How to paint eyebrows with ready-made henna. How to dye your eyebrows with henna at home

Dyeing your eyebrows with henna is the easiest way to give them the desired shade.

Without exaggeration, representatives of the fair sex have been using this method for thousands of years.

And it’s not surprising: dye from dried lavsonia leaves not only does not harm the hairs, but, on the contrary, nourishes and strengthens them, and the necessary cosmetic effect lasts for at least 2-3 weeks.

Let's figure out how to dye your eyebrows with henna at home step by step and give them shape, choose the right shade and achieve the desired result.

The advantages of henna in comparison with other types of tattooing

You can, of course, go for microblading or tattooing - the effect of both lasts a long time.

But both methods harm the skin, require punctures, and getting rid of an imperfect result if you fall into the hands of an unscrupulous master will not be easy.

Unlike other methods, henna dyeing:

  1. Safe and painless
  2. Beneficial - antioxidants in lavsonia improve blood microcirculation, strengthen hair follicles, make hair shiny and silky
  3. Does not destroy natural color pigments
  4. Lasts as long as traditional hair dyes
  5. Easily corrected if the result is unsatisfactory
  6. Will cost pennies
  7. Any girl can handle painting at home

Henna dyeing is not only safe, but also beneficial

Which henna to choose and how to choose the right shade

There are several types of this plant on sale:

  1. Iranian henna- costs less than others. It comes in brown-copper and orange-red. To achieve other shades, it must be combined with dyes such as basma, cocoa or coffee.
  2. Sudanese- has a bright copper tint. Ideal for red-haired representatives of the fair sex. Not compatible with other dyes.
  3. Indian- will give your hair a chestnut, dark brown, golden or burgundy hue.

Tip: henna is available in powder form, capsules, pressed tiles and ready-made dye kits. Which type to choose is up to you. The question is the price.

Which shade should I choose?

To , you should avoid too much color difference between the eyebrows and the hair on your head.

There is an unwritten rule: blondes dye their eyebrows a tone darker than their hair, brunettes - a tone lighter.

Shades of ready-made henna
  1. Brunettes with pale skinIt is recommended to choose brown and gray shades of henna.
  2. Dark, black-hairedgirls should give preference to black.
  3. Redhead- there are all variations from terracotta to golden.
  4. For blondes- light brown colors.
  5. With ash-colored hairgray eyebrows match.

How to dye your eyebrows with henna at home step by step with photos - all stages of the procedure

Stage No. 1. Shape the eyebrows

A day or two before the procedure to avoid , you need to remove excess hairs and give the eyebrows the desired shape.

When using tools, remember that everything is natural.

Accordingly, the eyebrow growth line, width, and color should be as natural as possible.

First of all, you need to give your eyebrows the correct shape.

Stage No. 2. Prepare the necessary tools

If you do not use ready-made compounds, but purchased dry henna, to dilute it you will need:

  1. Container and spoon - plastic or glass, since metal is prone to oxidation
  2. Short bristled brush for applying the composition
  3. Cotton swabs and disks
  4. Citric acid or lemon juice to create an acidic environment for long-lasting results
  5. A rich cream to treat the skin around the eyebrows to avoid staining.
  6. Gloves and a towel - so as not to stain the skin of your hands or ruin your clothes

Cover the area around the eyebrows with a rich cream

Stage No. 3. Coloring

How to paint eyebrows with henna at home step by step:

  1. Remove all makeup, wash your face, and degrease your eyebrow hair with alcohol.
  2. Treat the skin around your eyebrows with a rich cream to prevent it from staining.
  3. Prepare the henna paste following the instructions on the package. It should not be too liquid and not run off the eyebrows. In addition, it is better to prepare the composition 2-3 hours before the procedure so that it infuses.
  4. Draw the desired contour of the eyebrow using a special marker or stencil.
  5. Apply color to your eyebrows using a brush, moving from the edge of the hairs to the middle, and then to their base.
  6. To give the most intense color, apply henna in a thick layer.
  7. If the paint gets beyond the eyebrows, immediately remove the excess with a cotton swab.
  8. Leave the composition for 40 minutes. For blondes, 20-30 will be enough.
  9. It is recommended to cover the eyebrows with small pieces of foil or cellophane to maintain the highest possible temperature for better absorption of the paint.
  10. Remove excess paint using a cotton pad soaked in water. You can also use eucalyptus oil.
  11. To fix the color, apply a little apple cider vinegar to your eyebrows and rinse off with a cotton pad soaked in water after a quarter of an hour.
  12. Over the next 24 hours, try not to wet your eyebrows with water, refrain from using soapy cleansers and scrubs.

Result before and after coloring

Tip: It is recommended to use henna to color eyebrows no more than twice a month. Henna is not and approved for use by women .

How to dye your eyebrows with henna at home step by step - what to do if the color doesn’t work out

If you are using this method of coloring for the first time, it may well happen that the end result will not satisfy you.

Dont be upset. Unlike other methods , washing off henna is not difficult. To do this, use citric acid.

Dissolve a little powder in 50 ml of warm water, soak two cotton pads in this solution and apply to the eyebrows for 5-7 minutes. Then rinse thoroughly with running water.

For the same purposes, you can use lemon juice, hydrogen peroxide, natural oils and professional removers - the latter are sold in any cosmetic store.

You can change the shade of henna using various additives

How to get other shades of henna?

As we wrote above, henna is used on its own and in combination with other coloring compounds.

Here's how to achieve some shades:

  1. 1 part henna + 2 parts basma = rich black
  2. 1 part henna + 1 part basma = dark brown
  3. 2 parts henna + 1 part basma = bronze
  4. 3 tbsp. l. cocoa + 25 gr. henna = dark chestnut
  5. 25 gr. henna + 1 tbsp. l. chopped walnut leaves = warm dark brown
  6. 2 tbsp. l. saffron + 25 gr. henna = cool yellow
  7. 25 gr. henna + 2 tbsp. l. daisies = warm yellow

How long will the color last?

In general, the effect of henna dyeing should last from two weeks to a month. This is affected by your habit. and, in fact, the type of epidermis

The color can be maintained for at least two weeks

Eg, holds the color perfectly, but oily eyebrows will require eyebrow correction in just two weeks.

This process will be accelerated by too frequent washing, visiting the sauna and bathhouse. To avoid damaging your eyebrows in the steam room, apply a layer of rich cream or natural oil to them.

Eyebrow care after coloring

For two to three days, you should not stay in the active sun for a long time, because the paint fades quickly.

All girls want to have perfect eyebrows - that's a fact. But what might this require? After all, not everyone has a naturally good eyebrow shape and color. Some people resort to long-term tattooing, but this is not safe and has a number of disadvantages. Eyebrow dye does not have a long-lasting effect and consists entirely of artificial components. In this case, henna comes to the rescue - one of the oldest dyes tested by generations of women.

Benefits of henna dyeing

Due to its unique composition, this natural dye has been popular among women for many centuries. Initially it was used to decorate the body. Among Muslims it has a special meaning, because... used in many rituals, especially wedding ones. The dye found further “life” among hair cosmetics - thanks to its active ingredients and unusual shades, henna perfectly colors the hair on the head. Gradually, manufacturers of modern beauty products received adapted compositions from natural henna for safe eyebrow coloring.

The skin of the face is more delicate than the scalp. It is easier to leave a thermal burn on it or damage the thin top layer of the epidermis. Even if the goal is to dye only hairs, henna inevitably gets on the skin. In order to correctly apply the compositions and obtain the desired shades, you need to know several subtleties of this procedure.

How to dye eyebrows with henna

Before painting, you must stock up on all the necessary tools and materials in advance. In addition to the henna itself, you will need:

· Form for dissolving the composition;

· Brush for coloring (preferably synthetic - it lasts longer than natural);

· Sponges;

· Warm water.

If you plan to correct the shape, you will need a marking pencil, thread tweezers or wax (depending on the correction method). In beauty salons, it is additionally necessary to have disposable gloves and hair caps. Gloves will not only make the procedure safe in the eyes of the client, but will also protect the master’s hands from getting henna on them. This will allow you to maintain an aesthetic appearance and avoid cumulative allergies in the master. Caps for clients are also aimed at convenience - it is not very pleasant if, during a salon procedure, henna gets on the client’s hair due to the careless movement of the master.

After preparing the workplace and all the necessary tools, you can begin painting. To get the best effect, it is recommended to exfoliate the eyebrow area in advance to exfoliate dead skin cells. There are practically no contraindications to coloring. The exception is individual intolerance and too oily skin - the color stains on it and is washed off very quickly.

At the first stage, it is necessary to properly dilute the composition. In total, there are 2 types of henna: one that does not require the addition of activators, diluted with boiling water and “infused” for about 15 minutes; with an additional activator or mineral composition - no waiting required, immediately ready for use. After the composition is ready, it is applied to the eyebrows with a brush.

Professional artists apply henna from the outer corner to the nose. This allows you to play with color and transitions. In total, the eyebrow in this process is divided into 3 sections - the tail, the “body” and the “head”. The tail is painted 3 times, the body 2 times and the head only 1 time. When painting the next part of the eyebrow, the previous one is also covered with a new layer or moistened with water. Henna must be applied carefully. Due to the peculiarity of the composition, it can be difficult to bring it to the skin to get the effect of tattooing. To do this, you need to carefully “rub” the henna with a brush and immediately remove the excess. Uniform application according to the shape of the eyebrow is the key to a beautiful result.

Attention! It is impossible to “overexpose”. It acts immediately until it dries completely. To achieve a brighter color, it is recommended to add a pinch of black pigment.

Manufacturers offer several shades of compositions to choose from. It became possible to obtain additional colors thanks to the addition of special color activators. It is they who, in case of allergies, can give a negative result after staining. To avoid an allergic reaction, it is recommended to apply henna to your wrist and wait 24 hours for the reaction. If there is no redness at the application site, feel free to color your eyebrows.

After the composition is applied, time is allowed to dry and absorb the color. It’s not for nothing that this procedure is called “bio-tattoo” - when carefully applied between the hairs, it rests securely on the skin inside the eyebrow, thereby creating the effect of a tattoo.

As soon as the composition applied to the eyebrows has dried, moisten it with a sponge in warm water and remove it carefully towards the outer corner (towards the temple). There is no need to thoroughly rub your eyebrows; just apply a cotton pad, hold it a little so that the henna softens, and remove the substance. Afterwards, it is recommended to apply a special strengthening oil, usma, or any other that promotes hair growth and color preservation.

How to dye eyebrows with henna at home

The home procedure is not much different from the salon procedure. The exception is a set of necessary materials - gloves and a hair cap are unlikely to be required - and an assortment of henna. You can experiment in obtaining different shades; if you know your color, then having one or 2 tubes for a long time is enough.

When dyeing your eyebrows with henna yourself, you need to be very careful - there is no means to remove henna from the skin, the activated pigment immediately begins to act, so you need to apply henna with precise movements, and adjust the shape instantly using damp cotton swabs. You can learn more about henna coloring from the video.

Attention! Henna appears on the skin quite clearly within 2 hours after dyeing. An eyebrow shape that is too wide and bright may not suit the owner.

You can dye with henna at home only if you have an ideal eyebrow shape and good composition of the product. In order to successfully color your eyebrows yourself, it is recommended to periodically visit an eyebrow artist to straighten your eyebrow shape.

What is the best henna to color your eyebrows?

The choice of henna for tinting eyebrows on the modern market of beauty products is amazing. Each master finds a product suitable for him or works with several brands at once. One of the best brands in henna eyebrow tinting is rightfully occupied by “Royal Brow”.

Henna from this manufacturer is used with a mineral composition; in total, the line offers 6 shades of henna that can be mixed with each other. Convenient packaging allows you to use the product for a long time, not only when coloring at home, but also when working with a flow of beauty salon clients. The main advantage of henna from this company is its naturalness. It is activated not by a chemical reagent, but by a mineral composition, which allows not only to obtain a product for coloring hair and skin, but also to additionally nourish and moisturize the sensitive area around the eyes.

We know that henna has been used for centuries by residents of eastern countries. This herbal powder acted as both a medicinal and a cosmetic product. Citizens of Egypt and other Muslim countries still prefer henna, which allows for body painting and hair coloring. Thanks to the extensive experience of our ancestors and contemporaries, we are confident that we can safely dye eyebrows with henna at home. This method of biotattooing has a whole range of advantages, the main of which are ease of execution, low cost of paint, the ability to vary colors and obtain a fairly lasting aesthetic result. Henna does not penetrate the skin and is less durable compared to dyes of chemical origin. But this is not a minus if you pay attention to the natural and safety, expressed in one hundred percent protection from irritation. If done correctly, we will get a beautiful and attractive eyebrow color.

Eyebrow dyeing with henna

What is henna?

The powder sold under the name “Henna” is of a plant nature and is made using the same technology from “lawsonia inermis” - a shrub plant of hot, dry countries. In the field of cosmetology, both Iranian and Indian henna are used. Moreover, Indian henna shows a brighter result when dyed.

Advantages of henna

The henna biotattoo procedure has gained popularity among modern girls due to the ability to perfectly color all hairs and the absence of an allergic reaction. A negative skin reaction to the effects of this plant dye is extremely rare and is associated with the individual characteristics of the body, and in general the plant is considered non-allergenic.

Eyelash tinting

It is not forbidden to dye eyelashes with henna, but for many it is difficult to keep the paste on the eyes for a long time.

What is added to henna?

When combined with other natural products, different shades are obtained. The following are suitable additives to henna powder: cocoa, basma, coffee. The resulting mixtures are used to color hair and eyebrows. And at the same time, you don’t have to worry about the health of your hair and skin, since henna dyeing provides not just a change in hair color, but also its treatment.

Benefits of henna for hair

Girls who regularly dye their eyebrows with henna at home or use this powder for their hair have an attractive appearance. This is achieved due to the shine, silky structure and thickness of the hair - all this can be achieved with henna. The biotattoo procedure will be an excellent way out of a problematic situation when eyebrow hairs grow poorly and are weakened.

Henna and acidic environment

To permanently fix henna on the surface of the skin, it is worth adding a product to the powder that provides an acidic environment. These include kvass or lemon juice. If you use this type of eyebrow dye, you should draw their outline perfectly. To do this, it’s a good idea to have a small flat brush, which should be used to work on both the hairs and the skin underneath them.

Eyebrow type

This approach to eyebrow tinting is good because it can be done easily. Using a thin brush, the hairs are drawn in the right places. Your eyebrows will look great for at least two weeks, but you shouldn’t expect any negative changes after that. After a two-week period, you can notice that the color saturation of the eyebrows evenly decreases, while their natural appearance is preserved.

safe and effective home method

“before” and “after” photos of proper biotattoo

Rules for home eyebrow dyeing with henna


To perform the eyebrow biotattoo procedure at home, you will need Iranian henna and some additional component. Suitable additions include: basma, cocoa, coffee, very strong tea, citric acid or lemon juice.

Important Details

You will also need gloves; they can be rubber or polyethylene. During the procedure of dyeing eyebrows or hair, it is easy to get dirty; these stains will be impossible to wash off. It is better to change into something unnecessary, so that if these things are damaged, they can be mercilessly disposed of. You will also need a towel and napkins. Dissolve henna with hot water in a non-metallic container; glass or earthenware containers are suitable for this. To work, take a flat brush, preferably number two.


It is recommended to do the best fixing of the paint before biotattooing the eyebrows. Before applying henna, you need to take care of degreasing the eyebrow area; for this, appropriate cosmetic preparations are used.

"before" and "after" photos of home biotattoo

lasting results without significant costs and harm to health

How to dye eyebrows with henna?

So, dissolve the henna according to the instructions, it is advisable to use acidified water. Infuse the pulp by covering the container with cellophane. Let's look at what to do next to get beautiful eyebrows.

  • To avoid accidentally staining the area of ​​skin near the eyebrow, it is recommended to apply a rich cream around the perimeter of the eyebrows.
  • Carefully draw the outline of the eyebrow. It is not necessary to use a brush; a cotton swab, toothpick or other convenient tool is also suitable. For convenience, you can add brush styling to the brush effect.
  • Any paint found in unwanted areas near the eyebrows should be immediately washed off with a cotton swab.
  • It is believed that it is more correct to first work on the tail of both eyebrows, then the central part. At the end we paint the heads of both eyebrows.
  • To obtain black eyebrows, henna is used together with basma.
  • The paint exposure time is selected individually. It can be determined through preliminary experiments. There is no need to be afraid of the negative effects of the product on the skin or hair. In the worst case scenario, if you leave the henna on for too long, the shade will be too intense.
  • Remove the paint with a cotton pad, preferably with cold water. No need to use soap.
  • To make the result as long as possible, it is better not to moisturize your eyebrows for two days after biotattooing with henna. Some sources recommend not applying cream to your eyebrows.

“before” and “after” photos of the biotattoo procedure

With proper home biotattooing, the face looks well-groomed and attractive

We can conclude that any of us can dye our eyebrows with henna at home. This simple procedure only requires concentration on the correct selection of paint exposure time and clear, confident brush movements when applying henna.

Olya Likhacheva

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious it is:)


Henna is used as a permanent coloring agent for skin, hair and even nails. Dyeing your eyebrows with henna is a fashionable, safe way to make your face more expressive and memorable. The choice of paint, the proportions of the solution, the procedure for painting, the selection of shades, materials and learning other tricks to achieve the best effect of makeup.

What is eyebrow biotattooing?

All women know what henna is - it is a world-famous dye made from the leaves of the Indian lawsonia bush. in the classical sense, it is the introduction of pigment under the skin by piercing. A tattoo, depending on the composition and quality of the dye, can last from several months to ten years, but it is always associated with pain. Biotattooing is distinguished by its painlessness, because... no punctures of the skin are made, and eyebrow coloring with henna is carried out due to the active substances included in henna, which penetrate deep into the skin.

A special feature of henna is its safety for skin, hair and nails. On the contrary, it helps improve blood microcirculation and relieves tension from the walls of blood vessels located close to the skin. There is an effect of strengthening hair follicles when using henna. This applies to both eyebrows, eyelashes, and when using henna for hair on the head. After chemical dyeing, henna restores the structure of the hair, thickens it and helps the hair look healthy.

How to tint eyebrows at home

It is better to go to a professional salon for this purpose, but if this is not possible, try changing the shape and giving expressiveness to the eyebrows yourself. You don't need to study long to do this. Find out how to properly paint from our recommendations - recipes for preparing mixtures, exact proportions of ingredients, how to wash off the paint, tools used to carry out the procedure yourself.

How to prepare

Selecting a form is an important stage in preparing for henna dyeing. The shape of the arch is individual, depending on the oval of the face, the shape and location of the eyes, forehead and even the fullness of the lips. General instructions in this case boil down to the fact that you should not be overzealous and make your eyebrows as thick as a thread, give them a strictly straight or excessively curved shape. Natural volume and thickness are in fashion now. - the one that nature gave you. Only single hairs that are not included in the main line are removed with tweezers. A clear line will highlight other features of the face.

To begin, choose the right henna. It is better to dye with Indian henna, because... it provides the largest palette of shades, unlike Iranian and Turkish. The choice of saturation and tone should be based on what color your hair and skin are. For fair-skinned blondes, light brown and brown shades are suitable. Brown-haired women choose a color that is a tone lighter or darker than their hair, but not the same color, otherwise the eyebrows will not stand out. For brunettes, shades from dark brown to black are suitable.

  • It is better to use a container for mixing the solution - plastic, glass or polyethylene, because... the paint may react with metal or ceramics.
  • Plastic (disposable) spoon for stirring the solution.
  • A brush with short bristles is what you use to paint with. The pile should be hard enough to reach the skin through the hair.
  • Cotton swabs - for correction, to erase unnecessary brush strokes.
  • Cotton pads – for removing stray smears and marks.
  • Fat face cream - it is used to treat the surface around the eyebrows so as not to leave marks on an unnecessary area.
  • Disposable plastic gloves - to avoid staining your hands.
  • An apron, or better yet clothes that you don’t mind ruining – not everything can go smoothly.

How to dilute henna

The henna solution is simply made at home. Pour 1 tsp into the prepared container. powder and add warm water little by little, stirring constantly. You need to achieve the consistency of thick sour cream. To select the required eyebrow tone, you must adjust the proportions of henna and basma (it is added little by little to the finished mixture). The color of the solution will be one tone darker than the resulting shade. Basma can give a color from dark brown to black, depending on its amount in the finished mixture.

Henna with coffee has a similar effect, but is prepared slightly differently. You can use both ground and instant drinks. A very strong coffee is prepared - in the case of natural coffee, you need to brew a double dose. Stir the instant mixture to Americano consistency. Coffee stains the same as basma, but does not last as long, but when gradually washed off it acquires a shade closer to gray rather than red.


Before dyeing, degrease the eyebrows and the area near them with alcohol, draw the desired outline with a white cosmetic pencil, then treat the skin around it with a rich face cream. Using a brush, take a small amount of the prepared solution and start applying it from the inner edge of the eyebrows to the outer edge along the hair growth. Apply the mixture so that it touches the skin under the hairline. The overall effect of the coloring will depend on this.

Immediately after applying henna, the processes of coloring the skin and hair begin. How long to keep? Until completely dry. To enhance the effect of coloring, you can apply strips of polyethylene to your eyebrows. They will increase the drying period to 30-40 minutes. As a result, the paint will last much longer. Before washing off the henna, wipe your eyebrows with a cotton pad soaked in vegetable oil (preferably almond oil or apricot kernels).

Eyebrow correction and henna dyeing in the salon

There are several differences between tinting eyebrows with henna at home and how this procedure is done in specialized beauty salons. The differences begin with the selection of shape. Thanks to the mock-ups that are applied directly to your face, you will be able to see the final coloring result already at the preparation stage. How to draw an eyebrow line and how to give shape and volume is a task that professionals can easily handle. Salons use professional henna, which has a lasting effect, for example, Brow Henna products last up to one and a half months.

How long does henna last?

The effectiveness of the procedure largely depends on the quality of the source material and on how much you understand how to make henna. If you use hair dye with basma or coffee additives to color your eyebrows, it will last temporarily - 1-2 weeks. With professional mixtures, the effect lasts from a month to 8 weeks. Much depends on the frequency of washing your face. The more often you use water, milk, and other facial cleansers, take a shower, and swim, the less the biotattoo will last.

Is it harmful to dye your eyebrows?

People who care about their health may be wondering how often they can dye their eyebrows with henna and whether pregnant women are allowed to get tattoos using these natural substances. Numerous studies have shown that biotattooing does not have a negative effect on the skin. Pregnancy is not a reason to look ugly, so using henna to correct your eyebrow line is quite possible. However, you should not do this more than twice a month. The only contraindication is an allergy to henna.

Eyebrow care after tattooing

The duration of the effect after using henna directly depends on how you care for the treated area. Immediately after tattooing, the eyebrows should be smeared with a rich cream or cosmetic oil. You can use sandalwood or coconut. Subsequently, as daily care, you can use home-made masks with the obligatory application of a rich cream, esters in combination with grape seed and jasmine oils, oils for the growth of eyelashes and eyebrows.

Video: eyebrow threading and bio-coloring

In the video, a professional makeup artist applies henna to a model's eyebrows, using a twisted thread to pluck out invisible hairs around the main line. The immediate effect of painting is visible. The facial features acquire sophistication and completely transform the girl. In this case, the makeup artist chose the color of the eyebrows to match the hair, and this technique worked very well on skin with freckles.

Eyebrows are an important element on the face; tinting them can radically change the entire style and highlight beautiful facial features. If you have expressive eye shape, brightly colored eyebrows can visually accentuate this feature. For blondes, a light brown shade is good, which will be a tone darker than the hair color. For brunettes, gray, dark brown (one tone lighter than hair) or black are more preferable. Try to start with light colors and see the effect - it is visible immediately after the procedure. If you want a darker shade, you can always make it.

The manufacturer of henna for eyebrow coloring Brow Henna has earned recognition and popularity among consumers thanks to innovative technologies and high quality of the product. Brow Henna henna lasts on the eyebrows for more than a month, unlike henna from other manufacturers, while restoring and strengthening them. It’s quite easy to create beautiful and impressive eyebrows using Brow Henna henna, even at home, thanks to its convenient and ergonomic packaging, good color palette and the ability to mix dyes to obtain the desired shade.

Features of this manufacturer

The manufacturer Brow Henna offers its consumers two main lines of products for eyebrow tinting, which, in addition to henna, also have other related products that help achieve the best result, which is not inferior to and.

Ready-made formulations in tubes

Ready-made dry henna compositions for coloring are placed in sachets or tubes of 6 g. For each hair type, you can purchase a ready-made henna set of three tubes (sachets), the contents of which can be mixed to achieve the desired shade.

Set "Blonde":

  • pearl blonde;
  • light brown blond;
  • nutty light chestnut.

Set "Brown hair":

  • neutral brown;
  • cold coffee;
  • rich taupe.

Large set of 8 shades:

  • "Blonde" set;
  • “Brown-haired” set;
  • proofreaders.

Additional four colors:

  • bitter chocolate;
  • frosty chestnut;
  • golden blonde;
  • dark blond.


  • black classic;
  • bright red amber.

Sexy Brow Henna line in capsules

The innovative development of Sexy Brow Henna is a natural composition of henna, which is placed in capsules, which allows you to accurately dose the dye, without fear of getting your hands and clothes dirty. Additional products in this line will make the biotattoo procedure enjoyable and provide high-quality results for up to 6 weeks.

1. The jars contain 30 capsules with henna with a total weight of 6 g, which are presented in four main shades:

  • black;
  • dark brown;
  • brown;
  • light brown.

2. Small set including:

  • a jar of capsules;
  • mineral solution;
  • measuring cup.

3. Large set including:

  • 4 jars with capsules of 6 g each;
  • measuring cup;
  • mineral solution.

4.Additional products:

  • mineral solution for preparing compositions;
  • clinser, which cleanses the skin after coloring;
  • zonal gel to protect the skin around the eyebrows from staining;
  • a product for removing henna from the skin around the eyebrows;
  • white paste for modeling eyebrow shape;
  • shampoo for deep cleansing and color fixation;
  • eyebrow nourishing conditioner;
  • eyebrow scrub;
  • fixative lotion to preserve color for a long time;
  • ruler for eyebrow architecture;
  • set of brushes “Sexy Brow Kit”.

How to dilute henna for eyebrows Brow Henna and how to use it correctly, our step-by-step instructions will tell you:

1. Treat your eyebrows with a cleanser or any cosmetic alcohol degreaser.

2. Make a henna solution, reminiscent of syrup in consistency:

3. The prepared solution must be leave for about 5-7 minutes.

4. Using a fine brush apply the prepared composition hairs on the skin.

5. To ensure that the contour of the eyebrows is clear and the henna does not stain the skin of the eyelids, use a special zonal gel.

6. After 10-25 minutes, remove the coloring composition from the eyebrows using a cotton sponge soaked in a micellar solution. If you use the Sexy line, then You can wash off the paint with a special shampoo.

7. Hennaed eyebrows. To do this, at the end of the procedure, apply it to cleansed eyebrows.

You can understand the results of tinting your eyebrows using Brow Henna and Sexy Brow Henna thanks to the feedback from the participants in our experiment, who provided “before” and “after” photos for comparison.

Polina, 39 years old

With the help of henna coloring and correction, which was done to me in the salon, my sparse, light and shapeless eyebrows were completely transformed. For the work, the artist used Brow Henna henna in two brown shades, darkening the outer ends of the eyebrows. This color goes well with red hair and eye color.