Scenario of the evening "autumn ball" - Scenario. Autumn Ball Competitions Autumn Ball T script for the adult population

Scenario of the evening "AUTUMN BALL"

for high school students.

Lead: 1

It's a sad time! Charm of the eyes

Your farewell beauty is pleasant to me

I love the lush wilting of nature,

The forests clad in purple and gold.

There is noise and fresh breath in their canopy,

And the heavens are covered with a wavy mist,

And a rare sunbeam, and the first frosts,

And distant gray winter threats.

Lead: 2

Autumn has come, the flowers have dried up,

And the bare bushes look sadly.

The grass in the meadows withers and turns yellow.

Only the winter is turning green in the fields.

A cloud covers the sky, the sun does not shine.

The wind is howling in the field, the rain is drizzling.

The waters of the fast stream made a noise.

The birds flew away to warm lands.

Lead: 1

Good evening, dear friends!
This is not the first time in this room
We're holding an Autumn Ball
The ball brought us together today!

Lead: 2

Autumn is such a variety of colors! Autumn is such a riot of nature! Autumn is one of the favorite seasons of many people because it is the brightest time of the year! This is the blue of the sky, and the yellowness of the crown of trees, and red clusters of mountain ash. In the fall, poets dedicated their poems, and artists - paintings. Autumn is sung, autumn is waiting. And you and I were also looking forward to this evening. Autumn will always be the unpredictable and most desirable time of the year.

Lead: 1

Autumn is not only a time of sadness and sorrow, it is also a time of joy. Why? Because in autumn it is beautiful all around, and everyone is looking forward to meeting the most fun time of the year - winter. And therefore today we will not only sigh and be sad, but also have fun, dance, enjoy her last moments.

Lead: 2

Well, now we are moving on to the competition program. We invite 2 people from each class to the stage. Let me introduce the teams that will participate in our tonight. Have you come up with a name for the teams? Have you chosen your commander?

(Command submission)

Lead: 1

The performance of the teams will be watched by members of our jury, whom I am pleased to represent.

(Jury presentation)

Lead: 2

So, the teams are assembled, the fans are ready to support their players, which means that we are starting our evening.

Our first competition "Warm-up" is estimated at 1 point for the correct answer to each riddle.

Riddles 1 team

1. Usually the month ends on the 30th or 31st. What month is the 28th?

Answer: in all.

2. How many beasts did Noah take into his ark?

(Each creature has a pair).

3. The professor goes to bed at 8 o'clock in the evening, and the alarm clock starts at 9 o'clock in the morning. How long will the professor sleep?

(One hour (the alarm clock does not tell where is morning and where is evening).

4. Mamed has 10 sheep. All but 9 died. How many sheep are left.


Riddles 2 team

5. 7 candles were burning. Three went out. How many candles are left?

(3 went out and the rest burned out).

6. You enter an unfamiliar dark room. It has two lamps: gas and gasoline. What will you light first?


7. You are the pilot of a plane flying from Havana to Moscow with two landings in Algeria. How old is the pilot?

(You are an airplane pilot, the pilot is as old as you are).

8. What needs to be done to saw off the branch on which the crow is sitting without disturbing it.

(Wait for it to fly away).

Lead: 1

Ah, autumn, autumn ... Someone rejoices at her arrival, and someone, perhaps, is upset. But each season has its own uniqueness: winter covers with a snow-white blanket, young greenery pleases the eye in spring, in summer you can enjoy the singing of birds .... Autumn also has its own signs. There are a lot of them. Some of the signs of autumn will help us remember the commands.

The competition "Autumn signs" is estimated at 1 point for the correct answer for each sign.

Each team receives 5 cards on which the beginning of the signs is written. Your task is to remember its continuation and pronounce it in full. All the signs on the cards are different.

For each correct answer, the team receives 1 point.

1. A lot of mountain ash ... (to the cold winter).

2. Red sunset ... (to windy weather).

3. From the first snow to the sled path ... (six weeks deadline).

4. The cat hides its muzzle ... (to the cold).

5. If hares have a lot of fat, then winter will be ... (harsh).

6. Mosquitoes annoy until late autumn ... (winter will be mild).

7. Late leaf fall ... (for a harsh and long winter).

8. A lot of cobwebs ... (for a long and dry autumn).

9. Thunder in October foreshadows ... (snowless winter).

10. The cat is fast asleep ... (to the warmth).

Lead: 2

While the jury is summing up the results of the first two competitions, we will see the number of amateur performances of the 9th grade. So, the word of the jury.

Lead: 2

The next music competition will be judged for the artistry of each team. The maximum number of points for the task is 3.

The task: You need to perform the well-known "Song of the Crocodile Gena" in an animal language, using the sounds "tyaf", "gaf", "mu", "ku-ku", etc.

While our participants are preparing, we will hold a competition with the audience. I invite 1 person for each team. Everyone knows how tasty and healthy mushrooms are. Very often we all have to collect them. I suggest you reap the harvest. The game is called "Gather Mushrooms". (It is carried out as follows: a lot of mushrooms are scattered on the floor, and the blindfolded players must harvest the harvest quickly in one minute. The winner is the one who collects the most.)

Lead: 2

Time for teams has run out. (Listening to songs).

Lead: 1

While the jury sums up the results of the past competitions, we will see the number of the 10th grade amateur performances. So, the word of the jury.

Lead: 1

And we continue.

Everyone wants to be beautiful and kind. Those who consider themselves the most charming and attractive live easily and happily. One member from each team is invited to convince us that you are the most charming and attractive. (Participants are given a mirror, sit with their backs to each other and begin to convince themselves and everyone that they are the most beautiful, the kindest, etc.) A prerequisite for the competition is that you cannot laugh, you cannot repeat the same expressions. The participant who calls more epithets will receive 2 points, and the second 1.

Lead: 2

Each season is beautiful in its own way. Especially autumn. The next contest is "Autumn Fun". To conduct it, I will appoint artists:

You will be a nightingale


You will be the autumn wind

(we try to rustle with paper)

You will be a cuckoo (let's bake)

You will be a woodpecker (stick and jar)

You will be a lost cow (moo, moo)

You will be a lost sheep (ba-e, ba-e)

You will be a shepherd boy (bell)

You will be a wolf (ooh-ooh-ooh)

You will rain (drip-drip-drip)

You will be a black (kar-kar-kar)

(explains the rule of reporting: I read the report, and you voice it in connection with your role)


Summer is coming to an end ... The sky is turning gray, but the trills of the nightingale are still fresh in my memory

(the nightingale sings)

and cuckoo crowing

(cuckoo cuckoo).

Autumn seems to have stopped. Again, after the summer separation, crows flew to the city

(the crow croaks).

They occupy their winter quarters: cornices, roofs, attics. Only here and there in the forest is the pounding of a woodpecker, and the ringing of a bell

(woodpecker knocking, bell ringing)

This touching autumn picture is disturbed by a lost sheep.

(the sheep bleats)

as if answering her, a cow mooes drawlingly.

(cow hums)

The cow is enjoying the last green grass.

October is the first coldest month.

The wind tears off the foliage and scatters it around.

(rustling wind)

According to the popular calendar, October is the month of the dirty.

Autumn thaw, off-road is created by autumn cold rain.

(sound of rain)

Quietly around and only somewhere in the distance the howl of a lone wolf is heard.

(wolf howl)

Lead: 1

While the jury sums up the results of the past competitions, we announce the next task. You need to compose as many words from the word as possible LEAFFALL.

Lead: 2

While the teams are working, we are holding a competition with the fans:


1. I came without paints and without a brush and repainted all the leaves (Fall).

2. He sees himself and does not hear, walks, wanders, prowls, whistles


3. The beast is afraid of my branches, they will not build nests in them, in the branches is my beauty and power, tell me quickly - who am I


4. Sits - turns green, falls - turns yellow, lies - turns black.


5. Very friendly sisters, they wear red-haired berets. Autumn in the forest brings summer


Scenario holding 5th Annual Pearl Prize - 2010 Book 1 Good evening our dear students ... have become: Eliseeva Alina - on autumn holiday made an interesting composition from ... with her own hands and have a high educational ball - 4.7 - 5th grade students!) ...

  • Scenario of the autumn holiday dedicated to the day of the elderly, in the preparatory group "Cabbage gatherings with grandmothers"

    The grandmother-Kapustnitsa enters the hall to the music (the leader is the teacher of the group, without children, the children are standing by the hall)

    Grandma to guests: The wind is blowing, it is raining, it's cold outside,

    I've been waiting for guests for a long time, I'm a Cabbage grandmother.

    (Music sounds) And here the guests have arrived.

    Children enter the hall to music, perform the dance composition "Gate" (music of the group "Ivana Kupala)

    Grandma: Hello, dear guests,

    The girls are red and the guys are daring,

    Come help, and chop the cabbage.

    Grandma is waiting for you for cabbage gatherings, it will be fun with us and there will be a tale about autumn!

    Children read poems about autumn (at the choice of the teacher 2-3 pieces)

    Grandma: And here Autumn itself has come to us, come out Autumn in a circle, and start the game.

    "Autumn round dance" muses. And sl. T. Krivovoy (female music director No. 6, 2013) (after children sit on chairs)

    Grandma: I'll tell you guys how people used to help each other in the old days. In Russia there was such a custom - to harvest cabbage in the fall, to salt it for a long winter. The girls gathered all together, went from house to house and chopped cabbage. So they helped each other. Children also took part in this business. Such help was needed, because cabbage was harvested a lot, for the whole winter. Then they said: "You can't live without cabbage soup",

    "Cabbage is not empty, it climbs into the mouth itself", "Why to fence a vegetable garden, if you don't plant cabbage?" Have you grown a lot of cabbage in your garden? (Yes)

    Grandmother: It is necessary to say "Thank you" in autumn, she came to us not only with cabbage and a rich harvest, but also with a holiday. There is a holiday "Day of the Elderly" in the fall, and today your grandmothers have come to us. Let's congratulate them.

    1. I am now big, I don’t play nice.

    If only allowed, I help my grandmother.

    We bake a pie in the oven, rub sweet carrots

    Like my grandmother, I will become a hostess!

    2. Very much my grandmother, I love my mother's mother,

    She has a lot of wrinkles and a gray strand on her forehead,

    I just want to touch, and then kiss!

    3. Who knows how to do everything - to sew, cook, wash, knit?

    Who am I a dear granddaughter for? There is a secret from her mother with her!

    And he will always give a direct answer to a hundred reasons why!

    This is my grandmother, I am very friendly with her!

    4. How to bake a big cake? How to knit a colored sock?

    Who will give the right advice? Guess it or not?

    No grandmother's relatives, kiss her soon!

    The song "Grandma, sit next to us"

    Grandma: As well as I am pleased, for a long time no one sang such soulful songs to me. Well, business time, fun hour! Guess the riddles of the cabbage grandmother:

    1. She grows in the garden bed, dressed in noisy silk.

    We prepare tubs for her, and half a bag of coarse salt. (cabbage)

    2. Not sewn, not cut, but all in scars.

    Without a count of clothes - and all without fasteners. (Cabbage)

    3. Patch by patch, green patches,

    All day long, she bask in the garden. (cabbage)

    Grandma: You've guessed the riddles, it's time for your grandmothers to show their skills! Come on, grandmothers, come out, and show your skills!

    Attractions with grandmothers: 1. Whose grandmother will cut the cabbage faster.

    2. Garnish the cabbage. (3 couples participate, a child and a grandmother, on the tables are not large forks of cabbage, and decorations: leaves, sprigs of mountain ash, parsley, seeds, chopped carrots, beets, tomatoes, apples, etc. Grandmothers and grandchildren decorate cabbage, give their the title of the work) (While the participants are decorating the cabbage, with the grandmothers who are sitting in the audience with the audience to hold the competition "Who knows more cabbage dishes", the winner is given a present (for example: a pie with cabbage)

    Grandma-Cabbage: And again now congratulations sound for our grandmothers and grandfathers. Ulyana will perform the song "Young Grandmother".

    Bab.Kapust: And now I want to invite my vegetable friends to amuse the elderly, come out my friends vegetables, show a dance.

    Dance of vegetables (masks of vegetables to make at home with parents)

    Bab.Kapust: My friends have amused the grandmothers, thanks to them, and now let the grandmothers amuse us with their knowledge of children's songs.

    Attraction for grandmothers "Guess the children's song" (music hand. Includes children's songs, grandmothers guess, the most active grandmother is given a souvenir)

    Grandma-cabbage .: Oh yes, grandmothers, they know all the songs! Guys, do you help grandmothers to harvest crops in the garden?

    Attraction: “Gather the harvest” (the whole group participates, get up in 2 ranks, the leader “drives the car”, going around the pins, takes a vegetable from the “garden”, brings it back, puts it in a basket, passes the car to the next one whose team is faster).

    To the music, the Scarecrow enters the hall, stops, sings to the music "Whether in the garden":

    Whether in the garden, in the garden, there was a scarecrow,

    Nimble jackdaws and crows were famously dispersed.

    Bab.Kupust: Guys, did he come to us?

    Scarecrow: I live in a vegetable garden, and although harmless, it seems,

    Rags, I put on rags, I frighten everyone with a terrible look.

    Cabbage: Oh, that scarecrow! You scared away all the birds in the dachas and gardens, but why did you come to us? Whom did you think of scaring?

    Scarecrow: In hot summer I work, and I am proud of my work,

    As I see a flock of birds, I wave my rags!

    Cabbage: Not "waving", but "waving", please speak Russian!

    Scarecrow: Excuse me, I did not go to school!

    But I work skillfully, fewer words, more action!

    Cabbage: And now why not to work, but to visit us for a holiday?

    Scarecrow: The harvest has already been collected, the Birds have escaped to Africa!

    It's dripping from the sky, the winds are blowing, I smell the winter with my nose!

    Scarecrow: Someone in the garden is bored, only clouds are walking around,

    I would be closer to society, here you have fun I see!

    Cabbage: Here is fun - Autumn, and we glorify the elderly, come to us the Scarecrow, and listen to the song about the accordion, we will perform it as a gift for our grandparents!

    A boy reads a poem for his grandfather:

    I'll be strong, I'm like a grandfather

    I will be the same one hundred years old!

    There is no reason to whine with your grandfather

    We are men with grandfather!

    Song "Accordion"

    Scarecrow: Oh, if I could play the harmonica, otherwise I only know how to guard potatoes. I need to collect the potatoes, I will call a team of three with a spoon to carry potatoes,

    And the grandmother greets, peels the potatoes!

    Attraction: Collect potatoes from the garden, transfer them in spoons, and grandmothers peel potatoes, who is faster. (3 pairs are chosen, children run to the "garden bed" with a spoon in their hands, carry potatoes in a spoon to their grandmother, who is standing at the table, grandmothers peel potatoes, whose pair is faster).

    Scarecrow: Well done, grandmothers know how to peel potatoes skillfully, and grandchildren to collect! Eh guys, isn't it time for us to dance?

    Cabbage: It's time to scarecrow, it's time, good fellows, but the red girls come out, start a dance.

    Dance “I will go, I will go out!

    Scarecrow: Guys, it's time for me to get ready for the garden, but there is nothing to guard there, all the beds are empty, the harvest has long been harvested, what should I do there alone?

    Cabbage: Scarecrow, don't be sad, we'll draw the beds for you now, and then you won't be bored all winter.

    Attraction "Draw the beds" (2 strips of paper - "beds", pencils or felt-tip pens for children, draw vegetables on paper at the choice of children)

    The scarecrow examines the "beds", thanks, the guys or the grandmother-cabbage woman roll up the strips of paper, give the Scarecrow, the Scarecrow says goodbye, leaves.

    Cabbage: Let's congratulate our beloved grandmothers once again!

    After the attraction, 2 boys come out, read the nursery rhyme:

    1. And we will sing ditties,

    We'll wash the bones!

    2. Not mine, but mine!

    1. Well, then let's sing!

    Chastooshkas for grandmothers.

    After the ditties, Grandma-Cabbage brings out a pie:

    And here's a treat from me - Cabbage Pies, we invite everyone to tea!

    Rural youth also celebrate all kinds of holidays with pleasure. By virtue of their place of residence, they have to work a lot on the farm and in the fields. Therefore, they accept any occasion for the holiday with joy. There are practically no official reasons in autumn. So why not arrange a real autumn ball for the villagers, not only the young half of the population, but also for the elderly. In this article we will tell you how all this can be organized, what will need to be prepared.

    If you are organizing an event such as an autumn ball, then you must notify all the villagers about it so that they know where to come, at what time, why, what to wear.

    During the creation of the poster for the autumn ball, we recommend that you follow these tips :

    • Choose an autumn background. It can be foliage, a beautiful forest, autumn flowers, and more. The style of your poster should match the theme of the event you are inviting people to.
    • Write in a beautiful font on top who invites to the holiday. This is usually an organization. In a village, for example, a village club can act as an organizer.
    • Next, the date of the holiday and the time at which it will start is indicated. Also, do not forget about the age limit. For example, you can immediately indicate that children under 6 years old will have nothing to do on such a holiday, or that an elderly person will not be comfortable, because the script is designed for young people.
    • After that, on the most important plan, write the name of the autumn ball. You can just write "Autumn Ball" or be creative and come up with some beautiful name for it.
    • Be sure to indicate on the poster the cost of the ticket to attend the autumn ball. If no admission fee is expected, this should also be indicated.

    Such a poster can be made for a school or college. In this case, it is clear who can attend this event; there is no need to separately allocate space on the poster to indicate the target audience.

    Autumn ball posters, photo

    The village club is a place for young people, where they can realize themselves creatively. Therefore, it will be quite acceptable for the autumn ball if those who wish bring posters on the autumn theme to decorate the hall. They can be attached to walls, to a stage, to windows - anywhere.

    Here are some options for how these posters might look:

    Newspaper for the autumn ball, photo

    Of course, all the information about the preparation, course and results of the autumn ball will not fit on the poster. Therefore, it makes sense to create a newspaper. There are several options for how this can be done:

    1. You can print the typeset information with photographs on A4 sheets after the autumn ball. You cannot publish such a newspaper in a large copy, so you will have to leave it at the village club, where everyone can get acquainted with it.
    2. You can make an electronic newspaper and send each option to the mail on the Internet. However, it is unlikely that all the inhabitants of the village are so advanced; they simply may not have time for gatherings on the World Wide Web.
    3. The easiest option is to make an information newspaper on Whatman paper. It can be created by everyone involved in organizing the autumn ball. It is accessible and interesting at the same time.

    We present you some photos of newspapers on Whatman paper:

    Hall decoration for the autumn hall, photo

    Decorations in the festive hall create a special atmosphere. Even those who are skeptical about the celebration of the autumn ball, once in the hall decorated in the autumn style, will not be able to remain indifferent and plunge into the atmosphere of the autumn celebration.

    We offer you the following options for decorating the hall for the autumn ball:

    1. Drape everything with fabrics of autumn shades, and attach the decorations prepared from paper to them using invisibility. It can be leaves, fruits, various animals that are often found in the forest in the autumn:

    1. You can attach decorations prepared on chiffon to the draped fabric using invisibility. To do this, you need to draw trees and other images related to autumn on chiffon, and then attach them:

    1. If you are a fan of volumetric portable decorations, then consider creating large autumn topiary. To do this, you just need to stock up on a large amount of herbarium, rowan berries, pieces of wood and pots:

    In this video, you will see how you can make an autumn topiary:

    1. Just inflate as many bright green, red, orange, yellow and brown balloons as possible. Form flowers from them and attach them to the walls of the hall in a chaotic manner:

    1. On bright fabrics draped with waves, attach large leaves made of plastic or foam, which should be painted first:

    DIY autumn ball outfit, photo with explanation

    You must definitely come to the autumn ball in a fancy dress. So the mood will be appropriate, and the holiday will turn out to be bright. Just imagine how many beautiful photographs you can take if all the invitees come dressed.

    We have selected for you several options for costumes for the autumn ball. Here, children are presented as models in the photo, but you can make the same outfit for an adult using the model:

    1. Suit "Apple tree"

    Take a green sweatshirt or hoodie. It is desirable that this piece of clothing be monochromatic. Then inflate a few small red balls, twist them into circles. Make leaves out of paper, then attach balls to them. On such a blank, the balls will be easier to sew to a sweater or sweatshirt. For a harmonious outfit, wear brown jeans or trousers on your feet.

    1. Suit "Rain"

    Prepare a turtleneck and leggings in black or navy blue. Be sure to put rubber boots on your feet. All the charm of this costume is in the headdress. To make a cloud, you don't need to do anything complicated:

    • glue as many cotton balls as possible to an ordinary hat with wide brims (you will need a lot of them);
    • glue drops cut from the same color of cardboard to ropes of blue or blue of different lengths;
    • attach the resulting blank to the hat, and you have a charming cloud:

    1. Suit "Acorn"

    Put on a brown T-shirt. From the same tulle, make a skirt with an elastic band, on which you wash leaves or other natural elements that are associated with the autumn season. After that, start creating the hat, which should look like an acorn. Cut out as many identical pieces of scales as possible from thick paper. Glue them together and paint with brown paint.

    1. Suit "Oak"

    Sew oak leaves onto a long brown tunic or a warm sweater of the same color (they can be collected in the forest and dried, or drawn and cut out of paper). Make a hat like this: form a nest from thin rods, glue eggs made of cotton wool to its bottom, and then screw it all with a wire onto a hoop. This will keep the socket on your head securely.

    1. "Scarecrow" suit

    The simplest version of the costume. Put on a plaid shirt and a denim jumpsuit. On the jumpsuit, it is advisable to make multi-colored patches in a chaotic manner. Do the same with the straw hat (preferably with holes in the hat). Makeup can be done at will. In such an outfit, you will not only look bright, you will also be very comfortable.

    Diy crown of leaves for an autumn ball, photo with an explanation

    Option number 1:

    1. Take several pieces of the same size. Their legs must be cut so that they are all the same length:

    1. Then fold one side of each sheet as shown in the photo:

    1. With the leg of another sheet, pierce the resulting blank, like a needle:

    1. You will get the following detail:

    1. The attached sheet also needs to be tucked in the same way:

    1. Repeat this step until you have used all the leaves:

    1. It remains only to wrap the resulting garland in a ring and fasten it so that this ring begins to resemble a crown:

    Option number 2

    1. Collect the oak leaves, dry them and wax them to shine.
    2. Take the hoop, glue the prepared leaves on it in a circle with a heat gun.
    3. Apply glitter to the leaves if desired. You can also paint the edges with a darker varnish so that the leaves contrast in color with each other.

    Cheerful modern script for youth autumn ball in the club

    Fun contests for the autumn ball in the club

    1. Team competition "Sixth Sense".It is necessary to form several teams, each of which can have 4 people. They must stand one after the other. Each participant receives a piece of paper and a pencil. His task is to draw what the presenter shows personally to him. And the task of the participant in front is to understand what is drawn on his back. The team whose members complete the task most accurately will be the winner.
    2. Competition "Best Bartender"... The presenter invites three young people, blindfolds them and puts 3 glasses with different drinks in front of them (these do not have to be alcoholic drinks, you can use compote, juice or fruit drink). First, applicants for the title of bartender must determine the name of the drink by smell. The one who does the worst is eliminated. After that, the presenter mixes several drinks in one and gives the participant a try. The person who guesses the most drinks will win.
    3. Contest "Melodies of Autumn".3 people are invited to participate, they are well versed in music. They should sing as many fall songs as possible in turn. The one who does the best will win.
    4. Competition "Autumn Waltz"... Boys and girls are invited to participate. They form pairs. Each pair must waltz with a saber. As soon as the music stops, the guy in the pair should quickly sit down on one knee and raise his hand with the saber up, the girl should sit on one knee with her legs tucked in. The couple that copes with the task the slowest is eliminated from the competition. The competition continues until one pair remains.
    5. Competition "Autumn Wreath". 3 girls are called to participate. Each one is given leaflets and stationery. They need to make wreaths in the allotted time. Whoever copes with this task the best, he won.

    Youth games at the autumn ball in the club

    1. You can spend the game "Best Couple"... It continues throughout the holiday. The presenter invites everyone present to pair up with someone, come up with a name, greeting and musical number. Everything happens impromptu. The winner is determined by the audience by applause.
    2. Game "Poets"... Several people are invited to the stage. They are given cards with 2 words written on them. They need to be quickly rhymed in order to get an autumn-themed quatrain. The audience determines which of the participants will do it best.
    3. Game "Mighty Wind". 2 captains are invited. They form 2 teams for themselves. The essence of the competition is as follows. The captain must blow on the floor to the finish line with colored paper, crumpled into a ball. As soon as he arrives at his location, he will have to direct each member of his team to repeat his feat, but with closed eyes, under the instructions of the "Mighty Wind".
    4. Game "Leaves of Autumn"... 2 teams are formed. Before each team is laid out a stack of leaves - herbarium or cut out of paper. The task of each speed team is to sign each sheet - its name. Whoever copes faster and at the same time will have the most correct answers, he won.
    5. The game "Puddle". All participants form pairs. They must overcome a large puddle in front of them (the puddle can be cloth, paper, or just an area surrounded by chalk). You need to come up with a creative way. Whoever comes up with a more original way to overcome the puddle together won.

    Short sketches of the autumn ball in the club

    Scene number 1: "Weather forecast" (suitable for high school students)

    Scene No. 2: "Concert upon request"

    Scene 3: "Where does a good mood come from?"

    Scene 4: "Autumn Syndrome"

    Scene 5: "Three princesses"

    Songs remake autumn ball in the club

    Option number 1:

    Option number 2:

    Option number 3:

    Option number 4 (suitable for those who graduate from school):

    Option number 5 (another version of ditties):

    Autumn blanks competition for the elderly, photo

    Forcing older people to show their talents in some kind of competitions, at least, is not very decent. Offer them you can compete in what they can definitely be a pro. It could be a competition for winter procurement. Housewives bring their own jars of vegetable preparations. The audience looks at the external beauty, evaluates the taste, and then determines the winner:

    Competition ideas for seniors

    1. Several intellectual quizzes can be held for seniors. For example, who will guess the melody faster.
    2. Another version of the competition is a karaoke song. People in adulthood will never refuse to sing a song from their youth, especially if the singing is accompanied by live music.
    3. Elderly people will not devote much time to making a suit, but they will gladly prepare some accessories. For example, you can sew a herbarium on a suit in a bright autumn color or a fake leaf. In addition, you can make a wreath, neck decoration from leaves and other autumn fruits.

      At the autumn ball everyone can relax as they used to. The main thing is to find an event for the soul. where you don't have to hide behind the mask of a business person, where you can just relax and give free rein to feelings and emotions. We hope that the material in our article will help you organize an autumn ball for the villagers.

      Video: "Autumn Ball in a Country Club"

    Holiday script Autumn ball"Alone with the Autumn".


    To develop students' creative abilities;

    Instill a love of nature;

    Develop speech, mutual assistance, tolerance among pupils;

    Expand and deepen children's knowledge about natural phenomena;

    To form an aesthetic taste in pupils.

    Registration. On the wall there are posters, a photo exhibition with students' works, autumn ikebana, leaves, handicrafts, an audio recording of the composition "Autumn" from PI Tchaikovsky's cycle "The Seasons".

    Event progress:

    Leading: Fall! Our whole poor garden is sprinkled,

    Yellowed leaves fly in the wind;

    Only in the distance they flaunt there, at the bottom of the valleys,

    The brushes are bright red wilting mountain ash.

    A. Tolstoy

    Sadness, deep sorrow overtook our hearts. Warm days are over. The days rolled shorter than each other. Gloomy clouds do not let the sun's rays through, absorbing and reflecting them. But how radiant is the smile of a fine afternoon! October still consoles with dry, excellent days, and bright green herbs, and cold-loving flowers. But let's not be sad. Each season is beautiful in its own way. Especially autumn! After all, Autumn is a beauty contest of yellowness and redness.

    Hello autumn, you came

    Brought beauty to us!

    Host: That's right, let's not be sad, especially since only a good mood and kind smiles make us healthy and beautiful. And now, to raise our spirits, we will hold a small warm-up "Autumn fun"

    Warm-up "Autumn fun"

    1. From the kidneys appear,

    They bloom in the spring

    Rustle in the summer

    They fly in the fall. (Leaves)

    2. Walked lanky, stuck in the damp earth. (Rain)

    3. Came without paints and without a brush

    And repainted all the leaves. (Fall)

    4. Gold coins hang on a branch. (Autumn leaves)

    5. No arms, no legs, but the gate opens. (Wind)

    Host: Guys, do you know the autumn months? Let's call them all a chorus. (Children call the autumn months in chorus: September, October, November.) Well done! All months were named correctly.

    Host: Now I will talk about each month, and you try to guess which autumn month we are talking about.

    1. Golden time! Clear light blue sky. The air became clearer. Dust hit by rains. "Autumn is clearer than summer," says the popular omen. A short but wondrous time ... “The whole day is like a crystal one,” said Fyodor Tyutchev.

    What month is it? (Children's answers) That's right, it's September.

    2. People call this month "breast" from frozen piles of dirt on the roads, "leafy" - from withering leaves. The sky is covered with heavy clouds. It's snowing in half with rain. At the beginning of this month, the river is still running, "talking", and at the end - stops, falls silent. All of it is covered with a bluish transparent ice. Timid snowflakes fluttered over him and covered him with a white veil. This is the month - ... (November)

    3. The root month of autumn, its peak. "Hmuren" as it was called in the old days. And it is not by chance that they call him that. It gives out precipitation longer: it does not pour, but sows. The wettest, wettest month. This is the time of falling leaves. Month - ... (October)

    Host: Well done, guys. They guessed correctly all the autumn months and learned a lot about them.

    Autumn has come, bad weather

    They rush in clouds from the seas;

    The gloomier face of nature

    The sight of naked fields is not cheerful.

    The next competition in our program is related to a natural phenomenon that occurs not only in autumn, but also at other times of the year - this is rain. What happens from rain? (Puddles) Our competition is called “Puddles”.

    Autumn rain poured puddles

    You need to go quickly.

    But you must not only go around all the puddles and not step into them, but also save the vegetables from the garden. What is it? (Carrots, onions, garlic, potatoes, beets, cabbage) on command, you will need to run along these islands to the vegetables, take one and return to your team, pass the baton to another participant. The team that carries all the vegetables first is the winner. (Sheets of paper are spread out on the floor - this is dry land. Everything else is flooded with "water". You need to cross the puddle by land).

    Host: A new time has ripened -

    Not an easy task:

    It's time for you to get down to business

    And show diligence.

    Competition "Shishechki". Fir and pine cones are scattered on the floor. For this competition, I need two people. On command, you will collect cones: one of you will collect only spruce, and the other only pine. On your marks! Attention! March!

    Contest "Shishechki"

    Host: And now Autumn has prepared the next task for us. This is a tricky task, it is called "Finish the sentence." I will begin and you will finish.

    Fell on the flank of a sluggard - ...

    The black man surprises the townspeople ...

    Well done! And you have coped with this task.

    Host: Next game "Harvesting!"

    Host: Well done, guys! It is not for nothing that the people say: "If you have finished your business, walk boldly."

    In the name of firs and birches.

    For the glory of all fields

    In honor of those who harvested

    In the village or in the village.

    Let old and young have fun.

    We continue the ball with a dance.

    Dance competition "" Ah, potatoes! "

    Who wants to perform our traditional dance with potatoes? Probably forgot how it's done? Now let's remember all together. The competition is attended by 4 people. You will dance to the music while holding the potatoes on your head. You cannot hold potatoes with your hands! Whoever keeps the potatoes on his head longer wins.


    October has already come - the grove is shaking off

    The last leaves from their naked branches;

    The autumn cold has died - the road is freezing.

    The stream is still running behind the mill,

    But the pond is already frozen ...

    On this note, we end our holiday. Thanks for attention.

    AUTUMN LIFE. (Scenario of the Day of the Elderly).

    A song sounds off-screen "How young we were"

    Schoolgirl: Old people, young at heart,

    How many ways have you seen, roads.

    They loved dearly, and raised children,

    And we lived with hope: there would be less worries!

    Elderly people, Mother Russia

    You were not spoiled by the Easy fate.

    May God give you peace so that over the river

    The sun illuminated the dome blue.

    Schoolgirl: Elderly people, you are like this in everything:

    You give your soul, experience and love

    To dear home, young world

    And everything that the heart remembers again.

    Older people, even if the years are old

    They will support you, the children will understand everything.

    And low bow to you from family and friends

    And from all our homeland for invaluable work!

    1 presenter : Hello dear guests! We are glad to welcome you to our concert!

    2 presenter : Today is a day of thanksgiving for the warmth of your hearts, for the energy devoted to work, for the experience that you share with the younger generation, with your children and grandchildren - that is, with us.

    1 presenter : Thank you for being there! Thank you for visiting us today! Thank you for giving us your experience, wisdom and warmth!

    2 presenter : October 1 is International Day of Older Persons. This decision was made by the UN General Assembly in 1990, and in the Russian Federation in 1992. And now every year, in the golden autumn season, we honor those who devoted all their strength and knowledge to their people, who gave health and youth to the younger generation.

    1 presenter: So life goes round and round

    Years rush to each other

    But with joy, hope

    The year and the century are full.

    2 presenter: And on an autumn day bright

    Take a concert as a gift

    Our old lover

    Our kind man!

    1 presenter : It will sound for you song:_____________________________________________________________________

    1 presenter: Still, it's a little wrong to call today's holiday the Day of the Elderly, for some reason it once again emphasizes the oppression of years and the problems that you face in your life. It would be more correct to call this holiday the Day of the Wise Man.

    2 presenter: The age of mature, wise people is often called the fall of life ... Just as each season is beautiful in its own way, the age "seasons" of our life are also unique. Whatever troubles overshadow her, everything bad is forgotten. And again we enjoy life, dream of happiness, love ... After all, life is beautiful!

    (The sound of the sea sounds, the cries of seagulls. The old man comes out with the old woman. The old man fixes the spinning rod, the old woman does her hair)

    Old woman: We have lived with you for 300 years and for 3 years you are all at sea and at sea, and I am at home and at home. How can? I'm bored, maybe I want fun, I want a holiday!

    Old man: Why are you old woman, you have gone crazy in your old age, what fun, do business, but forget about stupidity.

    Old woman: You fool, simpleton, go to your fish and ask for fun, ask for a holiday.

    (The old man looks at the aquarium, and communicates with the fish)

    Old man: Nice fish, help me, the old woman took me away, completely overpowered me, wants a holiday, fun, but where are you fish?

    (the old man notices that there is no fish, but a note is floating. He catches it with juicy juice, unfolds it and reads)

    Old man: Dear grandfather! At the moment I am on vacation, if you have any questions about the fulfillment of desires, then contact the host of the program ...

    Old man: Dear presenter, fulfill the wish of my old woman.

    1 Leading : With pleasure! Now _______________________________________________________

    1 Leading: Years are like leaves in the past.
    Let it be powdered with gray whiskey-
    You are the kindest, closest to us,
    And we bow low to you to the ground.

    2 Leading: Do not succumb to disease and old age,
    Live a century without knowing fatigue.
    Children grow up and families are born
    Life is not worth it, your life goes on.

    For you speaking _____________________________________________________________________________

    2 presenter: Life is a series of meetings and partings, events from which it, life, actually consists. But it is very important to preserve the fire of the soul, which was once given to us from above.

    1 presenter: Years flew by, and there were hardships,

    And as if you did not notice them,

    And if bad weather comes again

    You will remember the songs of the young winds!

    The song "Bad weather" is being performed

    1 presenter: Any person in his heart is always slightly over ... 17, 25, 30, in extreme cases - over 35. which means that there is always a reason for a kind word, a good joke and communication with interesting people. We hope that tonight will be another personal memorable day for you.

    2 presenter: Having slightly cheered up, we continue our conversation about our guests. Among them are those who

    do not need any anti-aging recipes at all. They are like Energizer batteries, ready for great achievements at any second. The motto of this group is "Old age will not find me at home."

    A song sounds off-screen "How young we were"

    Lead 1
    Each time has its own joys, its colors. Spring - pleases with the first greenery, freshness, and winter - with white fluffy snow and invigorating frost. Autumn pleases us with its generosity, summer with an abundance of colors and flowers.

    Lead 2: This is probably how it is in human life. Youth is always full of hope and love.

    Lead 1 : We sincerely urge you to follow the advice of one old Russian recipe for the rest of your life: (presenters read in turn)
    2 . Take a cup of patience
    1. Pour in there a full heart of love,
    2.Throw in two handfuls of bounty
    1. Throw a mug of humor there,
    2. Sprinkle with kindness,
    1. Add as much faith as possible.
    2. And mix it all well.

    Lead 1: Well, we have our own recipe for youth. First, make your motto the words: "Don't be sad - the whole life is ahead."

    Lead 2: Secondly, never tell anyone how old you are. Then there is a daily social load, a subsidiary farm and a vegetable garden. You will work from the heart - you will immediately become younger and not only a horse, you will stop an elephant on a gallop.

    Reads a poem by Valery Rakhmatullin

    "Our grandmother walks"

    Our grandmother walks, knocking with a stick,

    I say to my grandmother: "Call the doctor,

    You will be healthy from his medicine,

    It will be a little bitter, what's wrong with that.

    You will be patient a little, and the doctor will leave,

    You and I, grandmother, will play ball.

    Let's run, grandma, jump high

    See how I jump, it's so easy. "

    The grandmother smiled: "What do I need a doctor,

    I'm not sick, I'm just old

    Just very old, gray hair,

    Somewhere I lost my young years.

    Somewhere behind the huge, behind the dark forests,

    Over the high mountain, over the deep river.

    People don't know how to get there. "

    I said to my grandmother: "Remember this place!

    I'll go there, float, go,

    I will find your young years!

    Leading 1 Life is a series of meetings and partings, events from which life itself actually consists. But it is very important to preserve the fire of the soul, which was given to us once from above.

    Lead 2: Students in grade 3 read poems (come out and build on the stage).

    The years flew over you like birds,

    You have known the happiness of life in your labors.

    Childhood, the beginning of the path,

    Happier times are hard to find.

    Youth opened the ways of the universe,

    Time of wonderful knowledge in life.

    Years of study, struggle and labor,

    Many misfortunes were tempered by the war.

    We survived the battles, we had children,

    New songs sang with delight.

    Believed in a miracle for all time

    Love gave happiness then.

    Children grew up, and you grew up

    The best people of a great country.

    They built castles, grew wheat,

    The cosmos has opened borders for you.

    In general, it was not in vain that this world was visited,

    The world on the planet has changed slightly.

    Children have already given you grandchildren,

    There is a continuation of the great Russia!

    A holiday today for all time

    Your native country congratulates you!

    2 presenter: What a holiday without ditties and without a button accordion. Come on, _____ go on stage!

    PIECES -

    On my sundress
    Cockerels and cockerels
    There is no more beautiful in the whole world
    My lovely grandmother!

    My grandmother's
    The new apron is bright.
    Accept, granny,
    Gifts for the holiday!

    I'm ready to suffer all day
    Without yours, without pies.
    I suffered before
    One big nose remained.

    I say to my grandmother:
    “Don't sing in the evening!
    When I hear your voice
    Now I'm running home! "

    Oh yes, my grandmother,
    Oh yes fighting:
    Knows so many anecdotes
    How much I don’t know!

    And my granny
    The most entertainer.
    If she laughs -
    The sun shines brighter.

    I went to my grandmother,
    Merry yes removed:
    I with my snub nose
    Two dozen worn out!

    I look like my grandmother
    I'm restless.
    And my granny
    The most fun!

    2 presenter: Grandma is good. And grandpa is better. Do you remember how the classic has it: "Children, just give it a time, you will have a squirrel, and there will be a whistle"?

    1 presenter: In the life of every person there have always been, are and will be grandparents. And, probably, out of love and gratitude to grandparents, some wise man declared October 1 as the international day of the elderly.

    Presenters2: I know the law is simple.

    Old does not mean old.

    Who said he was elderly.

    Like looking at life wearily?

    Yes, you can't say - in bulk

    We have strength, but sometimes

    Can we shake it, perhaps

    Something and wherever!

    And not only the old days,

    We can shake it with a silushka.

    Our business is old

    But not old, not at all.

    You do not look at the dates.

    Years past dust

    In general, it's too early for us guys

    Early (write off for junk)

    We live not only the same

    We are still looking ahead.

    And, as long as we hold a glass,

    We'll give you a Forum!

    1 presenter: Who invented

    That old age is not joy?

    These are just empty words.

    Let fatigue lurk in the eyes

    And the head is already turning gray.

    Well, the heart is still passionate

    And the thought works clearly.

    Look how beautiful autumn is!

    The air is bright, clear and clean.

    There is beauty in every season

    So any age is fine.

    There are a lot of mental strength left

    The minds do not grow thin over the years,

    And a beautiful wise old age

    Getting younger by the arrival of winter.

    1 presenter: Our dear, wise young guests, we thank you for coming to our concert and in the end we want to wish all earthly blessings, goodness, prosperity, may your loved ones fill your life with warmth, light, joy!

    2 Lead: May every day
    What fate has taken away
    Brings joy with the sun rise.
    And a lucky star shines on you
    Keeping from troubles and hardships of life.
    1 Lead: Good luck and sincere laughter,
    I wish you health for many years.
    We wish you success in all matters,
    And we are always glad to meet you!

    2 Lead: We are like no hands without you.

    Presenter 1. And therefore we say to you again "Happy Holidays!" and

    Leading (in chorus): Goodbye! Until next time!

    2 presenter: How? It's all? What about gifts?

    1 presenter: Really. From the bottom of our hearts we have prepared small bouquets of flowers for you. Please accept them as a souvenir of this concert.

    Warm your palms - straighten wrinkles

    "You will grow up to a hundred years without old age."

    "No need to be sad - the whole life is ahead." "We are years old - it doesn't matter."