What foods contain calcium. Everything about calcium: daily requirement, what foods it contains, deficiency and excess

Calcium is the most “popular” mineral in our body. It is the basis of bone tissue; the condition of teeth, hair, nail plates and skin depends on it. In addition, it is responsible for blood clotting, transmission of nerve impulses, muscle contraction and much more. In order for him to successfully fulfill the numerous responsibilities assigned to him, we must take care of the daily replenishment of this vital mineral. Calcium plays a special role in the body of a pregnant woman. After all, a new life is developing inside, which also constantly requires calcium. Therefore, it is very important for everyone (from young to old) to consume foods rich in calcium.

The role of calcium in the body

Calcium is the building block for the skeleton. The percentage of this substance in our bones is 99%. The remainder, 1%, is found in the blood. The total amount of calcium in our body is 1-1,5 kilogram. Based on these figures, it is already possible to assess the value of calcium for the body. But besides its role as the main mineral of the skeletal framework, the mineral has many other important functions for which it is responsible.

Functions of calcium

Carbohydrate metabolism

    1. . Without calcium it will be impossible. As well as the exchange of sodium chloride.

Regulation of muscle contractions

    1. . Calcium is involved in the process of muscle contraction. It controls the functioning of the heart muscles, ensuring normal heartbeat.

Pulse broadcast

    1. . It helps the central nervous system transmit “signals” in the form of nerve impulses. With its help, the activity of enzymes that contribute to the synthesis of neurotransmitters is enhanced.

Normalization of pressure indicators

    1. . The mineral is also needed so that the pressure does not frighten you with its off-scale figures and does not depress you with its underestimated figures. But for greater effectiveness, calcium must have “allies”. The compounds, together with magnesium, potassium and sodium, are responsible for healthy blood pressure readings.

Effect on the degree of blood clotting

    1. . True, he does this a little indirectly. Calcium supports the action of vitamin K, which is responsible for normal blood clotting.

Function of cell membranes

    1. . Helps transport nutrients and other compounds across cell membranes. Mineral ions circulating in the intermembrane space transmit thought impulses. Thanks to which we experience a surge of joy or, conversely, become calm.

“Construction” of dental tissue

    1. . In this case, calcium is as important as the bricks from which the house is built. Without it, there is nothing to talk about the good condition of the teeth.

Maintaining the functioning of the endocrine system

    1. . The mineral has an anti-inflammatory and desensitizing effect on the endocrine system.

Beauty and healthy appearance

    1. . Everyone knows that attractive appearance largely depends on the condition of hair, teeth and nails. With a lack of calcium, the body will instantly respond with dry hair, brittle nails and thinning enamel.

Additional functions

    : “supports the strength” of the immune system, participates in the synthesis of many hormones and enzymes responsible for digestion. Not without his participation, saliva synthesis, fat metabolism and energy metabolism occur.

Important. We constantly need calcium. Every day an adult's body should receive at least 0.8 g of the mineral. The figure increases to 1.5 g when it comes to pregnancy or lactation.

Signs of calcium deficiency and excess

Both deficiency and excessive abundance of calcium lead to undesirable consequences. With proper nutrition, both problems do not threaten a healthy person. If you neglect the rules of a healthy lifestyle, an imbalance of the hormone calcitonin (a thyroid hormone that takes part in the regulation of calcium-phosphorus metabolism) may occur.

Causes of calcium deficiency

Diseases in which calcium is actively removed from the body

    1. . Or in case the disease causes the mineral component to be released from the bone tissue in an abnormal manner.

Low calorie diets

    1. . The desire to reduce calories in food as much as possible leads to the fact that foods containing calcium are removed from the diet or their amount is reduced. Then the body has no choice but to take the missing microelement from the bones, nails, and hair of a losing weight person. Hence the fragility, fragility, dryness, dullness that the former beauty acquires. Teeth and bones become brittle.


    . Over time, it becomes more and more difficult for the body to fully absorb the mineral.


irregular heartbeat;
poor memory performance, confused consciousness;
the appearance of muscle spasms;
bone tissue becomes thin and fragile;
hypertension progresses;
grooves appear on the enamel;
the skin constantly suffers from rashes;
hair and nail plates lose strength;
increased irritability.

Lack of calcium provokes deterioration of health. Cramps and spasms begin to torment, and heaviness occurs during breathing. In this case, the person experiences not the most pleasant sensations - tingling in the arms and legs. If the problem is neglected, it will lead to serious diseases such as osteoporosis. And the cardiogram will “respond” to calcium deficiency. It will be possible to see that impulses have ceased to flow normally to the heart muscle. Excess calcium is considered if its daily volume exceeds 2.5 grams. The phenomenon is called hypercalcemia.

Causes of excess calcium

Wrong menu

    1. . If you overindulge in foods containing this mineral, it is very easy to overwhelm your body with it.

Biological supplements

    1. . You also need to be careful with them, otherwise calcium oversaturation cannot be avoided.

Health problems

    1. . Malfunctions of the thyroid gland and diseases of the nervous system can cause the appearance of excess minerals.


    1. . This concerns irregular intake of vitamin D.


    . Older people have difficulty absorbing calcium. As a result, its excessive accumulation occurs.

Consequences of excess calcium:

problems with the gastrointestinal tract: increased acidity, constipation, nausea and vomiting;
gastrointestinal diseases such as gastritis and peptic ulcers;
thyroid diseases;
poor functioning of the kidneys and bladder;
loss of smooth muscle tone;
increased blood clotting.

If there is an excess of the mineral, a person loses appetite, a feeling of nausea appears, which often causes vomiting. The gastrointestinal tract ceases to function normally, constipation and stomach cramps occur. An excess of calcium disrupts the proper functioning of the brain. Concentration deteriorates and hallucinations may occur. A person constantly feels weak. The kidneys cannot cope with this kind of mineral abundance.

Daily calcium intake

So, we found out that a lack of calcium, as well as too much calcium, leads to serious health problems. How much does the body need this mineral? It is not so easy to answer this question unequivocally. The indicator is influenced by many factors: age, health status, and in women – pregnancy. The average dose of the substance for an adult is 1,0-1,2 g per day. This “standard” was established by the World Health Organization. The table will help you more accurately determine the optimal size of your daily “portion” of calcium.

Women expecting the birth of a child, as well as nursing mothers, should consume more calcium - 1.5-2 g/day.

What factors influence calcium absorption?

Calcium is a capricious mineral. It just won’t be fully absorbed in the body. He definitely needs a “mate”. In order for it to be processed for health benefits, use it in a “duet” with other minerals.

Which elements are calcium better absorbed with?

Calcium and magnesium Without magnesium, calcium will not be absorbed. It will not be deposited in the skeleton, but on the arterial walls. The most magnesium is found in foods such as pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, bran (wheat), bananas, and cocoa. Include them in your diet along with calcium. There are many options - you can make a vegetable salad, season it with yogurt and sprinkle with sesame or pumpkin seeds. Or boil cocoa with milk and drink it with a slice of whole grain bread. If you take magnesium as a supplement, then only 2-3 hours after calcium.
Calcium and vitamin D Vitamin D helps increase calcium permeability by up to 30-40%. It serves as a conductor, without it there can be no question of normal intake of the mineral into the body. Therefore, your diet should include foods such as liver, seafood, fish, and eggs. Walking in the soft rays of the sun is a must. They help in the synthesis of vitamin D. Calcium and phosphorus Another important element for calcium absorption is phosphorus. As a rule, a person rarely suffers from a deficiency of this microelement. But to avoid wasting calcium, use phosphorus-containing foods with it: meat, dried fruits, cereals, nuts. The ratio of calcium to phosphorus should be 2:1.

Which foods are the worst for calcium absorption?

There are a number of foods that slow down the absorption of calcium or even lead to its leaching from the body. Remember these “pests” and try to exclude them from your diet as much as possible:

sauces (canned);
drinks with carbon dioxide;
some vegetables and herbs: sorrel, spinach, beets.

The latter contain oxalic acid, which weakens the effect of calcium in the body. Therefore, it is better to consume the listed products separately.

Which foods contain the most calcium?

Two products are considered to be the leaders in calcium content - sesame and poppy seeds. Just 100 grams of these seeds will provide the daily requirement of the mineral. Therefore, often 1 tbsp. A spoonful of sesame oil, drunk on an empty stomach, is a panacea for calcium deficiency. A lot of the mineral is “hidden” in legumes. Here is a list of foods that contain large quantities of calcium in the form of a convenient table.

Table of foods containing calcium
ProductCalcium content (mg/100g)
hard cheese)800-1200
goat cheese500
Atlantic sardines (canned)380
milk chocolate240
white cabbage210
cottage cheese, kefir, milk (cow)120
crab meat100
sunflower seeds100
green olives (canned)96
green onion86
oysters, anchovies82
sour cream80
dried apricots80
chicken egg58

The numbers in the table break all the stereotypes associated with calcium, don’t they? After all, we are all accustomed to thinking that the most minerals are found in milk and cottage cheese. But, as you can see, these products are located in the middle of the ranking. It must be said that the data in the table is very conditional. They show the amount of calcium in raw foods. But this does not mean at all that the microelement will “reach the addressee” in full. For example, cheese occupies a leading position. But the calcium contained in it is mostly not absorbed and is excreted in the urine. Only a modest portion of the mineral enters the bloodstream.

Benefits of eggshells for calcium deficiency

Many doctors advise treating calcium deficiency with such a folk “medicine” as eggshells. It consists of 90% calcium carbonate - the most easily digestible type of mineral. There are 27 more important microelements as a bonus. Recipes for preparing such food additives can be found in ancient Russian medical books. In the West, eggshell powder has been sold in pharmacies since the 70s of the last century. Recipe:

    1. Wash the eggs well.
    1. Boil them hard.
    1. Clean, carefully remove the films on the inner surface of the shell.
    1. Dry for 2-3 hours in a cool place where there is no direct sunlight.
    1. Grind the shells in a mortar (a coffee grinder will not work, it will grind the product too much and it will lose its value).
    Add 1.5 to 3 g to food every day. Dosage depends on age.

Advice: You can sprinkle eggshell powder on porridge or cottage cheese.

Important: you need to take only chicken eggs. Duck egg shells are not suitable - there is a high risk of infection.

Products containing calcium should definitely be part of your menu. But in addition to organizing proper nutrition, you also need to exercise. During active physical activity, calcium processing improves. Part of the micronutrient that was lost through sweat can be easily replenished with a cup of yogurt. And one more important nuance - avoid stressful situations. When you are nervous, cortisol appears in your body, which removes many important elements from the body. Sports, a proper diet and a good attitude are the three pillars on which a healthy body is based, which does not experience problems with the absorption of calcium.

Calcium plays an important role in building bones, teeth and blood vessel walls. Along with calcium, phosphorus is also present in the tissues of teeth and bones. This compound is responsible for the formation of proteins and enzymes in the body, and also contributes to normal muscle activity. According to doctors and scientists, the optimal ratio of the two elements in question in the body is a 2 to 1 ratio, with more calcium needed. Violation of the proportion leads to an excess or deficiency of one or another substance in the body.

Phosphorus deficiency

This substance is involved in almost all metabolic processes in the body, and its lack can lead to serious consequences:

  • Bone pain;
  • Trembling in the limbs;
  • Exhaustion of the nervous system;
  • Weakness and malaise;
  • Loss of appetite.

There is also a decrease in concentration and nervous system disorders of various types: from insomnia to initial forms of depression. In order to avoid the consequences of deficiency, you should review your diet and monitor your health.

Calcium deficiency

A lack of this substance in the human body can lead to the following consequences:

  • Deterioration of dental condition;
  • Increased bone fragility;
  • Thinning of the walls of blood vessels and an increased risk of infection;
  • Development of osteoporosis.

You can compensate for calcium deficiency with the help of certain foods, for example, by eating tofu, cilantro or almonds.

Also, a balanced diet can be supplemented with a pharmacy vitamin complex and compliance with three rules:

  • Reduce salt intake;
  • Reduce coffee consumption;
  • Reduce your consumption of animal proteins.

The fact is that these products contribute to the leaching of calcium from the body.

Excess phosphorus

Unfortunately, an incorrect lifestyle can quickly lead to diseases associated with an excess of phosphorus in the body. Metabolic disorders and abuse of low-quality protein foods can lead to the development of phosphorus deficiency.

Too high a content of this element in the body can lead to negative consequences:

  • Convulsions;
  • Liver failure;
  • Development of osteoporosis;
  • Dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract.

Excess calcium

A surplus of this substance in the body can lead to no less dramatic consequences:

  • Deposition of calcium salts in bones, blood vessels and internal organs;
  • Osteochondrosis;
  • Development of urolithiasis;
  • Muscle weakness;
  • Kidney failure;
  • Decreased concentration.

A blood test and consultation with a medical specialist can help identify the exact causes of hypercalcemia and select the optimal treatment method.

It is much easier to choose a balanced diet if you know the level of certain substances in food. The table clearly demonstrates the content of phosphorus and calcium in food products.

Table of phosphorus content in food

Product name Amount of phosphorus, mg. per 100g.

Meat and poultry

Pork liver 347
Beef liver 314
Mutton 202
Chicken 157

Fish and seafood

Sturgeon caviar 590
Flounder 400
Sardine 280
Tuna 280
Crab 260
Squid 250
capelin 240
Pollock 240
Shrimps 225
Cod 210

Dairy and egg products

Whole milk powder 790
Processed cheese 600
Russian cheese 539
Dutch cheese 539
Egg yolk 485
Brynza 375
Cottage cheese 220
Eggs 170
Soya beans 700
Beans 500
Oats 521
Buckwheat 422
Rice 323
Cashew 593
Pine nut 572
Walnut 558
Pistachios 490
Almond 483
Hazelnut 220
Green pea 157
Broccoli 65
Cauliflower 43
Beet 40
Tomatoes 30
Carrot 24
Eggplant 24

Fruits and berries

Raisin 114
Kiwi 34
Bananas 22
Plum 16
Cranberry 14
Apples 11
Garlic 152
Spinach 40
Celery 23

Seeds and sunflower seeds

Pumpkin seeds 1233
Wheat germ 1100
Poppy 900
Sunflower 660

Table of calcium content in food

Product name Amount of calcium, mg per 100g

Meat and poultry

Pork liver 5
Beef liver 10
Veal 26
Chicken 10

Fish and seafood

Anchovies 82
Oysters 82
Sardine 380
Carp 50
Crab 100
Pike 20
Salmon 10
Trout 19
Shrimps 90
Cod 25

Dairy and egg products

Whole milk powder 1155
Processed cheese 700
Russian cheese 880
Dutch cheese 1000
Egg yolk 136
Brynza 630
Cottage cheese 164
Beans 150
Oats 56
Buckwheat 70
Rice 8
Cashew 47
Pine nut 16
Walnut 89
Pistachios 105
Almond 273
Hazelnut 188
Green pea 89
Turnip 49
Cauliflower 26
Beet 37
Tomatoes 14
Carrot 27
Eggplant 15

Fruits and berries

Raisin 80
Kiwi 40
Bananas 8
Plum 20
Persimmon 127
Figs 144
Garlic 180
Spinach 106
Basil 177
Parsley 245
Dill 223

Seeds and sunflower seeds

Sunflower 367
Sesame 1474

Canned phosphorus

Phosphorus and calcium for pregnant and lactating women

The expectant mother's need for phosphorus increases 2-3 times. The presence of this element in the mother’s blood is vital for the baby: a sufficient amount of phosphorus is responsible for the normal development of the skeletal and nervous systems of the future person. The same can be said about calcium: the presence of this element in the blood of a pregnant woman is especially important in the third trimester of pregnancy. With the participation of calcium, not only the baby’s skeletal system is formed, but also all his other organs. The importance of the two elements under consideration for nursing women cannot be overestimated: with mother’s milk, the child should receive the entire necessary balance of vitamins and microelements, including calcium and phosphorus. To fulfill these necessary conditions, you should follow a balanced diet and monitor your blood composition.

Good afternoon friends! To feel good, beautiful and full of energy, it is important to eat a balanced diet and give the body the necessary amount of vitamins and minerals. One of the vital microelements is calcium. It is not produced by the body, so it is important to systematically consume foods rich in calcium (Ca).

Not everyone knows what foods contain Ca in large quantities. The main source of the substance is considered to be dairy and fermented milk products, but the matter is not limited to milk, sour cream, cream and kefir. There are many foods of plant and animal origin that can replenish the body’s need for this microelement.

About the beneficial properties of the element

Before you find out which foods are rich in calcium and start creating a daily menu, you need to understand what benefits the microelement brings to the body. There is more of this mineral in the body than others. It is found in bones, nails, hair, teeth. This is why Ca-rich foods are often prescribed for fractures. Calcium is also involved in the functioning of the cardiovascular system, blood clotting, and transmission of nerve impulses.

If you do not eat foods high in Ca, this will lead to bone damage, as well as disorders:

  • cellular metabolism;
  • metabolic processes;
  • reproductive function.

A deficiency of the substance causes insomnia, anxiety, weakness, constipation, migraines, peeling nails, hair loss, and tooth decay. To prevent the appearance of such symptoms, you should know the daily intake of the microelement. Adult men and women need 1000 mg of the mineral per day, children under 3 years old need 600 mg, preschoolers - 800 mg, teenagers 1300 mg.

During pregnancy, the daily norm doubles. With age, calcium is washed out of the bones, so older people need 1200-1400 mg of the substance per day.

Mineral absorption

Calcium itself is poorly absorbed by the human body. To improve the absorption process of the mineral, it is necessary to consume foods that also contain phosphorus, fluorine, iron, potassium and magnesium, as well as vitamins D, B and C. But it is important not to overdo it. If there is an excess of the listed minerals, the rate of absorption of nutrients slows down.

A product with the highest calcium content will not benefit the body if it has a high fat content. Fats form compounds with microelements that settle on the intestinal walls in the form of waste. Food rich in protein promotes complete absorption. nutrition with calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D are indispensable for bone diseases, as well as for people leading an active lifestyle and watching their figure.

Where is a lot of Ca found?

It is generally accepted that kefir, cottage cheese, and milk are the best suppliers of calcium for the human body. Yes, such food contains a lot of this mineral and can be consumed at any time of the day without harm to the figure, but besides dairy products there are others that are not inferior, but superior to milk or sour cream in microelement content. The richest are products of plant origin, namely legumes (peas, beans, soybeans, lentils).

Slightly less substance is found in greens, fruits, vegetables, and cereals. But daily consumption of these products allows you to replenish the body's needs for microelements. A mandatory component of the diet of a person who cares about his health and the condition of the musculoskeletal system are nuts and seeds. Sesame, poppy seeds, almonds - add them ground to any dishes.

The list of the most calcium-containing foods includes meat, fish and eggs. They do not have the highest rates, but they contain the necessary protein and auxiliary elements. The highest Ca content in this food group belongs to sardines. 100 grams of this fish contain 300 mg of calcium.

The exact amount of calcium in different food groups can be found in the table below:

It is important that the food is balanced. A deficiency or excess of any substance can negatively affect health. If you don't get enough calcium from food, you can compensate for this with medications. You can buy calcium carbonate and citrate at the pharmacy. You should only take pills on the recommendation of a doctor, since an overdose of medications can lead to serious diseases of the internal organs.

Now you know what foods you need to eat to ensure that your body functions normally, your bones are healthy, your hair is shiny and silky, your teeth are snow-white, and your nails are strong.

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Winter is a difficult time. The period when vitamin deficiency is the most common complaint, the time when you want energy and vigor, and you need to be especially careful about your diet. After all, many products, for example, the generally recognized source of calcium - milk and its derivatives, have already lost a little in their benefits (as is usually the case in the cold season), and calcium is needed for the strength of bones and teeth, as always.

So you will have to look for other sources of this useful element. There are quite a lot of them in the plant world, but to get all the benefits, you need to use them correctly.

How much calcium do you need per day?

Adults need to consume about 100 mg of calcium per day. Children under 8 years old will get by with 800 grams, but from 9 to 18 years old, in the years when a person grows very quickly, he will need 1300 mg of calcium per day. Pregnant and lactating women require even more - up to 2000 mg per day.

What is calcium for?

Calcium is essential for strong bones and teeth - no doubt. But not only. Calcium is “responsible” for the constriction and dilation of blood vessels, it regulates muscle contractions, is responsible for nerve impulses and the stable functioning of the cardiovascular system. So it is necessary not only for bones and teeth. Moreover, if there is not enough calcium, the body begins to take it from the bones, directing it to more necessary places.

An acidic environment helps dissolve calcium salts and absorb the element itself. This is why it is preferable to get calcium from slightly acidic foods, such as spinach and sorrel. Fatty acids can also help calcium absorption. Just be careful, because a lack of fat, like its excess, slows down the absorption of calcium. Vitamin D is also necessary for the absorption of calcium into the blood, from where it reaches its destination.

For the best absorption of calcium, magnesium and phosphorus are needed. These elements are found in fish, legumes, tofu, cocoa and grain bread. Necessary for the absorption of calcium are eggs, beef liver, and seafood - sources of the vitamin.
Calcium rich foods


Cottage cheese, cheeses, yogurt, sour cream, kefir - all these products are deservedly considered the main sources of calcium. The fact is that they not only contain a lot of it, they also contain it in the most convenient form for assimilation. Absorption is facilitated by milk sugar - lactose contained in milk and products made from it, which is converted into lactic acid thanks to intestinal bacteria.

It should be taken into account that less fatty foods contain more calcium than very fatty ones. Hard cheeses contain the most calcium, about 1000 mg per 100 grams.

Green leafy vegetables

Spinach and all types of cabbage: cabbage, green cabbage, broccoli and cauliflower are rich in calcium. Cabbage contains about 200 mg, the amount of the element varies depending on the type of cabbage. And spinach will enrich you with 106 mg of useful mineral.


Calcium is also found in many types of nuts, and it is well absorbed due to the high fat content of the fruit. Almonds (260 mg) and Brazil nuts (160 mg) are especially rich in calcium.


The record holders for calcium content are modest sesame and poppy seeds. In the first there is 975 mg of useful element, and in the second - about 1500 thousand. This is why it is so important to add these seeds to your food during fasting; you can even make milk from them during fasting days.


Whole grain wheat flour contains calcium in fairly large quantities. There is a lot of calcium - about 900 mg per 100 g - in wheat bran. But the highest grade and finely ground flour does not contain calcium at all. So it is better to eat whole grain bread with bran.

Soy and soy products


Parsley, dill, basil, mustard and dandelion leaves - all these plants also contain calcium. Moreover, there is even more of it in parsley leaves than, for example, in milk - 245 grams.


To make baked goods and other sweet products healthier, you can replace sugar with molasses. After all, one tablespoon of this product contains about 170 mg of calcium.

Calcium (Ca) is involved in many physiological processes, including muscle contraction, heart function, and bone formation. Calcium-rich foods presented in the table can meet the body's needs if there is a macronutrient deficiency.

The calcium norm for adults ranges from 800 to 1200 mg per day, and can increase to 1400-1800 milligrams during pregnancy (due to the formation of the fetal skeletal system) and after menopause (due to low levels of sex hormones and low absorption of nutrients) .

Features of assimilation

The process of calcium absorption in the body involves many vitamins, minerals and acids, which can either improve or impair absorption. The following have a negative effect on mineral absorption:

  • age (children absorb 60%, adults - 45-50%, and in adulthood - 15-20%);
  • oxalic acid, which is part of vegetables, for example, spinach, rhubarb, sprouted wheat grains;
  • phosphoric acid, found in carbonated drinks;
  • refined sugar, especially in combination with fats;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (chronic pancreatitis, constipation, cholelithiasis, reduced stomach acidity);
  • dysfunction of the parathyroid gland (hypoparathyroidism);
  • decreased production of sex hormones.

To improve calcium absorption, it is necessary to ensure a regular intake of vitamins and minerals from food such as:

  • Vitamin D - increases the number of macronutrient transport proteins from the intestines into the bloodstream. Vitamin D is produced in the body under the influence of sunlight and also comes from food (milk, fish, butter, meat).
  • Vitamin C - promotes the beneficial effects of calcium on the condition of the skin, nails, hair and cartilage tissue.
  • Magnesium – ensures even distribution of the mineral, increasing bone density. Sources of magnesium are cereals (buckwheat, millet, oatmeal) and nuts (almonds, cashews).
  • Phosphorus – strengthens bones and teeth as a result of the formation of a crystalline molecular compound with calcium. The largest amount of phosphorus is found in meat, fish, seeds, eggs and cheese.

Also, the process of calcium absorption is beneficially affected by physical activity, for example, running or strength exercises, which stimulate bone formation processes and contribute to the uniform strengthening of bone tissue.

It should be remembered that not only a deficiency, but also an excess of these nutrients can negatively affect calcium metabolism, for example, lead to the formation of kidney stones or the deposition of salts in the joints.

Foods containing large amounts of calcium

To find out which foods contain a lot of calcium, you should use tables with categories such as dairy, legumes, nuts and vegetables, with which you can expand your daily diet and replenish the lack of the mineral in the body.


Dairy products are considered an ideal source of calcium, which is quickly absorbed in the presence of lactose (milk sugar) and low fat content, for example, skim milk and cottage cheese, as well as low-fat cheeses.

Cottage cheese and low-fat hard cheese are leaders among foods high in calcium, as well as sources of proteins, healthy fats, carotene, B vitamins and minerals. For example, Parmesan (32% fat), Dutch (45% fat).

A glass of skim cow's milk provides the body with 30% of the daily calcium requirement (306 mg). Goat's milk is close in composition to cow's milk, but contains 15-20% more calcium and 1.5 times more magnesium. Goat milk contains a lot of carotene, ascorbic acid, iron, magnesium, healthy amino acids and fats.

Products Ca (mg) per 100 g
Milk, 3% 119
Powdered milk 912
Goat milk 131
Yogurt 120
Acidophilus 125
Kefir 130
Curdled milk 118
Ryazhenka 113
Sour cream 141
Cottage cheese 950
Hard cheese 1200
Brynza 600
Milk serum 103


Calcium is found primarily in green leafy vegetables such as parsley, cabbage, spinach, basil, and broccoli.

Basil, both fresh and dried, differs from other vegetables in its large amount of calcium, as well as the presence of mineral, essential, tannins and acids. The benefits of basil include a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous, cardiovascular and skeletal systems.

Products Ca (mg) per 100 g
Basil 370
Parsley 245
Olives 96
White cabbage 210
Kale 150
Broccoli 105
Green onion 98
Garlic 181
Stewed spinach 141
Sun-dried tomatoes 110
Arugula 160

Nuts and seeds

Seeds and nuts are foods rich in calcium, as well as protein, fats (Omega 3), copper, iron and manganese, and are beneficial for heart disease, bone disease, and insulin resistance.

Poppy seeds are high in calcium, manganese, chromium, copper, proteins, polyunsaturated fatty acids and vitamins C, E, D, K and group B. Poppy prevents demineralization of bone tissue and tooth decay, and also promotes bone restoration after fractures.

Products Ca (mg) per 100 g
Sesame 900
Poppy 1450
Cashew 290
Almond 250
Pine nuts 250
Brazilian nut 160
Pistachios 130
Hazelnut 123
Sunflower seeds 100
Caraway 789
Mustard seeds 266
Mustard seeds 245
Flax seeds 255


Canned fish has a high percentage of calcium, phosphorus, B vitamins and complete fatty acids due to the content of bones, which soften during processing and become suitable for consumption.

Canned sardines contain 550 mg of calcium per 100 grams, which makes it possible to replenish half of the body's daily needs. Canned sardines contain iron, zinc, manganese, copper, selenium and phosphorus.


The list of foods containing large amounts of calcium includes legumes (beans, lentils, soybeans), which are also rich in magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, iron and vitamin A. This combination of nutrients improves heart function and strengthens bones.

Soy in the form of tofu, soy cheese, milk, etc. will help prevent the destruction and decrease in bone density in older people, the development of heart disease, increased cholesterol and slow down the aging of cells.

Products Ca (mg) per 100 g
Soy protein 369
Soy cheese 242
Soya beans 102
Soy flour 206
French green beans 190
White beans 240
Soy milk 140
Mash 132
Peanut flour 130
Cocoa 125

Beneficial properties of calcium

Most of the calcium in the body (98%) is contained in the bones in the form of solid crystals, necessary for the human skeletal system, the formation of tooth enamel and dentin. Calcium is also found in blood plasma and muscle cells, where it performs many useful functions:

  • promotes normal neuromuscular contraction of muscular and skeletal muscles, as well as the myocardium (heart muscle) and the walls of the vascular system;
  • enhances the penetration of the cell membrane during the absorption of other macro- and microelements;
  • regulates the processes of conduction of nerve impulses in the brain, as a result of which it affects the formation of short-term memory and brain function;
  • participates in blood clotting;
  • regulates vascular permeability;
  • regulates the acid-base balance of the body;
  • promotes the removal of toxins, heavy metals and radioactive elements from the body;
  • ensures the effective functioning of the immune system due to participation in synaptic transmission processes;
  • in combination with magnesium and zinc, strengthens hair follicles, enhances hair and nail growth.

During pregnancy

Lack of calcium during pregnancy can lead to the development of gestosis - a dangerous disease accompanied by high blood pressure, leading to impaired fetal development in the third trimester of pregnancy, as well as to the destruction of teeth and bones, and is accompanied by muscle cramps, swelling, and hair loss.

In cases where calcium from food is not properly absorbed, calcium single preparations, combined calcium preparations with vitamin D, magnesium and zinc, or multivitamins with a complex complex of microelements are prescribed.

In old age

After 50 years of age, the risk of developing osteoporosis increases, a disease that causes a decrease in the mass and density of bones, which become brittle and prone to frequent fractures as a result of a lack of calcium. To prevent osteoporosis it is necessary:

  • use a calcium diet;
  • engage in physical exercise to maintain stress on the bones, stimulating mineralization;
  • take vitamin complexes;
  • reduce the amount of table salt;
  • reduce meat consumption, as the mineral is used in the process of protein breakdown.