How to send a kiss. Blowing a kiss meaning

It brings indescribable pleasure to adults, and prolongs life for many. Young girls wait for him with excitement, fearing their inexperience. Some people don’t like him, considering him an unnecessary manifestation of weakness and sentimentality. I really want to give it to my family and friends, especially children. Poems and books are written about him, songs are composed.

You probably already guessed that we will talk about something without which love is impossible - about the kiss. Let's figure out what kind of “beast” this is - a kiss? Dictionaries interpret this concept as touching something with the lips to express warm feelings. The very feelings put into a kiss determine its appearance and purpose.

Kisses are different

Do you know who owns the longest kiss in the world? A Thai couple in love kissed for almost 60 minutes without looking away from each other. These two hot lovers set the world record for the longest kiss on Valentine's Day 2013. I would like to ask: “Are you weak?”

In fact, you shouldn’t set any records, but just kiss for your own pleasure. But kisses are different. Here are some of the most popular kisses in the world:

1. Air and virtual kiss

Many “kissing experts” argue whether this type of manifestation of feelings can even be called a kiss.

An air kiss is sent while leaving or at a distance, when direct contact is either difficult or impossible. To blow a kiss, first kiss the tips of your fingers, then open your palm and blow it towards the object to be kissed. Imagine that your feelings were picked up by the wind and carried in the desired direction. It's like a letter flying quickly to its recipient.

A virtual kiss is similar to an air kiss. It can be sent in a letter, writing “kiss” at the end, or transmitted via Skype, video - the same air, only through a screen.

Interesting fact from psychologists: Air kisses are characteristic of people with a flighty character. If a girl or guy constantly blows you a kiss, don’t expect to be taken seriously.

2. Kiss "Second"

This kiss is different in that it reaches the intended part of the body not through the lips, but through another object. For example, they kiss a finger and then touch it to the lips of a loved one. Or we kiss a soft toy, and then pretend that the toy is kissing the person to whom we want to convey our feelings.

Such kisses are one of the forms of flirting, which usually appears at the initial stage of a relationship.

Most likely, this name was inspired by the Soviet leader L.I. Brezhnev, who so loved to kiss some political comrade as a sign of endless respect. This kiss is strong, passionate and powerful!

A “Soviet” kiss is a triple kiss on the lips or cheeks. The kisser takes the “comrade” by the shoulders or head and presses his lips firmly against his cheek or lips. This is usually done quickly, with a characteristic smack, and sometimes even a moo.

Interesting fact from a psychologist: Someone who is overcome by either strong friendly emotions or hidden resentment can kiss this way.

4. Kiss related or "fatherly"

In childhood, all of us were kissed by our mother and father, conveying their warmth and parental feelings. It became so easy and good for us that all the grievances and disappointments instantly flew away.

This kiss is most often done with the lips on the forehead or crown, less often on the cheek. He is calm, warm and slow. This is how relatives, parents and caring loved ones kiss.

Interesting fact from a psychologist: If a loved one kisses you in a family way, it means he feels responsible and is ready to take care and help you in solving any problems.

5. Friendly or “ritual” kiss

This is a girls favorite kiss. Recently, it has become fashionable to kiss when meeting girlfriends. Usually, with such a kiss, girls touch cheek to cheek, making the kiss as if in the air. A friendly kiss can be between girls or a guy and a girl. Kissing boys evoke slightly different emotions, the opposite of friendly ones.

A ritual kiss quickly becomes a habit; there is rarely any special emotion or meaning attached to it. But this kiss denotes close friendships between people.

6. A lover's kiss

And finally, the most interesting type of kiss - the lovers' kiss! This is a kiss between people of the opposite sex who have romantic feelings for each other. There are a huge number of types of love kisses.

An interesting discovery by doctors: Many years of research by scientists have led to the conclusion that during a kiss, the blood is cleansed, damaged cells are restored and the skin is rejuvenated. After a kiss, the brain begins to work faster, mood improves, and depression goes away.

What are the kisses of lovers

Love unites hearts and makes lips come closer. We convey emotions not only with words, but also with our lips. Romance cannot be monotonous, just like kisses cannot always be the same.

  • Innocent kiss

This is a simple contact of lips, without any hint of continuation. An innocent kiss is common at the beginning of a relationship or between lovers who have lived together for a long time.

  • Kiss "in a hickey"

During this kiss, movements are made with the lips, similar to sipping a drink through a straw. If you overdo it, you can leave a spot on the kissed person's skin that looks like a bruise. Probably many people found themselves in a situation where they had to hide traces of such a kiss from their parents. Although there is little pleasant, there is some kind of stupid feeling of pride at the beginning of adult life. True, not for long!

  • A passionate kiss

This kiss is full of passionate emotions. The lovers' lips meet and greedily press into each other. Such a kiss lasts a long time, after which thoughts do not immediately return to your head. A passionate kiss connects not only lips, but also tongues. Here, too, there can be different options: circular movements of the tongue, pushing movements (stinging kiss), meeting the tips of the tongue, caressing the palate with the tongue, sucking the tongue, etc.

  • Teasing Kiss

With his lips, the teasing partner gently touches the lips of the person being kissed, runs his tongue over them, and slightly bites them. But he does this intermittently, as if teasing, provoking something more.

  • Flirting kiss

If one of the lovers is not very romantic, you can try a flirtatious kiss. Approach your loved one and gently kiss them on the cheek, forehead, tip of the nose, ear, neck, and only then on the lips.

  • intimate kiss

These are kisses of the most sensitive areas of the body (erogenous). Such bold kisses are used by lovers who have already moved on to intimate relationships.

French kiss as it is

No wonder France is called the land of love. What is this world-famous “French kiss”? No, this is not a kiss near the Eiffel Tower, but an ordinary kiss with tongues. Therefore, any of you can easily master it!

French kissing rules:

  • Fresh breath;
  • Good mood;
  • At least a slight crush on the guy for whom the kiss is intended;
  • Romantic setting;
  • Gentle movements of the tongue towards the partner’s tongue (you should not be the first to put your tongue in the guy’s mouth).

Five fears of the first kiss

Fear #1: I can't kiss

Absolutely all lovers go through this. Everything new is exciting and scary. Girls think that they can ruin the whole “thing” with their inability. The first kiss, especially taking into account modern mores, occurs at a young age (according to statistics - from 12 to 15 years). Therefore, often a guy experiences the same fears as a girl.

Advice: Don’t be afraid, it’s better to calm down and think through all your actions. The plan could be as follows: we touch our lips, open them slightly, meet our tongues, slowly make circular movements with our tongue, do not forget to work with our lips. Before kissing, you can practice on a tomato or peach - they say it helps!

Fear #2: He won't like it

And everyone went through this too. Any girl wants a guy to think: “Wow! What a great kisser she is, no one has kissed me like that!” Dear girls, if a guy really likes you, he will definitely think so. And if you tremble with fear, he definitely won’t like it!

Advice: Calm down and pull yourself together. It's better to be well prepared than to worry unnecessarily. Make sure your lips and mouth are in good shape. Go to the dentist, buy a “tasty” lip gloss, preferably colorless (guys don’t like to have shiny lips). Before the meeting, brush your teeth, get ready and go to victory!

Fear #3: What if I do something wrong?

Well, what does “something is wrong” mean? Would you bite off his lip or swallow his tongue? The girl usually doesn’t know what exactly could go wrong, and this ignorance scares her even more.

Advice: Don’t think about bad things, otherwise your fears will be passed on to the guy and you will both stand there and be afraid! Remember once again that you are not going to war or to a geometry exam. Give free rein to your feelings, and they will tell you the right actions.

Fear #4: He will laugh at me

Many girls, before their first kiss, imagine a picture: a guy with friends (the same “experienced” kissers) discusses how bad she is as a kisser, and everyone starts dying laughing. Let's just say, if a guy is capable of this, and you know it, then why kiss him at all?

Advice: If you are not confident in your gentleman, you should hold off on kissing and get to know him better.

Fear #5: He will leave me

Some girls are afraid that after a kiss a guy will no longer want to see them. One can only guess where such fears come from: the experience of a friend, self-doubt, and the like.

Advice: Don't take a kiss as something global. Treat him more simply, because little will change in your life after him. Be confident in yourself, then no guy will be able to resist you!

And for those who are still afraid, we present a list of things that you should not do when kissing.

Seven "Do not" when kissing

1. Don't open your mouth too wide

Very often, either wanting to seem temperamental, or for some other reason, kissers try to open their mouths as wide as possible. This does not bring pleasure to the partner; rather, on the contrary, it causes some inconvenience. So, no need to try to swallow the guy, you will need him later!

2. Don't stick your tongue out like a shovel.

Sometimes inexperienced kissers try to stick their tongue out with a shovel. The kiss is neither neat nor comfortable. Always kiss with a "sharp" tongue and don't stick it too deep into your partner's mouth.

3. Don't make sounds

Also a common mistake. Mooing people when kissing resemble a bear sucking its paw. Therefore, you should not make extraneous sounds when you kiss.

4. Don't blink your eyes

Some “curious” people try to open their eyes when kissing. Believe me, you won’t see anything interesting there, you’ll just spoil your impression. By closing your eyes, you give free rein to your feelings and imagination, which can make the kiss unforgettable.

5. Don't close your eyes prematurely

If you close your eyes ahead of time, you risk “missing” and colliding with your foreheads or some other parts of your body.

6. Don't make a kiss a joke

Humor when kissing is not appropriate. Often, inept and ill-timed jokes can offend your significant other and ruin the relationship between you.

7. Don't talk while kissing

It happens that the kiss has not yet ended, or has just begun, and you continue to chat with your partner about something else. Do you know what your loved one thinks at such moments: “When will she finally shut up?”

Now you know almost everything about kissing. Learning to kiss well is very easy, especially if you use our tips! Don't make other people's mistakes and kiss to your health!

If we talk about popular gestures of love, the easiest, most touching, safe and gentle of them is the air kiss. He is the one who is able to overcome any obstacles, and he is the one who is accessible to all ages.

It may seem that in fact it is simpler and impossible to imagine: you bring your fingers to the lips extended for a kiss, kiss their tips, and then, extending your hand towards your partner, blow. This is how you blow a kiss.

But no, life is not that simple. Experiment, try adding acting, a bit of romance, facial additions, imagination to this gesture, and then the air kiss will appear in a completely different light.

It's also a great way to convey your feelings to your partner when face-to-face contact isn't possible.

And now we propose to consider in more detail the techniques for performing and receiving an air kiss:

  1. Standing by the window, you are seeing off your significant other, or you are on a train that has already started moving. Lightly touch the fingers of both hands with your lips and point your hands towards your significant other. Touch the glass and start drawing a heart with both hands at the same time. With the right index finger we draw the right half of the heart, with the left - the left. This way you can give your loved one a kiss in the heart.
  2. The second option is best performed while standing on a hill from your other half. Bring the fingers of both hands to your lips, raise your arms up and spread them apart. Blow on them gently and then blow again. You can shake your head slightly. Look, rain is dripping on your soulmate, but not from drops of water, but from the most tender kisses.
  3. Intimate air kiss. This option can be performed if the lovers are at arm's length from each other. Both are involved here. At the same time, touch your fingertips with your lips, and then carefully, so as not to lose or drop the kiss, gently and tenderly touch the lips of your lover and beloved. Such a kiss can also be carried out unilaterally.
  4. Synchronized kiss. This method involves simultaneous kissing by two participants who seem to be standing in front of a mirror.
  5. You can play with not only sending, but also receiving an air kiss. If someone blows you a kiss, put your hands forward as if you were trying to catch it. You can even sit down a little at this moment. Got caught? Hold it tight. Do you hear it rustling in your hands, like the wings of a flying butterfly? Put it in your pocket or other secluded place. Or maybe you want to send him back to your soulmate?

Love and be the most loved. Let every gesture, every look and every movement of yours always be filled with love and touching tenderness.

WikiHow works like a wiki, which means that many of our articles are written by multiple authors. This article was produced by 49 people, including anonymously, to edit and improve it.

Do you need a greeting somewhere between a formal handshake and an overly intimate kiss? In these cases, blowing a kiss, in which you press your cheeks together and kiss the air near someone's cheek, is a good, generally accepted sign of etiquette.


    Know in what situation blowing a kiss would be appropriate. Consider both the occasion and the nature of your relationship with each person you greet.

    • The air kiss is intended for special, official celebrations. As a rule, formal special occasions (weddings, formal evenings and special ceremonies) that bring together people who are on good terms but may not have met before are standard conditions for blowing kisses. Less formal occasions (family reunions, barbecues and casual dinners) may include hugs and kisses on the cheek, especially if you are dating someone you see regularly.
    • Blow a kiss to people you know but don't know well. In most cases, blowing kisses is not given to strangers. Distant relatives, friends of your parents, or people a good friend introduced you to are better candidates for this. Family members and close friends may be offended by thinking that blowing a kiss is a subtle hint that you don't know them well enough to actually kiss.
    • Find out about the rules for blowing a kiss for the country you are in. View the Cultural Conventions section below for more information.
  1. Observe other people's actions. Observing other people's greetings can help you evaluate whether blowing a kiss is appropriate. For example, if you are approaching the entrance and the host is standing at the door greeting people, observe how they behave. If your cousin who comes in ahead of you blows a kiss and you don't know the host any closer than your cousin, then you will most likely need to blow a kiss too.

    Greet people you know by calling them by name. Before you blow a kiss, exclaim your friend's name and smile as you approach him. If you can't remember the name, just exclaim "honey!" or “and you are here!”

    Read body language. As you approach, extend your hand, or touch or press your friend with your forearm, elbow, or hand(s). If he backs down or pulls away in some way, consider the default a hug or a shoulder rub. If you feel like he's relaxed and maintaining contact, blowing a kiss is more likely to be appropriate. And if he hugs you or gently presses you to his face, prepare to kiss and be kissed back in the traditional style.

    Learn how to blow a kiss. The goal is to position your lips near his right cheek (start with the left if that's common in your culture). However, make sure that your friend also reaches for his right cheek, so as not to get into an awkward position when you both come face to face. If you are about to kiss someone, you can lightly press their cheek.

  2. Kiss the air next to your cheek. Place your lips together and kiss the air slightly away from your face. Depending on what is appropriate for the cultural context of the event, it may be appropriate to switch sides and repeat the kiss near the opposite cheek.

    • Add sound effects. *Women sometimes make a discreet kissing sound (such as "smack!") when blowing a kiss; this is generally perceived as a friendly and feminine gesture to further embellish the greeting. Some men also make this reserved sound, although this is not necessary.

The meaning of kisses:

Kiss on the hand– I adore you, an expression of feelings of friendship and respect. Kissing your hand or wrist means that you are being looked after or are showing clear signs of attention and care. Previously, it was a purely formal kiss of greeting. However, now its meaning has changed somewhat. If a loved one kisses your hand, this means adoration, i.e. something much more than love.

Kiss on the cheek– I want to be your friend, necessity and passionate desire is next to the beloved. A kiss on the cheek usually means that they value your friendship, that they don’t want to lose you, and that you are important to the person.

Kiss on the neck– I want you, an ardent thirst for possession.

Kiss on the ear- I'm just playing.

Kiss on the nose- great sympathy.

Kiss on the forehead. A kiss on the forehead usually means maternal care. This is how they kiss little children. In any case, this is a manifestation of attention and desire to help, in some cases - patronage.

Kiss on the lips– I love you (declaration of love). A kiss on the lips is a fairly intimate kiss. As one of the sages said: two souls meet on the lips of lovers. Therefore, this kiss means only love. Although, there are an incredible variety of them.

Types of kisses:

- loving kiss. Expresses a feeling of love, perhaps passion. Can be gentle, timid, sensual or exciting.

- gentle kiss. Expresses a reverent attitude towards a partner. As a rule, it is short-lived and most often occurs on the lips and cheeks.

- a passionate kiss, on the contrary, it can last indefinitely, and most often begins with the lips. This is where the tongue can come into contact - the so-called "French kiss".

- friendly kiss, most often it falls on the cheek, a kiss on the hand is possible, or even just a movement of the lips imitating a kiss. In such a sweet way people express their friendship, affection, and warm feelings. It is for this species that the Russian custom of kissing three times a day is acceptable. So, for example, kings or boyars kissed when meeting important guests.

- respectful kiss receive such body parts as hands, a ring on them is possible. Thus, a person is hinted at a respectful attitude towards him, about reverence or even admiration. At the very least, expressions of the above feelings can be kissed feet.

- tender kiss most often goes to small children or animals. A person thus expresses a feeling of tenderness, tenderness and joy from their contemplation or appearance in the field of visibility.

– a kiss from a father, son or brother. Such kisses are common among family members. Touching can be on the lips or cheek, even forehead, depending on family traditions.

- air kiss it is like a subspecies of a friendly or even a loving kiss, denoting increased attention to the person being kissed, or even flirting with him. A kiss is transmitted through the air or through touching one’s palm, and then directing it towards the object being kissed, or using just the lips to move the kiss in the desired direction.

- Judas kiss. An insincere, deceitful kiss that does not express true love, affection, friendship or respect. This type of kiss comes from the Bible.

Regardless of the type of kiss, they (in the sense of kissing) are necessary to maintain a positive attitude. Even a kiss on the cheek charges you with positive emotions, not to mention a sensual kiss on the lips. If a person looks into your eyes, then he wants you to kiss him; plays with your hair - he can’t live without you. Never ask permission to kiss, just kiss. When you kiss, close your eyes. The most “delicious” kisses are those received secretly, without obtaining consent from the partner. Such kisses are light and gentle. Both boys and girls are crazy about them.

Kissing technique:

Kissing with closed eyes- love.

Kisses accompanied by biting- an expression of jealousy.

Kissing lips to lips– touch your partner only with your lips.

French kisses: the lips are parted, the mouth is open, the tongue sensually and gently touches the inner surface of the partner’s mouth. This kiss is rightfully considered the most popular in the whole world. French kissing requires contact of the partners' tongues. You need to penetrate your partner's mouth and play with his tongue. These can be light or strong touches. The choice depends on the preferences of the partners. You can gently bite your tongue - this will bring pleasure to your partner, but be careful. You can also suck your tongue while kissing.

Kisses with a bite: you bite your partner's bottom lip a little.

Soothing kisses: during a gentle kiss, you hug his (her) face with your hands.

Adjacent kisses: you gently suck your partner’s lower lip, and at the same time he kisses your upper lip.

Kisses of Zorro: a duel of each other's tongues.

Sleeping kisses: kisses while your lover is sleeping.

Awakening kisses: Gently kiss your sleeping partner, gradually filling the kisses with passion until he awakens.

Butterfly Kisses: you gently caress your partner's cheek with your eyelashes.

Vacuum kisses: you suck the air out of your partner's mouth and then suddenly lean away from him. This kind of kiss is achieved if a small pop is heard when you remove it from your partner’s lips.

Full Mouth Kisses: take a mouthful of drink (alcoholic is also possible) and pass it to each other while kissing. Remember that quenching your thirst is not the purpose of this kiss.

Sliding kiss: touch the corner of his mouth with your lips, gently move them along his lips, as if stroking, and kiss on the other side.

Seductive: Take a piece of ice into your mouth and pass it to each other with a kiss until it melts. The same can be done with a cherry or a piece of chocolate.

Teasing: approach him as if you intend to passionately bite his lips, and suddenly stop; start kissing hotly and suddenly stop. And so - several times.

Provoking: play with your tongue, rhythmically and deeply sticking it into your loved one’s mouth, simulating sexual intercourse.

A few more types of kisses:

Imata: a gentle kiss on the lips. They kiss leisurely, with just their lips, without touching their teeth, but without leaving any part of their lips outside the kiss.

Shy: She kisses you on the lips, moving her lip slightly, trying to pull away.

Level: He takes her lips in his, making his lips a tube and sucks it into himself, trying to touch his tongue.

Fight one hundred: his mouth is half open, hers is closed. Both suck, lightly biting their lips with their teeth.

Playful: he lightly bites her lips. With the movements of her tongue in his mouth, she arouses passion.

Kissing teeth: He sucks her teeth in a passionate kiss, throwing her head lower.

Samayan: he takes her tongue into his mouth and, barely touching it with his teeth, sucks. She strives to swallow his tongue as deeply as possible, thereby showing her passionate desire to have him in her, to possess him as a man.

Tenderness: kiss his or her lips with your tongue, lightly touch with your lips or lower lip. Pleasure in a light touch.

Mill: rotation of the tongue in the mouth of another.

Tsapsky: The other person's tongue is taken to his cheek and pressed lightly with light touches of his tongue and teeth.

Sink: kiss on the ear, with light biting of the earlobe and touching the lips behind the ear.

Capi: kiss a woman's palm on the inside of the arm, elbow and above. The “Sari” kiss means knowing a woman, the desire to possess her; her response to the “Sari” kiss means her desire to lie with him, to surrender to him.

Exquisite: the tongue of one lightly touches the palate of the other.

Arakmyana: He takes her lips with his fingers and makes them into a bud, which he tears off with his wet kiss. He pulls her lower lip with his fingers and inserts his tongue behind her cheek, arousing her with light movements that tilt her head.

Ata: one covers the other’s lip with his lips, pushes out the other’s tongue with his tongue and inserts his tongue into his mouth. Kisses the tip of the nose, the chin.

If you use your tongue when kissing, it turns you on and excites you. The part of the body you kiss does not matter at all.

Forms of kisses:

Attitudes towards kissing in the world.

In different countries, kissing is treated differently.

In Medieval Italy, a man who kissed a girl in public was obliged to marry her.

In Ancient Rome, a kiss served as a sign of greeting. They kissed not only relatives and friends, but also strangers passing by.

In its homeland, the famous French kiss is called the “merging of souls” - not only lips, but also tongue are involved in the kiss. Not wanting to stop there, the sensual French invented a second version of this magical kiss, when only tongues are involved.

Kisses from the inhabitants of the Far North are more than just rubbing noses. Having touched their olfactory organs, Eskimos unclench their lips and at the same time inhale, then exhale, clenching their lips. Having enjoyed each other’s aroma, lovers press their noses to their partner’s cheek and freeze like that for a minute or longer. Frank Sinatra thought it was very cute, which is probably why every second photograph shows the singer kissing in this position.

In Japan, Taiwan, China and Korea, it is not customary to kiss in public. Moreover, it seems that the Japanese kiss ceremony was invented specifically for the edification of Europeans: most of all, it is similar to the kiss of two pioneers of the late 70s. For example, in order to kiss, two Japanese need to stand facing their partner at a “pioneer” distance, bend over (hands at their sides!) and touch each other’s lips for a split second. And what, against the backdrop of too “adult” caresses, this may even seem intriguing!

Europeans are more relaxed in this regard and are not shy about their feelings. They kiss on the streets, in parks, subways, in discos and, of course, in the movies.

Viktor Dolya
The meaning of kisses: A kiss on the hand - I adore you, an expression of feelings of friendship and respect. Kissing your hand or wrist means that you are being looked after or are showing clear signs of attention and care. Previously, it was a purely formal kiss of greeting. However, now its meaning has changed somewhat. If a loved one kisses your hand, this means adoration, i.e. something much...

Blowing a kiss meaning

The air kiss is the most innocent and most romantic of all types of kisses. The essence and meaning of this kiss changes depending on the situation.

An air kiss can also be a manifestation of sympathy. Sitting at a party, you are bored. But then a pretty stranger at the next table blows you a kiss. It's like a game. She seems to be saying with this gesture: “I’m interested in you, I don’t mind getting to know each other better.” I must say, this is an excellent and not the most banal way of flirting. If you are a girl and flirt with a man this way, rest assured that his mood will improve. You interested him, but at the same time you didn’t promise anything. If the guy turns out to be smart, feel free to expect a reciprocal gesture. At least you'll have someone to talk to for the evening, if you're lucky - something more than just a company to talk to. It's up to you.

An air kiss can be very intimate for two lovers. What could be more touching than a couple who, sitting next to each other, kiss in such an unusual way. Kiss your fingers and carefully bring them to your partner's lips. This speaks of sincere feelings. Lovers carefully convey their warmth and tenderness to each other at their fingertips.

A couple saying goodbye at a train station also often blows kisses. Here the air kiss plays the role of the only gesture that makes sense now. There is no point in saying anything - they won’t hear you. And of all the non-verbal gestures, only an air kiss can convey all the feelings and emotions of the departure of a loved one.

If you're saying goodbye to a loved one outside the car, you can add a little romance. Breathe on the glass to fog it up. Draw a heart with your finger, and then blow a kiss to your loved one by touching the heart with your fingertips. A kiss to the very heart will pleasantly surprise and touch the person you love. The heart symbol can be used in another way. Place two hands on your lips and blow a kiss. At the same time, spreading your hands, as if drawing a heart. With your right hand one half, with your left hand the other. This air kiss looks very romantic.

Even more romance in the rain of air kisses. For example, if a guy comes to your window and stands under it, surprise him in the following way. Place both hands on your lips, blow a kiss, blow out air and at the same time slightly shake your head in different directions. From the outside it will seem as if you are scattering your air kisses into the wind, which will rain them down on your loved one. Believe me, the guy will be pleasantly surprised.

Having shown the proper imagination, the young man will not be confused and will catch your kisses. You can do this in different ways - grab with your hands one at a time, catch in handfuls of hands. The return throw of an air kiss will be original. It is also unusual to place the caught kiss somewhere - for example, on your cheek.

An air kiss can be different: playful, touching, tender. It all depends on your feelings and mood.

Blowing a kiss meaning
What does an air kiss mean, how to react to it and how to send an air kiss correctly

Kiss according to the dream book

Interpreting what a kiss means in a dream, the dream book promises the attention of the opposite sex not only in a dream, but also in real life. There can be a great many options for dreamed kisses, which is why there are so many interpretations that explain even the most unusual of them.

Why dream of a non-binding kiss on the cheek, understand it as an inverted dream, which should be interpreted in exactly the opposite meaning. In reality, you feel certain obligations to the one who kissed you in a dream, and you are thinking about how to thank him.

If a kiss on the cheek in a dream comes from you, the dream reflects your thoughts on how to express your sincere sympathy and friendship to someone who really deserves it. With a high degree of probability, the dream book suggests a quick meeting and a pleasant pastime with this person.

To understand why you dream of a kiss on the neck, it is enough to remember that outside the window is the 21st century. Girls today are not only allowed to take the initiative in relationships and admit their feelings, but in some cases, such as yours, such determination is even welcomed. The dream encourages you to be bolder and more active with members of the opposite sex.

A kiss on the forehead in a dream symbolizes the successful completion of a previously started project in any area of ​​life. To find out more precisely which one, the dream book advises remembering the details of what you saw in the dream.

The dream book believes that you are one of those who love with your ears: you dream of a kiss on the ear even in your sleep. You love compliments and passionate declarations of love. At the same time, the dream calls for vigilance: you risk missing something important.

A kiss with a tongue in a dream perfectly reflects your state of mild euphoria; you are literally covered in dreams and fantasies. Despite all the attractiveness of the dream world, the dream book still advises maintaining a connection with the surrounding reality and trying to perceive people and events as they are.

Why dream of a kiss on the hand, take it as a warning, the dream book recommends. Do not enter into dubious transactions or sign suspicious contracts, even if you are assured that all this is nothing more than meaningless paper formalities. What you see in a dream calls for you to be more careful with people you don’t know well and not to rush to trust not only your material values, but also your feelings.

A kiss on the eyes symbolizes tenderness and romance. The dream book associates it more likely with platonic feelings than with passionate desire. This is a sign of sincere sympathy, affection, perhaps compassion. If a girl sees in a dream how a man touches her eyes with his lips, in reality he most likely treats her condescendingly, a little patronizingly.

A kiss on the chest in a dream promises you a sea of ​​positive emotions and joyful impressions in reality. You were not mistaken in choosing your chosen one; it is not for nothing that your acquaintances consider you a harmonious couple that complements each other perfectly. It is for this reason that together you both feel easy and comfortable.

If you dreamed of a kiss on the back, the dream book insists that the time has come to show character. Now is not the best time to bend to circumstances; they may not work out in your favor. You are strong enough to control the situation - this is what you dream about when someone touches your back with their lips.

For those who are now in a difficult situation, the dream book finds a kiss on the shoulder a particularly positive omen. If in a dream someone touched your shoulder with their lips, this means that in reality you will have an influential patron who will help you.

A dream in which there was a kiss on the stomach, exciting and a little ticklish even in a dream, simply wants to remind you that in your personal life everything is going as well as possible. Delightful love experiences await you, thank fate for this gift.

What you dream of about a kiss on the head, especially if such dreams are classified as recurring, should be regarded as your need for care. “You have high hopes for a meeting with an understanding partner who could take on the solution of at least part of your problems,” the dream book explains.

A kiss on the top of the head can evoke the warmest memories, both in a dream and in reality: this is exactly how many were kissed by their parents in childhood. The dream book promises that you will certainly receive the friendly support that you so need now.

Kissing a friend in a dream symbolizes a lack of mutual understanding between you in real life: too many disagreements prevent you from communicating easily. The dream book believes that you have every chance of restoring your previous relationship, since you both strive for this.

Interpreting what a friend’s kiss means in a dream, the psychoanalytic dream book is not so optimistic. According to his interpretation, you will be separated in the near future either due to a quarrel or due to a coincidence.

Kissing your best friend of the opposite sex in a dream reveals your secret thoughts about a closer relationship. Deep down, you imagine this person and your relationship with him in a slightly different capacity.

A kiss with a friend in a dream represents your spiritual closeness, the ability to understand each other perfectly and even without unnecessary words. At the same time, there are too few hours in the day for you to have time to talk about everything. You have many common secrets, interests and a sea of ​​memories.

The dream book calls a kiss with a girl a shapeshifting dream: an unattractive girl in a dream promises positive changes in reality, but a beauty can do a lot of trouble: bring bad news or push her to unseemly actions.

Why you dream about kissing a boy can be explained in different ways. If we are talking about an attractive young man, perhaps you simply do not have enough attention from the opposite sex. And if the boy is small, the dream book promises you bright changes that will make you happy.

According to the dream book, kissing a stranger in a dream means that you are so lacking in live communication in reality that you are almost ready to throw yourself into the arms of the first person you meet. It is difficult for you to find mutual understanding, both with friends and girlfriends.

Explaining why you dream of kissing an acquaintance, whom you, in theory, are not supposed to kiss in reality, the dream book believes that the dream signals a high probability of affairs and amorous adventures on the side, which you don’t even have to look for: they themselves will lie in wait for you every corner.

A kiss with a loved one foreshadows material benefits received in an unusual way for you. At the same time, paradoxically, in personal life the dream book does not promise dizzying ups; on the contrary, some kind of alienation is expected, not to say complete calm.

If in a dream you dreamed of a kiss with your husband, the dream book is calm for you: advice and love reign in your family. The dream reflects the full spectrum of sensuality and harmony in your relationship, a passion that has not faded over the years. We can only be happy for you.

A kiss with a classmate in a dream promises you the support of old friends in difficult times. The dream book also offers another interpretation: perhaps one of them now needs your help, while you are mired in your own troubles. The dream encourages you to be more responsive, because life is not only about work and solving everyday problems.

If you dreamed of a kiss with a colleague, it is quite possible that this person will be the cause of your troubles and all sorts of intrigues at work. Try not to give any of your colleagues a reason to denigrate you in the eyes of management, the dream book warns.

A dream about kissing your boss indicates that you are experiencing severe discomfort when communicating with him. The dream book believes that your embarrassment, fear of a superior or criticism from him in a dream takes these forms.

The dream book associates why you dream of kissing a child with upcoming troubles. You may suddenly be faced with new responsibilities that directly or indirectly relate to children. The interpretation does not specify who these children are to you.

When you dream of a kiss with a woman who is much older than you, the dream book recommends being on your guard. In the near future, you may find out that someone from your circle, it turns out, likes to slander you behind your back. Yes, not just to scratch your tongue, but for your own benefit. This news will sadden and disappoint you.

According to one interpretation of the dream book, you will finally receive well-deserved recognition, your efforts will be appreciated, one person from whom you no longer hoped to receive gratitude will still remember you - this is what a kiss in a dream means. Do I need to clarify that the upcoming event will make you incredibly happy?

A forced kiss in a dream suggests that in reality you are accustomed to being content with a subordinate position. True, the further you go, the less satisfied you are with the role you once chose. The dream book suggests a way to gradually develop leadership qualities: learn to make decisions, act and take responsibility.

Explaining why you dream of a tender kiss, the dream book is sincerely happy for you: you will have great success with representatives of the opposite sex. Suddenly you will have many fans, you will be invited on romantic dates and given nice gifts.

Why you dream of passionate kisses largely depends on you. The dream book is only trying to warn that a conflict is brewing between you and a person significant to you. show wisdom and patience and smooth out rough edges or give free rein to emotions and add fuel to the fire - it’s up to you.

For a relationship with a person with whom there was a passionate kiss in a dream to actually deteriorate sharply, or even stop altogether, one careless word is enough. The dream book suggests two scenarios for the development of events: a bad peace or a quarrel that will put everything in its place.

The dream book considers the French kiss as a harbinger of adultery. A respectable married woman can go to great lengths, and her husband, even if he is twice jealous, will not notice anything. Or, at least, he will pretend that he has no idea about anything.

The dream book explains that you dreamed of blowing a kiss as your dreaminess, a tendency towards abstract, romantic love rather than carnal pleasures. Perhaps even in a dream you are aware that you are not yet ready for a serious relationship and prefer to keep a safe distance.

If your first kiss often appears in your dreams, it is highly likely that you do not want to let go of your memories or that the past does not want to let you go. There is no need to compare the past and present, just try to accept yourself and the world around you in a new way.

What you dream of about an unpleasant kiss should not upset you: the dream book believes that an unexpected, nevertheless pleasant surprise awaits you. This may turn out to be exactly what you have long dreamed of and have almost despaired of ever finding.

When you dream of a kiss in a hickey, the dream book strongly recommends preparing for changes that will not keep you waiting. The details of the dream will help determine their character; try to remember in detail everything you saw in the dream.

The dream book, first of all, associates why you dream of a dead man’s kiss with your state of health and strongly recommends taking preventive measures in advance before the disease makes itself felt. Switch to a gentle regime, find time for rest and positive emotions.

When you happen to kiss a dead person in a dream, the dream book believes that ups and downs await you soon. You will experience a full range of colorful emotions; upcoming events will both upset and delight you.

If a deceased person kissed you in a dream, the dream book suspects that you are planning evil, for example, cheating on your significant other or committing some other unseemly act. The dream means that now is not the most favorable moment for such undertakings.

If you happened to kiss a deceased person in a dream, the dream suggests that you continue to yearn for this person, his death made a strong impression on you. The dream book considers this dream to be a reflection of real events; it does not bring anything bad.

As Freud’s dream book interprets a kiss, in your dream it is nothing more than a real sexual act. Moreover, the hotter it is in a dream, the more problems there are in intimate life in reality. This pattern applies to both women and men.

If you happen to see a kiss in a dream, which you initiated, Freud’s dream book most likely states that you are actually accustomed to playing a dominant role in the relationship.

If you managed to get a kiss in a dream, Freud’s dream book believes that you are not at all trying to seize the initiative. It is more comfortable for you to bask in the rays of love and enjoy what is happening, shifting all worries onto the strong shoulders of your partner.

Miller's dream book considers a kiss to be an alarming sign, a harbinger of betrayal, fraud, meeting a hypocrite, or doing something immoral with one's own hands. Dreams in which you kiss relatives or see babies kissing bring good luck.

According to the interpretation of modern fortuneteller Denise Lynn, kissing in a dream means finding harmony with oneself, balancing the masculine and feminine principles - that’s what a kiss in a dream means.

There is also such an interpretation of the dream: a kiss carries in itself what you miss in reality. Dreaming of traveling around the world, you can kiss in a dream with a partner of exotic appearance. Why you dream if you kiss someone you’re not supposed to can also be easily explained by your secret desires.

Why you dream about kisses doesn’t have to be interpreted literally. As you know, every person is the bearer of certain personal qualities, a kiss in this case symbolizes those of them that you would like to adopt.

A kiss in a dream can have a meaning that is devoid of erotic connotations. There is no need to look for the hidden meaning of why you dream about kissing a respectable, yet unattractive person for you: you are just looking for a way to express your respect or admiration for his merits.

Everyone kisses, but everyone does it in their own way, giving preference to a certain type of kiss, using individual, characteristic techniques only for him. Some people remember their first kiss, or at least think they remember it. For many, the first thing was most likely an air kiss. And it is rarely given importance. But in vain. This is a tender, romantic, touching manifestation of feelings, sometimes the only appropriate one under certain circumstances. Ready to learn how to blow a kiss correctly?

You can send a kiss to a loved one when saying goodbye if you are limited in time and cannot get into closer contact with him. This type of kiss is very convenient when parting with a fairly large number of people. It saves you from having to say goodbye to everyone individually, and allows you to pay attention to everyone, without depriving anyone or offending anyone.

Blowing a kiss is one of the ways to flirt. In this case, a person wants to show that he cares about someone, but we are not talking about any serious relationship yet. Great option for a kiss.

Blowing a kiss is a common way for millions of idols to communicate with their fans. This is their only opportunity, addressing everyone, to express their gratitude and appreciation to everyone.

How to send a kiss?

Depending on the circumstances, there are different ways to blow a kiss.

Let's say you're saying goodbye to your loved one while driving away, or just looking out the window. Touch your lips with both hands, send a kiss, and then draw a heart on the glass. Even if you are next to your chosen one, you can also use an air kiss, or rather, its intimate version. To do this, touch your lips with your hands, then touch your partner’s lips with them.

If you are on some hill, and your loved one is below, please him with a shower of air kisses. To do this, bring your hands to your lips, and then turn your palms up and “blow away” kisses to your loved one. Who wouldn't be pleased by such a romantic and sophisticated display of feelings?

The most common types of kisses

Many people are interested in how to send an air kiss! Serving as a way to express feelings and emotions that simply cannot be expressed in words, the kiss has many varieties.

The most tender and caring is, of course, a mother's kiss. A child whom a mother kisses on the cheek or forehead receives a signal that he is loved and protected. Such affection gives birth to confidence in the child and in the benevolence of the world around him.

A kiss on the cheek can serve both as a manifestation of friendly feelings and as evidence that the person really likes you and is not averse to developing your relationship. An intermediate option between the manifestation of friendly and loving feelings is a kiss on the corner of the lips. By kissing you in this way, your partner is hinting to you that he would not mind giving you passionate caresses and only doubts your consent. If you know how to blow a kiss, start kissing on the cheek.

A kiss on the lips is already a feeling, and the French kiss has served as a symbol of the most passionate love at all times. The French themselves claim that during this kiss, which can awaken a storm of passion in the calmest person, the souls of lovers merge into a single whole.

A kiss is a wonderful way to express your gratitude, friendly disposition, and most importantly, sincere and boundless love for your child, mother, or your chosen one!