Conclusion laboratory work studying the law of conservation of mechanical energy. Studying the law of conservation of mechanical energy Studying the law of conservation of mechanical energy

In physics for grade 9 (I.K.Kikoin, A.K.Kikoin, 1999),
task №7
to the chapter " LABORATORY WORKS».

Purpose of the work: compare two quantities - a decrease in the potential energy of a body attached to a spring when it falls and an increase in the potential energy of a stretched spring.


1) a dynamometer with a spring stiffness of 40 N/m; 2) ruler

measuring; 3) weight from the mechanics set; the mass of the load is (0.100 ±0.002) kg.

Materials: 1) retainer;

2) tripod with coupling and foot.

For work, the installation shown in Figure 180 is used. It is a dynamometer mounted on a tripod with lock 1.

The dynamometer spring ends with a wire rod with a hook. The latch (shown separately on an enlarged scale - marked with the number 2) is a light cork plate (dimensions 5 X 7 X 1.5 mm), cut with a knife to its center. It is placed on the wire rod of the dynamometer. The retainer should move along the rod with little friction, but there should still be enough friction to prevent the retainer from falling down on its own. You need to make sure of this before starting work. To do this, the latch is installed at the lower edge of the scale on the limit bracket. Then stretch and release.

The latch together with the wire rod should rise upward, marking the maximum elongation of the spring, equal to the distance from the stop to the latch.

If you lift a load hanging on the hook of a dynamometer so that the spring is not stretched, then potential energy load in relation to, for example, the table surface is equal to mgH. When a load falls (lowering at a distance x = h), the potential energy of the load will decrease by

and the energy of the spring during its deformation increases by

Work order

1. Place the weight from the mechanics kit firmly on the hook of the dynamometer.

2. Lift the weight by hand, unloading the spring, and install the lock at the bottom of the bracket.

3. Release the load. As the weight falls, it will stretch the spring. Remove the weight and use a ruler to measure the maximum elongation x of the spring using the position of the latch.

4. Repeat the experiment five times.

5. Do the math

6. Enter the results in the table:

Experience number

7. Compare attitude

with unity and draw a conclusion about the error with which the law of conservation of energy was tested.

Conservation Law mechanical energy. The total mechanical energy of a closed system of bodies interacting with gravitational or elastic forces remains unchanged for any movement of the bodies of the system

Let's consider such a body (in our case, a lever). Two forces act on it: the weight of the loads P and the force F (the elasticity of the dynamometer spring), so that the lever is in equilibrium and the moments of these forces must be equal in magnitude to each other. We determine the absolute values ​​of the moments of forces F and P, respectively:

Consider a mass attached to an elastic spring in the manner shown in the figure. First, we hold the body in position 1, the spring is not tensioned and the elastic force acting on the body is zero. Then we release the body and it falls under the influence of gravity to position 2, in which the force of gravity is completely compensated by the elastic force of the spring when it is lengthened by h (the body is at rest at this moment in time).

Let us consider the change in the potential energy of the system when a body moves from position 1 to position 2. When moving from position 1 to position 2, the potential energy of the body decreases by the amount mgh, and the potential energy of the spring increases by the amount

The purpose of the work is to compare these two quantities. Measuring instruments: a dynamometer with a spring stiffness of 40 N/m known in advance, a ruler, a weight from a mechanics kit.

Completing of the work:

Progress of laboratory work 5. Study of the law of conservation of mechanical energy

1. Assemble the installation shown in the figure.

2. Tie a weight on a string to the hook of a dynamometer (string length 12-15 cm). Attach the dynamometer to the tripod clamp at such a height that the weight raised to the hook will not reach the table when dropped.

3. After lifting the load so that the thread sags, install the clamp on the dynamometer rod near the limit bracket.

4. Raise the load almost to the hook of the dynamometer and measure the height of the load above the table (it is convenient to measure the height at which the bottom edge of the load is located).

5. Release the load without pushing. As the weight falls, it will stretch the spring, and the latch will move upward along the rod. Then, stretching the spring by hand so that the latch is at the limit bracket, measure and

6. Calculate: a) weight of the load; b) increase in the potential energy of the spring c) reducing the potential energy of the load .

7. Write down the results of measurements and calculations in a table placed in your laboratory notebook.

8. Find the value of the ratio .

9. Compare the resulting ratio with unity and write down your conclusion in your laboratory notebook; indicate what energy transformations occurred when the load moved downwards.

Laboratory works. 2014

Ufa State Aviation Technical University

Laboratory work No. 13

(in physics)

Study of the law of conservation of mechanical energy

Faculty: IRT

Group: T28-120

Completed by: Dymov V.V.


1. Purpose of the work: Study the law of conservation of mechanical energy and check its validity using Maxwell’s pendulum.

2. Instruments and accessories: Maxwell pendulum.


    Adjustable feet

    Column, millimeter scale

    Fixed bottom bracket

    Movable bracket


    Photoelectric sensor No. 1

    Knob for adjusting the length of the bifilar suspension of the pendulum

    Photoelectric sensor No. 2

  1. Replacement rings

    Millisecond watch

3. Table with the results of measurements and calculations

3.1 Measurement results

t, sec

m, kg

h max , m

t cp , With

J, kg*m 2

a, m/s 2

t 1 =2,185

t 2 =3,163

t 3 =2,167

m d =0,124

m O =0,033

m To =0,258

h max =0,4025

t Wed =2,1717

t Wed =2.171±0.008

J=7.368*10 -4

a= 0,1707


3.2 Experimental results


t, sec

h, m

E n , J

E n , J

E k , J

E k , J



E n ’=0,8337

E n ’=2,8138*10 -2

E k ’= 1,288

t’’= 0


E n ’’= 2,121 6

E k ’’= 0



E n ’’’=0

E k ’’ = 2,12 19

4. Calculation of measurement results and errors

4.1. Direct measurement of the time it takes for a pendulum to fall completely

t 1 =2.185c.

t 2 =3.163c.

t 3 =2.167c.

4.2. Calculation of the average time of complete fall

4.3. Calculation of the acceleration of translational motion of a pendulum

l=0.465m – thread length

R=0.0525m– ring radius

h= l- R-0.01m=0.4025m– path when the pendulum falls

4.4. Calculation of the height of the pendulum at the moment of time t



v– speed of translational motion at the moment of time t

- speed of rotational movement of the pendulum axis at the moment of time t

r=0.0045m– radius of the pendulum axis

4.5. Calculation of the moment of inertia of a pendulum

J 0 moment of inertia of the pendulum axis

m 0 =0.033kg pendulum axis mass

D 0 =
axle diameter pendulum

J d disk moment of inertia

m d =0.124kg disk mass

D d =
disc diameter

J To moment of inertia of the cover ring

m To =0.258kg weight of the cover ring

D To =0.11m – cover ring diameter

4.6. Calculation of the potential energy of a pendulum about an axis passing along the axis

pendulum, at position at the moment of time t

4.7. Calculation of the kinetic energy of a pendulum at an instant of time t

-kinetic energy of translational motion

-kinetic energy of rotational motion

4.8. Calculation of the error of direct measurements

4.9. Calculation of errors of indirect measurements

5. Final results:

The total mechanical energy of the pendulum at some point in time is equal to E= E n + E k

For experiment #1: E’= E n ’+ E k '=0.8337J+1.288J=2.1217J

For experiment No. 2: E’’= E n ’’+ E k ''=2.1216J+0=2.1216J

For experiment No. 3: E’’’= E n ’’’+ E k '''=0+2.1219J=2.1219J

From these experiments it follows that
(difference in 10 ­ ­ -3 J due to the imperfection of measuring instruments), therefore, the law of conservation of total mechanical energy is correct.

Laboratory work No. 2 Experimental study of the law of conservation of mechanical energy. Purpose of the work: learn to measure the potential energy of a body raised above the ground and an elastically deformed spring, compare two values ​​of the potential energy of the system. Equipment: tripod with coupling, laboratory dynamometer with lock, measuring tape, weight on a thread. Directions for work. To complete the work, assemble the installation shown in the figure. The dynamometer is fixed in the tripod leg. The spring stiffness is 40 N/m. Procedure for performing the work. 1. Tie a weight to a thread, tie the other end of the thread to the hook of a dynamometer. 2. Measure the distance l from the dynamometer hook to the center of gravity of the load. 3. Raise the weight to the height of the dynamometer hook and release it. When lifting the load, relax the spring and secure the clamp near the limit bracket. 4. Remove the weight and, using the position of the lock, measure the maximum elongation l of the spring with a ruler. 5. Find the height of the drop of the load. It is equal to h  l  l. 6. Calculate the potential energy of the system in the first position of the load, i.e. before the start of the fall, taking as the zero level the potential energy Δl of the load in its final position: E p1  mgh  mg(l  l) . In the final position of the load, its potential energy is zero. The potential energy of the system in this state is determined only by the energy of the elastically deformed spring: E ​​p 2 kl 2  Calculate it. 2 7. Enter the results of measurements and calculations into the table. Experiment No. l, m Δl, m h, m hср m, kg Еp1, J Еp2, J 1 2 3 4 5 8. Compare the values ​​of potential energy in the first and second states of the system and draw a conclusion. Laboratory work No. 2 Experimental study of the law of conservation of mechanical energy. Purpose of the work: learn to measure the potential energy of a body raised above the ground and an elastically deformed spring, compare two values ​​of the potential energy of the system. Equipment: tripod with coupling, laboratory dynamometer with lock, measuring tape, weight on a thread. Directions for work. To complete the work, assemble the installation shown in the figure. The dynamometer is fixed in the tripod leg. The spring stiffness is 40 N/m. Procedure for performing the work. 1. Tie a weight to a thread, tie the other end of the thread to the hook of a dynamometer. 2. Measure the distance l from the dynamometer hook to the center of gravity of the load. 3. Raise the weight to the height of the dynamometer hook and release it. When lifting the load, relax the spring and secure the clamp near the limit bracket. 4. Remove the weight and, using the position of the lock, measure the maximum elongation l of the spring with a ruler. 5. Find the height of the drop of the load. It is equal to h  l  l. 6. Calculate the potential energy of the system in the first position of the load, i.e. before the start of the fall, taking as the zero level the potential energy Δl of the load in its final position: E p1  mgh  mg(l  l) . In the final position of the load, its potential energy is zero. The potential energy of the system in this state is determined only by the energy of the elastically deformed spring: E ​​p 2 kl 2  Calculate it. 2 7. Enter the results of measurements and calculations into the table. Experiment No. l, m Δl, m h, m hср m, kg Еp1, J Еp2, J 1 2 3 4 5 8. Compare the values ​​of potential energy in the first and second states of the system and draw a conclusion.

Sections: Physics

Educational: learn to measure the potential energy of a body raised above the ground and a deformed spring, compare two values ​​of the potential energy of the system.

Developmental: develop the ability to apply theoretical knowledge when performing laboratory work, the ability to analyze and draw conclusions.

Educational: cultivate the ability for introspection and a critical attitude towards one’s knowledge.

Organizational moment - 5 minutes.

Introduction to the topic of the lesson - 5 minutes.

Studying the theoretical part of the work and design – 10 minutes.

Completion of work - 20 minutes.

Self-assessment of the findings and the final part of the lesson - 5 minutes.

Equipment and materials for the lesson.

  • Physics textbook. 10th grade for general education institutions. (G.Ya.Myakishev B.B. Bukhovtsev N.N. Sotsky) L.r. No. 2.
  • Equipment: a tripod with a coupling and a foot, a dynamometer, a ruler, a load of mass m on a thread of length l, a piece of foam plastic 3 mm * 5 mm * 7 mm with a cut in the middle to the middle.
  • The definition of potential energy and elastic force is repeated.

    Introduction to the topic of the lesson

    The teacher briefly talks about the procedure for performing the work and the differences from the work described in the textbook.

    Recording the lesson topic

    1. Write in a notebook.

    Students complete laboratory work and draw a table.

    2. The teacher explains the problem using a demonstration, we put a piece of foam plastic on the rod coming from the dynamometer spring, raise the weight to the length of the thread (5-7 cm) and lower the piece of foam rests against the limiter at the bottom of the dynamometer and rises up when the spring is compressed. And then, according to the work plan, we stretch the spring until the foam touches the limiter of the dynamometer and measure the maximum stretch of the spring and the maximum elastic force.

    3. Students ask questions and clarify unclear points.

    4. Start performing the practical part of the work.

    5. Perform calculations and check the law of conservation of energy.

    6. They draw conclusions and hand in their notebooks.

    Self-assessment of knowledge

    Students voice their conclusions, the results obtained and give them an assessment.

    Changes in laboratory work were made based on available equipment.

    When the work is completed, the set goals are achieved.


    Laboratory work No. 7 “Study of the law of conservation of mechanical energy”

    Physics textbook for grade 9 (I.K. Kikoin, A.K. Kikoin, 1999),
    task №7
    to the chapter " LABORATORY WORKS».

    Purpose of the work: compare two quantities - a decrease in the potential energy of a body attached to a spring when it falls and an increase in the potential energy of a stretched spring.

    1) a dynamometer with a spring stiffness of 40 N/m; 2) ruler

    measuring; 3) weight from the mechanics set; the mass of the load is (0.100 ±0.002) kg.

    Materials: 1) retainer;

    2) tripod with coupling and foot.

    For work, the installation shown in Figure 180 is used. It is a dynamometer mounted on a tripod with lock 1.

    The dynamometer spring ends with a wire rod with a hook. The latch (shown separately on an enlarged scale - marked with the number 2) is a light cork plate (dimensions 5 X 7 X 1.5 mm), cut with a knife to its center. It is placed on the wire rod of the dynamometer. The retainer should move along the rod with little friction, but there should still be enough friction to prevent the retainer from falling down on its own. You need to make sure of this before starting work. To do this, the latch is installed at the lower edge of the scale on the limit bracket. Then stretch and release.

    The latch together with the wire rod should rise upward, marking the maximum elongation of the spring, equal to the distance from the stop to the latch.

    If you lift a load hanging on the hook of a dynamometer so that the spring is not stretched, then the potential energy of the load in relation to, for example, the table surface is equal to mgH. When a load falls (lowering at a distance x = h), the potential energy of the load will decrease by

    and the energy of the spring during its deformation increases by

    Work order

    1. Place the weight from the mechanics kit firmly on the hook of the dynamometer.

    2. Lift the weight by hand, unloading the spring, and install the lock at the bottom of the bracket.

    3. Release the load. As the weight falls, it will stretch the spring. Remove the weight and use a ruler to measure the maximum elongation x of the spring using the position of the latch.

    Physics presentation for laboratory work No. 2 “Study of the law of conservation of mechanical energy” 10th grade

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    Description of the presentation by individual slides:

    Laboratory work No. 2 Topic: Study of the law of conservation of mechanical energy. Purpose of the work: learn to measure the potential energy of a body raised above the ground and a deformed spring; compare two values ​​of potential energy of the system. Equipment: tripod with coupling and foot; laboratory dynamometer; ruler; a load of mass m on a thread of length l.

    Progress: Note: The difficulty of the experiment lies in accurately determining the maximum deformation of the spring, since the body moves quickly. P, N h1, m h2, m F, N x, m |ΔEgr|, J Epr, J Epr / |ΔEgr|

    Instructions for work: To perform the work, assemble the installation shown in the figure. The dynamometer is fixed in the tripod leg.

    1. Tie a weight on a string to the hook of a dynamometer. Attach the dynamometer to the tripod clamp at such a height that the weight raised to the hook will not reach the table when dropped. Measure the weight of the load P, N. 2. Raise the load to the point where the thread is secured. Install the clamp on the dynamometer rod near the limit bracket. 3. Raise the load almost to the hook of the dynamometer and measure the height h1 of the load above the table (it is convenient to measure the height at which the lower edge of the load is located).

    4. Release the load without pushing. As the weight falls, it will stretch the spring, and the latch will move upward along the rod. Then, stretching the spring by hand so that the latch is at the limit bracket, measure F, x and h2.

    5. Calculate: a) the increase in the potential energy of the spring: Epr = F x / 2; b) decrease in the potential energy of the load: |ΔEgr| = P(h1 - h2). 6. Write the results of measurements and calculations in a table. 7. Draw a conclusion: Why is the ratio Epr / |ΔEgr| can't be equal to 1?

    Literature: 1. Textbook: Physics. 10th grade: textbook. for general education institutions with adj. per electron media: basic and profile. levels/G. Y. Myakishev, B. B. Bukhovtsev, N. N. Sotsky; edited by V. I. Nikolaeva, N. A. Parfentieva. — M: Enlightenment, 2011. 2. 3. http://lessons.worldphysics.rf

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    Laboratory work No. 2 “Study of the law of conservation of mechanical energy” in 10th grade.

    Textbook: Physics. 10th grade: textbook. for general education institutions with adj. per electron media: basic and profile. levels/G. Y. Myakishev, B. B. Bukhovtsev, N. N. Sotsky; edited by V. I. Nikolaeva, N. A. Parfentieva. — M: Enlightenment, 2011.

    Description of work: A load weighing P is tied on a thread to the hook of a dynamometer spring and, having been raised to a height h1 above the table surface, is released. The height of the load h2 is measured at the moment when the speed of the load becomes equal to 0, as well as the elongation x of the spring at this moment. The decrease in the potential energy of the load and the increase in the potential energy of the spring are calculated.

    Physics presentation “Studying the law of conservation of mechanical energy” 10th grade

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    Document selected for viewing Laboratory work 2.docx

    MBOU Secondary School, Lazarev, Nikolaevsky District, Khabarovsk Territory
    Completed by: physics teacher T.A. Knyazeva

    Laboratory work No. 2. Grade 10

    Study of the law of conservation of mechanical energy.

    Goal of the work: they will learn to measure the potential energy of a body raised above the ground and an elastically deformed spring, and compare two values ​​of the potential energy of the system.

    Equipment: a tripod with a coupling and a foot, a laboratory dynamometer with a lock, a measuring tape, a weight on a thread about 25 cm long.

    Determine the weight of the ball F 1 = 1 N.

    The distance l from the dynamometer hook to the center of gravity of the ball is 40 cm.

    Maximum spring elongation l =5 cm.

    Force F =20 N, F /2=10 N.

    Fall height h = l + l =40+5=45cm=0.45m.

    E p1 = F 1 x (l + l) = 1Нх0.45 m = 0.45 J.

    E p2 = F /2x L =10Nx0.05m=0.5J.

    We enter the results of measurements and calculations into the table:

    Study of the law of conservation of mechanical energy.

    compare the changes in the potential energy of the load and the potential energy of the spring.

    a tripod with a coupling and clamp, a dynamometer with a lock, a weight, a strong thread, a measuring tape or ruler with millimeter divisions.

    A load of weight P is tied by a thread to the hook of the dynamometer spring and, having been raised to a height h 1 above the table surface, is released.

    The height of the load h 2 is measured at the moment when the speed of the load becomes zero (at maximum elongation of the spring), as well as the elongation x of the spring at this moment. The potential energy of the load decreased by
    |ΔE gr | = P(h 1 - h 2), and the potential energy of the spring increased by , where k is the spring stiffness coefficient, x is the maximum elongation of the spring corresponding to the lowest position of the load.

    Since part of the mechanical energy is converted into internal energy due to friction in the dynamometer and air resistance, the ratio
    E pr / |ΔE gr | less than one. In this work, we need to determine how close this ratio is to unity.

    The modulus of elastic force and the modulus of elongation are related by the relation F = kx, therefore, where F is the elastic force corresponding to the maximum elongation of the spring. Thus, to find the ratio E pr / |ΔE gr |, you need to measure P, h 1, h 2, F and x.

    To measure F, x and h 2 it is necessary to note the state corresponding to the maximum elongation of the spring. To do this, put a piece of cardboard (clamp) on the dynamometer rod, which can move along the rod with little friction. As the load moves downward, the dynamometer's limiting bracket will move the lock and it will move up the dynamometer rod. Then, stretching the dynamometer by hand so that the latch is again at the limiting bracket, read the value of F, and also measure x and h 2.

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