How to knit an interactive farm rug. Landscape rug "farm"


Hello everyone, my name is Julia and I’m glad to see you on my channel about needlework, today we have the second part of the video about my project company, if you haven’t seen the first part yet, be sure to follow the link that will be under the video in the first part of the video I talked about all the thoughts which I used, showed all the yarn, showed my list and in general how this idea came to me.

How my farm was created today I will show you the finished result because in the first part of the video I was told almost half an hour ago, but if you are interested, I thought you should definitely take a look, and today we’ll look at the finished rug, what I got and I can say right away that the result I'm happy with the size, it turned out to be 92 by 70 centimeters, which is just a bit.

More Whatman paper in general, when I just think the height of the paper was torn to the size of Whatman paper, but when sewing together the details of the envelope, more is a little less in general, it’s not scary, I really liked my rug, I laid it out at night, which means I caught the animal in the room once, not when she woke up in the morning, we went out into the room and she I was so glad when I saw him, just like that.

All that remains is to move the animals, who went where in a mistake, roll along the paths, the power attracted attention to the bridge, apparently because of the texture and threads, but everything is connected, you will see for yourself, enjoy watching, so this is what I got when I sewed on the main parts due to the fact that the fabric stretches well make different bends if there is not enough yarn somewhere.

You can always pull it up and sew it as needed, I have some room left for the tracks, now I’ll knit the tracks and I’ll show you what will happen next before sewing on the track, I decided to show you what these squiggles look like, look, I tried to go with anatomical curves to the truss and to respect all the general bends of my parts, that’s what else I did.

What happened when I knitted the runners, I had the rest of the Semyonovskaya Karapuz eco yarn, so beige, but I didn’t have enough of it in the store, there wasn’t exactly the same one, and so, more or less suitable color There was only one like this, by the way, in life, it stands out less and less than on the camera, so I bought more, but I think that it’s not very scary, you’ve already proven it, now I’ll add all this.

To the truss and I’ll show you how it will look and then I’ll sew it on, so this is what I get, I attached the details and look, for example, here I got a little more, I reduced it, but due to the fact that the fabric stretches, and like that about the wall I’ll fit it so that I have nothing of the basics was visible here, but the most interesting thing was how they wouldn’t call out this detail like that.

Here such a section is not very convenient, first I knitted a flat path here, here I began to add stitches, I picked up a chain of air loops and along this edge I decreased them before they came to nothing, and already here on this side I picked up loops and went to knit in that direction it was It’s probably such a difficult section, and in general knitting is what it’s like with one.

The sides of the decrease are on the other side of the increase and due to this it turned out to be curves, there will be a bridge here over the river today I will send all this with the finishing touches and I will already show you the finished result what I got is what I finally got I got this farm All the details are sewn together, I have already shown you what they looked like.

The details when I just attached them were in the first part of the video, I sewed everything on, sewed on the paths, and now we even have the first inhabitants of our farm here, and now I’ll tell you everything again where everything is and show you closer here I have a tower on this side like this huge beds of arable land and on the other side are also slightly different but in general meaning one that this land is in the middle between them.

A lawn and a lake in which we already have swimming. the lake smoothly turns into a river across which there is a bridge and, in principle, a small boat can even pass the bridge there. I knitted it from the yarn that washcloths are made from, such as polypropylene, and here we have a path along which probably some farmer has already arrived.

There will be a barnyard here in the future, I also plan to connect houses and various trees and bushes, but this will be later, then my daughter will stop tearing everything into her mouth and so on, but there I also have a lawn, a field where the merchants themselves will chew the grass and that’s it this and all this is shared by a path, I am very pleased with the result and now I will tell you all this again.

I’ll show you more closely, let’s start with this element, here I assumed that the ground around this bread has been trampled a little and in fact a little sheep, a goat and a bull are walking here, in the future the bread itself will appear here more often, let’s take a closer look at mastitis, as I already said, this is the yarn from which washcloths are knitted, it turned out so hard and when I showed my daughter the rug for the first time.

The bridge attracted not the main attention, but I was sitting touching it, I’ll tell you the scarecrow from all sides, everything here, I think it’s already clear from the details that I showed in the future, I’m planning to buy some other play set with little men and different animals, and now we’ll play and invent it so that here we have people they will work on the ground and so on.

My daughter drives the cars along the paths. By the way, I really like the cars in general, the way they drive is depicted, so the paths here will also come in handy. By the way, I also really like this section of the lake, here we already have it floating. again, we will study who lives where and what is there, fish live in the water near a wheelbarrow, swim in the water, what cows walk there chew grass, in general there is room for creativity.

It is with a child that I think there are no limitations here and with age this game will not cease to be relevant and because there are so many stories you can come up with I think that this farm will serve us for a long time further on we have this tower by the way now it is displayed in the best possible way The color of all this yarn is because in general brown is quite difficult to convey, again here with us.

The path here is already a filter machine and the last section is this onion with different textured grass on which we actually already have cows grazing, well, in general, this is what I got, I hope that my project did not disappoint you because you wrote, some wrote to me and asked when the farm will be ready, I know that there are several.

The person themselves started or are just planning to buy material for the same company, tell me whether you have already started or not, what is similar, what you came up with is new, interesting to me, all this is very interesting and, as I said later, I plan to knit houses, trees and bushes, trees like you for trees and bushes there are those in the onion master class.

Which I bought on Instagram, all the links will be under the video houses I will knit from the book in general the author is the idea in general the title of the book I also put under the video I lived a fairy tale is called as I found out later when you started the farm it turns out it is also in Russian This book, although I did a duet at first only.

I’m not on friendly terms with you in English, so I knitted like speed at random to see how I could do it, but I found this book in Russian translation and there all these houses are described as a visa house and animals, so I will rely on the data from these books to knit them a little later when. stop pulling and tearing everything off because I’m afraid for the safety of these houses.

And bushes, be sure to write your opinion, I’m very interested to read what you think about my farm, if I have any changes, I will definitely impose something on you, all this for now

The idea for creating a rug was taken from Jane Messent’s book “Knitting a Fairy Tale” For the base, I took a piece of rough canvas, about a meter by meter in size. As a result, the rug turned out to be 82 by 76 cm. Not too big. However, if you do more, then during the game the child will have to stretch across the entire rug, climb onto it, the figures will fall - not very convenient. I roughly outlined the elements of the landscape on the fabric. The main pieces were knitted and crocheted. Knitted beds from thick wool Brown, on knitting needles - with elastic and garter stitch, and with crochet I made a large horizontal elastic band. Then I sewed it along the edge to the base. The plants in the beds were crocheted and dot-sewn. At first I made the grass in the meadow like a carpet: I attached each thread, dragging it with a crochet hook through the warp threads - this was the most labor-intensive part of the work. As a result, I made one fragment in green and one in yellow-orange-brown tones. Then I decided not to suffer and simply knitted pieces of dark green “grass” thread on knitting needles and sewed them on. It was much easier. I embroidered the areas with “mown grass” (one fragment in a semi-cross stitch, the second in the attachment in even rows). It turned out well - the texture is clearly visible. Other sections were simply crocheted in single crochet stitches and then sewn on. I crocheted the flower beds from fluffy multi-colored yarn. At first I tried to knit it according to the type of beds: brown the soil, and sew knitted flowers on top, but I didn’t like it, I tore it off. They stood out too much, it turned out a bit rude. I crocheted the runner from melange cotton. thread, then sewed it on. I crocheted the area—the yard—from coarse linen threads, sewed it on, then marked “paving stones” on top with embroidery, or what else to call it—I don’t know. I crocheted a pond and a river. I tried to make the pond more interesting, some free-form elements are even present there, and the river - I simply tied sausage and sewed braids from air loops on top light color. I tied the bridge with an elastic band and sewed it on top. I made bushes from pompoms and then sewed them on. This is the last thing. Trees: the base of the trunk is a cardboard tube from toilet paper. A tube can be crocheted or knitted according to its size - whichever is more convenient for you, I crocheted. For stability, you need to make a stand out of cardboard; it can be decorated with grass. Crown: lush pompoms are attached. Completion of work: process the edges, hem the bottom with a lining of thick fabric so that the rug holds its shape better, and “mowing lawns and bushes” - level the meadows and give a neat shape to the pom-poms.

If a mother or grandmother knows how to knit, then you can give your child a holiday by presenting such a knitted farm as a gift for one of the celebrations. Of course, you can buy a farm with animals at IKEA, but a farm knitted with your own hands is not only a set of objects for educational play with a child, but the love of a mother for her child conveyed in these “objects.” Such a farm will be a real heirloom in your family. Surely, when your children grow up, they will want to pass it on to the next younger generation - their children - your grandchildren.

Let's start knitting a farm from the base - fields, meadows, plantings in the form of beds with cabbage, a corn field and so on.

Knitted farm

part 1: landscape (fields, meadows, trees, plants, plantings)

This brightly colored landscape will make a wonderful backdrop for your small farm.


Redraw the diagram of the location of knitted fields, meadows and home gardens on a small sheet of paper. Place this base (mat) under the canvas or canvas and use a felt-tip pen to draw its outline on the canvas. The dimensions of the rug should be approximately 130 x 90 cm, add 6 cm around the entire perimeter of the rug for the folds.

What you need to make a knitted farm

Take the thick one wool yarn for knitting or carpet thread - this is best suited for the base, part of which will be covered with a pile of threads of different lengths (grass and shrubs), and part - embroidered.

Colors and patterns for making a knitted farm landscape

Meadow: embroider with light green threads 10 cm long (half cross stitch and satin stitch 3 or 4 squares high).

Road and yard: embroider with a half-cross with gray and beige or gray-yellow thread in 2 folds.

Plowed fields: tie 1 x 1 fields of the desired shape and size with an elastic band using brown threads of several shades and sew to the canvas according to the diagram.

Corn fields: use several shades of yellow as described below.

Field with ripened corn: pile of rich yellow threads in 2 folds, 18 cm long.

Field 1: pile of dark green threads in 2 folds, 16 cm long.

Field 2: pile of two threads different shades green, 20 cm long.

Field 3: semi-cross stitch with yellow and green threads in 2 folds.

Field with harvested corn: satin stitch embroidery with threads of yellow shades in 2 folds.

Meadows for mowing: embroidery with threads of various shades of light green and green colors in 4 stitches.

Mowed meadow: semi-cross stitch embroidery with 2 fold threads.

Shrub: dark green yarn. In the diagram, shrubs are indicated by shaded areas. Make pompoms from short threads and sew to the brim according to the pattern on top of the embroidery.

Stream and Pond: Place 2-3 threads of different shades of blue together and stitch with a chain stitch.

Bridge: tie a 1 x 1 elastic band of the required size and throw it across the stream, connecting sections of the road.


  • For the trunks you will need 2 cardboard cylinders;
  • for the top - two large pompoms made of thick green yarn.

For the trunk of each tree, do this: knit with dark brown threads using knitting needles with a diameter of 3.25 mm. satin stitch a piece 14 cm long. Wrap it around a cardboard cylinder and sew. Glue a pompom on top. The tree will be more stable if it is supported on a cardboard base.

Flowers and plants

They can be knitted, crocheted, or made into a small fringe from scraps of yarn.

They are very easy to make and do not require a pattern: just crochet several small air chains and sew their ends to the base at one point. Place flowers in front of houses, around trees and shrubs.

We have previously written about how to quickly and easily knit . Check out this description. Using it, you can add appropriate small animals to the landscape. In subsequent articles we will tell you how to knit horses, pigs, ducks, cows, a donkey and, of course, the farmer himself, his wife and children.

Very soon, your farm will live to the fullest!

For the base, I took a piece of rough canvas, about a meter by meter in size. As a result, the rug turned out to be 82 by 76 cm. Not too big. However, if you do more, then while playing the child will have to stretch across the entire rug, climb onto it, the figures will fall - not very convenient.
I roughly outlined the elements of the landscape on the fabric. The main pieces were knitted and crocheted. I knitted the beds from thick brown wool, on knitting needles with elastic and garter stitch, and crocheted a large horizontal elastic band. Then I sewed it along the edge to the base. The plants in the beds were crocheted and dot-sewn.

3. At first I made the grass in the meadow like a carpet: I attached each thread, dragging it with a crochet hook through the warp threads - this was the most labor-intensive part of the work. As a result, I made one fragment in green and one in yellow-orange-brown tones. Then I decided not to suffer and simply knitted pieces of dark green “grass” thread on knitting needles and sewed them on. It was much easier.
I embroidered the areas with “mown grass” (one fragment in a semi-cross stitch, the second in the attachment in even rows). It turned out well - the texture is clearly visible. Other sections were simply crocheted in single crochet stitches and then sewn on.
I crocheted the flower beds from fluffy multi-colored yarn. At first I tried to knit it according to the type of beds: brown the soil, and sew knitted flowers on top, but I didn’t like it, I tore it off. They stood out too much, it turned out a bit rude.

4. I crocheted the path from melange x. b. thread, then sewed it on. I crocheted the area—the yard—from coarse linen threads, sewed it on, then marked “paving stones” on top with embroidery, or what else to call it—I don’t know.
I crocheted a pond and a river. I tried to make the pond more interesting, some free-form elements are even present there, and the river - I simply tied sausage and sewed braids of light-colored air loops on top. I tied the bridge with an elastic band and sewed it on top.
I made bushes from pompoms and then sewed them on. This is the last thing.




8. Trees: the base of the trunk is a cardboard toilet paper tube. A tube can be crocheted or knitted according to its size - whichever is more convenient for you, I crocheted. For stability, you need to make a stand out of cardboard; it can be decorated with grass. Crown: lush pompoms are attached.




Completion of work: process the edges, hem the bottom with a lining of thick fabric so that the rug holds its shape better, and “mowing lawns and bushes” - level the meadows and give a neat shape to the pom-poms.

Good day, all creative people!)
Very often I communicate with parents who spend a lot of time playing with their children, spending creative time together. Whatever creative mothers come up with! As a mother of two children (the youngest is 4 years old), I very much support the topic of children's comprehensive development!

And creative ideas immediately resonate with me; I can’t pass by any interesting things, especially knitted ones.

For small children, I really liked the idea of ​​small play spaces-rugs, for example, these are the knitted meadows and farms I found on the Internet. A combination of knitted from different threads in different techniques pieces of clearing - very interesting for children's fingers. Even small children, feeling, trying to pull (and tear off :)), looking at them, will be interested in this tactile rug: this piece is smooth, and this one is rough, this clearing is with shaggy grass, and on the hailstone there are convex grooves, here is a path with pebbles-beads, which are so interesting to walk on with your fingers!

And what can we say about older children (and, naturally, their mothers)!

You can plant knitted vegetables (or vegetables from polymer clay) in the garden on the beds, you can feed cows, goats and even horses with grass in the long term debt consolidation loans clearing, you can bathe fish and people in the pond

And for the knitted meadow in the photo above, the author gave some tips and shared how she made her meadow

You probably have a set of small plastic animals at home, come up with new games with them on this educational rug!

You can also add knitted animals - it will be even more colorful!

Add paths and you can drive cars along them, of course, following the rules traffic and allowing pedestrians and pets to pass!

You can even make a bridge across a river!

There are tons of options for games with such a knitted educational mat! And most importantly, the time spent together will return to you later with attention and love!

I created such a rug to order, I’ll show you what I came up with.

My clearing-developing play mat for babies!
It’s so pleasant and interesting to feel this softness-prickliness-roughness-smoothness-fluffiness and even a little pricklyness!

I tried to make the rug so that it would be useful and interesting and developing!
The size of the finished rug is about 40 cm by 60 cm (half of whatman paper).

Cotton, wool and acrylic threads, wooden beads, coral beads, plastic buttons and even real shells were used!
In order for the rug to keep its shape well, the reverse side is a dense fabric that holds its shape well. The knitted part is sewn to a thick base so that the bridge mortgage can be conveniently rolled up and taken out for play.

I hope the baby likes it!
The rug was created to order and its exact repetition is impossible.
If anyone is interested, watch the video about Yaroslav and I’s introductory lesson with the mat.