Body peeling in the sauna of a public bath. How to arrange spa treatments in a bathhouse? Stages of the bath procedure

It is enough to imagine a ruddy, healthy village girl for the last doubts about the benefits of bath procedures to disappear. Our ancestors did not have beauty salons, they did not know what a spa was, but they retained good spirits and a flourishing appearance until they were very old. One of the main recipes for their health and beauty was bathing procedures.

Today, not everyone has the opportunity to steam in their own bathhouse, and visiting a public one can be problematic. But many fitness clubs and swimming pools offer a worthy alternative - a sauna. Is it possible to carry out any procedures in a sauna to get the same effect as from visiting a Russian bath? Certainly! The main thing is to approach everything wisely.

Different peoples used clean water and warm steam to maintain hygiene. But at the same time, each nation organized washing in the bathhouse in its own way.

Thus, the Slavs began to use wet steam, that is, saturated with water, and used bath brooms as the main washing device. With the help of a broom, steam was directed onto the human body, due to which the desired result was achieved: the pores opened, the skin was cleansed, and all harmful substances were removed with sweat.

But in northern countries - for example, Finland - it was not so easy to build a special hut to retain wet steam. Therefore, the Finns began to use dry steam. This is how the Finnish bathhouse - sauna - appeared.

It is no coincidence that in modern saunas there is a warning about the ban on the use of brooms: the dry heat that fills the steam room in the sauna (sweating room) can burn the skin and cause an increase in blood pressure. It must act passively, so you need to stay in the sauna long enough to get the effect.

The wet steam of a Russian bath is often easier to tolerate than the dry steam of a sauna: it does not irritate the mucous membranes of the airways and moisturizes the skin. But some people prefer a sauna because they don’t like moisture and prefer dry heat.

Important! You need to get used to both Russian and Finnish baths gradually, gradually increasing the time spent in the steam room. Each time, the respiratory and cardiovascular systems will become stronger, because the bathhouse is a kind of gym for the body’s life support systems.

What happens in the sauna?

The effect of a sauna on the human body is associated, first of all, with the activation of thermoregulation mechanisms, which are triggered when being in a room with high air temperature. At the same time, each body system has its own processes:

  1. A short stay in the sweat room activates the central nervous system. Coordination of movements improves, motor activity increases, and consciousness becomes clearer. A longer stay triggers the processes of inhibition, relaxation, decreased muscle tone and stress relief.
  2. Dry heat activates skin receptors, the pores open, the lumen of the capillaries expands, and sweating increases. Blood tends to the periphery of the body, and in response to this, the heart begins to work more intensely: the heart rate increases, and the heart muscle is trained. Blood circulation in the brain also increases, which has a beneficial effect on mental activity.
  3. To protect the body from overheating, the blood vessels in the lungs narrow. This leads to increased breathing, which becomes more shallow. Regular use of the sauna helps increase lung capacity.
  4. The rate of energy metabolism increases. The high speed of its flow remains even after leaving the steam room, so the sauna is considered one of the effective ways to lose weight. Weight is also reduced due to large loss of fluid and elimination of edema.
  5. Dry steam has the most noticeable effect on the skin. Dilation of blood vessels and activation of blood flow help improve its nutrition, and cleansing the surface layers of the epidermis improves the quality of skin respiration. Intensive supply of nutrients and oxygen stimulates regenerative processes and the production of elastic fibers. The skin becomes soft, moisturized, elastic and smooth.

But it should be borne in mind that in order for a sauna or steam bath to really bring benefits, you need to follow some rules for visiting them. First of all, it is recommended to consume a sufficient amount of clean drinking water or herbal decoction and avoid fatty foods before visiting the steam room.

Today, infrared saunas are very popular. They differ from ordinary Finnish baths in the way they supply heat: here the leading role is played not by dry steam, but by infrared radiation, due to which the body is heated. But in general, the effect of visiting such a sauna is no different from visiting a regular Finnish sweat room.

How to become more attractive with the help of baths and saunas?

Cosmetic procedures in baths and saunas have always been in demand. It is known that in ancient times, village girls used decoctions and infusions of various herbs to rinse their hair, and washed their faces with milk and buttermilk after visiting the steam room.

Today, there are also ready-made cosmetics for baths on sale, but still more interest is attracted to natural, home-made mixtures, masks and scrubs, which allow you to carry out full-fledged SPA procedures in a bath - both Russian and Finnish.

So, how is a beauty bath used? Here are just a few of the effects that you can get when visiting a bathhouse:

  • cleansing and rejuvenating the skin, fighting pimples and acne;
  • weight loss, getting rid of cellulite;
  • improvement of hair condition.

To some extent, all procedures in the bathhouse have this effect. But it intensifies with the use of appropriate means.

For clear and smooth skin

The most popular bath procedures for the beauty and health of the skin are various types of cleansing using peeling, scrub, and cosmetic masks.

It is convenient to use as a scrub:

  • coarse sea salt - it will remove the top layer of the epidermis and help cope with inflammatory elements;
  • coffee grounds are a favorite among means for cleansing and fighting cellulite;
  • baking soda - it is especially useful for oily, acne-prone skin.

Also used: brown sugar, candied honey, a mixture of liquid honey with semolina and lightly steamed oatmeal. All of them exfoliate dead epidermis well and clean out pores. It is enough to visit the steam room once to open the pores and prepare the skin for cleansing, and then rinse and use the scrub.

The effect of complete renewal is guaranteed!

  • A good addition to the scrub would be cosmetic masks from:
  • white and blue clay;
  • sour cream or cream;
  • citrus fruits;
  • fresh cucumbers;
  • activated carbon and gelatin;

berry puree. With the help of masks you can create a real SPA in the bathhouse. Berries and fruits will have an effect due to fruit acids. Contain acid and fermented milk products; In addition, they saturate the skin with vitamins and microelements. Fresh cucumber tones, and clay and masks with activated carbon remove impurities very well

and remove unnecessary substances.

Since all muscle groups, without exception, relax under the influence of steam, it can also be used to eliminate facial wrinkles. Therefore, bath procedures are very useful for women who are on the verge of the appearance of the first age-related changes.

To combat excess weight

The real beauty of the body in the bath is revealed due to the fact that excess fluid is removed and the subcutaneous tissue becomes less loose and pasty. When you regularly visit a steam room or sweat room, excess weight goes away and your silhouette becomes stronger.

What can you do in a bathhouse to speed up the weight loss process?

  1. Drink more pure water or herbal infusions to speed up metabolic processes. Linden and green tea, mate, tea with the addition of ginger and cinnamon are well suited for this purpose.
  2. Resist the temptation to have a small snack. Any food during thermal procedures is digested very poorly, especially protein and fatty foods.
  3. Use scrubs and peels to cleanse the skin and improve sweating. Using special formulations, you can stimulate the breakdown of fat cells and get rid of cellulite.
  4. In a Russian bathhouse - steam with a linden broom.
  5. Use special infusions and essential oils for weight loss.
  6. Complement your visit to the bathhouse with a contrast shower and massage.
  7. Visit the steam room after physical activity, and refrain from eating for a couple of hours after visiting her.

Normally, following these recommendations, you can lose up to 2% of body weight in one session of thermal procedures.

Important! You should not strive for rapid weight loss by increasing the frequency of visits to the bathhouse or the time spent in the steam room. This may have a negative impact on your health.

The optimal time spent in the steam room is about 10-15 minutes, after which you need to normalize cardiac activity with a contrast douche or rest in a cool room. As a rule, at least 20 minutes of rest are required to fully restore normal heart rhythm.

Important! Contrast douches are a serious test for the cardiovascular system. They are contraindicated for those who suffer from coronary heart disease, chronic heart failure and other cardiovascular pathologies.

For hair beauty

Both dry and wet steam have a beneficial effect on the condition of the hair. This happens because steam increases blood circulation throughout the entire scalp, including in the area of ​​the hair follicles. If you combine thermal procedures with masks or decoctions, you can easily make your hair shiny, strong and healthy.

The most effective addition would be:

  1. Olive or burdock oil.
  2. Chicken yolks.
  3. Gelatin solution.
  4. Decoctions of herbs (chamomile, nettle, birch and linden leaves, burdock root).
  5. Juice (or pulp) from aloe leaves.
  6. Brewer's yeast (this is the official remedy for hair loss).
  7. Cream, kefir, whey or buttermilk.
  8. Coffee grounds.
  9. Peach puree.

All these components combine well with each other, so they can be used in combination.

Video lesson: the most effective procedures in the bathhouse and sauna.

What do you need to remember?

When choosing cosmetic procedures for a bath or sauna, you should take into account that under the influence of steam, the skin will become more susceptible to active substances and more vulnerable to irritants. Therefore you need:

  • be sure that there is no individual intolerance to the drug: under conditions of increased blood flow, the likelihood of developing an allergic reaction increases significantly;
  • use “aggressive” components with caution for dry skin prone to irritation: it is better to refrain, for example, from sea salt, and use oatmeal or candied honey as the basis for peeling;
  • Do not peel or use scrubs if there are inflammatory elements (pimples) and pustules: the infection may spread further.

Important! Before visiting a bathhouse or sauna, you need to exclude the presence of health contraindications.

The simplest homemade beauty recipes acquire special power in a bathhouse. Slimness, attractiveness and youth are just a few of the gifts of bath procedures. It is no coincidence that in Rus' they said: “steaming in a bathhouse is a day without growing old.” No beauty salon can compare in its effectiveness with the bath spirit!

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To rest, relax and, in the end, wash well - for this we visit a bathhouse or sauna.

A rare feeling of relaxation and peace, skin cells freed from dirt and dust - this is what we get at the end of the “bath day”. What cosmetics should you take with you to the bathhouse to ensure a complete rest and body care to be as effective as possible? So, the best beauty treatments in the sauna.

Coffee scrubs and soaps

Natural skin cleansing in a sauna - coffee grounds. Only you don’t have to guess with it, but mix it with salt and apply it with massaging movements on the body. Such an improvised scrub will not only cleanse the skin, but also, in tandem with high temperature, will accelerate the breakdown of fat deposits. To prepare this, you need to take a few tablespoons of ground coffee (it is advisable that it is not ground into “dust”, but that the particles are large), add half the amount of sugar to it and pour in a small amount of hot water. Stir well, and after the sugar has melted, this mixture can be used. It is best to do this after the second visit to the steam room, when the skin has already steamed and the keratinized particles have softened.

Professional cosmetics manufacturers also paid attention to coffee beans. Some brands produce entire series of products using coffee.

When choosing a natural coffee product, you can try:

  • Massage tile "Black velvet" from Savonry. The product contains coffee and cocoa oils, which effectively break down fats and nourish the skin.
  • Cleansing coffee bar "Coffee temptation" from Soapmakers, which contains ground coffee.
  • Coffee soap from Attirance with particles of ground coffee. The soap gently exfoliates and cleanses the skin.

Cosmetics for sauna

Many sauna regulars recommend honey as a hot mask or body balm base. Honey is indeed very healthy, but it can cause allergies in some. If the body perceives honey normally, you can add essential oil or aloe juice to it for a nourishing and moisturizing effect.

It is better to smear yourself with honey some time after leaving the steam room, after rinsing yourself in a warm shower. At this time, the pores are open and blood circulation in the skin is activated. Special honey mixtures for baths or saunas can also be found in pharmacies. In the steam room, the healing properties of decoctions of medicinal herbs are enhanced. Such decoctions can be added to water and poured over the body with this cocktail or moistened a broom with it during steaming. Rinse your hair well after washing with the remaining broth.

Bath cosmetics from professionals

Manufacturers of natural cosmetics are developing their offers for baths and saunas. Natural aromatic compositions from essential oils are offered by the companies Aromatika and Flora’s Secret. A scrub made from buckwheat grains with the addition of milk is in the assortment of the Russian brand “Granny Agafya’s Recipes”. Karel Hadek has a whole range of balms and masks based on natural oils.

A sauna or bath can cause harm - especially if you don’t know the difference between these concepts. A dry and hot sauna is suitable for those who cannot tolerate the high humidity of the bath and vice versa. But you should not stay in the sauna or bathhouse for more than 15-20 minutes - this is not a platform for testing endurance and endurance. If you overdo it with bath procedures, you can get heatstroke. When the first discomfort appears, it is not recommended to make sudden movements and gradually move to a cool room.

Experienced steam bathers recommend that bathhouse or sauna visitors drink moderately (fresh juice, herbal tea, but not beer!), take care of their head and hair (putting a cap on their head and not entering the bathhouse with wet hair), and also... be silent: in the steam room the body relaxes, freeing yourself from negativity, so empty talk can only interfere with this.

Svetlana Markova

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious it is!


Most of us know that a bath helps to lose extra pounds, but not everyone knows how to do it correctly. For many centuries in Rus', people used the bathhouse to lose weight, to rejuvenate the body and treat various ailments, using masks of honey and oil, herbal decoctions, and fragrant brooms for this purpose. Let's try to figure out how to steam properly in order to remove excess weight, in order to rejuvenate and heal the body.

How to lose weight in a bathhouse

Having steamed well, a person significantly loses weight, which is reduced due to the release of fluid through sweat. In the steam room, up to one and a half liters of sweat is lost, along with which toxins are eliminated. This cleansing has a wonderful healing effect. In addition, the sauna helps you relax, unwind and relieve stress.

If you ask the question: does a bathhouse really help you lose weight, then you can answer unequivocally - it helps. True, for this you need to regularly visit the steam room, after warming up with physical exercise. Thanks to sports, the body will either already begin to sweat or prepare to sweat. Only such a cleansing process is considered complete and brings maximum effect.

How to take a steam bath to lose weight

When choosing a sauna, you must take into account your health status. The Russian bath provides an excellent healing effect and helps you lose weight, but it is considered stressful for the body. The Turkish bath has a special climate; it does not overload the body, therefore it is recommended for older people. The Finnish steam room provides a relaxing and rejuvenating effect at just 45-55 C.

The Finnish sauna for weight loss is similar in its method to the Russian steam room; it is based on alternating heating of the body with steam and cooling it with cold water. Finnish and Russian steam rooms differ from each other in the type of steam (one is dry, the other is wet). Any of the above types of baths helps to heal the body and remove excess fluid, but you need to understand how to do it correctly.

Procedures in the bath

In order for the body to warm up and sweat evenly, you should change positions: on the side, on the back, on the other side. In this case, you should breathe through your nose. After five minutes, sit down slowly so as not to feel dizzy and leave the steam room. These are the basic procedures in a weight loss bath. After the steam room, you should splash yourself with cold water and rest for 10 minutes. To keep sweating, you can place your feet in a bowl of warm water. For those who are just discovering the sauna, it is recommended to spend 5 minutes on the bottom shelf, without using a broom.

The second and subsequent passes will require steam. Hot water with essential oil is splashed on the stones. The steam will warm the body, and essential oils will create an inhalation effect, clear the nasopharynx, which will improve breathing and increase oxygen consumption. After applying steam, you need to lie down - this will reduce the load on the heart and remove maximum fluid. The rest time between visits to the steam room increases each time.

How to properly go to the sauna for weight loss? You can use a birch, oak or juniper broom, and take a contrast shower between visits. The whole process lasts no more than 3.5 hours, of which about an hour is spent in the steam room. A person should steam for as long as he feels comfortable. If you are very thirsty, you can drink hot herbal tea.


This procedure involves wrapping problem areas of the body with film to create a greenhouse effect. Bath wraps, for which film and masks are used, are especially productive. The ingredients are fruits, vegetables, berries, and other food products, which are prepared immediately before visiting the bathhouse and brought with you.

You need to steam with a broom, wipe dry, apply a cleansing scrub to the body and rub it, then rinse with warm water. After this, apply the ingredients for the mask to problem areas of the body. Apply a film and a towel on top, for the best effect, put on a warm robe and sit for 15 minutes. After removing the film, massage the problem areas, rinse off the composition, and apply a nourishing mask to the body. During the procedures, you should not drink alcohol, strong tea, or eat fatty, smoked, or fried foods.


After steaming, the skin becomes especially sensitive to the components that make up the masks. A good result can be achieved by peeling with salt, which should be rubbed over the entire body before the second use. You can soften the effect of salt by mixing it with honey. You need to rub your body with this mixture, wrap yourself in a sheet and sweat for 5 minutes. After leaving the steam room, you can lie down for 15 minutes and then wash off the salt with warm water. After this, take another 15-minute rest and apply nourishing cream. You can use the following masks in a weight loss bath:

Sauna products for weight loss

In order for weight loss in a bath to be as productive as possible, it is necessary to use different masks. These can be industrial products or compositions prepared in your own kitchen. In addition to masks and wraps, you can use sauna products for weight loss in the form of scrubs. This is a productive way to cleanse the skin and prepare it for wrapping. Dry coffee is often used as a natural scrub, the grounds of which are combined with honey, sour cream and a couple of drops of any essential oil.

Honey bath

The hot air of the steam room and honey will help the skin pores to open better and increase sweating. A bath with honey will give you the opportunity to sweat as much as possible, lose as much fluid as possible, and with it remove toxins from the body. In addition, a honey bath improves your health when losing weight: the components of honey penetrate deeply into the cells, blood, lymph, saturate the skin with a mass of useful vitamins and microelements, stimulate blood circulation, metabolic processes, and cell growth. Honey refreshes, rejuvenates the skin, moisturizes it and turns on protective processes.


To lose weight in a steam room, you can use rubbing, which is prepared from a mixture of salt and soda. Rub the body before the first use. Baking soda in a weight loss bath is an excellent way to keep you sweating even after leaving the steam room. To prolong sweating, you need to wrap yourself in a sheet and dry for 20 minutes, and limit your intake of liquids. Then you can wash off the salt and soda.

Calorie consumption in the bath

To get rid of extra calories in a Russian bath, you need to maintain an air temperature of 60 degrees with a humidity of 70-90%. Before sweating, you need to: wash off your makeup, take a shower (you can’t get your head wet), dry off so that you can enter the steam room with a dry body (a wet body sweats worse). When you first come in, you shouldn’t sit on the top bunk. The skin, respiratory system, and heart must gradually prepare for high temperatures. During subsequent runs, steam is applied. The per minute calorie consumption in the bath has the following indicators:

  • 5 min – 18 kcal;
  • 10 min – 35 kcal;
  • 20 min – 70 kcal;
  • 30 min – 105 kcal;
  • 45 min – 158 kcal;
  • 60 min – 210 kcal.

Another week of work passes, and we are going to take bath procedures. To be honest, the bath and bath procedures for us are part of our life, a ritual, without which it is difficult to imagine our existence in this busy world.

An experienced steamer, going to the bathhouse, takes with him all the necessary attributes of bathing art. He is well aware of the beneficial effects of hot steam, and so that his health does not suffer, he will do everything correctly. But what should an inexperienced or inexperienced person do? The answer is simple - understand and adhere to the recommendations below.

I remember when I first went to the bathhouse, there were no recommendations at all. He climbed to the top shelf and, looking closely at the avid steamers, tried to portray something similar. The result did not take long to arrive. Somehow I came out of the steam room with dark circles in my eyes. Of course, there was no time for a bath here. The good news is that it ends well and there are no negative consequences. But this incident was a memorable lesson for me for the rest of my life. Then I realized the importance of following the rules for visiting the steam room. Here's what you need to know:

what is important to know

  • Never go to the bathhouse after a large and dense meal.
  • Two hours before the steam room, have a light snack (vegetables or fruits are desirable).
  • After hard physical labor, you need to rest for an hour or two (does not apply to mental fatigue).
  • and viral diseases with elevated temperature is contraindicated. You can't knock out a wedge with a wedge!
  • Don’t rush headlong into the steam room, but gradually get used to the hot steam. Beginners don't necessarily have to climb to the top shelf. All you have to do is sit downstairs for a couple of minutes. This way, you will gradually get used to the high temperature, and it will no longer seem so angry.
  • Do not visit the bathhouse if you are very physically tired, when even rest does not help relieve severe fatigue.
  • Avoid severe overheating of the body, as well as hypothermia. Use cooling procedures (cold shower, swimming pool, snow rubdown) only between visits to the steam room.
  • Never wet your hair before the steam room. This may cause your head to overheat. And, as you know, the head is, after all, our main organ, no matter what they say.
  • It is useful for people inexperienced in bathing to take a warm shower before the steam room. 2-3 minutes are enough to prepare yourself for the hot steam.
  • Foreign and unpleasant odors are not allowed in the steam room. You should breathe healthy air from trees, brooms and special flavoring agents.
  • Monitor your health and do not let it worsen. If you feel dizzy, have an increased heart rate, difficulty breathing, feel nauseous, and have dark spots in your gases, know that you are overheated. Immediately leave the steam room to a cool and ventilated room.
  • Staying in a steam room with very high steam temperatures for too long is unacceptable and can cause harm rather than benefit to your health.
  • After every one and a half to two hours of using the steam room, clean it and ventilate it thoroughly.
  • You need to know how to provide first aid in a bathhouse.
  • Never drink alcohol.

Something for information about procedures in the bathhouse

  • The best position in the steam room is lying on the shelf. In this case, the skin warms up evenly over all areas. The head should be slightly raised.
  • Do not change your body position suddenly. If you can’t lie down, you can raise your legs higher.
  • For hygienic purposes, before the steam room, it is recommended to wash yourself a little without soap and wash off the main dirt. Soap washes away the fat layer from the skin, which protects it from drying out. Don't forget to dry yourself.
  • When you first visit the steam room, take it with you, sit quietly, and breathe in its aroma. This will give you a chance to get used to the high temperature. Warm up well, relax in the dressing room, and then you can go steam.
  • Water on the skin prevents sweating. Always remove it by hand or with a special scraper.
  • The temperature in the steam room is not uniform - the higher it is, the more important it is.
  • Always take a bath cap and mittens to the steam room.
  • Morning hours are the best time for a bath.
  • Dry steam is easier to tolerate by the body than wet steam.
  • Carry out all bath procedures slowly and without fuss. Remember that you came to relax and gain strength, not to work.
  • The average time for bath procedures is about two hours.
  • Beginners may not sweat as intensely as experienced people. Regular visits to the bathhouse help normalize sweating.
  • or self-massage should be done immediately after leaving the steam room.
  • It’s good to take a terry towel with you to the steam room, spread it on the shelf and lie on it.

And the main thing that you definitely need to know about bath procedures is this. After all, steam in a bathhouse is of exceptional importance for the benefit of our health.

Since ancient times, the Slavs were treated for illnesses and ailments in the bathhouse. In addition to its direct purpose, The bathhouse serves as a medical and beauty salon. Regular trips to the bathhouse rid the body of toxins and help cells improve the regeneration process. Today you will find out what are the procedures in the bathhouse will help you become both beautiful and healthy.

Greetings dear reader!

A visit to the steam room has a beneficial effect on the entire body as a whole, activating rejuvenation processes and improving a person’s appearance.

Bathhouses and steam rooms have certain rules for visiting for maximum pleasure and benefit, and not everyone is suitable for bathhouse procedures.

  1. The head in the steam room should be covered with a special cap or scarf to protect the hair from drying out and subsequent breakage.
  2. All metal jewelry must be removed to avoid burns.
  3. For shoes, light flip-flops or flip-flops would be ideal.

To avoid exposing your skin to sudden temperature changes, it is better to pour warm water over yourself before going into the steam room. Also, for the first time, it is better to steam on the lower step of the shelf, gradually adapting the body to the high temperatures in the steam room.

How you feel is the best indicator of how much time you need for the steam room, especially on your first visit.

As soon as the sensations become uncomfortable, it’s time to leave the steam room.

Immediately after leaving it, you need to douse yourself with water to wash off the sweat, which removes secretions and cleanses the skin.

Steam room

Each subsequent visit to the steam room is longer, the temperatures are higher. Now you can take a steam bath on the high steps of the regiment.

The steam room is a place for relaxation; you should not waste your pleasure on chatting, physical activity or cosmetic procedures.

All this should be left for later, but here it is necessary to let the body relax and calm down. This is an excellent procedure for cleansing and restoring strength in the body.

Tonic supplements

With the help of oils and herbal decoctions, you can enhance the healing and tonic effect of steam.


Raspberry, pine, eucalyptus and some other decoctions are perfect.

Before use, they need to be strained and diluted with plenty of water, and then boldly pour them over hot stones.


With oils everything is a little different.

They do not water the stones, but soak a small board and place it near the stones or drip a few drops directly onto the shelves.

  • For cheerfulness and mood, use lavender, jasmine, grapefruit and fir.
  • For relaxation, calm and stress relief, tangerine, lemon or ylang-ylang oils are ideal.
  • To heal wounds and disinfect them, chamomile, cedar, peppermint, eucalyptus or juniper oil are needed.


Using diluted kvass or beer, the steam is given a bready aroma, which cleanses and completely heals the entire body.


The best bath procedure is to steam with a broom. It heals, tones, and rejuvenates.

It is impossible to imagine a Russian bathhouse without a fragrant and steamed broom. First, they stroke the skin, then begin to lightly pat, gradually increasing the intensity and force of the blows.

For those who fight against cellulite and fat deposits, and also just want to improve their body health, a broom is the best helper.

Nettles and several types of trees are used for brooms.

  • A birch broom will help relieve muscle pain, cleanse the skin and lungs, and heal wounds.
  • You can treat oily skin, regulate blood pressure and nerves with the help of an oak broom.
  • Linden relieves headaches, helps in the treatment of pulmonary diseases and stimulates kidney function.
  • Juniper and fir branches promote blood circulation and sweating, relieve respiratory tract diseases, and help with neuralgia.
  • Nettle helps cope with joint pain, inflammation and helps reduce blood pressure.

Cosmetic procedures in the bath

For cosmetic procedures, folk remedies are the most ideal.

It is better to prepare masks and scrubs from honey, salt, clay, kefir or sour cream, oils and berries.

Each procedure must be alternated with a steam procedure, but you must enter the steam room with absolutely clean skin each time.

You need to start with cleansing with a scrub after your first visit to the steam room.

The procedure lasts about 15 minutes, everything is washed off under running water.

After subsequent steaming, masks should be made, first nourishing, then tonic and healing.

When the trips to the steam room are completed, it’s the turn of the hair.

A pre-prepared mask is applied to the scalp, then to the roots and lengths. After ten minutes, rinse thoroughly with a suitable shampoo.

To truly relax your body and soul, heal and rejuvenate your body, you need to go to the bathhouse weekly.

This should become a good and kind tradition for many years.

Bathhouse is useful for everyone!!!

Also, my dear parents, such baths are very useful for our children, since they are the same as everyone else, and the delights of the bath are beneficial for their bodies.