The most interesting facts from the history of marriage. Interesting from family law Interesting facts about marriage in different countries

Dear newlyweds! The Bible says: "Leaves the man of his father and mother and go to his wife and will be two united flesh." You are now - two halves of one whole. Take care of each other, appreciate, be decent towards each other.

Wedding rings in Jews are only Jewish. And men do not wear.

Christians began to use rings during wedding approximately 900 year. The Catholic Church prescribes wearing a wedding ring on a unnamed finger of his left hand. Orthodox Christians usually wear a wedding ring on the nameless finger of the right hand.

On the left hand, wedding rings are worn in countries such as: Brazil, France, Ireland, Canada, Mexico, Slovenia, Sweden, USA, United Kingdom, Italy.

In other countries, such as Greece, Germany, Russia, Spain, India, Colombia, Venezuela and Chile, the wedding ring is worn on his right hand.

81% of happy couples declare that relatives and friends do not interfere in their relationship. Among unfortunate pairs of such only 38%.

Women are happier in marriage if they believe that home duties are distributed fair between husband and wife.

The custom of the newlywed kisses at the end of the marriage ceremony came to us from ancient Rome. Then he had a few different meaning - the wedding was considered as a contract, and the kiss served a kind of seal, fastening the contract.

50% of women and 33% of men keep offense for 10 years after divorce.

Married men and married women live longer than bachelors and unmarried.

Every 10-13 seconds on the planet, someone is divorced.

Married people are twice as often go to church than not married.

The marriage gives great satisfaction in life than money, sex, or even children, consider psychologists to the University of Wake Forest.

All presidents of the United States of America were family people. The most large-scale American president was John Taylor - he had fifteen offspring.

The most numerous family in the world of the Chinese Cion Cion, who lives in one of the Indian states. He has 39 wives, 94 children and 33 grandson. He will definitely not be concerned that it will certainly be a glass of water in old age.

According to the results of a survey conducted in America, the greatest value for the overwhelming number of the population is a happy family.

God wants you to be happy today. He made a marriage and knows how to make it happy.

We need to come to the one who is the author of marriage, and ask: "Lord, how to get out of this chaos? How do we cope with this problem? How to make our union happy? " God will help you, do not doubt. He will start talking to you and show what you can do to solve your problem. He will pull you out of trouble if you listen to him.

- Oneida Colony, created in New York in 1848, advocated a "complex" or group marriage, in which every woman was married for every man. They also practiced "scientific control", where the future of the parents followed the Committee on Physical and Mental Health. - Traditionally, the bride's girlfriends must be dressed in the bride dresses to confuse the rivals of the groom, evil spirits and robbers. - Wedding of spouses younger than 25 years old Significantly increases the risk of divorce. In addition, the risk is higher when a woman is much older than a man, although this is not too influential factor. - At the Italian wedding, the breakdown of glass or mirrors is the usual event. It is believed that the number of fragments will be equal to the number of happy years that will live a couple together. - The word "husband" (Husband) comes from the Old Husbondi "Husbondi" or "House Host" (literally, HUS, "House" + Bondi \u003d "Master houses, resident ")." Some scientists traced the "fate" of the words "Bride" (Bride) to the Proto Indo-European Rope "BRU", which means "prepare, cook broth". - The term "groom" (groom) comes from The old English word "Guma", which means "man. "- The level of education of people affects the age in which they marry. In states with a higher number of adults having higher education, couples are married later. The opposite trend is observed in countries with a low level of education. With the cohabitation, this pair plate wanders 50%.

- Hammurapi code (about 1790 BC) includes the ancient Babylonian Scriptures and marriage laws. These early laws defined marriage as a contract that served to protect the female side and at the same time limited it. In accordance with the code, a man had a complete right to divorce his wife, if she could not have children, or she "tramp", which humiliates her husband to the public and neglects his home. In addition, the wife should "be drowned" in the river or commit suicide if she changed his spouse.

- People who have lost marriage during severe illness, live much less than those who widowed, has a happy family or never in marriage.

- In ancient Greece, Solon (638-538 BC) made marriage mandatory, and in Athens during the pericles (495-429 BC) bachelors were excluded from certain state positions, if they did not have wives and children. In Sparta, lonely and childless people received contempt from society. In ancient Rome (63 BC), laws were quickly adopted, which were forced to join all in marriage and punish those who remained lonely.

- The marriage ceremony usually ends with a kiss, because in ancient Rome a kiss had a legal connection with the completion of contracts, which meant entry into legal force.

- Stress associated with divorce affects the body's immune system and its ability to resist diseases.

- For most of the history, marriage was not necessarily based on mutual love. Sometimes the couples converged for the mutual acquisition of property or create a sharing. And now such a sitaation is not uncommon.

- Belochy man from New Orleans at the end of the nineteenth century made himself a blood transfusion from the black woman, which he loved, thereby trying to overcome the laws against discrimination. He argued that he also became the same as she could marry. What ended this story is unknown.

- Compared to lonely, married people are on average accumulate four times more means and assets. Those who divorced, have a valuable property by 77% less than loners.

- Married older people have more chances of preserving health if they are engaged in physical exercises, refuse smoking, power supply properly and regular medical examinations.

- About 60% of married adults have at least one work.

- The first written mention of same-sex marriages comes from ancient Rome. While Christianity was formed as an official religion, the ceremony's data took place without special discussions. In 1989, Denmark became the first, after Christianity, a nation, which legally recognized same-sex marriages.

- Words make up only 7% of our communication with anyone, including between spouses. The voice tone is 38%, and the body language is responsible for the rest of the rest (55%) of relationships in the marital pair.

- More than 75% of people who come into marriage, in the end, are bred.

- Women who talk about a fair division of domestic labor, boasts, as a rule, a happier marriage than women who are in a state of stress from dissatisfaction in terms of non-fulfillment by husbands of their homes duties.

- Researchers have discovered a huge decline in personal relationships after 4 years of marriage, and a significant decline to seven-eight years. In fact, half of all divorces occurs just in the first seven years of marriage.

- Family people are twice as often go to church.

- Family couples with children are bred much less often than childless.

- The number of hosting men and women aged 65 years and older has become more than two times between 1990 and 2000.

- 15-year-old studies have shown that an increased level of human happiness before marriage is a guarantee of happiness in family life.

I think each of us has ever called my family of the Adams family. After all, each family is born uniquely capable of bringing other members to madness. But believe me, there are truly unique families in the world with which it is difficult to compete in non-standardity.

Unique albinos

In Brazil in Pernambuko lives the truth of an unusual family. Father and mother very ordinary Brazilians, but from their five children three were born with absolutely white skin. This is just a unique case, because even the theoretical possibility of the birth of Albino in the Brazilian family is one for seventeen thousand cases.

Albinos kids in a small town will not envy. All his life they hear ridicule to their address, the neighbors prohibit their children to play with them, and their mother once almost arrested on suspicion of the abduction of white children.

Snow-white industries

Another unique albino family lives in India. Unlike its Brazilian "colleagues," where albinos are some family members, in the Indian family all its members have white skin and hair. All 10 family members, and even grandchildren, are 100% albinos. Family Pullan is proud of its skin color and unusual, although with the hot climate of India it gives them a lot of trouble.

Risking life for the birth of children

American Stacy Heratd, it would seem, "Standard" American family - husband and three children. But Stacy gave birth to all the children risking her life, because her growth is slightly more than 70 centimeters, and Stacy is considered the lowest mom in the world.

Stacy suffers from a rare osteogenesis, which causes bone fragility and the underdevelopment of the lungs. The difference with the growth of her husband from Stacy becomes more meter. Each pregnancy was a risk for her life, because newborn children were almost half the growth of their mom, and the small sizes of the internal organs of Stacy could simply endure the load when having to wear children. But this is not the worst thing. Two of the three children inherited the disease of the mother. But despite this, parents are not going to stop at the family replenishment. Opinions on the account of such a decision, of course, diverge - is it worth giving life to children, knowing that they will be sick all their life? Probably these parents think they will cope.

For 20 years not a single girl

Another unique family lives in the USA. All its members have standard growth, weight and white skin color. But for more than 20 years of the emergence of children in this family only boys are born. Jay and Kaitero Schwandt never recognized the floor of the future child. Mom admits that he does not even represent what she had a reaction if the girl had been born.

In 2015, their family was replenished with the Thirteenth Son. The number "Thirteen" Mom considers the iconic. She herself was a thirteenth child in the family, and her the youngest son was born 13 numbers and became 13 child. Do parents want to experience the fate and give birth to kid? While they did not say "yes," but did not say "no."

Hairy beauties

Another unusual family lives in India, which consists of seven women - mother and six her daughters. Father of the family, for whom the mother was married at the age of 12, died. What are these women special? Three of the six daughters suffer to a rare disease hyperitrihosis - excessive hairiness. The mother of Anita Samari Raus is confident that the Girls Gene Girls inherited from the Father, for which she came out "under the fear of death."

But not everything is so sad. After the family has shown on TV, the girls helped to pass the procedure of laser hair removal, after which they have noticeably pushed.

Wholesale cheaper?

Another family lives in the United States, known for the whole world thanks to his mother Nest Suleiman. Being not married, she raises 14 children, 8 of whom were born in one day. Girl was born when a woman had six children. Multiple pregnancy occurred as a result of artificial fertilization, to which she resorted before. Nadia admits that he did not expect children so much.

Life Nadi Suleiman causes a lot of disputes in society. After all, she is unemployed, lives on social benefits and money from a talk show, where it is constantly invited. Once she admitted that she wanted to have many children to imitate her idol Angelina Jolie, because Nadia even made plastic surgery to be like a star. And she is accused of filming in pornographic videos. Whatever it was, but Nadia claims that she is a happy mother and loves their children.

Gemini involuntarily

American married couple Lisie and Adrian Shepard got married in 1994. They dreamed of children, but pregnancy did not occur. Then the couple decided to make Eco. Of 14 embryos 12, they frozen, and 2 used. They had wonderful twin girls.

A few years later, they wanted another child. The couple appealed to the same clinic and used one of the frozen embryos. When their third daughter was born, Lisy and Adrian lost the gift of speech - the girl was just a copy of her senior sisters. It turns out that the twins were born with a difference of 11 years! I wonder if the youngest daughter looks like only on older sisters or takes and their character?

Polygamy family is not a hindrance

The United States is really rich in non-standard families, probably because people are not afraid to live as I want and do not adapt to other people's rules. In this family, all ordinary growth and weight, and their children are born on time. What makes them not as everyone? Complex family relationships. This family consists of 8 adults and 3 children. Who are they coming to each other? To be honest, it is difficult to figure it out.

Siera and Martin's spouses are married for 9 years, they have two daughters. Spouses Molly and David are married for 15 years and raise her daughter. These married couples consist in polyamorphic relations with each other, while having other lovers.

All members of this union are familiar with each other, have excellent relationships with them. Are they jealous of their legal halves? They assure no. They can meet with other people open, do not lie and do not experience guilt for it. Spouses assure that in such a tandem, their marriages have become even stronger, and love only multiplied.

Their children do not have a lack of love. If one of their parents go to "relax", the other must remain at home. This is the golden rule. By the way, children are familiar with the partners of their parents, but for children it is "friends" moms and dads. If parents have unforeseen situations at work, they ask lovers to sit with children. Good everyone and everyone is happy! Do these people come correctly? I do not know, but I am not entitled to judge them.

Of course, this article contains not all amazing families living in the world. But if you know those, you can complement this list.

Family Law to Peter I

Information about the family text of the peoples who inhabited the territory of Russia before the adoption of Christianity is very small.

The chronicles suggest that Polyan has already developed a monogamous family, the other Slavic peoples still remained polygamy. Family relations were regulated during this period by the usual right. In various sources, there are directions for several ways to make marriage. Among them, the most ancient - the abduction of the bride by the bride without her consent, however, gradually take the bride, it begins to precede collusion with her. Slavs had the custom to kidnap on the playing of those brides with whom they conspired. Also, often the bride was bought from her relatives. In the most common form of marriage, the bride was driven by its relatives to the house for the bridegroom. At the same time, the consent of the bride to the marriage was not much significant, although already in the charter of Yaroslav contains a ban to marry by force. The marriage ceremony was accompanied by a special rite: the bride was given in the evening to the house to the bridegroom, and she removed shoes from him. On the other day after the wedding, her relatives brought the dodged. Personal relationship between spouses in many ways

depended on the form of marriage. With the abduction of the bride, she became the property of her husband. With the purchase of the bride and especially at the conclusion of marriage with the bride groomed between the bride and relatives, the bride arose, firstly, the relationship between the bride and these relatives who were somewhat limited to the power of her husband. Secondly, the first signs of entering the wife of personal rights appear, although the power of the husband was still very large. In Russia, apparently, the husband never had the right to life and death towards his wife. However, the husband could manage her freedom.

The divorce at that time was performed freely, and there is reason to believe that a woman could be in marriage with the dowry initiator the divorce.

With the adoption of Christianity in Russia, the meeting of the Byzantine family law was to act, supplemented by Russian princes, which was called the feed of the book. Christianity spread very slowly, and the displacement of pagan customs took place very slowly. The church wedding introduced in the XI century was practiced only among the highest sections of society, the rest of the population was married to traditional rites, which rightly considered the remnants of paganism. The church was constantly fought with these customs.

According to the feeding book, the wedding was preceded by the wedding - a collusion, during which the parents of the bride and the bridegroom were ascended to conclude a marriage and agreed on the bold. The act of affairs was drawn up special with a taller record; In the case of a violation of the promise, a penalty was established - a charge that achieved sometimes significant sizes. At the same time, the priest who made the engagement, gave an angry record, which was necessary to show during the wedding. The age of marriage was established for 15 years for the groom and 13 years for the bride. The upper age limit was not formally installed, but the priest was forbidden to marry elderly people. Marriages between people with a large age difference and between close relatives are prohibited. It was forbidden to marry in the presence of another not dissolved marriage. Mutual agreement on marriage on church law has always been necessary, but in reality the consent of the bride has almost never asked. It was forbidden to join the fourth marriage.

Marriage dissolution has become more complicated. The main reason for the divorce was adultery, since the divorce for adultery is mentioned in the Gospel. The duty of divorce with the wrong wife existed only for priests, but the right to divorce it was recognized, of course, for everyone. The husband was considered to have committed adultery, only if he was in connection with a married woman. The reason for the divorce was also considered the inability to wrapped in faith, infertility of his wife, the underwhentable absence of one of the spouses, an incurable disease, such as pumping. In the period under review, a divorce for the mutual consisulation of spouses was still possible.

Personal relations between spouses with the adoption of Christianity are also changing. A married woman is already considered no longer as a husband's property, but as a relatively independent person. For the murder of his wife, the husband was punished, but who had killed his wife, he burned to the ground. Muh could lay his wife, giving the pledgee the right to use the subject of the pledge. Relations between parents and children in Ancient Russia, as elsewhere during this period, were built on paternal power. The legality of origin in the time consideration has not yet had a decisive value.

With the adoption of Christianity, it is gradually beginning to be given the importance of lawful relations. In the deployment of 1648, the legalization of extramarital children was prohibited even if parents marriage. Children did not in legal communications with their father and recognized only relatives of her mother.

Parental power in Russia was very strong, although the rights of life and death over children parents formally never had. However, the killing of children was not considered as a serious crime (for killing the child, his father was sentenced to the year of imprisonment and church repentance). The children who killed their parents were subjected to the death penalty. Forcing children to obedience was carried out by the Father himself with the help of domestic penalties. Children could not complain about parents. For one attempt only to file a complaint of 1648 prescribed "to beat them merciless".

Parents could apply to punish children and to public authorities. At the same time, it was not essentially considered, it was enough for a complaint with parents to sentence children to the spanking whip. Parents had the right even to give children to the butter.

Family Law of Russia Period of Empire

Peter I reforms laid the beginning of a new period in the development of family law. The crucial importance was to be attached to voluntary marriage.

In 1810, the Synod compiled a list of prohibited degrees of kinship. Now the marriages of ascending, descending relatives, as well as side relatives until the seventh degree inclusive. In 1744, the decree of the Synod was prohibited by the marriages of persons over 80 years. In 1830, age increases for marriage for men under 18 and 16 years for women. For marriage, it was necessary to obtain the consent of the parents regardless of the age of the bride and the bride. Marriage concluded without the consent of the parents, nevertheless, was considered valid, but the children were deprived of inheritance. The persons held in civil or military service were obliged to consent to marry their bosses.

The marriage conclusion since 1775 could only be made in the parish church of one of the marriage. The arrangement was still preceded by the agreement. The marriage was held with the personal presence of the bride and groom, the exception was made only for the persons of the imperial name, married to foreign princesses.

Marriage could be recognized as invalid when performing him as a result of violence or with madness of one or both spouses. The marriage between persons held in the prohibited degrees of kinship was invalid; in the presence of another non-branded marriage; with face older than 80 years; with the face of spiritual estate, doomed to celibacy; Orthodox with non Christians.

The divorce in the period of the empire becomes less free. Obodes to the divorce were: adultery of any of the spouses, two-gravel, inability to wrap up, the attempt on the life of the spouse, the adoption of monastics, the reference to Katorga.

The divorce procedure in the imperial Russia was very complex. The marriage process was carried out in court. The process itself was mixed conteptic. The persistent value was attached not to persuasive evidence for judges, but the presence of strictly defined evidence, which, for example, under adultery, were the testimony of two or three witnesses of eyewitnesses. In practice, this led to numerous abuse and bribing of false witness. In the case of a method, it was even criminal punishment.

Personal rights and obligations of spouses during the Empire period also have undergone significant changes. First of all, the situation of women about society changed with the perception of European forms of life. The power of the husband, formally preserved until 1917, acquires white civilized forms. So since 1845, the husband is not entitled to expose his wife to physical punishment.

The place of residence of the spouses was determined at the place of residence of her husband. The wife was obliged to follow him, otherwise she could have been watered in her husband's house forcibly.

Starting from the XVIII century, the wife received the right to demand court separation for cruel appeal.

From Petrovsky, the godded wife is considered as separate property that a husband cannot even use. Also, the wife had the right to freely dispose of property, not requiring dosal or credentials from her husband.

The right to content was recognized only for his wife, which the husband was obliged to contain. This duty stopped if the wife did not fulfill his marital duties, in particular, refused to follow her husband.

In Petrovsky times, the power of parents over children is softened: the kardwerle is no longer authorized to marry their children or give them to the monastery.

Parents' right to apply physical punishment against children was not canceled in pre-revolutionary Russia. Starting from the XVIII century, it gradually began to be limited to the ban to cripple and injure children, as well as responsibility for bringing them to suicide. Parents could still use public measures against unfortunate children. It was so allowed at the request of parents to enter into prison for a period of three to four months for disobedience to parents or depraved life.

In deprivation of parental rights, the Russian legislation of that time did not know. With the exception of one case: Orthodox parents could be deprived of parental rights if they brought up their children in other faith.

Parents not only had the right, but were obliged to raise their children. Education was in the preparation of children to useful activities: determining sons to the service, and daughters - marry. Parents should also provide the content of minor children in accordance with their capabilities.

In the XVIII century, illegitimate children followed the state of the mother. Father was obliged only to contain an illegitive child and his mother, but this content was considered not as an arms, but as compensation for harm. The military articula of 1716, the obligance of a idle person, whose unmarried lover gave birth to a child, deliver to her livelihood.

Under Alexander I, it began to resolve the legalization of children born to marriage, in the event of their parents in marriage among themselves. This rule did not apply to children born from adultery.

Adoption in Russia was allowed to all estates, except for nobles, which could be adopted only in the absence of descending and lateral relatives of the same name. The peasants could adopt by ordering the child to their family, but he received the right to put on only if the adoption was allowed by the community.

At the end of the XIX - early XX, all the estates received the right to adopt children. The adopter could only be a face over 50 years old, between him and adopted there was to have a difference for at least 18 years. It was forbidden to adopt to those who were married and had their children. Since 1902, it was allowed to adopt their illegitimate children.

Family Law of Russia after the revolution

Almost immediately after the October Revolution of 1917, two most important reforms of family legislation were held. On December 18, 1917 decree came out "On civil marriage, children and the introduction of books of acts of civil status." According to this decree, the only mord of marriage for all citizens of Russia, regardless of the religion, was the conclusion of marriage in state bodies. The conditions for marriage are very simplified. It was enough to achieve the marriage: 16 years - for women and 18 years for men and mutual consent of future spouses. We were the following: the presence of one of the spouses of the mental illness, the state of the bride and groom in the prohibited degrees of kinship (marriages were banned between rising and descending relatives, native brothers and sisters), as well as the nicety of another unstorn marriage.

The second most important provision contained in this decree was the equation in the rights of legal and illegitimate children. In addition, paternity was possible in court.

Following the first decree of the 19th Decal of 1917, the second no less significant act is the decree "On Termination of Marriage". The divorce cases initiated by the unilateral statement of the spouse was transferred to the introduction of local courts. QUESTIONS ABOUT ABOUT CONTRIBUTION OF ENERGY Children, about paying funds for their content, and a tender about the alimony of ex-wife was solved by agreement between spouses. In the absence of an agreement, these issues were considered by the court. It is interesting to note that the right to maintain it in that period only for his wife, but not for her husband.

Both decree for that time were very progressive. And in 1994, the State Duma of the Russian Federation creates a working group on the preparation of the last Family Code, which was adopted by the State Duma of the Russian Federation on December 8, 1995.

We bring to your attention a curious selection of facts about marriage and marriage, and you will probably be surprised and discouraged by some figures below statistics and research data.

The term "marriage" comes from the Latin word Christmas and means "man" or "male". The earliest known use of this word is the thirteenth century.

The marriage ceremony usually ends with a kiss as in ancient Rome, where the kiss had a legitimate connection of contract consolidation, and the marriage is considered a contract.

Traditionally, the bridesmaid girlfriends dresses should be like a bride dress to confuse the rivals of the groom, evil spirits, and robbers.

Scientists have established the fact that the average person (censored) is about seven times before seven times before it finally finds his soul mate, which is called true love and comes into marriage.

10,000 marriages in a year begin with a novel, which rose during a break for a cup of coffee.

What chances to live long and happily with your first love? Facts say that very good. According to statistics, two men out of five marry their first beloved.

85% of married couples had sex to marriage.

The middle married couple makes love 58 times a year, or a little more than once a week.

Only after two years after marriage, it is estimated that 20% of the pairs make love less than 10 times a year.

The lack of sex in marriage has a much more powerful, but negative, impact on marriage than a positive impact on the presence of good sex.

The most popular love ballad in the world, which newlyweds most often choose for their first dance at the wedding, is "Everything i do" Brian Adams.

With work, children, television, Internet, hobby, and home with family responsibilities - the middle married couple spends each other only four minutes a day.

Although couples with children have less chances for divorce than childless couples, the appearance of a new child will most likely bring more stress and emotional disorder than new happiness. About 90% of married couples have a decline in life satisfaction after the birth of their first child.

The order of birth may influence whether the marriage will be successful or fail. The most successful marriages are those where the older sister or brother is married or marry a person who is in the family younger brother or sister. Two firstbots, tend to be more aggressive in marriage and create a higher level of intensity in the family. The highest rates when the only child in the family marries another child in another family.

Doctors have established the fact that the husbands regularly kiss their wives before leaving for work, on average, they live for five years longer than those who run away on behalf of, without saying goodbye to her beloved as it should be.

The probability of the end of the first marriage divorce for 5 years is 20%, but the probability of separation after a peopic cohabitation for 5 years is 49%. After 10 years of the first marriage, the probability of divorce is 33%, compared with 62% of partings after the cohabitation.

Most young couple believes that happiness is a "family", "many children", "Children's smile", "good, strong and friendly family." According to others, happiness is "not to spend the forces on empty, but to send them to the good of common cause," "quarrel less, and more dream of fresh air," "not lose faith in people." Few believe that the main thing in life is "love, mutual respect and once again love", "love each other to the end of life", "carry tender feelings to each other throughout life."

Compared to not married people, married people accumulate about four times more savings and assets. And in divorced assets by 77% lower than those of unfulfilled.

Alone, the waist is thickened with married couples, which can lead to a decrease in sexual attraction and overall health. In addition, the chances of the spouse add to the weight increase by 37%, if his or her partner is thick.

Friendship, laughter, forgiveness, harmony, sex and trust - this is what spouses are called decisive elements for a happy marriage.

Eighty-one percent of happy marital couples says that friends and family of their halves rarely interfered in their relationship, compared with only 38% of unhappy marriage pairs.

The researchers found a huge decline in happiness on the fourth year of marriage, the next decline comes from the seventh-eighth year. In fact, half of all divorces fall on the first seven years of marriage, it is also called "seven-year-old itching."

The study indicates certain characteristics that are most often associated with infidelity in the family. Such as: education in the family, where the presence of intrigues is considered normal; where excitement and risk prevail over family stability; Friendship with colleagues and friends who believe that lovelines on the side are acceptable; And where there is an emotional remoteness from their half.

49 years old - critical age for entry into the first marriage.

The chances of divorce decrease by 50% if the family existed for 7 years.

50% of girls first married pregnant.

Married men more often occupy higher positions at work, they are more willing to promote their career ladder, they trust them more than non-native employees.

Married women earn about 4-5% more of their unmarried colleagues.

Married men and married women live longer than bachelors and unmarried.