Cool gifts for happy birthday to a man. Comic congratulations with gifts for a man's anniversary

Many of us associate a first aid kit with all sorts of unpleasant things - injuries, poisoning, colds, etc. They probably mentioned this item with an unkind word more than once when meeting with traffic police inspectors.

However, you can break these negative associations by gifting someone a humorous, sweet first aid kit for their birthday or wedding.

This cool and original gift can be given to the most different people in a variety of situations - it’s just a matter of design nuances. This article will be dedicated to them!

How to make

To make a fun and tasty gift with your own hands, you will need:

First you need to prepare the container for the future surprise. The box needs to be painted White color(optional - in green, if the gift is intended, say,). When the paint is dry, paint a red cross on the lid.

If you are giving a first aid kit to newlyweds for a wedding, you can write something funny next to it, for example, “Emergency family help.”

If the gift is intended for a friend, you can label the lid “First Aid Kit.” Have a good mood" It is better to sign a corporate presentation like this: “The first aid kit of a real leader.”

If the box is not divided into sections, then they can be made of cardboard or wood. In the case of a cardboard box this will not be difficult, but with wood you will have to work hard.

Measure the sizes of medicine jars and containers in advance - your sections should be about 2-3 centimeters larger. Fill them about halfway with the pre-prepared filling. Sawdust or straw are better suited to a wooden box, and cotton wool is better suited to a cardboard box.

Now that the container is ready, you can move on to decorating the jars and boxes.

Remove the labels from the jars (the easiest way to do this is by soaking them in water) and paint the boxes white.

Their contents directly depend on the shape - for example, it is best to put small, tasty candies like Skittles or M&M's in jars, but in boxes you can put chocolates, toffees or waffle cakes (the main thing is in the packaging, otherwise your treats may spoil). Here are some ready-made filling options:

If the hero of the occasion likes to drink, you can supplement your first aid kit with a small one (no more than 200 grams in volume). In this format you can often find alcohol from famous brands that produce whiskey or tequila.

A good option for filling out the set would also be, or. In the case of tea, it is better to choose something unusual and, for example, pu-erh or oolong. You can also choose special nuts - cashews, almonds or macadamia.

Now you need to sign them. For this we need paper strips with humorous and funny inscriptions- for example, if we surprise a manager, we can present him with such magical and tasty medicines as “Obodrin”, “Uspokoin”, “Motivacitol” and “Otpuscoin”.

Templates and ideas for such signatures are easy to find on the Internet. However, it will be much more interesting to show your imagination and sense of humor yourself - this will certainly not go unnoticed, and your gift will stand out from the rest.

Who should I give it to?

Such a sweet set is a universal gift, but it is intended at least for those with whom you are more or less familiar. Such gifts should be given especially carefully to partners and managers.

If you are not sure that your gift will be understood correctly, it is better to give something more neutral. At the same time, this is one of the best surprises for family and friends - who doesn’t love sweets!


Andrey! Congratulating you on your anniversary,
We don’t spare words (and feelings) for you!
Your 50 is just the middle
And there is no serious reason for worry.
We came here with pleasure today
And they brought you many gifts.
By the time we got there, we wandered around a bit...
The road to you has been long.

1. Here is a box of CANDIES...
True, they are no longer in it.
We ate them along the way...
Sorry - we couldn't resist!

2. Who, tell me, is not learned
Should I wash my hands with smelly SOAP?
Everyone is ready to wash their hands...
(Voice from the audience): So that there are no worms!

3. You've lost a lot of weight...
Maybe you haven't eaten for a long time?
Here is MUSTARD in the glass -
Very tasty thing!

4. If the soup is with veal heart
Not sharp enough
Here's a bag of PEPPER -
Light a fire in your mouth!

5. If your mouth is burning, then you should
Have a glass... of lemonade.
Do not tolerate severe torture -
Dilute the DRINK with water.

6. I put it on the bottom
And MOROZHENKO is one thing... (rummaging in the basket) –
It seems to have melted
All that was left was a stick!

7. To prevent teeth from hurting,
So that there is no trouble,
Here's a toothpick made from spruce:
Better for meat food!

8. There is only one place in the house...
It's called
With a gentle word"toilet".
Here's a “balloon bouquet” for you!
We don’t feel sorry for this DEO:
It will smell like violet there!

9. In the evening you refresh yourself in the shower,
You wash your head, feet and ears there.
LIQUID SOAP - for children it...
It will wash away the fuel oil... And wash away... Wine.

For Andreeva's hairstyle
Enough with this comb!

It’s a pity that it’s empty?... I don’t see the problem -
Do you need him? With such and such a face!
You're still doing great without the cream!

You can store buttons in a jar,
Maybe my wife won't forget to sew...

12. You’re a teetotaler here, aren’t you?
If you drink for an hour,
Then with this gift at once
You'll hit the mark on your shoes!

13. Cologne is a bit old –
He arrived from the Union.
Scent yourself with this rubbish -
You will become an indoor geranium.

14. Here is a CITRAMON TABLET.
Just accept it
From that cologne
Your head will hurt.

15. From “economic” feelings,
And also romantic
I'll give you another CANDLE!
And I want to tell you:
Consume electricity
Reasonable amount!

16. If you are alone now,
Smell the WINE CORKS!
Memories will come to life
About parties, about dates.

17. If you have problems with hearing,
With left or right ear,
So that you can listen to your wife -
Know: it's time to clean your ears!

18. If the lot has become bitter,
If the white light is not nice,
Here is a VALIDOL tablet -
Will revive the ardor of the heart!

19. Are you going to bed? Teeth on the shelf!
Here is the COOKIDENT. This thing is not without meaning!
In the morning, take your jaw out of the glass -
You will become handsome! I'm not lying!

20. And another ENVELOPE without a stamp -
Yellow-yellow, bright-bright!
It looks simple though
And it's still empty...

But I want to please you with this envelope:
You can put 100 euros in it.
To start with, I'll give you a little bit,
But the rest - report it yourself!

If desired, similar scenarios can be found on my page:

"A Dozen Comic Gifts"

Congratulators must be friends.

Congratulations 1:
You know how it happens, you don’t expect magic, but it just happens. This is what happened at our holiday. Suddenly, unexpectedly, they brought us a magical package, the recipient of which is our beautiful birthday girl.
(Enough big box wrapped in paper)

Congratulations 2:
We, like true friends, took on the role of customs officers and opened the parcel. Well, you never know what’s there, suddenly there’s a bomb!

Congratulations 1:
Don't worry, there was no bomb there! There was a message and precise instructions.

Congratulations 2:
So, for your beauty,
So that it never fades,
Accept lip gloss as a gift,
So that it always shines everywhere!

(They give children's lip gloss)

Congratulations 1:
So that you don't get your feet wet,
My dear friend,
So that you are always stylish,
Take some fashionable shoes
This is happiness, yes, yes, yes!

(Shoe covers)

Congratulations 2:
And also, so that always
You were happy
So that there is no doubt,
May your soul bloom!

(Mirror. Glued to the mirror funny picture(for example, a monkey puts on lipstick) and the inscription “Always beautiful”, or something like that)

Congratulations 1:
What a miracle, what a thing,
Two large wings lie
Magic reigns everywhere
You should try them on!

(Fairy wings and a magic wand, which the birthday girl should not take off until the end of the evening)

To a woman

The birthday girl is in the center of the table. Congratulations appear:

Congratulations 1:
Here, I give you a bottle,
And you keep it
It will be a vase, it will be a container,
If you want, brew some tea in it!

(Gives an empty bottle)

Congratulations 2:
Well, of course she's joking
And the bottle is useless
Who will give it to a friend?
I'm bringing you a fur coat!

(As an option, herring salad under a fur coat, or a small piece of fur)

Congratulations 2:
So that you don't freeze in your fur coat,
To make it easy to walk in winter,
A woman so beautiful
A fashionable item, I want to give it as a gift!

(Pants with fleece)

Congratulations 1:
And we also give you
What is most important in everyday life?
Every housewife knows
And each has weight!

Congratulations 2:
Very important, very necessary,
Amazing item
It is very necessary
And there are no analogues!

Congratulations 1:
The pies taste better then
Obedient husband, silence,
We give women's happiness,
Carry it with you always!

(Handed a rolling pin)

Guests drink to creativity.

You can insert a funny comment after each gift. It is also recommended to play out the roles and choose musical accompaniment.

To a man

The birthday boy sits in the center of the table. It is advisable that his friends take part in such a comic congratulation. So, two people come out. One holds a small bag (several objects are folded in it, for which certain lines are written. The object is taken out after the poem is read), the other holds a box covered with cloth in his hands:

Congratulatory 1:
Congratulations sound, sound,
They are in a hurry to congratulate you,
All relatives, all friends,
Well, how will it be without me?
I was in a hurry, I was getting ready
Maybe he got stuck somewhere
I chose gifts
Yes, I tried for you!
In general, here, I’ll hand it over now,
I want to wish you
To make life beautiful
To luck, and not to miss!
I start, I get it,
I want to give you
So that you are more respectable than everyone else,
May success await you!

(Takes out cool underpants or a tie)

So that you don’t know problems and evil,
There's a gift for you!

(Toy pistol)

So that the mind is in order,
So that you go to the bath,
To have something to read,
Write different letters!

(A collection of crossword puzzles tied to an air freshener. You can get by with a collection of jokes)

Congratulations 2:
I've been looking for a long time what to give you,
I've been thinking about congratulations to you for a long time,
I suddenly decided to make my dream come true,
The best gift for a friend!
I wish you luck, goodness,
So that dreams come to life so easily,
So that there will always be faithful people,
So that bad thoughts do not come to your mind!
Well, in general, you, like man to man,
I give you a faithful, steely friend,
(He picks up a rag, under which there is a toy car in a box. If the birthday person has a car, then you can choose any type of transport that he dreams of).
Let him decorate your life,
What wouldn't you do for a friend?

The birthday boy receives his gifts, the guests make another toast.

To a friend

It is better for friends to take part, but if the birthday person has brothers or a son, they can also be involved.

Congratulations appear in the center of the hall.

Congratulatory 1:
Phew, I'm tired, I was planning on it,
I tried so hard, I was in such a hurry,
I even played sports
Popped into the store!

Congratulations 2:
I tried really hard too
Look, I ironed my pants,
Put on a clean shirt
Even clean socks!

Congratulatory 3:
Me too, as you can see,
In a full parade I
Happy birthday today
We congratulate you!

Congratulatory 1:
We thought and wondered for a long time,
What should I give you?
And we collected a bouquet,
Be delighted and beautiful!

(They give a bouquet of socks. Of course, such a gift requires some preparation, so you need to make a bouquet in advance)

Congratulations 2:
And also for you today,
We have prepared a surprise
So that the soul is warmed,
Evenings are the main prize!

Congratulatory 3:
So that later you set up a brand,
So that you surprise people,
So that wonderful alcohol,
Sold all over the world!

(A bottle of alcohol with a photo of the birthday boy and with a famous name. It is advisable to take the name based on the last name. Example: Ivanov, the name of the bottle is Ivanovka)

At the end of the number, friends can sing a few ditties.

Do you often go to birthdays? How often have you seen an unusual presentation of a gift? Maybe you've seen someone act out a skit and then give a gift? Have you ever seen someone put on a show and then give a gift? Or maybe someone did a quest and arranged a search for a gift? Or maybe you yourself want to congratulate the hero of the day in an unusual way? If then, then these comic birthday greetings are exactly for you. With delivery cool gifts These congratulations will look even better. So make sure to interest the birthday boy and give him an interesting and unusual gift.

Comic congratulations with gifts for a woman

The first comic congratulation is carried out with all the guests. The host reads out the main text, and the guests shout lines with gifts. Everything is simple and sweet. The main thing is, don’t forget to prepare gifts that we're talking about in congratulations:

Comic congratulations with gifts for a man

This option is for men. It is carried out in exactly the same way as the first option for women. The presenter also reads out the main text, and the guests shout their lines. And again, don’t forget about gifts:

But the third comic congratulation is suitable for both men and women. This is a kind of small mini-scene in which all guests or several people can participate. Everyone just learns their own quatrain and that’s it. And at the end everyone gives one gift together.
And here are the poems themselves:

These are the poems and congratulations we have prepared for you.

And if you need a more serious gift, then go to the section on what to give for your anniversary, and read our tips on choosing gifts.

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Gifting a gift to the birthday girl can not only be solemn, it can also be used as a playful or entertaining moment. For example, any holiday is greatly enlivened by various congratulations from guests with a scattering of humorous or useful, but presented with a humorous twist, gifts and little things. Despite the fact that the reception is quite common, it invariably pleases both the hero of the occasion and her gathered guests, especially since you can come up with “gifts” for her specific habits, passions or profession.

Sometimes such congratulations with gifts are rather frivolous in nature, but since they are given by very close people, this does not embarrass anyone, but, on the contrary, amuses and gives pleasure. If congratulations with gifts are arranged by colleagues, then the tone is usually more restrained, and the gifts themselves are more practical and stylish.

Collected here comic congratulations - happy anniversary gifts for women various authors (thanks to them for the ideas!), which, if suitable, can be used in full or take them as a basis and come up with your own funny gifts and eyeliners for them, focusing on the age and tastes of a particular birthday girl.

1. Comic congratulations on the anniversary for a woman

"And we have a gift for you!"

This is a fun table chant for an anniversary with the presentation of various gifts. After the host’s words, the guests should shout together:
"And we, and we have a gift for you!"

We are here today for a reason
Come together, friends!
There are jokes and congratulations everywhere,
Birthday wishes.
Just the birthday girl
Let's congratulate you now!
Come on, guests, join in
And shout as much as you can,
As if someone is after you for something
Bitten very hard.

Today Tanya got up early,

So that she doesn't have to rush later.

Start before it's too late

Get yourself in order.

Tanya approaches the white bathtub,

To wash your hair,

And shampoo - well, not a drop.

What to do, how to be here?

Guests in chorus (takes shampoo out of the box).

I'm so tired of dressing up
She began to make her way to the kitchen,
To drink coffee,
Strength to restore.
But yesterday a neighbor came in
And today there is no coffee.

Guests in chorustakes a bag of coffee out of the box).

We know Tanya has a sweet tooth,
She loves sweets.
She didn't eat candy for the day
And I’m already upset.

Guests in chorus: “And we, and we, have a gift for you” - (handed over sweets).

So Tanya began to cook,
I got the best meat.
What to pepper the dish with?
So as not to upset the guests?

Guests in chorus: “And we, and we, have a gift for you” - (handed a bag of pepper)

Finally lunch is ready:

One hundred salads, cake and pilaf.
Here are all the dishes on the table,
Only salt mistress, where?

Guests in chorus: “And we, and we, have a gift for you” - (handed...a bag of salt)

The last guest has left,
And a whole cartload of dishes.
What to do here, how to wash,
Where can I get a sponge?

Guests in chorus: “And we, and we, have a gift for you” - (they give...a sponge)

Don't take it as an insult
This joke is a congratulations.
Smile, sing songs,
Know that friends are always with you!


2. Comic congratulations with gifts for a woman from friends.

1. Happy Birthday,

We wish you all the best.

We give you equipment

And fashionable clothes.

To quickly clean the apartment

Take a wonderful car,

Very easy to use

Our "Roventa" vacuum cleaner.

He will wipe anyone's nose,

Will remove all your chaos.

You will take it gently in your hands,

You'll wave in different directions

Instantly dirt from the entire apartment

If it scatters, there is no dust.

It won't take up much space,

It will fit into any crack.

Saves kilowatt

Doesn't buzz and is lightweight.

Everything in the house will shine,

No place for dust to fly (they give a broom)

2. Here is the device “Just in case”,

In life he is the best assistant,

With him, grief is no problem.

He will always help you.

And the name is sonorous

Enema - scientifically.

It's not difficult to apply

We will attach instructions (give an enema).

Use it every day

And your migraine will go away,

He will remove all the toxins from you

Will slim body to look like.

In general, we tell you

He is irreplaceable in life.

For extensive angina

You can gargle

When renovating an apartment

You can spray paint.

Finding ourselves at the dacha with him

You spray the bushes.

And then how crazy

Flowers will bloom everywhere.

I think you're convinced

What kind of miracle are we giving you?

And now through life boldly

The two of you will go with her.

3. Regarding the outfit

Put it on quickly

You'll be a gorgeous woman in it

And Madonna is just a shadow.

Winter panties with cotton wool

Will fit just right

Because in November

The cold is bitter outside.

Put it on quickly -

Attract men to sex.

It's not so difficult to warm up together

And it's impossible to freeze

Putting on hot leggings,

You will survive any cold (they give diapers).

4. And the boots are from Versace

The last squeak is no different.

You carry them all winter

And you won't freeze your feet (they give slippers or socks or shoe covers)

You will highlight your figure in them

I twisted my long leg.

Klavka Slate itself

I would go crazy with envy.

In a headset with panties

It will be hot like the Sahara

You carry gifts

And bless fate.

There will be a reason to drink

We'll get together again

Women's happiness is endless.

We wish you a happy birthday.


3. Cool congratulations from friends with gifts “Country treats”.

1. If the stomach wants to eat, do it the honor:
You spread pate on bread, there’s nothing tastier (they give a jar of pate).

2. If you like delicious soup, boil some cereals,
Throw in a sardine here, maybe even half it (they give a can of sardines).

3. If you need lunch, there is no problem here:
Your millet will be delicious if you have stew. (they give stew).

4. Pour tea into cups and serve the loaf!
Let the children laugh loudly, since there is condensed milk. (they give condensed milk)

5. If you invite the cream of society to the dacha,
Don't rely on potatoes, open olives as soon as possible (give olives)

6. If you didn’t buy bread, don’t be sad, it’s nonsense!
Open a can of beans, you will always be full! (they give beans)

7. So that the picnic does not become a burden, so that you eat to your heart’s content,
open a can of corn and feed the salad! (give corn)

8. Having offered the guests a snack, the same sandwich:
Put a cucumber on the bread and a couple of sprats from a jar (they give cucumber and sprats)

9. Unsuccessful fishing will be made pleasant,
Fish meatballs in tomato sauce (they give meatballs)

10. If it grew up in a garden bed, then we won’t give it to you,
We'll eat this jar of peas in winter! (they give peas)

11. In addition to the treat, squash caviar!
There are a lot of vitamins, you should always eat it! (they give squash caviar)

12. The sun is hot this summer. Even if there are a lot of berries,
Decorates our picnic, fruits as a gift to you from the south
We present at this moment (give fruit)

13. If you are too lazy to cook, but your stomach is howling,
Porridge with meat will come in handy to curb his ardor! (they give porridge with meat)

14. A useless thing, if you take it alone,
But it will be useful for soup, it needs to be in the house (they give you tomato paste)


4. Congratulations on gifts "Women's things"

1. He will frankly show you the beauty of your face and body, and you will see in him what you didn’t want to see in him. (give a mirror)

2. Your iron friends, long-legged, long-armed - they hold their hair perfectly, and you look so crowning! ( give hairpins)

3. Everything will be trimmed, trimmed and put in order. - on the big number “five”, the manicure will shine! ( give nail scissors)

4. You won’t find truer girlfriends - and don’t go to a fortune teller - whatever you say or not, everyone really needs them... (they give curlers)

5. Gently removes makeup, gives a light massage - and will help at any time good friend ours is soft... (they give a sponge)

6. Always take them with you so that they are at hand and their work is unnoticeable. And if there is no water nearby, they are so important, these..... (they give you wet wipes)

7. It is many hundreds of years old, but it looks fresh, we hold the most irreplaceable object at hand. Like a pure wind, a thin stream... (they give a handkerchief)

8. Like a whole battalion of soldiers, they stand in a box - they will remove unnecessary touches and cosmetic sins (they give you cotton swabs)

9. There’s just so much missing in it: shadows, pencil, tweezers, hairpins, mascara, comb, varnishes, and there’s also all sorts of garbage. A very necessary thing for the housewife... (they give a cosmetic bag)

10. There are plastic and gold, iron, silver and bone - he holds the hair with a strong hand, behind him they are like behind a Chinese wall. He helped every woman at least once - he was so irreplaceable... (rim)

(Such a congratulation can be completed by presenting the crown and awarding the title “Beauty Queen” or another nomination - watch)

5. Congratulations to the birthday girl from colleagues with gifts.

Perhaps you are planning to run away,
But your lot is to continue working! (give soap)

Who gets a can of beer?
Live happily all year! ( give beer)

Eat bananas and coconuts
And expect rewards from fate! ( give banana)

While the boss is “taking the shavings off” us,
Calmly brew a mug of tea! ( give mug)

Receive this tube as a gift,
So that every tooth shines in the sun! (give toothpaste)

Since you got a chocolate bar,
It won’t be bitter for you - it will be sweet! (they give you chocolate)

When you drink cranberry jelly,
Forget about the merry-go-round of the world!
Let the world, as they say, wait!
And you will be healthy all year round (they give jelly)

Although this cream is inedible,
But the smell is simply incomparable! ( give hand cream)

To the one who receives this candle,

You'll have to travel around the world! (give a candle)

To record where the pay went,
You will really need this pen! (give a pen)

We'll have to live with grief,
And forget about the days of the calendar! (they give a calendar)

And great love awaits you
And kisses all year round! (they give a set of sponges)

Do you understand what the meaning of the gift is?
Life will be joyful and bright! (they give markers)

And you are “in the juice”, in the prime of life!
Among your friends you have no equal! (they give you a bag of juice)

You are good at work
And you will be held in high esteem by us all year (they give a horseshoe)

You will walk around with a beautiful hairstyle,
Captivating everyone with a thick, fluffy mane (they give shampoo)

You will be cheerful and energetic,
And therefore all a year will pass Great! (give coffee)


6. Photo session of the hero of the day in hats.

This is a very funny one that is more suitable for a home party or a holiday at the dacha, so that the culprit does not get upset because she might ruin her hair (after all, she needs to try on each hat, show it to the guests and, if desired, take a photo in each one as a souvenir)

Eyeliner: The French say that a real woman can make three things out of nothing: a salad, a scandal and a hat. Our (name of the hero of the day) can do much more, she can also arrange a a real holiday for yourself and your guests. Which she will now brilliantly demonstrate to all of us.

Perhaps not everyone present knows that we are in constant collaboration with the great couturier of our time, Zakidon Shlyapnikov, and offer the hero of the day a personal all-season collection of his hats. Hats, mirror, photographer, everything ready? Then let's begin!

First model: sports cap “Champion”(Children's hat with a toe or baseball cap.)
Sport will relieve us of stress
And it will add health to everyone.
To stay young
You need to play sports.
Summer, autumn, winter
Take up race walking.
To move the bus,
You need to put on a hat.

Second model: swimming cap “Dive” (Rubber bathing cap or shower cap)
To always be healthy,
So as not to cough, not to sniffle,
You can run for a long time in the park
Or hang on the horizontal bar.
Since water is given for life,
Then rather into the river, into the shower.
Just try on the hat,
After all, it suits the person too.

Third model: housewife’s hat “Clean” (From a sponge or washcloth)
If in household chores suddenly
It turns out that two legs and two arms are not enough,
And everything she needs to wipe off.

Fourth model: hat for work “All Visible” (An option for the teacher is to sew glasses on four sides of the hat.)
You need to have a hat like this
To see everything, to watch everyone,
So that work will soon be in full swing,
So that not a second for laziness, yawning.
( Option for teachers.So that the student cannot cheat,
“Lick everything from someone else’s notebook”
He wouldn't be able to pull out the spur...
Such a hat will fit).

Fifth model: miracle hat “In the garden, in the vegetable garden” (Old straw hat)
The sun beats down mercilessly at the dacha
Is there someone standing there on all fours?
In the hottest, sultriest time
Save your crown from harmful rays!
Avoid overheating -
Put on your miracle hat!

Sixth model: “Legend” hat for the weekend (Any original hat)
If, (name of the hero of the day), suddenly
A friend will invite you for the weekend,
Don't think, don't guess,
Accept the offer!
Be gentle, be cheerful,
Just don't forget your hat!
Weekend hat -
Not a hat, but a legend!

Model seven: eco-hat for environmentalists (Spotted khaki Panama)
We know you love animals:
Squirrels, hares, wood grouse,
You take care of your native river
And you don’t kill the fish in it.
So that the trees turn green,
So that the birds sing songs,
Join the Greenpeace society
To us, the “greens”, such -
Blues are no match for us!

Eighth model: “Visa for a cruise” hat (Old men's hat)
This hat is not worn on the head, but in the hands.
If you want not to wither,
See the pyramids
Collect capital
And you'll go to the station.
You can easily get a visa
And go on cruises!

And finally, the ninth model: the invisibility hat (Hat big size, creeping over the eyes, or a knitted hat).

The grandiose model was made in a single copy, has no analogues in the world and has the supernatural property of invisibility. Let's try it on...wonderful! If you try in vain, you won’t see anything anyway!
This collection of hats is designed for all occasions and will help you feel a real woman in any situation

7. Comic congratulations for a woman with gifts from close friends.

Hello, dear little woman, you are such a pretty girl.
Although no longer 25, the years are ticking away, the mother is vigorous,
We are sending you, my dear, a package for your birthday.
A little here, a little here, take it and don’t blame me.

If there is no CANDLE in the house, here it is when the light goes out.
MATCHES and a BAR OF SOAP to wash your face,
But a PACK OF CIGARETTES, maybe you’ll light it, maybe not.
Life here, you'll understand, you'll smoke and drink here.
Here is PIVASIK for order after the bath, or for tiredness.
We all blow it ourselves and recommend it to you.

Here's 3 pieces of SALA, eat it or cook it,
Stretch it out until summer, now it’s a gem.
Don't get fat, better feed your guests.
Let your stupid friends eat
If they don’t feel sorry for their figure.

A BOTTLE OF HOLY WATER, drops in your mouth before eating.
Don’t give it to anyone, say: “It’s not enough for yourself.”
If your back suddenly hurts, rub it and hold it.
If you get sick, lie down and that’s it, there is a grandson and a son-in-law and a daughter.
Let them wash and wash themselves, and don’t bother mom.

As soon as you receive the parcel, quickly take the bottle,

And quickly write an answer, what you liked and what you didn’t.
If there is no money in the house, tie a BROOM to your leg,
You need to wave a broom and collect money in a pile.

That's all, goodbye girl, you are like a sister to us,
Pour vodka into glasses and invite guests to drink.