What can you give for a wedding? What to give to friends for a wedding: proven tips

A wedding invitation is a pleasant and exciting event. A couple in love wants you to rejoice in her happiness among her closest people. Having agreed to take part in the celebration with pleasure, begin to prepare for it. There will be a lot of pleasant troubles ahead: choosing festive clothes, thinking through heartfelt words of congratulations and, of course, deciding what to give for the wedding. Try to meet the expectations of the newlyweds and do everything to make their first common holiday bright and joyful.

How to choose a wedding gift

The range of wedding gifts presented in stores is so diverse that choosing a suitable surprise for the newlyweds will not be difficult. However, before doing so, it is worth considering a few useful recommendations from wedding planning experts.

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Things to consider before purchasing

It is advisable that your gift to the newlyweds be:

  • necessary;
  • universal;
  • valuable;
  • appropriate;
  • original.

A wedding gift should be as useful as possible. Perhaps the future newlyweds, following the latest trends in wedding fashion, have compiled a so-called wish list - a list of gifts that they would like to receive on the long-awaited day. In this case, choosing a holiday gift will be quite easy. You can seek advice from the parents of future spouses. They will be happy to tell you what to give the newlyweds for their wedding.

It is advisable that your wedding surprise is liked and useful by both newlyweds. You can congratulate the bride and groom with two separate small gifts.

A wedding gift must correspond to the event and be appropriate. You should not give things with a hint of a possible imminent addition to the family, even if the bride is pregnant. It is better to ignore too intimate gifts.

It is useful to first decide on the amount of money you are willing to spend. Of course, when purchasing a surprise for the newlyweds, there is no need to empty the family budget, but it is also not customary to skimp when choosing a wedding gift. According to the unspoken rule, its minimum price should approximately correspond to the cost of serving your family at the wedding reception.

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What gifts are undesirable to give?

A wedding, like no other holiday, is associated with various folk signs and beliefs. Even if you are sure that the newlyweds are free from prejudices, be careful when choosing gifts. It is better not to buy items that are not traditionally given as a wedding gift:

  • watch;
  • scarves;
  • forks and knives;
  • mirrors;
  • empty wallets and piggy banks.

Also, you should not present yellow flowers to your young wife. Many consider them a symbol of separation. Don't forget to count the number of plants in the bouquet - it shouldn't be even.

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Best Wedding Gift Ideas

There are many interesting and original ideas for wedding surprises for newlyweds. By choosing a gift with love for the heroes of the upcoming celebration, putting a piece of the warmth of your soul into it, you will be able to surprise and delight the newlyweds.

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Home improvement items

At the beginning of family life, a young family will need to arrange shared housing. Gifts for the family hearth for a wedding will come in handy.

Household appliances are a good choice for congratulating the bride and groom, especially if after the wedding they are going to live separately from their parents. A high-quality electric meat grinder, a convenient juicer, a modern food processor, a multifunctional multi-cooker or a bread maker will no doubt prove to be useful acquisitions for newlyweds.

Several families can also give the newlyweds more expensive equipment for their wedding - a washing machine or dishwasher, a refrigerator, a stove. However, before such a large purchase, it is a good idea to ask the parents of the bride or groom what the newlyweds need most.

Popular and necessary gifts are sets of tableware, tea or coffee sets. It should be noted that such kits should not be cheap. The newlyweds will purchase simple dishes for everyday use on their own. It is better and more appropriate to give an exquisite service for a wedding, which will decorate the interior and will remind you of the special event for many years.

An excellent gift for starting your life together is one or two sets of high-quality bed linen with romantic prints. There will be no problems with choosing - manufacturers offer a wide range of beautiful sets for a night's rest. The newlyweds will also be pleased with a cozy blanket and a luxurious bedspread, which will complement the decor of the marital bedroom, making it comfortable and stylish.

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Money and jewelry

Money is the most traditional wedding gift. Many people consider such a gift unoriginal. However, it is quite appropriate at a wedding. It is better to give the newlyweds a certain amount of money than an unnecessary and useless thing that will gather dust on a distant shelf for years.

Try to present the money beautifully. It is indecent to give them for a wedding in a regular postal envelope. Buy a special elegant card for a monetary gift. You can also put the bills in an original piggy bank or a beautiful wallet.

A cash gift can be a pleasant addition to a not very expensive, but heartfeltly chosen present. Still, you shouldn’t deprive the bride and groom of the pleasure of unpacking many wedding surprises.

A worthy alternative to money is a certificate for purchases at a popular household appliances supermarket, a large interior goods store or an elite gift shop. After the wedding, young spouses will be happy to choose things that are truly useful and necessary for them.

Fine jewelry will not leave young lovers indifferent. Most often, precious gifts are given by the parents of the newlyweds or close relatives. The gift must be in pairs. An original solution is to present gold chains with a double pendant to the bride and groom for their wedding. You can also choose earrings for a girl and cufflinks or a tie clip for a guy in the same style.

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Surprises-impressions for newlyweds

If you know well the interests and hobbies of your future spouses and are sure that you can give an original surprise-emotion at your wedding, feel free to make a choice from the many offers from online stores of impressions.

An exciting flight in a hot air balloon will give you an unforgettable experience, and a declaration of love under the clouds will be remembered forever. Joint zorbing will give you the opportunity to enjoy space weightlessness and the feeling of free fall inside a huge transparent sphere.

Extreme karting, a leisurely horseback ride, exciting swimming with dolphins, mesmerizing diving, an interactive game in a mysterious quest room - vivid emotions can be experienced together or shared with friends.

Quieter activities will add romance and relaxation to your honeymoon. The newlyweds can choose from: Turkish hammam, oriental SPA, Thai massage, fruit wrap, infrared sauna and many other experiences.

A chocolate master class, pottery training or a hatha yoga school will interest both spouses, and joint classes under the guidance of experienced craftsmen will further unite the young family.

Emotional gifts are presented in the form of colorful certificates with an open date. Some agencies offer in one invitation a list of several services for newlyweds to choose from.

Another interesting idea is to order a bright laser show or wedding fireworks as a gift for the newlyweds. Delightful spectacles will make the holiday colorful and unforgettable, especially if you try to keep the surprise a secret until the very beginning.

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Homemade cool gifts

You can't go wrong if you complement your newlyweds' gift with something original, made by yourself. The ideas for cool wedding gifts are almost endless. Friends and witnesses of the young couple usually prepare many funny surprises.

With a little practice, you can easily make a cute money tree from small bills using the origami technique. You can decorate the Crassula plant with flowers and ribbons - a traditional symbol of wealth and well-being. Cover the soil in the flower pot with coins, and secure paper money folded like an accordion or rolled into a cone on the branches.

In a couple of minutes, use ordinary work gloves and pushpins to create “hedgehog gloves” and jokingly tell the young spouses to hold each other in them.

Having divided a large plate into two halves with a conventional border and placing a homemade barrier on it, advise the newlyweds to break it only as a last resort, and even then for good luck.

Carpenter's and kitchen hammers tied together with an elegant ribbon will become a symbol of the fact that from now on the loving couple will have to forge their family happiness together.

This, of course, is not a complete list of what you can give for a wedding: a cool photo of the newlyweds made with your own hands, a funny collage, a comic video greeting from friends will delight the bride and groom and entertain the guests. Such gifts, without a doubt, will remain in the family for many years as a memory of a happy holiday.

Whatever surprise you choose to congratulate the young family, do it with pleasure and the desire to give joy to those responsible for the special occasion. Decorate their main holiday with your presence, find the most sincere and beautiful words to wish them happiness, love and prosperity, have fun and enjoy the magical wedding atmosphere.

To ease the pain of choice for guests: you just need to make a list of desired gifts (wish list) and send it to all guests along with the invitation. But if there is no list, guests can only rely on themselves.

Let's look at the most interesting options.

1. The only gift for which repetition is not a problem remains envelope with money. In Russia, for some time now, there has been a custom of giving money in an envelope. Why not? The newlyweds will be able to decide for themselves what to spend their “capital” on, and guests will save time searching for the best gift. But the envelope with money also raises several questions.

First of all − how much to donate? Of course, there is no upper limit. However, it is worth noting that the lower limit (acceptable, first of all, for not the closest relatives and acquaintances) is still indicated: one or two large bills (5,000 rubles, 100 dollars, 100 euros, etc.).

How to make your wedding fun and memorable for a long time, see the project “My wedding is better!” on "Home". We know almost everything about weddings!

The second point that worries donors is How to present an envelope with money to newlyweds? Often, the wedding program includes a ceremony for presenting gifts personally to the newlyweds. In this case, there is an opportunity to show originality and give the newlyweds, for example “photo album with a view of the future”, where banknotes are inserted instead of photographs. Another way to present money to newlyweds may be "streak of prosperity", that is, neatly taped or stapled bills, slowly pulled out of an envelope or perhaps a cylinder. If there is no ceremony for presenting gifts in the program, and all the gifts are collected either by parents or witnesses, or a special table for gifts can be organized, you should not allow your envelope to get lost among the others, you should just leave it for the newlyweds in the envelope, in addition to money, a message-card with a personal wish.

2. If an envelope with money seems banal, you should pay attention to gift certificates. Today you can issue a gift certificate not only in most stores, but also in restaurants, beauty salons, hotels, etc. It’s enough to remember where the newlyweds like to go or dream of being, and the gift will come together by itself. The only drawback of gift cards and certificates as gifts is their small size. In this case, it is worth showing your imagination in choosing packaging. A gift card or certificate can be hidden in an impressively sized box or glued to a canvas and framed. If you want to have some fun, you can lock the gift card in a storage locker, for example, at a train station, and present the newlyweds at the wedding with step-by-step instructions on how to find the gift.

3 . If the newlyweds plan to go on a honeymoon immediately after the wedding, and the exact coordinates are known, guests can give a surprise gift. It will not be difficult to contact the hotel where the bride and groom decided to stay, and pay in advance for spa treatments, excursions or a romantic dinner at the hotel restaurant. Since you cannot come to a wedding empty-handed, in this case, it is possible to bring a little “fake gift” to the celebration: a huge box of confetti, fluff, a suitcase locked with a code, with old or completely out-of-size things, etc. . The main thing is not to forget to leave a postcard, business card or your own photo inside so that the newlyweds immediately understand who the author of such a strange gift is. And only during the honeymoon, when the gifts of the other guests are left at home, will the newlyweds suddenly receive a truly unexpected, but especially pleasant surprise from you.

4. An interesting option for those who are not ready to spend significantly on a gift may be the path “not quality, but quantity”. Taiwanese wedding tradition requires the bride and groom to exchange 12 gifts in succession. Moreover, the set is not limited to flowers and fruits. Gifts may include jewelry, clothing, and goldfish. Having adopted the Taiwanese experience, guests invited to a Russian wedding can prepare several small gifts, uniting them with one idea.

5. If you still want to make a gift from those that are often repeated, you should think about how to make your gift to “best among equals”. For example, a set of bed linen can be decorated with the embroidered initials of the newlyweds. Household appliances should be chosen in unusual colors. The dishes are of non-classical design. Furniture should be purchased jointly with other guests, so that the choice is guided not by price, but by quality and model. Figurines, photographic pictures, photo frames and other little things should still be left in the store. During the long happy years of their future life together, the newlyweds will find time and a reason to acquire interior accents.

A wedding is a significant and important holiday. After all, on this wonderful day a family is born, and love is sealed with the bonds of an unbreakable marriage.

On such a day, you want to surround yourself with family and friends so that they can share their joy with the young people.

On the wedding day, it is customary to give gifts to show the newlyweds your support, love and respect.

Gifts can be different: useful, aesthetic, romantic, funny. The main thing is that the gift contains a piece of the soul of the person giving it. After all, a gift without a soul does not evoke strong positive emotions, memories of the giver and of that wonderful day when the gift was given.

How to choose a memorable gift so that young people will like it, be useful and evoke only pleasant emotions?

It is best for parents and close relatives to give the newlyweds something useful in the household. Close friends can choose a funny gift or a gift with a hint. Colleagues can easily get by with something beautiful and suitable for interior decoration.

To begin with, here are some tips to help you choose an original gift for your loved ones:

  1. Buy something useful. What you would like if you were given it.
  2. The price of the gift is not the main thing. You can give something inexpensive, but at the same time interesting and cool.
  3. Under no circumstances give away something that was once given to you. This is uncultural and wrong. If it doesn’t suit you, then it’s not a fact that it will suit or like others.
  4. The best gift to give is unisex. That is, a gift that can be used by both the bride and groom.
  5. Don't forget to remove the price tag from the gift. Gifts that are covered by a guarantee are also best given without a receipt. You can keep the receipt with the guarantee in case the gift breaks. Just warn the bride and groom who to contact in this case.
  6. You can get along with one of the guests. This way you can buy a more valuable and useful gift for the household.
  7. Pack the gift beautifully and carefully. The bright packaging is pleasing to the eye.

What gift should the newlyweds get from their parents?

Parents are most worried about the future of their young people. They are especially concerned about what they can give to young people. This could be money that is so needed for a young family that is not yet very firmly on its feet.

Also, various things for the unborn child can be an excellent and original wedding gift. For example, strollers and cribs. Such gifts will look especially relevant if the bride is already pregnant.

Household appliances will also come in handy. Washing machines, microwaves, multicookers, stoves, refrigerators will not be superfluous at all. After all, most likely in the near future a new family will settle down in their own apartment, just bought or rented.

For wealthier parents, there is a better option. An apartment or a car as a gift for newlyweds. Also, vouchers sending newlyweds to spend their honeymoon somewhere on the warm sea, at a ski resort or in Paris will be accepted with great enthusiasm.

What can close friends and witnesses give to a young couple?

Close friends and witnesses know both heroes of the occasion very well. Even better than everyone else. So, there should be no problem for them in choosing the right gift. As a last resort, you can consult with the bride or groom.

What do friends and girlfriends usually give for a wedding:

  1. Something romantic. The bride's friends may well present such a gift to the lovers.
  2. The groom's friends, on the contrary, prefer to give something fun and funny.
  3. Interior items. Especially if your taste allows it.
  4. You can give household appliances to your friends for their wedding. Always useful.
  5. Personalized souvenirs. Chocolate, drink bottle or bed linen with the image of the bride and groom.
  6. You can find a craftsman who will carve small figures of newlyweds on wood. Such a gift can be an excellent living room decoration for a young family.
  7. Various unusual gifts. The flight of fancy is unlimited.

What kind of wedding gift should you give to close relatives?

Close relatives, as well as parents, usually give things needed for the household or children's things. In addition, furniture (bed, sofa, wardrobe), various electronics (TV, camera or video camera, computer, laptop), kitchen utensils, beautiful curtains, etc. can be an excellent gift.

You can also donate money. Unoriginal, but always useful.

Or you can gather all your relatives and arrange an interesting and fun costumed congratulation-performance for the bride and groom.

What is the best gift to give to colleagues for a wedding?

Colleagues also have a wide choice of wedding gifts. You can give sets of dishes or services. It is better, of course, to give a set of utensils that are really needed in the kitchen. This will make it more likely that they will use it and remember the giver with a kind word.

Bed linen is always a necessary item in the household. An interesting solution would be to order personalized bed linen with a photograph of the newlyweds. In addition, you can give blankets, blankets, pillows, and various furniture covers.

Small household appliances will make a wonderful gift. Toasters, coffee makers, blenders, food processors, mixers, kettles, irons, vacuum cleaners. All this can provide indispensable help in the household for a young housewife.

If a young family lives in a new apartment, they may also need various interior decorations: beautiful table lamps, carpets, paintings, figurines.

Original, funny and humorous wedding gifts

If you are tired of giving monotonous gifts, you can come up with something original and imaginative.

Unusual gifts would be an excellent solution. Such as a parachute jump for a couple, a spa or gym membership, tickets to a concert of your favorite artist, a hot air balloon flight. You can give a photo session for a couple or purchase the services of an artist who would draw a portrait or caricature of the newlyweds.

You can also give something funny that will make the newlyweds and guests laugh. Such gifts may not cost that much, but they will greatly lift your spirits. They will look best as a nice addition to a standard gift.

Various certificates and diplomas can be used (for the most ideal couple, the best couple, etc.), funny posters, medals and awards (the best bride, super groom).

A tablecloth made of paper money or a necklace made of change as a symbol of material well-being look original and funny.

A horseshoe for luck is also an interesting solution and a cute item for interior decoration.

Romantic gifts for the bride and groom

Still, we should not forget that a wedding is a celebration of love and romance. This means that a romantic wedding gift would be quite appropriate.

Examples of romantic gifts:

  1. A large photo frame with a photograph of the newlyweds, decorated with hearts and congratulations. Or maybe a wedding photo album.
  2. A table for breakfast in bed would be fully appreciated. Especially the bride.
  3. A beautiful music box with wonderful music.
  4. Flowers made of thin and elegant crystal.
  5. Mittens for lovers.
  6. Lots of beautiful heart-shaped balloons.
  7. Small vessels. One each for the bride and groom. In these vessels they will put pieces of paper with all the impressions of their life together, they will write down the most interesting and significant episodes from it, so as not to forget them.
  8. Beautiful fireworks for lovers and guests. An unforgettable sight.

Gifts with a hint

Gifts can also be with a hint. There are different hints. There are hints about a child or hints of another, more intimate nature.

With hints about the future child, everything is clear. Baby clothes, bottles, baby car seat, soft toys.

With hints of a different kind, everything is much more interesting. Only a brave person who knows the future family very well can give such gifts. Who will not be offended, but will be understood correctly by everyone.

Erotic cubes, gift edition of the Kama Sutra, scented candles, fur handcuffs. The scope for imagination is unlimited.

In addition to the gift itself, how it will be presented is also important. Practice your speech in advance. You can recite some verse on the topic. Own composition or taken from somewhere. It doesn't matter.

The main thing is that he has a soul. Or you can express your most sincere positive emotions to the bride and groom with the help of wishes in prose.
And remember that the main thing is not the gift, but the attention.

The main task of the newlyweds at the wedding celebration is to accept congratulations and not forget to kiss while shouting “Bitter!” The task of the guests is to help make the holiday unforgettable, magical and romantic. Moreover, a wedding gift plays an important role in the mood of the newlyweds. Let's figure out what to give the newlyweds for a wedding to set the wedding mood for the whole evening.

Common Mistakes

The originality of a wedding gift lies in its appeal to the newlyweds. You can buy a super unusual and expensive gift, but if the future family doesn’t need it, it’s unlikely to be appropriate. For example, why do people who don’t have a summer house need a summer outdoor swing? Where will they be stored until the family decides to buy the plot?

The next piece of advice is for the older generation. Moms, dads, uncles, aunts and grandparents, remembering their own wedding days, try to give as wedding gifts, which was popular in their time. So the young family then suffers with three sets of services, two vacuum cleaners and does not know which room to hang the carpet in. The relevance of the gift is very important, and it should be relevant, first of all, for the bride and groom.

A gift for newlyweds should be intended for both of them. Some guests manage to give a woman's necklace or a poker set for their wedding. Moreover, as a rule, the first case is a gift from distant relatives of the bride who hardly know the groom, and the second is a gift from the groom’s friends who for some reason do not like the bride. Young people may not only not like such gifts, but also completely ruin the celebration.

If you decide to buy something from dishes or household appliances, it is better to find out in advance what the future family needs. You can consult with your parents, closest friends, or the young people themselves. But it can still be risky because there is no guarantee that someone on the other side won’t give the same thing. In this case, it is best to buy a gift certificate and give it to the newlyweds.

Gift options

Although they say that “you don’t look a gift horse in the mouth,” you want the wedding gifts to please the newlyweds from all sides. Let's consider what to give the newlyweds for their wedding, classifying the gifts by characteristics.


Such a gift will definitely be appropriate, if only because it will bring some benefit to the future family. The gift may not be entirely presentable or attractive in appearance, but it will definitely serve the young couple well. Many newlyweds make a list of possible gifts they would like to receive on special websites in advance. If you select something, you need to remove it from the incognito list. This way, the newlyweds will not know who exactly will give them this gift, but they will be sure that there will definitely not be another like it.

Among the useful gifts you can find anything, from covers for a shared car to beautiful curtains for the bedroom.


This is a fairly common type of wedding gift for newlyweds. He shows the newlyweds that the guest has thought through in advance and prepared a gift especially for them. It can be:

  • Personalized decorations;
  • Beautiful embroidery with threads or beads, made to order or with your own hands;
  • Large portrait of young people in a frame.
  • Gifts with photo printing;
  • Collages with photographs of young people;

With humor

An original gift may imply both non-standard content and an unusual presentation. If the bride and groom are okay with humor, it is quite possible to give the following:

  • A set of paper napkins in the shape of dollars or euros;
  • Comic diplomas, certificates with funny congratulations;
  • The groom receives a chastity belt, and the bride a large rolling pin;
  • Medals “for bravery”, “for bravery”... The main thing is that the donation is accompanied by the appropriate text. If, for example, the groom’s friends know how long it took him to win the bride’s hand, they can give him a medal “for capturing the fortress” or something like that.
  • A piece of concrete with the engraving “the first stone in the foundation of a future family”;
  • Unusual bedding set. Drawings on sheets and pillows can be very different: the border between the wife and husband, drawn human silhouettes, a big heart, etc.

Many cities have specialized stores with cool gifts. But if you don't want to be predictable, you can buy a humorous thing on the Internet. Just be sure to pre-order it because items may take several weeks to arrive.

If a comic gift turns out to be too cheap, you can focus attention on it, and then “on the sly” also slip an envelope to the newlyweds.


If you don’t know what to give, and money, in your opinion, is not a gift, then you can choose something as a wedding gift for the newlyweds that will come in handy sooner or later. This is for example:

  • Bed sheets;
  • Gift certificate (not to a store specifically for women's or men's clothing);
  • Certificate for a joint visit to a beauty salon;
  • A vacation package (preferably with an open date so that spouses do not have to adjust to the tickets);
  • Money in any form. We will talk about them in a separate paragraph.


A universal gift for a wedding, which has become common to give lately. A wedding celebration today is an expensive pleasure, so the guests are trying to make sure that the bride and groom at least somehow reimburse the expenses for the holiday.

Money is a backup gift option if nothing else can be given. But a simple envelope, even flavored with a fiery speech, is boring and trivial. There are many ways to present money in an unusual way for a wedding. For example:

  • Money Tree. You will need a pot of coins, wire and bills of various denominations. The coins will play the role of soil, and the banknotes will act as leaves. You should string money onto the wire carefully so that it does not fray too much. You can use small clothespins.
  • Money necklace. The bills are folded like an accordion and tied with a thin thread to simple beads. Both the bride and the groom need to wear such a necklace.
  • A three-liter jar of money, decorated with the inscription “Provision for a rainy day.”
  • Several bills (real, of course) behind glass in a frame with the inscription “Break only in case of the birth of the first child.”
  • Banknotes twisted into a bow in an original box with a heart.
  • Money umbrella. An original wedding gift to Larisa Dolina's song “Weather in the House.” Money is attached to the edges of the umbrella.

These are just some variations of the original gift of money to newlyweds for a wedding. There can be an infinite number of them.

Economy gifts

Sometimes there comes a time when all your friends decide to tie the knot at about the same moment. So we have to plan 3-4 weddings a month. It’s inconvenient to refuse, but there’s not enough money for all the celebrations! After all, a friend’s wedding is not only about spending money on a gift: girls cannot afford to appear at the wedding of two friends in the same outfit. Therefore, you have to save on the gift. Fortunately, you can do this so as not to lose face at the wedding.

  • We will offset the high cost of the gift with the originality of its presentation. You can come up with a hymn for the future family and perform it during the wedding celebration. You can write the text on a beautiful handmade card (there are a lot of master classes on the Internet) or place it in a frame. A mini-play about young people would also be suitable. Texts and scripts should be written specifically for the bride and groom, and not taken from a book or the Internet, then the gift will be unique and the newlyweds will definitely like it.
  • If you are good at drawing, you can draw a caricature or a portrait of the newlyweds, also decorating it in a baguette.
  • Another option to save money: group with other guests. A big good gift can cost a lot of money, but if 4-6 people chip in for it, it will be inexpensive and quite presentable. None of the guests will count the cost of the gift and divide it by the number of givers.


Information for those who have already decided what to give the newlyweds, but do not know what to wrap the gift in. A gift placed in a beautiful box or packaged in a bright bag looks more impressive. In addition, this is an additional intrigue for the guests and the newlyweds themselves. The donation process is usually accompanied by a congratulatory speech, in which one can hint that it is better to unwrap the package at home, left alone, or vice versa - to open it now in front of everyone. Packaging is an excellent option for those who decided to give the newlyweds something intimate, intended only for the two of them.

To take care of the comfort of the bride and groom, who will need to somehow take gifts home, you can think about packaging. A large box tied with a bow is beautiful, but not transportable. Therefore, you can attach a handle to it, or put the box in a large bag.

The cost of a wedding gift does not matter. Although, of course, you should try to allocate a certain amount that will demonstrate your good attitude towards the newlyweds. Too pretentious and expensive wedding gifts for newlyweds can only be given if your financial situation is conducive to this. Taking out a loan or going into debt for the sake of an exclusive present is not worth it - this can put the young people in the unpleasant situation of obligation to you. The gift should be given with all your heart, be pleasant for the newlyweds and uplifting for you.

A universal selection of gift ideas for any occasion and occasion. Surprise your friends and loved ones! ;)

Hello, dear friends. It's nice to see you on my blog. A wedding is a solemn holiday in the life of every person. The newlyweds are fluttering on the wings of love, parents are in the festive bustle, and the invitees are busy looking for gifts. And today we’ll talk about what to give to friends for a wedding.

A little about the traditions of giving

There is a legend that in Rus' the tradition of giving gifts to young people arose due to an interesting incident. A young beautiful girl from a wealthy family fell in love with a poor guy. The guy also loved the girl very much. But their dreams of a future together were doomed to failure due to the financial inequality of the families. The girl's father was categorically against this union. He did not approve of this relationship and if the girl went against her father's will, he would deprive her of her inheritance.

The girl could not refuse her feelings. She chose Love. A young couple celebrated a modest wedding. And surprisingly, relatives and friends began to come to them, who were imbued with this touching story. They brought with them a variety of things that could be useful to a young family. These were chests, bowls, ladles, pillows, blankets, domestic animals, etc.

Since that time, a tradition arose of giving wedding gifts to the newlyweds so that the family would live happily ever after.

Looking for a gift for a friend's celebration

It's always a pleasure to choose gifts for friends, but here is such an important event. But in order not to make a mistake, find out the preferences of the young people in advance and unobtrusively. In this case, you simply need to know whether the newlyweds will live with their parents or settle in a completely new house or apartment.

So, the top 5 gift ideas for a young couple:

  1. Honeymoon trip. How nice it is to go on a honeymoon after the wedding and immerse yourself in a serene pastime! Travel agencies offer many tours for young couples, with the best rooms, champagne and rose petals. If this is a rather expensive gift for one person, you can give this tour to a friendly group of friends.
  2. Certificate for the purchase of household appliances. So that after the wedding the newlyweds do not immediately get bogged down in everyday trifles, they need equipment that will become an assistant. But where is the confidence that you and your aunts and uncles won’t give away ten blenders and five meat grinders? A certificate is an excellent solution to this issue. Young people will choose what they need themselves. As a rule, such certificates are valid for at least a year. The newlyweds will be pleased to receive more gifts even after the celebration.
  3. Furniture. The new apartment of the bride and groom will certainly need to be furnished. Coordinate this with the couple's parents and choose what is missing in the house. Double bed, couch, tea table, original chairs, beanbag chair, etc.
  4. Bed sheets. To many, this presentation option may seem devoid of originality, but there is no need to worry about this. Even if you are not the only one who will give such a gift, there is nothing terrible about it. This is a non-perishable product. Young people can change sets many times and open a new one at any time. Try and choose an original print. It would be good to know what material young people prefer: silk or cotton varieties (flannel, chintz, calico).
  5. Kitchenware. It is not advisable to give fragile items for a wedding (wine glasses, plates, cups). But no real housewife will refuse a good set of saucepans, frying pans with a non-stick coating, and a variety of heat-resistant baking dishes. And if the newly-made husband is also not indifferent to cooking, then he and his wife will have something to do together in the kitchen.

Other gifts with a creative twist

  • Original gifts. In addition to the main gift, you can give a package of “Love is...” chewing gum with daily messages of love. Or a set of chocolates “To make everything come true” (with good wishes to the newlyweds), “Kama Sutra” cubes to diversify the intimate life of the bride and groom, an original horseshoe for good luck, a tear-off calendar “1000 reasons why I love you” and so on.
  • Creative surprise. Nowadays, various flash mobs are especially popular. But your boyfriend or girlfriend doesn’t even know about your ability to organize people like this and make a small production. The main thing is that it should be unexpected. Let's say, as soon as the newlyweds leave the registry office or during their photo shoot, or maybe as soon as they enter the festive hall.

Although this could be your other talent - play the saxophone, compose a song about the love of this couple, arrange a safe fire show, show a love story by drawing it in the sand, etc. Show your imagination and surprise the heroes of the occasion.

Gifts for bonding

  • Spa evening for two. A complex consisting of exotic procedures will generally have an effective and beneficial effect on the condition of the body and on the appearance of the skin in particular. The young couple will have the opportunity to immerse themselves in the relaxing world of Ayurvedic massage, visit herbal saunas, and experience relaxation thanks to aromatherapy. These procedures are performed simultaneously for two people in the same room. A special oriental atmosphere will create a romantic mood this evening.
  • Pottery course. A scene from the film “Ghost” with the amazing P. Swayze and D. Moore immediately appears in my head and the song “Unchained melody” by The Righteous brothers plays. The joint creation of a clay product by newlyweds makes it clear that joint creativity (labor) works wonders. This must be remembered and carried throughout your entire married life.

Getting to know this type of art, using a potter's wheel, and creating your own masterpiece will give the bride and groom a lot of pleasure.

  • Money. Do you think it's trivial? Not at all. Firstly, a young family always knows what to spend their first joint capital on. Secondly, in addition to an ordinary holiday envelope, you can give them in the most incredible ways, some of which will be discussed below.

Wedding gift made of money

Money can be used to make many cool and useful souvenirs.

  • From banknotes of different denominations you can create a panel under glass with the inscription “Break, if urgently necessary”;
  • Using the origami technique, create a heart, swans, etc. from money;
  • You can use banknotes to create an imitation wedding cake;
  • Give money in an inflated balloon(s);
  • Create a money tree;
  • Create a bouquet of flowers from multi-colored bills;
  • Roll into a jar labeled “cauliflower”;
  • Make a ship out of candy, and the sails of this ship will be money.

Read about other delivery methods.

What not to give for a wedding

With the advent of the tradition of making wedding offerings to newlyweds, prohibitions immediately arose about what should not be given. Many of them are still relevant today. No one can say for sure whether this is true or superstition, but I don’t want to tempt fate. So, refrain from such gifts:

  • Candles. No matter how beautiful they are, they say that the happiness of the young will melt like candle wax.
  • Antiques. Any antique items carry a special energy. Whether it is negative or positive is unknown. The gift must be new.
  • Mirrors. This item is known to have magical properties. Since ancient times, it has been believed that this is a door to another world, thereby encouraging young people to lead a parallel life.
  • Knives. As well as other piercing and cutting objects (forks, needles and pins, decorative sabers, daggers and other weapons). Such objects carry with them the energy of quarrels, disagreements, and enmity.
  • Watch. Such a gift can lead to a quick separation of the newlyweds.
  • Decorations. Especially with pearls or amber. It is believed that such a family will endure many losses and failures.
  • Handkerchief. No matter how expensive and exclusive it is, it promises the newlyweds tears. An exception is the gift of handkerchiefs from the bride to the groom and vice versa. Thus, they assure each other that they will be together in moments of sorrow.
  • Boxes, piggy banks, vases. These items cannot be given empty so that the house does not feel empty. Fill them with sweets or money, thereby neutralizing all negativity.
  • Paintings. In this case, not everything is clear. The ban applies to paintings depicting one person or another character (there must be a couple), paintings depicting a fire, storm, volcanic eruption, and battle paintings. The theme of the picture should evoke only positive emotions.

The most common prohibitions are listed here. But do not lose heart if you have already purchased such a gift out of pure intentions. Charge the newlyweds a nominal fee for it. And the gift automatically turns into the bride and groom’s own purchase.


There are a lot of ways to give money, as well as options for what gift to choose. But most importantly, give the newlyweds a real holiday atmosphere. It was not in vain that they invited you to the celebration; you are a close friend or girlfriend for them, a person with whom they wanted to share the joy of their whole life.

Remember how they say that a friend is known not only in trouble, but also in joy. Enjoy the wedding: take part in the competition program, dance, sing, have fun.

I wish you a pleasant holiday evening. And on this note I end my article. Subscribe to my blog, leave your comments, recommend reading the article to your friends on social media. networks. Goodbye.

Sincerely, Anastasia Skoracheva