Modern scene for February 14th. Events for the holiday

Valentine's Day scenario for students "Ah, Love, love" ideal for a youth evening, it has a lot of irony and lyrics, warm words and various small scenes (miniatures) on the theme of love and holiday . The beginning of the evening is built in the form of a concert, the program of which includes several songs-alterations about St. Valentine's Day, if desired, other concert numbers can be added to it. And the finale is traditionally youthful: music and dancing.

The introductory part of the Valentine's Day script.

Presenter 1: Good evening dear students!

Host 2: We are glad to meet you, young and beautiful girls and boys!

Presenter 1: Greetings to all happy lovers!

Host 2: And all the hopelessly in love!

Presenter 1: We are talking for now, because perhaps today everything will change for the better! After all, today is a special day - Valentine's Day, when all hearts open towards Love!

Host 2: And even if the whole history of this holiday is just a legend and St. Valentine has never been in the world, the holiday already lives its own life, and each of us on this day hopes ...

Presenter1:.. get a declaration of love

Lead 2: find your other half

Presenter 1: to save love and relationships that have gone wrong

Lead 2: And today we all believe that the impossible is possible and that Saint Valentine is a real magician.

Song-alteration for Valentine's Day "Ah, love!"

To the tune of the song "Blue Flax"

1. Mastered the whole world,

And today he rules the feast ... Oh, love!

And the fire burned in the hearts,

It's like the sky is under your feet... Ah, love!

This day became our fate

Betrothed me to you... Valentine!

Are you a priest or a passerby,

Looks like a wizard .... Valentine!


After all, he is a magician - Valentine,

He gives us love.

And in reality the whole world is filled with dreams,

Maybe Valentine is just joking with us!?

Will spin like a serpentine

In a love story Valentine.

2. And again driven by the winds,

It will cover us like waves ... Oh, love!

A fire will flare up in the heart again,

Will become the main words: "Ah, love!"

The night will pass silently by

We will be bombarded with starfall ... Oh, love!

We will part with the dawn

With us will know about it, only love!


After all, he is the magician Valentine,

He gives us love!

And everything around shines with a bright color,

It's probably Valentine's fault!

Presenter 1: (he comes out and sings: “After all, he is the magician Valentine ...”) And, really, who was Valentine really? What do we know about him? And why was a holiday dedicated to him?

Host 2: One of the legends says that he became famous for secretly marrying warriors of the Roman army in love, who were strictly forbidden to marry until their term of service ended, and it lasted as long as 25 years. So much to wait for lovers, as you understand, it was beyond the power.

Presenter 1: The cause, of course, is noble: to unite lovers, but why was he canonized as a saint?

Lead 2: Let's listen to one story.

The history of the holiday "Valentine's Day or Valentine's Day".

In the third century BC

There lived a priest simple Valentine,

Despite the emperor's ban,

He married military men in love.

It was in the reign of Claudius,

He strictly judged violators,

He did not know mercy and mercy,

And Valentine ended up in prison.

And, oh, miracle!

In prison, forgetting about suffering,

He himself fell in love with the warden's daughter,

On hearts I wrote confessions to her,

Sending them all on the last night.

He lived for love and died loving

His deeds will not be forgotten by posterity.

After all, he glorified himself with love!

Presenter 1: Some sad story, but love is a joyful feeling, and Valentine's Day is a fun holiday, and therefore, we will have fun and rejoice that we are young, in love and that we have gathered together in such a wonderful company!

Song-alteration "Valentine's Day"

To the tune of the song "It's great that we are all here .."

1. Today is Valentine's Day, no one knows where,

Words of love, confessions to the souls spread.

Our college (University)

Our college (University) swayed from magic and miracle,

It's great that we are all here today!

2. May we remember this good evening forever,

When warmth and tenderness spread throughout the hall,

And each turned out to be a little, but in love,

It's great that we are all here today.

Presenter 1: Ah, love! And you (referring to his co-host) Do you feel how “warmth and tenderness” spreads through our hall?

Host 2: Of course, I'm just sure that only lovers are here!

Presenter 1: Is that all?

Host 2: Absolutely, each of us has tender feelings for the opposite sex, for parents, friends, for pets or favorite activities. Now I will prove it to you.

(To the audience):

The one who loves mom and dad - clap your hands (clapping)

And who walks under the moon - stomp your feet (stomp)

Who is in love with his computer - clap your hands (clapping)

And who loves food and sleep - stomp your feet (stomp)

Presenter 1: I think you are making it easy. These are just pleasant joys of life, and true love is something more, it is a miracle, a fairy tale, magic ..

Host 2: I would like to see it with my own eyes. I propose to play with the help of talents from the audience the fairy tale "The Miracle of Love", inspired by Mexican melodramas (two participants are invited from the hall, the role of the prompter is played by one of the presenters)

Presenter 1: Do not worry, everything will turn out great for you, just improvise and portray everything that you hear about, and what our prompter will tell you.

(The participant is given small props and costume elements)

Mexican melodrama "The Miracle of Love"

Host 2: Thanks to the actors! You played great! Applause!

Presenter 1: But our feelings and hearts, as the ancients believed, were played by the gods. Meet the god of love - Cupid!

Costumed number "God Cupid at the Feast of Lovers"

Student life is the most fun time. Most often, it is students who start families. To please them, you can arrange some fun activities for Valentine's Day. And now let's see what fun and original competitions for students on February 14 can be arranged.

The event and scenario for February 14 is very good for students in different universities, etc. Two people of the opposite sex are chosen to participate in it. They can be a pair or chosen randomly. In order to organize crazy races, you need to purchase chocolate bars in advance. In addition, it is necessary to ensure that women wear high heels.

Crazy heel races

Next, determine the distance at which the race will take place. First mark the beginning, and then the finish. They usually celebrate with plates on which chocolate bars are located. Girls should be around them. At the finish line, the guys should sit down and open their mouths wide. Now the signal should sound. After that, the young woman grabs her sweetness, runs to the young man, puts it in his mouth, and then quickly returns for the next one.

As soon as one cup of tiles is empty, the game ends. These scenarios and competitions for February 14th for students are delicious, and since the men will get a lot of chocolate, they will certainly be very pleased with it. But women need to come up with some special prize.

Such funny competitions for February 14 for university students will definitely please the latter. The event is a bit vulgar, people need to be without complexes. It would be nice if the couples were already formed. To hold the Cubes, you need a guy and a girl. Chairs according to the number of women are needed. In addition, you will need the cube itself.

Valentine's Day Cube Contest

You can make such a thing yourself for Valentine's Day. However, instead of numbers, parts of the body should be depicted on its faces, they can be like this: lips, neck, shoulder, and so on. Chairs are placed in the center of the platform. Girls come out to them and sit on them. The boys must now take turns rolling the dice. What falls out is what needs to be kissed. Whoever kisses all the indicated parts of the body faster will receive a prize. By the time this game can be long, but it is quite interesting. Such a scenario will be funny, funny and will appeal to all participants.

Cut out the heart

Such an interesting idea of ​​​​a funny and fun competition for February 14 for students should please them. To conduct it, you will need paper, scissors and some kind of tape. The couple becomes close, after which their hands are tied. Everyone who plays Heart Cut must, using only their free hands, actually do this.

Presenter 1: Love is not everything: not bread and not water,
Not a roof in a downpour, not naked clothes,
Not a trunk floating towards the drowning when
Already exhausted strength and hope.
Love does not replace air
When there is not enough breath in the lungs
Does not splice the bone, does not purify the blood,
But without love, sometimes they die ....

Many centuries ago, the soldiers of the Roman Empire were not allowed by law to marry. Under pain of death, it was forbidden to consecrate such marriages to the ministers of the church. But there was a man who, despite a cruel ban, secretly consecrated the unions of lovers. When this became known, he was executed. His name was Valentine. From more accurate sources, there were two Saint Valentines who died in Ancient Rome in 269 and were revered on the same day. One of them was a preacher and physician in Rome. Another Valentine, Bishop of Ternii, lived 60 kilometers from Rome. Both were executed. February 14 is a day of remembrance for both of them, but why is it still a holiday for lovers?

Presenter 2: There are a lot of legends and conjectures in this regard. And what is most surprising - almost all of them are beautiful and romantic. Valentine's Day coincides with the tradition of fortune telling. According to an ancient English belief: on February 14, when nature turns to spring, the period of mating games begins for birds: they divide into couples and thereby open the "season of love". And one more confirmation that February 14 is Valentine's Day: while awaiting execution for his faith in one of the Roman prisons, St. Valentine composed a letter to the warden's daughter and signed it with the words: "Your Valentine." Then he miraculously healed her from blindness, but despite this noble deed, he was executed.
Presenter 1: A sad story, of course, but we are optimistic today and following the tradition that exists in England and the USA, we are now celebrating Valentine's Day. And, in fact, why didn’t we have such a holiday? After all, we have so many people in love.

Presenter 2: Yes, perhaps everyone is in love; some for a wife, some for a classmate, some for a movie or pop star, some for the president, some for their profession, etc. And if so, then we should have such a holiday!

Our entertainment program is for you, if you have not become a complete bore, have been in love at least once in your life and have not lost the ability to enjoy life.

(Soundtrack: "Habanera" from Bizet's opera "Carmen".)

Presenter 1: Questions to the audience:

What is the title of the piece that has just been played? Who is its author? Who wrote the novel "Carmen"? (Prosper Merimee).

Who first performed the title role in the ballet "Carmen Suite"? (Maya Plisetskaya).

Presenter 2: Now we are inviting to the stage those who are called Valentina or Valentin. Let's get to know the people who have such a beautiful name. I propose to conduct a short interview:

Do you like your name? Do you know what it means? (translated from Latin - strong, healthy).

"You can fall in love many times, but love only once .." This is from Kalman's operetta "Silva". What do you think about this statement?

"I remember a wonderful moment, you appeared before me..." Do you remember this moment? How it was?

"Who can compare with my Matilda." Can you say that about your lady of the heart? Why?

“Love will suddenly come…” Or do you think that you still need to prepare for that event?

One of the musical heroes claims that "the heart of a beautiful woman is prone to treason." Do you join him? Or do you have your own point of view?

“Love is never without sadness…” Have you often had or have to be sad during this period?

Do you think the car is an assistant in love or a hindrance? Or do you have a different opinion on this matter?

We had an interesting acquaintance with Valentina. Thank you and in honor of the World Valentine's Day, take some souvenirs.

Presenter 1: And now for all the participants in today's program - a little warm-up,
You name famous people whose name is Valentin or Valentina. The one who names the last one gets a souvenir of our program (Valentin Gaft - actor, Valentin Kataev - writer, Valentin Levashov - composer, Valentin Nikulin - actor, Valentin Pikul - writer, Valentin Rasputin - writer, Valentin Serov - artist, Valentin Smirnitsky - actor, Valentin Yudashkin - fashion designer, Valentina Vladimova - actress, Valentina Grizodubova - pilot, Valentina Legkostupova - pop singer, Valentina Leontyeva - television announcer, Valentina Malyavina - actress, Valentina Ponomareva - singer, Valentina Serova - actress, Valentina Talyzina - actress , Valentina Telichkina - actress, Valentina Tereshkova - cosmonaut, Valentina Titova - actress, Valentina Tolkunova - singer.
(Note: you can play the reverse, i.e. say the name, surname and ask who they are).

The winner of the competition is awarded.

Presenter 2: In February, not only Valentina has an angel's day, but also Anna, Maria, Victor, Evgeny, Ivan, Alexander, Dmitry, Xenia, Svetlana, Zoya ..

We invite those who have an angel's day in February to the stage.

I will give each participant a card with one name of famous literary and musical heroes written on it. You need to find your partner as soon as possible. For example, Ruslan is looking for his Lyudmila, etc. As soon as the "lovers" find each other, they should immediately come up to the microphone and name the names of the duet they have composed.
(Master - Margarita, Andrei Bolkonsky - Natasha Rostova, Eugene Onegin - Tagiana Larina, Lensky - Olga, Ivanhoe - Lady Rowena (Walter Scott "Ivanhoe"), Albert - Giselle (Adan's ballet "Giselle"), Edwin - Silva (Kalman's operetta "Silva"), Don Quixote - Dulcinea, Kai - Gerda, Romeo - Juliet, Anthony - Cleopatra, Tristan - Isolde, Pechorin - Bela, Chatsky - Sophia.

There is one more small task for the winners of this contest.

On Valentine's Day in England and the USA they send each other greeting cards, letters, parcels, parcels with the obligatory symbol of the holiday - a heart. So, congratulations....

(Participants approach the microphone.)

(Winner's reward ceremony).

Presenter 1: And again a competition for all participants of today's program. Movie auction. You know films that have the word "love", "beloved", "love", "in love", etc. in their titles.

(The winner of the competition will receive a prize).

(turns to him) Do you know love poems? Let's remember the famous Pushkin's "I remember a wonderful moment ..." Let's read it together, I will begin, and you will continue.
I remember a wonderful moment:
Before me (you appeared)
Like a fleeting (vision)
Like a genius (of pure beauty).

In the languor of sadness (hopeless)
In noisy anxieties (vanity),
A voice sounded to me for a long time (gentle)
And dreamed of cute (features).
Years passed. Storm rush (rebellious)
Scattered the old (dreams).
And I forgot your voice (gentle)
Your heavenly (features).

In the wilderness, in the darkness of confinement
Stretched quietly (my days)
Without a god (without inspiration)
No tears, no life (no love)

The soul has awakened;
And here again (you appeared) |
Like (a fleeting vision)
Like (genius of pure beauty).

And the heart beats in (rapture),
And risen for him (again)
And the deity, (and inspiration),
And life, and (tears, and love).

Wonderful. Thank you. Romance for you and for all....

(Names the romance and the performer).

Presenter 2: Dear friends! At the end of our meeting, let me give you some advice-aphorisms of Kozma Prutkov:

"Don't joke with women; these jokes are stupid and indecent",
"He who is passionately in love with one person - endures another only by calculation,"
"In the building of human happiness, friendship builds walls, and love forms a dome"
"A jealous husband is like a Turk."

Host 1: That's it. Thank you for your participation and we hope that "Valentine's Day" will become a tradition in our city and we will meet with you on February 14 next year. Good luck, happiness, love!

Preparation for the holiday.
Prepare a bright poster in advance or print invitation cards.
The poster might read something like this:
"Are you in Love? Are your lips able to whisper hourly "I love you"? If yes, then hurry up to visit the student show - the celebration of St. Valentine's Day. We invite all lovers and amorous to this holiday! Next, indicate the place and time of the holiday.
- Decorate the assembly hall and the college lobby using the main attributes of the holiday - images of hearts pierced by cupid's arrows.
- Organize the work of student mail for the delivery of "valentines".

Introductory part
1st leader.
Good afternoon, our loving and beloved, lovers and beloved!
2nd leader.
We welcome all of you on this wonderful day - Valentine's Day - an amazing day of open hearts.
1st leader.
Dear friends, probably not all of you know about the history of this holiday, let's listen to the ancient legend.

The history of the holiday is told by one of the trained students.

There is a beautiful but tragic legend about why February 14 is called Valentine's Day. Many centuries ago, back in the days of the Roman Empire, it was strictly forbidden for men who participated in wars to marry. There was a Christian bishop named Valentine, who secretly married lovers. People often turned to him in the hope of finding happiness. Upon learning of this, the emperor ordered the execution of Valentine. However, he could not kill the holy feelings of love with this. According to legend, the great martyr Valentine himself, shortly before his execution, fell in love with the blind daughter of his jailer-executioner. And before being executed, he sent her a note with beautiful words about the friendship that arose between them. This was in 269.
People followed his testament - in spite of everything to love and cherish each other's holiday. Since then, Saint Valentine has been considered the patron saint of all who are in love, engaged. He protects travelers, sick children, newlyweds. And to this day, all who are unhappy in love offer prayers to him.
1st leader.
Yes, indeed, a beautiful legend, isn't it, it reminds of another similar legend about Romeo and Juliet.
2nd leader.
I agree, I'll add:
How sweet are love pleasures.
Don't play these games, kids.
Loved by Romeo, son of Montecchi,
Enemy's daughter - Juliet Capulet.
The young man gave Juliet his heart,
And she took it with fear.
The secret was kept by the old man Lorenzo,
They are united by legal marriage.

A musical number is being played.

1st leader.
Dear friends! Today, our student mail was literally littered with letters, our postmen were knocked off their feet in order to deliver the "valentines" to their addressees on time. But it seems that they fulfilled their pleasant duties with honor, and not a single loving heart was left without attention. It's time to take stock and announce "Valentine" and "Valentine" among students and teachers.

The winners of the competition for the largest number of messages received in their address are announced.

2nd leader.
We congratulate our Valentines. The following musical number is announced in their honor.
1st leader.
Do you know when Valentine's Day was first celebrated?
2nd leader.
A long time ago, around the 15th century. On this day, it is customary to call the beloved Valentine, and the beloved Valentine. In the Middle Ages in England, the highlight of the Valentine's Day program was often a game - the appointment of Valentine and Valentine.
1st leader.
And what beautiful gifts they prepared then for loved ones, what poems they composed! There was only one main requirement for gifts on this holiday: they must be in the shape of a heart. Whether it's a sofa cushion or a craft box, a hairpin or a keychain. And if the gift was rectangular, then it was decorated with a heart cut out of paper. Often in the old days they wrote or embroidered on donated hearts, engraved or cut out all sorts of frivolous inscriptions - wishes in verse.
2nd leader.
We will return to such wishes, but for now, congratulations to all lovers, We give you this dance,

A dance number is announced.

1st leader.
On Valentine's Day in Europe, it was customary to send "valentines" to your beloved - bright homemade postcards and drawings in the form of hearts, and everyone wanted to express their love and worship in an original form. The first "valentines" appeared in the XVIII century. According to custom, it was necessary to compose a poem appropriate to the moment. It was precisely such a postcard that the hero of Dickens, Sam Knotler, could not write for an hour and a half. Constantly crossing out and rewriting the words, planting blots, he eventually “forced out” the message of his beloved, and then listened to the instruction of the practical dad that you shouldn’t waste your holiday time on rhymes. It was for people like Sam Weller, for those who did not feel a poetic gift in themselves, that special collections of short love poems were published at that time - for any occasion! The collections were titled "The Thrill of Love" and "To a Sentimental Writer on Valentine's Day".
2nd leader.
We are almost sure that there are many poets among our students, and we propose right now to organize a small competition for the best short love letter, it does not have to be addressed to a specific person, the form of address and literary style are important.
1st leader.
Yes, impromptu is not a bad thing, but let's turn to professionals.

The next number is announced - love poems.
2nd leader.
Today, the 21st century is already in the yard, the century of speed and pragmatism. New orders have supplanted old customs. Ready-made “valentines” began to go on sale, neatly and elegantly decorated with real flowers, lace, feathers ... And the style of these messages is either sentimentally sublime or playful. For example: "Here is the key to my heart ... Use it before I change the lock." These lines may make you smile, but they will also make you think. The most passionate admirers, not wishing to be limited to a postcard, send gifts today to their beloved on this day. Usually it is chocolate or red roses. However, as before, the only and indispensable condition for any message is still anonymity.
1st leader.
And on this Day we congratulate everyone on the holiday of lovers, and wish not only on this Day to receive as many “valentines” with warm words as possible, but also that a wonderful feeling of Love will accompany, support and inspire you throughout your life! Happy Valentine's Day to you!

1. Romantic music sounds, the lights are off.

Love! Love! And in convulsions, and in the coffin
I will be on my guard - I will be seduced - I will be embarrassed - I will rush.
Oh honey! Not in a coffin snowdrift,
I won’t say goodbye to you in the cloud.
M. Tsvetaeva.
The wanderer passed, leaning on a staff, -
A cab rides on red wheels -
For some reason I remember you.
In the evening, the lamp will be lit in the corridor -
I will definitely remember you.
Whatever happens, on land, at sea
Or in the sky - I remember you.
B. Khodasevich.
You are heavy, love memory!
I sing and burn in your smoke,
And to others it's just a flame,
To warm the cold soul.
A. Akhmatova
I love you with a capricious dream,
I love you with all the strength of my soul,
I love you with all my blood young
Love you, love you, hurry up!
K. Balmont

2. Sounds louder, music. Leader exit.

Good evening!
You, of course, understood that today we dedicate our program to the eternal theme - love.
We have some great reasons to talk about love.
First, your youth.
Second, Valentine's Day. Probably, some of you may ask a reasonable question: "What does Valentine have to do with it, and even more so a saint?"
And our answer will be extremely simple: the fact is that the whole of Europe has already been a copyright-by-holiday for a very long time, and after it America is celebrating today, February 14, Valentine's Day, or St. Valentine's Day.
The history of the origin of the holiday is lost somewhere in the mists of time, but now it is associated with one romantic legend.
A certain Valentine was unjustly convicted and imprisoned. According to the verdict of the court, he was to be executed on February 14.
But the daughter of the head of the prison fell in love with him, an exceptionally kind and gentle creature, who, unfortunately, was blind.
This love did a miracle - the girl began to see clearly. Later, Valentine was canonized, that is, elevated to the rank of saints.
Then Stendhal wrote the novel "Parma Monastery" about this.
Or maybe it was not so, but today it does not matter.
It is important that all lovers received their holiday and an extra reason for ardent confessions, tender hugs and gifts.
So we congratulate everyone who is in love. Love each other. Please each other.
Dear viewers! We have a nice message for you - today you will receive traditional holiday messages. They are called: Valentines. And besides that, small gifts.
Here it is, the beginning of the tradition for lovers - valentines. Try today to write such a "valentine" to your girlfriend or friend. And your chances of a reciprocal feeling increase many times over.
Host: Don't you believe me? Try it yourself.

But it seems we have digressed from the topic. After all, we decided to talk about love ..
And on such a day, one conversation about love is not enough. We need a tournament. Tournament in honor of beautiful love. And if the tournament, then we need knights.
Now we will find them!
Too bad you have to look. But there was a time when there were no men in the world ... but there were solid knights. They spent their time in tournaments and battles, and devoted their leisure time to serving the Beautiful Ladies.
And the ladies loved the knights, because they were often and for a long time not at home ...
... Because feats were more often performed on the side. On someone else's. And again, in the name of the Beautiful Ladies.
"In the name of the Beautiful Ladies!" - this is the name of the first part of our tournament. So, welcome the brave youths, the knights of our day, who are ready to take this stage.

3. Music sounds at the exit of the boys.

The facilitator introduces the participants.

Do any of you know what the name Valentine means?
Answers: Valentine means "healthy" in Latin.
Competition "Compliment"
Knights! Women are known to love with their ears. This truth does not require proof, but requires affectionate words. Remember what you could say to your girlfriend, what compliment would you give.

Participants take turns giving compliments. If one of the participants is in difficulty, the presenters turn to the next, and so on until the winner is identified. After the end of the competition, the word is presented to the jury. Summing up. The winners are awarded small heart tokens made of red thick paper. (For each correct answer)
Competition "Understand me"
A loving heart can understand and forgive a lot. The ability to understand another is a rare quality of character, not everyone is given this. But since it is simply necessary for loving couples, now we will work out a little in it.
Imagine this situation: on the other side of the road, along which cars are constantly moving, you saw your good friend. You would love to invite her. Where - it will be clear later. And since she cannot hear your words, you will have to use facial expressions and gestures. Our second competition is called: "Understand me without words." Before starting it, I ask the participants to go down to the hall and find a helper.

4. Music for the competition sounds.

Participants descend into the hall and choose their assistants. Together they rise to the stage. The girls stand on one side, the knights on the other and receive a task. Approximate tasks: invite to a ballet, to hunt, to a ski trip, to a circus, to a disco, to watch an action movie. Participants take turns doing the task. Assistants guess. Then the task of each is read aloud. Summing up. Heart tokens are awarded.

Dear knights! It so happened that the fair sex appreciates in men, first of all, the mind. And now you have to demonstrate your intuition and intelligence. I will read a short passage from the book, and you have to guess which hero we are talking about.

COMPETITION "Literary heroes"
For each participant, an excerpt from a literary work is read out.

"I'm not going to tell you who I suspect and what guesses I'm building. I need facts set out in the most detailed way, and I'll compare them myself." (Sherlock Holmes).

How languidly he was silent,
How eloquently eloquent
In heartfelt letters, how careless.
One breathing, one loving,
How could he forget himself!
(Eugene Onegin).

"You should not be surprised either by my horse, or my spear, or shield, or squire, or my armor, or the pallor of my face, or unusual thinness, for now you know who I am and what my occupation is."
(Don Quixote).

"The young man entered the city in a green waist suit. His mighty neck was wrapped several times with an old woolen scarf, his legs were in lacquered boots with an orange-colored suede top. There were no socks under the boots."
(Ostap Bender).

"A young Gascon, in a beret adorned with a likeness of a feather, an open and intelligent look, a hooked nose, but finely defined, too tall for a young man."

"It turned out that the back of my horse was cut off cleanly, and the water he drank poured out from behind without lingering in his stomach. I was stunned, what a strange thing."
(Baron Munchausen).

Dear knights, go to our impromptu dressing room and, please, choose the elements of the costume that, in your opinion, correspond to the hero you guessed.

Participants come to a table with props and choose the necessary elements.

And now - the task. Having put on what you have chosen, congratulate all the Beautiful Ladies present here on behalf of your hero on today's holiday. (out of competition)

Competition "Harem"

Host. As we know, men love female attention and we invite them to create their own harem. So, our newly-made "sheikhs" here are bracelets for you (rubber bands for money of different colors), you must go into the hall and put your bracelets on the ankles of the girls. The more there are, the better for you.

5. Music for the competition sounds.

Congratulation. Summing up. Heart tokens are awarded. The three participants with the most points (tokens) advance to the final. The rest are awarded incentive prizes. All participants descend into the hall.

6. Musical pause. Song

The first part of the tournament in honor of beautiful love is over. We have knights. Now we hasten to introduce our ladies.

7. Music sounds at the exit of the girls.

Presentation of the participants.

Competition "Find a couple"

Dear ladies! Of course, you remember that in the good old days every lady had her own knight. And until now, their names are on everyone's lips. Now I name some famous lady, and you are the name of the man who is associated with her. Together they make the world famous love couples. First we will practice with the audience. Juliet - (Romeo), Desdemona - (Othello). Now try it yourself.

There is one name for each participant. Constance Bonacieux - (d'Artagnan), Josephine - (Napoleon), Ophelia - (Hamlet), Assol - (Arthur Grey), Dulcinea - (Don Quixote), Angelica - (Geoffrey de Peyrac), Mercedes - (Count of Monte Cristo) . Summing up. Heart tokens are awarded.

Competition "Idol"

What a beautiful lady without an idol! Of course, it is difficult to find such a hero in which all the desired qualities would be combined, but you can try. And we will limit the search circle today to famous film actors. We ask each participant to name their favorite actor. (They name the actors.) Focus and list as many films as possible in which he starred.
The girls take turns completing the task, the presenter counts the number of films named by the participants. The results are summed up, heart-tokens are awarded.

Let's talk about the virtues of today's young people. I so want to have a reliable, attentive, business companion nearby. It is very difficult to make a choice, but you, our dear ladies, still have to. For these are the conditions of our next competition. So, dear participants, we ask you to go down to the hall and among the audience choose the most real, at first glance, a man.

8. Music for the competition.
The girls go down to the hall and look for guys to help them. Rise with them on stage.

A real man understands everything: fashion, films, weather and, of course, household chores. Now they will demonstrate their skills and give the ladies extra points. The task is simple: blindfolded to determine the type of cereal.

Competition "Krupa"

Each couple, blindfolded, names the type of cereal: the girl brings it, and the young man determines what kind of cereal he got.

Now let's talk about the sore. Our second task for young people: to determine today's exact price for the things that we will show you.

The item is taken out. Each participant says his own version of the price, and then the host calls the exact price.

Contest "Attentive"

Ladies love it when their companions are attentive to them. They are pleased when they notice the beauty of their hairstyles, dresses ... Young people have been looking at our participants for quite a long time. It is interesting what they saw, what they managed to notice. We ask each couple to stand with their backs to each other. We will now ask each young man three questions about the clothes, shoes and other details of the toilet of the subject of your attention. The goal is to answer as accurately as possible. The success of the participant you help depends on this.

Questions are being asked. The results of all three competitions are summed up, heart tokens are awarded. Young people descend into the hall. The three girls with the most points advance to the final. The rest are awarded incentive prizes.

9. Musical pause. Song ...
Solemn moment: the final of the tournament in honor of beautiful love.
Three ladies and three young men who have won the previous tests, we ask you to come up to the stage.
Our final competitions are not for singles, but, as you already understood, for couples.
In order for us to form such couples, we will not torment you with questions, as in the TV show "Love at First Sight".
Let, as in life, everything will be decided by chance.
We give young people cards with the names of famous people, of course, men.
And for our ladies, of course, cards with the names of their favorite women.
Thus, we will get pairs.

Couples are formed conditionally: Pushkin - Goncharova, Vysotsky - Vladi, John Lennon - Yoko Ono. These surnames are written on cards that are used only for pairing.

Now it's easier for you. Now you two. And for starters, the knights will give flowers to the ladies. Go to our flower girl Anyuta and take the bouquets.

Contest "Hand the Bouquet"

Leading.Now let's warm up a little. Imagine that you made an appointment at this place. Your girl is coming. Give her a bouquet.

10. The music for the competition is romantic.

Participants take turns handing bouquets.

Competition "Poets in captivity"
Love and poetry are inseparable. In spring, each of us is a bit of a poet.

Leading. This competition has two parts.

Now the girls will read us a prepared verse about love.

And the young men at this time will present themselves as poets and ....
You have heart cards in your hands, on which the beginning of the quatrain is written, which you have to continue.

Each card has the same beginning: "On Valentine's Day I see a strange picture ...".

We give you a minute to think.

While our couples are creating, we ask all viewers to look at the back of their seat. Three spectators have "Happy Place" written on it.
We ask the winners of the lucky seats to come up to the stage to receive their prizes.

Prizes are awarded.

So, let's listen to what lines our couples inspired today's holiday.

Each couple reads their poem: the girl reads the beginning, and the young man continues. Summing up.

Competition "Culinary"

Host. And now we invite the guys to become culinary specialists for a while. I will call the couples in turn the names of the products, and you must quickly determine what kind they belong to (meat, poultry, fish, drink, vegetable, fruit, etc.). for each correct answer - a heart.

1. Artichoke (vegetable)
2. Carp (fish)
3. Pistachios (nuts)
4. Lingonberry (berry)
5. Persimmon (fruit)
6. Gobies (fish)
7. Cherry (berry)
8. Watermelon (berry)
9. Coconut (nut)
10. Kiwi (fruit)
11. Kvass (drink)
12. Blueberry (berry)
13. Parsnip (vegetable)
14. Melon (vegetable)
15. Mullet (fish)
16. Parsley (vegetable)
17. Cheddar (cheese)
18. Kohlrabi (vegetable)
19. Rice (groats)
20. Koumiss (drink)
21. Hazel grouse (bird)

What a holiday without dancing! Now the music will play and you will dance a little. Cavaliers invite ladies! But, now we will organize a love triangle (ball). We hold the ball and dance, and as they say, the third is not superfluous.
Meanwhile, the audience and, of course, the jury are watching and deciding which couple they liked more than the others.

11. Music for the dance competition.

Rock-n-roll (fast) 1 min.

Russian folk 1 min.

Slow "Titanic" 1 min.

For a guessed item, the team receives a heart.
1. Aircraft (balloon)
2. Talisman from the evil eye (pin)
3. Woodworking machine (sharpener)
4. Means for saving rubles (penny)
5. Calcium cubes without "Orbit" (chalk)
6. Table lamp "Retro" (candle)
7. Package "Black Gold" (pepper)
8. Means for "warming up" (yellow plaster)

Competition "Declaration of love".

Host. The most crucial moment in love is a declaration of love.

Leading. You can say I love ... or so to speak, that you will remember for a lifetime! Now we invite couples to think, this will be our final test, and for all of us a very beautiful song sounds, performed by Michurina Lina

12. Sounds minus "Titanic"

That's all. The program of our competitions has been exhausted, it remains only to sum up the results.

To summarize, we ask our couples to go on stage. Jury word.
Summarizing. First, prizes are awarded for 3rd and 2nd places, and then the main prize.
Leading. Love is strong, like a deity,
And equal to the deity
I praise her because
She gives life.
Host. Nowhere have I met God,
Love is visible everywhere.
Our life without its beginnings
Barren and poor.
Host. What to pray - to a deity
Or earthly love?
I call love God
And I pray to her alone.

13. The song "The most beloved" sounds