Rules for contouring a round face: step-by-step instructions and recommendations. Face contouring Face contouring scheme

Contouring, structuring or sculpting - all these are names of a special technique for applying decorative cosmetics, which helps to visually correct the shape of the face, make it thinner, more graceful, and bring it as close as possible to an oval outline.

Some girls are lucky enough to have an ideal appearance; their face shape, size and length of their nose are flawless and do not require modeling with makeup. In such cases, to add even more femininity and sophistication, you can make your cheekbones a little darker and highlight the middle of your face with a highlighter. Much more often, thorough sculpting is required, significant highlighting of some parts of the face and darkening of others, which will allow you to get the perfect contour.

Preparatory stage

Simply removing all facial imperfections, such as rashes, redness and age spots, is often not enough. Evenly applied foundation can create a mask effect, while correctly placed accents using the play of light and shadow will not only help create a flawless facial contour, but will also make it sculpted, thereby rejuvenating you for several years.

There is no single makeup scheme that would suit absolutely everyone. A makeup artist, like a sculptor, creates a contour for each type of face according to his own separate rules. The following recommendations will help you apply shades correctly:

  • Using a highlighter, you need to highlight those areas of the face that require highlighting. Basically, this is the center of the forehead, the area under the eyes, under and above the eyebrows, the back of the nose, the middle of the chin.
  • Those areas of the face that need to be hidden should be darkened and made less noticeable. A dark shade is applied to the contour of the face, cheekbones, forehead and jaw if they need to be visually reduced. The wings of the nose are also darkened to make it thinner or even out its shape.

At the preparatory stage, it is important to accurately determine the shape of your own face. To do this you need:

  1. Stand in front of a mirror in a well-lit room.
  2. Pin up your hair so that it does not interfere with your ability to assess the shape of your natural contour.
  3. Sometimes girls even trace the reflection of their face in the mirror with lipstick in order to more objectively determine what geometric figure it resembles.
  4. Determine which parts of the face require darkening. After this it is much easier to perform sculpting.

A detailed examination in front of the mirror will also be required after a trial application of makeup on prepared skin. Sculpting is quite a creative process, and you can try various experiments to determine the best way to apply makeup.

Face contouring

Makeup products

Contour makeup cannot be done without special tools. It is convenient to apply cosmetics to sculpt your face shape using the following brushes:

  • Kabuki is an ideal tool for shading transitions between different shades. Visually, this is a wide brush with a flat cut.
  • Brush with a semicircular cut. With its help, it is very convenient to apply makeup, but for shading, such a tool is not so ideal.
  • Brush with a beveled cut. Necessary for applying cosmetics to the wings of the nose and cheekbones.
  • Volume brush in the shape of a dome. Used to blend powder.
  • A Beautyblender, the sharp tip of which is convenient for applying cosmetics in hard-to-reach places, for example, in the corners of the nose. The opposite part of the beauty blender is used for flawless blending.

Choosing the right tool for applying makeup is an important point in preparation.

After preparing the tools, you should take care of the decorative cosmetics with which you will perform sculptural makeup. Modern manufacturers have significantly simplified the problem of choice, because they are currently producing ready-made palettes with shades that are perfectly harmonious with each other for each type of appearance.

Sculptural makeup cannot be performed with decorative cosmetics containing glitter or shimmer. All products should be matte so that the makeup remains as natural as possible.

A small amount of glitter can be applied only to the cheeks if you are doing evening or holiday makeup.

All cosmetics used to model the contour of the face are divided into two types depending on the texture:

  • creamy products;
  • powder products.

Creamy products are especially good in winter; they create a dense layer on the skin, which serves as additional protection from the effects of adverse environmental factors. This group of decorative cosmetics includes: foundation, cream powder, concealer. The most important thing is that the shades are correctly selected for your skin type, then sculptural makeup will help transform your face, make it thinner or simply more graceful.

Powder products are ideal for oily and combination skin. Contouring is done using powder and matte texture blush. As a rule, several different shades are used in a single color scheme.

This makeup technique, when performed correctly, can work wonders. Most young women have mastered facial contouring a long time ago, and can skillfully use their own skills when applying spectacular makeup. This makes it possible for them to look impeccable in all situations, hiding existing shortcomings and advantageously emphasizing beautiful features.

What is facial contouring?

Face contouring refers to its correction using cosmetics. It helps to veil problem areas of the skin, highlight the advantages of the face, correct its shape, and give expressiveness to facial features. With its support, it is quite possible to decorate quite serious imperfections, for example, facial asymmetry. If there are practically no skin problems, facial contouring can help give your appearance expressiveness, skillfully highlighting its advantages.

Thanks to contouring, it is quite possible to radically change your appearance. As a matter of priority, stylists advise those representatives of the fairer sex who have an extremely high forehead or full face to resort to this technique. Even girls with regular facial features resort to this procedure, for example, to veil dark circles under the eyes or highlight cheekbones.

Contouring (sculpting) will take much more time than applying daily makeup. As a result, it is more suitable for events when the face must look impeccable. For example, for a festive event, photo shoot, video shooting.

Step-by-step facial contouring

To perform this procedure, it is allowed to use both creamy and dry powder products. Nowadays there are countless palettes for face sculpting on sale. Stylists recommend that when purchasing them, focus on popular brands, for example, NYX, Bobbi Brown, MAC. The colors presented in the palette should match your skin tone.

In addition to palettes, it is quite possible to use foundation; it should be of several colors, as well as powder of various tones. It is believed that correction made using powdered cosmetics looks more natural. It is much easier to shade and is much better suited for daily makeup. Contouring using cream-based cosmetics is quite labor-intensive to perform and is more noticeable on the face, as a result of which it is recommended to be used for evening outings, for photography and video shooting.

Important! When choosing cosmetics for this procedure, you should pay special attention to those that are not shiny and have a matte texture.

How to contour your face yourself?

Step 1. The very first and mandatory step is to apply a makeup base and a small amount of foundation or BB cream.

Step 2. Draw dark lines along the edges of the nose using a corrector. The drawn stripes must be smooth and neat. If you want to visually lengthen the nose, then you need to start drawing from the beginning of the eyebrows.

Step 3. Use the corrector to darken the part of the face that is exactly under the cheekbone, and lighten it itself. To determine which specific area needs to be made darker, you need to apply a brush from your earlobe to the corner of your lips and find the dimple.

Step 4. If the forehead is high, then the areas on its sides and the one located next to the beginning of the hair are darkened.

Step 5. The areas around the upper eyelids become slightly darker.

Step 6. Apply a light tone (highlighter) as follows:

  • between the dark lines drawn on the nose;
  • to the center of the frontal lobe;
  • in the corners of the eyes;
  • on the part of the cheekbone located above the previously drawn line;
  • on the area of ​​skin above the upper lip;
  • on the edges of the lips.

Step 7 It is necessary to shade light and dark lines so that all transitions between them are smooth and insignificant. It is better to start this procedure from light areas. Don't forget about the lines of the chin, neck and ears.

Do not forget! If facial contouring was performed with dry cosmetics, then shading should be done during their application.

How to contour your face?

In order to start using this technique, you should determine your face shape. The sequence of your further actions depends on it. To do this, you need to pin up your hair and go to the mirror.

A face is considered round if:

  1. Its dimensions are approximately the same on all sides.
  2. The outline of the chin is smoothed.
  3. Cheekbones are considered the largest part of the face.
  4. The hair growth line is rounded.

A face is considered oval when:

  1. It is elongated.
  2. Its outline is similar to an inverted egg.
  3. The forehead is visually wider than the chin.
  4. The cheekbones are considered the most prominent part.

A square face has:

  1. Large jaw and square chin appearance.
  2. The forehead, cheekbones, and lower part of the face are approximately the same size.
  3. The starting line of the hair is straight.

Women more often consider themselves to have a rectangular face type, which they discovered in themselves:

  1. His elongation.
  2. Large jaw, square chin.
  3. The cheekbones, hairline and forehead are the same length.

Those who have noticed the following most often consider themselves to have a triangular face:

  1. Long face.
  2. The forehead is not wide, and the jaw is the widest part.

Once the shape is determined, you can begin sculpting, taking into account the advice of experts.

Contouring a round face

Contouring of a round face is done by shading the areas on the sides of the forehead and cheeks (up to the angle of the lower jaw). The light tone is applied under the eyes, in the center of the frontal lobe and chin. The goal in the execution of the technique in this case is the extreme narrowing and sharpening of this form.

Contouring an oval face

There is no need to contour a round face; just apply blush. This type is taken as a standard when determining the basic methods. If contouring is required for a photo shoot, we recommend:

  1. Apply a light tone:
    - under the eyes, drawing a triangle;
    - on the main part of the nose, the bridge of the nose;
    - above the lips (in the center);
    - neat stripes from the edges of the lips to the lower jaw;
    - on the center of the chin;
  2. Apply corrector:
    - within the hairline and on the temporal areas;
    - on the cheekbones;
    - from the sides of the nose;
    - on the edges of the chin;
    - blend everything carefully;
  3. Cover your face with loose colorless powder.

Contouring a square face

Square face contouring is performed to correct wide cheekbones. You need to apply a little light tone in the center of the forehead, chin, under the eyes. The lateral areas of the skin on the forehead, temples, corners of the lower jaw and cheeks should be darker.

Contouring a rectangular face

Contouring a rectangular face will require applying highlighter only to the middle of the forehead and chin. The corrector is applied to the forehead and lower jaw; there is no need to apply it to the temples.

Triangular face contouring

Contouring of a triangular face is done by lightening the skin areas below the eyes, the center of the chin and forehead. Darken the areas of the temples, the upper part of the cheeks, slightly touching the cheekbones, forehead (on the sides).

In the video below, the makeup artist will clearly show how to contour an oblong heart-shaped face, so you can turn on and repeat all the steps to be sure to do it correctly.

Rules for facial contouring

Before using this technique, it is recommended to carefully select a palette. It contains liquid-based correctors for dark and light tones. It is better to give preference to one that consists of natural colors, without bright red and orange shades.

If your facial skin is expressionless, then it is advisable to choose cool tones. For brunettes with light tan skin, a palette with warm brown tones is more suitable. Young women with dark skin should pay special attention to dark brown ones with decorative elements.

Before starting the contouring procedure you need:

  1. Clean the surface of the face from contaminants with special cosmetics;
  2. If the skin is dry, then it is advisable to apply a moisturizer. Those with oily skin need to remove shine with lotion;
  3. Concealer should be used to hide skin defects: freckles, age spots;
  4. Apply foundation;
  5. Powder your face.

Besides, make-up artists have developed special rules, which can help representatives of the fairer sex avoid making mistakes when performing this procedure:

  1. There is no need to mix oily foundations with powdered powders. It will not be possible to blur the boundaries of their mixing so that they are invisible;
  2. In order to see the result of the makeup, you should take a photograph;
  3. The effect of “sweaty skin” under the nose can be removed by applying a matte highlighter shade under the nasolabial triangle;
  4. There is no need to lighten the prominent parts of the face too much with pearlescent light tones. This can cause a reflective effect when the camera flash occurs, ruining the photo.

Do not forget! Cosmetics should be applied gradually. There is no need to focus on the makeup itself. Products applied to the skin during this procedure should highlight advantages and hide defects, but not demonstrate the number of cosmetics you have.

There can never be too many lessons, especially when they are given by a famous Russian stylist and makeup artist. You will get very easy and neat contouring just after watching this video.

Contouring is a makeup technique that allows you to correct the relief of your face, distract attention from its shortcomings and emphasize its advantages.

  • For example, with the help of contouring, you can visually lengthen or, conversely, shorten your nose, make your face more symmetrical, highlight your cheekbones, narrow your face, and even remove a “double chin.”
  • It is noteworthy that achieving such amazing results is very simple: just learn how to correctly alternate dark and light shades of foundation.

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The canonical contouring “from Kim Kardashian” consists of as many as 50 stages, but the “light” version will require much less time, effort and cosmetics from you. And the result will be no worse. Let's figure out how to do proper facial sculpting.

Dry or creamy? Choosing facial contouring products

There are two main types of facial contouring: the first is created with products with a dry texture, the second with creamy textures. What is the difference?

Dry contouring

As the name implies, this sculpting is done using dry products - blush or powder. They are usually applied with brushes. Powder products are most suitable for girls with oily skin (they provide a mattifying effect) and makeup beginners: they are the easiest to apply.

Contouring with powder

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Contouring with blush

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Cream contouring

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Cream contouring is done using denser products, the most popular of which are contouring sticks, correctors, and foundations. Cream products are most suitable for dry skin, but today they also produce cream sculptors with a matte finish: they are ideal for oily skin. However, if you are still on the “you” level with makeup, it is better to give preference to powder: cream is more difficult to shade.

Pencil or stick for contouring


Sculpting by proofreaders

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If you don’t have a special sculpting product at hand, for this purpose you can easily use one or two shades lighter or, conversely, darker than your skin.

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For dark or tanned skin, you can use bronzer instead of powder. But make sure that it does not contain shiny particles - this will not be able to imitate a “shadow” on the face.

For very dark skin, a dark highlighter with reddish pigments is suitable, but in general it is better in this case to get by with just one highlighter.

Apply highlighter to those areas of the face where the light first falls: the top line of the cheekbones, the center of the face, the center of the chin, the bridge of the nose.

And, again, consider your skin undertone: if it is reddish or pinkish, a silver highlighter will suit you, and for olive skin, a golden one.

© maybelline

Contouring Brushes

What kind of contouring brush should be and in what cases is it especially useful? Let's figure it out!

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A soft fluffy brush (the kind usually used when applying blush) will come in handy when working on the sub-cheekbone area. Place a little bronzer or powder sculpting product on your brush, apply lightly to the skin and blend well.

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Cream or liquid textures are more convenient to distribute with a sponge, but in some cases a straight cut can be an excellent alternative. Apply the product using a tapping motion and do not forget to blend it properly.

Dry highlighter is most conveniently applied with a wide fan brush, which will ensure even application and a translucent layer.

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You can also distribute cream sculpting products using a flat synthetic bristle eyeshadow brush: this will ensure the most precise application. It is most convenient to “use” an eyeshadow brush with a slightly pointed tip.

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Contouring kits and palettes

In order to do proper contouring, a sculpting product of one shade is usually not enough. In addition, over the course of the year, the skin changes its shade, and the sculptor, who perfectly emphasized the cheekbones back in August, already looks too dark on the skin in September.

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To simplify the task, beauty brands produce special contouring palettes with several shades at once, which are designed to solve different problems. In this case, the product can be either powdery or creamy.

The basic palette contains two shades: a dark sculptor that helps create natural shadows on the skin and “sharpen” facial features, as well as a light highlighter that can be used to highlight certain areas.

More “advanced” versions of the palettes (for example, Highlight & Contour Pro Palette, NYX Professional Makeup) contain eight different shades that can be mixed together to get the perfect color.

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How to do facial contouring? Step by step

To understand the nuances of contouring, use our photo and video instructions.

Contouring with a creamy texture

A basic face sculpting scheme that every girl will need – and detailed video instructions.


Before proceeding directly to contouring, it is necessary to properly prepare your facial skin. Apply primer and moisturizing makeup base to your skin, or mix your regular moisturizer with foundation and spread the resulting mixture over the skin. If necessary, disguise “bruises” under the eyes, minor redness, pimples and other skin defects.

© maybelline

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There are two basic rules associated with cultivation techniques - and each of them is worth adhering to.

The first piece of advice is this: darken everything that needs to be “hidden”, lighten the rest. The second important point is the order of application: first use the highlighter, and then apply the dark sculptor.

  • For a cream correction, choose a shade one or two shades lighter than your skin tone.
  • Give preference to a highlighter with a matte or satin texture. The one with shimmer is not suitable for contouring.
  • If you don't have a highlighter, use a light corrector or concealer one or two shades lighter than your foundation instead.

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    A dark-colored sculpting product should be two to three shades darker than a regular foundation. Apply it along the hollows of the cheeks, on the cheekbone, under the chin and around the perimeter of the forehead along the hairline.

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    This stage is key in the entire contouring procedure. If the boundaries between the highlighter and the dark product (or foundation) are too noticeable, then the desired effect of a chiseled face will definitely not be achieved. Shade the lines with a sponge or brush, turning halfway to the mirror. First, use light shades with mascara and only then move on to dark ones, so that there are no dirty streaks left on your face.

    In the area under the cheekbones, the dark sculptor should be shaded according to the following scheme: first horizontally, and then slightly upward.

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    Final touches

    To prevent your face from looking unnatural, be sure to use blush (it will add volume to your cheeks that was lost during the contouring process). Then apply a light layer of regular powder to your face.

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    Contouring with a dry texture product

    To do the correct contouring with a powder sculptor, use our simple video instructions.

    Do you want to cheer yourself up and try on a truly unusual make-up? Do clown contouring like beauty blogger Alina Fly Cloud.

A girl always needs to look impeccable, no matter where she is, be it everyday life or a special celebration. Those who are not satisfied with something about their appearance do not have to go to extreme measures and resort to the services of a plastic surgeon. It’s enough just to learn how to use cosmetics correctly and use it to hide problem areas. Many owners of a round face strive to visually make it better. A technique such as contouring easily helps them with this.

What it is?

This special type of makeup: it helps to remove imperfections and make any girl attractive. Contouring is usually used to hide a large nose, forehead or full cheeks. But at the same time, they emphasize all the advantages of the appearance, making the face more beautiful and expressive. They “draw” contouring with various cosmetics, both dry and liquid.

Of course, you shouldn’t get too carried away, because if you apply a lot of product, it will look ridiculous and unsightly. The whole concept of contouring is to visually reduce the size of the face. By playing with light and dark shades, you can achieve good results. Properly done contouring will create the effect of a thin face.

Sculpting products

Modern manufacturers of the most common brands of cosmetics consider it their responsibility to produce complete sets of sculpting palettes. Previously, shades of different tones were selected that go well with each other.

However, with a huge selection of finished sets, not every girl is able to choose the right cosmetics for herself. This or that color will certainly become ineffective. Therefore, you need to independently choose the colors for contouring that suit your skin. That is, choose three main shades with which you can create beautiful facial contours.

There are different types of cosmetics for contouring. There may be dry or cream products. Dry ones include: powder, highlighter, eye shadow or blush. Liquid products include foundation, makeup base or BB cream, as well as various cosmetic oils. They can also be used as a base for makeup. All these products are very necessary when creating makeup. Blush can be used to create a glow, and highlighter can add radiance to the face.

Powder is needed to mattify and remove shine after foundation. And the makeup base moisturizes well and protects the skin from all applied products.

What tools will you need?

To distribute all the cosmetics over your face, you will need brushes. They will help apply makeup evenly. If the brushes are good, then they will do all the work for you, thereby blending all the contouring.

Brushes should be of good quality, soft and fluffy so that the bristles do not fall out of the base, and they should not cause discomfort when they come into contact with the skin.

You can also use a beauty blender. They come in different manufacturers and qualities, so you need to choose them with special attention when purchasing. The beauty blender does an excellent job of blending, and can also be used when applying foundation to the face.

Application techniques

Sculpting and contouring is a complex process, but everything can be learned, including these techniques. By practicing every day and doing the necessary steps step by step, you can master these techniques to perfection. There is one standard algorithm that you need to learn.

  1. With the help of contouring, you can disguise certain areas of the face or completely change a girl’s face.
  2. Areas where dark shades are applied will be less visible and will create beautiful indentations on the face.
  3. The darkest tone should be a natural color and should perfectly match your skin color.
  4. A slightly lighter product is also needed. You can use highlighter, bronzer or shimmer. Such products are needed to highlight certain areas of the face.
  5. The bronzer is applied to the cheekbones, it makes them more tanned and sculpted. The highlighter is applied just above the cheekbones and applied to the corners of the eyes.
  6. When contouring, pay attention to the area of ​​the temples and cheekbones. Most often, these places are always darkened; this process is suitable for all types of faces.
  7. At the very end, you should apply blush over the contouring lines. Blush will give a healthy complexion to your face.

Step-by-step instruction

Each girl is individual in her own way, each has a different face shape. Some people like everything about their face and only maintain natural beauty, while others have to hide flaws. If you have a round face and you don’t like something about it, it doesn’t matter. You can correct everything and make it look as if you didn’t apply any cosmetics.

  1. First of all, prepare your face by applying makeup foundation.
  2. Use foundation or BB cream to even out your skin tone (you can use brushes when applying products or gently distribute foundation with your fingers).
  3. The outline of the nose is done with a corrector; just draw two smooth dark lines on the sides of the nose (after application, form a small beautiful nose).
  4. To make cheekbones, you need to position the brush so that you can make a line from the ear and almost to the lips (be sure to draw in the cheeks and draw on one side and the other).
  5. The cheekbones are highlighted with a corrector; it darkens the area under the pits (do not forget that the part near the cheekbone should be pigmented, and darker near the ear).
  6. To reduce your forehead, you need to darken the strip located near the hair, but be sure to step back about a centimeter from it. Fill in the space near the temples and work them out well (this process is important for those who consider their forehead wide).
  7. Next, it’s worth highlighting the eyes, thereby darkening the eyelid areas.
  8. Using a highlighter, you need to highlight the nose, center of the forehead, corners of the eyes, the area above the cheekbone and the area of ​​the upper lip.

After this, you need to shade all the lines applied, namely dark and light. When performing this process, you need to carefully make smooth transitions between shades so that clear and bright lines are not visible.

It is best to start with light areas and gradually move to dark ones. You should contour your face with brushes, and you can shade it with your fingers.

Many women and girls dream of having ideal facial features: a chiseled nose, big eyes, plump lips. But not everyone is given this. So, should you urgently make an appointment with a plastic surgery specialist?

Should not be doing that. Modern makeup techniques can work wonders. The facial contouring technique with step-by-step instructions and photographs (video tutorials) can be found in any “glamorous” magazine, use it and look perfect.

Professional cosmetologists and makeup artists are sure with the help of contouring you can achieve an ideal oval face, hide imperfections in shape and skin, clearly emphasize the advantages, give the face expressiveness.

Considering that a full-fledged sculpting process takes much more time than daily makeup, they do it only “on the go.” Morning makeup may include some contouring elements that can “wake up” and refresh the face.

Experienced makeup artists believe that facial contouring, given in step-by-step instructions, will change your face beyond recognition. Photos of film stars using this technique are proof of this.

Step-by-step instructions: how to contour your face

Facial sculpting is an important part of stage makeup for movie stars. Can an ordinary girl master this technique herself without visiting expensive makeup artists? Knowing the basic rules of facial contouring, it is very easy to master this type of makeup and use it perfectly.

Let's talk about how to correctly contour your face. Step-by-step instructions and photographs will help.

What is the secret to effective contouring?

Only a competent contouring technique, taking into account the features of the facial structure, favorably emphasizing some areas and darkening others, can make features more expressive and bring them closer to the ideal. The play of light and shadow is the secret of effective contouring.

To achieve the desired effect, it is equally important to choose the right cosmetics and the necessary materials for their application.



What materials are needed for contouring?

When choosing brushes, you should pay attention to brushes with a beveled edge for applying blush and flat brushes for foundation. For shading, you need to purchase a brush with a straight cut. However, if you have similar brushes in your arsenal, even unnatural ones, you can use them.

For contouring, you can use both dry (powdery) cosmetics and creamy ones.

Today, store shelves offer a wide selection of all kinds of palettes from well-known and little-known brands. You can find out what you need for facial makeup.

Therefore, choosing a set that is suitable for price and quality will not be difficult. The main thing is to choose the right shades that match your skin color. In addition to palettes, it is acceptable to use foundation or BB creams of different shades.

Wet facial contouring is more labor intensive and requires more skill. If applied incorrectly and poorly shaded, the makeup will be noticeable. Therefore, it is better to use this makeup as an evening option or for filming. Sculpting done with dry products looks more natural: powder, highlighter, bronzer.

They are easier to use and make-up looks more ordinary.


When choosing cosmetics that you plan to use for facial contouring, you should remember that different skin types require different cosmetics.

Choose a concealer for your skin type

Choosing cosmetics for oily skin

For those with oily skin, it is very difficult to choose cosmetics. After a couple of hours, the face with perfect makeup begins to shine, bronzer is mixed with highlighter, powder with mascara. The result is a lot of wasted time and no contouring. Therefore, the choice of cosmetics must be approached very carefully.

Properly selected products will rid the skin of oily shine, hide redness and enlarged pores.

For contouring, you should use only dry textures with a matte effect - bronzer, mattifying powder. Shimmers and highlighters must be used very carefully. If you overdo it, your face will look like an “oil pancake.” Therefore, glitter should only be applied to the upper part of the cheekbones and the tip of the nose.

How to choose cosmetics for dry skin

Dry skin is a little easier to deal with. At least it doesn’t shine and the cosmetics don’t mix into an incomprehensible mask. By moisturizing your skin before applying makeup and choosing products with oily textures, you can create the perfect contouring that will last all day or evening.

The choice of products is wider than for oily skin:

  • These are various foundation and BB creams.
  • Palettes with an oily texture.
  • Shimmers and highlighters. You can use these sparklers for your own pleasure.
  • Sticks with glitter effect.

Having done wet sculpting and powdered your face with transparent powder, you don’t have to worry that by lunchtime the whole effect will disappear.

Features of application depending on face type

When starting to contour, pay attention to the shape of your face. Exactly Matching the makeup to the type of face will give the same effect of a voluminous and expressive face. By strictly following the step-by-step instructions with photographs and videos, you will achieve considerable success in contouring your face.

Modeling a round or square face

Girls with this face shape are primarily interested in how to hide wide cheekbones and a powerful chin, which makes the face look rough and heavy.

Stages of work:

  1. The first step is to create an even complexion using foundation and powder.
  2. Then, using the dark shade of the palette, draw lines along the cheeks and sides of the nose. This will visually elongate your face and bring it closer to its ideal shape.
  3. Using a dark shade of blush or bronzer, draw a diagonal line from the tip of the lips to the ear.
  4. Use the darkest color for the line along the hair growth and temples.
  5. Use powder to smooth out heavy jaw lines.

Using a play of color and shadow, give your face an oval shape, darkening the sides and highlighting the center.

Contouring oval, triangle

If the face is too long, with a pointed chin, the alternation of light and dark areas will be different. Makeup technique:

  • Using foundation and powder, we give the skin smoothness and a uniform color.
  • Using bronzer we darken the upper part of the forehead, temples and the tip of the chin.
  • We use highlighter under the eyes and along the nose, highlighting the area above the eyebrows and chin.

After all the manipulations, the face should acquire a more rounded and smoothed shape.

How to make a heart-shaped face

A heart-shaped face combines several different types, so it is difficult to compete with it, but it is possible:

  • Using foundation and powder we create a smooth canvas for further work.
  • Apply a dark-colored product to the lateral areas of the forehead and cheekbones.
  • Apply highlighter to the center of the forehead, chin and under the eyes, visually lifting the cheekbones.

With this makeup, the sharp lines of the face will be smoothed out and will not be so noticeable. The face will take on a more regular shape.

It turns out that the technique for effective facial contouring is quite simple. Step-by-step instructions with photographs and explanations will help you choose the right option based on your face type and create the perfect makeup.

Modeling secrets from makeup artists

Interesting fact! Facial sculpting, as a technique in makeup, arose at the beginning of the 20th century. All self-respecting movie stars and models appeared on screens in special makeup that presented them to their advantage.

Modern film stars do not lag behind their famous predecessors and take full advantage of all the benefits of facial contouring. Step-by-step instructions, explanatory photographs and advice from makeup artists will help you get closer to the ideal and learn some secrets.

  • Never mix dry (powdery) and oily makeup products.
  • Do not apply too bright stripes or spots. It will be very difficult to extinguish them later.
  • Don't get carried away with highlighters. Everything is good in moderation.
  • To visually rejuvenate and lift your face, apply light shadows under your eyebrows.
  • Outline your lips with a white pencil and apply light lipstick. The mouth will appear larger.

There are no beautiful or unbeautiful faces in the world. Each one is good in some way. What we consider a flaw may turn out to be exactly the highlight that makes a face expressive and memorable.

Well, if you still want to correct a wide forehead or sharp chin, facial contouring will help you. Follow the step-by-step instructions and study photographs showing the step-by-step application of all products and the actions that need to be taken.

Follow the instructions and you will definitely achieve the desired result and an unforgettable effect!

After watching this video, you will be convinced that with the help of professional techniques and cosmetics you can completely change your facial features.

Contouring is simple and fast: how to highlight your strengths and hide your flaws in a few minutes.

How to become a real doll in 20 minutes. The video will talk about how to correctly correct facial features. The blogger girl pays special attention to eyebrow shaping.