Scenarios for Neptune's holiday with games. Extracurricular event on the theme: "Neptune's Day at the health camp"

Municipal budgetary educational institution

secondary school in the village of Voskresenskoye

Extracurricular activity at a school health camp day stay

on the topic: "Neptune Day at children's camp »

Conducted by: Tsyrulina L.S.

Teacher primary classes

Scenario "Neptune's Day in Children's Camp"

Who said here today:
"Laughing is prohibited!"
There will be joy and fun,
Summer continues!
And today is a special day,
Today the king of the seas is visiting
He will come to see the children
He will come to issue a decree,
To please us all
By your consent, decision,
With your great permission.
He will allow it, I give you my word,
Children can swim in ponds!

Do you guys want to go swimming? All:Yes!

Today Neptune was invited to the holiday,
They sweetly convinced with a smile:
We will laugh and have fun,
Splash, jump and frolic.
And the children will show it to us,
How to celebrate this holiday.
So that he passes in smiles and fun
And it flashed like a magical carousel.

Attention everyone! I just got some good news! The king of the sea, the prince of the river, the lord of rivers and lakes, the emperor, His Majesty King Neptune have arrived to us. (the guys call Neptune)

This is not an ordinary guest, guys! Get ready for adventure. And most importantly – don’t be afraid of anything! Stand in one line. Alignment with Neptune! Let's greet Neptune with shouts of "Hurray!"


The mermaids seat Neptune on a pre-prepared throne (chair) to the thunderous applause of the children.

I'm glad to meet you guys.
I ask you: be my friends!
It's so hot here, what a shame!
And I live in a cool sea.

(The mermaids fan the king.)

From the inhabitants of the deep sea
Hello women, men!
Hello girls and boys,
Hello earthly children!


Hey, you sea creatures! Come on, show us something fun!

And suddenly Neptune is captured by pirates.

They say we are byaki-buki,

How the earth bears us out!

Give me some cards, please?

Tell your fortune for Neptune!

O-la-la! O-la-la! Eh-ma!

Today is a long journey

Will fall on Neptune.

He has a lot of money.

Oh, I love money!

Wow! Wow! Eh-ma!

Pirate 1: Why are you gathered here, you won’t see Neptune.

Pirate 2: Caramba, a hundred devils and one witch! You won't see a holiday like your lop-eared ears!

Pirate 3: we won't give you Neptune.

Ved.: Well, dear pirates, give us Neptune. Look how many children gathered for the holiday. Guys, let's politely ask the pirates, maybe they will take pity on us. (the guys ask the pirates to release Neptune using kind words.)

Pirate 1: okay, look how polite they are.

Pirate 2: Okay, we’ll give you your little green one, but first, a ransom.

Ved.: What ransom? These are children after all. They don't earn money!

Pirate 3: Yeah, then let them entertain us!

Ved.: Well, guys, let's take the pirates with us to the holiday. (everyone goes to the sports ground)

Your Marine Eminence, what happened?

I'm bored! Today is my holiday - Neptune's Day, but I'm not in the mood.

Maybe we can help you?

Who? These kids? Tell me, are these all your children?

That's right.

Will they be able to cheer me up?

Easily, Mr. Neptune. Only you order, we will do it.

Order? What should I order?

Order the Neptune festival to begin immediately at the summer camp, and become the chief judge at it.

That's all? Is it that simple?

Not all. At the end of the holiday, all participants will have to be rewarded. Do you have any gifts?

I have everything! So, inhabitants of rivers, seas and oceans, listen to my order! I order all living things to take part in the fun Neptune Day holiday in the camp! And also - the judges should not be lazy, the fans should not whistle and shout, the participants should not swim into the depths! The winners and runners-up will be awarded prizes! It seems that's it! No, I forgot the most important thing! My retinue should immediately bless all the competition participants, sprinkle them with water, but just don’t drown them!

Water games for Neptune Day at camp

Competition "Paper Boat" "

Several people are selected for the competition and given one piece of paper each. Each participant must add paper boat and roll it through the water from one point to another. It is allowed to push the boat by blowing on both cheeks. Pushing with hands is prohibited. The one who reaches the finish line first wins.

The competition is held in shallow water in the absence of strong currents.

Relay race "Pour it over"

Children are divided into two teams. Each team lines up. On one side there is a bucket of water. On the other - an empty bucket. The first participant scoops up water with a small ladle and passes it to the next, etc. The latter pours water into an empty bucket and passes the ladle to the beginning. The first one scoops up the water again until all the water is in the empty bucket. Victory is awarded to the team that completes the task the fastest.

Game "Best Tugboat"

For this game you will need a sports rope. Children are divided into several teams of 5 people each. Teams take turns competing in tug-of-war. The team of guys that defeats everyone wins the game.

Game "Desert Island"

Each squad must inflate a balloon in two minutes and draw as many people as possible on it.

Game "Typesetter"

Who can make up the most words from the phrase “world ocean”?

Quiz "Pisces"

    Which fish is the best armed? (swordfish)

    What kind of fish, besides the “golden” one, can make a wish come true? (pike)

    What kind of implement did the old man use to catch fish from “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish” by A.S. Pushkin? (seine)

    Which game ends with a fish? (domino)

    What fish bears a person's name? (carp)

    What was the name of the amphibian man? (ichthyander)

    What kind of fish is in holidays puts on a “fur coat”? (herring)

Game "Bath broom"

Run to a chair, sit on it and hit yourself on the back three times with a broom.

Neptune: so, bring me here those who dared to steal me. (children catch the pirate and bring him to Neptune)

Neptune: I order you to bathe the pirates at that very moment (dousing the entire camp)

Thank you dear friends,
You hanged me.
Well, I already want peace,
I'll go to the bottom of the sea.

Children say goodbye to Neptune.

Greshkova Elena Viktorovna

« Neptune Day - in search of the Little Mermaid»

Types of children's activities: Musical and artistic, communicative, gaming, motor.

Target: Create a joyful mood, introduce the holiday Neptune Day, develop and improve the physical capabilities of children in a relaxed atmosphere. Develop desire to play in a team and win. Unleash your creative abilities.

Planned results: Generate interest in participating in entertainment, develop persistence, the desire to achieve the final result, to receive positive emotions.

Characters: Presenter "Princess", Neptune, Little Mermaid, Swamp kikimora, Pirates, tumba-jumbo, Indian, Children.

Progress of the event.

The holiday is held on the street, accompanied by a cheerful, cheerful song.

(Summer what color are you)

Princess: Hello guys! How are you?

Today I invite you to take an unusual quest!

Are you ready?

Then let's begin!

(melody sounds)


In the underwater kingdom,

In a maritime state

The king of the sea lived at the bottom of the sea.

The king was not bored without work,

He cleaned the crown with sand and rocked the ships.

And every year at the bottom of the sea,

He was throwing a ball.

Sea guests from all latitudes,

He invited me to the holiday.

It turns out little mermaid

Little Mermaid: Dear guys! Hello! Do you recognize me?

Children: Found out Little Mermaid

Little Mermaid: That's right guys. I - Little Mermaid, I live at sea. I came to visit you for a holiday, this day is customary to have fun, swim, douse yourself with water.

Little Mermaid: This happy holiday called « Neptune Day» . Neptune-This is my father - he is the king of the seas and oceans. He is very kind and fair. He also loves to play, have fun and sing songs. Let's invite him to our party!

To greet the guest amicably,

We all need to say it out loud:

“Sea, sea, stir up,

Tsar Neptune come soon

Kikimora Bolotnaya comes out:

Kikimora: What kind of scream and noise is that? Who disturbed my peace? Who made the noise and din, Wow, I’ll make it for you now (shows fists)

Little Mermaid: Oh, grandma! Why are you scaring us so much? The boys and I are having a holiday today. We call the Tsar Father Neptune.

Kikimora: What-What? I'm not your grandma! I am Swamp Kikimora. You didn't invite me! I won’t give you peace, I’ll disperse you all into groups, you won’t be able to see the holiday!

Little Mermaid: Kikimora, don’t be offended or angry with us, better help us call the king Neptune.

Kikimora: Look, what do you want! How cunning! Dance, then I will help you!

Dance: « Mermaids» (on the blue sea)

Kikimora: Well done, guys! You pleased me with a cheerful dance, now I will help you call the king Neptune.

“Sea, sea, stir up,

Tsar Neptune come soon

Kikimora Bolotnaya: Guys, we can’t hear something, but let’s call him even louder.

“Sea, sea, stir, King Neptune come soon

The Tsar comes out:

Neptune: Who disturbed the peace of the water kingdom under my control? Who alarmed my sea soul? What's going on here? Why are there so many people?

Kikimora Bolotnaya: (ingratiates himself with Neptune) I appeal to you, our father, ruler of the seas and oceans, large rivers and small rivulets, all swamps and whirlpools. Lakes, ponds and reservoirs, our dear king Neptune. I am the Swamp Kikimora, and these are all my friends. And we have gathered to wake you up and to get into your kingdom.

Neptune: Well, since this is the case, they made a noise and woke me up, I ask you to console my sea soul with games AND FUN.

Neptune. Now for a fun game. Here's a bucket filled with water. We pass it around in a circle accompanied by cheerful music. Whoever the music stops on comes out and dances, and everyone else repeats the movements after him.

Game "Fun Bucket"

Pirates appear to the music:

Pirates: (sing a pirate song) We are pirates, we are bandits, and we have everything covered. We sail the sea - the ocean and rob ships. We are looking for treasures-wealth. Who are you?

Children: We guys, we are celebrating a holiday Neptune.

Pirates: (talking to each other) Yes! Look here and the king Neptune and his daughter the Little Mermaid. Come on, distract these kids, and I'll (whispers in ear).AND Neptune He’ll definitely give us treasures for it!

appeal to children: We also love to have fun, and our favorite thing is to sing songs and dance. Would you like to dance a fun pirate dance with us?

Dance - song "Boogie-Woogie"

One pirate leads away while dancing The little mermaid and hides her

Neptune: Where is my daughter? Oh, you stole it, pirates!

Pirates: Nooo. We danced a dance.

Neptune: What will I do without my beloved daughter. Guys, help me find it My little mermaid. She probably left a mark (tears are small balls filled with water) by which we can find it.

Swamp kikimora: Guys, let's help Find Neptune, Little Mermaid.

A pirate jumps out and a second one joins him.

Pirates: We won't give it to you Little Mermaid. But we can give you a hint on how to find it; for this you will have to go through many tests. Are you ready?

Neptune: Guys, can you help?

Pirates: let's start then













Handing a teardrop from a pirate chest (balloon with water)

Neptune: Well, guys, we have the first tear, let's sail on our ship through our fairy-tale garden, and find the rest of the tears. Look here there are signs for our path, follow them.

They go to the playground with Africans:

Tumba-Yumba: O my guests, I am glad that you have done me the honor of arriving on my island. What brought you to us?

Neptune: Hello Tumba-Yumba! The guys and I are looking The little mermaid was stolen by pirates.

Tumba-Yumba: I heard this story, but to get a teardrop you need to pass tests. Are you ready?

Children: Yes

Tumba-Yumba: Then let's start

Game "Pineapple Bearers"

You will need 2-3 pineapple-sized balls.

Children are divided into pairs or triplets depending on the number of balls. Pairs take turns participating. Start at the starting line. The finish is also marked - these can be baskets or boxes for balls, standing in front of each participant. The goal is to get the pineapple to the basket as quickly as possible.

First group (pair or triple) carries children "pineapples" on the head. The second group is to hold them between your knees. The third carries pineapples with her ankles, the fourth holds the ball only with her little fingers.


Neptune: Well, how did our guys Tumbo-Yumbo cope with your tasks?

Tumbo-Yumbo: Yes, the guys did a great job and for this, I give you a tear, it will show you the way. Goodbye!

Neptune: Thank you! Well, we guys will sail further.

Children follow the arrows to the playground with the Indians.

Indian: What brought you pale-faced?

Neptune:. Hello dear "Sharp Eye"! The guys and I are looking The little mermaid was stolen by pirates.

Indian: I will help your trouble, O pale-faced ones, but you need to pass the tests. Are you ready?

Children: Yes

Indian. When I was as green as you, the road from the house of my tribe to the neighboring one ran through a cave, a swamp and a wide abyss. No white man dared to walk this path. Do you have enough courage and skill to cross the same crossing and not fall into the abyss?

Obstacle course: swamps, cave (cheese holes) legs.

Fast Rider: Horse racing through obstacle cones

Indian: Well done, my pale-faced brothers, you completed all the tasks, and I give you your teardrop. Goodbye!

Neptune: Thank you "Sharp Eye", and it’s time for us.

Neptune: Guys, we collected all the tears, now the pirates will give them to us Little Mermaid, but for the magic to happen, you need to read the magic words.


Pirates: Yeah! Now we're daydreaming.

Neptune:Once again loudly we all shout the magic words together:

« Neptune Day - bring us goodness

Outdoor game with water "Squirters"

Tumba-Yumba, Indian and Swamp Kikimora run out with sprinklers (pre-filled with warm water) and they begin to water the pirates, and with them the children.


What's happened? Everything around suddenly changed! Everything became bright and beautiful, kind and cheerful.

I don’t want to do evil anymore - I want to do good deeds!

Let's give it away Little Mermaid, And we ourselves will go on a journey and help everyone.

Output Little Mermaid

Little Mermaid: Guys, thank you for saving me! I am very grateful to you. But the pirates were not really evil, they were enchanted.

Neptune: I thank you for helping me find my daughter. It's time for us to return to the sea. I wish you guys a good holiday, may good luck always accompany you! Goodbye!

Pirates: We are going on a voyage and will help everyone who is in trouble. Goodbye!

Little Mermaid: And I’m not saying goodbye to you yet, but I’m inviting you to my marine flash mob!

Flash mob: “And fish swim in the sea like this!”

Neptune Day

Vedas: In the underwater kingdom,

In a maritime state

The king of the sea lived at the bottom of the sea.

I wasn't bored without anything to do

He cleans the crown with sand and rocks the ships.

And every year at the bottom of the sea

He was throwing a ball.

Sea guests from all latitudes

He invited me to the holiday.

(heralds come out)

1. Residents of the underwater kingdom.

Attention! Attention!

2. Today in the underwater kingdom

A merry party is announced.

1. And King Neptune, patron of fast schooners,

Lord of the winds and ships

2. Lord of lakes and seas

Invites guests to the holiday.

1. And commands all the sea people

2. Don’t be sad, don’t be discouraged,

Run, jump and gallop.

1. Sing, dance and have fun, and frolic at the bottom of the sea.


And they hastened to Neptune

All inhabitants are sea

And octopuses and gobies,

And goldfish

But look, they are rushing towards us

Families of cute jellyfish.

(Perform the dance and song “Meduzyat”)


And at this time at the bottom of the sea

The mermaids, the daughters of King Neptune, are going to the ball.

(They perform a mermaid dance to Koroleva’s song “Every little girl dreams of big love”)

The little mermaids stand in a circle and start playing the game: “100 girlfriends”, laughing merrily and frolicking.

Little Mermaid: Wider, wider, wider, circle,

I have 100 girlfriends

This, this, this, this

And beloved, and beloved...

Ch. little mermaid: Oh, where is the most beloved, youngest mermaid?

(To the music they look for her everywhere, and the words of the song are heard: “So, so, ran away from the palace”)

All: - What to do?

Vying with each other: - Where to look for her?

Ch. mermaid: - We need to call Vodyanoy!

He can do anything and will find it for the little mermaid in no time.

All: - Water, Water,

Why are you sitting under water?

Come to us soon,

And help the mermaids.

(A merman comes out with frogs to the tune of the song: “And I recognize my dear one by his gait”).

Vodyanoy: Everywhere they recognize me by my gait,

Although I rarely go on land.

I live very carefree in the water,

I am friends with frogs and leeches.

2k: - Why, why, did you wake me up?

I heard - the mermaids began to shout.

And I realized that the Tsar of the Sea was coming to visit.

Vodyanoy: - What kind of screams?

What's that noise?

Has Neptune come to visit us?

Mermaids (in unison): - No!

Vodyanoy: Maybe a cunning shark stole your suitors?

Mermaids: No!

Vodyanoy: So what are you yelling about?

Don't you let me sleep peacefully?

Ch. rus: Uncle, uncle, that's the trouble

Our father is hurrying here.

It's time to start the holiday,

And the younger mermaid is nowhere to be seen!

Help us, uncle,

Find Arietta!

Vodyanoy: This grief is not a problem

I will help you, as always.

Hey, call the devils here!

(The frogs croak loudly, calling the devils).

(The Devils run onto the stage dancing).

Ch. devil: Why did you call us, dad?

Do you need our help?

Vodyanoy: That’s what it’s become

The royal daughter has disappeared.

You will find the mermaid,

Yes, hurry up,

If you don't find it by the deadline,

You will be lost in a stormy sea.

1 devil: Well, work! What a disaster!

There is no rest, no sleep!

2 devils: Jump across the sea again,

But where to look for her...?

Ch. devil: Maybe she rode the waves,

Did you get caught in a fisherman's net?

All: Exactly! Exactly!

Ch. devil: Oh, go to shore!

Ved: And at this time, grandfather and grandmother were sitting on the seashore.

They lived for 30 years and three years.

Grandma spun yarn, and grandfather caught fish.

(Grandfather and grandmother are arguing).

Grandma: Why did the old bastard sit down?

Why are you looking like an owl?

Take the net, go to the sea,

There you are in the sea

Catch me a fish quickly.

Give it here!

But it’s not an ordinary fish,

And, of course, gold!

(Grandfather sighs heavily, takes the net and goes to the sea, casts it several times, and the third time pulls out the devils).

Grandfather: Fuck me! Get lost, Satan!

This is a dream come true!

Get lost, I said, get lost!

The evil spirits in the sea return!

Ch. devil: Sha, grandpa! Don't worry! Better tell us the truth.

Devil: Did you catch a mermaid in a net?

Took away Neptune's daughter?

Grandfather: I confess, I have one little mermaid

She is splashing in the bathroom.

Go home, horned ones.

Find the little mermaid there!

(They go into the house).

Grandfather: Hey, old woman, come out. Yes, take your goodness.

Well done for you, Neptune's messengers have come!

Grandma: What do I hear! Neptune himself ordered messengers to be sent for me.

Well, the consonant should reign.

This is my dream.

Main devil: What are you thinking, old man?

Who did you give us?

1st devil: Wipe your eyes,

Look at grandma.

2nd devil: Is this the king’s daughter?

Yes, she is scarier than me!

Grandma: Is it me who is scarier than you?

Now I'll give you hell!

(Takes a grip and chases the devils).

Ved: The grandmother swung her grip.

Yes, I drove the devils out of the house.

And clattering hooves,

The devils gave in.

Ch. devil: Grandma is a beast, worse than Yaga.

1st devil: Barely carried away!

Main devil: By the way, I remembered in my spare time,

About an old friend, Baba Yaga, a bone leg.

Let's go see her, she's smarter.

1 devil: In a moment he will find us a mermaid,

The blue will return to the sea.

Vedas: And Baba Yaga collects witchcraft herbs among the oak groves.

(Dance of Grandmothers - Hedgehog).

B.Ya.: Hello, little devil!

Wait. Are you somehow not yourself?

Not rosy, not alive

Has Al eaten too much henbane?

Here's jelly made from mold

The tea has not been tried yet.

So drink it and you’ll immediately forget

About the worldly carousel.

It doesn't taste good at all

But it takes away the trembling.

You'll be healthy by tomorrow

Unless you die...

Ch. devil: That's enough grandma, I'm not sick

Let's go over the hill.

Scare away the hedgehogs and squirrels

There is a serious conversation.

Have you seen the mermaid?

The royal daughter has disappeared.

B.Ya. Now, now...

I’ll do some magic, twist it, and look for a mermaid in the forest.

(He performs magic to the music.)

Woman do magic, grandfather do magic.

Three on the side, none of yours

Ace of diamonds, pine forest

Give an answer about the mermaid.

B.Ya.: No, you won’t see a mermaid in the forest

Go look in the meadow.

Ved: The devils ran to the meadow,

And there is a shepherd grazing cows.

(The song “33 cows” plays).

Devil 1: Hey! cows, don't be silent!

But rather, shut up.

2 traits: Daughter of the underwater king

Haven't you been here since this morning?

Cows: Moo! Mu! There's something we won't understand,

We chew grass all day.

Shepherd: We saw birds and butterflies.

All: No, we haven’t met a mermaid. Mu! Mu!

1st devil: Ugh, everyone moos incessantly.

Cows are of little use to us!

2 devils: Only two buckets left

Well, what did we get?

Main devil: We want to treat you. Help yourself, it's going to be great.

(2 buckets, with water, with candy)

Ved: The devils are tired, there is no urine

Neptune's daughter is nowhere to be found.

Even with an empty bag

Let the devils go home.

(They leave to the music).

Vodyanoy: Well, devils, answer

Don't make me angry.

Why did the sad ones come?

Have you found Arietta?

Devils: They ran around the whole area,

But the mermaid was not found.

Vodyanoy: What to do, here’s the problem

Neptune himself is sailing here!

(Fanfares sound).

Ch. devil: Attention! Attention! On your knees!

And whoever remains standing, we will douse him.

Neptune: I am the ruler of the underwater countries,

I didn’t come to the holiday myself,

33 heroes serve me faithfully for a reason.

Neptune: Everyone is slim, as if by choice,

Uncle Chernomor is with them.

Come on, heroes, surprise the sea people,

Show your prowess.

(Dance of the Heroes).

Neptune: And also, sweeter than the day I have daughters.

All the beauties of the sea.

Like mischievous waves (reads names):

Leila, Zukhra, Zulfiya, Farida, Gulnar, Gyulchatay, Gita, Zitta, Arietta.

Where is Arietta?

Merman and devils: King Neptune, have mercy on us.

On my knees: And don’t destroy us in vain.

Ch. devil: We looked for her everywhere, we combed all the seas and forests.

1st devil: We walked around the entire shore,

But the mermaid was not found.

Neptune: Where did she run away to? No, I won't allow this. I’ll find my daughter myself! Chernomor: King of the Sea, I know where your daughter disappeared.

They say, I won’t lie, the network is such a miracle in the world.

A miracle island, and there is hail on it - a children's home.

Here they frolic all day. They sleep, eat and have fun.

Neptune: I see the sea, I see the beach. Is this your children's city?

Where is the director, the methodologist, where is the driver, where is the physical teacher.

Where are the guards and the floating handler? Bring them here!

(The devils lead the employees out).

Neptune: Rumors have reached me that my daughter is vacationing with you.

If you don't want trouble?

Bring my daughter to me quickly.

Vodyanoy: King of the sea, look, look.

The counselors and teachers tortured the poor children,

Every day competitions are announced, songs are forced to be sung, poems are forced to be read.

They are thrown out to the extras and forced to sleep during quiet hours.

They force you to eat six times.

They do not see white light.

Neptune: Is it so or not!

Little Mermaid: Dad! Dad!

Hello, dear dad,

Don't be angry, wait.

I believe, king, that nevertheless

It's not good for us to be offended.

Dark-skinned, tanned

The children are all cheerful and brave

And everyone looks great

And a wonderful appetite.

It’s not in vain that I tell you, with pleasure and I had a rest here, friends!

Stay with us too.

Neptune: I would love to relax here too, friends.

Only I am the king of the sea.

The earthly air is difficult for me.

Yes, there are good rules in this camp, guys.

Listen to my decree

My highest order.


“For the excellent organization of summer recreational recreation for children, to the head

camp... and thank all employees and reward them with a free trip to a short excursion to my underwater kingdom!

(Bathing employees).

Neptune: And now it's time to say goodbye,

Hit the road.

Neptune: That's it.

26.07.2017 | Looked at the script 2028 Human

There is cheerful music on the beach. The buffoon runs out.
Come out, people, to the beach -
The sand here is so hot.
Undress, sunbathe
But don’t take off your Panama hat.
Summer time has come
Let's shout to her loudly...

Children. Hooray!

We have every reason
To open...

Scenario for a children's holiday - NEPTUNE'S DAY.

04.06.2013 | Looked at the script 7202 person

All roles in the holiday are performed by parents. Children are divided into two teams.
1 child. The sun laughs, the wind plays,
The waves roar merrily.
They walk together to visit Neptune
Crowds of preschool children.
2nd child. Fly, our song
Over sea and land,
Fly to...

Scenarios Neptune's Day in the camp

04.06.2013 | Looked at the script 9510 Human

I am the proud ruler of the seas,
Pisces, dolphin lord.
My palace is at the bottom of the sea
All strewn with amber.
Congratulations on Neptune's holiday!
I wish you a fair wind,
Seven feet under keel and
Go around all the sea reefs!

To the music...

Then, when nature blossoms,
Everyone greets the dawn with a smile.
He smiles at both the sun and the earth,
And it gives joy to both you and me.
It would seem the same thing
What day, what year...
But again and again it worries us all,
When will our...

"Day of Neptune"

27.05.2010 | Looked at the script 16356 Human

Bright flags hung
Summer holiday outfit.
Everyone who is young, everyone who is cheerful,
Whose soul is pure,
Everyone who worked hard,
Having given honor to great deeds,
And I achieved success in them,
We invite you to visit us.
Let our holiday boil...

Neptune Day

10.07.2008 | Looked at the script 21456 Human

Vodyanoy: So what are you yelling about?
Don't you let me sleep peacefully?
Ch. rus: Uncle, uncle, that's the trouble
Our father is hurrying here.
It's time to start the holiday,
And the younger mermaid is nowhere to be seen!
Help us, uncle,
Find Arietta!
Vodyanoy: This grief is not...

Leading. Summer, sun in the sky,

There is a holiday in our kindergarten,

We are waiting for Neptune to visit,

The wave will make noise for us,

The seagulls will echo from the sea,

Congratulations to all Hurray!!

Let's clap our hands together,

What to invite our guest.

Children clap their hands, music sounds, Neptune comes out.

Neptune. I came to you from the depths of the sea,

I am the king of the sea and I love adventures!

I love fun on the waves,

I love games and entertainment.

What will make me happy?

Adults and children??

Leading . Today we have a carnival,

We invited you to our ball,

There are devils and jellyfish here,

seahorses, and mermaids.

And from the islands of the big shell,

Bright fish came to visit...

Fish Dance

Neptune . Oh, thank you, friends,

You have pleased the king.

For this I will repay you with kindness,

I will swing my magic right hand.

(waves his hand)

Let our holiday begin now,

Let everyone turn around themselves...

Let's close our eyes and count to five

We find ourselves on Neptune Island.

Neptune counts to five, the children turn around and open their eyes.

Neptune . Let's open our eyes, Sashi. Tani. Marina

You are on the island of Chimbi-rimbi.

Let's dance the Merry dance of Chimbi-Rimbi Island, where my friends live!!

Dance show Chimbi-rimbi

Neptune. Let's continue the loud fun

Other adventures await us.

Immediately after these words, Leshy runs in:

Goblin . “Bah, we meet Neptune here,

We haven't celebrated this holiday for a long time.

Why do we need Neptune, kids, look around,

It’s better to go to the forest to pick berries,

Sea air is very harmful,

And Neptune himself is dangerous for children.

Let us all say - Goodbye!

And we'll apologize goodbye.

The goblin begins to invite all the children home.

Neptune : “At least say hello first,

Everything else is nonsense

Remember - everyone is important in the world,

Who is brave, fearless and courageous.

And before downloading the rights here,

We'll all play together,

And the guys will say honestly,

They know about forests and water.”

Goblin . The King agrees, yours took it,

Come on, you first, start.

Neptune and Leshy play one game each:

Neptune has a sea -"The sea is agitated.."

The sea is worried once, the sea is worried - twice, the sea is worried - three!...

Leshy has a forest one: “Growing, not growing«,

The goblin names various objects, plants, animals,

and guys: we should sit down, if it doesn’t grow,

or stand with your hands up if it has the ability to grow.

(for example: stone, stump, tree, flower, stream, etc.)

Neptune : “Look, goblin, the guys love both the forest and the water!

If you drive me away, how will people live?

You and I can't argue.

We must be friends with the whole earth.

Goblin : “It’s true, king, let’s become friends,

I will drive away all the anger,

And I will become the kindest in the world.

Let's hold hands and dance

Come on, music, for us, this... ours..

Neptune . You're getting dark, you're Leshy, but oh well,

I will call my daughters mermaids,

Let them dance for us.

Dance of the Little Mermaids.

Neptune. My daughters are good, Leshy..?

Goblin . They're good, they're good. Only with your mermaids did the kids fall asleep...

Your Neptune is boring, but I love to play.

Neptune . Well, if you like, play and make us laugh, if that’s the case.

Goblin . It’s easy, I have a funny one fun game. You will definitely like it. It's called "Seahorses and Jellyfish"

Game "Seahorses and Jellyfish."

Boys are Seahorses, girls are Jellyfish. Everyone has their own music.

You need to be very careful. Fast music is seahorses, slow music is Jellyfish. First, we all do squats. If a fast melody sounds, the Seahorses get up and dance, and the Jellyfish sit; if a slow melody sounds, then the Jellyfish get up and dance smoothly, and the Seahorses sit.

Neptune. I was surprised, I don’t even know what to say.

Goblin . Don’t say anything, but let me invite my friend Kikimora to the ball.

Neptune . Well, if she doesn't misbehave, then invite her.

Goblin . Yeah, I’ll find a phone number in a minute... Let’s dial the number.

The goblin doesn't have time to dial the number, music starts playing. Kikimora runs out,

runs around in circles repeating: “Oh, woe is woe!”

Kikimora . Oh, woe, woe,

The entire sea is gone.

The swamp is solid,

And mountains of garbage.

Oh, woe is woe.

The whole sea is gone...

Neptune . Stop, kikimora, calm down. Tell me plainly, Where did it go? From what?

Kikimora . On the island, on ours, Chimbi-rimbi.,

The Papuans ate grapes.

They threw it into the water, littered it,

Everything flew out of place into the sea,

And now there is a sea of ​​grapes,

Guard, what grief!

After Kikimora’s words, the Papuans run out,

Papuan dance

After the dance, the Papuans remain in place

Kikimora. Here they are, forest hooligans,

The grape vines were broken,

They trampled everything on the pond - all the water lilies,

Scared away the magic fish in the lake.

And now we’ve reached the sea,

We gorged ourselves on grapes.

Leshy. Gossip, my dear, don’t worry, we’ll teach these hooligans a lesson, turn them into algae and thorns. Come on, tap my palm, I’ll remember the spell in a minute.

Leading . Kikimora, Leshy, wait, no need for algae and thorns. There are other ways to teach bullies a lesson. For example, force them to clean everything up.

Kikimora . Why, are they Papuans!? they are savages!!

Neptune . So what if they are savages, but we will teach them how the Papuans differ from people. Of course, I will teach the Papuans a lesson, I will punish them in my own way. But So I figured out how to clean our beautiful bay on the island, and turn cleaning into fun. And the guys will be happy to show the Papuans an example of how this can be done.

Game "Magic Scoop" (relay race)

Two teams of 10 people each participate. The guys take turns running to a pool of water, scooping tennis balls out of the water with a large wooden spoon or ladle and running to a bucket.

(you will need: two pools of water, colored tennis balls, you can also use Kinder Surprise packaging)

The speed and correctness of completing the task are assessed.

Kikimora. Oh, what beauty, oh, what beauty!

The sea is so clean

It's really very blue.

Goblin . Yes, Father Tsar, you are the head,

How you managed, how clean everything is.

Look, blue water,

It calls us to splash and frolic.

Neptune . Well then. Our sea is clean, our island shines.

Come out all the kids and dance with us.

Show dance.

Leading. Thank you, King Neptune, Leshy and Kikimora. Thanks for the holiday. We also wanted to ask you to evaluate our carnival costumes, the guys tried their best. Let's invite them to the middle and ask them to show off their costumes.

Children in carnival costumes, walk around the site, showing off their costume. If there are few participants, everyone can talk about their costume.

All participants can be given small souvenirs or lollipops.

Neptune . All the guys are great,

All the costumes were a success.

Moms worked hard

To be surprised by the costumes.

Kikimora . We give you gifts in groups,

These are sweets and fruits.

Don't forget us friends

IN next year meet.

ALL in chorus . Goodbye!! It's time for us!!