlana Evgenievna Tyatyushkina, physical education instructor, d/s No. 169, Tolyatti, about the sporting event “Vazovskaya.

I would like to provide you with a photo report of the work done. Here we go to the music And here we are already singing a song about.

Photo report of the music and sports event for the Day of Defenders of the Fatherland. “Dads, daughters and sons” Purpose of the event: Promotion and cooperation.

1. Extensive washing.

The child must:

  • open the water tap, wet your right palm and move it from your fingertips to the elbow of your left hand, say “one”; do the same with your left hand.
  • Wet both palms, place them on the back of the neck and move them simultaneously to the chin, say “one.”
  • Wet your right palm and make a circular motion along the upper chest, say “one.”
  • Wet both palms and wash your face.
  • Rinse, wring out both hands, and wipe dry.


After some time, the duration of the procedure increases, namely: children wash each hand, as well as the neck and chest twice, saying “one, two,” etc.

2. Sleep without T-shirts.

Held all year round. In case the temperature drops due to interruptions in heating or established cold weather, warm socks for feet and second blankets should be prepared. Of course, the temperature in the bedroom should not be lower than +14 degrees Celsius.

3. Dry rubbing.

After morning exercises, physical education classes, or during exercises after sleep, the teacher puts a terry mitten on his hand and rubs the child. Then the mitten is dumped into a special container and washed.

4. Riga hardening method

On a rubber mat with spikes, dressed in a cover, moistened with a 10% solution of table salt (1 kg of salt per bucket of water), the child becomes barefoot and walks in place (from 5-7 to 16 seconds). After this, the child stands on a dry mat and stomps on it for 15 seconds. Then wipe your hands, neck, and face with tap water.

Starting from the middle group, children rinse their mouths with an iodine-salt solution (1 tablespoon of salt and 3-4 drops of iodine per 1 liter of water). Water at room temperature.

5. Prevention

  1. Acupressure using the Umanskaya method
  2. Sets of exercises to prevent visual impairment during exercise
  3. Gymnastics with elements of hatha yoga
  4. Complexes for the prevention of flat feet
  5. Complexes for the prevention of postural disorders + sleeping without T-shirts and pillows
  6. Breathing exercises
  7. Relieving mental fatigue during exercise (relaxation breaks, physical education, ear massage)
  8. Walks + dynamic hour
  9. Hardening:
    • Sleep without shirts
    • Walking barefoot
    • Brushing teeth and rinsing the mouth
    • Extensive washing
    • Riga hardening method (treading on a rug with spikes, on a damp cloth soaked in saline solution + rinsing the mouth with iodine-saline solution or herbal infusions)

6. Correction

Exercises to correct flat feet

7. Measures during periods of increased incidence of influenza and acute respiratory infections

  1. Onion garlic
  2. Rinsing the mouth with garlic infusion before a walk (from 1.10 to 1.05)

8. Hardening the nasopharynx with garlic solution

Target: prevention and sanitation of the oral cavity for sore throats, inflammatory processes in the oral cavity


1 clove of garlic per 1 glass of water.

Mash the garlic, add chilled boiled water and leave for 1 hour. Use the solution within 2 hours after preparation

  • Use as a medicine (known since the time of Hippocrates), which cleanses the blood, kills pathogenic microbes, as a remedy against acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections.
  • If you need to gargle, you can drop it into your nose.
  • Apply from October 1 to April 30 daily after classes, before going for a walk.

8. A set of recreational activities by age group

Early Years Groups

  1. Admission of children in a group with mandatory examination, thermometry and detection of parental complaints.
  2. Morning exercises – 8.10
  3. Acupressure in a playful way
  4. Gradual learning to rinse your mouth
  5. Walk: daytime 10.00 – 11.10; evening 17.30 – 18.30
  6. Optimal motor mode
  7. Before a walk, rinse (take 1 tsp orally) with garlic infusion
  8. “Garlic” kinders (from October to April)
  9. Phytoncides (onion, garlic)
  10. Sleep without T-shirts and pillows
  11. Gymnastics in bed with breathing exercises after sleep
  12. Hardening: walking on a rug with spikes, on a ribbed board, a button rug, on the floor barefoot with elements for preventing flat feet

2nd junior group

  1. Receiving children outdoors (at temperatures above -15°)
  2. Morning exercises in the group 8.15
  3. Acupressure using the Umanskaya method before or after breakfast
  4. Mouth rinse after breakfast, lunch, dinner. Gradual learning to brush teeth
  5. Physical education classes (in socks) + dynamic hour of walking once a week
  6. "Garlic" kinders
  7. Phytoncides (onion, garlic)
  8. Walks: daytime 10.30-11.40; evening 17.45-18.30
  9. Optimal motor mode
  10. Sleep without T-shirts and pillows
  11. Breathing exercises in bed
  12. (from 3rd quarter)
  13. Hardening: Riga hardening method
  14. Elements of extensive washing

Middle group

  1. Receiving children outdoors (at temperatures down to -15°)
  2. Physical education sessions during classes, prevention of visual impairment
  3. Before a walk, rinse your mouth with garlic infusion (from October to April)
  4. Garlic kinders
  5. Phytoncides (onion, garlic)
  6. Walks: daytime 10.15 – 11.50; evening 17.30 – 18.30
  7. Optimal motor mode
  8. Sleep without T-shirts and pillows
  9. Hardening: Riga method
  10. Exercises to prevent flat feet + individual work to correct flat feet and flattening of the foot
  11. After an afternoon snack, rinse the mouth with herbal decoctions

Senior preschool age

  1. Receiving children outdoors (at temperatures down to -15°-18°)
  2. Morning exercises (from May to October - outdoors, from October to April - in the hall according to schedule)
  3. Acupressure according to the Umanskaya method before breakfast with “Zvezdochka” balm
  4. Brushing your teeth after breakfast and rinsing your mouth after lunch
  5. Physical education classes in the gym (in socks) + dynamic hour of walking once a week
  6. Physical education sessions during classes, prevention of visual impairment, ear massage
  7. Before a walk, rinse your mouth with garlic infusion (from October to April)
  8. Garlic kinders
  9. Phytoncides (onion, garlic)
  10. Walks: morning 7.00 – 8.00; daytime 10.45 – 12.10; evening 17.45 – 18.30
  11. Optimal motor mode
  12. Sleep without T-shirts and pillows
  13. Breathing exercises in bed
  14. Hardening: Riga method
  15. Extensive washing, walking barefoot
  16. Exercises to prevent flat feet + individual work to correct flat feet and flattening of the foot
  17. After an afternoon snack, rinse the mouth with herbal decoctions

9. Hardeningair baths for the body

Hardening methods

1. Children every day at any time of the year 15-20 minutes. They play (in just their swimming trunks) simple games like “I’m lying in the sun”, “I’m sunbathing.”

2. Dry rubbing a napkin or a special mitten for the hands, feet, shoulders, and chest by the child himself.

3. Rubbing the undressed child with a dry cloth, lightly pinching the skin and patting it.

4. Game “I am a massage therapist”: Children in pairs give each other a back massage, “drawing” the contours of the railway track and saying: “Rails-rails, sleepers-sleepers, train-train.”

5. Wet rubbing. Adults quickly wipe the undressed child with a damp, warm towel, after which he is offered 10 minutes. run quickly (Catch-up, Overtake). In 10 minutes. the procedure is repeated, and then the child is rubbed with a dry towel. At the same time, the emotional state of the child is recorded.

When taking air baths, a special stroking massage. It can also be done for a child dressed in light clothes. The massage is done very gently, almost imperceptibly, with light touches on the child’s body (lightly stroking the child’s back along the spine with two fingers from the neck to the tailbone; then from bottom to top along the spine from the tailbone to the neck; stroking from the shoulders to the spine with outstretched fingers, etc.) .

10. Contrasting baths for hands and feet

Hardening methods:

I . The child is asked to stand in hot water (temperature 36°C) for 7-8 seconds. Then it goes for 3-4 seconds. into a bath of cool water (temperature

S °C). Then the procedure is repeated, after which the feet are wiped dry and an individual massage of the toes and feet is desired by the child or teacher. A foot massage includes rubbing, pinching and patting with wishes: “Be healthy, strong, strong.”

Gradually the temperature of the cold water decreases.

II. Snow (in winter) or chilled water in summer is added to the group in a small bucket). Children rub their hands with snow (water) until they feel intense warmth, after which their hands are rinsed with warm water and wiped with a dry towel.

III. Children sit on benches and rub their feet with snow. The first week, rubbing is carried out by the teacher. After rubbing, the feet are rinsed, wiped dry and a foot massage is performed.

An additional effect of hardening is given by children’s observations of how the teacher carries out hardening procedures in a din: walking in the snow, rubbing their feet or dousing themselves with cold water.

11. Hardening of the nasopharynx.

Rinse your mouth and throat. Game "Magic Drink"

Children sit on the carpet in a fakir pose, and glasses of water are placed in front of them. Each child is invited to imagine how he turns into a good wizard who can control everything. Children close their eyes, relax, and when they open their eyes, they say the “magic” words: I am a good, kind child. I wish all the children in the group good health. Let everyone be kind and beautiful, sweet and happy.

Children make passes over a glass of water, spontaneous movements - as suggested by the child’s own imagination, and add: “The water is tasty and pleasant. I will never get sick. I am well". Children rinse their mouths, rinsing the entire cavity with water. After this, with the sound “a...a...a”, raising your head, rinse your mouth.

12. Contrast hardening

Air procedures

Strengthening the health of children in preschool institutions is the primary task of teaching and medical personnel. Hardening and developmental activities form the basis of the educational and health process, the purpose of which is to reduce the incidence of illness in children.

For hardening, children should be dressed in two-layer clothing: cotton underwear (T-shirt, panties), flannel dress or shirt, slippers and tights (socks, knee socks) on their feet. As you harden (gradually), you can switch to single-layer clothing.

The most important conditioning agent should be walks lasting 4-5 hours a day, including outdoor play with increased motor activity, in which cyclic exercises predominate (health-improving running, jumping, ball games). It is worth going out for a walk in any weather, except for strong wind or heavy rain.

Children under three years old should not walk at temperatures below - 15°C. Older children can walk at temperatures down to - 20 °C.

The walk should be organized in such a way that it is interesting for children.

Folk group games help maintain an active motor mode.

Children should not be allowed to get their hands and feet wet in winter. It is known that the hands and feet contain many thermoreceptors directly connected to the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, therefore, when cooled, a rapid manifestation of a reflex effect on the mucous membrane in the form of coughing, runny nose, sneezing, etc. is possible.

Practice shows that any exposure to low temperature air has a beneficial hardening effect, training autonomic vascular reactions, i.e. improving physical thermoregulation.

This is also facilitated by such routine moments as changing the child’s clothes, doing morning exercises, etc.

Non-traditional methods include contrast air hardening in pulsating mode. His technique is very simple and requires minimal organizational and technical costs. Tempering exercises are carried out after a night or daytime sleep and last 12-15 minutes, during which children move from a “cold” room to a “warm” one with mandatory musical accompaniment.

13. Exercise after a nap is carried out as follows.

  • In the sleeping area, towards the end of sleep, the air temperature is reduced and maintained within +13 °C.
  • At 15 o'clock, children wake up from the sounds of music and, while still lying in bed, perform 3-4 physical exercises for 2-3 minutes. For example, they imitate walking, pulling their legs to the chest (alternately right and left) as they exhale and straightening them, making cross and parallel movements with their arms and legs, swinging their legs bent at the knees to the right and left with the opposite movement of their arms, and also performing various movements in the position lying on your stomach, on your side, etc.
  • On command - clapping their hands or hitting a tambourine - children get out of bed, quickly change clothes, and then perform cyclic movements of moderate intensity (running, running in place, walking) for 1-1.5 minutes.
  • Particular attention is paid to the selection of breathing exercises; contrasting effects on the respiratory tract are carried out using a rhythmic calm litany or deep forced inhalations and slow exhalations.
  • This is followed by a run to a “warm” room (game room), in which the air temperature is maintained within 21-24 ° C.

The classes, which take place in a warm room, are aimed at maintaining children's interest in hardening procedures and creating a positive emotional mood in them.

On this stage the following are offered:

A variety of outdoor games with verbal accompaniment for additional training of the vocal apparatus;

Outdoor games including tasks to develop imagination;

Learning and performing new, non-standard physical exercises and dance elements that primarily develop coordination capabilities;

Various types of walking, marching, various formations and changes to develop orientation in space.

It is possible to use a room with sports equipment and equipment for the development and strengthening of the arch of the foot.

This equipment is located so that all children can study at the same time, moving from one equipment to another.

The nature of being in a “warm” room is generally different from being in a “cold” one, with a more relaxed pace so that children do not overheat while performing physical exercises.

The number of runs from one room to another with a stay in each room of 1-1.5 minutes. must be at least six. The procedure ends with quick runs from the “cold” room to the “warm” one during games such as “Airplanes”, “Birds of Migratory”, “Satellites of the Planets”.

When carrying out contrast air hardening, the temperature contrast should increase only gradually - from a minimum of 3-4 ° C at the beginning of the procedures to 15 ° C in children 4 years old and up to 20 ° C in children 6 years old (after 2 months).

Rhythmic major music accompanying contrasting air baths has a positive effect on the emotional state of children.

14. Water procedures

Contrast water hardening is more effective than air hardening, which is due to the significantly higher heat capacity and, accordingly, higher cooling capacity of water compared to air. We have proposed the following contrast water hardening method.

  • The hardening procedure is carried out in a room with an air temperature of 24-25 ° C and water in the pool + 27-30 ° C. Children enter the pool-bath after taking a warm shower.
  • After a short swim and play in the water, the teacher-methodologist conducting the hardening procedure pours water on the children from a hose (in the form of rain), the temperature of which is lower than in the pool. The procedure is repeated 5-6 times. The total time children spend in the pool is 10-15 minutes. The time for increasing the temperature contrast to the maximum is about 1.5 months and depends on the age of the children and the frequency of activities in the pool.
  • If you have four shower units, you can use another contrast hardening method.
  • After swimming in the pool, children take a contrast shower in two adjacent cabins, alternately moving from one to the other. The water temperature in the first cabin is +36-38°C, in the second - +32-33°C (stay in each - 29-30 seconds).
  • After 7-10 days, the temperature difference increases to 6-8°C for children 3-4 years old and to 18-20°C for children 5-6 years old. Moreover, high hardening efficiency can be achieved only by gradually increasing the temperature contrast.
  • The procedure ends with intensive rubbing with a bath towel.

When carrying out water hardening, you should strictly follow the rule: carry it out no earlier than after 30-40 minutes. after meal.

The effectiveness of hardening increases if the procedures are carried out at home.

Technically it looks like this.

  • The child gets into the shower (water temperature - +34-36°C) for 30-35 seconds, after which he is doused with water from a pre-prepared container, the temperature of which is 2°C lower than the water in the shower.
  • Then the procedure is repeated. The whole process takes 4-5 minutes.
  • After 1-2 weeks, the difference in water temperatures is increased to 4°C and gradually over 2 months it is brought to 15-16°C.
  • The procedure ends by rubbing the child’s skin with a terry towel.

Hardening procedures should be carried out with daily adherence to “temperature hygiene”, which eliminates overheating and provides a tonic effect of changes in ambient temperature.

One of the prerequisites for any type of hardening should be the creation of a rational temperature air environment at home and in kindergarten.

For such a rational environment, the “comfortable” temperature, which is often recommended in some manuals and manuals, is not suitable (the amount of heat generated by organisms in these conditions, especially in state of limited mobility, is equivalent to heat transfer or how much exceeds it).

The air temperature, which should be constantly monitored using a room thermometer, should not exceed +20°C. This is ensured by ventilation and regulation of the heat supply to the radiators of the heating system.

Through ventilation to a temperature of +16°C and below for 5-6 minutes. carried out 4-5 times in the absence of children. In this case, the temperature is usually restored within 20-30 minutes.

Paramonova Lyubov Vasilievna
Educational institution: MBDOU "CRR - kindergarten "Fairy Tale" OP "Kindergarten "Romashka" combined type"
Brief job description:

Publication date: 2018-02-12 Hardening procedures in the second junior group Paramonova Lyubov Vasilievna The summary describes the features of the process of hardening children, traditional methods of hardening and a set of hardening measures.

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Hardening procedures in the second junior group


Hardening creates the basis for the physical and mental development of young children.

Hardening is an active process that forms a conscious, active attitude towards physical education.

Hardening procedures help improve health and reduce morbidity in young children.

Object of study:

The process of hardening young children.

Subject of study:

Methods of hardening children 3–4 years of age.

Purpose of the study:

To study the theoretical foundations and practical experience of hardening young children and the features of organizing pedagogical work on hardening the child’s body.


1. Study psychological and pedagogical literature on the research problem;

2. Characterize the features of the hardening process for preschool children;

3. Reveal methods of hardening with children 3-4 years of age;

4. Develop a set of activities for hardening with children of the second junior group.

Features of the hardening process for preschool children:

1. Taking into account the individual and age characteristics of the child’s body;

2. The presence of an obligatory emotional-positive reaction of the baby to

hardening procedure;

3. Systematic hardening;

4. Gradual increase in hardening effects;

5. Sequence of application of hardening procedures;

6. Multifactorial hardening;

7. Polygradational hardening;

8. Combination of general and local cooling.

Traditional methods of hardening in the second junior group:

1. Morning exercises;

2. Clothes in a group and outdoors according to the weather;

3. Walks every day with outdoor games;

4. Walking barefoot before and after sleep;

5. Gymnastics and walking on “health paths”;

6. Phytoncides – onions, garlic;

7. Washing with water;

8. Air baths, pouring feet and walking barefoot on sand and grass;

9. Gargling.

A set of activities to harden young children





Air baths combined with exercise

After a nap

Teachers, assistant teacher, physical education instructor

Extensive washing with a gradual decrease in temperature

Several times a day

Finger exercises, breathing exercises


Walking along “health paths” (a rug with buttons, spikes, a ribbed board, walking barefoot on the floor to prevent flat feet in children)

Every day before and after nap

Ventilation of the room

On schedule

Teachers, assistant teacher

Morning hygienic exercises in a ventilated room



Outdoor exercise

During the year

Teachers, physical education instructor

Dosed sunbathing

During the summer period June-August, taking into account weather conditions

In connection with the trend of deterioration in children's health, hardening activities have acquired particular relevance. Teachers of the 2nd junior group carried out preliminary work, namely:

Making gymnastics mats after sleep;

Conversations about good and bad habits “Tricky fingers”;

Drawing competition “Fun Vitamins”;

Joint letters of parents and children to Moidodyr;

Relay game “To Malvina for a haircut”

Hardening activities in the second junior group begin with a morning reception in the fresh air. Next, in a ventilated group, gymnastics are performed to the accompaniment of music. Throughout the day, to relieve psychological fatigue, teachers carry out:

Breathing exercises “Dinosaur”, “Let’s blow up balloons”, “Hot tea”;

Finger gymnastics “Finger bunnies”, “Bug”, “Finger went to the forest”.

During a walk in the fresh air, outdoor games are played: “Apple”, “Let’s not let our feet freeze”, “Geese”.

After a quiet hour, accompanied by melodious, quiet music, children perform exercises in bed, repeating each exercise 3-4 times. These are various turns, spreading the arms to the sides, squeezing and unclenching the hands, bending the legs at the knees. After completing the exercises, children stand on the massage mat and perform various actions on it. The gymnastics ends with breathing exercises.

Individual or differentiated work is also carried out to prevent flat feet and poor posture using game modules (“Clap 1,2,3 with our hands…”, “On a horse”, “Snakes”).

Teachers of the 2nd junior group consider it advisable to carry out hardening in subgroups, taking into account the children’s health groups. Since the receptors on the hands and feet are the same, children begin the procedure with their hands. The initial water temperature is 37 degrees, gradually decreasing by 1 degree every 2-3 days, bringing it to 22 degrees. Children simply love playing with water:

- “Waterfall”;

- “Tricky soap”;

- “Little fisherman.”

Thus, these hardening measures help reduce excitability, quickly fall asleep, and reduce the number of sick children.